#proship f/o imagines
mangoshipping · 2 months
💙 proship/neutral safe 💙
imagine your f/o helping you through a hard time.
whether theyre holding your hand as they help you go somewhere scary, or singing your praises after you do something hard, or just holding you while you let out your emotions...
your f/o is here for you.
💙 proship/neutral safe 💙
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discoursepoyo · 8 months
Imagine your F/o drive to your workplace/ school to get you because you're sick!
Imagine how you nervously call your f/o, telling them that you don't feel well and to take you home.
Your f/o didn't waste any time and before you could blink, they arrived. Taking you home to take care of you! They would happily bring you everything and would love to cuddle with you!
(if you rather not then imagine them trying to get close to you. Do you push them away, not wanting to get them sick too? Or do you not mind it?)
Or is your f/o in class with you, or working with you at your workplace?
Imagine them noticing it, and asking you, if you want to rest.
Imagine them notifying your boss / teacher and then take you home to take care of you, until you can go to work/school again!
Or is your f/o even the boss/ teacher?
If they are your teacher, imagine them noticing it and taking you outside the classroom to ask what is wrong.
They will immediately take some time off for you and tell the staff that they will be gone for a few days, until you feel well again. They want to take care of you!
If they are your boss, imagine how nervous you would be asking them to call in sick. Your f/o nods and guides you to their car and drives you home to take care of you. Imagine then declining calls from customers or co-workers while at home to have time for you!
((def didn't write that bc I'm sick and off work lol))
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emperorselfship · 1 year
imagine being squished between your two tallest f/os
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v1-kisser · 2 months
Maybeeee Imagine your F/O walking into the bedroom while they know you're in bed, trying to be quiet in case you're asleep... n smiling when they see you cozy under the covers...
Maybe they're just arriving home and they can't wait to join you, trying to get ready for sleep as quietly as possible. You can hear drawers opening and closing, the sink running. See the light from the next room cascading on the floor. Maybe you sleepily stare at the shadow of your F/O brushing their teeth or pulling off their shirt. Safe and warm. Almost nostalgic. Knowing that they're near. Sitting in the pleasant fog of drowsiness while someone you love is preparing to come lay with you. And then the distant light flicks off. For a moment you almost miss it, the certainty of where they were... the intimacy without touch. But the second that their weight sinks into the bed, and their warmth graces your back, those feelings dissipate like smoke.
They mumble a "goodnight" in case you're awake.
Talk to you in the morning.
proship/comship dni
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nimue-hidden-lake · 4 months
F/O holding you tightly. F/O nuzzling against one of your cheeks. F/O squishing you like a stuffed animal. F/O chuckling into your ear. F/O getting cozy with you. F/O being all snuggly with you.
Do not start imagining it or you might not be able to stop picturing F/O cuddles!
Proship/Comship do not interact please!
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lick-yourwounds · 2 months
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Imagine coming home and seeing 2 (or more) of your F/O's cuddled up in bed together, waiting for you to come home and join them.
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hardmangoshipping · 2 months
💙 proship/neutral safe 💙
imagine walking in on your f/o jerking off.
you hear noise from behind a door while walking by. it sounds like your f/o might be talking aloud to themself, but its quiet enough that you arent sure what youre hearing.
youre curious. the door is open a crack... so you gently push it open, not wanting to disturb. you dont open it enough to be noticable, but enough that you can see and hear better.
your eyes widen as you realize whats happening - their hand is in their pants, little noises keep slipping out, and you hear your name being moaned out. theyre obviously trying to keep quiet, and you realize that maybe you should do something.
you debate with yourself for a split second - do you leave and not mention this, or... should you be honest and let them know youre here?
you decide to be honest.
maybe your f/o gets embarrassed upon noticing you, all flustered! trying to cover themself, nervously asking "h-how much did you hear?", blushing profusely.
or maybe, your f/o isnt really embarrassed at all. maybe, they invite you over, teasing you for watching, and flustering you instead.
both ways? you end up doing more than just watching.
💙 proship/neutral safe 💙
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kiwisandpearls · 2 months
your f/o pulls you into their lap and lets you silently cry onto their chest. They take a breath before they start to talk,
“i know this year hasn’t been kind to you and youre probably terrified of what the future will bring.”
they slowly pet your head as they feel you sink deeper into their arms,
“and im not here to tell you to not feel scared.”
they lift your head up by your chin so that youre looking at them. They then wipe your tears away from your face.
“but i promise you that even if the worse does come, it will get better. And no matter what happens…”
they tenderly cup your cheeks and place a gentle kiss on your forehead, before looking down at you with loving eyes,
“i will always be there for you.”
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wriomilo · 1 month
(NSFT, MDNI) ❥ imagine your shipcest parent f/o keeping your mouth shut with their hand during sex, not because they need you to be quiet, but because they'd cum too quickly if you moaned "daddy"/"mommy"
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lavenderkissships · 11 days
loving f/os who don't find themselves lovable or able to love is something else cause for whatever reason they don't find themselves worthy of such affection and yet here you are to give it to them without reservation. Able to look beyond any flaws or misinterpretations etc to see the many lovable, genuine and sincere traits they do have that they themselves are blind to
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wheat-angel · 2 days
For any selfshipper out there who finds themselves low on energy a lot, physically or mentally, to where it's hard to take care of yourself everyday:
You're F/Os still love you.
It's hard to find the time or energy to shower? They help you set a routine, but they won't scold you if you miss a day for whatever reason, there's always tommorow.
Cleaning up after yourself not coming easily? C'mon, let's do one thing at a time together. Maybe picking up one specific item and putting those away. Or maybe choosing a small section of the room that's "messy" to focus on.
Chores need to be done, and you're overwhelmed? Let's turn it into a game. Maybe a point for each thing you get done. Or maybe with each part of it complete, you get to get a little reward for them, and if you collect all of the little rewards, you get the big prize, hm?
Finding it impossible to cook for yourself? It's alright, even if you microwave something or order out, all that matters is that you're eating.
Missing medications? You'll be rewarded with hugs if you go do that for them, because that's important. And if it's got to be at a specific time, then your F/O will help you through the day as best they can.
All they ask of you is that you do what you can. They know it's hard and tough, but for you, they'll try to be as patient as they can. You need to take care of yourself because they want to see you being alright and getting through day by day.
They love you. Platonically, familialy, or romantically, it doesn't matter. They love you and care about you.
You're doing your best. Be patient with yourself like how'd they'd be patient with you. If you need to push yourself to do it, then let your F/Os be the ones trying to motivate you to do it if that helps you.
If anyone reblogs with tags or comments about how gross or disgusting these kinds of people are, you will be blocked on sight. Don't shame people for their struggles when you don't know them.
Also Pr0///shippers, their supporters and neutrals DNI. Everyone deserves human support like this and don't deseve to die, but this specific post is not for you.
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discoursepoyo · 7 months
Sometime i'm feeling sad because of my f/o who's only existing in an Otome game.
But then I imagine my f/o, laying a hand on the screen, wishing to be with me.
"I'm sorry. I wish I could pull you to my world...."
He watches me playing his route, excited to experience the story together until there is a part of the script that he knows I won't like. The part where he has to tell the MC that he can't love me for a stupid reason. His heart starts to pain from my sad looks. He didn't want to say it, but the script forced him to.
Until to the part where everythings resolved, he tries extra hard to make you smile by showing you the lovelist expression you've ever seen.
Imagine the ending, where he cheated his way through the ending to get you enough points so you can read the best and happy ending of his route. He's so happy!
He remembers it means that his mind everything will be reset to the start when you want to play again. And again, and again, and again...
What will happen after? Will he lost his mind, and breaking the game and successfully breaking the game, maybe even reality and finally pulling you to his world and you get your happily ever after?
Or maybe he can't do anything, always having to replay everything until he loses his mind and always tries to break through the screen while crying when you're away, not bareing a single minute longer not having you in his arms?
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Translation (?):
"Respect the elders? No one says that these days. As expected from someone who was born in the Showa-era"
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shout out to people with f/os that are hated by the fandom for being morally reprehensible
the f/o that is a rapist
the f/o that abuses animals
the f/o that is canonically a pedophile
the f/o that is a stalker
the f/o that is a bully
the f/o that is an abuser
the f/o that hurts others no reason other than they enjoy it
the f/o that has no desire to get better
the f/o that is an unsympathetic villain
the f/o that treats everyone around them like garbage because they feel like they're the only person with coherent thought in the general vicinity
the f/o that killed off one of the characters you're supposed to root for and supposed to like
the f/o that you can see part of yourself in, maybe even when most people think that'd be a red flag
... and shout out to you, selfshipper, for loving them despite it all! or because of it all. ^_^
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v1-kisser · 4 months
Proship dni for my comfort thanks.
I feel like everyone portrays F/Os as these romantic, perfect all around lovers, and while that's all well and good! I prefer F/Os who are flawed, who don't always say the right things. Who can sometimes be petty or selfish. F/Os who have a habit of seeing conflict as a contest on who can talk the loudest, instead of a conversation. F/Os who run out of patience sometimes and have to go cool off mid-conversation, even if they're right. F/Os who struggle to communicate their emotions.
I find comfort in the idea of a relationship where mistakes like that are allowed and given room to breathe. A relationship where, no matter what the conflict is, the walls eventually come down. Maybe it takes hours, maybe days until you're both calm enough to work it out. Maybe it takes several conversations to solve it, but each end in Hey. I love you. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
You're not perfect, and neither is your F/O. That's okay. That can be beautiful, too. There's not a hug that's more comforting than the firm, tearful one after reaching mutual understanding. Knowing that you didn't mess it up too much, you didn't break things permanently. You couldn't if you tried. They missed you... and you've got some serious affection to catch up on.
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nimue-hidden-lake · 13 days
Laying on your f/o’s lap, getting cozy like a cat perhaps. Nuzzling, giggling, cuddling – You just wanted to get a little comfortable.
Do they embrace it? Perhaps pat your hair softly and smile while looking at you. They cannot hide their amusement, let alone being so affectionate. Especially when you need some rest, maybe too tired to think. All you want is to feel your f/o close to you.
Or is your f/o more the type of person who will deny anything? That they think you look adorable, all to try resisting you. And yet they cannot help themself in the end and just give in. They might act tough yet they melt when it’s just the two of you during moments like these.
F/O lap pillow… There’s (almost) nothing better in this world, is there?
Proship / Conship do not interact please!
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pinky-in-blankets · 3 months
《 Hear me out.
Just.. Your F/o is just your unwitting pillow because I said so. Like they could be doing literally anything- working, Sleeping, Eating, Etc.
And you just.
FLOP! Your my pillow now. Whatever you were doing before idc because your comfy and I'm eepy.
.... *Snore..* 》
Proship/comship DNI
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