#Moose hide pins
harmonyhealinghub · 5 months
Standing Together Against Violence: The Moose Hide Campaign
May 7, 2024
Shaina Tranquilino
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In a world where the statistics of violence against women and children are staggering, there emerges a beacon of hope—a grassroots movement born out of Indigenous wisdom and solidarity: The Moose Hide Campaign. This powerful initiative rallies men and boys, alongside all Canadians, to stand up against the pervasive scourge of violence towards women and children.
The Roots of the Moose Hide Campaign
The Moose Hide Campaign traces its roots to a sacred journey undertaken by a father and son from the Carrier First Nation in British Columbia, Canada. In 2011, Raven Lacerte and her father Paul Lacerte embarked on a symbolic pilgrimage to heal the wounds of intergenerational trauma caused by violence against Indigenous women and girls. During this journey, they hunted a moose, and Paul made a commitment to carry a piece of moose hide wherever he went as a reminder of his responsibility to protect women and children.
Inspired by this profound experience, Paul and Raven Lacerte founded the Moose Hide Campaign, inviting men and boys from all walks of life to join them in solidarity against gender-based violence. What began as a personal vow transformed into a nationwide movement, fueled by the collective determination to create safer communities for all.
The Symbolism of the Moose Hide
Central to the Moose Hide Campaign is the symbolic significance of the moose hide. In Indigenous cultures, the moose holds spiritual significance as a symbol of strength, protection, and resilience. By wearing a piece of moose hide, participants pledge to honor and uphold traditional values of respect, love, and non-violence.
The act of wearing the moose hide becomes a visible declaration of one's commitment to stand against violence and to foster healthy relationships based on equality and mutual respect. It serves as a conversation starter, sparking dialogue and awareness about the prevalence of violence in our society and the urgent need for collective action.
Mobilizing Communities for Change
At its core, the Moose Hide Campaign is a grassroots movement that empowers communities to take a stand against gender-based violence. Through educational workshops, community gatherings, and awareness-building initiatives, the campaign fosters dialogue and collaboration among diverse stakeholders, including Indigenous leaders, government officials, law enforcement agencies, and grassroots organizations.
One of the signature events of the Moose Hide Campaign is the annual Moose Hide Gathering, where participants come together to share stories, learn from each other, and renew their commitment to ending violence. This event serves as a catalyst for positive change, inspiring individuals and communities to take concrete actions to prevent violence and support survivors.
The Impact and Legacy
Since its inception, the Moose Hide Campaign has made significant strides in raising awareness about the root causes of violence and promoting healthy, respectful relationships. By engaging men and boys as allies in the fight against gender-based violence, the campaign challenges harmful stereotypes and empowers individuals to become agents of change within their communities.
The impact of the Moose Hide Campaign extends far beyond its tangible achievements. It represents a powerful testament to the transformative power of grassroots activism and the enduring strength of Indigenous wisdom and traditions. As more individuals and communities join the movement, the Moose Hide Campaign continues to inspire hope and ignite a national conversation about building a future free from violence.
Joining the Movement
In a world where the epidemic of violence against women and children persists, the Moose Hide Campaign offers a ray of hope—a reminder that change is possible when we stand together in solidarity. Whether you're a man, a boy, or a supporter of gender equality, there are countless ways to get involved:
- Wear the moose hide pin as a visible symbol of your commitment to ending violence.
- Organize or participate in Moose Hide Campaign events in your community.
- Educate yourself and others about the root causes of violence and strategies for prevention.
- Advocate for policies and programs that support survivors and promote healthy relationships.
- Support Indigenous-led initiatives working to address the systemic factors that contribute to gender-based violence.
By taking action today, we can create a future where all women, children, and communities thrive in safety and dignity. Together, let's stand up, speak out, and make a difference with the Moose Hide Campaign.
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leth-writes · 1 month
wolf pack x reader who shifts into a large herbivore? Like a moose or an elk, or a bison? :3
🌌 anon
Wow, Galaxy anon! This idea is so cool!
You’re a caribou shifter. This limits where you can live heavily, as you need plenty of dense forest and lots of rain to hide your massive form.
Sam meets you when he spots a large caribou stomping through the pack’s grounds, and immediately notices how weird it is to spot a caribou so far out of their natural habitat.
When you spot the wolf the size of an SUV, you shift back to your human form, hoping and praying it’s a shifter as well. Your family is a lot more involved in the shifter community than the pack is.
Once he knows you’re a shifter, the dynamic is completely changed.
As a caribou, you have a calm, stern disposition. Sam really enjoys how your personality serves as a nice undertone to the loud chaos that makes up the pack
Loves going on runs together; you’re one of the only people he knows who can keep up, and definitely the only one he’s romantically attracted to.
You’re a bison shifter, representing your larger than life and easily riled personality. Similar to Sam, Paul notices you in the forest. Unlike Sam, he attempts to attack you to prevent you from harming his pack, thinking you’re just a rabid animal.
You immediately peg him as a shifter and charge, knocking him down and pinning him with your full weight before shifting back, telling him to yield.
Paul is IN LOVE. he adores you. He thinks you’re the best person he’s ever met. Please marry him.
Loves play wrestling, loves it even more when you kick his ass. He loves a strong partner.
You’re a deer. He notices you while hunting. Unfortunately, he is able to sink his teeth into your flank, the pain causing you to shift back. Immediately horrified he’s gravely injured his imprint, he rushes you to the hospital, where Carlisle stitches you up.
As a deer, you’re quite flighty, easily scared. You have trouble trusting.
This combines into a perfect storm to mean Jacob needs to really make it up for you. He even becomes vegetarian for a couple of months to prove his dedication. When you finally forgive him, he feels the strongest sense of relief he’s ever felt.
You’re a reindeer, representing your regal and fun-loving nature. You actually introduce yourself to Sam first, well aware of the necessity to tell the local wolf shifters there’s a herbivorous shifter in the area. This is what allows you to be introduced to Quil, who loves your mischievous and playful nature, enjoying your penchant of giving personalized gifts and regaling them with the stories of your family.
You’re a moose. You absolutely tower over even the tallest of the wolves, your shifted form massive with large, thick antlers.
You have a calm, imperious personality, putting on a tough act. Embry slowly and methodically breaks through your walls to reach the sweeter, vulnerable personality hidden deep within.
You have plenty of experience fighting with normal wolves, and Embry gently play fights to help you break your antlers, helping them shed (you have antlers regardless of gender in this scenario, as your shifter species isn’t exactly like the actual animal). The rivers of blood pouring from your head do scare him quite badly at first, so he needs plenty of comfort.
They aren’t very large, but you’re a mountain goat. You have a superiority complex a mile wide, which Seth is able to disarm through his calm, kind nature. 
He helps bring you back down to earth when you can be a bit spacey, busy thinking about and longing for the mountainous ranges you enjoy climbing
It scares him so badly when he sees you just. Halfway up a mountain and sitting on a ledge. 
Loves hiking with you, making up for the fact you can go where he can’t follow when the two of you are shifted.
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somelokivariant · 4 months
FOR MY CANADIANS (and everyone)
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mochie85 · 2 years
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So I saw that photo that was sent to you and decided to make you a drabble out of it to help you get through your car ride.
I wrote this on a whim so it might be sloppy but I hope you enjoy 💚
Summary: Loki accidentally reveals his Jotun identity during your time in bed.
Warnings: scared/anxious Loki but overall pure fluff. Has some sexual implications but are pretty much mild.
I dunno what title to use haha
You hum against Loki’s lips as you feel his hand cup the underside of your tit, his thumb rolling against your taut nipples. He holds both your wrists in a vice, pinning you down on the bed and your arms fight against his grip when your skin tingles in from the wake of his touch as he slides his hand down to your pelvis and to the apex of your thighs.
You then feel a chill kiss your heated body, making you bite on Loki’s lower lip by accident which causes him to pull back and look at you with concern.
“Are you alright, love?” He asks but you can’t find the words to say as you take in his image.
His pale skin is changed with a soft blue, with raised markings that cover his forehead, cheeks, and around his lips. His eyes are what you take in the most, gone are the emeralds you adored, replaced by rubies that shine beautifully down on you.
“My love,” He calls once more. “What’s wrong?”
“Loki—” You pull a hand free from his hold and reach up to caress his cheek, your thumb gently grazing against the raised markings that scatter on his face. “Y-you’re blue.”
His eyes then grow wide and immediately release his hold on you. He sits up on the bed and stares down at his hands, shock, and fear surrounding his face before he closes his eyes, and slowly, you see his skin change back to its former color.
“I’m sorry you had to see that.” He bows his head and clenches his fists against his thighs. “I promise I’ll be more in control of—”
His words die on his lips as you move to straddle him and press your lips against his. You sense the worry in him, the trepidation that has sliced through his usual composure and it makes your heart ache that it’s because he’s shown the side of him that he constantly hides.
He’s told you of his origins, that he’s not born of Asgard and hailed in the land of frost giants. That he is one of the monsters Asgardian parents tell their children at night. Until now you’ve not seen what his people looked like until now and if you dare tell the truth, you see no monster.
You pull away and cup his face, your other hand softly caressing the side of his neck, thumb rubbing against his jaw in an attempt to soothe his anxiety.
“Don’t—don’t hide from me, Loki.” You whisper, pressing your forehead against his and you hum as you feel his hands frame your waist, fingers digging into your flesh. “It’s beautiful.” You look down at him and press your thumb against his lower lip. “You’re beautiful.”
You take his lips once more, wrapping your arms around his neck as his grip on your waist tightens. You sense him smile against your lips and you can’t help the moan that escapes you when you feel the chill of his hands once more press against your heated body.
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it was so sweet and so beautiful. The way Loki just wanted to hide that part of himself and your acceptance and...OMG...you need to write more fluff ma'am!!
I'm amazed at your range 🤩🤩🤩
@holymultiplefandomsbatman @lokisgoodgirl @xorpsbane @muddyorbs @fictive-sl0th @mischief2sarawr @holdmytesseract @vbecker10 @michelleleewise @sarahscribbles @wheredafandomat @gigglingtigger @lokischambermaid @loopsisloops @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @immersed-in-mischief @give-me-a-moose @theaudacitytowrite @lokiprompts @britishserpent
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flintox · 1 year
Puny Prank.
"Stop squirming -" he hissed down at the micro snow leopard.
"Dude!" The corgi whispered. "Hurry up! I can hear them down the hall!"
"I'm trying - this little asshole won't stop squirm - there!" The housecat grunted, finally managing to pin the unruly little snow leopard under a strip of tape.
He took a step back and admired his handiwork. Freshman pranks were a time-honored classic, and in his humble opinion, he'd really outdone himself here. The cat couldn't help but smirk as he watched the micro freshman wiggle and squirm against the strip of tape, squeaking out some pleas, trying his best to break free from his confines within the extra, extra large jockstrap groin area.
"Come on, dude!" The corgi rushed.
"Right -" he closed the locker, making it look as close to how it was before they planted their little prankee. The two rushed away from the locker, hiding away in the adjacent locker area where they could covertly observe their prank unfold.
Down the hall, they heard the thumping of shoes and clanging of door. It was time.
"Do you think this'll work?" The corgi asked.
The cat smirked. "Totally."
The prank idea was simple, but it had layers. Tape the micro student inside the jockstrap and wait until the jockstrap owner arrives to put it on. The likeliest scenario was that the micro wouldn't go noticed until the strap was already on, after he got a face full of jock nuts. A subtle play on the old teabagging gag.
The other possible outcome was that he would get noticed beforehand, but even then they had a solid 2 to 3 minutes where the little guy had to dread the eventuality of getting a bit too close to the schools football team. It's not as good as the first possibility but still a prank nonetheless.
Eventually, the various members of the college football team sauntered into the lockerroom, and the two pranksters huddled back, observing closely.
A hulking behemoth of a moose walked up to the locker, and the cat felt his nerves on edge. The moose was a notorious figure on campus, known for having a short temper. There was a momentary fear that he might take offence to being party to this kind of prank. It's too late to back out now.
The moose opened the locker, and the two hiding pranksters felt their fur stand on end. The next few seconds would make or break the prank.
Very hurriedly, the moose slipped off his shorts and underwear. The two couldn't help but blush a bit at the sight. That large jockstrap size certainly wasn't just for show.
Wide smirks spread across their faces as the giant of a moose quickly slipped his feet into the straps and hoisted it upwards. Here it came, the payoff. The micro gets smothered under the jocks junk on his first day of university.
The moose pulled the strap all the way up, and the bands made an audible slap across his thighs. He put a hand down to the bulge and adjusted it briefly before reaching for his football shorts, starting to put those on as well without any reaction.
"Is he -" the corgi stammered. "Why isn't he noticing the freshman?"
"Crap--" the cat felt his throat dry up. "Why isn't he- he should be noticing him by now -"
"Dude. D-do you think the m-micro can move?" The corgi asked.
He tensed up. It hadn't occurred to them that this might happen. They didn't assume that whoever the jockstrap belonged to might be far too hung for a micro to even make themselves known under him. "Shit!" He hissed. "What do we do!? We can't just lea-"
"What are you two staring at?"
The two turned to see the moose standing over them, clad in his full football gear. They froze up. "Uh -" the cat stammered. "N-no?"
The moose grunted. "Weirdos." The antlered giant quickly grabbed his groin to adjust himself before walking off out of the lockerroom.
They stared after the moose, unsure of what they could do. After minutes of silence, the cat spoke up. "We- we just pretend this didn't happen. He's bound to notice them eventually.. right?"
"R-right." The corgi nodded.
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rememberthisham · 2 years
All He Ever Wanted Ch. 2
In true Dib fashion, He gave immediate chase down the cracked hallways of the skool as the alien screeched like a deranged hog for him to stop. His short stride was a hindrance but his obstacles were few as Zim slammed to the floor anyone unfortunate enough to be in his path. The moose floated effortlessly at his shoulder, keeping perfect pace by looking as though it wasn't moving at all. 
Dib scowled as it looked back at him and made a small 'nyah' sound.
Tearing through the front doors with his shoulder, Zim barreled down the street. He was stopped from darting into the road by the relentless and sudden traffic making no hesitation to flatten him and keep driving. He made an abrupt left away from the road and towards his base. Dib hit the ground harder with his feet, months of chasing Zim finally paying off as the exercise needed to give him the edge. He forced himself faster and gained the distance to put him directly behind his adversary, reaching out to grab at his shoulder. Zim felt the surprise contact and nimbly changed direction, leaving Dib to skitter forward a yard or two before doubling back to keep up. Zim was moving away from his house now, being funneled between Dib and the road toward the woods beyond the town.
Dib chased him to the treeline where Zim seemed to disappear. Green skin and pink uniform seamlessly camouflaged into the changing autumn leaves littering the woods. Dib stopped short, bewildered and unable to believe.
No,  no,  he was  right there!
He circled this way and that, trying to detect some movement or color. Anything to determine where the Alien had gone. He gave up searching and went back to jogging. Even if Dib couldn't see him, he couldn't have gone far. Dib covered as much ground as he could, all the while taunting the runner.
"Come back, Zim! You can't hide in these woods! This may as well be my backyard!" He smiled a maniacal, almost unhinged smile. It wasn't even a lie. He'd set up so many cameras and tracked down so many unnatural creatures and phenomena in the woods, he could traverse them blindfolded if he had to.
The only thing that had thrown him lately was the strange man he'd never seen bef— oh great, there he was.
The old man hobbled onto the trail from the trees, seemingly walking from nowhere and into somewhere. He stopped in front of the child and frowned as though he also didn't expect to run into him again.
"What're you doing back?" He demanded, crotchety tone undercut by some genuine concern. Mostly concerned for Dibs' sanity.
"I was…" Dib hesitated, he knew how the truth always ended, but he refused to keep it to himself out of principle. He sighed and found a sudden interest in his shoes. "...looking for an alien, he just ran through here."
"That right?" The old man barked, taking a sweeping glance from side to side. "Well I didn't see anything, but them Martians are sneaky like that." He grumbled, scratching his balding forehead. Dry dirt chipped off his skin like dandruff and floated down into his beard. Dib's gaze snapped back to the man, stomach flipping for an instant. He quickly squashed the feeling.
"Well, he's not from Mars... but you actually believe me?" He asked, less hopeful and more cautious. People thought Dib was insane, but the old man was likely  actually  insane. Best not to get his hopes up. The old man nodded with a snort, whipped the dirt flakes from his beard with one swipe of his hand, and turned with a gesture to follow.
"Sunlights not getting any longer." He remarked, hobbling on bare feet back into the woods and off the trail. Dib was hesitant to follow a possibly unaccounted stranger to a second location, but two pairs of eyes were better than one. Pushing the young trees aside he made his way off the path where the old man had disappeared. The low-growing brambles pulled at his boots and pants, rendering him much slower than the barefoot old man. Each branch he managed to pin back swung back into his face with a snap, he was certain it was intentional by the time he finally stumbled into a clearing. He found the man staring at a ramshackle structure of a house in disrepair. When had there been a house in the woods? Dib knew the area inside and out and there had never been a house. The old man tutted and playfully smacked the trunk of a nearby tree.
"Wooden fools got it wrong again, he's not here yet." He mumbled. Dib watched as the man spun in three circles on the spot, looking at the sky and waving his hands weakly as he did. "No no, definitely later. The termites drown in the rain." He stomped and turned back to Dib. Dib, for his part, had backed away to the edge of the clearing and was trying to quietly sneak back into the woods and to the trail. The loud, awkward crunching of the trees was making it impossible.
"Hah, um…" he timidly spoke as he put his back to the forest so he faced the clearly crazy old man he was alone with. "You're nuts aren't you?" He sighed, not sure what to expect as a response. 
"I wish! Nuts don't have to pay the tax man." He huffed. "sitting around, worrying about squirrels… no I'm no more insane than you are, boy." He placated. Dib furrowed his brows in offense but said nothing. People called him crazy every day, but there was something bitter about a crazy man doing it. 
Was…was this what he looked like to people?
Dib turned to leave again, not caring anymore about having his back to the stranger. He'd lost Zim, scraped his ankles, and gotten his pride bruised. All he wanted to do was go home and work on his trap, maybe eat a bowl of cereal or something. He pushed the trees apart and took a step into the wilderness, but with his adrenaline gone, he found no motivation to push through. He lowered his head against the trunk of a sapling and sighed. 
"You should stick around if you wanna talk to him." The old man croaked. 
"The  alien,"  he emphasized. "The one carrying the machine on his back"
Dib opened his eyes, slowly raising his head from the tree.
"You've seen him?" He asked, cringing as his voice cracked in a way it wouldn't have a year before. "You've seen Zim?" He looked back at the old man and amended his statement to exclude the voice crack.
"Not up close, but the woods sure know how to  gossip ." He emphasized the last part as if hoping the trees themselves would overhear his criticism and take it to heart. "A puny little thing kinda like you, not from this dirt, that's what the woods think."
Dib, against his better judgment, decided there might be some merit to the old man's ramblings if they could be so eerily accurate. Most people thought Zim's backpack was just a backpack.
"Do you actually believe he's an alien?" He stepped cautiously back into the clearing with the stranger, voice quiet in its inquiry. "You believe me?"
"Course I do, anyone with a head on their shoulders could see he's something else." The old man huffed as if their conversation were unnecessary. "Kid's  green."
"Exactly!" Dib threw his hands up, shouting to the sky. "Finally, someone else sees it!" He laughed, hardly able to believe it. Someone believed him, it was all he ever wanted, he felt light, yet a heaviness weighed him back down almost immediately. The one person who actually believed him was some crazy guy wandering the woods talking to trees… It was like a cruel joke. No one would ever take the old man seriously.
No, someone would.
"So the uh…trees? Talk to you?" He asked at length. The old man raised an eyebrow at him, a large grin with a few teeth short of a smile split across his face. He laughed a loud howling laugh that sounded like a hyena. 
"Course not, kid, trees don't have mouths." He waved a weathered hand in Dib's direction. "But you got the right idea, c'mere." He beckoned the kid closer as he limped toward a large pine tree somewhat beside the house. Dib strode forward with more confidence than he had. The old man grabbed him suddenly by the arm and planted Dibs' hand firmly on the tree trunk. Dib shuddered at the unwelcome contact of the old man's cold skin, but he didn't back down. The bark of the tree was smooth and it felt solid like stone. Why did trees always feel so much more solid than things made of wood?
"Uh…" he glanced at the old man from the corner of his eye when nothing happened for a minute. 
"You feel it?" He asked, and Dib concentrated hard on the bark beneath his hand.
"...no?" He said finally. "It just feels like wood."
"Ah," the man sighed, releasing Dib's wrist. He let his hand fall back to his side. "I guess it was a long shot, huh? Takes practice to understand them properly." He declared.
"Well…what do you 'feel'?" Dib tried to keep an open mind. It was madness, but Dib really did want to discover some evidence for the man's claims. He wanted to believe.
"I feel the same thing you do, I've just been doing it long enough to tell the difference." He explained. He pressed one hand to the pine and the other to the slightly younger pine beside it. "These trees here are late to start going to sleep for winter and it worries them. Lefty here is dealing with a nasty root mold but the snow should kill it. Plus they're mother and daughter." He explained, patting them lightly and stepping back. Dib looked up at the conifer's needles in confusion, feeling a drop of water fall onto his face.
"But how do I know any of that is true?" He asked, growing impatient. He rolled his eyes as he found another flaw. "And look, this one has completely different pine cones." He pointed to the rounded cone on a low-hanging branch of the younger pine, comparing it to the more oblong cone of the elder. "They can't be related if they aren't even the same species." He pointed out smugly. The old man narrowed his eyes and his lips quivered only a little in a patient grimace. 
"Trees don't always keep to themselves, crossing species happens all the time in nature." He explained slowly. "This little one here is a direct kin of the big one, see how her mama grows all slanted to give her more sunlight?" He pointed at the sky without looking up. Dib craned his neck up to see and sure enough, the branches of the pine were heavier on one side and the smaller ones could reach clear up to the sky beside it.
"Huh…but that doesn't make any sense, how can they know they're related?" He mused aloud. The old man laughed a wheeze and shook his head. 
"Everything can communicate, kinda silly to think talking's the only way." He shrugged. Dib whipped his head back around from where he was gazing up into the atmosphere.
"But how do you know this? I need proof." 
"How do you know that a dog wants a treat? Or a pat on the head? He can't tell ya." The man answered. "You'll get proof if you work for it, but there's no proof I can drop at your feet whenever you demand." Dib bit the inside of his cheek and breathed wearily. He didn't know what to think. No proof, and little evidence, but accurate results. What to make of it?
"Are you some kind of druid or something?" Dib asked, thinking he'd research a bit later if he found time. The drops sprinkling his hair became heavier and more frequent, leaving small puddles on his glasses.
"No, Druids aren't real." The old man waved Dib off again like the question was silly. "I'm a witch."
"A witch?" Dibs' eyes got very wide at the word. "Do you have any spell drives?"
"Any…I don't know where you hear some of this stuff, kid." The witch smiled at the dirt and shook his head. "You know you seem bright, open-minded but logical." He scratched his chin at the base of his beard. "You don't see that a lot in this town, you'd do well to learn a bit of the craft yourself." He remarked. Dib saw the opportunity and sprang for it. 
"And you'd teach me?" He asked, hopeful. If there was something to all this nonsense, it could be valuable in his fight against Zim. Not to mention super Flippin cool. The old man barked and clapped his hands together once. 
"Sure, kid, but not today."
"Because it's raining?" Dib asked. The drops had become proper rainfall during the conversation and the sky had grown darker with the coming evening. 
"No that doesn't bother me none," the old man corrected. "Full moon's tomorrow, something tells me you've got a project you should be working on." He said, a seemingly unrelated subject. "Try learning new things when the moon is new, you'll have better results. Something has to be set into motion tomorrow and you're running out of daylight."
Dib smacked his forehead, the trap! He'd gotten so caught up with the old man he forgot he only had tonight to work on it before the Krazy Tacos annual Krazy spec-taco-lur weekend blowout extravaganza!
"I gotta go" he dismissed himself without preamble and took off back into the woods. Even in the rain he suddenly found the motivation to push back through the trees and to the path. The old man put his hand on his hips and watched the little scamp scurry away. It had been a good long time since anyone had been smart enough to question him. Or curious enough to try and learn. Wringing the water from his beard he started trudging up towards the house. 
They said the outsider would arrive in the rain, he wondered how long he had to wait. His question was answered as he rounded the corner to go inside.
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alpaca-clouds · 2 years
Fluffcember Day 07: Candied Almonds
Fandom: Digimon Tamers
Characters: Ruki, Rumiko & Renamon
Genre: Family Fluff
Length: 832 words
[Ao3 Link]
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“Kaa-san,” Ruki groaned, as her mother leaned onto her.
This had been a bad idea from the start. It had been, really. University allowed for Ruki to miss a weak, but accompanying her mother to Germany? Bad idea. Real bad. Taking Renamon along was the only thing preventing her from being driven to insanity.
“Oh, c'mon, Ruki-chan,” her mother lulled and once more tried to pin those stupid moose antlers made from fabric onto her. “You're gonna look soooo cute.”
“I do not like looking cute,” Ruki replied and caught her mother’s hands. She turned around to where Renamon was hiding in a tree, just as her partner tended to do. Right now, she wished for nothing more than a little help. Especially as – technically speaking – Digimon were no longer a secret. So really, Renamon could help her.
“I'm just saying.” Her mother had taken a bit too kindly to the German Glühwein, having drunken three cups of the beverage. Hence it was no big surprise she was tipsy. Ruki just wished that her mother's manager had come along or something.
The Germans did not pay them any mind. Especially not in this city, where Japanese people made up a sizable chunk of the population.
“Ruki,” her mother urged. “Don't be like this.”
“Kaa-san.” She took that stupid hairband out of her mother's hands. It was stupid, really. All of it was.
“I'm just sa'ing. Since you moved out, we barely ever do something together…”
For a moment Ruki was tempted to reply, that they had not done a terrible lot together before. After all her mother's work had made her travel the world with Ruki mostly being raised by her grandmother. But then again, she really often did not visit homes for a week or two in row since she had started university.
Great. Her mother's guilt tripping worked. Still. What difference did it make? Nobody knew her here. “Fine,” she groaned. “But you'll stay off the Glühwein for the rest of the evening.”
“Sure.” Her mother grinned at her in a way that did not befit a model at all. She patted Ruki's cheek, before breathing in the cold winter air. “You wanna look for something for Kaa-san?” Apparently, her mind had now moved on to her own mother. “Or maybe for your boyfriend?”
Ruki sighed. She might as well. Thus, she allowed her mother to drag her across the Christmas Market, that was so much bigger than the one in Tokyo. Something that seemed even more unbelievable to her, considering that apparently in Germany even small towns had their own Christmas markets.
Still, she could not help but smile as her mother tried to talk some store owner into giving her a discount on a pretty glass lantern, she was planning to buy for Ruki's grandmother.
At times it really felt more like Rumiko was Ruki's older sister, really. And Ruki knew her mother had still been in high school, when she had been born, so maybe it was not a big surprise. She just hated that at times she felt like the one adult in the room, when she spent time with her.
By the time they reached their hotel near the main train station, Ruki felt as she would do at the end of a day spent exploring the digital world. They had bought gifts. Lots and lots of gifts. What had started reasonable – with the lantern for Ruki's grandmother and a set of chocolates for Ryou had quickly escalated, as Rumiko had insisted on buying something for the other Tamers as well.
At least she was spent when they returned to the hotel, with Ruki bringing her to bed, where her mother promptly collapsed into a peaceful sleep. Their hotel room was a fancy one – no wonder with her mother's budget – one that even featured a balcony overlooking the city.
It had started snowing on their way back, the clouds covering up the reflection of the digital world in the sky.
With a long sigh Ruki leaned against the balcony's balustrade when Renamon finally appeared beside her.
“I could've used your help, you know?” Ruki muttered without looking at her partner.
She could hear the amusement from Renamon's reply, though. “You've handled yourself well enough.”
Ruki looked back into the room. “I don't get her, you know? I never have.”
“I know,” Renamon said. She looked at the sleeping woman as well. “But I think that all you have to understand is, that she cares about you, but does not know how to express it.”
“Probably,” Ruki admitted. She was still wearing her winter coat. Without further comment she gripped into the pocket and pulled out the paper bag she had acquired before, handing it to Renamon.
“What is it?” the Digimon asked, as Ruki only smiled.
“Candied almonds. I thought you might like them.”
There was a faint smile on Renamon's face, as she opened the bag and took out a single almond. “Thank you.”
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lorene1voice · 2 years
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I wore my red touque & top & earrings & pins to the #womensmemorialmarch #dtes #Vancouver My red dress earrings made by my friend Gladys. My red dress pin from my friend Michael, moose hide pin, and my yonsei (4th generation Canadian Japanese) in solidarity. At the March, a volunteer gave me the purple & yellow & button ribbon. Marching for the #mmiwg2s #nomorestolensisters #stopvaw https://www.instagram.com/p/Coq7HuEOV7-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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charliedawn · 3 years
hello hello!! could i request the slashers with a s/o who's skilled in making drinks? like they're a barista so they know how to make certain types of warm comfort drinks like coffee, but they put their own twist into it?? ty! <3
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You conquered him the moment you said "I can make drinks".
He may be disappointed to see that they're drinks with no alcohol inside, but a coffee is nice too.
He would take one in the morning and add his "special stuff" inside..which consists of a mix of all the alcohol he could find in the house.
"Thanks, peach. You're a doll."
Freddy Krueger basically lives on drinks and booze, so, let's say you're the main reason he's still standing.
Freddy : "I don't know where I would be without you.."
You *pretends to think about it* : "Probably under a bridge, passed out, two to three empty bottles of cheap booze around you..?"
He smiles before wrapping his arms around your middle.
"You really know me too well..."
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They don't really need drinks.
But, if you add some human blood or animal flesh ? They'd be able to enjoy it.
Penny emptied his in a minute, but you really don't want him to drink coffee..His metabolism is very sensitive and one drop of coffee is equal to 2 cups for him.
Penny *climbing the walls and tearing paintings to shreds*
Pennywise *big sigh of resignation before climbing up after him* : "Come on, Penny. Get back down and drink some water or something.."
Pennywise is a little less sensitive. He'd take his coffee with his breakfast and just sit peacefully on the porch, sipping his blood coffee.
It doesn't do much to him, but it does relax him in some way.
"I like the moose coffee best."
Each of them have a favorite kind of blood and animal flesh.
It was odd at first, but you quickly got used to it.
Penny likes reindeer or rabbit blood and Pennywise prefers moose or wolf blood.
Fortunately, the hospital provides it all, but the smell can be a bit too strong sometimes, so do be careful none of it gets on you, or the Penny Brothers may accidently mistake you for a free drink/meal. 😅
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Do not give Hedwig coffee. I repeat. Do NOT give this child coffee.
He'd be unstoppable and would make a mess, jumping up and down on the patients' beds, run around the hospital, open doors he is not supposed to open, jump on the electrical fence...
So, yeah, he can also be very sneaky when he wants to.
For example, pretend to be Dennis or Patricia to get his hands on a cup of coffee...
He's the reason Five hides his coffee machine.
He will also actually eat the coffee beans like candy and take a handful behind your back, providing him with enough energy to lit the hospital on fire.
This is why Patricia usually takes the light in the morning and doesn't let Hedwig out until you're at your coffee shop or out of the house.
Dennis and Patricia actually like coffee and each personality have different tastes.
This is why it was difficult for you to keep up at first, but it became easier when the personalities decided to create some sort of color code for you.
It means that if it's Dennis, he'll wear a red pin, if it's Patricia a blue one and you'll then immediately know who you're talking to and what kind of order you need to prepare.
But as I said: Hedwig is sneaky.
Hedwig *wearing Patricia's blue pin and running off with a cup of coffee* : "COFFEE IS THE BEST !"
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Brahms would get some hot cocoa and ask for a tiny cup for his doll.
He would then sit quietly and not be a bother for a while, just enjoying his cereals and his cup of cocoa.
He usually likes a big amount of cream in his cup and would even ask you for the whole bottle of cream (he really has a sweet tooth..)
He would even ask if he can stay and learn.
"I like your drinks..I..I want to learn so I can make people s..smile.."
He noticed that your drinks usually make people smile and he wants people to smile at him like that..
However, your smile is the best.
He feels happy whenever smile at him and this is maybe what brought him to ask you out ?
He was so nervous the day he did and ordered 5 cups before finally asking you.
"H..Hey. Would you...Hum...You and me ?"
He may not have been very eloquent that day, but it was enough and he was so happy when you accepted.
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Jason often wakes up early and always sees you up before everyone else, just to get what you need to make the slashers' their drinks.
He usually makes you breakfast to keep you company and does his best to help you.
Jason has a job as a lumberjack and this is why you usually wake up at the same time to go to your respective job.
Fortunately, your place of work is not so far from his, so you usually bring him his coffee during his lunch break.
He does come for a drink sometimes, but as your coffee shop is rather popular, he usually waits for you outside.
Jason doesn't like crowded places and prefers when you're both alone, this is why he usually asks you to make him a coffee in the morning or at night.
Actually, you met during one of your late shifts.
He used to come after midnight and take his coffee to go, but he eventually opened up a little.
He started enjoying your company and stayed to enjoy his coffee inside your coffee shop, sometimes to chat up with you (not that the man would ever actually start any conversation) or enjoy the comfortable silence while you would hum to yourself.
It was during one of these nights that he finally gathered up the courage to ask you out. (not without asking advice from the other slashers first.)
He's glad he did..
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Arthur actually first entered your coffee shop after a heist, he needed to hide and decided to enter through the first door he found.
He was hurt and could barely breathe, but still succeeded in ordering a coffee.
You nodded before preparing his order, but then, he heard policemen enter and hid underneath the table.
"Did a clown come in ?"
He wanted to huff. A clown ? Really ? That was the best they could describe him ?
However, he doubted many clowns came in and was about to reach for his gun when he froze at your answer.
"No customer today. Too bad, huh ?"
He frowned. Why would you protect him ?
The policemen finally left and after a moment of hesitation, Arthur stood up and looked at you. You didn't.
You just prepared his drink and gave it to him with a wide smile.
"Here. Enjoy."
He looked at the cup of coffee in his hand and frowned in incomprehension.
"Why didn't you say anything ?"
He finally asked and you only shrugged.
"The police doesn't pay me. You do."
He smiled too before taking a sip of his drink, closing his eyes at the taste of bitter coffee mixed with cinnamon.
He didn't forget you and came back afterwards multiple times until he finally asked you out.
Arthur is one of those people who really don't like mornings.
He doesn't want to glare at you, it's natural.
He's grumpy until he get his morning coffee.
Don't panic if he start mumbling to himself or stare at you, he doesn't even notice when he does it.
However, a smile would grace his features as soon as he would have his coffee in hand.
He likes a hint of cinnamon in his, it adds to the flavor.
"Thank you, darling."
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Michael will not ask you, as he doesn't really need to.
You know what he likes and he spends most of his day just reading with a cup of coffee next to him.
He will sometimes ask for a refill by raising his hand.
Michael doesn't like using his voice and he will make sure not to.
When you first met, he was actually surprised that you didn't force him to talk, but gave him a piece of paper to write what he wanted.
You became his favorite barista after that and one day, he actually asked you for a piece of paper.
You thought it was to order something else, so you obeyed without asking any questions, even though you were surprised as he wasn't exactly the type to try something new.
He seemed almost nervous when you came back and he scribbled something before giving it back to you.
Your eyes widened when you saw what he had written down.
"Date ? Yes. No."
You couldn't help but smile and blush before encircling your answer and coming back with his usual order.
Let's say..You and Michael did go on a date and it didn't take you long to warm up to the silent giant.
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Norman usually makes his own coffee, but one day, his coffee maker broke and he had to go somewhere else to get his drink.
He crossed the street and went inside your coffee shop and was welcomed by your radiant face.
"Hello there ! What can I get you ?"
Norman remembers having ran out of the coffee shop as quickly as he had entered.
He was almost immediately smitten with you.
It had taken him a few days before coming back, and you still welcomed him with a bright smile.
"Well well..Look what the cat brought back in ? I hope you're not going to run on me again ?"
He nodded sheepishly before sitting down and ordering a coffee.
He didn't wait long and you came back with his order, but Norman was surprised to find you had added something else.
"...Caramel ?"
You smiled and winked at him.
"Yup. Thought you would like something a little sweeter inside ?"
He blushed and nodded.
Since that day, Norman came by everyday and you started talking.
It was rather surprising for Norman who usually wasn't much of a talker, but it was easy with you, and you sure did make the best coffee in town.
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Five was actually looking around for a good coffee shop when he found yours, after many disappointments.
He was grumpy and only wanted to enjoy a good cup of coffee and was even rude to you the first time you came to take his order.
Five : "Coffee. Black. 1 sugar."
You : "Well..You look more like someone who would enjoy it with milk and a spoon of chocolate powder ?"
Five : "It's because I'm a kid, is that it ?!"
He snapped, but you only arked an eyebrow quizzically at him before turning around and preparing his coffee.
When you came back and he saw chocolate powder on top, he looked up at you with clear murderous intent in his eyes, but you only addressed him a knowing smile, putting your hands on your hips.
"Taste. If you don't like it ? You can keep glaring at me all you want."
He rolled his eyes, but still gave it a try out of curiosity.
He was surprised.
He actually loved it..
"So ?"
You knew from the look on his face only that he was regretting his words, but he only shrugged.
"Yeah...It's good. I guess.."
It was the best cup of coffee he ever had actually, but his huge ego didn't allow him to say it.
However, he kept coming back afterwards and didn't even ask what sort of coffee he wanted, letting you choose.
Five didn't take much time to fall for you.
Your coffee being one of the main reasons why he did.
Coffee is an art for Five, either you're talented or you're not.
He could feel your enthusiasm and your good heart in his cup and this is why he decided he would only come to you for his coffee.
Plus, you don't treat him like a kid and can support his harsh personality.
"You. Me. Date. Now."
He didn't even let you answer before taking your hand and teleporting you both somewhere a little more private.
Five is not a patient man and when he wants something, he rarely accepts no as an answer.
However, the best decision he ever took ? It was to walk inside your coffee shop.
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raewritez · 3 years
For the Want of the Sun | Chapter Five: Wild Turtle-Duck Chase
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Avatar Masterlist
Zuko is prone to obsessions. When we were little, he was obsessed with theater. He would never admit it now, but he spent many hours convincing me to act out his favorite plays with him. We’d perform for his mother, or for Iroh, and he was very much a theater kid.  When we left, it was honor. Everytime we talked it was honor this, and honor that, and “I need to regain my honor!”. He still has that obsession, now, maybe even moreso. And on top of that, he’s now obsessed with the Avatar.
We are sitting at dinner when Zuko receives a letter. “The Avatar’s on Kyoshi Island?”
I can’t help but groan and roll my eyes. We’ve been chasing the Avatar for weeks now, to no avail. Everytime Zuko hears that he’s been sighted somewhere, we sail for hours and find - shocker - that he’s already left. Zuko stands up from the table, leaving his dinner untouched.
“Uncle! Ready the rhinos. He’s not getting away this time.”
“Are we sure about that?” I mutter.
Iroh looks at him, and then to the steaming fish sitting on his plate. “Are you going to finish that?” He asks.
Zuko snatches it off the table. “I was going to save it for later!” He storms out, and Iroh and I stare after him. When he’s out of sight, Iroh slouches in his chair. He sighs.
I try to cheer him up. “Maybe he’s really there this time.”
He peers at me from the corner of his eye, pinching his nose. “Perhaps. But Zuko is going to wear himself out at this rate. It is nothing but a wild turtle-duck chase.”
I nod. “Yeah, you’re right. It’s kinda funny though.” He stares at me blankly, and I clear my throat. “Sorry. I’m gonna…I’m gonna go.”
It’s early morning when Zuko calls for me, summoning me to the deck.
“The Avatar’s on Kyoshi, Y/n. I want you to come with me and the soldiers to apprehend him.”
I yawn, stretching. “Yeah, yeah, I know the routine, Zuko.”
“Good. We’re almost there, get ready.”
I dress up in my normal armor: a terribly uncomfortable thing with an embarrassing flare. It is maroon and black, and there’s spikes on the shoulders, supposedly to make me look more intimidating. I just think it makes us look like moose, but to each his own. I make my way to the ship’s entrance where Zuko is, and climb onto a komodo rhino. I pet it, cooing, and Zuko sends me a weird look. The ramp falls open, and Zuko speaks.
“I want the Avatar alive.”
I follow him out and onto the sandy shore, soldiers following suit. He leads us into the village, where people run into their homes at the sight of us. I feel bad, as always, and I look down.
“Come out, Avatar!” Zuko yells. “You can’t hide from me forever!” The street ahead of us is empty and barren. Zuko turns to the soldiers. “Find him.”
They disperse, the rhinos’ feet pounding against the ground. It is still for a moment, and then there is a cry. Several girls all dressed in green and decorated with elaborate face paint pop out from the shadows, leaping in front of us. From their robes they pull out fans, swiping at the men. At the abrupt entrance of one of the girls my rhino bucks up, startled, and I fall to the ground.
“Ouch,” I groan, rubbing my back. A girl advances towards me, fans and arms raised. I sigh and stand, looking at her. When she doesn’t stop moving, I resign to the fact that I need to fight, and I wait until she is close before moving.
I extend my arm and she meets it with her own, blocking my swing. We do a sort of battle-dance, each of us aiming for the other before being blocked, and I make sure to carefully avoid the sharp edge of her fans.
“Not bad,” the girl says. “For a Fire Nationer.”
I grin. “Thanks. You’re not bad either.”
She smirks and ducks under my arm before grabbing it and pinning me to the ground. I groan and raise my legs, kicking her off of me. I stand again and wait, and she comes running. Then, I place my fingers on the back of her neck, pressing into her skin, and she falls to the ground unmoving.
I pant. “I’m really sorry about this,” I say. I start running backwards. “Don’t worry, it’ll wear off in a minute!”
I run around the corner, finding Zuko fighting off some of the girls. He slams one against a wooden pole, and knocks another one to the ground. “Nice try, Avatar, but these little girls can’t save you.”
“Hey, over here!” I turn around and see Aang, standing at the end of the street and holding his glider. He catches my eye and waves. “Hey, Y/n!”
Zuko growls. “Finally!” He raises his hands, flinging two fireballs in Aang’s direction. Aang ducks and uses his staff to propel the fire away from him, ascending gracefully into the air. He goes over me and lands in front of Zuko, who kicks the staff out of his hands. Instead, he picks up two fans that are lying on the ground beside him. He spins around a few times and releases a gust of air at Zuko, who is thrown into a nearby building. I cringe, and watch as Aang runs by, picking up his glider and soaring through the air. I walk hesitantly over to Zuko, who is groaning. He pushes himself onto his hands, and falls back down.
I extend my arm to him. “Here.” Instead of grabbing onto my hand, he swats it away.
“I don’t need your help!” He yells.
I bring my hand back, holding them above my head. “Ok, ok. My bad.”
A bellow sounds from above us, and I see the flying platypus up ahead. Sitting on top of it is Aang and the two kids from the Water Tribe: Sokka and Katara. Zuko points to the sky and calls out to the soldiers. “Back to the ship! Don’t lose sight of them!” He stands up and brushes past me, running towards the ship. I throw my hands up, exasperated, and follow him, although much slower.
When we make it back to the ship, the Avatar’s pet is a speck in the distance. Zuko runs up to the deck. “Hurry, after them!” he calls. The ship roars to life, and it creaks as it turns. The water churns around us and we spin around, beginning on a straight line onward.
Iroh arrives on the deck, looking to Zuko with a question in his eyes. When Zuko only grunts he turns to me, and I shake my head. He sighs.
A few days later, and no sight of the Avatar. We’ve been sailing pretty much non-stop, stopping occasionally to pick up supplies or refuel. Now we are stopped along the coast per Iroh’s request, enjoying the scenery.
“This is ridiculous,” Zuko says, walking beside me. “We don’t have time for this! Every minute we spend here is a minute that the Avatar can use to get away!”
I look over at him, walking up the hill. “I’m sure the Avatar takes breaks, too. Relax a bit.”
“Relax? How can you say that? The Avatar is getting away, we need to-”
“We need to catch up to him. I know!” I groan. “That’s what we’ve been doing for a month, Zuko.”
“Yeah, and we don’t have him yet. He’s obviously skilled in evasive maneuvering.”
I laugh. “I don’t think Aang is evasively maneuvering us. He’s not the best at staying undercover.”
Zuko scrunches his nose. “Aang? Who’s Aang?”
I stop walking and turn to him. I raise my eyebrows. “Are you serious? You don’t even know the name of the person you’ve been trying to kidnap for the past three years?”
“It’s not kidnapping, and - wait - how do you know his name?”
“Um, he told me?”
“When I brought him to his cell. That day on the ship.”
“You talked to him?”
“Yes? He’s cool.”
“He’s cool? Y/n, you can’t make friends with the Avatar.”
I send him a look. “Ok, I’m not friends with him, we just had a conversation.”
“You were fraternizing with the enemy!”
“For like three minutes! Anyway, he’s a kid, Zuko. Not some evil general that’s trying to kill us. We’re the ones chasing him, remember?”
“Yeah, for good reason!” Zuko’s annoyed now. “You do realize he’s the Fire Nation’s greatest threat, don’t you?”
“Yeah. Sure.”
“What? I’m just saying, he’s not really doing anything other than running away from us.”
Zuko glares at me and scoffs. “You don’t get it.”
“I do get it, I just think you-”
“No, you don’t get it,” he says. “I shouldn’t have expected you to, you’re just a servant, after all.”
The humor in my voice dies out in a second. “Right,” I say. “My apologies, your majesty.”
When I look ahead I see that we’ve reached the top of the hill, and I walk briskly away from him. He hurries behind me. “Wait, Y/n, I didn’t mean-”
“Oh, nephew!” A voice calls. “Care to join me?” Iroh sits a distance away in a hot spring, lounging in the warm water. Zuko looks startled.
“Uncle? What are you doing? We need to move on, we’re closing in on the Avatar’s trail and I don’t want to lose him.”
“You two look tired,” Iroh says. “I think a soak in the hot springs would be good for your troubles.”
“My troubles cannot be soaked away!” Zuko yells. “It’s time to go!” “You should take your teacher’s advice and relax a little. The temperature’s just right. I heated it myself.” He blows steam out of his nose, creating a veil of mist across the water. I bite my lip to keep from laughing.
“Enough! We need to leave now. Get out of the water!”
“Very well.” Iroh stands and I abruptly look away, shielding my eyes.
“On second thought,” Zuko says, “Why don’t you take another few minutes. But be back at the ship in a half-hour or I’m leaving without you!”
Zuko storms off and I follow behind him, far enough away to keep some distance. I smile looking up at the trees: they are my favorite shade of orange. The leaves crunch under my feet and I hear Zuko walking down the hill, his frustration radiating off him in waves.
A few hours later I hear a knock at my door: short and urgent. I walk over to open it and see Zuko with a distressed look on his face.
“Uncle’s been captured by earthbenders,” he says.
My eyes widen, and my chest swells with worry. “What?”
“I went looking for him and he was gone, and the rocks at the hotspring were bent upwards. Come on, I’m going back to look for him.”
I nod and run inside to grab my shoes, and I follow him out of the ship. We retrace the trail back to the forest, where his rhino sits waiting for him.
“Do you have any idea where they took him?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “No, there was nothing here when I came.” He climbs on top of the rhino and gestures for me to follow, and I climb on behind him. We travel for several minutes before something catches my eye, and I point.
“Look, a sandal! Is that Iroh’s?”
He hops down and picks it up, and then raises to his nose, sniffing. “Ugh! Yep, that’s Uncle’s.”
He climbs back up in front of me and we move again, the leaves falling around us in a veil of ochre and mahogany. After a few minutes of silence, he speaks. “I’m, uh, sorry about what I said earlier. About you being a servant. I know that’s not all you are.”
I’m surprised at his apology, and I raise my brows. “Oh. Um, it’s ok. Don’t worry about it.”
Zuko continues in a softer voice. “You’re not just a servant to me, I mean. And I know you know about stuff…I mean, you’ve been travelling with us for three years, and I don’t want-”
“Zuko. It’s ok,” I tell him, thoroughly confused. He’s never apologized for our arguments before, so why now?
He sighs. “Ok.”
The rhino’s feet crunch against the ground. “We’ll find your uncle,” I say. “I promise.” He nods, and raises the reins to move the rhino forward.
A while later, a shadow passes over the ground, and we look up. Flying above us is Aang’s flying bear. “The Avatar!” Zuko exclaims.
“Great,” I mutter. “Zuko, that’s cool, but we’ve gotta find Iroh.”
He grits his teeth and for a moment I think I’m going to need to slap some sense into him, but he nods. The rhino bounds forward until we hear a noise, and voices draw closer.
“Over there!” I whisper-shout. Zuko nods and slides off the saddle, holding out his arm for me to take. I grab on and he helps me down, and we creep over to the clearing where we see several men dressed in green, all surrounding Iroh, who is sporting a lack of clothing.
“He’s too dangerous, Captain!” A soldier shouts. “We can’t just carry him to the capital. We need to do something now.”
A man, who I presume to be the Captain, steps closer to Iroh and nods. “I agree. He must be dealt with immediately and severely.” I share a nervous glance with Zuko, who begins standing up. The Captain raises his arm, a boulder floating through the air in its path. “These dangerous hands must be crushed.”
From beside me Zuko leaps into the clearing, kicking the boulder away and breaking Iroh’s restraints. I stumble in a little awkwardly and a little late, but, hey, at least I’m there. I fall in line beside Zuko.
“Excellent form, Prince Zuko,” Iroh says.
“You taught me well,” he responds.
The Earthbender Captain speaks. “Surrender yourselves. It’s six against three. You’re clearly outnumbered.”
“Yeah, that’s true,” Iroh says. “But you’re clearly outmatched.” The Captain sends me a look as though doubting his statement, but shrugs and fires a rock our way. Iroh catches it and hurls it back, sending soldiers falling backwards. A few more pebbles which I easily deflect, and they fall to the ground. Zuko sends a blast of fire towards the earthbenders, and they fly back. The Captain, standing in front of me, picks up a rather large rock and poses it to throw, but Iroh throws his chain around him and he is pulled down.
The soldiers groan, and I give Iroh a high-five, slightly out of breath.
“Now, would you please put on some clothes?” Zuko asks.
“You’re just worried that Iroh has more muscles than you,” I tease. He sends me a look and rolls his eyes.
“Yeah. That’s definitely it.”
a/n: sad that Sokka and Suki had a moment and we weren’t there for it :( but don’t worry, we’ll have more interactions with the Gaang soon, and things will get even more exciting (mwahaha). anyway someone pls tell Y/n that Appa is a bison
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nctzenkane · 2 years
Avatar The Last Airbender: The Trials of Hyunjin. Book One, Chapter One
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Summary: Air. Water. Earth. Fire… 
Long ago, the prosperous Fire Nation was nothing more than a cluster of islands at war with one another.  Each island was dominated by a different clan, until they were united under the sole leadership of the Fire Lord.  Of these clans, the Miroh were the most influential and respected…
 But everything changed when they rebelled against the Fire Lord. 
Their rebellion was short lived, and anyone over the age of nineteen was sentenced to death for treason.  Meanwhile, the children of the Miroh Clan were stripped of their honor and status and forced to work as servants in the Royal Palace, forbidden to learn Firebending. Among those children, was Hyunjin; the retainer of Prince Yongbok.  Hyunjin may believe he’s nothing more than a dishonored servant, but in truth, it is his destiny to maintain balance, and protect the world…
Word Count: 3453
Warnings: Mentions of violence, explicit sexual content
AO3 Link
Author’s Note: I’m a super mega fan of both SKZ and A:TLA, so this was a crossover that was always gonna happen. I’ve been struggling a lot with my writing and my mental health, and how those things inevitably cross over. However, I managed to actually write this whole thing, and hopefully I’ll be able to continue it and make something that’s really worthwhile. So, without further ado...
  Despite being a country named for the element of fire, no place on the planet experienced thunderstorms that rivaled those in the Fire Nation.
 Brilliant bursts of white lit up the windows in one of the many kitchens of the palace, accompanied shortly thereafter by violent cracks of distant thunder. However, no matter how hard the torrents of rain pelted the windows, Hyunjin knew that he couldn’t lose focus on slicing the fish in front of him.  In just a few hours, dinner would be served to the Royal Family, and none of the servants wanted to be the one responsible for ruining the preparations.
 “Spirits,” one of the other servants muttered under his breath as he struggled to carve through the tough hide of moose-lion to prepare it to be smoked, “why did I have to be the one to do this job? I always get the shittiest tasks,”
 “Stop complaining Jooyeon,” Hyunjin said, his voice low, “you don’t want Auntie Lin or Auntie Fan to hear you. They’ll report you straight to Princess Ryujin,”
 “What’s she gonna do?” Jooyeon rolled his eyes, continuing to try to force his jagged carving knife through the dead animal’s skin, “there’s nothing they can do to us that hasn’t already been done,”
 “You don’t actually believe that, do you?” another servant, Jungsu, spoke up, though his eyes never left the giant pot of noodles he was stirring, “it could always be worse,”
 “How so?” Jooyeon scoffed, “living in this society without honor is just about the worst thing I can think of.  I mean, look at us, we’re not even allowed to grow out our hair, it’s humiliating,”
 Hyunjin wanted to say something, but Jooyeon was right.  Since the ancient days in the Fire Nation, someone’s hair was a direct sign of their personal honor and status.  No one was allowed to have hair longer than members of the Royal Family, nor were they allowed to decorate it with the same styles of topknot pins, but still, people treated it very, very seriously.  Hyunjin’s hair was at shoulder length, but he absolutely couldn’t grow it any longer, and he wasn’t allowed to tie it all up either; he and the others had been stripped of that right when they were only children.
 “Jooyeon, please,” Hyunjin pleaded, “just focus on your job and don’t complain too loudly. Remember what happened when Gunil spoke out like this?”
 Hyunjin winced at the memory of his cousin being burned alive on an elevated stage for a crowd of spectators to see.  The way he pleaded for mercy, and let out blood curdling screams when that mercy wasn’t granted…
 He did his best not to think about it.
 “Difference between me and Gunil,” Jooyeon held out his hand and snapped his finger, showing off a small flame that hovered just above his thumb, “I actually know how to Firebend,”
 On reflex alone, Hyunjin whipped a spring roll across the room faster than Jooyeon could react.  It hit him directly between the eyes and fell fruitlessly to the floor.  It obviously didn’t hurt, but Jooyeon was taken aback nonetheless.
 “Never do that again,” Hyunjin said, a sternness to his voice that he didn’t think possible, “you know Firebending is forbidden for us,”
 “Fine,” Jooyeon rolled his eyes, “by the spirits, why do you have such a stick up your ass,”
 Hyunjin didn’t respond, he only remembered the last words that the royal enforcers uttered before burning Gunil to ashes…
 “The nail that sticks up, must be hammered down,”
 Hyunjin quickly finished chopping up the fish and slid the cube shaped pieces into a bowl, sliding it across the counter to Jungsu who was still stirring the large pot.
 “There’s the jellyfish-tuna. You two can handle the rest, I have to accompany Prince Yongbok to his Firebending lessons,”
 With that, he left the kitchen, moving with purpose through the winding halls of the Royal Palace.  The blood red lacquered paint on the walls gave the building a sense of internal heat that was hard to describe.  That combined with the golden trim that lined the ceilings made it feel as though Hyunjin was walking through the sun itself, which was surely intentional on the part of the designers.
 To access Prince Yongbok’s chamber required cutting through the Royal Portrait Gallery; an incredibly long hallway, decorated with giant portraits of every Fire Lord in history, dating back centuries.  The artwork of the current Fire Lord, Jinyoung, was still being worked on, but Hyunjin could make out some of the details in the linework. It seemed that the image would depict Jinyoung holding a fireball in one hand, as with most of the other portraits to symbolize a mastery of Firebending, while his other hand would have a sword, dripping with blood.  Hyunjin cringed at the image, knowing all too well what that was meant to symbolize…
 The eradication of the Miroh Clan.
 He turned away from the image to face the opposite wall, finding a completely different set of portraits there.  While one wall depicted the Fire Lords, the other showed the past Avatars, or at least the ones born into the Fire Nation.  Hyunjin had been hearing stories about The Avatar for as long as he could remember; the only person born with the potential to master water, earth, fire and air.  They were a great many things to the world; a diplomat, a warrior, a spiritual leader. But no matter what role they filled, they were always seen as the most important person in the world.
 The last Avatar, a man named Rain, was born into the Earth Kingdom. Fire was the next element in the endless Avatar Cycle, so logically the spiritual leaders of the Fire Nation should’ve discovered and announced who the next Avatar was by now.  But alas, twenty years had passed since Rain’s death, and there seemed to be no sign that his successor would be named any time soon.
 A violent crack of thunder from outside shook Hyunjin from his thoughts; he didn’t have time to ponder whether or not The Avatar would return.  He needed to tend to the prince, or risk being demoted to a much less desirable job.
 He finally arrived at the elaborate golden doors of Prince Yongbok’s personal chamber and knocked three times.  When the doors swung open, it took everything in Hyunjin’s power not to turn as red as a tomato-berry.
 Prince Yongbok was perhaps the most beautiful young man in the entire world. His hair was as black as a starless night sky, like most Fire Nation citizens, and his skin was smooth and milky white.  It was incredibly long, hanging all the way down his back and stopping just over his butt when he let it down. But at the moment, it was pulled into a topknot and secured with a fancy golden pin. More impressively than that, were the freckles that dotted the bridge of his nose and cheekbones.  His eyes were large and expressive, and always appeared with a murky brown color; a stark difference to the golden irises of most Firebenders.  He may have been a head shorter than Hyunjin, but his presence was large enough to fill an entire room effortlessly.
 “Ah, Hyunjinnie, right on time,” Yongbok said, his warm, deep voice vibrating in his chest as he spoke, “It’s always great to see you, but I can’t say I’m excited about today’s lesson,”
 “Why not? I thought you enjoyed training with Sifu Junho,” Hyunjin sarcastically replied.  He knew full well that Yongbok despised his Firebending lessons.  Despite coming from a long line of powerful benders, the prince himself had never been any good at it.
 “Ha ha, you’re truly hilarious Hyunjinnie,” Yongbok said, trying to feign annoyance but unable to contain the smile blooming on his face, “let’s go. Sifu will complain endlessly if I’m late,”
 Hyunjin nodded and fell in step with Yongbok as they made their way to the training area.  Hyunjin wasn’t sure how he got lucky enough to be assigned to serve Prince Yongbok directly; in his twenty years of life, he’d faced almost nothing but pain, but every time he saw Yongbok’s silken hair or breathtaking smile, it was like the clouds parted and allowed the sun to shine, if only for a brief time.
 “So, what do you think Sifu Junho will have you learning today?” Hyunjin asked as they stepped out into the courtyard.  Rain was still pouring, but the sheltered walkway was left untouched.
 “Probably just more hot squats and basic forms.  No matter what else I try I can never seem to produce any actual flames,”
 “You never know, today might just be your lucky day,” Hyunjin replied with a wink as they rounded the corner, heading back inside the palace to the training area. The room itself was shaped like a large, empty dome made of smooth marble and devoid of anything flammable. In the center of the room, stood a shirtless man with greying hair hanging to the center of his back. His skin was tanned and scarred with scattered burns; a tale of his long military career written all over his body.
 He was Lee Junho, a member of the famed Dusi Clan.  In his youth he’d been one of Fire Lord Jinyoung’s personal guards, but now he was enjoying his retirement, and teaching the Fire Lord’s children how to Firebend.
 “Prince Yongbok, you just barely made it on time,” Junho said, finally turning to face the two young men.  He turned up his nose at the sight of Hyunjin, “prince, I know you’re rather… fond, of this particular Miroh Clan servant. But you know he’s not permitted to observe your training,”
 “I wasn’t planning on staying,” Hyunjin said sheepishly, “the prince just enjoys having a companion while walking,”
 “I don’t believe I asked for your input, Miroh,”
 Hyunjin winced at the way he spat the clan name, almost as though it was a slur.
 “Sifu, there’s no need for you to be so rude…” Yongbok began, but Hyunjin cut him off.
 “My apologies, I meant no disrespect,” Hyunjin bowed, “Prince Yongbok, I’ll wait for you outside,”
 Yongbok opened his mouth to protest, but he knew it was pointless.  Hyunjin stepped back outside and let the door close behind him. Rather than sitting there and sulking, he peered through the small window, careful not to let Junho see him. What the stuffy old teacher didn’t know, was that Hyunjin had spent the last year like this; watching and listening as Junho demonstrated complex Firebending forms to Yongbok.  Hyunjin had been keeping a detailed mental record of everything he saw and heard.
 His cousin Jooyeon might’ve fancied himself a Firebender because he was capable of making a small flame, but at this point, Hyunjin would’ve nearly been considered a master, even though he knew that he’d never be able to show it off.
 He watched intently as Yongbok removed his long red robes, leaving him in nothing but a pair of baggy black pants.  Hyunjin gulped at the expanse of smooth, pale skin, but his goal wasn’t to ogle the prince, not this time.  He committed the steps of Junho’s teachings to memory, even though Yongbok didn’t produce the same massive streams of flame that his teacher did.  
 After about an hour, Junho clearly gave up on the idea of Yongbok actually learning anything, and he was dismissed.  Hyunjin quickly moved away from the window as Yongbok dressed himself and came outside.  
 “Thank you for waiting Hyunjinnie.  I’m so sorry that he’s such an asshole. You didn’t deserve to be treated that way,” Yongbok said, his deep voice teeming with righteous fury.  Hyunjin sighed.
 “Yongbok, you’re aware of my clan’s past.  My father was the one who led the Miroh Clan’s rebellion against the Fire Lord, and Sifu Junho fought to stop it. It’s not exactly surprising that he wouldn’t like me very much,”
 “I don’t care about the sins of your father,” Yongbok said, stepping closer to Hyunjin and cupping his cheek in the palm of his hand.  Unlike most Firebenders, Yongbok’s hands were always cold. Hyunjin shivered at the touch, but he embraced it, “from the day you became my servant, you’ve been nothing but sweet and thoughtful and just… perfect,”
 Hyunjin blushed, his skin heating up as his face turned red.  
 “T-thank you Yongbok,”
 “You’re welcome, my Hyunjinnie,” Yongbok said with that signature smile of his, “now, I’m supposed to go to the Royal Spa to get washed up before dinner.  But I think I’d rather go to my private bath… if you’d be willing to join me, of course,”
 Hyunjin could feel his inner fire swell at the thought of bathing with Yongbok. How could he possibly resist such a request?
 “Lead the way,”
 Yongbok’s private bath was actually more like a small pool, located just down the hall from his bedroom.  The water was steaming hot, and it felt so good against Hyunjin’s naked body as he settled in next to Yongbok, who was lounging in the corner of the bath.
 “Wanna wash my hair for me?” Yongbok asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at Hyunjin.
 Hyunjin had known Yongbok long enough to know what that meant.  No one of the Miroh Clan was allowed to touch the prince’s hair.  That was just a fancy euphemism for something else…
 Yongbok straddled Hyunjin, allowing his favorite servant to kiss his neck while he moaned at the contact.  Hyunjin grasped Yongbok’s thin waist, his long slender finger resting just over the swell of the prince’s plump ass.
 Truly, what had Hyunjin done to be so blessed?
 As Yongbok grinded on his lap, he felt his dick swelling to full size beneath the smaller man, earning him yet another deep, beautiful moan.
 “Spirits… you’re so big. I can never quite get used to it,” Yongbok said with a truly sinful smirk.
 “It’s never seemed to be too challenging for you to take,” Hyunjin replied, capturing Yongbok’s lips in a kiss.  Hyunjin’s lips were like flowing lava, while Yongbok’s were a frozen lake; competing sensations that blended together into a feeling of complete and total bliss.
 Hyunjin removed his right hand from Yongbok’s waist, prodding a finger against his clenching hole.  The water helped him ease it inside, eliciting a sharp gasp from the prince.  
 However, before they could truly get started, a loud bell chimed, echoing throughout the entire palace.
 “Fuck, that’s the dinner bell,” Hyunjin groaned, “I’ve gotta get back to the kitchen so I can prepare to serve you guys,”
 Yongbok whined, clearly not wanting their moment to end.
 “But baby I…”
 “We’ll finish this tonight? I’ll find a way to sneak into your room, I promise,”
 Yongbok sighed, but he didn’t argue the point any further.
 “Alright. I should probably go ahead and get dressed anyway. Tonight’s dinner is kind of special,”
 “Oh yeah? What’s so special about it?” Hyunjin asked. As a mere servant, no one ever told him or the others anything important.
 “The Fire Sages are finally going to reveal the identity of the next Avatar,” Yongbok explained, “it’s been so long since Avatar Rain died that the other nations are calling this ‘The Era without an Avatar’.  I’m not sure what’s taken them so long, but I’m excited to find out who this person is,”
 “Whoever they turn out to be, it’ll be extremely important for the Fire Nation,” Hyunjin thought out loud, “I can see why the Fire Lord wanted us to prepare such a fancy meal. For fuck’s sake, they had Jooyeon trying to smoke a sabretooth moose-lion,”
 Yongbok chuckled, deep and contagious.
 “Well, my beautiful servant, I suppose I’ll see you in a bit?”
 “Yes, my gorgeous prince,”
 Hyunjin did his best to keep an emotionless face as he, Jooyeon and Jungsu wheeled an impossibly large cart of food into the dining hall.  The long dining table had been draped with a golden tablecloth, and there were multiple candelabras decorating it.  The room was abuzz with casual conversation, and a cursory glance of the space made it clear that important guests from the other three nations were present at this special dinner.  At the far end of the table, there was another table, creating an elongated ‘T' shape.  At the second table, sat the entire Royal Family.
 In the center was Fire Lord Jinyoung; a truly ancient man with leathery tan skin and a head full of long, white hair, thinning around his hairline.  Atop his head was his royal topknot pin, making it look like golden flames were sticking out of his hair.
 On either side of him were the twin prince and princess; Jeongin and Ryujin. They had similar looks; the same pale skin, foxlike eyes and raven-black hair.  However, their vibes couldn’t differ more.  Jeongin’s features were sharp and intimidating, while Ryujin’s were soft and welcoming, however their true natures were quite the opposite. Prince Jeongin was known for feeding turtle-ducks in the Royal Garden and engaging in haiku battles with the kitchen staff, while Princess Ryujin personally oversaw the executions of anyone who dared cross the Fire Lord in any way.
 To the right side of Ryujin was the eldest of the Fire Lord’s children, Crown Prince Chan.  He had a short but muscular build, with a sharp jawline and broad shoulders.  He was something of an enigma; being next in line for the throne meant that he had a lot of unique duties that occupied a lot of his time.  Hyunjin never had any negative interactions with him, and Yongbok always spoke highly of him, so there was no reason to think he was anything but a nice guy.
 And of course, on the other end of the table, on the left side of Jeongin, was Yongbok himself.  He looked absolutely beautiful, though Hyunjin wasn’t a big fan of how the royal makeup artists always obscured his beautiful freckles in an effort to make him look more like a traditional Fire Nation citizen.  Despite that though, his smoky eyeshadow really highlighted his intense features, and the way his long hair had been pulled into a half-ponytail, with the rest hanging down his back, made him look like a spirit in mortal form.
 “Hey, stop staring,” Jungsu whispered as they approached the table, “stay focused,”
 “Sorry,” Hyunjin quickly replied, finally averting his gaze from the royals.  They finally reached the table and began serving the food in the traditional Fire Nation order; red tea first, followed by steamed buns, seafood salads, and then the main course of smoked moose-lion, finished off with a round of Jasmine tea, to aid with digestion.
 Hyunjin and the others stood back from the table as the dignitaries ate, drank and talked about political affairs that didn’t interest him.  All he wanted was a chance to approach Yongbok and take in his scent; he was probably wearing some expensive perfume imported from the Earth Kingdom.
 “This is so fucking boring,” Jooyeon said under his breath, only loud enough for his cousins to hear, “I don’t see why they make us wait around when we could just serve the food and leave,”
 “A specialized form of torture, I’m sure,” Hyunjin said through clenched teeth. Before any of them could say anything else, the doors at the far end of the dining hall opened, revealing ten men and women dressed in fancy red robes and tall, pointy hats that matched.  The eleventh man wore white and gold robes, and his hat was even taller and pointer than the others.
 They were the Fire Sages, ancient spiritual leaders of the Fire Nation and servants to The Avatar in each of their lives.  It was only fitting that they would be the ones to announce the identity of the next Avatar.
 “Ah, our esteemed guests have arrived,” Fire Lord Jinyoung’s voice rang out, shaking and nasally, “the Fire Sages have a very important announcement to make,”
 The Grand Sage, the one in the white robes, stepped forward as everyone in the room stopped their conversations and turned to face him.  The elderly man cleared his throat and began to speak.
 “Over ten thousand years ago, the endless Avatar Cycle began here, in our glorious Fire Nation. With each life, the Avatar is reborn into the Air Nomads, Water Tribe, and Earth Kingdom, and now the time has come for the Avatar to call the Fire Nation home once more!” the Grand Sage and all the others turned in unison. Hyunjin was confused for a moment, but a second later, he realized what they were all staring at…
 Or rather, who.
 “We live to serve you, Avatar Hyunjin,”
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somelokivariant · 4 months
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FOR MY CANADIANS, (and everyone)
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ashintheairlikesnow · 4 years
Nooooooo Chris bby no
CW: Noncon touching, referenced noncon, noncon kiss trauma/panic response, pet whump, intimate whumper, creepy whumper, crass/derogatory language
Someone comes in, uses the bathroom, washes their hands, and leaves. Chris can see them over the handler's shoulder through the crack between the closed stall door and the side, flimsy metal that doesn't quite meet.
He breathes in shuddery, shaking gasps, but he doesn't - he can't - make a sound. The handler holds him tightly, the weight and heat of his body forcing Chris back against the wall. They're both still clothed, but the handler's breath is hot on his ear and Chris might throw up, or bite, or...
No he won't.
He'll be still and silent and good.
He always does this - he always freezes up. Somewhere inside himself, derailed, there is a train wreck screaming at him to fight or flee, but Chris can't do that, he's never done that, he's always done just what he is doing now.
Freeze, and be good, and hope that it won't be as bad as he knows it can be. As it has been. As it will probably be again.
His breath hitches, and the handler jams a shoulder into his collarbone to quiet him. The man who came in leaves, and it's only the two of them again.
"What do you do pet, with your barcode sawed off, huh? What makes money for your fancy lattes these days? You got a sugar daddy?"
The handler kisses him before he can answer. The press of lips on his is familiar, repulsive, inevitable. It would always be this, in the end, wouldn't it?
He has an acceptance letter to a real college pinned to the fridge, and it doesn't matter, because once a pet, always a pet, and never anything more.
Chris chokes on his disgust, shakes his head to the question, twists away from the handler's attempt to kiss him again. His clip is torn loose and his hair falls into his face, a blue curtain, not a wall he can hide behind.
The handler grips his chin and forces his head up, to meet his eyes. Chris whines, hates himself. He's supposed to be better now, stronger, and he's not. Still Baldur, still 223499, still nothing, still just a black hole with legs. No one at all.
Not a person.
Just a pet.
"You know better," The handler chides, patronizing. Chris sees him through a blurry sheen of tears, fuzzy and unfocused. "You don't get to know that word anymore."
You have two options, trainee. You can choose to be good, or choose to get hurt. I always give you options, don't I?
Yes, Handler Petrus-
"How do you answer a handler, pretty boy?"
Chris whispers, "N-no, sir, I d-d-don't have-... have, have... have a, a, a sug, a s-sugar daddy-"
"Then what? Whoring yourself like the other Romantics? That how you make a living?" Chris shudders, managing a breathy no, sir, and the handler chuckles, one hand still gripped tight over his throat, the other slipping up under Chris's shirt to find the layer of compression fabric beneath. "Oh, you're a double-wrapped fucking Christmas present, huh? Well, I know where we can go. I'll get a room at a motel. Show me you still know your tricks, pet, and I'll even let you go without turning you in."
"You-... You will?" Hope, dizzying as any vertigo, fights for space in his racing chaotic mind.
Chris's head starts to spin. His hands, pressed to the cool walls, tap desperately, but there's no soothing to be had here. Words are starting to fall apart, spark and dissipate, lose connection with his brain.
He manages, "Y-you... You, you, you... You p-promise? If I-I'm good?"
"Scout's Honor. Did you come here alone, pretty boy?" The handler's fingers twist some of Chris's hair, tuck it behind his ear, fiddle with the six piercings there, pressing rough thumb over them one by one. "Hm?"
Tears run warm down Chris's cheeks as he hiccups on a sob and whimpers, "Yes, s-sir, I'm al, al, alone."
He lets himself be pulled out of the bathroom and towards the door with his head down and his eyes on the floor.
He"s a terrible liar - but he's crying so hard that the handler can't tell.
Look up, he thinks, desperately. The handler's grip on his hand is bruising tight, an arm around his lower back, a whispered litany of the things he is going to do to Chris when they get to the motel.
Chris says yes to them all. He doesn't remember anymore how to say no.
He doesn't get to remember no.
They move across the cafe to the door, to all appearances a man concerned about his upset friend. Chris can't cry for help. Pets don't ask for help. They don't need it.
They're pets.
He's a pet.
Everything else he's ever tried to be is a lie.
And yet...
Look up, he pleads, inside his own mind. Look up, see me, help me, help.
Look up, Antoni.
Tagging: @burtlederp  , @finder-of-rings  , @endless-whump  , @whumpfigure  , @slaintetowhump  , @astrobly   @newandfiguringitout   , @doveotions   , @pretty-face-breaker  , @boxboysandotherwhump   , @oops-its-whump  @moose-teeth   , @cubeswhump   , @cupcakes-and-pain   @whump-tr0pes   @whumpiary   @orchidscript  , @itallcomesdowntopain
189 notes · View notes
tibby · 4 years
If you have the time can you please please please recap season 4 of riverdale. I was going to binge it on Netflix but things happen and then I saw your post about the graduation episode and HAD to watch that happen and now I’m recommitted to the cause and need to know what happened while I was gone
sure. okay so the season sadly starts with the death of fred andrews in a very sentimental and moving episode that’s kind of seperate from the rest of the show so it’s not really until episode two that things kick off. the riverteens are kind of thriving in a parentless world because milf alice was kidnapped by a cult, dilf hiram and milf hermione are in prison, milf penelope is in hiding after killing a bunch of people, milf mary is kind of just There, milf gladys went back to toledo after her drug empire failed, god knows what milf sierra and gay kevin’s straight former cop dad are off doing, and dilf fp is the sheriff but because it’s fp he’s kind of bad at it. so the riverteens are horrified when their new principal mr honey expects them to be at school on time and disapproves of them throwing school dances because students keep getting murdered at them. cheryl, who an episode prior never wanted anyone in riverdale to celebrate the 4th of july ever again because of her brother’s death, considers this an act of oppression and throws a party at her house. however, as she is keeping her brother’s mummified corpse in the basement, she gets angry when reggie tries to sneak down there. meanwhile gay kevin is trying to make amends with betty for the time he tried to have her lobotomised because of the cult led by chad michael murray. betty uses this to her advantage to find out where the cult is, teaming up with her half brother, charles (not to be confused with chic, who was only PRETENDING to be charles back in season two). archie gets munroe, his prison buddy, to attend riverdale high, and reggie is weirdly jealous about it. archie discovers that this is because reggie is being abused by his father, so they smash in his car and apparently this solves everything. jughead starts attending stonewall prep, where he meets bret weston wallis, donna sweett, joan berkeley, and jonathan. he also reunites with moose, who disappeared in mid s3 after cheryl outed him to the whole school including his homophobic dad, and then his homophobic dad dressed up as the gargoyle to try and stop moose and gay kevin hooking up in the sex bunker they stole from dilton doiley after he killed himself, but it turns out that his homophobic dad was just angry HE never got to fuck gay kevin’s straight cop dad back in the day. it was this whole thing. anyway, moose is like “i’m going by my real name, marmaduke now, so people don’t find out about my dad” but everyone does anyway and so moose mysteriously disappears again. betty finds out where the cult is (after disarming a bomb attached to her sister polly using a bobby pin) and goes to rescue her mother. milf alice reveals that chad michael murray is using the cult money to build a rocket, and his wife/fake daughter evelyn is going to drive a bus full of cultists off a cliff. the day is saved! veronica finds out that her father’s real surname is luna and decides to start going by that as an act of rebellion because he keeps leaving the prison that he owns to fuck with her after she had him arrested. archie decides to turn his gym into a community centre with munroe’s help. cheryl, who, for unknown reasons, obtained custody of polly’s twins, immediately fires the nanny that toni hired because he said there were probably rats in the walls and went into the basement. cheryl goes to make sure that the nanny didn’t interfere with her brother’s mummified corpse, and toni walks in on her stitching him up. videotapes start arriving at the homes of the riverdale residents of said homes being filmed for hours. onto halloween! toni tells cheryl they can’t have a dead body in the horse and makes her rebury jason, at which point cheryl claims she is being haunted by a doll named julian, who is supposedly possessed by the spirit of her other brother that she ate in utero, but the haunting will stop if they unbury jason. toni agrees, but the doll continues to appear in weird places, and cheryl is forced to confess that while she WAS gaslighting her before, she isn’t right now. betty bonds with charles while receiving prank phone calls from polly, who is now in a mental institution. archie and munroe try to throw a halloween party at their community centre for the troubled youths but it’s interrupted by a drug dealing gang trying to start shit in the parking lot, thus giving archie a new enemy. reggie destroys mr honey’s office for the joke but mr honey catches him and is like “you do this because your dad hits you.” jughead uncovers mysteries surrounding strange disappearances of prep students known as “the stonewall four,” and donna drugs him so she and bretjoanjonathan can lock him in a coffin overnight as a bit. meanwhile, veronica burns a man alive in her basement. archie becomes a teen vigilante for the millionth time in the series, jughead and the other stonewall stags go into the running to be the ghostwriter for the baxter brothers franchise, veronica gets her mother out of prison but then finds out that her half sister, hermosa the PI, got their father out of prison, and he is now mayor again. betty and gay kevin start an fbi training course in which betty realises the serial killer gene is a real thing and she does have it, and remembers when she killed her childhood cat. jughead finds out that his grandfather who drunk himself to death but also abandoned fp but is also just some guy ACTUALLY wrote the baxter brothers franchise and is like “i have to reveal this!” so he takes it to his english teacher mr chipping but then mr chipping jumps out of a window before anything can come of it, and jughead is horrified when the stonewall stags have no reaction. cheryl is still convinced she is being haunted by a doll and things are further complicated when her extended family shows up. her uncle discovers jason’s body in the basement, threatens to send cheryl away, and is killed by toni. speaking of death, archie is still on his vigilante shit and asks hiram for help, at which point the near dead body of the gang leader, dodger shows up wrapped in carpet outside of the community centre. betty visits chic in prison to find out more about charles, and when chic threatens to reveal where milf alice buried the man she killed back in season two, charles and fp go to dig it up again and move it somewhere else. to get her family away from her and also in the spirit of thanksgiving, cheryl makes them think that they ate her uncle. dodger’s family show up at the community centre thanksgiving for revenge and there’s almost a shoot out, but thankfully the deep fryer explodes and chaos is avoided! milf mary later suggests the deep fryer exploding was archie’s dead dad’s ghost. betty and jughead spend the weekend at stonewall prep, where they play a homoerotic game of never have i ever with bret and donna. donna says that she and mr chipping were having an affair. now it’s time for the gang to go to therapy: archie gets diagnosed with gay but is also just suffering from an insane guilt complex, betty has mommy issues, veronica has daddy issues, cheryl is being gaslit but did NOT eat her brother in utero, jughead is just some guy. jughead finds out where his abusive alcoholic grandfather has been hiding out, and meanwhile his dad gets shot. veronica decides to fight back against her father by starting a rival rum business. polly rips off a nurse’s face and betty finds out that everyone in her family has a trigger word instilled in them by the cult, so she imagines herself going back in time to STOP her child self killing her cat to learn how to control it. cheryl uncovers her gaslighter by literally gassing her house, and it’s revealed that milf penelope was living in the walls and mad that cheryl had jason’s body. cheryl reburies jason and imprisons her mother in the sex bunker. archie’s uncle shows up, just in time for football season! the riverteens are playing stonewall prep, and reggie reveals that the preppies fight dirty, just in time for them to tonya harding munroe’s knees as he is their star player. archie’s uncle gives munroe steroids so he can play anyway, and riverdale loses but munroe gets a scholarship. cheryl feuds with her new cheerleading coach and locks her in her office so she has a panic attack. hiram threatens to sue veronica for stealing his rum recipe, so she teams up with cheryl (maple syrup queen) to create a new type. jughead joins the stonewall prep secret society, the quill and skull, and reveals that he watched a homeless man die. also, the cheerleading team performs cherry bomb. betty starts feuding with bret and decides to stand off against him in a quiz show, and although she wins, she is accused of cheating and is forced to give it up. she also wanted to use this to try and get into yale because apparently “cooper” is an uncommon name and people associate it with her serial killer father. veronica and cheryl enlist milf penelope and her former brothel in a hotel to run their underground rum dealership after hiram kept fucking shit up at veronica’s speakeasy. jughead is forced to come up with new stories for his baxter brother books, and so he writes about betty’s serial killer father (uh oh!) archie tries to restart his father’s construction company but his uncle’s shenanigans make it hard and gay kevin’s straight former cop dad has HAD IT. fangs is back from cult recovery, but gay kevin has gotten into non sexual tickle porn. toni and fangs get in on this they use this to blackmail nick st clair after he returns and understandably upsets cheryl, his would be rape victim. archie is attacked in the bathrooms at school because his uncle can’t mind his own business, but this plot was fucking boring so i don’t remember most of it. jughead and bret decided to duel, because of course, and betty uses this as a chance to investigate the preppies further. she finds out that bret films sex tapes and blackmailed moose with one, and also has one of her and jughead. she also finds a video suggesting donna lied about her affair with mr chipping. veronica goes to new york to visit katy keene, played by lucy hale of fantasy island fame, who tells her that her mother is dying. veronica returns home just in time to hear that hiram has a mysterious disease and decides to make amends. jughead is accused of plagiarism, meanwhile veronica realises her father thrives off war, and continues their rum battle. archie is now drinking at school and veronica accuses mr honey of being a fascist for having a problem with it. BUT. MOST IMPORTANTLY. ALL SEASON WE HAVE BEEN TEASED WITH DEADHEAD. AND IT IS FINALLY HAPPENING. IDES OF MARCH PARTY AT STONEWALL PREP. AND BETTY BASHES JUGHEAD’S HEAD IN WITH A ROCK. betty tries to prove that the stonewall stags did it instead but donna is an insane lesbian and thrives off gaslighting and fucking with her. because jughead died, betty gets his spot at yale. the core four are accused of murder but cleared of everything. jughead has a funeral, and bret’s attempt of proving jughead isn’t in the casket are thwarted by the sweet pea, the sweetest pea in the room. hiram shows up just to fire fp as sheriff. betty kisses archie to help with her grief, and veronica ends things with them both. but donna is not convinced, and goes around stalking betty, saying she watched her sex tape and knows that betty couldn’t last so long without sex with jughead. and she is right! because lo and behold, jughead is alive and hiding in the sex bunker, despite donna’s best attempts to catch them out. donna knows they’re up to something and implies she killed jonathan when bret doubts her. betty and archie are like “yeah we only dated for the bit :/” but their texting implies it was...more. betty and jughead return to stonewall and expose the preppies, but they decide not to interview jonathan because he “has food poisoning.” or he’s dead. their other teacher kills himself, and fp reunites with his abusive father. betty discovers that donna’s grandmother was one of the people killed for the rights to the baxter brothers/tracy true franchise, and the entire scheme was a complicated revenge plot by donna to get back at their teacher for killing her grandmother. betty blackmails her with this information so donna can’t have the tracy true contract, and everything is “wrapped up” just in time for gay kevin to announce he’s doing a variety show. gay kevin’s intentions of performing hedwig are destroyed when mr honey is like “no, this is inappropriate for high schoolers,” and so the riverteens decide to band together and have everyone perform hedwig songs as an act of protest. meanwhile, betty and jughead fight because jughead didn’t do his homework because he was too busy watching the stalker vhs tapes, and veronica and archie fight because he lied about her father working out at his gym, given that hiram has tried to kill him multiple times and doesn’t really care about his health. betty and archie use this as an opportunity to kiss during origin of love. the variety show is cancelled, but the core four and gay kevin perform midnight radio on the roof, and jughead watches a stalker vhs tape of someone in a betty mask killing someone in a jughead mask. tickle porn shenanigans continue, and gay kevin is threatened over cheating his original tickle porn handler out of money. mr honey then forces them to shut the website down. cheryl leaves the rum business after her mother is threatened because of goons that were mad at hiram. hiram decides to deal with this by going after said goons. archie writes a song for betty, they explore their relationship further, but she picks jughead over him even when he says he’ll dump veronica for her. jughead discovers that ethel watched his and betty’s sex tape, and he and charles uncover blue velvet video, which houses sexy films and snuff films, and jughead is like “oh this is connected to the whole vhs stalker thing.” cheryl is sent a video of someone dressed up as her father killing someone dressed up as her brother. the riverteens turn their focus to the fact that all of them except archie and jughead have been banned from prom for various reasons, and betty suggests they kill mr honey as punishment. jughead writes an elaborate murder fantasy about them doing so, and also kills off reggie and drives cheryl insane for the bit i guess. the riverteens conclude that mr honey was behind the vhs stalker tapes and have him fired, and he tells them they’re all deranged before going to teach at stonewall prep. the school secretary tells them all the wonderful things mr honey did for the school and hands jughead a recommendation letter he wrote him for college. jughead realises they fucked up and rewrites his story so mr honey lives, but uh oh! he and betty uncover a vhs tape of their fictional murder of mr honey, much like the others.
and that’s what you missed on riverdale!
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expectingtofly · 4 years
Tradition (or, Two Hunters, a Former Angel, and the God of the Universe Walk into a Kitchen...)
post 15x20, pure fluff. like fwp. fluff without plot. tfw 2.0 bakes xmas cookies together
also on ao3
Day 4 of @bend-me-shape-me‘s SPN Advent Calendar 2020 prompts
“You roll the dough out like this,” Sam said, demonstrating with the rolling pin. He handed it to Jack. “Here, try it.”
Jack flattened out the sugar cookie dough, his tongue stuck out in concentration, and Dean grinned. He glanced at Castiel, who was watching Jack with a small smile on his face. After only a week away, Jack had returned to the bunker, for good this time. And just in time for the holiday season and all its trappings. Dean took no small measure of pride in introducing the new God of the universe, and a former angel (now Dean's boyfriend) to every Christmas tradition, even if he and Sam were pretty hopeless themselves in celebrating the holiday. 
They’d already set up their freshly cut Christmas tree (it took them an hour just to get it through the bunker door and down the stairs), decorated the bunker (Dean couldn’t take two steps without bumping into tinsel), and may have gotten Jack tipsy the other night by accidentally giving him the alcoholic eggnog. Now they were attempting to make Christmas cookies. Dean was cautiously optimistic they’d have better luck with this tradition than the others. 
Once the dough was flattened, they began cutting out shapes and decorating them. Soon trees, stars, gingerbread men, and snowmen covered the flour-dusted kitchen island.
Dean gave a gingerbread man two bulging frosting eyes and a lopsided smile. “What the fuck?” he muttered, seeing the pristine green lines of frosting Castiel had drawn on a tree-shaped cookie. “Of course you’d be good at this.”
“Yours look great, Dean,” Sam said. “Very rustic.” Dean threw flour at him and Sam waved it away, grinning.
“No, Sam’s right,” Castiel said, leaning over with a bag of frosting to give Dean’s gingerbread man a tie and a shirt. “Very unique.” 
Dean shoved him lightly, making one of the lines of the gingerbread man’s shirt wrinkle. “You guys suck.”
“This one is named Arnold,” Jack said, dumping a frightful amount of sprinkles on top of what might’ve been a gingerbread person underneath all the frosting. “They can be friends with your cookie, Dean.”
“You can’t start naming the cookies, kid,” Dean said. “You’re not gonna want to eat them.”
Jack stared at Arnold with some measure of horror and Castiel laughed. The sound made Dean smile. Castiel had been happier in the last few days than in all the years Dean had known him. Watching him, Dean realized he was happier than he’d ever been himself. Catching his eye, Castiel smiled at him, and Dean noticed a dab of frosting on his cheek. Leaning over, he licked it off. 
“What the—?” Sam held a hand up in front of Jack’s eyes. “Gross!”
“Fine, fine, I’ll stop,” Dean said, holding up his hands. 
Castiel tried fighting back a smile, then leaned over and kissed Dean. “We’re done,” he promised, pulling away, and Sam rolled his eyes. 
Jack looked down at the mess they’d made and the frosting covering his hands. “This is very unsanitary.”
“All the germs will burn off in the oven,” Dean promised. He helped Jack align the cookies on a pan, making sure none of them got too bent out of shape. Sliding the pan inside the oven, he turned on the light inside. Jack sat down in front of the glass door to watch the cookies bake. Miracle padded to his side and rested his head in his lap.
Sam was looking at his phone, and Dean hit his arm as he went to the sink to wash his hands. “Where’s Eileen?”
“She’ll be here tomorrow,” Sam said, looking not a little disappointed. “She says the highways are really bad.”
“I don’t think Arnold is going to look so good when they come out of the oven,” Jack commented. Dean snorted and Castiel elbowed him in the side.
The oven timer beeped and Sam took the pan out of the oven. He set it down on the island with a frown. “Hmm.”
Snowmen warped into blobs, Christmas trees with frosting stuck to the pan. Dean tried not to laugh at the misshapen cookies on the pan, but each one was worse than the next and he couldn’t keep it back. 
“They’re so bad,” he managed through his laughter, wiping at his eyes. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, mine turned out perfectly,” Castiel said. “Jack’s too. Arnold looks great.”
Dean looked at Arnold and burst out laughing again. Sam turned away, trying to hide a smile. 
“I don’t understand,” Jack said, staring mournfully at the colorful monstrosity Arnold had become, spilled out onto the other nearby cookies.
“We’ll make more another day,” Castiel said, somehow keeping a straight face. He nudged Dean and Dean tried to bottle in his laughter.
“Right, yeah.” He tried to stay serious. “No, really, Jack, yours look fine. I mean, look at the ones I made. They’re a mess.”
Jack studied the cookies, then looked up at him and slowly smiled. “We’re really bad at this, aren't we?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Sam agreed. 
“The point is we made them,” Castiel said. “It’s the act of creation that makes them so special.”
Jack nodded solemnly. “What he means is,” Dean plucked one of the better looking cookies off the pan, “all that matters is that they taste good.” 
They settled in the Dean Cave to watch The Grinch—Jack’s first time seeing the movie. Jack cheerfully bit off Arnold’s head, and Dean pulled a blanket around himself and Castiel. Sam glanced at his phone, then got up and rushed out of the room. 
“Where’s he off to?” Dean asked, glancing at Castiel, who shrugged. In a few minutes, footsteps echoed in the hallway, and Sam returned with a wide smile and Eileen in tow. 
“I thought you weren’t getting here until tomorrow,” Dean said, sitting up straighter.
“Surprise,” she said, grinning.
“Eileen, you have to try one of these,” Jack said, holding up the plate of cookies from where he sat on the floor with Miracle. “They’re really good.”
“They taste a lot better than they look,” Sam said and Eileen’s mouth twitched with a smile as she took one.
“What’re we watching?” she asked, sitting next to Sam.
“Not Lost Boys,” Jack said. “Thankfully.”
Dean started to protest and Castiel grabbed the remote from him. “Just start the movie, Dean.”
The Grinch began and Dean settled back, leaning against Castiel. He watched Jack smooth Miracle’s fur with one hand, eating another cookie with the other. Sam and Eileen were huddled on the other end of the couch, signing to each other. Castiel slipped his hand in Dean’s, and Dean smiled. No matter how much they screwed up every holiday tradition, he couldn’t help hope that these activities would become just that—traditions. That they would get to bicker over how best to decorate the tree and make messes of cookies and be together the next year and the next. For the first time, he felt sure they would.
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@becky-srs @xojo @marvelnaturalock @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @aelysianmuse @prayedtoyou @letsjustdieeveryone @spookyskeletonsandallthezombies @good-things-do-happen-dean @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @theninthdutchessofhell​ @madronasky​ @famouspsychicpizzabandit​ @multifandomdisorder​
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cupcakecoterie · 2 years
@true0neutral - Hazel, half-elf cleric
@fauxfire76 - Darvin, human bard/sorcerer
@hyperewok1 - Remi, human paladin/warlock
@miaaoi - Farideh, dragonborn sorcerer
@lindira - Clarity, tiefling rogue/warlock
Marion - Ava, human ranger
Brian - Barnabus, minotaur fighter
@lovefrometernity - Rylan, wood elf sorcerer
When I said significantly behind, I fucking meant it. At least with this one, it was mostly combat and a play-by-play of combat tends to be boring so this’ll be the highlights and thus relatively short. Okay, here we go.
We actually started with Hazel, Clarity, and Rylan, and Hazel investigating the corpse pile to find out how they died. Didn’t quite notice that they were fused together into an undead monstrosity until various arms tried to grab for her. Combat ensued.
Rylan attempted Blight, did not in fact register that Blight did not work on undead, and then started screaming. This, at least, alerted the ones back at the sled. Ava, Barnabus, and Farideh went to help out the shrieking Rylan while Darvin kept hold of baby Serra.
Clarity got engulfed by the corpse mound. Unfortunately she spent a lot of combat that way.
There were some issues with positioning solely because they were trying to fight a Large creature in a small inn room and the narrow corridor didn’t make things easy.
Rylan got pinned to the ground by a bone lance ... but managed to nat 20 the Athletics check needed to pull the lance out, and from that point just nuked it with Magic Missile.
(Side note: @lovefrometernity sounds a little like a Muppet when they scream, endearingly so.)
Then they heard a not-quite-toddler giggling, because Darvin had been curious and concerned (and a tiny bit metagamey because while he knew where the combat was situated OOC, Darvin didn’t know IC, but never mind, it still made sense IC), had come into the inn ... and, because we don’t leave not-quite-toddlers outside alone in the cold, he took baby Serra with him. Hazel was not impressed. They put Serra through Hazel’s Home Key door immediately ... and then went to look for Remi and Alisaie.
After a break, we moved to Alisaie and Remi, in the cellar. Remi told Alisaie, “Break down the door; I’ll cover you”, at which point Alisaie had to demonstrate that breaking a door down is not necessary when both parties involved have access to Dimension Door. Though that took a few seconds of poorly-timed “married argument”. They ended up a bit away from the sled (reasoning that Darvin could Dimension Door away with Serra if combat happened to follow them, not knowing that Darvin and Serra were in the other makeshift arena) and continued the conversation until the splintering of the outside cellar door indicated the approach of three young white dragons.
Alisaie fought one of them in the air, because she be like that. Remi took on the second on the ground, and when the third went for her, Legolas the dire moose stomped holy hell out if it.
Clarity was having a really bad combat-related day, since a nat 1 on a Fire Bolt ended up with her singeing Legolas.
Farideh was having a lot of fun with Chain Lightning and got her first in-game kill. So both new characters got kills in their first combats, which was nice. Hazel killed the second with Sacred Flame, and as for Alisaie ... well ... two nat 20s when raging, plus Darvin’s d10 inspiration die added to damage... Basically she took Darvin’s inspirational call of “I want to see its head fly at least fifty yards” literally.
They decided to not spend any time in the Blind Harpy building but did stay on the grounds overnight so they could investigate the cellar in the morning. Mostly because when she went to skin, scale and butcher the dragons, they found some distressing black splotches on the hide.
Be warned; what comes in the following two sessions is eldritch horror of the worst kinds. I’ll try to keep it detail-light but they saw some unpleasant shit.
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