#protect our youth
ivygorgon · 5 months
👰‍♀️Say NO to Child Marriages in America! Implement Standardized Marriage Age Laws
2 so far! Help us get to 5 signers!
I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding the discrepancies and alarming loopholes in marriage age laws across the states and to advocate for action towards implementing a standardized marriage age of 18 nationwide, with strict provisions that prohibit underage marriage below 16 and set an age of consent not below 16. Additionally, I recommend setting a consent age gap provision that is no more permissive than at least 14 years old and up to five years older, further ensuring the safety and well-being of our youth.
It is alarming to note that four states—California, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Oklahoma—currently have no official minimum age for marriage but require parental consent or court approval. This inconsistency in laws creates dangerous loopholes that could be exploited by individuals seeking to harm or exploit minors. Allowing underage marriage below the age of 16 poses serious risks, including increased vulnerability to exploitation and abuse.
I urge you to take immediate steps towards implementing a consistent and protective legal framework by advocating for standardized marriage age laws across the nation.
Thank you for considering this urgent matter. I strongly believe that uniform marriage age laws are essential to safeguarding the rights and safety of young individuals and preventing potential harm.
Together, we can say NO to child marriage and child exploitation!
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everythingseasoning · 2 months
19 year olds are so young— still so naive and have so much development to go through. They might think they’re smart enough to stay out of bad situations (like I had thought when I was 19), but they’re still kids in a number of ways. Brains don’t finish developing until mid-twenties. Just cause somebody isn’t a minor anymore doesn’t mean it’s okay to go after them! So weird to see older people (mid twenties and above) going after younger folks who are naive and inexperienced. So so so not okay. (It happens to so many girls). Like if you’re in your thirties, shouldn’t you want to nurture a younger person?? Like be PARENTAL. Not predatory. (I get why they’d want a younger person because of their own issues— I’m studying psychology— and I do my best to empathize with everyone, but… it’s not excusable). I’m literally 21 and I see anyone younger than me as a child— and arguably, I’m still a kid developmentally— because I’m still so naive and inexperienced and emotionally/mentally didn’t have parental figures…
And on the other hand: Even if somebody who is younger is super emotionally intelligent, they can have less experience within relationships and friendships and life, which makes them vulnerable to so much mistreatment of all kinds— each situation is nuanced. So especially if an older person is going for an emotionally smart 19 year old? God, the power imbalance is icky. The older person does know more about certain things and can manipulate the younger person. There is just a difference in experience man.
Another thing now no longer about age: if you are my age but have had really hard things happen to you when you were way too young/ you were not supported enough to understand it, but now you have been deeply wounded by those awful events, then you deserve to heal. And I wouldn’t take advantage of somebody in that vulnerable position. They need to become their own person first before I’d ever consider romance with them.
It’s so weird to see others chase romance, going for younger folks. Men all over the world go after young girls. They want to mold them to be their perfect little wives. It’s so… disgusting, really. And sad on all ends.
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harmonyhealinghub · 5 months
Standing Together Against Violence: The Moose Hide Campaign
May 7, 2024
Shaina Tranquilino
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In a world where the statistics of violence against women and children are staggering, there emerges a beacon of hope—a grassroots movement born out of Indigenous wisdom and solidarity: The Moose Hide Campaign. This powerful initiative rallies men and boys, alongside all Canadians, to stand up against the pervasive scourge of violence towards women and children.
The Roots of the Moose Hide Campaign
The Moose Hide Campaign traces its roots to a sacred journey undertaken by a father and son from the Carrier First Nation in British Columbia, Canada. In 2011, Raven Lacerte and her father Paul Lacerte embarked on a symbolic pilgrimage to heal the wounds of intergenerational trauma caused by violence against Indigenous women and girls. During this journey, they hunted a moose, and Paul made a commitment to carry a piece of moose hide wherever he went as a reminder of his responsibility to protect women and children.
Inspired by this profound experience, Paul and Raven Lacerte founded the Moose Hide Campaign, inviting men and boys from all walks of life to join them in solidarity against gender-based violence. What began as a personal vow transformed into a nationwide movement, fueled by the collective determination to create safer communities for all.
The Symbolism of the Moose Hide
Central to the Moose Hide Campaign is the symbolic significance of the moose hide. In Indigenous cultures, the moose holds spiritual significance as a symbol of strength, protection, and resilience. By wearing a piece of moose hide, participants pledge to honor and uphold traditional values of respect, love, and non-violence.
The act of wearing the moose hide becomes a visible declaration of one's commitment to stand against violence and to foster healthy relationships based on equality and mutual respect. It serves as a conversation starter, sparking dialogue and awareness about the prevalence of violence in our society and the urgent need for collective action.
Mobilizing Communities for Change
At its core, the Moose Hide Campaign is a grassroots movement that empowers communities to take a stand against gender-based violence. Through educational workshops, community gatherings, and awareness-building initiatives, the campaign fosters dialogue and collaboration among diverse stakeholders, including Indigenous leaders, government officials, law enforcement agencies, and grassroots organizations.
One of the signature events of the Moose Hide Campaign is the annual Moose Hide Gathering, where participants come together to share stories, learn from each other, and renew their commitment to ending violence. This event serves as a catalyst for positive change, inspiring individuals and communities to take concrete actions to prevent violence and support survivors.
The Impact and Legacy
Since its inception, the Moose Hide Campaign has made significant strides in raising awareness about the root causes of violence and promoting healthy, respectful relationships. By engaging men and boys as allies in the fight against gender-based violence, the campaign challenges harmful stereotypes and empowers individuals to become agents of change within their communities.
The impact of the Moose Hide Campaign extends far beyond its tangible achievements. It represents a powerful testament to the transformative power of grassroots activism and the enduring strength of Indigenous wisdom and traditions. As more individuals and communities join the movement, the Moose Hide Campaign continues to inspire hope and ignite a national conversation about building a future free from violence.
Joining the Movement
In a world where the epidemic of violence against women and children persists, the Moose Hide Campaign offers a ray of hope—a reminder that change is possible when we stand together in solidarity. Whether you're a man, a boy, or a supporter of gender equality, there are countless ways to get involved:
- Wear the moose hide pin as a visible symbol of your commitment to ending violence.
- Organize or participate in Moose Hide Campaign events in your community.
- Educate yourself and others about the root causes of violence and strategies for prevention.
- Advocate for policies and programs that support survivors and promote healthy relationships.
- Support Indigenous-led initiatives working to address the systemic factors that contribute to gender-based violence.
By taking action today, we can create a future where all women, children, and communities thrive in safety and dignity. Together, let's stand up, speak out, and make a difference with the Moose Hide Campaign.
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Rest in Power, Nex Benedict
A 16 year old kid who loved nature and looking after their cat Zeus. Who enjoyed reading, watching the Walking Dead, and playing Ark and Minecraft. They loved to cook and would often make up their own recipes. They did well in school, being a straight-A student. Rest in power a teen who was human and had interests and ambitions and challenges and friendships. A trans youth who was brutally murdered just for being trans, when that was only a fragment of who they were as a person.
Nex Benedict, Jacob Williamson, Brianna Ghey, and other trans youth like them were real people with real lives. They deserved better, longer, happier lives. They deserved to grow up and not fear for their lives. They deserve to be remembered as who they were, not just as another trans kid who was killed, as people with families and normal human lives.
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election2024-2028 · 2 months
Project 2025: Basics
What is Project 2025? Who wrote it? And who is it intended to help? And who is this going to hurt?
Let's get into it. First, what is Project 2025, and who wrote it? Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project is a project started by the Heritage Foundation for the transition from Biden to Trump. Of course, that is their assuming that former (and failed) president Trump is going to become president again. I believe most people hope that no such thing will happen. If all goes well, we will have President Kamala Harris come January of 2025. The Heritage Foundation and about 200 other people grouped together to create a book called Mandate for Leadership: A Conservative Promise. Kind of sounds like a weird dystopian novel, doesn't it? But, no, it's worse than a dystopia. This is a real book written by the ultra-conservative group called the Heritage Foundation and a large number of other far-right people, including lawyers for firms that boast about arguing against equity and inclusion laws, economists who believe in getting rich instead of protecting the environment, people with no organization to speak of, well-known conspiracy theorists, and politicians. The Heritage Foundation calls this collection of people "experts", but you can tell from their organizations that they are mainly a group of extremely biased conservatives.
This book is intended as a starting point for Donald Trump if he gets back into the White House. It is "by conservatives, for conservatives." This basically means that this is meant for extremist conservatives or Trump cultists, conservatives who believe:
Gay marriage should be illegal.
Abortion should be completely banned.
We need nuclear families only.
Queer history shouldn't be taught.
Children aren't allowed to be trans.
Interracial marriage should be banned.
Liberals aren't real Americans.
Immigrants shouldn't be allowed into the country without having to jump through extreme hurtles.
Illegal immigrants should be in internment camps*.
Conservatives are the only real Americans.
Trump is the best person to have as president.
Joe Biden is evil and has completely mismanaged the country.
Equity is wrong.
Inclusion is wrong.
DEI is a bad thing.
Gay marriage is sinful.
Racial inequity and racism shouldn't be talked about in school.
Books about queer people should be banned.
Feminism is a bad thing.
The men should be in control of the heterosexual home (which should be the only kind of home).
Families without fathers are severely damaging to the children, no matter the other circumstances.
Guns should be completely legal, no matter the kind of gun or any other details.
Trans people are inherently inappropriate.
Children shouldn't be exposed to LGBTQ people.
Drag is inherently sexual.
Trans women are dangerous.
Gender and sex are the same thing.
Gender and sex are binary.
People can't change their gender.
In other words, this is for homophobic, transphobic, racist, "Christian" misogynistic gunnies who are on the far right.
And who does this hurt? This hurts many people, of all different politics and beliefs. Chances are, it hurts you or someone you care about. This project affects this (non-exhaustive) list of people:
LGBTQ people
Trans men
Trans people in general
People in communities with high risk of violence
BIPOC people
Single parents
Interracial couples
People who do drag
Accepting parents of trans children
Fatherless families
Who or what else might be harmed by this project?
The environment
Relationships with other countries
Freedom of speech
Diversity and equity
Remember: This isn't an exhaustive list. This is only part of the people who could be hurt by this project.
I know it is possible that someone may point out to me that Trump has denied being involved with Project 2025. Therefore, I believe it is necessary that I point out that Agenda 47, which Trump is for sure involved with is very close to, if not the same as Project 2025, just with a different name.
*Internment camp basically means a concentration camp. That's what they want. Concentration camps for "illegal" immigrants. This is like what happened to Japanese Americans during World War II. *
Be aware of who you're voting for this election. This blog will contain more details about the 2024 election. Chances are you know at least a few people who are close to you who would be affected by Project 2025 policies if Donald Trump becomes president, and I hope you care enough about them to want to protect them from gun violence, forced pregnancy, forced submission, prison sentences, censorship, and a dead Earth.
I know it's hard to believe that your vote could mean anything when it seems like Trump is going to win. Maybe you think that your vote doesn't count, but I assure you that the only way that you will protect your and your loved ones' rights is to vote. Please vote.
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yuripira4e · 5 months
I want to preface this post by saying that I love the cat king as a character, especially one that has such a major impact on Edwin and his relationship with his queerness and learning to be okay with it; HOWEVER, I also believe that everyone that genuinely believes he should be a love interest for Edwin should read this. (Also if you just like the cat king as a character and want to understand his character better and why his and Edwin’s relationship is not something that would be healthy or “real” for either)
#dead boy detectives#edwin payne#the cat king#i do not ship them but I don’t want to hate on those who do (mostly) I just want to kind of inform people of the creators meaning for their#Relationship because I keep seeing people saying they hope they get together in s2 and it’s really confusing to me#Their relationship stems from the cat kings own narcissism and predatory behavior and Edwin’s need for someone to push him into under#Standing that his queerness doesn’t have to be torture and can be something giddy#even if he doesn’t return those feelings#The cat king does like Edwin but he doesn’t know anything about him. He likes the game and then he likes the kindness he’s shown despite#Knowing the cruelty he’s presented to Edwin#Queerness and preformance always go hand in hand#He’s a older secretly insecure character#Edwin is the younger#genuinely kind character that shows him that projecting his hurt will never get him what he wants#It’s about the isolation of queerness and the walls put up and the coping mechanism used to protect yourself even at the risk of hurting#Those just like you. That kiss from edwin was to say “I’m sorry your loneliness had caused you to be cruel. It’s the easiest way to feel.#And while I cannot and will not give you what you want or need#you deserve to feel happy and not like you have to gain the attention of uninterested people#I can’t even explain all my thoughts about their dynamic it’s just so much it’s just about the predadation from older queers because of#The trauma they’ve endured and the cycle of hurt and the way we can break the cycle with kindness while also protecting our youths by#Healing those traumas#Something the cat king learns and accepts#Off topic but I don’t like people defending their age gap because#Yes; Edwin is 86#but he died with a teenage boy brain and then spent 70 of those years in hell where he certainly was not getting his brain developed while#The cat king has possibly hundreds of years of sentience and experience. The power imbalance is not if y’all. And that part of their dynami#Is actually very clear I think but some people didn’t catch it?? Or didn’t care??? Idk man
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omgcatboi · 7 months
Here's one last political post because I have over 3k followers and I really think this is an extremely important message to spread around so PLEASE REBLOG but
Y'all... Do realize we can start petitions to fire the people in the supreme courts and all these legislators that are banning abortion and trans rights as well as erasing black and native history.... Right?
I see y'all talking about it .... But y'all don't actually do anything about it. Why not go directly for their jobs? Take they jobs!
I've been emailing legislators regularly telling them they're shit heads for passing these bills but they don't want to listen to one single fat trans man so why don't we start a petition to remove them?
A petition to reverse abortion bans in Florida recently got ONE MILLION SIGNATURES. THATS... UNHEARD OF.
and guess what? The bill is being challenged by legislatiors in FL.
I promise I won't make anymore political posts, I just... Think it's important we all know that we can take these mfs jobs.
It's good to talk about it but just talking about it doesn't do anything to stop these fascist bills. Tumblr queers work your magic with me, maybe we can get the Trever project on board?
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tetedurfarm · 17 days
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state fair take two
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iniziare · 1 month
Tag drop: Jingliu
#tag drop#jingliu. [ and so i wield my blade to the very end. until the “stars” have been cut down from the sky. this oath: i will never forsake. ]#jingliu: ic. [ trapped in childhood nightmares; she tore off a spread of black silk from the edge of her skirt and covered her eyes. ]#jingliu: inquiries. [ ice waves as sharp as knives spreading like transient flowers in the air. freezing all and everyone they contact. ]#jingliu: countenance. [ when you live to be a thousand years. each day is carrying the weight of a mountain through an interminable maze. ]#jingliu: introspection. [ why do you wield a sword? / this is like asking a poet why they wrote poems. this is the only way for me. ]#jingliu: meta. [ this sword in my hand... naught but a needle compared with the heavenly bodies. how can i use it to cut open a star? ]#jingliu: little notes. [ this is the first time she understands “wanting to live”. before now; she was simply someone ready to die. ]#jingliu: wishes. [ unsheathing this sword without merit is to blaspheme the divine will of the reignbow arbiter; and invite calamity. ]#jingliu: etc. [ to the xianzhou; i am but an abandoned pawn: a wandering swordmaster. ]#jingliu: the sword. [ if a day comes that the quivers run empty; and starskiffs crash who will protect you and i then; or the xianzhou? ]#jingliu: florephemeral sword. [ a sword: 3 feet; 7 inches in length. weighing nothing. and it glowed as if a sliver of moonlight. ]#jingliu: shattered sword. [ a sword: 5 feet in length. weighing 3000 catties. unyielding: mirroring the defiance; hubris of its creator. ]#jingliu: cangchang. [ when devoured; we had to face the truth that our lives were but a grain of sand in the river of time. ]#jingliu: hcq. [ their faces still linger before my eyes like a bygone dream. yet dream will eventually fade. like clouds from the sky. ]#jingliu: memories. [ given the choice between staring at the abyss with a troubled mind and marching blindly: i choose the latter. ]#jingliu: jing yuan. [ in an endless night; there is nothing closer than the bright moon. always hanging in the sky. ]#jingliu: imbibitor lunae. [ even after your rebirth. your techniques haven't changed. / when i move it's like… / … like you never forgot. ]#jingliu: baiheng. [ the things that we said and did together have all been shrouded in a layer of mist. a mist i cannot see through. ]#jingliu: yingxing. [ some are born with unparalleled foresight; intelligence; but make the ill-advised choices at destiny's crossroads. ]#jingliu: blade. [ that broken sword... you don't want to let go of the past. do you; blade? ]#jingliu: yanqing. [ that move was a token of my appreciation; young man. we were fated to meet this day and in days to come. ]#jingliu: v. youth. [ you can use this to vanquish those that took everything from us. ]#jingliu: v. sword champion. [ she knows it all. swords are a part of her body: the intake and release of her breath as she walks. ]#jingliu: v. traitor. [ and i will suffer my eternal punishment. that is the only way to keep the memory of the pain from fading away. ]
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girl-bateman · 11 months
How does one get assigned as sam coded / dean coded ? Do I need a doctors note ? A psych evaluation perhaps ?
#i keep going back and forth on it#bc i used to identify with dean for the longest time bc i was so repressed and emotionally closed off (+older sister)#and at that point id spent my youth very purposefully protecting my younger sibling from our dad#and i guess in my brain i paralleled that with dean staying behind with john while sam took off for stanford#and dean protecting sam from knowing too much abt the supernatural#BUT having grown up ive now become the one resentful and angry at our father while my sister protects him#and our fights remind me a lot of scenes from the show where im obviously identifying a lot stronger with sam#plus the whole thing abt being the families designated academic or whatever#while also feeling cursed from the minute i was born and crushing at the guilt of everything wrong with me#and trying to be a good person and saving others to make for the fact that i feel an intrinsic evilness about myself#so like... yeah sam is very very relatable too in that sense#bc he also has that hope in him- the belief in god. in angels. in goodness. and i have that too !#im just also a miserable cynic at the same time :)#so ????#i havent been in the fandom for long enough to know the full requirements of being a sam or dean girl#(and by that i mean i havent been in the fandom for long AFTER i rejoined from my 10 year hiatus)#i literally would love to read someones page long explanation of what sam coded vs dean coded entails#someone with a spn hyperfixation or special interest needs to provide me with the goods fr 😭#spn
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ivygorgon · 6 months
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Out-ing Minority Students to Their Abusers - Safeguards needed in HB 382
I am writing to express my profound concerns regarding the proposed HB 382 legislation: Out-ing Minority Students to Their Abusers, which aims to involve parents in the education process but may inadvertently expose vulnerable LGBTQ+ students, and others, to harmful environments. As any survivor of domestic violence is acutely aware; ensuring the safety and well-being of all students is paramount, especially those from marginalized communities. While I acknowledge the intention behind HB 382, it is crucial to consider the potential for misuse of this legislation, which would further exacerbate the already high rates of harm and mortality among LGBTQ+ youth. Therefore, I call you to incorporate additional safeguards into the bill to protect the privacy and safety of these students, or alternatively, reject the bill entirely to rework it with the safety of ALL students prioritized. Specifically, measures must be implemented to ensure that information about a student's gender identity and romantic interests is not disclosed without their explicit consent to anyone. The goal of our education system should be to foster an inclusive, safe, and supportive environment for all students, regardless of their personal demographics. By prioritizing the privacy and safety of vulnerable students, we can ensure that every child has the opportunity to learn, thrive, and grow without fear of discrimination or harm. I urge you to consider these concerns and take action to protect the rights of students in Alaska. Thank you for your attention to this important matter. Protect the privacy of all students! We’re so pro-life; we’ll martyr our queer! Safeguards needed in HB 382!
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giddlygoat · 2 months
my brother can make me laugh without moving at all. he can make me laugh on command, just by existing, and there is no physical tell or indication that it is about to happen. it’s like he can will me to laugh and i will. of course we’re not telepathic, but we do speak in unison sometimes. we improvise like no one’s business. we could fool anyone into believing we are psychically linked. when i try to explain it, i sound silly saying it out loud, but i really CAN tell what he’s thinking. we exchange so much information just with a look. he can make me cry laughing and he doesn’t even have to move
#i miss him so much i need him back i need him to live next to me again. i need to mooch off his wifi from my porch and invite him over#i miss him so much.#he’s only 2 minutes younger but he feels years younger. and yet i think we’re two halves of one soul#i’ve always babied him not even in a mean or diminishing way but i felt this need to protect him#because he tends to be so naive and so shy#but. i am so proud of him. i need to show him off to everyone and i need everyone to understand how funny and charming he is#it feels like i grew up and left him where he will remain 11 forever. i miss him more than moving back home can fix#i miss him in ways that have nothing to do with the distance between our locations#but. it would certainly help to be able to see him every day#i keep smelling the carpet in his room and it’s so vivid. i remember the countless hours we spent developing huge wood block cities#and we would drive hot wheels over the wooden raceways we had made. we were actually quite coordinated and autistic about it#we were always building things together#just recently me and him talked on the phone about an old mlp au we came up with. all original characters and shit#it was super extensive and very clever#i STILL think it would make a really cool book series or something#i remember watching him play army men RTS gamecube on the wii. i STILL listen to the soundtrack to that game like…. daily#i remember walking into my room once where he was watching a show. and he was crying#and he NEVER cries over tv#but he was crying because his favorite character had resigned from the organization that the series was based around#and he was so distraught that she was leaving.#i remember when all 3 of us slept in one room. i remember when me and him were in bunk beds across the room#and we would sneak out of bed right as the parents left and stayed up playing by the light of the nightlight#the way we raced back into bed when the parents were approaching 😭#my mom always says she’s sad that i seem to remember so little of my life. like every story of my youth is news to me lmao#but i feel like i remember the most important parts? i think so#i remember how mom woke me up in the night to ask me to roll over because my bro could see my face from where he was sleeping#and he was scared because there was a weird shadow cast on my face that made it look like a skull which was making it hard for him to sleep#it was. so funny. i begrudgingly rolled over#i don’t know. it’s just that there isn’t a single instance i bring up that my brother does not also remember.#no matter how tiny or specific. we shared everything growing up
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nixthemagicdragon · 7 months
Transphobia kills
This is the first time I'm going serious, but I feel like I need to do this.
In a world where acceptance should reign supreme, the stories of Nex Benedict, Brianna Ghey, and Jacob Williamson are a powerful reminder of the grim reality faced by many who dare to live as their true selves. Their lives, though cut short, carry a deep message that speaks to the fundamental right of every individual to be recognized, respected, and loved for who they are.
Nex Benedict, Brianna Ghey, and Jacob Williamson, like countless others, bravely embraced their true selves despite the societal pressures and prejudices that sought to constrain them. They stood tall in the face of adversity and defiantly challenged the narrow-mindedness and bigotry that infects our communities. Tragically, their journeys were cut short by transphobia - a force that continues to claim lives and shatter dreams.
Their stories are a powerful reminder that the fight for equality and acceptance is far from over. Transphobia, in all its forms, is a plague that not only threatens the lives of transgender, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming people, but also undermines the very foundation of our society. It fuels fear, division and injustice, creating barriers to understanding and compassion where empathy and solidarity should flourish.
We live in a world where celebrating authenticity in theory is often condemned in practice - a world where the mere act of being oneself can be met with hostility and violence. It's a sobering reality that demands our collective attention and action. We cannot afford to remain passive bystanders in the face of such injustice. The deaths of Nex Benedict, Brianna Ghey, and Jacob Williamson serve as a call to action - a call to dismantle the systemic inequalities and prejudices that continue to plague our society. It is up to each of us to challenge the status quo, to confront discrimination and hate wherever it manifests, and to create a world in which every individual can live freely and fully without fear of oppression or persecution.
Most importantly, we must never forget the lives and legacies of those lost to transphobia. We must honor their memory by continuing the work they started - by standing up for justice, equality and human rights for all. Nex Benedict, Brianna Ghey, and Jacob Williamson may no longer be with us, but their spirit lives on in the struggle for a more just and equitable world.
Transphobia kills, and that's not okay. But together, through our collective action and unwavering solidarity, we can strive to create a world where love prevails over hate, and where all people are free to live authentically, without fear or prejudice. This is the legacy we must honor. This is the future we must build.
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former trans kid here to everyone reading this: you have to stay alive. you have to. there will come a day where you can look in the mirror and see you as you were meant to be. you will feel so much joy from looking at yourself and who you have become. but you must stay alive to get there. you can make it through this. we love you.
Hey there - thank you so much for this, honestly something I really needed to heard right now and I'm sure many others do to.
Stay safe kiddos :)
-J [he/him]
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flowersofjannah · 7 days
Strange how society is...found a post on instagram about a historical figure and was going through comments to learn more. People were fighting each other on intelligence, saying things like "you can't spit facts!" etc. Sorry, this is not intelligence in the lease bit, fighting over small matters like jaahils is not intelligence. Being unkind in the process is not at all intelligence. All I saw was ignorance, pridefulness, and ego. How is that intelligent?
Anyone can do a google search and "spit facts" anyways, not impressive. Kindness and empathy, where did all of that go? That is more impressive, and that is true intelligence. If only people knew...
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marymekpop · 1 year
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⟢ highlight of the hour: our blooming youth [18/20] ⟣
the one that got away
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