#sanji opla
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sinning-23 · 1 year ago
Calling Them By Their Full Name
OPLA Headcannons! I thought htis was a funny little thing lol. Anyway enjoy
Warnings: slight mentions of nsfw topics but nothing too serious
Sorry for any spelling errors!
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-ohhhhh that did not sound like your usual happy, loving voice.
-he knows he fucked up and now he’s hiding from your wrath.
-you could hear a pen drop from how quiet the ship got
-ok so maybe he ate that super expensive, super special dessert you had been saving for a while now. And like, it was going to go bad! All he wanted was a little taste! Than a taste turned into accidentally eating the whole thing.
-He was gonna tell you, honest! But it had proven obvious you found out before he could. He seen you round the corner with RAGe on your face and tears in your eyes.
-"TRAITOR!" You yell, throwing a tired punch to his chest.
-“I’m sorry mami, I’ll find you another one. Promise.” He hums, peppering your face with kisses, squeezing your face between his palms when he did.
-There’s no way you could stay mad at him for long
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-whoa whoa whoa why are you so ANNNGRY
-hated when you call him by his full name like that, makes him feel like a child being reprimanded
-“RORONOA GODDAMN ZORO.” You boom, Nami’s jaw dropping at the sound. Even she could tell you were pissed
-he’s the sassiest mf alive so he’ll probably just be like, “who the hell are talking to woman?!”
-“You’re a real piece of work you know that??” You’re still yelling and he wastes no time rolling his eyes at you and grabbing you by your waist, the action shutting you up.
“Wanna stop yelling and be a big girl and tell me what’s wrong?” He teases, that stupid smirk you love falling over his features at your speechlessness.
-It’s not often you say his full make but when you do he makes sure you’ll never forget it that same night.
-“Say my name baby, real loud.” He groans, a hand around your throat to steady spent body as he slams back into you
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-I know thats not a cigarette i smell Vinsmoke Sanji."
-awe hell. Yout tone is deadly. he tried he damndest to stomp it out before you rounded the corner but nope.
-You never use his full name like that. Never.
-did he just get chills?
-"Of course not my love!" He lies throigh his teeth but before he can say anything ese you re lips are on his, you fist gripping the fabric of his shirt.
-He knew he was caught, the taste of tobacco mixing with your usual mint. You pull away, smoothing his shirt out with a warning smile.
-"Don’t lie to me again, I’ll always know when you do, Black Leg." You explain , taking the small cardboard box from his pocket and walking off.
-Even though it was ment as a threat, he couldn't help but feel hotter than ususal. God he loved it when you talked all serious to him.
Bonus: Mihawk
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-You know better than to use his full name. Orr to even call him anything besides the usual endearing pet name.
-So when he hears his name called with nothing short of rage, hes trying to figure out who you think you’re talking to.
-"Dracule. Mihawk." You spit, holding the empty bottle in your hand
-Ok so your rage was warented cause he managed to drink the entire vintage bottle of wine you'd been saving...it wasn’t like it was on purpose!
-He doesn’t even bother to look up from his book, just barely giving you a slight glance when you were right in front of him, pointing to the bottle.
-"Id watch your tone darling." he warns, smirking at the way you purse your lips and turn away with a fierce attitude he'd be sure to deal with later.
-“Oh shove it up your ass Dracule.” You scoff, trying to quicken your pace but failing when he’s already behind you, his much larger hand holding your wrist as you yelp.
-His look says it all. You’re screwed.
-So now you’re sitting pretty, bent over and counting each time his hand meets the sore and slightly reddened flesh of your ass.
-“Now, what’s my name again darling?”
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revasserium · 1 year ago
Okay okay hear me out Rain: reader watching Sanji cook, just sitting, waiting, maybe reading a book but catching glances at him every so often and he knows they're looking at him and just smiles....sorry I love that man
accidentally in love
opla!sanji; 2,569 words; fluff, banter so much banter, flirting, flustered!sanji, whipped!sanji, no "y/n", confessions, "sweetheart", fem!reader, straw hat"!reader
summary: in which sanji is trying to cook dinner but you're very, very distracting. or, sanji finally meets his match.
a/n: i know i said i might not write for anyone other than zoro but i lied. i guess i'm a sanji bitch now too. fuck.
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Sanji’s always liked to say that he can cook anywhere, anytime, given that he’s got something that resembles heat and a smattering of ingredients — like any great artist, he knows how to make do. But, he’d be lying if he said that he didn’t enjoy this — the quiet of a ship’s kitchen, the gentle sway of the ocean, the simmer and pop of fat on a pan, the soft bubbling of boiling water — and you.
You, perched on the counter with your legs hanging off the side, hair piled up and pinned with a chopstick, a book in your hands or on your lap, the early afternoon sun spilling in to caress your skin like so many loving fingers. Sometimes, he’ll glance over while chopping onions or mincing garlic to catch a glimpse of you, and he’d find himself stilling, his fingers slowing, his breath suspended in his chest, caught like an insect in amber: held weightless and perfect.
“You’re staring,” you say, flipping a page without looking up, a smile twitching at your lips.
“Yeah, I know. I’ve found that admiring beautiful things helps me in my creative process,” he says, his grin going lopsided as he lowers his eyes to the ingredients on the cutting board — tiny, plump cherry tomatoes ripe to bursting. He resumes slicing each in half with swift, decisive cuts and relishes in the sound of your laughter.
“Careful with that mouth of yours — someone might accidentally fall in love with you,” you flip another page.
Sanji slides the cut tomatoes into a bowl and wipes a hand on the towel slung over his shoulder.
“Accidentally? C’mon, you gotta gimme some more credit. But if anyone’s fallin’ in love, it’s gonna be with you.”
Another page. Sanji plucks a few zucchini from a large bag and starts to julienne them into thin strips.
“What are you making?” you ask, finally setting the book down in favor of peering at all the ingredients he’s got laid out. He quirks an eyebrow, glancing up.
“What, finished with that book already?”
“Nope — just found something more interesting to look at, that’s all.”
Sanji blushes.
Let it never be said that Vinsmoke Sanji can’t take as good as he gives but by all the gods and monsters and sea kings — you’re a damn good flirt. Almost as good as he is, he used to think. Now, as he covers up his rapidly darkening cheeks with a chuckle, turning away to grab a potato for skinning, he wonders if you might just be better.
“You never answered my question, y’know.”
He looks up again, his tongue feeling strangely swollen and uncoordinated in his mouth. You’re grinning at him, your legs still swinging, but in the few seconds he’d looked away, you’ve inched closer, your outer thigh now almost pressing against the edge of his cutting board.
The first time he’d found you perched up on his long work table with a book in your lap, he’d blinked, crossed his arms, and debated on asking what on earth you thought you were doing. Chefs generally do not take kindly to their prep spaces being treated like free real estate for sitting, but he’d never been able to say no to a beautiful woman, now has he? And least of all you.
“Thought you could use the company,” was your answer to his then-unasked question. He’d laughed, nodded, and gotten on with his breakfast prep. But that was months ago and since then, it’s become something of a habit; a ritual, almost.
“What question was that? I was —” he asks, clearing his throat, his fingers almost slipping on the freshly peeled potato, “distracted by your —”
“What are you making?”
“Oh —” Sanji returns his gaze to the cutting board, now acutely aware of the smell of your skin, creamy and warm. He swallows, trying to focus on slicing the potato.
“Just a cherry tomato and zucchini noodle pasta — not often that we get such fresh produce. But Luffy’d asked if I can make chips from scratch the other day so that’s what this bad boy’s for,” he says, holding up half the potato.
“You sure one potato’s gonna be enough?” you shift your leg to cross one above the other, and Sanji has to swallow passed the thickness building up in the back of his throat at the sight of your soft, smooth thighs.
“Good point,” he says, laughing as he bends down to grab a few more.
You fall into a companionable silence, the quiet only punctuated by the tack-tack-tack of his knife on the cutting board and the occasionally shunk-thump of ingredients being swept into a metal prep bowl.
“You’re staring,” he says. And this time, it’s Sanji who grins, keeping his eyes fixed on the remainder of the herb mix he’s chopping up.
“Yeah, I know. I’m making a habit of admiring beautiful things. I’ve heard that it’s good for me.”
Heat bursts in Sanji’s chest as if he’d swallowed a shot of whiskey or gin or perhaps something even more potent. His head spins, but he steadies himself before letting out a soft, low whistle. He fights the urge to look up just to check if you’re as affected as he is.
“Keep talkin’ like that and falling in love with you’s not gonna be an accident.”
When he finally looks up to shoot you a flirty smile, he finds himself faltering as he meets your eyes.
“Who said I wanted it to be an accident?”
The knife in Sanji’s hand slips and he swears as it knicks the skin of his forefinger.
“Ah, shit —”
“Oops.” You have the decency to look sheepish as he shoots you a mildly reproachful look. But you shift your legs and tug open a drawer that had been tucked beneath where your knee had been, pulling out a small bandage.
“Come here,” you offer, reaching out as he stares at you for a second before moving forward to give you his hand. You gently wipe away the blood before pressing the bandage to the small cut, running a thumb over the edges to make sure it’s sealed.
The air hangs between you like dust motes trapped in sunlight, like first snow caught in the silvery breaths of awestruck children.
“There,” you say, the word no more than a whisper. Your hands linger over his, his skin burning where you’d touched him. Shivers skitter down the length of his spine as he gulps in a breath of air that tastes faintly of fairytale endings and happily-ever-afters.
He doesn't pull away. Neither do you.
Like this, he can count every single lash that frames your doe-wide eyes. Like this, he can feel the static thrum of electricity threatening to jump from his body to yours, and all at once, he understands why lightning always tries to reach for the closest thing to its storm-ridden skies.
Perhaps it, too, yearns for closeness — for that infinitesimal moment of connection.
He wants to reach for you.
Your lips hover a kiss’s-breadth away.
An alarm goes off.
“Oh fuck —”
He jerks away from you, the world clanging rudely back into focus as he reaches for the lid of a large pot, his heart hammering something fierce inside his ribcage. He nearly burns himself on the thick fog of steam rising from inside the pot to reveal six flat-face crabs, freshly caught that morning.
Behind him, he hears the distinct sounds of you slipping from the long work table.
“Leaving already?” he asks as he turns back around with a stab at his usual light-hearted cheek.
You lick your lips, grinning, “I feel like I’ve caused enough damage for one dinner service. If I keep hanging around, you might lose a finger next.”
“Small price to pay for the company of a beautiful woman,” but there’s a gravel and grit to his voice that wasn’t there before, and he looks away first when this time your eyes catch. He tries to busy himself with prepping the pan sauce for the crabs.
“I’ll let Nami know that the next time she wants to peek in on you cooking.”
“Hey —”
You pause at the sound of his voice just as you reach the door. You turn.
Sanji’s expression flickers between caution and anticipation as he opens his mouth, his eyes somehow sharper and darker than they usually are.
“We’re not done talking about this.”
You cock your head, “About what?”
But there’s a smile teasing at the corner of your lips and Sanji lets out a good-humored sigh.
“Alright, go. Or else I might lose more than a finger.”
Like a heart, he thinks as you close the door behind you with a soft click.
Dinner is an appetizer of cold zucchini pasta followed by a warm, tangy tomato veloute. Then come the crabs — freshly steamed over a bed of risotto and served with a lemon and rosemary pan sauce so delicious it has even Zoro sighing with satisfaction.
“Wow, special occasion?” Nami asks, looking up as Sanji comes around with a tray full of cocktails, complete with blood orange slices garnishing the lip of each glass.
“Ain’t every day a special one with this crew?” he asks, winking at Nami as she takes her drink.
Everyone laughs, but as he sets down your drink, you notice a tiny note tucked beneath the base of your glass.
You take a sip of your drink, glancing down at the note. It has three simple words written in Sanji’s unmistakable, slanted handwriting:
Kitchen — after dinner.
You tuck the note away in your pocket with a secret grin, taking another long sip of the cold, refreshing drink.
The final course is a heaping pile of home-made potato chips with garlic and cheese dip, and Luffy wastes no time in shoveling half the batch into his mouth, crunching loudly over a series of vague, animalistic hums and grunts that all seem to denote happiness.
You finish your drink and slip away under the guise of going for another.
When you get to the kitchen, it's to find Sanji already cleaning up.
“Need a hand?” you ask, setting your empty glass on the counter before lightly hoisting yourself up onto it.
Sanji shakes his head, turning off the water and wiping down his hands. He pours you another drink from a large pitcher before setting it down and pursing his lips.
“This afternoon —”
“I meant what I said —” you say, cutting him off as you look away, eyes fixed on your knees as you swing your feet away from the table’s edge, “if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Oh, yeah,” Sanji clears his throat, reaching into his pocket to grab a cigarette and a lighter, if only to keep his hands busy. The thing in his chest that he’d been so convinced was his heart for most of his life now feels very much like a ticking time bomb. Or perhaps a hand grenade, with the pin held precariously between your teeth.
One word from you and —
“So? What about you?” you ask.
Sanji sucks in a long breath of smoke, holding it in his lungs before letting it out. The familiar sting grounds him as he looks at you and wonders if you know all the things he’d do for you. All the things he’s already done.
“Me?” he asks.
“Yeah — did you mean it?” And for the first time since he’s known you, you sound uncertain, “All… all those things you said? All the things you’ve been saying?”
He takes a few steps forward, finally allowing himself to breach the delicate circle of your personal space, his free hand coming to rest on the counter next to your thigh, his palm pressing flat to keep himself from going too far, too fast.
“Three guesses,” he says, letting his eyes flicker down to your lips and linger there, “You guess right… and there might be a prize involved, hm?”
A small, knowing grin spreads across your lips even as you quirk an eyebrow.
“Three guesses to a yes or no question? C’mon, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re losing your touch.”
Sanji leans in and you can almost taste the smoke on your tongue.
“But you do know better, don’t you, sweetheart?”
You suck in a breath, reaching up to tug the cigarette from his lips.
You catch a flash of his smile a second before his lips find yours. He tastes of salt and tobacco and lemon-rosemary sauce.
“That’s one,” he says as the pair of you break apart. The cigarette lies forgotten on the counter.
Somehow, his hands have found their way to the bend of your waist, settling there as naturally as the tide might settle against its favorite stretch of forgotten beach.
You smile as you reach up to tug him closer, “Yes.”
Another kiss.
Sanji notes with a satisfied grin that your cheeks are just as flushed as his feels when he pulls away this time. He nods, trailing long fingers up your side, one hand reaching up to cup your cheek, the other pressing at the small of your back.
“That’s two.”
You nudge his nose with yours and he feels his hand-grenade heart leap into his throat.
“And…” you hum, letting your head lilt to one side as you ghost your lips over his, “Hm, lemme think about this one…”
Sanji rolls his eyes, tugging you forward by the back of your neck, crushing your mouth to his. It’s more insistent this time — the kiss, the breath, his fingers, your hands — more desperate and fumbling, fueled by the ever-growing heat bubbling at the base of his spine.
“Yes —” you hiss, panting as the pair of you pull apart, your pupils blown wide and dark in the dim kitchen light.
“And that’s all three,” he says, his smile going wide with warmth, “See? You’ve got it. Knew you’d get there.”
“Did you ever doubt?”
Sanji shrugs, taking half a step back to admire the sight of you, with kiss-swollen lips and heat-flushed skin. Perfect might not be strong enough a word.
“There was a moment here or there,” he says, to which you respond with a light shove to his shoulder as you hop off the table.
“Oh, I meant to ask you — what’s for dessert?”
Sanji laughs, “What? Did my garlic-cheddar chips not satisfy?”
“Really? Chips for dessert? And here I was hoping for something sweet.”
You make to leave the kitchen but Sanji reaches forward, pulling you back all too easily, spinning you around and pinning you against the door. His eyes are soft with mirth but as he leans down, you can’t help but shiver at the promise of something more lingering beneath the smoke of his breath.
“Well then, sweetheart, I think I’ve got my dessert picked out already now, don’t I?”
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recs r technically closed, but... if you have an opla!sanji one... send it here.
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obscure-imagines · 2 years ago
distraction - Sanji
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🌀staring. Vinsmoke Sanji x afab!Reader
⚔️ preview. "Good for moss head. I didn't think he had it in him to take care of a girl like you... don't take offense, love, it's just clear you can be a little... pent-up. It's part of your charm, if you ask me." Sanji flashes you a wink. "Roronoa is high-strung too. I've always just been under the impression that if you're looking for sex - good sex, the type that leaves you... unable to think about anything else - well, at least one of you has to be able to let loose a little."
tw/cw. unprotected sex, multiple reader orgasms, pussy lover Sanji, dirty talk, praise, oral (f receiving), fingering, hand job, mutual masturbation, sex in Zoro's bed, talking about Zoro during sex, jealousy, overstimulation, hair pulling, breast worship, big dick Sanji, cum play/filled kink, dick/bulge outline, deep penetration, mutual orgasm, etc… I pet names: (hers) love, sweet thing.
💦 rating. 18+ explicit I SMUT I wc. 4.1k
⚔️ aus. One Piece Live Action, fwb!zoro, friends to lovers Sanji, pwp, etc…
❄️ mlist + an. live action Sanji has such a specific diction/accent, I did my best to replicate it :)
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You stand along the rail of the ship, watching your friends row towards the island. The anger bubbling inside of you is only getting worse, and soon, it becomes too much for you to manage. Tearing your gaze from the sea, you storm toward the kitchen, in need of someone to vent to.
Sanji's prepping dinner, and his quick knife skills are made all the more impressive when he lifts his eyes from his work to assess you. He gives you a once-over, finishing the cucumber he's dicing before setting the sharp blade down. "Come on love, take a seat. Tell me what's wrong."
The chef is always able to read you like the back of his hand, and you do as he says, releasing a deep sigh as you plop into the chair in front of him. "I just wish they'd invited me to go to the island with them."
Sanji gives you an amused look, setting his palms flat on the table while he looks at you. "I think you mean, 'I wish Zoro had invited me to go to the island.'"
"You're too perceptive for your own good," you groan. "it's going to get you in trouble one of these days."
"Lucky for me I enjoy trouble," Sanji grins. "What is going on with you and moss head? Are you two... you know, going steady?"
You hate the way he says it, 'going steady,' as if you're both kids falling in love for the first time- part of you aches for that to be the truth of it all.
"Honestly? I don't know what we're doing," you admit. "I don't know what I'm doing."
"Well, start talking, and we can figure it out together, how's that sound, love?" Sanji suggests, picking up his knife to continue chopping vegetables.
"I just..." You take a deep breath, not sure where to start. "I thought Zoro and I were getting closer-"
"How close are we talking, sweet thing?" The chef grins slyly. "A little toss and tumble between the sheets?"
"That's a yes."
"Okay, fine, I'll admit it. We've slept together. Twice."
"Good for moss head," Sanji's smirk widens. "I didn't think he had it in him to take care of a girl like you."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Don't take offense, love, it's just clear you can be a little... pent up. It's part of your charm, if you ask me." Sanji flashes you a wink. "Roronoa is high-strung too. I've always just been under the impression that if you're looking for sex - good sex, the type that leaves you unable to think about anything else - well, at least one of you has to be able to let loose a little."
You're a little shocked at his words, and you assess the chef. He's chopping vegetables smoothly, as if he didn't just drop a bit of a sexual wisdom bomb on you.
"I can let loose."
"Love, again, don't take this the wrong way but... that has yet to be seen."
"I'll prove it to you."
"Yeah?" Sanji sets his knife down again. "And how are you planning to do that, sweet thing?"
You swallow thickly, a proposition hanging on the tip of your tongue. Instead, you find yourself admitting, "You know... Zoro didn't even kiss me goodbye today."
"Bet he didn't make you cum either."
You shake your head.
"That's a damn shame," Sanji sighs. "A pretty little thing like you... I bet you taste as good as you look. If you were my girl, I'd have you for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert."
"You know what I think you need? A distraction. I think you need to explore other options- what's the line, the grass is always greener, or should I say, the moss?" He looks you up and down. "Only if you're interested, of course. We've got the time, your lover boy will be on the island for a couple of hours at least."
Your heart is thundering in your rib cage, and you can feel it all the way down to your core. Your mind might be fixed on Roronoa Zoro, but your pussy is screaming for Vinsmoke Sanji.
"Well... he's not my boyfriend..."
"Man didn't even kiss you goodbye before leaving you here with me, that's just stupid, but I've always suspected moss head to be a few utensils short of a full set, if you know what I mean."
You find yourself laughing, and you realize how much you enjoy listening to Sanji speak.
Zoro is always so quiet in bed, hardly moaning or whispering words of praise- you'd bet your life that Sanji is verbal while making someone come undone for him. And you'd be lying if you said you didn't want to hear him in that headspace.
"Let's do this," you say, shocked at how quiet your voice is.
"What was that, love? I didn't quite hear ya."
"I said... let's do this. You're right... I need a distraction... I need to cum." Your skin heats at your own admission, but you see the effect it has on Sanji. His pupils dilate with interest, and his breath catches.
"Come here," he instructs, placing his knife down and wiping his hands on the towel over his shoulder before tossing that to the table too.
Your feet carry you much too quickly to Sanji, and then you're standing in front of him, looking up into the prettiest blue eyes you've ever seen.
He wets his lips, hands reaching for you. One grabs your hip and the other moves to cup your cheek, thumb stroking over your skin. "Are you sure about this?" he asks. "You have to be sure."
"I'm sure. Fuck Zoro."
Sanji laughs, and his whole face lights up. "Fuck Zoro," he agrees, smashing his mouth to yours a moment later.
Your entire body relaxes, lips parting to allow his tongue further exploration- but at the same time, electric heat surges across your skin. It's much too easy to get lost in Sanji, your hands reaching to grab the front of his shirt, tugging him closer while he deepens the kiss.
You love the feeling of his hand still cupping your cheek, it's like an anchor. His lips taste like smoke, mint, and desperation, as if he's been waiting to do this for much too long.
The hand on your hip slips to the small of your back, and then it dips down further, giving your ass a gentle squeeze that makes you moan loudly into his mouth.
Sanji grins against your lips, taking the opportunity to pull away from you ever so slightly. Your eyes flutter open to look at him questioningly, and he simply smiles. "I like your sounds, sweet thing."
"I'll sound even sweeter with you inside me."
"Oh, I have no doubts about that." His thumb strokes your cheek. "Come on, love, let's get you to bed."
"You're not gonna fuck me here?" you ask, looking around at the kitchen.
"I want my first time with you to be on an actual mattress. We've got more than enough opportunity for me to bend you over one of these counters another day."
"You sound pretty certain we'll be doing this again."
"I'll let my skills speak for themselves, and you can be the judge of that."
He bends down, easily throwing you over his shoulder while you release a squeal of delight.
"I'd ask your bed or mine, but I've already got a place in mind," Sanji explains as he walks you toward the sleeping quarters.
You don't question him on it, but you're also not surprised when he gently tosses you down onto Zoro's bed.
"You're so bad," you laugh, grabbing at the familiar sheets while Sanji towers over you at the foot of the mattress.
"I thought you liked it bad in this bed," he teases. "Although, I'm about to change that."
Sanji sinks to his knees, grabbing at your leg to drag you closer. He reaches for the button and zipper, tugging your pants down in record time. He tosses them aside before his gaze narrows in on your core.
You watch the way his tongue licks at his lips, that familiar smirk returning. "You definitely look good enough to eat, love," he tells you. "Soaking right through your panties-" he hooks his fingers in the fabric, "How about you give these to me for safekeeping, yeah?"
"You want to keep them?" you ask, lifting your hips to aid in the removal of the last article of clothing keeping his mouth from your pussy.
"They'll be my very own One Piece," Sanji grins. "No matter what happens between us, if you gave me these, I think I'd be happy."
You can imagine him keeping them in his pocket as a constant reminder of you. Can imagine him reaching into his pants to touch them- wrapping your panties around his cock and using them to reach his own end-
God, Sanji is a bit of a perv, but you kind of love it.
You love knowing exactly the effect you have on him. Love knowing that he wants you like this.
You never know where you stand with Zoro, but with Sanji, things seem quite clear.
"You can keep them," you whisper, as he tugs the panties off your feet. "I want you to keep them."
"That's a sweet girl," he praises you, warm hands finding your calves to tug you even closer to his awaiting mouth. "Gonna taste you now. Feel free to grab my hair and pull- in fact, I kinda wish you would."
"God, Sanji-" you whimper, feeling his breath on your hot core.
"My name has never sounded prettier than right now, moaned from your lips," Sanji tells you, flashing you a wink as you reach for his hair.
He all but dives into you, pressing himself close to your pussy and licking you for all you're worth. His tongue parts your folds, teasing up to your clit and circling before dipping down, pushing gently into your hole and licking-
Sanji is everywhere, worshiping every part of your pussy while you whimper and moan. Your eyes close, your head lolling back against the mattress, your body consumed by his motions.
You can feel him smirking against you, and it's clear he's enjoying the sounds he's already working out of you. His hands massage your thighs, keeping them spread so he has full access to you with his perfect tongue.
When his lips suction around your clit, your pussy throbs desperately, and you tighten your grip in his hair, crying out his name while you begin to rut against his face.
Sanji groans against you, and you realize he enjoys the way you're trying to use him for your own satisfaction. He doesn't tease, doesn't move his tongue away, he keeps doing exactly what he'd done to earn this reaction from you.
No one has ever sucked on your clit like this, his mouth hot and wet while his tongue flicks at the sensitive bud- You can feel an orgasm rising quickly in the pit of your stomach.
Your skin is tingling with pleasure, muscles tightening with your impending release.
"Sanji-" you whine, "Fuck, please don't stop, I'm so close-"
If anything, he works your clit even harder, and it's all you need to topple over the edge. Your thighs shake around his head, his hands keeping them spread while your orgasm surges through you like wildfire.
Your hips buck toward his face, pussy clenching around nothing as he works you through your high. His tongue laps at your pussy, collecting every drop of your cum that begins to drip out of your pussy from how deep your pleasure contractions are.
Sanji is moaning as he worships you, and each vibration against your clit has your body shaking again, prolonging your orgasm until you feel tears in your eyes and your stomach almost hurts from how hard you've just cum.
He pulls away from your pussy and you let out a whimper, closing your legs and trying to catch your breath.
"You definitely taste as sweet as you look, pretty thing," he praises you. Then you feel his hand cupping your face, his thumb brushing over your cheek. "Sorry for making you cry."
"It's okay," you say, but your voice is shaky. "I've just... I've never cum like that."
"Just wait till you feel what I'm going to give you next, love." Sanji pinches your chin. "If you can take another."
You swallow thickly, opening your eyes to look up at him. "I can take another. I want your cock-" Your pussy throbs at the mere idea of him, and you stifle a groan. "Please-"
"How could I say no to a pretty thing like you?" he asks, bending down to press a quick kiss to your lips before standing up again.
You watch as he begins to undo his button-up, and after a moment of being transfixed by each newly exposed piece of skin, you remove your own shirt.
"Fucking hell," Sanji shrugs off his top, and you nearly drool at his ripped physique, "Roronoa really fumbled this one, didn't he, love? Look at you- you're an absolute stunner."
"You're not so bad yourself," you grin, relaxing back against the bed and spreading your legs for him. "Come on, Sanji, I think we both need a distraction."
"Am I talking about Zoro too much?" he laughs, undoing his pants. "My bad, guess I just can't stop thanking the guy- if he hadn't messed up, I would have never gotten this chance with you."
"Have you been waiting for a chance for a while?"
"Since I first laid eyes on ya," Sanji admits. "But, it was clear you had a thing for moss head, so I kept my distance."
"I'm glad you're not keeping your distance anymore."
"We're about to be closer than ever," he agrees. "Lemme just grab a condom-"
"No condom," you insist. "I'm uh- I've got birth control."
Sanji looks you up and down. "Sorry, it's just- you're telling me, you let Roronoa fuck you raw, and he still didn't bother to kiss you goodbye today?"
"Thanks for rubbing it in," you frown.
"My bad, love," Sanji gets onto the bed between your legs, leaning over you so he can kiss you gently. "I'm just- a little shocked is all."
"You're not only fucking me to get back at him, right?" you ask, wrapping your arms around Sanji's strong shoulders. "I mean... I know you two don't really get along-"
"Don't ever think that," he tells you. "I like you because you're you- this whole Roronoa thing is just an added bonus."
"An added bonus," you sigh. "You make it sound like you're toddlers fighting over a toy."
"Trust me, sweet thing, after this, you're going to be mine. If you're not already. What was it you said? You've never cum like I just made you cum?"
You laugh. "I want another," you grin, teasing your lips over his own.
"In a moment," he responds, slipping his hand down to your core, teasing you with two fingers. "Gotta make sure you're ready for me."
As he pushes his digits into your pussy, you reach for his cock. It's already leaking sticky precum against your abdomen, and you collect it, using it as lube so you can stroke him gently, teasing your thumb over the tip.
"Fuck, sweet thing," Sanji groans, dipping his head so he can look down at where you're both touching each other. "You already feel so good."
Instead of responding, you simply kiss him, using your free hand to grab the back of his head. You don't want him pulling away, you want to feel his tongue while his fingers fuck you harder, pumping easily into your wet core as you stroke his pretty cock.
You love the sounds he's making. When you squeeze him harder, he practically whimpers, hips thrusting forward, cock gliding through your hold.
Your pussy throbs desperately around his fingers as he scissors them inside of you, spreading you open.
"Please, Sanji," you groan, "I need you-"
He pulls his digits from your core, lifting them to his lips to suck clean. You watch in awe at the way he moans from your taste- no one has ever reacted to you like this before, acting as if you're their favorite dessert, and it does something to you-
Sanji is changing everything you thought you knew about sex. Where most men have eaten you out as a duty, Sanji treats it like it's his pleasure, and you know he's being genuine.
He wraps his hand around the base of his cock, and you let go of him to steady your grip on his strong shoulders, heart racing as he lines himself up with your aching hole.
"Please, please, please-" you whimper, leaning up to kiss him feverishly while he sinks the head of his cock into you.
The stretch is amazing- as much as you've enjoyed Zoro, Sanji is definitely girthier. The swordsman might have half an inch on the chef, but nothing feels like being split open on the cock of a man who just made you cum so hard you saw stars and cried about it.
You groan as his tongue swiped by your own, and he swallows up your sounds while your pussy swallows up his cock, inch after delicious inch. When he bottoms out, you throw your head back against the pillows, digging your nails into his shoulders. His lips find your throat and he peppers your skin in wet kisses, allowing you to get used to his size.
"Fuck me," you instruct, core throbbing around him- you need movement like you need Sanji, desperately.
"Only cuz ya asked so nicely, love," he grins.
His first thrust has your toes curling. His mouth picks up on your throat again, and he finds your sweet spot much too easily while he begins fucking you. Sanji's motions are fluid, almost dancer-like, and each smack of his hips against your own has the tip of his cock kissing your cervix-
"Oh my God," you whimper, threading a hand through his soft hair and gently tugging, earning yourself a moan against your neck. "You're so deep-"
"Roronoa never took care of you properly, did he, sweet thing?"
You don't want to talk about Zoro anymore. You want to focus on Sanji. He's not much of a distraction if he keeps bringing up the moss-haired man.
Instead of answering, you simply push on his chest. Sanji is quick to pull away, and you roll on top of him, straddling his hips. You sit up, pressing your palms flat to his chest while he stares up at you.
Zoro's only ever fucked you doggy style and missionary. He doesn't let you top, doesn't let you have control like this. And even if he ever had, you doubt he'd be looking up at you the way Sanji is.
"Tell me how good it feels," you instruct, rolling your hips. At this angle, Sanji's buried completely in your wet cunt, and the slightest of motions feels like heaven.
"Fuck, love," Sanji's hands move up to cup your breasts, rolling your sensitive nipples between his fingers. "You feel perfect. I could watch you ride me for hours and I'd be the happiest man on the ship- Happiest man in the entire ocean."
You throw your head back, riding him gently, getting used to the rhythm and the sensation in your thighs.
"There's no one like you," Sanji continues. "You're taking me so well- It's like this pussy was made for me." He sits up abruptly, pressing one hand to the bed to hold himself up while his breath ghosts over your chest. "You were made for me, weren't you, sweetheart?"
"Maybe you were made for me," you counter, riding him faster.
"Made for each other," he concedes, leaning forward to capture one of your nipples into his mouth, his tongue flicking the sensitive nub.
You groan at the feeling, your pussy clenching tight around his cock.
"I'd love to watch you cum like this," he tells you, looking up at you, eyes twinkling with adoration. "If you cum while on top, I might just have to worship you forever."
"'M never gonna be able to get this out of my head. You're all I'm going to be thinking about, day and night."
"Sanji," you whimper, loving what his words do to you.
"That's it, love, squeezing me so well- I want to watch you cum again. You're so beautiful when you cum."
You grab at his shoulders, using him for leverage as you bounce harder on his cock. Each meeting of your hips has his cock driving as deep as possible.
"Lean back for me, love," Sanji prompts, gentle fingers finding your throat, helping you tilt your body ever so slightly- "Fuck," he grabs your hand, placing your palm over your abdomen. "Feel how fucking deep I am?"
You can definitely feel the slight outline of his cock, made more obvious by the slight contortion of your body.
It's one of the sexiest things you've ever experienced.
"Sanji-" you whisper again, mind completely numb except for his name, repeated like a mantra-
"I know, love, I know. I'm close too- can't believe you're gonna let me fill you up- It's gonna feel so good. You're gonna be right propper full, the way you deserve-"
"Oh my God-" It's getting harder and harder for you to ride him, body teetering on the edge of pleasure-
"C'm here," Sanji instructs, hand cupping the back of your neck to pull you back down with him as he falls onto the bed again, adjusting bellow you. "I can feel you shaking love, let me take over."
You practically collapse against his strong chest, holding yourself over his cock as he begins to drive up into you. One of his hands is on your hip, but the other slips between your bodies, expert fingers finding your clit-
You practically explode on his cock, letting out a squeal as you bury your face in against his throat, pressing gasped kisses to his skin. Your pussy contracts tightly around his thick length, and from the moans leaving Sanji's lips, you can tell he's fallen over the edge too.
You can feel his thick cum coating your inner walls- there's so much of it, you can even feel it on his shaft with each bounce. He fucks you through your highs, making the prettiest sounds, holding you tight to his chest.
You allow yourself to get lost in the sensation of him. Mind going numb. All that matters is you and him.
As Sanji's thrusts begin to slow, he grabs your hips with both hands. One slips to the small of your back, and then to your ass, squeezing as he helps you seat yourself entirely on his cock, your bodies flush together.
He's breathing heavily in your ear as you continue to kiss his throat.
You stay like that while your heart rates begin to slow again. Sanji strokes your skin, and you simply kiss him neck, teasing by his ear and making him shiver.
"Please tell me this won't be the only time," he says finally.
"It won't be the only time."
"What are you going to tell Roronoa?"
You sigh. "The truth. That I don't see him and me going anywhere, and that I have a better connection with you."
"Thank God."
"Were you really that worried?" you ask, pulling away from his neck. You sit up, and Sanji groans a little as his cock shifts inside your pussy. His hands find your hips.
"I guess..." He licks his lips, swallowing thickly. "I guess maybe I'm just used to rejection."
You like that he's being vulnerable with you like this. "You don't have to worry about that with me."
"No?" Sanji grins.
"So if I asked for round two, you wouldn't reject me?"
You laugh. "You're horrible."
"Come on, sweet thing, you love it," he winks.
And honestly, he's kind of right.
He's right about a lot of things. He'd definitely been right about you needing to let loose a little, and now that he's shown you how to do that, you can't imagine ever going back.
Zoro may have been the start of your journey, but Sanji is the next chapter, and you can't wait to see what happens next.
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! If you liked this one, check out my recent Mihawk fic here or my new Zoro one here
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© obscure-imagines — all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any fic, reaction, or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed.
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chaoticrockmusic · 1 month ago
Lost in a New Island
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Synopsis: When you get lost on an island, your favorite pirate starts to search for you.
Luffy did not get why everyone was freaking out so much.
“[Your Name] is tough! They’ll be fine!” he had said, hands behind his head as the rest of the crew scrambled to search for you.
But even as he said it, something inside him nagged at him.
Sure, you were strong. But you were also alone. And that was not okay.
So, with his usual carefree attitude, Luffy shot his arm out and launched himself into the jungle, swinging from trees like a wild monkey. He laughed as he flew through the air, dodging birds and snapping twigs beneath him.
“[Your Name]!!” he called, his voice echoing through the thick canopy.
His grin faltered—just a little.
Then, finally, he spotted a familiar figure sitting on a fallen log, looking frustrated but unharmed.
“There you are!”
You looked up, eyes wide as he came crashing down in front of you.
He landed with a bounce, dusting himself off like nothing happened. “Took me forever to find you!”
You scoffed. “Yeah, because you were probably messing around instead of actually looking!”
Luffy grinned, unfazed. “I found you, didn’t I?”
You sighed, standing up. “Come on, let’s just get back—”
Before you could take another step, he stretched his arm out, grabbing your wrist.
You blinked. “Luffy?”
His grip was firm. “You scared me, y’know.”
You blinked at his serious tone. “I—”
But then, just like that, the moment passed. His grin returned, wide and carefree.
“Let’s go! Race you back!”
And before you could protest, he grabbed you and launched the both of you into the trees, laughing all the way.
Zoro’s thoughts were a mess.
He couldn’t believe this was happening.
Of course, the moment you got separated from the crew, he had promised to find you. No one else could, he figured, since everyone else had gone into full panic mode.
It wasn’t that he was worried, not exactly. He was just… annoyed.
You were strong. You could handle yourself. Still, it didn’t sit right with him that you were out there, alone in a place like this.
The dense jungle did not help his mood. He was used to finding his way in places like this, but this island was a mess—thick vines, strange plants, and the damn humidity messing with his clothes.
After what felt like an eternity of searching, he finally spotted you, sitting by a small creek, looking up at the sky.
“There you are,” Zoro muttered under his breath.
You blinked at him in surprise. “Zoro?”
He crossed his arms, relieved but unwilling to show it. “I told you I’d find you.”
“You could’ve been looking harder,” you teased, standing up.
He gave you a flat look. “I’m not the one who wandered off. Next time, stick close.”
You smirked, eyes scanning the jungle around you. “You’re lucky I’m not really lost. Still, thanks for coming after me.”
He turned his back to you. “Let’s get back to the ship before the others burn everything down.”
You followed after him, silently grateful that despite Zoro’s gruff exterior, his actions spoke louder than words.
Sanji’s heart was racing as he searched the island for you.
He had already cooked two meals for the crew in hopes that you’d come back hungry, but none of that mattered now.
You were missing. Alone.
It was unacceptable.
The second he realized you weren’t on the ship anymore, he threw himself into action, pushing past his usual calm composure. You were his priority now.
His thoughts raced as he walked through the dense jungle. He imagined every horrible possibility—what if you were captured by some monster, or worse, hurt?
“[Your Name]!!” he called, voice straining with worry.
A rustle in the trees ahead made him freeze. His eyes widened when he saw you, sitting near a large rock.
“Thank the heavens…” He rushed toward you, kneeling in front of you. “I’ve been frantic! You’re alright?”
You blinked, slightly confused but also touched. “Sanji, I’m fine. Just got a little lost.”
“Lost?” He pulled you into a fierce hug, hands cupping your face as he inspected you closely. “I was so worried! Don’t ever wander off like that again!”
You chuckled, feeling warmth spread through your chest. “I didn’t mean to, I promise.”
His eyes softened, though the intensity of his emotions remained. “Then let me take care of you. I’ll make you the best meal you’ve ever had, my darling.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Sanji, we need to get back to the ship first.”
He looked at you, eyes softening. “I’ll carry you there if I must.”
You smiled, rolling your eyes. “You’re unbelievable, you know that?”
“And you love me,” he replied smoothly, pulling you into his arms.
Usopp was terrified.
His heart was racing, and his legs were shaking with every step he took. He couldn’t believe it—you were out there somewhere, lost.
“Okay, okay, just calm down, Usopp,” he muttered to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. “You can do this.”
But even as he said it, his thoughts wandered. He knew how capable you were, but there were so many unknowns in the jungle. Monsters, traps, dangers he could only imagine.
His thoughts were interrupted by the sight of you—sitting on the ground, staring at the sky as if you didn’t have a care in the world.
“[Your Name]!” Usopp exclaimed, a breath of relief escaping his chest.
You looked up in surprise, blinking as you registered him. “Usopp?”
He practically ran to you, his heart still pounding. “I’m so glad you’re okay! I thought—”
You stood up, brushing off your pants. “I was fine. But I’m glad you found me.”
Usopp gave you a nervous laugh. “I had to fight through countless dangers just to get here. There were—uh, there were wolves. And some crazy jungle beasts! You wouldn’t believe—”
You raised an eyebrow. “You didn’t run from a butterfly, did you?”
His face turned red. “I did not! The butterfly was suspicious!”
You laughed, and Usopp felt his chest warm. He took your hand gently. “Let’s get back to the others.”
Shanks felt something he hadn’t in years: panic.
It wasn’t like him to lose his cool. But the moment he realized you were missing, his calm and collected demeanor cracked.
You were important to him. And the thought of you being out there alone—it didn’t sit right.
He tried not to let the worry show, but the feeling only intensified as he searched the island. The jungle seemed to stretch on forever, and every rustling noise made him tense.
It wasn’t until he finally spotted you sitting by the shore, gazing out at the ocean, that the tightness in his chest released.
“You’re okay?” His voice was soft, a little rough with emotion.
You turned, smiling at the sight of him. “Shanks! Yeah, I’m fine. I didn’t get lost, really.”
He let out a relieved laugh, though there was still a trace of worry in his eyes. “Don’t scare me like that again, alright?”
You nodded, standing up and walking toward him. “I’m sorry, but it’s nice to have a little quiet time. Thanks for coming after me.”
He gave you a lopsided grin. “Always. Let’s head back before the crew starts causing chaos.”
Buggy was freaking out.
His crew was starting to wonder if their captain had completely lost it. He had been running around the jungle, shouting your name for what felt like hours.
The truth? He was terrified.
It wasn’t just the fear of losing you; it was the fear that he had failed.
When he finally spotted you sitting near a stream, his relief was almost overwhelming.
“[YOUR NAME]!” he shouted, rushing over to you.
You barely had time to react before he was practically throwing himself at you, hugging you like his life depended on it.
“You’re alright! Oh, thank the gods!”
You blinked, confused but also a little touched. “Buggy, I’m fine. I wasn’t in any danger.”
He pulled back, his expression dramatic. “Don’t you dare leave me alone like that again! I couldn’t bear it!”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Okay, okay, I won’t do it again.”
But Buggy was already smirking, his usual bravado back in full force. “Guess you missed me, huh?”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re ridiculous.”
But the fact that he had come for you, no questions asked, made your heart flutter just a little.
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starlight-bread-blog · 2 months ago
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Opla Sanji talks as if he's in one of those weird "alpha male" podcasts if the men running them actually liked women.
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aesthetic-bbyg · 8 days ago
I miss my men :(
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sky-is-the-limit · 11 months ago
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no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponent al, logarithmic, while i gasp for air, scream and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cow girl, doggy, backwards, forwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carried against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, the bed of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce house, in the ool, bent over, in the basement, against the window, have the most toe curling, back arching, leg shaking, dick thribbing, first clenching, ear rining, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffling, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, knuckles cracking, jaw dropping, hair pulling. teeth jitterbug, mind blogging, soul snatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy, moan inducing, heart wrenching, spine tingling, back breaking, atrocious, gushy, creamy, beastly, lip bitting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, black hole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark worthy, cant walk, head nodding, soul evaporating, volcano erupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, lip locking, skin peeling, eyelash removing, eye widening, pussy popping, nail stractching, back cuts, spectacular, brain cell desolving, hair ripping, show stopping, magniticent, unique, extraordinary, slendid, phenomenal, mouth foaming, heavenly, awakening, devils tangos, he could put a nuclear bomb inside me and i'd still ride it and I would give this man the sloppiest, wettest, creamiest, soul taking, slimy, life changing, death DROPPING, heaven sent, flabbergasting, hypnotising, ungodly, astonishing, leg trembling, back arched, hands desperately grabbing the sheets, legs stretching out again and again, toe curling, voice breaking, whimper causing, waist slowly moving up and down, small heavy breath " I can't take much more of this", breaths getting quicker, twitching, throbbing, eyes shut, lip biting, edging begging for relief, warm hot rush bubbling up, spit upon the tongue twisting ground tip-talking against the mouth, sideways spit from the end and lick from the bottom to the top then spit and lick to the bottom.
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idcbabyialreadylostmymind · 2 years ago
makeup sex with sanji is just so good.
you two would get into an immature argument and instead of talking it out one of you storms off and then it almost always ends up with one of you in the other's room, pulling them in an aggressive but still passionate kiss. Sanji wants to be rough, wants to take his aggression during this but he can’t help but be gentle.
cradling your jaw as he leads you to the closest surface he can find. he lifts you, undoing the buttons of his shirt while you do your shorts. there is an animalistic gleam laying dormant in each of your eyes, waiting for the others to break out so you could devour each other from the inside out.
Sanji was done with his shirt much faster than you with your shorts and so he rips them down, one wall breaks
slipping your panties down to your ankles Sanjis’ hand caresses the skin of your inner thigh, pushing them apart, his large hand coming closer and closer to your private. two fingers dips past your lips, arousal drenches his fingers as he circles around the pearl of nerves. second wall breaks.
he works his way into you, thick fingers stretching your tight hole. your jaw tightens trying to keep your moans down from the rest of the crew. his digits pump in and out of you at a speed you can’t comprehend. he massages your aching walls, finding all the spots that make your body curve.
your walls clench the closer and closer you get to release the tortured euphoria that ransacked your body.
faster and faster,
closer and closer.
the knot that formed in your stomach tightened and squeezed together the pressure almost too much to take and then all the pleasure that was consuming you disapsted, slowly coming down from a high you had not reached yet.
your eyes shine with fresh formed tears threatening to hit your cheeks. he hushes the complaints about to leave your lips with one knowing look, he undoes his pants that have all of a sudden become incredibly too tight. his hard dick springs free once he pulls his boxers down.
whimpering with need you take him in your hand, egging him on as you jerk him off pulling him closer to your weeping pussy.
he lifts one of your legs up, pushing them farther apart, he takes hold of his cock with one hand holding you close with the other as he aligns his tip with your awaiting entrance. he pushes in with no effort, your greedy hole sucking him in with need. he bottoms out in no time letting you adjust to his cock which doesn’t take very long.
he pulls out before sliding back into you, slow gentle strokes pumping in and out of you. his long curved dick whispers against your cervix every time he thrust. “Fucking love you Sanji.” last wall breaks
his thrust become wild, tip slamming against your cervix.
you go dumb on his cock by the end of the night, babbling apologies about the earlier fight.
And all is forgiven in both your eyes.
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Here, have a casual glimpse into my thought patterns and creative process:
*just scrolling about Tumblr and vibing to "Too Much Wine" by The Fratellis*
Too much wine?
Mihawk drunk??
Wait wait wait WAIT what are they all like drunk?
GASP s h i n y h e a d c a n o n s
So anyway here's some headcanons about drinking too much (insert adult beverage of choice) with the OPLA boyos.
Implied that Reader is already in a relationship with each character in question.
I shall call it.......
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OPLA!Zoro, Sanji, Shanks, Mihawk, Buggy X AFAB!Reader
NSFW Headcanons
Kinda Kinktober I guess? Borderline shitpost, I had way too much fun with this.
♫♬♫ Too Much Wine - The Fratellis ♫♬♫
I'll take the mead from the table
Talk straight while I'm able
Until I'm nothin' less than a crime
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"Y'know, I actually have four swords, but we're gonna have to go somewhere more private if you wanna see the other one."
Rum, sake, beer, wine, whatever you're down for drinking so is he.
Zoro's got incredibly high endurance and stamina—it's going to take a while for him to show that it's affecting him at all, but once it does, he goes from zero to one hundred faster than you can say "onigiri."
Literally no in between, no tipsy or buzzed. Just sober and then stumbling over his own feet and swearing he absolutely is not drunk the whole time.
All those repressed emotions that he hides behind a mask of dry sarcasm on a day to day basis are coming out in full effect.
That means you're getting one of two Zoros—goofy Zoro or sad Zoro.
Goofy Zoro's going to have his arm around your shoulders, laughing his ass off about that time he caught that idiot Marine brat swinging his sword around bare-ass naked so he chopped off half his hair.
He's likely to get pretty flirty in this state, even downright playful, especially if you initiate it, and it's almost definitely going to end in him dragging you somewhere private to fuck your brains out, because his restraint is totally out the window at this point.
If you end up with sad Zoro, he'll be laying his head in your lap and slurringly asking whether or not you think he's ever really going to be the best swordsman in the world, probably still beating himself up over losing to Mihawk.
Just comb your fingers through his hair and do your best to reassure him that you love him and genuinely believe in him. Whether it works or not, he's going ti end up falling asleep in your lap, so be prepared to be stuck there for a while.
"But like...you really think, like, I can beat that bird-eyed bastard? I mean he fucked me up with a goddamn butterknife."
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"There we are—a beautiful drink for a beautiful woman."
Turbo Flirt Mode: activated.
Sanji is all for pairing wine with food, but if you're looking to get a little sideways, he's going to want to show off his mixology skills to impress you—and he's going to be making some dangerous concoctions, the kind that taste like there's not a drop of booze in them.
The more lit he gets, the less subtle the flirting. If you thought he was clingy sober, you are in for a surprise, because that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Head on your shoulder, puppy dog eyes, telling you how pretty you are and how much he adores you every thirty seconds, with a big silly grin like you're the most amazing thing he's ever seen.
Brushing his lips along your neck and murmuring all the things he's going to do to you once the two of you are behind closed doors later—and he means every one of them, because you're utterly irresistible to him in this state.
He wants you giggling and blushing just as much as he wants you moaning and trembling under his touch.
Super playful once you are alone, even moreso than usual. He's definitely going to suggest doing body shots, he will beg if he has to, but honestly who in their right mind is going to turn him down?
"You're just...just so—so beautiful—honestly, it should be illegal."
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"Hold—hold my rum—no, no, just for a moment, I wanna see if I can do a backflip off the railing—"
Spoiler alert: he can't. Now he's lying on the quarterdeck alternating between hysterical laughter and "Oh God that hurt—"
Probably the most fun drunk in the world, but he can be a hazard to his own health as his judgement begins to lapse so someone's going to have to keep an eye on him.
If you're at a tavern or otherwise public location, do not under any circumstances let the man out of your sight for more than two seconds. He turns into a straight-up child, he can and will wander off, and you'll find him a mile away on top of a building, likely half-naked and singing sea shanties at the top of his lungs, with no clue as to how he got up there...or how to get back down.
He's developed quite a high tolerance over the years and tends mostly toward dark rum, though he won't turn down a stein of ale or beer.
Total life of the party energy—telling jokes and stories, he just wants to see everyone laughing and having the absolute best time.
Super, super flirty, he may as well have written the book on pick-up lines; and he doesn't care that you're already together, he's going to drop every single one of them on you just to see how much he can make you giggle or roll your eyes.
He's very likely to pull you onto his lap at some point and make out with you like no one's watching—he already doesn't really care who sees when you're both sober, but he really doesn't care after a little too much rum, so it's probably best to coax him to bed at this point.
He's perfectly happy with cuddling up, laying his head on your chest and draping his arm over you, just humming in contentment and falling asleep together...but if you want more, don't expect to get much sleep, because he wants you lasciviously.
To taste every inch of you, to suffocate between your thighs until you're screaming, to pull you onto his cock and watch you ride him until you're both too breathless and exhausted to do anything but tangle yourselves together in the sheets and drift off to sleep between slow, sensual kisses.
"Oh, princess, just when I catch my breath, you make me lose it all over again."
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"If you insist on being such a brat about this, you're going to get what's coming to you."
Mihawk has a strong drive to be in total control of himself and everything happening around him at all times, which means he doesn't tend toward getting drunk.
But...he also has this wee little problem with his ego being larger than the entire volume of every combined ocean in the world. If you imply that you could drink him under the table...he's probably going to sneer and tell you to quit being a brat, but he's also going to be quite driven to prove you wrong.
He does love his wine, but it's generally only a glass or two to wind down and relax—he's definitely got a nice bottle of aged bourbon or eau de vie tucked away somewhere that's going to be coming out, because he's got something to prove now.
Unfortunately for him, due to the fact that he so rarely drinks heavily...he's a bit of a lightweight. Which he won't admit even to himself.
But it barely takes a single lowball of harder liquor to get that pale complexion of his a little flushed.
Perhaps just over three for him to start blinking a bit harder than normal in a futile attempt to get his vision to focus, to start speaking a bit slower to attempt to hide the slight slur in his words as you taunt him about it—which honestly only makes it more pronounced, and more amusing.
You had best enjoy it, because it's probably the only time you're going to hear the words, "Fine, you win," come out of his mouth—as well as perhaps the only time he won't be miffed about conceding. The alcohol in his system has him loosened up just enough that he can't pretend he doesn't find your boldness and sass at least a bit endearing...and even more alluring.
That being said, you're still getting punished for it, teased within an inch of your sanity, and he's going to enjoy every single second of it.
Setting his glass aside, plucking yours from your hand, pinning your hands above your head with a devilish smirk and slowly undressing you, his eyes on yours the entire time.
Trailing his fingertips across your bare skin, drawing closer and closer but never quite giving you want you want, his lips barely brushing against your neck, reminding you in an amused murmur in your ear that he could easily do this all night.
You did have the audacity to challenge him, after all—he has no choice but to remind you who's in charge.
"What is it, my little bird? Did you think you were going to get a consolation prize? You're still going to have to beg."
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"Bet you two thousand Berries I can shotgun two beers at once, watch this—"
And he basically ends up halfway drowning himself, but hey, you're two thousand Berries richer!
Honestly, there's no party like a Buggy party, because a Buggy party doesn't stop until someone loses a limb—probably him.
No, really. Don't let him use his devil fruit abilities. Keep a bucket of sea water on hand if you have to, because he may literally misplace one of his limbs and you're going to have to go on a Chop Chop Scavenger Hunt to help him find it while you're both completely smashed.
If Buggy's drinking, everybody's drinking, and everybody is getting completely fucked up. This is non-negotiable, he thrives on chaos and that's what he's intent on creating.
Anybody who passes out before him is getting something obscene drawn on their face in permanent ink. He can definitely hold his liquor, so if you can keep up with him then you can expect to be the last two living souls left conscious on the whole ship.
That being said, he doesn't care who's awake—things are going to get kinky, and he's really not bothered about anybody watching. Or joining in, for that matter. This whole operation very well may devolve into a drunken orgy if he has any say in the matter.
Then again, it may also devolve into him flopping dramatically across your lap and divulging absolutely all of his trauma in an emotionally-charged alcohol-induced rant. He won't remember it in the morning, so please do him a favor and don't remind him.
"Hey, uhh...I los—I lost my foot again. .....Sor—*hiccup* sorry."
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sourszt · 1 year ago
𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐉𝐈 | 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙝 𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 + 𝙨𝙚𝙢𝙞-𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙘
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 — vinsmoke sanji x fem!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 — nsfw, thigh riding, semi-public, praise, but also sanji’s a fucking tease. at the fucking dinner table, lap-sitting, reader fucks herself on sanji’s thigh per his instruction and the strawhats are like five feet away, “love”, “sweetheart” and “pretty girl” are used.
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 — 1k words. not thoroughly proofread, also kinda short. i was honestly just thinking about live action!sanji’s thick ass thighs and wrote this on a whim. also yes, this is with taz’s sanji in mind, but you can imagine either! [kintober m.list]
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“comfortable, love?”
sanji whispered lowly into your ear, his hands curling around your hips as he gently shifted you in his lap. you could hardly hear him over luffy and usopp’s boisterous shouts from across the room, but you nodded nonetheless.
the straw-hats were having a small celebration — for nothing in particular, though. luffy did that often. gathered the very diverse crew into the dining hall for a feast that sanji had cooked and led parties that often ran until the next morning.
the food had long been finished by now, and the party slowly started turning to silly games and drinks. luffy had usopp, nami, and zoro at the table on the other end of the room — nami and zoro observing more than playing — fully absorbed in some sort of charades game.
you and sanji were still at the dinner table; sanji was tired from all the cooking, you were tired from looking at the mess you knew you would be cleaning later.
at some point during your silent moping, sanji had pulled you onto his thigh, gently caressing your shoulder while he watched his captain fool around with the rest of the crew.
while his captain distracted the rest of the crew, more like.
your back straightened when you noticed sanji’s gentle, loving touches take a sudden shift in nature. the pads of his fingers abandoned the lazy circles they were rubbing into your back and trailed down to your hip, his hold tightening.
“sanji,” you whispered, an ounce of warning in your voice as you peered over your shoulder, flinching when you saw the mischievous glint in his eye. “what’re you doing?” you started to lift yourself off of his thigh, knowing that look all too well, when he yanked you flush against his chest, a small yelp escaping you in his haste.
sanji, enjoying himself a bit too much, slipped his hand over the expanse of your thigh and wrapped his arm tightly around your waist while you tried to convince the others that sanji had accidentally tickled you and that was why you yelled. nami and zoro seemed to be the only ones to hold some doubt towards you, especially when they saw sanji’s smug smirk, but they eventually lost interest.
you landed a harsh slap to his arm, turning to glare at him. “sanji, they’re right there.” you whispered, back over towards the group to make sure no one had decided to take a double take, but they were too immersed in usopp’s poor impression of a ballerina.
sanji took a quick look over at them, shrugging. “looks like you’ll just have to be quiet, hm?”
you couldn’t deny the whine that bubbled in your gut when he said that, his confidence somehow fueling into yours. “come on, i’ll help you with dishes later, how’s that sound?” he accepted your considerate stare as confirmation and snaked his hand further between your legs, easing them open over his thigh. “that’s it.”
part of you expected his skilled fingers to start toying with your clit over your panties with how eagerly he was behaving, but instead his hand retreated and wrapped firmly around your hip.
“you gonna move or do i have to do it for you, love?” he practically groaned into your ear, his leg impatiently beginning to bounce you in his lap, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. it almost gained the attention of the group yet again, but it seemed your gasp was covered by an especially loud laugh from luffy. “ah, what’d i say?” teased sanji.
gods, you wanted to sock him in his perfect face. “you’re not exactly making it easy for me, are you?” you snapped.
“then do it yourself, babe.” his encouraging hand left your hips and went straight in between your legs, slowly circling your clit through your already dampened panties.
you couldn’t help but rut your hips into his touch, biting back an especially loud moan when he brushed over a sensitive spot. bracing your palms against the table that thankfully shielded a lot of what was happening, you slowly rocked yourself back and forth on sanji’s thigh.
the man rested his forehead against your shoulder blade, a strained sigh pushing from his nose as he tried to keep his composure. his strong hands helped you roll your hips in time to a gentle rhythm that had your abdomen coiling already.
“that’s it, sweetheart,” sanji’s accented voice sounded so sultry and playful in your ear that you wanted to fire something back at him, but your senses were damn near fried by that point.
his fingers started rubbing at your clit faster, rolling over the sensitive bud and applying just the right amount of pressure that had your back arching. “sanji—” you whispered, but the rest of whatever the hell you were going to say got caught in your throat along with a sharp cry.
“c’mon, it’s alright, love.” he encouraged you further. the arm that had been locked around your waist slowly uncoiled itself and he used his free hand to hold your legs open when your thighs started to squeeze together. “don’t get all shy on me.”
“sanji,” you barely had control over your own voice, using whatever strength you had left in you to whisper his name against gritted teeth as you were thrown over the edge. your hips stuttered and your legs threatened to give out completely.
sanji kept you upright, his touch softening against your clit as you rode through your orgasm. “there it is, my pretty girl.”
you propped yourself up on the table, eyes fluttered shut while you tried to get yourself together. you could feel your cheeks burning at the thought of your captain and crew-mates being within earshot of you two, yet completely unaware of what you’d just gotten away with.
“all that and i barely touched you. you like having an audience or something?” sanji shamelessly teased you, gently bouncing his knee underneath you, which drew a loud gasp from you.
you threw a harsh smack over your shoulder, landing it on the top of his head. “don’t test me, sanji.”
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tbh i am thoroughly in love with this man. and his fucking accent. and like tell me he wouldn’t do some shit like this fr.
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sinning-23 · 1 year ago
Opla face sitting/p*ssy eating headcanons
Warnings: dude the title is warming enough lol. ITS 18+ BRO
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-Fuck around and hover if you want to. He’s already got his arms around your thighs, forcing you to sit.
-He’s got some kind of sorcery or some shit with his tongue cause what the fuck.
-oh you thought he was stopping after you came once? Hahahaha that’s so funny.
-makes sure you are shaking and fucking shivering when he’s done with you
-Will make sure you know how much he loves the way you taste.
-“That’s it honey, cum on my face.”
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-unfortunately doesn’t know what the FUCK he’s doing when he eats but is very very fucking skilled with his fingers.
-we all know this man’s nose is 5 mf stars and would be nice to sit on and he knows this fact.
-on the occasion that he asks you to sit on his face he’s putting everything to work, using one hand to simultaneously spread your cheeks and keep your things flush against him.
-the other is already coaxing another orgasm out of you while his tongue circle slow around your clit.
-doesn’t talk when his mouth is full, he’s got manners lol
On the rare occasion he does speak it’s often after all is said and done
-“now you can brag about being eaten out by a legendary captain”
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-oh he eats religiously. Like is that even a question?
-he gets really fucking sloppy too. He’s got your juices and his saliva down his chin and all over your thighs.
-sometimes it feels like the eating is more for him than you (sometimes it is lol)
-expect lots of worship when he’s positioned under you. He prefers to eat when you’re sitting on the edge of the counter or table and he’s kneeling down in front with your legs over his shoulders.
-“I’ve never tasted anything as divine as you. Tout va bien pour moi”
-Has definitely cum from eating you out alone
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-Oh she’s fucking ruthless. I mean just so mean when she eats.
-She likes to draw loving circles on your thighs and then offset that sweetness with a pinch.
-She’ll make it seem like she’ll be nice and let you cum, only to stop completely, eyes laser focused on that adorable little frustrated knot between your brows.
-Is a bit of a shit talker honestly and between how well she works her fingers inside you, how good her tongue feels on your clit, and each teasing comment she throws your way, you’re left spiraling.
-“Ohhh how cute. You gonna cum on my face just like that? You can hold on a little longer can’t you honey?”
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-If you look closely you can see that his facial hair is slightly bleached.
-We know the fuck why.
-He makes sure you know just how much he loves your pussy when he eats. I mean yes he’s slow and damn near torturous with how he asked you be patient and wait but it’s so worth it.
-He kisses up your thigh, then over the top of your panties. Then will suck and lick over the fabric until it’s soaked.
-Once that’s done, he takes em off with his teeth and licks one long, slow stripe up before deciding to suck on your clit for just a second. Soon after he’s pulling your closer by your thighs and eating you for all your worth.
-He will not talk, well…only if it’s to get you to sit still, his eyes peering dangerously into yours.
- “Don’t. Move.” (its pretty mf hot)
-holds your hand when you finally cum on his tongue.
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-He the best eater I know- he gets down. He don’t play
-if eating was a sport he’d be the champion.
-Teats your pussy like a meal(because it is in his eyes) and makes sure nothing is left behind besides your own slick, his saliva, and your trembling thighs.
He really gets into it too. I mean he’s moaning against your folds, slurping and drooling.
-This mf is a multitasker. His hands are definitely detached and holding the back of your knees to keep you from closing your legs. and he is working yet another orgasm out of you.
-He's a talker btw so expect lots of witty and raunchy comments while you're practically convulsing from overstimulation.
-"No one makes you feel like how I do huh princess?"
-"That's it honey scream my name."
-“I could eat you forever.” He whines with his mouth full of you
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-He's not likely to eat as much. He doesn't dislike it but would rather give to you in other ways. However, despite this little thing about himself, he makes sure it's for a reason when he eats.
-For example, had a bad day? There's a remedy for that, come sit.
-Feeling a bit insecure and self-conscious? Let him show just how amazing you really are.
-Expect to feel a lot of vibrations with how much he growls and moans into your cunt.
-Not too much of a talker but when he does it makes not only your pussy throb but your heart melt.
-"Look at yourself. So beautiful my love." (there's a mirror on the ceiling)
-He isn't afraid to kiss you when he's done either. Wants you to know just how good you taste and that every time he has the privilege of having you sit on his face its like heaven (his words more or less).
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revasserium · 1 year ago
hiii i'm a new follower and i love your writing so much
ik u said no requests in ur bio but i just finished reading ur sanji fic.. so even if ur still not taking requests i'd just like to throw in an idea that u may or may not feel like using in the future, up to you (i'm requesting this with opla sanji in mind but if u wanna use it for zoro that's cool too)
k so imagine reader being invited to a friend's wedding, & being excited to go until they find out their ex is coming too (with their partner of some amt of yrs). so now reader is pressured to bring someone w/ them & ends up asking their best friend sanji bc they don't want others thinking they're still hung up on the past.
wedding dress
opla!sanji; 6,544 words, pining with a happy ending, fluff and a tad of angst, flirting, lovesick!sanji, whipped!!!!sanji, no "y/n", zeff is a whole mood, confessions, sanji-appropriate nickname usage, modern!au?
summary: you invite sanji to be your plus 1 at a wedding
a/n: im so sorry this took so long. but. better late than? never? also, there is a tiny bit of rehashing for ep 6 of the live action for sanji and zeff's relationship so... spoilers?
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It’s a chilly, overcast kind of day when the call comes in. And in retrospect, Sanji thinks he should’ve known better when he’d seen your name on the caller ID. He’d hesitated, because by god if it wasn’t his New Year's Resolution to get the hell over you this year, but it’s almost December again and he still can’t help the way his heart races at the sound of your voice.
“Hey sweetheart — long time no talk!” he answers after a brief moment of contemplating his entire life, dusting his flour-covered hands on his apron.
“Hey! Sorry for calling so… out of the blue…” your voice is still as sweet as ever, and the way his stomach twists at the tinkle of your nervous laughter makes him want to kick himself. Still, he forces himself to stay calm, clearing his throat as he checks the oven — it’s almost done pre-heating.
“Now you know what I said about actin’ a stranger — just because you moved halfway across the entire world doesn’t mean we ain’t best friends anymore, right?”
It’s what you’d said when he’d been standing at the airport, three seconds from dropping to his knees and begging you not to go. But he hadn’t, because he knew how hard you’d worked for this — for this opportunity abroad, to study art in the birthplace of the Renaissance itself, in the heart of Italy.
“And… you might be able to come visit me, right?” you’d said, rocking on the balls of your feet, your eyes full of what Sanji could only call false hope — which is always, always the worst and most painful kind.
Sanji had swallowed and nodded and said something or other about Europe and fine dining, but there’s a terrible, prickling heat eating up the back of his neck and a voice that’s screaming at him to pull you to him and kiss you. He doesn’t. And he regrets it to this day.
“Ah — right… I’m actually calling because… I’ll be in the area in about a week and…”
Your voice pulls him out of his reverie and he clears his throat, hitches a smile to his face that he knows you can’t see but he’s sure you can hear.
“Oh! That’s great, darling! You’ve gotta come for a drink, I’ll whip up all your favorites — we can make a night —”
“It’s actually for a wedding.”
There are a few moments in everyone’s lives when they learn the true meaning of a thing for the very first time — elation, pride, stomach-twisting guilt, and… fear. True fear, the kind of fear that shakes the muscle from your bones and sends them tingling, threatens to overwhelm you with numbness. Fear, that pushes adrenaline through you like a drug, forces the world into a terrifying, all-consuming focus.
Sanji feels the fear coursing through him, wild and contentious at your words.
A wedding.
Your wedding? Perhaps?
He can’t bear to think of it; he’s so terrified he can barely breathe.
Then comes the moment after, the wave of everything else that the fear had washed away — confusion, anger, guilt (always guilt, for some reason), because isn’t he supposed to be happy for you? For you, the person he loves most in this entire world, to find love, to know happiness. He should. He should.
Sanji sags back against the hard, metal counter. Almost mindlessly, he reaches into his pockets with shaking hands, digging around for a smoke.
Your breath is soft in his ear, too far across the phone line and a thousand miles of ocean.
“I originally wasn’t even planning on going — she’s not a very close friend — we had like one class together but —”
And within the span of a minute, Sanji also learns relief. The kind that melts the world around you into sizzling butter and champagne bubbles. The kind that makes you want to lie down on the ground and scream.
“— it was so close to your restaurant so I said yes but I didn’t know he was gonna be there and —”
You’re still talking, rambling like you do. And it takes nearly everything inside Sanji to pull himself back to the conversation.
“Sorry, love, who did you say was gonna be there?”
“My ex — you know the one —”
Sanji grimaces, flicking on his lighter with still-shaking fingers.
“Mm, yeah I do. The tall, dark-haired bastard who —”
“Yeah well — he’s gonna be there too and I just —” he hears you swallow hard and take a long, steadying breath. An unnameable something is calcifying in the depths of his stomach as he waits for you to collect yourself.
Curiosity? Why had you called like this, so suddenly, about a wedding where your ex was going to be? Concern? Were you thinking of going back to him?
But slowly, as you stutter through your next few words, the unnameable thing obtains a name — dread.
“— I just don’t think I could do it myself, y’know? And — and you were the one who got me out of it wh-when I decided to break it off with him so…”
Sanji takes a long drag of his cigarette and casts his eyes up at the high, white-slabbed ceiling of the kitchen, scored with long strips of bright, fluorescent lighting that floods the entire room in a direct, unforgiving glow.
He closes his eyes and counts to three.
“Course I’ll come with you, darlin’. It —” he wets his lips, taps off a bit of ash from his cigarette, and sucks in through his nose, clearing his throat of the words still lodged there, “— it’d be my honor.”
Relief — he hears it in your voice, and by gods he can almost see it — the way your whole face would light up, washed as if by the setting sun, your eyes wide and dark, your cheeks flushing his favorite fucking shade of pink and —
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! I really owe you for this one —”
Sanji makes a valiant effort at a nonchalant chuckle; it comes out sounding like a dog with a bit of bone stuck in its throat instead.
“Nonsense — what are best friends for, anyway?”
There’s a tiny pause where Sanji can feel the words best friend scraping along the insides of his mouth, barbed and harsh, leaving his tongue feeling raw and metallic.
“You really are the best friend anyone could ask for,” your voice is soft and honest and Sanji wants nothing more than to chuck his phone into the industrial blender.
You tell him that you’ll send him the details, that you can’t wait to see him soon, that you’ve got a world and a half of catching up to do, that you’ll buy him so, so many drinks, and that you’ll come bearing presents. He laughs at the right times, makes soft noises of consent and agreement, and when finally, finally you tell him goodbye, he clicks off the phone and takes another long drag of his smoke.
And then, he whips his hand back and throws the cigarette butt into the large sink, where it tinks against the metal and sizzles sadly in the murky dishwater.
“Real sucker for punishment, aren’tcha, lil’ eggplant?”
Sanji groans, turning around to find Zeff with his arms folded, the hip to his bad leg propped against a counter.
“Will you fuck kindly off — can’t you see I’m going through a thing here?”
Zeff snorts, clunking unevenly towards him.
“You been going through that thing for the last year and a half since you chickened outta askin’ her to stay so —”
“I didn’t chicken out — I — it was her dream to go to Florence and study —”
“And what was your dream then, ey?”
Sanji bangs his palm against the counter and sighs, “It’s not like I could leave you here with —”
“With what? A thriving restaurant business that I started? A guest list out the door and round the corner —”
“I — I helped!”
Zeff rolls his eyes, “Ah sure ya did, but I never asked you to, did I?”
Sanji huffs, pressing his tongue to the roof of his mouth to stop the torrent of horrible, sad, acrid things he could say and could never mean, so he swallows them back down. When he looks up next, Zeff is still standing there, but there’s a softness around his eyes.
He opens his mouth a few times, but eventually, all he says is, “The oven’s over heatin’.”
Sanji swears and jumps up to tug open the oven door. A wave of hot air whooshes out and nearly catches him in the face. Behind him, he can hear Zeff’s dark, gravelly chuckle, and the dull clunk of his wooden leg.
“You burn the kitchen down, you pay for it.”
And then he’s gone again, leaving the door swinging behind him, and Sanji very much alone with the too-hot oven and a counter full of things he can’t really remember the recipes for anymore.
Nearly a week later, Sanji finds himself standing at the airport, rocking on the balls of his feet, nearly in the exact same place as he’d been a year and a half prior. Except this time, you’re not walking away from him. You’re walking back towards him. He wonders if there’s a name for deja-vu in reverse and comes to the realization that that’s just called… a memory.
And memory seems to work in strange ways now, images superimposing themselves on top of one another — the flicker of a film lens, the bat of an eyelash, the shadow of a smile crimping the corner of your lips. All of this, he sees in the here and now, but he sees it in the air around you too, shimmering and mirage-like — all his memories and dreams of you layered over the shape of you. Your memory like a ghost of itself, trailing behind you as you walk towards him, a shy smile on your face, your cheeks flushed from travel and the cold and —
He doesn’t let himself hope. Not this time.
“Hey!” your voice is just as bell-like as he remembers it, pitched a little higher than it usually is, probably out of nervousness. But it still feels like a kick to the guts. Sanji forces himself to smile.
“Hi, love,” he says, leaning down as you reach him, but the motion aborts halfway because — is it still appropriate to hug you like he’d always done? To press his lips to your cheek or your hairline and revel in the bright citrus of your shampoo, to soak in the butter and cream of your skin like he used to?
There’s an awkward half-second pause before you’re standing up on tip-toe and Sanji’s heart nearly drops out of his ass as you lean in. But then — your lips skim by his cheek and your arms are around him, and stupid, stupid, stupid heart — thundering in his chest like horses or hooves or fists or thumping rabbit’s feet — leaping into his throat and pattering against the base of his tongue as he wraps his arms around you and holds you close. But it’s not close enough. It’s never close enough.
He breathes and distantly, a part of him notes that you still use the same shampoo.
“Hi…” your voice is warm by his ear, a bit muffled, but he can’t help the way it makes him shiver, “It’s… so good to see you.”
He nods, not trusting his own voice to do the normal thing and, oh, you know — work.
“I’ve — I’ve missed you.”
He makes a noise somewhere between a laugh and a cough as he nods again. He feels your arms slackening around him and a fierce, terrifying thing is flapping its wings in his stomach, screeching at him not to let you go. But he does — like he did before.
“I — I missed you too,” he says, though his voice sounds flat and scratchy and he clears his throat again.
A dozen different expressions flicker across the lovely planes of your face and finally, it settles on endeared exasperation.
“Please don’t tell me you still work through like three packs of smokes a day.”
Sanji laughs then, shaking his head as he reaches over for your luggage, “Nah — well, maybe not three but —”
You whack him softly on the arm.
“I actually tried to quit right after you left.”
“You did?”
Sanji shrugs as the pair of you start to make for the exit. He feels your gaze go slanted and shrewd.
“How long’d that last?”
He smirks, “Few hours.”
You whack him again and this time, he dodges out of the way just to bask in the bright spark of your laughter as you chase after him.
“Seriously though, you know how terrible they are for you!”
“Sure do,” he says, tugging one out of his pocket as soon as he clears the airport doors, pivoting left towards the parking garage. You have to jog to keep up with his longer strides, your breaths misting the air between you in silvery puffs.
He makes no move to light it as he helps toss your luggage into the trunk of his car, sliding into the driver’s seat. You huff as you wiggle into the passenger’s side.
“Then why —”
Sanji waits patiently for you to buckle your seatbelt before pulling out of the parking space, one hand on the steering wheel, the other resting soft against the middle console. He slates you a glance.
“Cause,” he says, fixing his eyes back on the road, an easy smirk twisting his lips, “it’s a metaphor.”
You groan, sinking into the seat, “Just because you read John Green one time —”
“Oi, I’ll have you know I read his entire bibliography after you showed him to me.”
“Ugh, whatever you manic-pixie-dreamgirl-loving ass.”
“Yeah, whatever — you actual manic pixie dreamgirl.”
You smile and Sanji allows himself the brief and aching delusion that the past year and a half didn’t happen, that you never left, and that you’d never leave. That you’d always be here, warm and laughing and just within reach.
The rest of the car ride is spent in mundane conversation, in how was your flight and tell me about Florence and how’s Zeff doing these days and I wanna know about your latest dish. It’s light and easy, and Sanji lets it warm the air around him. By the time he pulls into the front of your hotel, all the unsaid words from the past year and a half have soaked through his socks and into his shoes. It sloshes out onto the pale pavement as he opens the car door.
He helps you roll your luggage up into the lobby and tells you he’ll be here at 3PM to pick you up tomorrow. The venue’s just three blocks away.
“Yeah, I’ll see you then,” you say, pursing your lips, waving as he backpedals towards the automatic doors.
“You’ve still gotta send me pictures of the dress you’re wearing — I gotta find a matching tie.”
You laugh, a bit embarrassed, “Right — and here I thought I might surprise you.”
Sanji freezes, eyes wide.
“O-oh! Er — well, you can just — just tell me what color or —” he waves vaguely, “send a picture of a corner of the dress — just so I have something to color match against —”
You nod, eyes glittering, eager once more, “Oh! That’s a good idea — I’ll do that.”
“Great,” Sanji says.
“Great!” you echo, perhaps a bit too chipper.
He gives you one last smile before turning and striding from the hotel, firing up the engine as calmly as he can, forcing himself not to turn and check if you’re still watching him through the brightly lit, sliding glass doors. He allows himself a glance through the rear-view mirror as he pulls away from the drive and his heart skips a beat when he realizes you’re still standing there, right in the middle of the lobby, fingers wrapped around the handle of your suitcase, your eyes fixed on the shadow of his retreating car.
He lights the smoke the second he turns the corner, your shadow no longer in his rear-view mirror.
That night, Sanji dreams in fits and leaps, flashing images and long, sticky streams of could-have-beens —
He dreams of your laughter in a white-tiled kitchen, of powdered sugar and eggshells cracked and leaking on an exposed wood counter, chopsticks clinking against a thick glass mixing bowl. He dreams of your voice echoing off the shower tiles as you sing off-key, the way you used to when you’d sneak into his college dorm for movie night and a midnight snack. He dreams of coffee mugs and errant rose petals and dandelion seeds blowing in the wind. He dreams of dancing with you in his arms in a darkened dorm room that morphs into a bigger room with a softer carpet, one that he’d never seen before but he knows implicitly (like bodies know) is his home — it has pictures on the walls, trinkets lining the far bookshelf, your favorite scarf draped over the back of the well-worn sofa.
In the dream, you pull your head back from where it's pillowed against his shoulder and smile up at him. He leans down to kiss you, his lips hovering half an inch from yours.
Sanji jerks awake to the sound of his alarm, fingers fumbling for his phone, groaning as he smashes the orange snooze button and flips over to bury his face back into his lumpy pillow.
“Ah… fuck.”
It’s not the first time he’s had that dream, and he knows it won’t be the last. But it’d been so real that night, real enough to make him wonder if it just might come true.
He rubs at his sleep-crusted eyes and peers blearily at all the notifications on his screen. There’s a text from you with a picture attached. He clicks it open to find a short message attached to the picture — I really did want to surprise you…
He blinks for three seconds at what looks like a blurry picture of studded black silk before he remembers —
“Send me a picture of a corner of the dress — just so I have something to color match against.”
He allows himself a laugh, swinging his feet out of bed even as he types back — you coulda just told me it was black…
He watches the three little dots appear and disappear a few times, chewing on his bottom lip, before the text appears — well there are different shades of black, right???
Sanji laughs, shaking his head.
sure there are.
A string of tongue-out emojis, followed by an equally long string of middle-finger emojis.
He spends the rest of the morning fussing over which specific black tie to wear before settling on one that he’s quite sure is the exact same shade of black as your dress (and yes, he does have quite the collection of black ties), before tugging his best suit out to press.
It shouldn’t feel so easy, slipping back into the rhythm of things, of texting and smiling and hearing your voice in his head when he reads your texts. It shouldn’t feel so easy to forget the months of radio silence and guilt, the oppressive, resonant weight of what might have been if either of you had done a single thing different that day at the airport — he wonders if he should’ve reached for your hand, he wonders if you’d ever looked back.
He hadn’t. He couldn’t let himself.
He is waiting for you in the lobby at 2:45, wearing a hole into the plush Persian carpet, collecting strained looks from the concierge who had assured him three times in the last four minutes that he’d already rung up to your room and that you’d said you were on your way.
“Wow, you’re early — sorry I took a while — I couldn’t figure out what to do with my hair and —“
Sanji lifts his head and thinks distantly that all those rom-com cliches of a guy looking up, time itself slackening, the room smearing sideways around him, the music going slow, the lighting soft — all of it is painfully, startlingly true after all.
Because there you are, walking towards him, still saying something, but he can’t make out the words anymore because time isn’t really a thing anymore, is it? He can’t focus on that and also the dark glimmer of your dress, the way the neckline skates just beneath your collarbones, barely skimming the skin there before it slips down along the slope of your shoulders in a way that makes his breath unspool inside his chest like loose threads.
And in the slanted, ethereal light of the winter afternoon, your dress looks like it’s cut from a swath of darkest midnight, moonless and scattered with stars.
You blush as Sanji attempts to pick his jaw up off the floor and hitch his lips into something resembling a smile.
“W-wow… you look…”
Your smile is shy as you press your palms against the dress, looking down, “Thanks… you don’t think it’s… too much?”
Sanji shakes his head, feeling dazed.
“No! I mean — it’s —“ his mouth is dry, drier than he ever remembers it being, and suddenly it’s very hard to swallow and Sanji isn’t even sure the muscles in his neck know how to perform the action, let alone force words out alongside it. He struggles for another few seconds, his jaw working furiously as his eyes skitter down and back up the shape of you.
“You look… perfect,” he says, finally, because the word has been ricocheting around his chest like a stray bullet and he had to let it out somehow.
“Thanks — you don’t look so bad yourself,” you say, your voice breathy in a way that makes Sanji’s stomach squeeze.
He offers you his arm, and you glide forward to take it.
He drives the three blocks to the wedding venue in a daze, his mind spinning slow and off-axis, tilted so by the gentle waft of your perfume, the lullaby of your voice as you chatter nervously about this and that and the weather, I mean, can you believe it’s gonna be an outdoor wedding in the winter? He wonders briefly why you’re so nervous, and then he’s reminded of the reason he’s even here at all — your ex will be here. Ah. Right.
“Ready?” he asks, offering you his arm again as the both of you follow the meandering stream of arriving guests toward the paved outdoor garden area where the ceremony is due to take place.
“No, but… you’re here so…” you let out a breath and for a second, Sanji almost thinks he hears the hint of an ache in your voice. An ache like an old scab picked at too many times, like unrequited love, perhaps. It’s an ache with which Sanji is so intimately familiar that he immediately tamps it down and vows not to think about it again for the rest of the night.
There are stiff-backed waiters wandering around with plates of hors d’oeuvres and thin flutes of bubbling pink champagne.
Sanji grabs two glasses and hands you one.
“Cheers, then.”
“Bottoms up,” you say, tossing back the entire flute in one.
Sanji cocks his eyebrows, grinning as he follows suit, smacking his lips.
“Alright then, I guess if that’s how you’re playin’ —”
Your laughter is light, if a little strained, but he remembers how quickly bubbly drinks tend to go to your head and makes a concerted effort to slow down. You make it all the way through the actual ceremony without bumping into your ex, though you do lean over and grab Sanji’s hand as the bride and groom exchange vows — something about love being a choice, one that they promise to make every morning of every day for the rest of their lives — and he looks over to find you misty-eyed, bottom lip caught beneath your teeth.
“Sap,” he whispers, leaning over. It earns him a choked laugh and a half-hearted elbow in the ribs, but it’s worth it to see the tension melt from your shoulders.
Sanji turns back towards the bride and groom, exchanging rings now, and unbidden comes the images of you and him standing where they are — you in a dazzling white gown, him still in a dark suit, but one perhaps of more expensive material and much better tailoring. He thinks about all the things he might promise you, wonders at what you might promise him in return —
“I promise to love and cherish you —” you might say.
“I promise to make all your favorite foods,” he might say.
“I promise not to touch your emotional support le creuset pans.”
“I promise not to make you taste all my experimental dishes —”
“Okay, but what if I want to —”
He imagines the way the crowd would titter, how the officiator would affectionately clear his throat. He imagines Zeff’s warm, well-worn laughter, rough and a little torn at the edges because he’s just as sentimental as the next guy behind all the beard and gruffness. He imagines the crowd smiling up at the pair of you, the way you’d squeeze his hands to get the both of you back on track —
He jerks out of his reverie as you tug your hand away from his to clap, and it takes him a beat to realize that everyone else is clapping and cheering too. He blinks — the bride and groom are kissing, pulling apart as the music swells around them and they link hands to walk back down the aisle.
Sanji clears his throat and hurriedly gets up to clap as well, his eyes trailing the radiant smiles on both the newlyweds’ faces. Another sharp ache sings through him but he feels your hand in his again and he can’t tell if he wants to grip you tighter or pull away. They’d both hurt just as much, wouldn’t they?
“C’mon, let’s get inside — I wanna judge the catering with you,” you whisper, your breath tickling his cheek, and he knows without having to look that you’re standing on your tiptoes, your chin almost propped on his shoulder.
He fights down a bout of shivers and smiles, “My favorite part of any formal event, honestly.”
You laugh, “I know — me too.”
So you spend the entire dinner service whispering to each other about the food —
“God, this steak is so well done I think it just might dislocate my jaw —”
“What’s in this sauce?”
Sanji chews thoughtfully before making a face, “Dunno, but it’s got oregano.”
“Oh the cake looks good though.”
“Yeah, but we both know how much sugar and butter goes into that right?”
You nudge him with an elbow, “Weird, cause I’m pretty sure happiness is also made of sugar and butter.”
“Well for me, it’s always been…” but Sanji trails off, biting his tongue. No. He can’t say that — not now. Not here.
Because for him, happiness has always just been you.
So instead, he swallows passed his own mouthful of regrets and attempts a lopsided grin. And thankfully, your attention is drawn elsewhere by a loud peal of laughter before he has to make a shitty joke about happiness being a well-lit kitchen and a gas-lit stove.
You’re both at least a bottle of champagne deep when it finally happens, inevitable as a summer storm — your ex saunters up to you on the dance floor, sporting a grease-slick grin, eyeing you up and down like a piece of well-cut meat. Sanji is at the bar, grabbing more drinks and you’re catching a breath of fresh air just outside the dance hall.
“Well, well, well — look who it is.”
Sanji turns sharply at the sound of the voice, his eyes narrowing — Asshat. Fantastic. The bartender is putting the finishing touches on two custom cocktails but blinks, confused, as Sanji swipes both drinks out from the bar and casts him a hurried grin.
“Thanks mate, these look great,” Sanji raises the cocktail glasses at the bewildered bartender before hurrying off, slowing ever so slightly as he reaches you, straightening his spine and smoothing out his shoulders.
“Here, got them special-made for you,” he says, pressing the cocktail into your hand, cutting into something that Asshat is saying.
“Oh! Thanks — oh wow, this looks so good!” you beam up at him, taking a sip.
“Oh wow, didn’t know you were still hangin’ out with this guy,” Asshat says, hooking his thumbs into his belt-hoops and jutting out his chin.
You frown, pressing your lips, “Excuse me?”
Asshat scoffs, posturing, “I mean, when we broke up, it was cause o’him right? So I just thought you might’ve realized what a mistake that was and —”
Sanji barely has the time to feel offended before Asshat is gasping and stumbling back. You’d tossed the remainder of your drink straight into his face.
“What the —” Asshat sputters, his fists clenching, but quick as anything, Sanji swipes out a leg that catches him right in the shins and makes him stumble. In one fluid movement, Sanji pushes his own drink into your hand before reaching out the other arm to steady the now flailing Asshat, catching him around the shoulders.
“Whoa there! Seems like you’ve had a bit too much to drink, my friend!” he says, loud enough for the people around you to hear. He thumps Asshat on the back in a would-be kind gesture before tugging him close, still coughing, and hissing in his ear —
“Listen here, you asswipe — you’re gonna turn around and walk away and stay the fuck away from us for the rest of this wedding, you understand? I’ve got plenty more o’this for ya if you don’t, got it?”
Sanji scuffs his foot along the gravel-covered ground in a motion that could easily be mistaken as fidgeting, but you know better. And so, it seems, does Asshat, who scoffs and shoves Sanji off him with a glare, but after another second, straightens his drink-soaked jacket, turns, and stalks away.
You let out a long breath, swallowing hard.
“Hey darlin’… you alright?” Sanji turns and bends down to level his eyes with yours.
“Y-yeah — thanks — you didn’t need to —”
“Nah. Course I did — it’s why you invited me, right?” he allows himself a lopsided grin that borders on self-deprecating and you look up, eyes wide.
“No! I — that’s not —”
“It’s okay, love — I promise I’m not offended —” Sanji’s babbling, he knows he is — but he has to, because the alternative of letting you speak, of letting you confirm what he already knows to be true (that you’ve only ever seen him as a best friend, that you love him in all the ways except for the one way he wants you to, in the one way he loves you) is too much. He tucks his hands in his pockets and shrugs up his shoulders, pulling them up towards his ears like armor.
And then you lean in and kiss him, and every single word he’s ever thought of saying just to fill the silence turns to mist and mornings on his tongue. His mind turns blissfully blank and when he regains consciousness (or has he? Because isn’t this the dream he’s dreamt every waking moment of his life for the past… however many years?), he thanks every god he can name that he feels his fingers in your hair, his other hand cupping the soft curve of your jaw. He tastes your uncertainty against his lips and presses in, hoping, praying that if he just kissed you hard enough you might understand.
When you pull away, he can’t help the satisfied purr that curls up his chest at the pinkness in your cheeks and the slightly glazed-over look in your eyes.
“O-oh — sorry I —”
Sanji shakes his head, leaning in to push his forehead against yours.
“Nah, nah, nah — if you tell me that was a mistake now I might just turn around and never speak to you ever again — because don’t you dare —”
You let out a helpless laugh, shaking your head as you reach up to cover his hands with yours. It’s only then that he realizes they’d been shaking. He swallows and he thinks he can taste every single morning after for the rest of his goddamn life in the whisper of your breath.
“It — it’s not, I wasn’t —” you close your eyes and Sanji holds you still, foreheads still pressed. Distantly, Sanji is aware that people are cheering, that more drinks are being poured, that the dance floor is probably a mess. But he doesn’t care. He doesn’t think he’ll care about anything else ever again — why would he? Now that he’s got you.
“Shh… take your time, love… we’ve got all the time in the world.”
He feels the relief take you, and then you’re falling into him, burying your face in the lapel of his suit jacket, probably smearing it with your foundation. Vaguely, Sanji considers framing it when he gets home.
“I’m… I’m sorry it took so long — I’m sorry I didn’t — that I wasn’t…” you curl your fist into the material of his shirt and thump him lightly on the chest, even as he laughs and wraps his arms around you.
“I know, darlin’… I know.” Sanji presses his lips into your hair and can’t help a smile.
Finally. Finally.
Your hair smells like citrus shampoo.
“I thought about you every single day,” you admit, your voice small when you finally pull back to look at him again. He thinks there might be tears in your eyes, or maybe it’s just the starlight caught in the thick night sky of your lashes.
“Did you now?” he asks, fumbling for some semblance of normalcy amidst this night of revelations.
You nod, fervently, and god he wants to kiss you again. Briefly, he wonders if he should, if he’s allowed to now. Instead, he smiles and cocks his head.
“So? What changed?” and he can’t help the tiny note of hurt out of his voice, the slightest shiver of disbelief. After all, cynicism is a hard habit to break.
Especially after so many years of practice.
You shrug, sighing, “Nothing — everything. I mean — I’d always… but then I thought — you had your career as a chef and I didn’t even know what I wanted to do with my life. But it —” you lick your lips, and Sanji nearly breaks when you tear your eyes away from his. He wants to force you back, to soak in the dark and bright of your gaze till he can see the world exactly as you see it.
“It’s always been you…” you say.
At this, Sanji does break. He tips your face towards him with a thumb and a forefinger and leans in, waiting for you to pull back, bracing for it. But you don’t — instead, you press in and close the space between you again, and again, and then again.
He wants to tell you — he needs to tell you that it’s always been you too, that there’s never been anyone else. From the moment he first laid eyes on you, he’s known, even though both of you were children back then, and neither of you had any idea what “love” actually meant. He knew then, too.
“Love…” his voice trails off, but you smile, and he knows you know, knows that you can hear it in the rawness behind his voice, in the softness of his breath, in the way it shakes.
You make to kiss him again. But your lips hover half an inch from his and you stop. Sanji sighs.
“What — why’d you stop?”
Your smile is sweet and sharp, honey glinting on a razor’s edge, and he knows that he has you. And maybe that he’s always had you and was just too blind, too terrified, to see it.
“Haven’t you heard? It’s a metaphor.”
Sanji groans, “Fuck your metaphors.”
You bat your lashes, pulling an expression of mock affront onto your face.
“Well at least wine me and dine me first —”
Sanji licks his lips, “What’dyou think I’ve been trying to do for the last ten years?”
Your breath catches.
Sanji smirks and kisses you again, slowly this time, languid and deep. Unhurried. He luxuriates in the way you go soft in his arms, in the way he can feel the gentle hitch of your breath as he runs his tongue along the edges of your teeth, coaxing you towards him, closer and closer and closer.
The hardest, angriest part of him wants to swallow you whole, bite down just to hear you hiss, to taste your blood on his tongue. To make you feel even a sliver of the pain he’d felt. He tamps it back down — there’s time for that later.
Instead, he forces himself to pull back and allows himself the satisfaction of watching you chase him, pursing your own lips with a bashful look away, your cheeks dark.
“So,” Sanji takes half a step back, puffing out his chest in the best imitation of a fuckboy at a wedding party, “wanna get outta here?”
You let out a helpless laugh, falling into his side. He lets the sound ring through him like so many silver bells.
“Yeah, I’d love that.”
He chuckles, looping an arm around your middle and leaning towards your ear.
“Your place, or mine?”
You roll your eyes, “I’m pretty sure I still have a toothbrush at your place.”
Sanji hums, “You still have a whole drawer at my place.”
You smile up at him, open and happy and sincere, “Then… I guess that’s your answer then.”
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boromirswife · 1 year ago
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OPLA Appreciation Week 2023
Day 1: Favourite Straw Hat → Sanji
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blue-jisungs · 1 year ago
vanilla flavored kisses
author's note. rewatching opla made me fall for sanji even more 🫂☹️
summary. despite sanji being a professional cook, he loves your – one would say – simple yet adorable dishes
word count. 856
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while dating sanji there’s a lot of things that make you crazy about him.
for example, the way he dresses. always wearing neatly fitted suits and elegant shoes adorning his feet. (not forgetting about the blonde hair – whether slicked back or loose).
or obviously his cooking skills. there’s a saying that the way to a man’s heart is through their stomach… well, you wouldn’t fully disagree. not only did he cook delicious dishes but also will cook anything that you’re craving at the moment (and won’t say a word). panna cotta? his whipping out the whisk already. lasagna? bold of you to assume that it’s not already in the oven. even a simple pizza or spaghetti? coming right up.
and something that you really love about sanji when it comes to his physical appearance is his voice. the accent, the deepness of it… it was just leaving you mesmerized – and you were sure that sanji knew the effect his voice had on you.
your boyfriend is just perfect. he can cook, he can clean… he can fight and whilst all of that he’s sexy. but also caring, sweet gentleman.
so you had your reasons to coo about how much you love him and how perfect he is.
now sanji didn’t understand one thing – if it’s fine for you to gush over him, then why are you getting shy and refusing when he’s honestly listing your qualities?
the thing about you is that no matter what you do or say, sanji will find you adorable.
for instance, he’s a chef. he used to work in baratie, a fancy restaurant where dishes are served in an exquisite manner. even now, while being a cook for the straw hats on a ship, he would still fancy up the food or arrange it in a michelin star worthy way. even plain cereal are going to be served like its a meal worth 500 berry.
and you… you’re so simple that it’s strangely cute.
like, right now.
“wait, don’t look!” you whined and turned sanji around (more like he let you do that because no way in hell you’d be able with all of his muscles). “i’m not finished yet, baby! two more seconds, i promise”
“i’ve got all the time in the world, mon amour” he hummed, chills going down your spine.
sanji sat down at the couch and observed you.
brows furrowed, tongue sticking out in focus and fingers reaching for something in a bowl.
“and what exactly am i waiting for?” he asked, genuinely curious. just when he was about to start preparing dinner, you kicked him out of the kitchen. at first he was offended: the kitchen is his workplace after all, but then he only got intrigued.
even from the other side of the door he could smell some vanilla and almond sugar yet he decided to pretend being clueless.
“a small surprise for my chef” you grinned and finally grabbed the bowl, hissing “it’s hot!”
“be careful, please, i don’t want you to get hurt” sanji smiled and his blue eyes carefully observed you.
after grabbing a spoon and holding the bowl in a way that it wouldn’t burn you, you placed it down in front of sanji.
“ta-da!” you hummed happily, putting your hands on your hips. he leaned over and couldn’t help the corners of his lips from rising.
in front of him there stood vanilla pudding. one would say it’s literally just a pudding, nothing special.
but sanji knew that it’s more than that – it was prepared by you for him, with all of your heart and soul poured into it. so what if the sugar was burned or the consistency would left zeff questioning his existency? sanji was touched.
especially when he saw the small, pink, heart-shaped marshmallows and some purple sprinkles.
“i know it’s no mind-blowing dessert but i wanted to serve you something… y’know because usually you do the cooking” you mumbled and sat down next to him.
sanji pressed a kiss to your cheek and grabbed the spoon.
“thank you, mon amour. i really appreciate that” he said with a genuine smile. then he tried it and you nervously scanned his features. will he like it? is it even edible?
sanji’s blue eyes lit up, sparks of joy dancing in them. then he took another spoon of the yellow pudding with a marshmallow in it and turned around. his free hand tapped your chin and you opened your mouth, blush creeping into your cheeks. he guided the spoon to your lips, the other hand resting below the spoon in case anything fell.
you took a bite and scrunched your nose, which drew a bubbly laugh out of his chest.
“it’s too sweet” you mumbled and sanji just shook his head.
“just like you” he teased and put the spoon down, tucking a hair behind your ear “it’s perfect. thank you so much, mon amour”
then he cut the distance between you two, his plush lips landing on yours; the kiss expressed his gratitude too. and the sweet vanilla flavor lingering on his lips caused you to smile.
masterlist <3
taglist. @eternalgyu ,, @haecien
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theknightdreamer · 17 days ago
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He looks so unreal in this shot!
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^His expression…It is him realizing that he is actually really leaving Baratie and Zeff 😭 my heart He’s trying so hard to keep it together.
Taz Skylar’s acting as Sanji is *chef’s kiss. Like so much is being said without actually saying it.
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^ You can’t convince me that he wasn’t thinking about his mom, Sora, when he heard what happened to Bellemere. He definitely was!
I can’t wait to see more of him in Season 2!
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aesthetic-bbyg · 8 months ago
*sigh* I need OPLA men.
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