#public afairs
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mental-food · 3 months ago
The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
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cigaretteparfum · 2 years ago
ngomong ngomong soal masuk angin keinget blog entry 3nity di bukunya yang was like, "duh paling gaenak tuh kalau udah naik pesawat sama sesama orang indo: bau minyak kayu putih di mana mana, orang sendawa buang angin norak, etc etc".
pertama kali baca aing gak ngeh tapi sekian tahun kemudian once i was older dan follow doski di twt sekian lama dikit dikit mulai nyadar ... ini orang gabalég anying.
and that was when i realised sering travel ke mana mana gak otomatis bikin pikiran lo terbuka.
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peachyjinx · 2 years ago
Hi! How are you?
For a smutty request can i request: loki works in the libary and you go there almost everyday just to see him and get away. You always watch him from afair. Loki always knows your watching him. You keep doing this month after month till loki takes you and you have sex in between libary shelves of books where everyone can see you both. Please and thank you. If this doesn't inspire you its ok no worries.
So, here's the thing- it was so inspirational that I got carried away and this became a one shot 🤣. I wrote this Loki as TDW Loki. I dunno, it just fit as a moody librarian lol. Enjoy!
The Librarian
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: 18+, public sex, soft!dom Loki, fucking in a library
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You couldn’t help but watch him. His perfect silken hair, inky in color,  the curls always looking meticulously groomed. How you longed to run your fingers through them. How you craved to feel his passionate kiss. How you burned to see his hair messy from lust and sex. 
Everyone had a crush on Loki, and he knew it. He knew he was incredibly attractive and he shamelessly flirted, clearly enjoying the attention when he was in the mood for it. Other days he seemed to be almost annoyed by the attention and read his books behind the counter, practically ignoring the people who came to ask unnecessary questions. 
You’d been coming to this library for a while, but when Loki started working here a couple months ago, you came more often than you needed to. And you had a feeling you weren’t the only one, as word about the new sexy librarian spread throughout the neighborhood to mom groups and book clubs. It seemed more bustling than in years past, or maybe people just wanted to read more?
Of course you had spoken to him a couple times, attempting to flirt while he kindly spoke with you and answered your questions with a wink and a dashing smile. But those brief interactions never led to anything more, and you accepted your fate of watching him from afar. Over time, it became comfortable as you quietly read in a corner within eyesight of him. 
The only issue was not getting distracted when he was being his naturally sexy self. His strong arms tensing as he carried large stacks of books, his ass straining in his tight pants as he pushed carts, or his laughter echoing through the halls were all common interruptions from your reading. You had managed to sort out his schedule, and knew when to visit now during peak “Loki hours”. You should have shame, but what’s wrong with ogling a fine male specimen while reading a good book? 
Today the weather is wickedly cold and rainy, and you are thankful for that.  People didn’t tend to want to leave the house to go to the library in this type of rain, so you know you’d be able to get your favorite seat near the periodicals where you could quietly read and subtly watch Loki. You decide to head out mid morning, spend a couple hours in your new favorite spot, and then off to lunch. 
As you walk in and put your umbrella in the canister and remove your soaking raincoat, you see him curtly give you a nod while he pushes a cart towards the children’s section. He’s wearing a tight black sweater with his black trousers that accentuated his ass perfectly. That was another thing you liked about him- he knew how to dress himself perfectly. You sigh deeply as he walks away from you, and resign yourself to your book selection. You look around and only see a few people, just as you had hoped. 
You decide on historical fiction today, picking a book on Eleanor Roosevelt and settling into the comfortable red chair in the back corner with the great view of Loki behind his desk. If the story is good enough, you’ll check it out (and get to talk to Loki). 
You begin reading, the words on the paper becoming your focus as the world around you melted. Time seems to have stood still as you entered the world of the White House in the 1930s. 
“And what are we reading today, darling?”, a deep voice from next to you asks, making you jump. You look up to see Loki smiling down at you from beside the chair.
“Oh! You scared me! Um…‘White Houses’,” you look at him with surprise, not sure how to react to his sudden presence and curiosity. 
“Ah yes, the forbidden love of Eleanor and Lorena. Tell me, what speaks to you about this story?”, Loki casually pulls up a chair, as if he’s known you forever. 
You feel yourself get hot, suddenly realizing it’s just the two of you, chatting about books as you had always imagined. You try not to get distracted by how blue his eyes look today, or how sculpted his body is under the tight sweater. 
“Well I’ve just started it, but I've read her biographies and I think she’s fascinating…”, you feel yourself a bit tongue tied in his presence. 
“So you’re reading for the love story, then? I’ve noticed you check out a wide variety of books, both fiction and nonfiction. Haven’t seen many romance novels,” he comments without pretense. 
He noticed something about you? You feel almost embarrassed, wondering what your book selection says about you. What does he like to read? Should you ask him that or is that corny because he’s a librarian? 
“You’re quite the library mouse, aren’t you?”, he asks as he leans back in his seat, folding a long leg over a knee. 
“Library mouse?,” you repeat, still feeling confused by what’s happening. 
“Like a bookworm- but you’re much cuter than that”, he winks and smirks, making your stomach flip. 
“Tell me, why do you always sit here? Or near the front? There are far more comfortable places near the back of the second floor, by the encyclopedias. No one needs them anymore with the internet, that area is much more peaceful and quiet. That’s where I would read if it were me,” Loki looks to his desk as a woman approaches. 
“Um, I’m not sure, I just like this spot,” you feel your cheeks starting to blush. What is going on? Is he hitting on you? Did he say you were cute??
“I wonder if it is not so much the books that you enjoy, as the view? Hm?,” he teases as he stands and waves to acknowledge the woman who was waiting for him. 
“I-I don’t know what you mean,” you feign ignorance, hoping he’s buying it. “I just like this comfortable chair”, you claim with confidence. 
“Ah yes, of course. Enjoy your book!”, he cheerfully smiles and heads back to his station, greeting the woman standing there. 
You sit there in shock about what just transpired. Should you ask him on a date? No, because if he refuses it will be mortifying and you’ll never be able to return again. Was he just hitting on you? Seemed like it. 
There’s no way you’re going to concentrate on your book now.You wait for the right moment when he’s away from the front, return your book and leave. 
You can’t stop smiling for days as you replay your brief conversation with Loki.  
You decided to wait longer before going back to the library again, and let yourself cool off.  The idea of talking to Loki again thrilled you, and you can’t wait to see him, but you don’t want to come off too eager. For the last couple months, you thought of him frequently (mostly when you were getting yourself off), but now you feel like a fire has been lit. Loki sitting and chatting with you was just throwing gasoline on a simmering fire, and it felt like it consumed you. 
Today is another dreary rainy day, and you knew he worked. Perfect. You make sure to head around the same time as when you last spoke, hoping to replicate (or advance) what happened last time. 
You walk in and remove your wet belongings, heading to your favorite corner. You stop mid stride, seeing that your large chair is gone, and in its place is a small table and two small chairs. You scowl and glance at Loki behind his desk.  He doesn’t look up in your direction or acknowledge your presence, he stays immersed in his book. 
Well now, what? You think back to what he said before, that he’d go to the second floor by the encyclopedias. You huff with annoyance and venture to the large staircase, hoping to solve this mystery. You could just talk to him, but he seemed to be in one of his moods and you don’t want to tarnish what little you had. 
As you turn the corner around the shelves you see it- the big, red chair you love. Why is it here, where he had said he would go to read? Is this his way of saying he doesn't want you watching him?
You feel a pang in your stomach. Oh my god how embarrassing, you think to yourself. 
You’ve been lusting after this sexy librarian and he’s had enough and moved you away. You collapse in your chair, feeling your chest tighten. 
You can’t stay here, feeling mortified, so you quickly head down the steps towards your umbrella and jacket. 
“Leaving so soon?,” Loki calls to you, his voice echoing through the empty lobby. 
“Yea…I forgot…an appointment”, you force yourself to look at his face  as you throw on your jacket as quickly as possible, and see him peering over his book with a sly grin.
You slow down, summoning the courage to ask what was going on, his smile and chattiness disarming you.
“So, what’s with my chair?,” you ask cautiously. 
“I felt like rearranging the furniture a bit. You don’t like it?”
“No, I told you I liked it down here,” you hear an edge to your voice that surprises you. 
“Well just think of how much privacy you have back there, now,” he smiles, unbothered by your tone. 
Loki sets his book down and stands up, walking with his trademark swagger over to where you’re standing still in the heart of the lobby. He’s wearing a black button down with black slacks, very tailored and expensive looking. You feel weak in your knees as he saunters up to you. 
“Yes, but …that wasn’t really what I was going for there…”, you feel your mind spinning, like he’s messing with you, playing with you like a cat that has its prey cornered. It excites you as electricity runs through your body. 
“And what, pray tell, were you going for?,” he drawls, his voice deeper than before as he gets closer to you. You look up at his gaze, seeing a hunger in his eyes that wasn’t there before. 
The phone rings, making you jump. Loki rolls his eyes and turns away from you,  slowly walking back towards the desk. 
Not sure what to do now, you decide to still leave since you said you had an appointment. Whatever just happened wasn’t about to continue while he was at work, anyways. 
“Goodbye, little mouse!,” you hear in the distance as you step out into the cold rain. 
Today is the day. You’re going to ask him out. Last week confirmed that he definitely wants something with you. He’s made it clear in his own Loki way that he’s into you. You think about the other day and clench your legs together, as warmth floods your core. He is so undeniably sexy that you just can’t resist him. 
Why did he move your chair, though? That was weird. 
Since today is warmer, you opt for a tight knit shirt and knee length skirt with boots. Hopefully this is the winning outfit and he can’t help but say yes to a date with you. You chuckle to yourself, fearing it’s really going to all go wrong and you’ll never be able to go to this library branch again. 
You walk in through the front door with a spring in your step, but are surprised to see a line at the desk as Loki talked to patrons. He glances towards you, winks, and continues to patiently listen to the older woman in front of him. 
You decide to head upstairs towards your chair, where you can make a more formal plan. 
You nervously walk through the aisles next to your chair, full of the encyclopedias no longer opened. You’re not sure how you’re going to do this. Just walk up to him and ask him to dinner? Slip him your number? 
“Hello, Little Mouse. My, you look stunning today…I like the skirt”, you hear his husky voice from behind you. 
“Oh! Loki-”, you spin around to see him, backing up to the shelf to create space between the two of you when you realize how close he is. He’s wearing a dark green button down and black tie, with dark slacks. Always so neat and together, he exudes confidence and masculinity. 
Loki steps forward, closing the gap between the two of you. You feel flush, not knowing what’s going to come next as you look up into his eyes. His eyes have the same fire as last week- desire. 
He reaches forward, gently pulling your neck towards him into an intense kiss. You moan into his mouth, savoring the moment that you’ve waited for for so long while you rake your fingers through his hair. Loki pushes himself up against you, and you feel the bookshelf digging into your back. Your kiss becomes fierce, full of tongue and teeth as the two of you finally get what you’ve been craving. 
You break the kiss, “Loki, what are you…?”.
“Oh darling, don’t deny it- I know you’ve been watching me for the last couple of months. At first I thought it was just a coincidence, but then I realized it was infatuation. And I found myself, well, charmed by you as well,” his eyes meet yours with earnestness and a tinge of mischief. 
Loki grinds his hip into yours and you feel his erection through his tight pants. You bite your lip to keep from a loud moan escaping your mouth as your hands dig into his hair and back while you curl your body to his.
“And this is why I lured you up here…” Loki continues while kissing and nibbling your neck. Quickly, his hands pull at your skirt, hiking it up. His fingers expertly pull aside your panties, as he feels the wetness pooling for him- you’re ready for him already. He begins to gently massage your clit, and you feel the heat gushing to your core. 
“Wait, someone could see us!,” you hiss, while also bucking your hips onto his hand, your lust betraying you. 
“And?”, he growls, raising his head. His gaze penetrates yours, daring you to resist.
“Take me, Loki,” you begged quietly while you clung to his taut body. 
You hear the sound of his buckle clinking as he unfastens it while you quickly remove your panties, the two of you wasting no time. 
Loki’s strong arms hoist you up under your thighs against the large bookshelf, the discomfort and fear of getting caught fueling your lust. You wrap your arms around his powerful shoulders, fingers tangling in his perfect hair. 
Loki’s lips are on yours again, as he lines himself up and slowly pushes his hard cock inside of you to the hilt. The two of you groan in unison into each other’s mouths. Loki breaks the kiss, his forehead laying on yours as the two of you pant quietly. 
His cock is huge, and he takes a moment for you to adjust. You stay still, your warm core wrapped around him, relishing in how full you feel. 
“You feel so amazing darling,” he says with a gravelly voice. Your heart feels like it’s going to beat out of its chest, the excitement overwhelming you. 
“Oh God Loki-,” you started to respond, but he quickly puts his hand over your mouth. 
“I’ve wanted this for some time, but I need you to be quiet,” he commands, and you nod in response.
Loki begins to thrust slowly and deliberately, his cock pumping into your tight hole. The angle of your hips pushes him deeper than anyone has ever been, filling you completely. Your hands cling to the soft fabric of his shirt and the toned muscle beneath. 
Loki quietly grunts as he deeply penetrates you, rhythmically rocking his hips against yours. His eyebrows slant as he closes his eyes and pants quietly into your ear. You feel his strength and power all around you, making you feel so small. His hand on your mouth is salty from sweat as he pushes into you, taking you as he needs. 
Your eyes are screwed tight and you focus on the feeling of him inside of you, the smell of his cologne and the old books wafting in the air.You hear the sound of his belt buckle rattling as his hips thrust his length inside of you at an even pace. Even though no one should be up here, you feel like you’re on display as your sexy librarian fucks you like there’s no tomorrow. It’s all so powerful and you feel yourself getting close to orgasm already. 
Loki’s grip on your ass tightens, and you can tell he’s trying to hold back from fucking you too loudly or making noise. There’s a sudden loud thud behind you, as a book falls off of the shelf and your eyes flash open.There’s no way people don’t know what’s going on now. Your eyes flash to his with concern and he smiles devilishly as he shifts your hips backwards, his cock hitting your g spot perfectly. 
You whine behind his hand and he shakes his head, increasing his speed and maintaining eye contact. You feel the tightening in your belly, and know you’re only moments away from coming. 
From the corner of your eye, you see an older woman venture around the corner, looking shocked.  You try to mumble to Loki as his thrusts get faster and you feel yourself closer to climax. She quickly darts back behind the shelving and you close your eyes tightly, relishing in the feeling of being pounded into a bookshelf.
Another thud behind you, your back now aching from the metal shelving, you look to Loki, who’s now gritting his teeth fiercely. His hand on your mouth is tightening, painful to you as he strains to contain himself. 
He leans forward and whispers in your ear with a deep, gravelly voice, “Cum for me, darling”. That’s all it takes as you tighten around his cock, and he thrusts harshly into you while you come around his cock. Your legs shake and your body writhes while Loki pistons into you relentlessly. As you tighten around him, Loki quickly follows you, throwing his head back with his eyes closed, teeth gnashed together as he holds back the sounds he’s desperate to make. 
 Waves of ecstasy crash over you as your orgasm wanes and Loki continues to slowly pump inside of you as he comes down from his. His sculpted neck shows his veins pulsing as he continues to look towards the ceiling. You look at him in awe, this man, who is more otherworldly than you could have possibly imagined. 
He looks down to you and removes his hand from your mouth and chuckles, and you smile at him with relief. You messily kiss him again, the two of you enjoying the moment of him still inside you. He slowly removes himself, gently putting you back on the ground. 
You can’t believe how strong he is, to hold you up like that while he fucked you senseless. The afterglow is so strong, you feel like you can barely speak. It was even better than you had imagined.
“Thank you, that was…incredible,” you gush as you find your panties and slide them back on while he buckles his belt. Loki takes you into a hug, kissing the top of your head.
“Yes, it was darling,” he hums. “Now I have to go back downstairs to work,” he rests his hands on your shoulders, looking at you with his piercing blue eyes. He combs his messy hair to it's pre-sex state as best he can, and you smirk to yourself with pride.
“I want you to stay, relax, and read as you always would,” he cups your face, kissing you slowly one more time before heading towards the stairs. Your body feels alight with energy, heat, and an intense need to be around him. As he walks away, you glance towards your chair. 
“Loki, are you keeping my chair up here?”
“Oh yes, darling. If I have a burning desire to fuck you, I’d like it to be in a less conspicuous place. If you’re always up here, I can take you any time I please,” he smiles wickedly, then strolls down the large staircase.
Peachyjinx Masterlist
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blue-rose-soul · 1 year ago
i love how the public finds out part of the au inplies that lilith is gonna have to read through lucifers afair the same way eliza found out about hamiltons little sting with mariah reynolds
having said that, under the theory that lilith is the one that owns alastor, wonder how lilith would react to finding out her little pawn on a leash is not only her husbands spawn but the child of his mistres, a manifestation of lucifers own misdeeds
(if she had ever met alastors mom in heaven i wonder how that would go to) (this is probably not in character but the thought of like, lilith basically doing what alistor did in hells greatest dad to nacaisa if theyd ever crossed paths lmao) (meanwhile alastor just has to stand there and smile through it all)
Aahahaha, haha, yes, it's just like... that. I definitely know who and what you're talking about...
I'm not sweating, shut up.
Non-serious answer: Lilith did that on purpose. It was her way of adopting her husband's son. Steal my husband, I steal your son.
Serious answer: I actually decided that in the Devil's Bastard AU, the person who trapped Alastor in a contract did so specifically because he's Lucifer's son. I'm kind-of sort-of cobbling together a story idea in my head about Eve being the one to hold Alastor's soul, BUT since you asked about a scenario in which it's Lilith...
Lilith didn't choose Alastor to punish him for being Lucifer's son, or to punish Lucifer for his infidelity. Unlike that bitch Hera, she has some class. No, she has her own plans, and Alastor's power is useful to her. She probably figured it out either right before gaining Alastor's soul or right after. She decides to keep him in the dark, at least until after she has a word with Lucifer about it. Unfortunately, although Lilith isn't consciously punishing Alastor for his parentage, the knowledge does color their interactions on some levels. Understandably, when Alastor finally learns the truth, he assumes he is being punished for Lucifer's indiscretion and that only adds more fuel to his resentment towards the King of Hell.
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madwomansapologist · 2 years ago
Mint chip — how did they court their lover? + Bruce/Batman 😳🙏
mint chip — how did they court their lover?
⤷ with: bruce wayne
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I actually can talk about it with proper knowledge because he's my husband. So much easier that way.
It will really depend on who you meet first. The whole flow of your relationship (either it's as friends, enemies, lovers), can be decided in minutos upon Bruce meeting you.
If you meet Bruce Wayne first, his whole playboy persona will be an important part of your first interactions.
If you're a reporter who can see through his act, than there would be a sense of a shared secret between you both. You made through one of his many masks, which brings you closer to the real person. In cases like that, his courting will be more honest. There is no need to pretend to be shallow.
He will watch over you, both as Bruce and Batman. He will watch you on the news, hear all your programs during work (it help him focus), read your articles. Then when he talks to you, he can talk about the things that matter to you. He will also watch recording the news whenever he know you're on a dangerous place. He will protect you from afair without you even knowing.
If you're someone from his friend circle, another bilionaire of Gotham, than he have this mask he won't let go. But even tho you had to deal with his act, there is some sense of belonging. Of understanding him. Bruce can pretend from whoever long he need, but there is no way to foolish a real friend.
You care about him. You can see how he apparently doesn't sleep. That he's always in pain somehow. And when Bruce understands that his act didn't fully confused you, then he knows he have someone caring for him. Someone able to look at him and call his bullshit out. Someone that will kick him off parties saying he needs to sleep or he will never see you again.
If that's the case, than Bruce will court you as most imagine. Flowers, caring for you during your day by day, showing his more possessive side during events. In some ways, Bruce will be trying to give all you care back to you.
Now as an enemy, that would be kind of dificult for the both of you. You two have diferences that can't be overlooked. There is a abysm between you both, and somehow that's what brings you closer to one another. There is a sense of understanding, of longing, that can only be shared by two enemies.
You both have secrets. Masks and more masks to protect yourselfs. Is he Bruce Wayne, the man that suffers and loses and pretends, or is he Batman, the thing that endure and change and pretend? Which one is the real one and which one the act? How could he ever come to an answer for that?
And you, the love he feels for you, will just make those questions harder to answer. When he fights with you, he would rather not hurt you. If he sees you, he would observe you for more reasons than just the public safety. When he has the chance of really stopping you, somehow he can't.
What every situation has in common is that Bruce will love from distance before getting close. He will protect you, you being able to do it for yourself or not. He may stay away out of distrust, to protect, to learn more about you: let's not forget, he's a vigilante but first he's a detective. Bruce will make sure that he understands you before doing something.
You may know just one side of him, but do you really? Because when you care about Bruce's sleep, you are caring for Batman's rest. When you care about Batman agressive choices, you're caring about Bruce's heart. When you try to understand one side of him, you are also trying to understand the other.
Either way, that will make Bruce care about you. And isn't his whole identity about caring for others? Isn't it what makes him get out of bed every single day? Bruce cares. He deeply, really cares. And if you're on the list of people he loves, then you will be safe. Not matter what it takes.
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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ficoandleo · 3 months ago
"Two truths and a lie. . .it's hard to think up things about me that wouldn't be easily verifiable by. . . ." Romeo glares sideways at Leo who smiles innocently. "Particularly determined sleuths. Most information would be in Italian, but better safe than giving easy answers. I think I've come up with something, though. . . ."
((*Romeo uses the masculine 'ore' for his first person pronoun as opposed to the neutral/more feminine 'watashi'. Women basically don't use 'ore' ever--in real life men don't use it that often either actually, because it's considered pretty abrasive afair?))
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duckiemimi · 1 year ago
do you think gege purposely ends things the way he does (vaguely as hell) so people could fill it up with their own interpretation or (bcoz this is his first manga afair?) this is him just.... not knowing what to do..
both! gege’s had some great writing moments where he didn’t have to heavy-handedly spell things out for readers! geto as a character, for example, his whole character arc and how it played into the bigger story. at least in general, people can agree that geto is complex.
but yeah, this is gege’s first serialized manga (he was more of a one-shot mangaka before volume 0), so he probably didn’t plan this far ahead, at least in detail. couple that with pressure and expectation from readers and publishing, too—perhaps gege leaves things vague for practicality, considering the weekly publications (and the strain its put on his health). i don’t mind it too much, but i wished he took longer breaks (if able) so he can really think things through and piece things together, without the urgency of time.
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goldenpinof · 2 years ago
No but the missbenny drama was something else I swear. People were legitimately convinced dan was having a public afair with her and cheating on phil. Or alternatively, the people who were such big phantis for years, and then dnp came out, so they did mental gymnastics for why they still aren't together, and they decided that dan is actually dating benny. Its so funny looking back
remember when it was Dan and all the Bens he interacted with <3
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dailyanarchistposts · 5 months ago
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Bibliography & Footnotes
Achenbach, Joel. "Two Mass Killings a World Apart Share a Common Theme: 'Ecofascism.'" Washington Post, August 18, 2019. https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/two-mass-murders-a-world-apart-share-a-common-theme-ecofascism/2019/08/18/0079a676-bec4-11e9-b873-63ace636af08_story.html.
AFP. "Earth to Warm More Quickly, New Climate Models Show." News. France 24, September 17, 2019. https://www.france24.com/en/20190917-earth-to-warm-more-quickly-new-climate-models-show.
Ahrensdorf, Peter J. "The Fear of Death and the Longing for Immortality: Hobbes and Thucydides on Human Nature and the Problem of Anarchy." The American Political Science Review 94, no. 3 (2000): 579–93. https://doi.org/10.2307/2585832.
Ambinder, Eric, David M. Jennings, Isadora Blachman-Biatch, Keith Edgemon, and Anna Taylor. "The Resilient Social Network. @occupysandy #SuperstormSandy." Virginia: Homeland Security Studies and Analysis Institute, September 30, 2013. https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/1357203/the-resilient-social-network.pdf.
Amend, Alex. "First as Tragedy, Then as Fascism." The Baffler, September 26, 2019. https://thebaffler.com/latest/first-as-tragedy-then-as-fascism-amend.
BBC. "New Orleans Rocked by Huge Blasts." BBC, September 2, 2005. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4207202.stm.
Belcher, Oliver, Patrick Bigger, Ben Neimark, and Cara Kennelly. "Hidden Carbon Costs of the 'Everywhere War': Logistics, Geopolitical Ecology, and the Carbon Boot-Print of the US Military." Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 0, no. 0 (June 19, 2019). https://doi.org/10.1111/tran.12319.
Bendell, Jem. "Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy." IFLAS Occasional Papers, July 27, 2018. https://mahb.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/deepadaptation.pdf.
Bringhurst, Robert, and Jan Zwicky. Learning to Die: Wisdom in the Age of Climate Crisis. University of Regina Press, 2018.
Buber, Martin. "Society and the State." Anarchy, no. 54 (August 1965): 232-243 (First published in English in World Review, May 1951, New Series 27, 5-12.).
Carrington, Damian. "Climate Change Is a 'Big Business Opportunity for the UK.'" The Guardian, July 1, 2013, sec. Environment. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/jul/01/climate-change-business-opportunity.
Carter, Alan. A Radical Green Political Theory. Routledge, 2013.
Chun, Yung. "Gentrification of Neighborhoods in New York City after Hurricane Sandy: Focusing on Housing Market Change of Three Borough Region by Zip Code Area." Columbia University, 2015. https://doi.org/10.7916/D8G160CX.
Clark, John P. The Impossible Community: Realizing Communitarian Anarchism. Contemporary Anarchist Studies. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.
Climate Action Tracker. "Temperatures." Accessed August 22, 2019. https://climateactiontracker.org/global/temperatures/.
Coffel, Ethan D., Radley M. Horton, and Alex de Sherbinin. "Temperature and Humidity Based Projections of a Rapid Rise in Global Heat Stress Exposure during the 21st Century." Environmental Research Letters 13, no. 1 (December 2017): 014001. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aaa00e.
Cohen, Gerald Allan. Karl Marx's Theory of History: A Defence. Clarendon Press, 2000.
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[1] IPCC, "Global Warming of 1.5°C."
[2] Stocker et al., "Physical Climate Processes and Feedbacks."
[3] The model used by Climate Action Tracker ("Temperatures") projects a 3.2°C warming with current policies. Other models predict as much as 6-7° warming by 2100 (see AFP, "Earth to Warm More Quickly").
[4] Harvey, "CO2 Emissions Reached an All-Time High in 2018."
[5] Gergis, "The Terrible Truth of Climate Change."
[6] Srivastava, "Global Catastrophic Risks 2018."
[7] Spratt and Dunlop, "The Third Degree."
[8] Bendell, "Deep Adaptation."
[9] Meyer, "Human Extinction Isn't That Unlikely."
[10] Hobbes, Freud, and Dawkins are all examples of what the biologist Frans de Waal calls the "veneer theory" of human nature and morality, in de Waal, Primates and Philosophers, 7.
[11] Tansel, States of Discipline, 2.
[12] Spinoza, Ethics, pt. IV, prop. VII.
[13] Brian Massumi, in Deleuze and Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus, viii.
[14] Ahrensdorf, "The Fear of Death." He shows that Hobbes believed it was necessary in a time of peace to disseminate the lessons of fear that others learned in a time of war. Today the culture industry has willingly taken on that role.
[15] Feldman and Stenner, "Perceived Threat and Authoritarianism"; Jost et al., "Political Conservatism as Motivated Social Cognition."
[16] Israel, "Sustainability Expert Michael Mobbs: I'm Leaving the City to Prep for the Apocalypse."
[17] Klinenberg, Heat Wave.
[18] Morgenthau, Politics Among Nations, 4.
[19] For alternative uses of the concept see Gordon, "Prefigurative Politics." My use is closest to what he calls "generative" but my emphasis is more on the affective and cognitive function of social pratices.
[20] Gordon, "Dark Tidings," 249.
[21] Since his piece was originally published Gordon too has become less sure of the near-term collapse of industrial capitalism. "Peak oil" seems to have been postponed as new methods of intensive extraction have preliferated. This also implies the decreased likelihood of a "greener" capitalism (see his comment to the revisited piece "Darkness Falls").
[22] Gordon, "Dark Tidings," 251.
[23] Eco-fascist tendencies do not just exist among obscure writers of the neo-reactionary "Dark Enlightenment" or the recent wave of nazi terrorism (Achenbach, "Two Mass Killings a World Apart Share a Common Theme"). The eugenicist logic in the name of environmentalism popularized by Garrett Hardin (Amend, "First as Tragedy, Then as Fascism.") lives on today with envigorated strength in the climate debate where European academics deploy Malthusian ideas about ‘over-population’ in former colonies (Koutonin, "On The Myth Of 'Overpopulated' Africa.") and where capitalists like Bill Gates finance authoritarian state-run programs of population control (Wilson, "For Reproductive Justice in an Era of Gates and Modi.")
[24] This is both the title of their 2013 paper and their 2018 book (CL). I primarily refer to the book, except where it diverges from the paper.
[25] M&W, CL, 28–30.
[26] M&W, "Political Scenarios for Climate Disaster." In Climate Leviathan they also note Behemoth's "constant failure" to offer alternatives to the crises of liberal capitalism as a reason to doubt its longterm endurance (CL, 44).
[27] M&W considers the Paris Agreement "an important step toward the emergence of planetary sovereignty" and a "legal and political foreshadowing of Climate Leviathan's form" (CL, 38, 35). In the paper they argue that Leviathan will be most likely be build upon the "US-led liberal capitalist bloc" through legitimizing institutions like the United Nations ("Climate Leviathan," 2013, 7); while in the book they argue that it could only achieve true domination by including other geopolitical and economic powers like China (CL, 32).
[28] "Our task is to ... reject Leviathan, Mao, and Behemoth, while affirming other possibilities. What remains? All we have and all we have ever had: X." M&W, CL, 197.
[29] Gordon, "Darkness Falls."
[30] M&W writes that the priority "must be to organize for a rapid reduction of carbon emissions by collective boycott and strike" (CL, 173.) while Gordon advices activists to focus on "delegitimation, direct action (both destructive and creative), and networking" (Gordon, "Dark Tidings," 253.). All this is necessary, but we also need to build our communities in order to survive.
[31] Franzen, "What If We Stopped Pretending the Climate Apocalypse Can Be Stopped?"; Bendell, "Deep Adaptation."
[32] The limit for human heat tolerance is around 35°C (95°F) at 100% relative humidity at which point the body can no longer get rid of excess heat. Hundreds of millions could be impacted by such conditions by the end of the century (Coffel, Horton, and Sherbinin, "Temperature and Humidity").
[33] Steffen et al., "Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene".
[34] This is what she refers to as "disaster capitalism." Klein, The Shock Doctrine, 6.
[35] Kastner, "USAID Forced Sweatshops on Haiti."
[36] This is not to say that there is no dependency. As the author of the book on Mutual Aid, Peter Kropotkin, notes, a reciproal relation can arise from the recognition of the "mutual dependence of all upon every one" which he also calls "solidarity"; Ethics, 293.
[37] van Holm and Wyczalkowski, "Gentrification in the Wake of a Hurricane."
[38] Chun, "Gentrification of Neighborhoods in New York City after Hurricane Sandy."
[39] Klein and Brown, "Robert De Niro Accused of Exploiting Hurricane Irma to Build Resort in Barbuda"; Simmons, "Plans to Rebuild Hurricane-Ravaged Barbuda Reignite a Decades-Old Land Dispute."
[40] Carrington, "Climate Change Is a 'Big Business Opportunity for the UK.'"
[41] Gray, "As Fresh Water Grows Scarcer, It Could Become a Good Investment."
[42] Shannon, "Climate Chaos Is Coming - and the Pinkertons Are Ready."
[43] Securitas AB, "Securitas Sustainability Report 2017."
[44] Schulman, "Defense Contractor: Climate Change Could Create 'Business Opportunities.'"
[45] BBC, "New Orleans Rocked by Huge Blasts."
[46] Romero and Lacey, "Looting Flares Where Authority Breaks Down."
[47] "Earthquake Frees Haitian Prisoners from Port-Au-Prince Jail, 80% Never Charged with a Crime."
[48] Devi, "Helping Earthquake-Hit Haiti."
[49] Ehrenreich, "Why Did U.S. Aid Focus on Securing Haiti Rather than Helping Haitians?"; Waterfield, "Haiti Earthquake."
[50] Leonard, "US Accused of 'occupying' Haiti as Troops Flood In."
[51] Mbembé, "Necropolitics."
[52] Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC), "Mid-Year Figures 2019."
[53] Schwartz and Randall, "An Abrupt Climate Change Scenario."
[54] In a survey after Hurricane Sandy most respondents reported that the disaster "brought out the best in the people in their neighborhood" and that neighbors were helping each other (Tompson et al., "Resilience in the Wake of Superstorm Sandy," 8.) For historical examples, see Colin Ward's Anarchy in Action, 34-. Concerning "disaster communism" and "disaster anarchy" in the context of climate change see Dawson, Extreme Cities, chap. 6; Clark, The Impossible Community, chap. 8; and Firth, Disaster Anarchy.
[55] Firth, Disaster Anarchy (forthcoming).
[56] Ambinder et al., "The Resilient Social Network."
[57] Buber, "Society and the State."
[58] Levitas, "Educated Hope."
[59] M&W, "Climate Leviathan," 2013, 7. In the book they update this analysis to include the scenario where a US-led capitalist bloc collaborates with China (CL, 32.)
[60] M&W also mentions these two possibilities in CL, 152.
[61] It might seem unlikely that the US could take the lead on climate change but political trends can change with a few elections and oil crises. As I have noted, the "deep state" within the US is taking climate change very seriously and anything that can be marketed as a "war" and requires US "leadership" could be politically advantageous in US elections.
[62] As Ostrom writes, it is essential to reexamine the view that "solutions to global change must be global in scale" ("A Polycentric Approach for Coping with Climate Change," 2).
[63] Malm describes the link between empire and fossil economy in Malm, "Who Lit This Fire?"
[64] Crawford, "Pentagon Fuel Use, Climate Change, and the Costs of War"; Belcher et al., "Hidden Carbon Costs of the 'Everywhere War'"; Sanders, The Green Zone.
[65] M&W, CL, 176.
[66] Carter, A Radical Green Political Theory, 120.
[67] Carter, 201-.
[68] Carter, 251.
[69] Jameson, Archaeologies of the Future, 199.
[70] Morton, Dark Ecology, 25.
[71] Clark, The Impossible Community, 215.
[72] Klinenberg, "Want to Survive Climate Change?"
[73] As project director Søren Hermansen explains: "We wanted to establish a platform of citizens capable of taking responsibility for their own community. It matters less whether the end product is windmills or a new Internet connection or a new ferry… We had to learn to cooperate." Papazu, "Authoring Participation.". The information summarized in the above paragraph is all from Pazu's paper.
[74] Paz, Durruti in the Spanish Revolution, 478.
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edwardslovelyelizabeth · 1 year ago
Did Elizabeth Woodwell leave the monastery and come to Parliament once before William Hastings was executed? "She remained silent, and so did the others."
Hi! No, as far as i know she didn't leave the sanctuary from the day she entered till the day she left a year later (after the arrangement with Richard). Hastings execution was a rush afair, he was seized aqt a counsil's meeting in the Tower and immideately exectued according to Mancini. A 19th century historian claimed that there was a one week trial, and that Hastings was kept in prison (I only saw this claim in Annette Cason's book). And Hastings was accused of consiping with Woodvilles againt Richard, Elizabeth would have been arrested as well on conspiracy if she ever showed in public.
Logically speaking why would she seek the sanctuary if she was sure she was safe to go to Parliament or other public place. The sanctuary was guarded with armed guards the whole time because Richard was afraid Elizabeth would smuggle the princesses across the continent.
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whisperofthewaves · 4 years ago
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omfg. I haven't bought a physical book in SO long before this year I didn't even realize apparently there's a standardized size for paperbacks???
I had this bunch since at least august but I only realized this when I finally put them on a shelf.
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pearl-tarotist · 2 years ago
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Author's note: This PAC is inspired by Anna Karenina (movie 2012). In the story Anna feels she is being stripped off her honor as she falls in love with a man that's not her husband. She has an affair that, even if it's against her senses, makes her fall in love with Vronsky. The PAC will answer what absurd, non-logical and senseless happiness your spouse and you will feel when being together (even if you feel you are leaving behind your morals and logic).
I love this movie so much I just hope I am able to reflect in this PAC one percent of what the movie made me feel.
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New experiences and adventures make both of you feel closer. The development of projects that are still unfinished, the celebration and ecstasy of hopes makes both of you feel one. The intimacy of creating something together while it is not finished offers both of you the opportunity to relax in a time of peace where you both are unaware of the result of it, without having to worry about if the end is going to be a disappointment or not.
The indecision of which project must be the final or which path will be sailed to rock will lend both of you space to breath and enjoy the small things of your relationship: the kisses, the touches, the secret affairs of midnight and the moans spilled in each other’s mouths…
This will be unwilling to the female side as they could be more logical and efficient. She could enjoy the moments with her husband a lot but then she has the guilt of not being efficient and controlling. She has opposite feelings of pleasure and disappointment, indecisive of what’s good or bad.
I see this as fight between doing things correctly and enjoy lust and love. Probably, your relationship could start as a friends with benefit situation or a forbidden love.
“Sometimes she did not know what she feared, what she desired: whether she feared or desired what had been or what would be, and precisely what she desired, she did not know.”
Song recommended: Illicits afairs – Taylor swift.
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There’s guilt over starting a new life with your future spouse. There will be a transformation that will make you leave your past life behind, to the point of moving and not coming back. Being happy itself is what makes you feel guilty. I think you or your fs will be guilty for leaving whatever you both are leaving behind, even it was not good. Still, these will make you happy and will make you feel as if you are maturating and evolving in your life. Happiness will surpass the guilt, but, of course, it won’t make it disappear.
Nevertheless, you will be happy when good things happen to you and the way both of you will explore romance will be be emotionally rewarding. Specially, the male side will have a splendid way with words that will elevate the most normal situations to the most romantic ones. I feel that your spouse will be the one forcing the moving too. Maybe, he feels at blame for “forcing” you to move and he will try to balance it being more attentive and meticulous. Even more pointed, he will gift you flowers, roses…
There will be a bit of self – destruction and self-created crisis from your part to try to justify these “bad” or nor-pleasing feelings. And even in those, when you both are fighting, you will feel happy to be next to your spouse.
“Rummaging in our souls, we often dig up something that ought to have lain there unnoticed.”
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This couple is probably the nastiest one! There’s something that will be kept a secret that will make both of you extremely happy. This stuff will be kept a secret and that’s probably what makes both of you guilty, not being able to express what you truly are or what you truly like to others.
TW: Mentions of sex, 18+.
Now, in reference to the stuff…I think it’s probably sexual stuff. Both of you could be really kinky and adventurers in the 18+ ambience, it could even be something non-moral to the general public (never surpassing certain limits, you know?). Probably, cnc, an open marriage or maybe, even some of you are cheaters… For the majority I do not think it could be cheaters as the cards do not indicate pain or betrayals…
In conclusion, both of you together could enjoy things that are not as moral or “politically correct” to the normal public, so you both keep them as a secret. These are the type of things that should NEVER be spoken of in familiar meals/meetings.
“All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow.”
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literaphobe · 3 years ago
In regards to resetting, don't they already have the new space with the portal? Why instead of resetting just do a little multi-verse or just act out your lore on the 1.18 snapshot?
I'm just confused as to why this whole thing needed to be a public afair. Like. I don't know.
Yeah exactly lol
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strangestorytellersims · 5 years ago
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Teen to Elder
Fullbody and dress
Party, Formal
Disabled for Random
New meshes. Original meshes were converted from Aion; suit by me, dress by my goddess @plazasims. 7600 and 20876 poly, normal and specular maps, all LODs, all morphs. Basegame compatible. HQ mod compatible.   76 swatches in total, 4 color schemes; shiny metal and sequins, matt fabric.
Actually it’s a very old project, afair we planned it for almost a year [ previous summer I used it for Vlad’s basic lookbook ], but there were too many other things to do, and tbh my skills at the time didn't really allow me to make it well enough. But at last we finished the set - and I want to say HUGE thanks to amazingly talented @plazasims, because without her hard work and her support I’d be nowhere. So, if you already are @plazasims patron you can download this set at her Patreon, too - and I strongly recommend you to check her blog for other gorgeous outfits! 
Preview pics are pure screenshots 100% from the game [ no HQ mod, no ReShade, no edit ].
Hope you’ll find this useful - tag me if you do, I’d love to see your pictures. Happy simming, have fun and don’t forget to read my TOU.
DOWNLOAD - Patreon Early Access Public access - 27/06 
Credits go to NCSoft in general, to @flowerchamber, @sakuraijun-sims, @nell-le and @helgatisha for the poses and to all the creators of cc used on the preview pics.
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nordleuchten · 3 years ago
24 Days of La Fayette - Day 15
La Fayette to James Madison.
The letter was written on December 15, but also has a postscript that was written on December 17 - since this was the only letter I could find, I will go with it :-)
[Newyork December the 15th 1784]
My dear Sir
Before I leave this Continent, give me leave once more to Bid You Adieu, and to Assure you with the Sincerity of my Heart, that One of the Most pleasing Circumstances, not only of my Voyage, But also of my Life, Has Been to obtain as an intimate friend the Man who Before this last time, was only to me a valuable and Agreable Acquaintance. Hitherto You Had Been my friend as the World Calls it—But now I Hope you are my friend as my Heart Reckons But few men—and once for all, I wanted to tell you that I know you, esteem you, and love you with all the warmth of my regard and affection.
I Have pretty rapidly past through Mount Vernon—Annapolis—Baltimore—Philadelphia—and Trenton. There I was Happy to find delegates from every state But Mary land—and what is Better still than a Numerous Congress, I also found a very Respectable one who, I Hope, will do great deal of good. Their most Kind Reception of me, you will find in the papers. This only I will add that some Gentlemen Having proposed I Should Be Requested to continue my Services—all the House Said No American Could Harbour Any Idea that Should make it a question—and so Confi[d]entially, and affectionately it was taken up, that it Renders almost Useless Any Recommendation which However would Be Made on Occasion. But as M. Jay will I Hope Accept, and as M. Jefferson will certainly Be the Minister to France, I shall Be Very Happy in my American public Business.
Give me leave, my dear Sir, to Recommend you the three little Memorials that I laid Before the Assembly. Be so Kind as to pay my Compliments to Mr. Harrison, M. Jones, and M. Henry to whom I will write from France. I Have seen Mercer who seems to Act as well in Congress as He did once in our Virginian Army. Besides His Congressional Conduct I am pleased with His future prospect of Happiness in an Union with the fair Miss Sprig. Our friend Munro is very much Beloved and Respected in Congress—and Mr. Hardy seems to me a very distinguished Young Man
I Have much Conferred with the General Upon the Pottowmack System. Many people think the Navigation of the Mississipy is not an advantage—But it May Be the Excess of a very good thing Viz the oppening of your Rivers. I fancy it Has not changed your opinion—But Beg you will write me on the Subject. In the Mean while I Hope Congress will act cooly and prudently By Spain who is such a fool that allowances must Be Made.
Be so Kind, my dear Sir, as to let me often, and By every packet Hear from You. I want to Hear of Your private Concern along with your public afairs, and I Beg You will let me Know every thing that is interesting to you. I shall on my side do the same. The chevalier’s Best Compliments wait upon you—Adieu, Your affectionate friend
[Newyork december the 17th: 1784]
My dear Sir
Previous to the Receipt of your letter the 4th inst I Had prepared to send you the foregoing scrawl, and am now to aknowledge your friendly communication of the Resolve which your State Have been pleased to pass. I Beg you will Become an interpreter of the Gratefull sense I Have of such a favour, conferred in so particular and flattering a manner. An official communication Had Been Made of the first Resolve, to which my Answer did not Arrive, as it was in time of war. But Having Apologized through Gel Washington a long time Since, I think I Have Nothing official to do Now with propriety as the matter Stands. In Case I receive a letter, I shall of course Answer it the Best I Can.
The printer of the Irish Volunteer Journal Has Been obliged to fly for His life, and Now is in Philadelphia where He sets up a paper. He lives at Mr. Sutter’s [House on?] front street. I think we ought to encourage this Martyr to the cause of liberty. My Speech to the Indians Had Been printed By the French Consul at Newyork against my intention—But I Had this Matter put to Rights
Tomorrow morning I will sail. Adieu, my dear friend, God bless you, write me often and believe me for ever Yours
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sapphistt · 5 years ago
thinking how when villanelle finally got comfortable showing her emotions and  vulnerablity to someone she truly loves and essetially telling them that she loves them, it’s always rejected and treated as a joke or not reciprocated. and how some of the people who say villanelle can’t love simply because she’s a psychopath and that she doesn’t really know what love is. i feel so fucking sad that when v truly loves someone, which probably doesn’t happen often, all of her love she has to offer to the person has been rejected.
in the latest episode, when villanelle started to finally be able to mom completely rejected it, saying she didn’t belong, which ended up with villanelle killng her mom. (also it might’ve been the way v’s mom just snatched and grabbed v’s face but that’s off topic)
another example: villanelle said she actually cared for konstantin, but he didn’t take it seriously. he think of villanelle as a child, naive to love and caring for a person since she’s also a psychopath. when konstantin comes to get irena, villanelle shoots him, almost killing him but not quite.
anna also probably has a part in villanelle not being able to handle rejection. anna was probably the first person villanelle truly and fully loved, and though anna and villanelle had a love afair, they seperated once villanelle casterated anna’s husband. when villanelle is confronted with anna after years of the seperation, it seems that anna is still grieving the loss of her husband in a way. villanelle back then, was probably obsessed over anna and wanted them to be in a romantic relationship, open to the public. anna however didn’t think the idea so keen.
and finally, eve. eve. oh boy. she’s probably the largest change in villanelle’s way of rejection. for the first two seasons, it’s basically a mouse and cat chase, each finale almost ending with the smooch a lil, and with both of them revealing something to each other that they haven’t said to much people or anybody. take the s1 finale for example. villanelle admits to eve that she thinks about her all the time and even masturbates to her. she also wants to watch a nice romcom with somebody and have just a normal life with a friend she could talk stuff to. does she get it though in the later seasons? sadly not. not yet (hopefully). in the s2 finale, villanelle tells eve that she’s in love with her in rome. eve rejects, saying that v doesn’t know anything about love (pretty sure we all remember that vividly), and that eve doesn’t feel the same way v does. v ends up shooting eve because of this rejection.
in s3, the iconic kiss moment between villanelle and eve, which was intiated by eve. now, usually villanelle is probably used to the reject with her giving out love to the people she truly loves, and to see eve, the love of her life, kiss her, now that’s something she surely wouldn’t expect. 
killing eve you’re the reason for part of my brain damage so thanks :)
if you read this all, thanks for reading my rant <3.
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