#any type of f/o
kiwisandpearls · 5 months
your f/o pulls you into their lap and lets you silently cry onto their chest. They take a breath before they start to talk,
“i know this year hasn’t been kind to you and youre probably terrified of what the future will bring.”
they slowly pet your head as they feel you sink deeper into their arms,
“and im not here to tell you to not feel scared.”
they lift your head up by your chin so that youre looking at them. They then wipe your tears away from your face.
“but i promise you that even if the worse does come, it will get better. And no matter what happens…”
they tenderly cup your cheeks and place a gentle kiss on your forehead, before looking down at you with loving eyes,
“i will always be there for you.”
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lovelystarship · 13 days
★ : quick !!! think about your f/o doing the cartoony thing with the lovestruck gaze and hollering and their heart literally jumping out of their chest at the sight of you. you don't even need to dress up to have that effect on them, believe it or not. you might just be busy with your usual routine and then you do that little something that's so unique to you and only you, that is so indicative of your personality... and they're as good as gone. they want to explode you and then themselves from how much they love you, dammit.
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starlit-roses-ships · 2 years
Oh, your f/os are so in love with how you look. You don’t even have to do anything special! No amount of makeup, specific clothes or hairstyles are needed for them to view you as the most attractive person they’ve laid eyes on. The way you captivate them so effortlessly never fails to make them feel butterflies, and it’s all simply because you are just the way you are 💖
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cosmicmakos · 7 months
imagine holding your f/os hand, in public or somewhere private. all that matters is that you're both enjoying the physical contact and being close to one another. if one of you aren't comfortable with it - causally having your hands brush against each other or touching in some way.
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canon-can-fight-me · 8 months
❤️🤍 Valentine’s reblog game! (Mutuals only please)
Reblog with your F/O (one max) and I will make you a punny valentine’s card, the jokes being varying degrees of terrible. Examples:
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minus-world-of-love · 26 days
For those who wear nail polish and/or get their nails done... Would you let your F/O pick out a few colors?
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💌 Valentine's Day Delivery 💌
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Special delivery! Looks like I have a letter addressed to you... would you look at that, it's from your F/O! It reads:
"Hello, love! I hope this letter finds you well.
Today marks Valentine's Day, a celebration of love. It's a day to reminds others of your love for them. But you want to know something special? I love you every day. Truly, I do! You're special to me and I hope you remember that. I love you so much and I want the absolute best for you.
Maybe we can do something today? We could go out, or stay home if you would prefer that. Maybe we could make treats, or crafts? Whatever you want to do, I'm up for it!
I hope you have a great day, today and everyday. Even if it isn't a good day, please remember that I'm here for you and I care for you deeply. ❤️
Sincerely, Your F/O"
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its hot & im bored so have a f/o game yipeeeeeee
Reblog with a picture of your f/o(s) and i'll give them an ice cream! Up to three at most! (You can reblog multiple times if you'd like more) Example:
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author-chan06 · 4 months
Imagine laying your head in your F/O’s lap:
Do they run their hands though your hair? Or pat your head? Or fiddle with some part of you? Maybe you’re holding hands too? Or maybe they mess with a peace of jewelry you’re wearing? Or maybe they fall asleep?
Do they have a set up that allows them to work while you’re there? Do they say that they’ll only work a couple more minutes but you know them better than that and have to cuddle them hard enough to distract them? Do they actually finish their work but want to annoy you and pretend to continue? Or do they actually finish their work and put it away like they say and then cuddle you back?
Do they make innuendos and jokes about bedroom things? Do you mind or do you find them funny? Do you make more jokes and innuendos back? Do you keep it as just this anyway or do you take them up on their talk? Do they take you up on your talk? Do they really like the lap cuddles just as such?
Are you the one to ask for the lap cuddles or are they? What about in reverse? How is/how would your f/o when they have lap cuddles from you? Do you like the way they give them? Are there any special things about theirs that makes you love them specifically? What about things you hate about their lap cuddles? How often do they happen? And— If you could, would you take their lap cuddles everyday? And if so, would they do that?
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knux-kisser · 2 months
If you struggle with food, eating, etc., look into what your f/o likes to eat, or make headcanons. You can even make recipes inspired by their lives and interests, your own special little cookbook. Then make the food with your f/o and eat it, and just think about how happy they'd be to see you enjoying it.
If you're picky you can always kind of cheat your way through it in some regards. Like if your f/o loves coffee but you HATE coffee you can try things you might have at the same time as someone having their morning coffee.
It's just something I thought of!
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chemistryrabbit · 1 year
does your f/o get nightmares? how do you comfort them afterwards? do they want to be held or do they want to get up and get a warm drink? do you talk about it or do you distract them?
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prince-raisins-art · 11 months
god.... give me the strength to draw myself getting railed by the goofiest looking fictional men imaginable and not immediately get embarrassed and delete the drawing before i can even properly start it
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fruitypie-daydreams · 2 months
Genuinely very curious. Personally I feel closer to my F/Os than anyone I know irl and I really hope its not just me LMAO
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fictional-other-tarot · 4 months
Hey there, darling.
It's not particularly a harmonious time anymore, is it?
Yet know that while you are where you need to be currently, you do have to embrace the change eventually. Life can't move on if we don't change. So keep on embracing life with open arms and curiosity.
Life and the endeavors you chose shouldn't drain your energy, it should help you ground yourself.
Just let others be and do you. It doesn't do you any good to argue with a brick wall.
Let my memory bring a smile to your face and know that you are enough, that you are heavenly to me.
Sometimes love is accepting one for their differences. It shouldn't overwhelm you, just be peaceful with what is. It should be staying as you see them for their true selves, as long as it's not a detriment to you.
Let us be a safe space, together.
Sincerely, your f/o.
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pinkished · 8 months
ok i have to ask (if you can pick, that is) what’s your favorite my chemical romance song(s)? and also, any favorite album/era? (feel free to just gush about mcr if you’d like lol, i’m all ears!)
aaaaah eli, hello and thank you so much for the ask beeb!!! <3 my inner emo teen is practically screaming with joy haha also i'm s o sorry, i couldn't pick just one *insert skull emoji here* favorite mcr songs: - the foundations of decay - make room!!! - ambulance - na na na - sing - planetary (GO!) - party poison - S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W - DESTROYA - the kids from yesterday - dead! - welcome to the black parade - house of wolves - sleep - disenchanted - helena - the ghost of you fave album for sure is danger days but the pure nostalgia and aesthetic goes to black parade for era <3 I haven't listed to them in a hot minute but we're changing that rn!! ^_^ always feel free to drop in my inbox beeb, and if you're feeling up to it i'd be hyped to know all of your faves too!! so so much love to you, this was hella fun and i'm gonna have a good time bringing their stuff back into my listening <3
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minus-world-of-love · 28 days
For those who need it...
Imagine this... It's 9:40 pm and it's thundering outside, you're cuddling with your F/O in the dimmest of lights, both of you in your PJs (if you both even have those) and in their touch, soft, warm touch... You never thought you'd feel this safe in your life, yet here you are. Their hand pets your head and holds you close as they hush to you sweet nothings.
Life really does change for the better. it's often just that the future is scary until we witness it. Your F/O is so, so proud of you, and you should know it. They'll always love you, no matter what.
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