#love dem tall bois
emperorselfship · 2 years
imagine being squished between your two tallest f/os
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m-jelly · 9 months
Hello, Jelly! How are you?
What about demon prince! Levi? The reader is a witch who must give her soul to the Demon King, but he does not accept this payment.
Instead, he asks for her hand in marriage for his only son, the demon prince Levi. Levi is lonely and his father is worried about him, so he thinks that finding a mate for him is a good solution.
The reader agrees to this, which results in Levi and her falling madly in love. Levi is happy that he has found the love of his life, just like his beloved
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@ladycheesington <3
Spell veil
Levi x dem!reader
Royal AU, demon Levi, witch reader, fluff, romance, arranged marriage, falling in love, love at first sight.
You're meant to offer your soul for power to the demon king, but the king is concerned about his lonely son. Instead of losing your soul, the king offers you marriage to his son. You meet the prince and the two of you fall helplessly in love with each other.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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"I decline, but I do have another offer."
You stared at the demon King. "You decline? Is there something wrong with my soul?"
"It's too nice." He chuckled. "Nothing wrong with that. I just need something different."
You pouted a little at the handsome King. "So, what is this other offer?"
He released a long sigh as he considered his offer. The wooden throne creaked when he rose from him. A thudding from his boots echoed in the room when he descended the stairs. Even though he was tall, he had this kind and soothing aura about him, it was hard to believe he was the demon King.
A gentle smile spread on his lips. "You are really cute and you're talented."
You frowned. "Thank you?"
"Are you single?"
He clasped his hands together. "Wonderful! So is my son! He is very handsome, strong, kind and he has a lot of love to give." He ushered you along and through his grand halls. "He is hardworking as well. He's normally drinking tea and working on some papers in his office or the grand greenhouse." He stopped a maid. "Where is my son?"
The maid bowed. "His Highness is in the greenhouse."
"Thank you!" He dragged you to the greenhouse that took your breath away.
The greenhouse was like an old Victorian one. A large water feature was in the middle. Grand flowers and trees decorated the walls. Near the edge of the greenhouse was a cosy corner with blankets, seats, cushions and a very handsome man sat with papers.
You gasped as heat spread over your cheeks. "Wow."
The king chuckled. "Told you he's handsome." He strolled over to his son and left you standing there. "Levi! My boy. I have someone for you."
Levi looked up from his papers. "Mm?"
"You've been lonely and I said I would find you a wife, so I found you this cute witch!"
Levi leaned a little to look around his father at you. Hopes were not high in Levi, but as soon as he locked eyes with you his heart raced in his chest. To him, you were beautiful beyond words could describe. Instinct took over. He rose to his feet and approached you. A gentle sparkled filled his eyes as he gazed at you.
Your heart skipped a beat when Levi smiled a little bit before caressing your cheek. You bowed your head and hummed. "Y-Your Highness."
"Levi, please." He lifted some of your hair and kissed it. "What is your name?"
You stammered your name. "It's lovely to meet you."
"You too." He gulped hard, he didn't wat to mess up his chance with you. "Would you like to join me for tea?"
He escorted you to his little corner and poured you a drink. "Tell me everything about you."
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Maids and butlers moved out of the way of the prince while he stormed his way through the halls. Months ago they used to clear the path because he was always in a mood, but then the King brought you into his life and Levi had changed.
Levi was on a mission and this time it was for love. He knew exactly where you were and he knew very well his father did it on purpose. The grand doors of the throne room appeared before him, he was here for you. With a swift kick, the doors slammed open to reveal the King, Queen and you.
The King smiled at Levi and waved. "Hello, son!"
Levi looked at what was going on, it seemed you were showing them a few spells. He hurried over to you and scooped you up into his arms. "My fiancée, mine."
Your cheeks burned as you felt a little flustered. "Levi, the king-."
"Is my father and I'm your fiancé. I want you." He pouted so sweetly. "Ignore my father."
You smiled a little. "You want attention?"
"Of course." He carried you away from his parents. "I'm a very demanding demon. I desire my fiancée's full attention."
You hugged him tightly as he carried you through the halls. "You have me. So, where are we going?"
"To our corner in the greenhouse."
You kissed his cheek causing him to blush. "Did you ever think that you'd be like this with someone years ago?"
"No." He smiled down at you. "But I'm so glad you tried to offer your soul to my father because now I have you." He lay you down on a bed of blankets. "Mine for eternity."
You gasped at the thought. "You're right, we'll be together for eternity."
He leaned over you and began kissing your neck and face. "Does that make you happy?"
You cupped his face and smiled sweetly. "Very."
He played with your hair as you lightly played with his pointed ears an then his horns. "I love it when you touch me as much as you do."
You hummed a laugh. "You're just so soft and warm."
He called your name. "My little spell bunny, I love you."
You smiled at your handsome fiancé. "I love you, Levi."
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chevvy-yates · 10 months
got tagged by @alphanight-vp. Thank you sm 🤍
As I got four boys I will only pick Ryder for now, as I assume he's the secret crowd favorite. If it happens I get tagged again I'll pick another as I do not have the energy to do all four atm.
Decided to let Ry answer. All in italic is what he thinks for himself as further answers as he usually doesn't like these sort of rather boring and timewasting questioning and even more so doesn't tell that to strangers. So it's not a must to let the oc speak but I felt like doing it for this one. It's just Ryder thinks a lot for himself especially with strangers. He holds back his true wants and interests very often and only gives harsh answers to them that don't tell much about him.
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"You scanned me, right? It says 'Ryder' — and that is how you are allowed to call me. No last name, Just Ryder. Is all you need to know." — I'm a fucking von Scharfenberg, some high royal German Corpo. If I would spit that into your face you would probably only laugh and your answer would be "This is a joke right?". Kein Scherz, I'm the son of the CEO of Militech. The useless boy who disappeard several years ago. I had reasons enough to leave this shitty live.
"You are a rando so for you I am still 'Ryder', ist das klar?" — My nickname is 'Ry' but I only allow my closest friends and loved ones to call me like that. Thyjs calls me 'snoep' and I think that sounds beautiful. He only says it when we are just for us. So ein Süßi.
"Cis male."
"It spans 210–240° ecliptic longitude under the constellation of Scorpius, so it's Scorpio." — Sometimes though I feel like a cancer in a leather jacket rather than a true Scorpio.
"I'm 1,88m tall. Translate it to inches, feet or whatever you count in by yourself." — Why can't this world have a consistent meassurement system? Geht mir so auf die Nüsse! Apple hat's doch auch vor gefühlt 50 Jahren geschafft Thunderbolt dem USB-C Standard anzupassen und heut' gibts das nicht mal mehr!
"Gay. Top only."
"I rarely eat fruits. They are expensive as fuck these days."
"Clearly Fall. I like the wet rainy air way more than hot sweaty summers."
There we go— the standard questions are popping up once again. Wieso jetzt Blumen? This is getting lame. — "I always forget the name. Ask Thyjs, not me. He knows it for sure. It's pretty. Dark purple is all I can remember."
"The smell of a thick dark and green German forest. Cedarwood, moss and earthy scents. That paired with rain? Beste!" — I miss that a lot. — "If you want to know a fragrance instead: Aramis. Its notes? Like the way I'm smelling for you right now minuse the cigarette smoke." — I see you start sweating. Unübersehbar. Aramis never fails.
TEE? — "Brudi, Tee kommt mir gar nicht in die Tüte! Give me a fucking beer! Faust. Astra. Or a Tannenzäpfle. Man, I even take your lousy American beer or a Heinaken if I have to but please — no fucking tea!" — Coffee in the morning is alright though and gets me going.
"Man, why always these lame questions? Fucking hell. I do not track my sleep. If I sleep, I fucking sleep! If it's 4 or 8 hours – I do not care!" — To be honest, I rarely got a good sleep – not before Thyjs came into my life as he distracts me a lot. I mean if I found sleep, i slept, but there's been a time I slept like two hours and I needed booster meds to stay awake. Beast pounds almost 24/7 in my head — try find some sleep with it. almost impossible …
-Sighs rather agressively- These questions are getting on my nerves. — "Dogs."
SEH ICH SO AUS ALS WÜRD ICH DAS NEM RANDO WIE DIR MITTEILEN WOLLEN!? -tries to stay calm- — "Just be somewhere alone with my soldier visiting several spots in Europe. Where is none of your business." — I would love to show Thyjs where I've grown up and played as a kid. Back then life was easy and carefree. I would love to see Amsterdam. Love to travel up to Sweden or Norway and see the Aurora Borealis, have a great look at the stars as Night City's massive lighting during the night blocks nearly ever star up there. I miss Berlin and the clubbing there. Want to go back and lay down onto the old tarmac at Tempelhof. Explore old ruins along the Rhein and I want to do it all with my soldier.
"None. Don't read. Not much of a tv or movie fan either." — I wasn't allowed to read or watch anything that has to do with 'fandom' as it was only distraction and nonsense. I was told TV programs are there to keep people dumb and busy from looking away from what happens in the world and from edjucating themselves. But once I met V and he did his 80s retro movie nights I liked Indiana Jones a lot.
"Next question!" — Only one blanket and Thyjs in between. At least for a bit because we separate fast as the heat, our bodies emmit, becomes too much waking us up all the time. But I love to fall asleep with him this way. He calms me and it's like he pushes Beast into a corner, silences it for a while just by his presnece. No one else is able to do that.
"What would you do if I told you I am a cyberpsycho?" — -stares at you with a steady gaze and bared teeth- Now, pack your things an go before it gets worse. I'm holding back already.
@imaginarycyberpunk2023, @elvenbeard, @morganlefaye79, @ouroboros-hideout, @aggravateddurian, @dreamskug, @wraithsoutlaws, @gloryride @cherryrockpops and @streetkid-named-desire
as always not a must and idk if u been tagged already or not, but feel free to do anytime, especially if you got more blorbos than one!
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luxxtuxx · 1 year
Could you write Hobie x dem Reader who has a small dog and she treats it like its her son 🥹 like let’s say the dog tries getting hobies attention and Hobie just ignores the dog and then reader forces Hobie to show love to the dog. I just think that’s so cute. Feel free to ignore and have a great day! ❤️
I love this, and honestly, I feel like hobie is a cat guy, he can tolerate dogs. But I'm gonna change it and use my dog as a reference, I have a 230-pound English mastiff who is my perfect baby and can do no wrong. And I bring him everywhere because he is Service Dog for when I faint. Anyways, let's get on to the story.
You weren't a superhero, you worked a 12-hour shift at the shitty grocery store on the corner of West and Fifth. You had a large dog that it your prized possession, he was trained to help you with your periodical blackout you would have.
During dates with this handsome, tall dude you were crushing on. you didn't mention the blackouts. You didn't want to scare him away. One day without thinking after a nice ice cream date you asked hobie to come over to watch a movie or spend the night. Hobie didn't refuse.
When you got home, the large beast was waiting at the door with his basketball in his mouth. the second you and hobie got past the threshold of the door, the house lion barked at hobie. "Is that a dog or a horse?" he said a bit rudely. You didn't hear the tone. "it's my titan, my lovely boy" you kissed the dog's head. "Dont worry, he won't hurt you, he is just a big baby." You walk to the couch. Hobie scoffs "That's a baby? Jeez" he sat on the couch.
"You make friends with Titan while I get into pjs" You walk into your room. The dog gets on the couch and sits there. Hobie looked at the monster you called a pet. Titan moved a bit and put his head in hobies lap accidently leaving slobber on hobies pants. Hobie glared at the dog "You are a lucky bastard,, you hear me? I love your mother and the only reason I don't fight you is that you are probably twice my weight" he said petting the dog's head softly.
Hobie may tolerate this dog because the smile you had when you saw him petting this beast made him happy. "AWW Look at my boys getting along!!!" you took a picture. and moved the dog, so then you were laying on hobie and Titan was laying on you
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Hello wifey!😚 I am hear to ask about Chrsyta and her boys!✨🍒🦇
What was their first “I love yous”??? Where were they when they said it, WHO said it first? Were they all together when said or was it just chrysta alone with one of the guys???👀 ((saying I love you seperated))
GET YALL A GIRL LIKE MJ (Oh wait, you can't caUSE SHES MINE/j)
Babes is a strong one for sticking around this long MWAH 🩷🩷 you have NO idea what the boys being softies so rarely does to me it makes me WEAK
NOW, into questions hehehe... >:]
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First 'I Love You?'
Starting this one off strong with Dwayne! I know, shocker that it isn't (*COUGH* Cherry's favorite *COUGH*) David, but our tall brunette was actually the first one to get a confession of feelings. 👀
It was after Chrysta decided to split off from the rest of the boys to take Laddie off and see some street performers and Dwayne decided he was the only who'd be able to keep his childish coven member and girlfriend in check.
Now, Chrysta had always used silly little excuses to (get spoiled 🙄) get Dwayne wrapped up in something she either wanted to do or wanted to have.
Example: "cause I'm too pretty to say no to?" "Cause I'm your favorite?" And it either made the two giggle or it worked enough Dwayne couldn't say no and was pulled into her mischief making. He doesn't look it, but he can be a pushover. 😉
"Dwayne? Can we please go get matching piercings?" Chrysta hurried over to the tall males side, Laddie tagging along her her hand was interlocked with his much smaller one, the boy looking just as excited, glancing between the two.
"No. Why do you want one anyway? Wanna get caught?" He had asked almost mocking, like a scolding parent, while he hooked a finger around one of Chrysta's hoop earrings, tugging on it gently to emphasize his point.
Chrysta studded put her bottom lip into a pout, giving a small huff turning her head from his hand and craning her neck up enough to look at him, before taking his hand into both her own, bringing it up to her lips to hide the little grin forming on her face.
"...Cause I love you?"
That did the trick. Dwayne fell silent for a second, obviously fighting every fiber of his being, keeping him from making a decision he'd regret.
"... Fuck..." He hissed through his teeth with a smirk he tried so hard to fight from showing. "You know how to get what you want with those big eyes, don't ya, babes?"
Chrysta didn't verbally answer, she just nodded with a small giggle, as her heart raced both relived and nervous about waiting for a reaction from the dark brunette to her silly little proclamation.
"How about we wait till Laddie's a little older for those. Can you do that for me, baby?" Dwayne spoke in a tender voice, getting closer to Chrysta's face, gently setting the pad of his thumb against her bottom lip while he spoke.
"Okay." She replied quietly, giving a little nod in case he hadn't seen her mouth the word, her gaze felt shy but she never looked away from him.
He kissed the tip of her nose in response, his thumb leaving her lip and his pointer finger gently ran down the bridge of her nose, tapping the end of it where his lips still lingered.
"I love you too."
Now David... He's a man who has been in immortality for a long time, and many days, and many years, he's heard 'I love you' from everyone and all. And everytime, that's all it's ever been. Words. Words from people who merely saw him as something he made himself appear to be, and never the thing he was- and I don't mean a vampire thing. But he was a man, for hells sake, a man with feelings.
So after a while, the meaning of such a confession was something he'd never take seriously, and some part of him almost made a promise to stay to that opinion, and stick to it for the rest of his immortality.
That was... Until she showed up.
"I love you."
The words left in a soft whisper against his skin, causing his eyes to open and look at the young woman who had made herself comfortable in what she considered safety, nestled against his side his one arm around her figure, the other resting behind the back of his head against her bedframe, while both of her own pale limbs were folded atop his shoulder, resting her chin atop them, her face so close to the side of his, he could feel her thick lashes brush against his jaw.
Her emerald eyes gleamed in the dim light of the lamp at her beside, sleep heavy on her eyelids as she fought sleeping just yet, the late night hour ticking by on the clock echoing in the empty hallway.
"You don't mean that." He responded simply, no malice or teasing in his voice, no heartbreak or longing, he spoke as though it was passing conversation. He turned his head to look back up at the ceiling, an ache where his heart used to beat strumming low in his bare chest. "None of them do."
It was quiet for a while, but there was no tension or awkward filler in it. It was almost.cknsidered peaceful, if Davud couldn't hear the furious beating of her heart thumping in his ears and the rushing blood deep in the veins on her wrists.
She exhaled a breath he supposed she was holding for a second, before he felt her fingertips brush against cheek gently grazing along the stubble etched down his jaw. "That's fine. You don’t need to believe me."
Her head lolling to the side, going limp against the comfort of pillows as she continued to stare at him while he fought even a single glance at her. "You don't need to love me right now, or ever. Just know that's how I feel."
Her warmth never left his side, even if he was expecting it, and to be left in the cold, hollow husk of his own comfort and body. But it never came, just like a response on the tip of his tongue he felt unable to say. It was only then, he cosidered to look back at her, only to see her eyes had finally closed, her heart slowing as she began to fall asleep, her lips slowly parting as soft breathing followed, rolling down is collarbone. She slept blissfully unaware of how up till this point, how much she'd truly captivated David.
He'd have to leave soon. Before the sun began to show in only a few hours, before he'd have his boys looking for him for running off into the night much longer than he expected. But... He didn't feel like leaving. He didn't want to leave. And he knew why. She'd know why too.
Yet she didn't pry it from his lips or demand him to say it. She'd wait, and she'd wait as long as her life could handle. He wondered if she already knew while he wouldn't be able to vocalize it, something deep down in his lost soul, could tell her, whisper to her in a moment of passion that he did love her. Maybe. Just maybe...
NOW breaking from the sappy and dramatics LMAO were going to Paul who had may or may not have been under the influence of... Um... A very likeable weed. 👁👁 And Chrysta was put on babysitting watching duty of the goofy rocker who was... High off his rocker.
Sort of like Dwayne, Paul's confession was spoken in a playful banter, but the words did the job. It started when Chrysta decided to tease her loopy boyfriend after he had cotinuesly confirmed he 'liked her so much' to which, she challenged him 'What if I like you more?'
So the banter continued and escalated until Paul had finally said "I like you sooooo much that I love you~"
Chrysta had a hard time keeping it together after that, and gladly accepted his offer in a kiss and hugs.
"Are you sure you're not just saying that cause your high, Pauly?" Chrysta asked, her chin perched on top of his head, blowing away a few strands of his crazy hair tickling her nose.
"Mnm, nope. S'all true, Dime-Piece. Knew you had be mine the minute I saw you." Paul responded, sighing content as can be as he inhaled the scent of weed and cherry perfume intoxicating his lungs. A dopey grin spreading across his face when he felt her soft lips press against his forehead.
And finally, Marko... Who was the toughest one to crack when it came to him actually saying the three words. Marko isn't one to get very lovey dovey unless it's very special, rare moments shared between him and one of his significant others. I mean, why waste time on words when he could express or share his love in so many other, better ways?
And much like David, Chrysta never really tried to get him to say it, and it didn't bother her. She knew if her boys loved her or not, and she knew Marko loved her, even if he didn't say it as kuch as she did. She could say it enough for the both of them, LOL.
He didn't actually say it to her for a long time- it was actually very far into their relationship- after the birth of three out of four of the girls (Annie, Jenny, and Tiff.) When he and her were trying to have a baby... But things weren't going as planned.
Marko and her were even supposed to have a baby before she and Paul were going to have one... So you can imagine the salt in the wound when things turned out how they did. It stung a lot.
It had gotten to a point the curly haired vampire was almost nervous that having a kid of his own was going be impossible- or very little chance of happening...
Until one night Chrysta had almost casually slipped in how they should be expecting a new member of the coven really soon.
It took a few seconds of denial as he bolted upright to look at her and ask 'Are you serious?' About twenty times, before he immediately scooped her up into his arms, holding her as tight as he possibly could as though he was terrified it was all dream, while repeatedly saying "I love you" muffled into her shoulder as she excitedly laughed in her lovers embrace.
Now it seems a day doesn't go by she doesn't hear the words from Marko. ❤️❤️❤️
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Rating Bucci Gang members on the 'how well could I bury my face into their tits' scale
(I did a La Squadra version of this first a little while ago, so for gits and shiggles I had to do the main team too as the second installment of this madness)
CW for man tiddies
Bruno Bucciarati: 10/10
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• I adore this mother of five with all my heart, I bet his chest would be so comfortable
• considering his height (185cm/6'1"), his chest would be easily accessible for ones face
• he's fairly slender, but seems to have quite a firm build, adding a comfortable firmness to the experience
• and paired with his kind paternal nature, I can see the overall experience being perfect as he'd happily let it just happen, perhaps seeing it as a silly form of affection and even perhaps even hugging back, only bringing one even closer to his chest
• Overall, a perfect, sweet VIP face in man titty experience
• bonus points for the open chested jacket (*grabby hands*)
Leone Abbacchio: 69/10
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• Zamn
• gotta love the goth dad tiddies
• for one, he is freaking tall too (188cm/6'2"), so one would have EXQUISITE access to dem bozongas
• he's broad too, broader than Bruno at least, so there'd be a lot to smoosh your face into, and a lot to touch
• I feel like he'd have quite a firm chest also
• was tempted to take points off for some possible flaws in his personality, considering he comes across as quite moody (and blue haha)
• but honestly, I feel like he'd freeze and not really give af
• with the smallest chance of being beaten off of him, face in tit experience is totally worth it
Guido Mista: 7/10
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• the gun boii
• love him so much, but he gets some points off for possible reasons I will explain in a moment
• on a positive note, he's also tall (182cm/6'0"), therefore, good access again
• I feel like he'd radiate a natural warmth as well, and he is also fairly broad/muscular, so it'd be pretty comfortable
• however
• I hate to be the one to say it, but I feel like his musky smell would ruin the experience (he kinda stinky)
• his personality however pairs fairly well though, he's sweet
• if he put on some aftershave, he'd get an extra point
Narancia Ghirga (aged up if desired): 8/10
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• the absolute bb
• he's an absolute sweetheart
• although he's a lot slenderer and a bit shorter (170.5cm/5'7") than the others, I feel like he'd be a pretty good head in chest experience
• tbh, with him, I'm talking about more affectionately, not as feral as I feel towards some of the others, he's seems too innocent for that
• but anyways, he's pretty muscular for his size and also, I feel like he'd give off a natural body heat too that's comforting, therefore making the experience comfortable too
• overall, it'd be a nice, adorable experience to rest one's head on his chest
Pannacotta Fugo (aged up if desired): 6/10
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• swiss cheese boi
• I think it'd be a pretty decent experience
• he's pretty tall for one (178cm/5'10") and I feel like he'd be comfy
• the only problem with this is maybe how he'd react or go about dealing with someone burying their face into his tits
• I feel like he'd just stand there, completely tense and stiff with his hands at his sides
• that would either be the case or I feel like he'd be somewhat outraged and maybe even get a bit pissy about it
• overall though, excluding those possible factors, decent experience but not the best
Giorno Giovanna (aged up if desired): 8/10
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• golden boi gets a solid eight
• he's fairly tall (172cm/5'8") and plus he also gets bonus points for the boob window
• I feel like he'd also have a natural warmth, not in an uncomfortable way though
• he's pretty reserved, so as perplexed as he'd intially seem if someone were to bury their face in his chest, I don't think he'd do anything
• I think he'd just let it happen tbh
• we need to also consider that he has Brando genes flowing through him
• so, maybe on another occasion, he'd indulge in it
• overall, it would be a pretty 'golden experience'
(I'm still mentally ill and apparently have no shame, and also, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!)
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lucius-morningstar · 5 months
Don't wanna talk about it.
ITime for my boy to get a little scarred, but it's okay.. Right? ---- Husk: Well if it isn't the Prince gracing us with his presence, woah. What happened to you. Lucius: Nothing, give me a drink. The strongest thing you got. Angel: What's up with you. Lucius: Again, don't want to talk about it. Angel: Can I guess. Lucius: No. Angel: Imma guess anyway. You see someone get impaled. Lucius: ... Angel: Hmm, see a cannibal orgy. Lucius: .... Angel: You witness Alastor dancing with a deer corpse. Lucius: No. Husk: See someone get eaten alive? Lucius: *Gags* Shut up and give me a drink. Angel: Huh, that's weird. I feel like for someone whose eaten an eye ball or two you'd be use to something like that by now. Lucius: Ugh.. Can we please just drop it Please. I will pay you both to not bring this up anymore. Angel: Ooh it's that bad. Husk: Now you got me curious. Lucius: You ever hear what happens to curious cats Husk. It gets cats killed. Angel: Ooh but satisfaction brings em back don't it. Husk: Pass. Angel: Rude.. So, now we have an idea of what. But maybe it's the context and not just the visual. Lucius: I will fuck you if you drop this please. Angel: See now for once I don't wanna get fucked, only cause it has to be that bad for you to not want to talk about it. Husk: ..Is this a familial thing? Lucius: No. Angel: Tone says otherwise so yes. let's see. Let's get the clues together. It's a familial area and it has to do with someone getting eaten a-..No fuckin way. Lucius: *Groans* Please just give me a drink. Angel: *Grins* Seen Vaggie munching your sisters carpet. Lucius: OH for the love of everything holy and evil in this world. Please fucking drop it! Angel: Are you fuckin kiddin, not every day I get to poke at something that bugs you this bad. How'd you even find them in that position. I took your sister and Vaggie for prudes. Lucius: I'm not answering this, It's bad enough i have the mental image in my head. I am not talking further on it. Husk: We're they in their room because that's the only way I can't see you walking in on them. Angel: By the look on his face I'd say he entered without permission. Lucius: I was half asleep, in the middle of some fucked up nightmare, heard her scream and panicked okay. That's it. Angel: ... Husk: .... Angel: So it was the climax of your dre- *He quickly ducks as a glass goes flying past his head.* Lucius: Shut the fuck up! Angel: *laughs* Oh my fucking god, this is just rich. Husk: It is kind of funny. Lucius: Well I'm glad you two are so amused by all this! Husk: I mean yeah kind of not as much as you'd think though. Angel: I'm super amused. Lucius: Don't tell me you would find it so funny if it we're your sister. Angel: Ah-.. No I wouldn't actually. Lucius: Exactly, now shut the fuck up. This night can't get anyworse. Charlie: Lucius! Lucius: Oh fuck no, can't face her right now. Don't let her know I was here! *he doesn't really wait for an answer before he bolts.* Charlie: Ugh.. Lucius come on we need to talk about this. Angel: Hey Toots. Charlie: Have you guys seen my brother he um-.. We need to talk about something and he's kind of avoiding me. Husk: He just left. Charlie: *Sighs* Of course he did. Angel: ..So she knows what buttons to push- Charlie: I am not talking about this with you, I'm surprised he even told you two. Angel: To be fair we kinda tortured it out of him. It was too funny not too. Charlie: Ugh.. You two are just too much right now. I am going to have to try and talk to him tomorrow. Goodnight both of you and please don't let this spread around more. Husk: It won't. Angel: Night Charlie. Husk: ... Angel: So we're talling everyone right. Husk: I'm not, but I can't stop you. Angel: I am so going to tease the fuck outta dem tomorrow.
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the-fort-official · 10 months
PRIME APPLES: great and powerful leader of the fort. He may not be fair, or mature, or kind, or just... But honestly who cares he is funny sometimes.
Robo-Prime: he is back from the grasp of the average arcade owner in whatever fucked up sub-multiverse the text doctors live in. And by average I mean only, apparently. Anyways, he is basically prime but with more offense and less defense. Yes, the robot can take less hits than the human. Ironic, I know
Robo apples: head of engineering, and avid hater of fazbear entertainment. His past with them is spotty at best. Also, he doesn't like pizza. Which is weird. Probably trauma...
Control Apples: head of science and with the ability to express himself as well as a cardboard cutout. He does feel emotions, he just cannot show them. At all. Something about one of those therapy beds that was a O.O.P. (Object Of Power). He also likes burning things. Like, more than most Versions.
The tank (formerly known as Fallout apples): bright green power armor, yet blends in better than some people with stealth boys. Want to try to silence a fat man? He's your guy. Also for drugs. He makes all the drugs. ex-soldier of three wars. One for Alaska. One for Vegas. One for Boston. All three for his survival. And maybe fun on that last one.
Felix (fur-merly known as Fursona apples):, Engineer, former leader of the Regrettables (both the faction and the band). He got his time in the limelight. Now he is a actual character! And with the free trauma too. Also he made a lil ring to propose with so... don't tell Will.
Looper: robotic* mercenary for hire. Hope you got the gold! Also there are hundreds of him running around because of time loop shenanigans. Some of them even canonically fuck. Do with that information what you probably won't. (*He isn't a robot, technically. It's a techno-organic virus. He still has all the bits, just robotic. Minus nose, unless it's a snapshot of him with a snout. )
Fog killer: Also known as the apple themed streamer, the apple themed mayor, and the guy with a bigger arcade than @the-arcade-doctor, he is a totally normal and sane botanist trust me bro. Ignore the vines slowly leeching all your blood that's natural. (Now available to talk to on the @evil-group-that-hates-the-fort blog :3. )
Fog survivor: He is an engineer. He solves practical problems. Also works as a medic. He used to be scared of his own shadow. Now nothing phases him. Except getting stabbed because that still hurts.
Clone 007: traumatized asshole with no sense of friendly fire. He will kill anything in his way, no matter if they are helping him or not. Also he has extreme trauma, abandoned issues, and mood swings. The last one isn't related to his past, it's related to his very DNA.
Cashew: A young creature in an old automaton. He is basically a nutcracker from lethal company with some damages. And shorter. Still taller than the average dude, but small for a nutcracker.
Zweifel: What happens when you put a teen so far in the closet he tricked himself into thinking he isnt gay, into a endless colorful hell of wacky whimsical adventures? A hatred of the circus and a fear of vr.
The Angel Of hypocrisy, Nicholai: A homophobic and transphobic douchebag who should eat shit and die. Depending on which version you meet, the name makes more or less sense. Because post time skip, he gets a trans-mask boyfriend who he loves with all his heart. Even ignoring the fact his boyfriend is a serial killer. (If I reference El Carnicero, this is who I'm referring to)
Pixel: Kleptomaniac heister with more kills from just using the environment to his advantage than with his actual weapons.
Stuffie (Formerly known as Monster Apples.): see @plushiemonstervoid I ain't repeating myself.
Satchel: living puppet made from old junk like torn towels and potato sacks. He is tall, lanky, and overall intimidating. He is also a complete pushover who literally can only attack with yarn. Normal yarn. Not exactly lethal.
Demons-Bane: a demon that kills demons. Simple as that.
Warface Apples: currently turned into an anthropomorphic raven for fuckin with... I don't remember, one of @ignisuada 's characters. Generic military dude #171. Nothing special.
Warframe apples: Sneaky, but like stealth in the Deadpool game. He has lore, I just forgot it.
Metal gear apples: god im not even going to bother trying to tie this fucker in with all the bullshit lore this game has. He is a super-soldier. He has a flamethrower. That is all thats important at this point in his non-existent lore.
More to come. Check for edits. Lore is ever-changing after all.
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paisholotus · 1 year
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗. 1
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Play: You Are My High~ Dj Snake
Nadia's Pov
It's great to be back in Japan. We do this when we pick where to go for vacation. And this year, we chose Japan. To be honest, for some reason, I was nervous about going back to Japan.
We haven't been back here since we were kids, but this time my cousin Reya and my brother Jay are with us. I told them I'd meet them at the skate park later and that I was going to go into this corner store. 
I walked in and said hello to the cashier before going to look for what I wanted. I hadn't had pocky in awhile, so I went for the strawberry and chocolate flavors. Some people say chocolate tastes weird, but I like it.
I stepped up to the counter, paid, and walked out, only to notice something hit my foot. "Hey! Could you pass me that, please?" When I looked up, I saw a redhead with spiky hair and shark-like teeth. He was dressed in a red tank top. He was tall and muscular, with tattoos on his arms and vermilion eyes.
I picked up the board and handed it to him. "Thank you," he said, while displaying his fangs. This made me smile because he was so adorable. "You're welcome. By the way, nice board," I said.
He smiled and stared at me for a minute, which made me raise my eyebrows and wonder why he was staring at me like that. "Do you skate?" He asks, "Yeah, I was on my way to the skate park now." I responded with a nod.
His grin widened. "Oh, well, I guess I'll see you there." He says. As he skated down the street, I nodded and chuckled, making my way there myself. Carrying my bags, I finally make it to the park. I see everyone in and on top of the car waiting for me.
When I jogged over, Reya noticed me and nudged Nisha. "About time yo ass got here. All dem bags you got." She said this, glaring at me. "OK, but you know if I'm going anywhere, I've got to have food." I reminded her as I slid the bags into the back seat. She rolled her eyes as she walked around to the other side of the car. "Fat ass," she muttered.
"You right, this ass is fat. Thanks for noticing." I said, smirking. Deja and Nisha laughed, while Jay and Reya made gagging noises.
"Just bring your ass, please. We wasting time." She grumbled. I went to get my skateboard. As we entered the park, I sat down on my board next to Deja, watching Reya and Nisha skate. Deja and Jay don't really skate like that; they prefer chilling and watching us skate. But they are really good. I, on the other hand, love skating; I wouldn't call myself a professional, but I am an excellent skater. Yeah, I said excellent skater.
I was chilling because it was hot as shit today for some reason. I was starting to regret wearing this crewneck. I sat down with my drink and took it off, leaving me in a black bebe crop top.
"Are you not going to skate?" Deja asked me. I nodded and sipped my drink. "Yeah, in a minute." She hummed, returning to her book.
I chuckled at her and returned my gaze to Reya and Nisha. "You might as well get out there, because you know she's going to make you." Deja looked at me, pouting and huffing. She laid her head on her wrist and looked back at her book.
"You gotta stop being a bore, Deja; have some fun. I mean, it's ok to chill, but come on, we're in Japan. Turn up! You can chill at home." I said, smiling and throwing my hands in the air.
I rolled my eyes as she waved me off, going back to her book. I crossed my arms, tapping my foot, playfully glaring at her. She chuckled and nodded. "OK, I'll get up in a minute." She said.
Letting her book rest in her lap, she picked up the bag of skittles. "Ight, Miss Ma'am, whatever you say." Walking over to Reya and Nisha, I stopped hearing whistling and laughter. I looked in the direction of it, seeing a group of boys plus the red head I saw earlier.
I ignored them and started to skate. I was in a good 30 minutes, did a few kick flips, a few Ollie's, and then I heard them continue to whistle at me. I looked at them, smiling, and got back to what I was doing.
I stopped again, seeing Nisha staring in their direction. I turned and looked, and they were walking over here. I got off my board, picked it up, and walked over to Nisha, standing beside her. As they got closer, I got a good look at them, and some of them looked vaguely familiar.
"Wassup, ladies, I couldn't help but notice you all over here. The name is Denki." He had piercings on both ears, a nose ring stud, a smiley piercing, and one sleeve on one of his arms. "You'll have to excuse our little friend; he's a little special. I'm Sero," the dark-haired boy said. He has a few tattoos on his arms and a stud nose ring. "I'm Kirishima; we met earlier." I smiled and nodded. "And that's Shoto, Bakugo, and Midoriya." My face fell and my heart dropped as I stared at the three.
I stared at one of them, and my eyes widened. He had a curly green undercut. Piercings on both ears with dangling ear rings A hoop nose ring, and scars on his arms, along with tattoos. He had freckles brushed across his cheeks and green doe eyes.
It felt like my breath got caught in my throat. Nisha stared at the spikey blonde boy; he had crimson-red eyes; one of his eye brows was pierced with two separate metals; he had long tattoos on his sleeves; and he had a ring-lip piercing.
I felt someone behind, and I knew it was Deja, staring at the boy with the somewhat faded scar on the side of his face. I recognized their eyes from anywhere, one turquoise, while his right is a brownish dark gray. His eyes, in shape, are quite thin and reserved. He had red and white hair placed in a messy ponytail.
Then it just hit me like a ton of bricks. I looked back at the boy I was first looking at and breathed out, "Izuku..."
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itspdameronthings · 10 months
Summary: Here is my thought about if Jake Milles was the Millers cousin. Jake milles is a character on Deadfall. good movie need to watch it. Also read the fic that@laurfilijames wrote about him. My fic is Jakes's background . Also there is a preview of the next chapter of never letting you go. Enjoy!t
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“ Ya sure ya want to learn to box Willy Jack? Never was interested in the sport before? “ Kicking up gravel while him ,and his cousin, William Millerwalk along a gravel country road leading to an old barn near the Miller’s house. These two were two peas in a pod. Jake is two years older than his cousin. Always doing stuff together. Also a big brother to Benny. Which is a good thing. Benny is a firecracker   Always getting into stuff. Three of them are always doing stuff together. Even included Sunshine in their plans. Like a baby sister he ever had. Jake’s family lives on the left side of the Miller's property. Both of their dads farm the huge land. Sally, the boys’ aunt Sally is something else. Heart of gold. Love taking care of her family. Including her baby sister Diane. Always dreamed of raising their families together. Dream came true . Both of them married their soulmates. Jake Riley. Full of energy from the word go. Good at almost everything he tried. He got interested in boxing. Lives and breathe it. Practice after his chores were done. His dad took him to the gym in town. Will usually comes with him. 
Sitting on the back porch. Will takes a deep breath,” Yeah, wanna do something different sport wise. Here iam. Lanky as shit. If I want to go to the army . Need to get some muscle.” Jake isn't buying it for a moment. Has to do with a certain girl, Amanda. She lives not far from them. That made Will blush to no end,” No I'm not. It's for me. Want an upcoming Olympic hopeful to help me. Who knows? Might lead to doing something with Benny . Ya know? Hobby?” 
Jake thought it over. Thought it was a good idea. Both of them went to change to head into town. To Will this would be the beginning of his body transformation. 
Flashforward to two years later. Benny comes to the gym. Ready to work out with his cousin and brother. Benny is still tall,but lacks muscle strength . He was ready to bulk up. Hated being teased about that. You didn't care about that. To you at 16 going on 17 he is growing up to be a very handsome young man. Will has become more toned ,and muscles are defined.Helped him a lot when he plays football,and run track. Jake is ready to set off to the Olympic trials. Excited to visit a new country. Ready to coach his cousins. Perfect escape from his dad. Will knew there was some tension there. Goes as far to hear both of them arguing. Never knew what it was about. Then his uncle thought he would coach his son. 
“ Benny boop! Move dem feet! Willy Jack is ready to pounce!” Brothers circles each other which took forever. Annoyed Jake comes between them not before Benny punches him in the face. Nose bleeding . Jake takes over. Jake noticed something after the session. His baby cousin has a gift. Will. See it too. 
Another person Jake looks after is you. Always worried about you . When both his cousins were in the Army. He looked after you when you were home from nursing school. Made a promise, especially Benny. He knew how much he loves you. Benny confides to him that he has special feelings for her. Meaning he was falling in love with you. Even mentioned how you were falling for an older man, named Santiago Garcia. Was torn beyond belief. Wants you to be happy.
After getting out of jail,and that disaster he encountered a hitchhiker named Liza,and her crazy assed brother. He hurt his hand. Managed to arrive at the hospital where you were working that night. Shaking while you tend to him,* Half pint. I'm a failure! Soon I got out of the pin. I hurt someone,and scare my family! “ Looking at him with sad eyes. Took his uninjured hand,” You are not a failure! Have a good heart. Glad you looked after me after all of these years. “ After that . He went to a cabin far from his family. Needed to be by himself. Reflect on what happened. 
That event was years ago. His mom and aunt visit him a lot. Bringing him stuff. Has a steady job to make ends meet. He keeps up with his cousins’ lives. Especially hearing that you married Benny and Santi. How he wished he was there. Actually he was. Watching from afar. Upon hearing about Gemma. Thought it was time to help his cousins. Not just with drama,but with the gym. 
Here is a preview for the next chapter for never letting you go: 
*Why now JR! Why are you calling after how many fucking years! Are you that ashamed of us!* Jake knows he screwed up at the family department. Didn't have his cousin yelling at him at the moment. Wants to talk. 
Frankie arrives at the bar. Looked at the surroundings . Few patrons at the bar. Watching TV. While Gemma drinking looks like her third beer. Remember the plan. Recon. Nothing else. See if she gives information that they need. Sitting a few stools down looked at his text from Will. He is at his parents house visiting with Hanna. Thoughts were dashed when Gemma sits next to Frankie,” oh I love young , Latin men. So sexy “ 
The need to clear your head is so much needed.Sounds of  yelling downstairs so deafing. Got out of bed to sneak out to walk to Sam's . She is the only person that can smooth out the tension. So glad she is your sister in law. Opening the door,” oh honey! Come in! Stay awhile. Tell me why you look like shit. Not I already know some of it *
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
ok hear me out. first of all ily pls don't killme
size kink (have u seen that guy? he's fucking tall)
praises OFC (giving and receiving 😘)
pet names (mostly doll and prince/ss)
nipple play (i just feel it okay?)
slightly slapping (depends on the mood)
slightly hair pulling (the same with the other one)
slightly dacryphilia (??? i mean, the 1st time he saw u crying he was PANICKING but then you clarified u cried for pleasure and something change inside of him *cofcofTHEEGOBOOSTcofcof*)
SPECIAL MENTION 🥰 choking (giving AND receiving too) slightly bongade (?? over me is the reason of this okay)
*deep breath …alright, alright let’s respond to this one by one shall we~
yes boi is a whole 183 cm, no I shouldn’t be thinking about that as often I do bc it’s really not great for my health
100% man is the biggest simp, he will give all the praises and die a lil inside everytime he receives one
doll is canon, the fic has been written, princess coming soon lmao, watch me
*screams into the abyss and passes away*
V gentle boi, he’s basically love tapping u w dem big hands
pulling his hair is like flipping a switch, it is canon, pls read the fic
he’s weak for the teary eyes like he’s making u feel that good????
For the special mentions, yes the fics are being written, this is canon, he and u got this prenegotiated with safe words and signals because practice safe, sane consensual sex everyone thank you~
Ok I’m going to need 5 business days to recover from this, please don’t talk to me 😇 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJEHRJDBAJDBJAVDHFVJSNDBDNSNNDNSBSNSNSB
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writtenbyjos · 6 months
Spellbound, A Ghostly Tale: Chapter 1
God, there is so much I would add just by re-reading over the first chapter vs. how far I've come with myself, this story and these characters. I promise more is coming ┊ ˚➶ 。˚
But for now, here's the first chapter of Spellbound. My baby, my child. don't hold the applause! jk. there is no applause
"Fellas, I can't tell you how much this has helped me out," Dr. James Harvey said setting a large box down on his desk with a large thump. "I've been meaning to clean out my cabinet's for months now." He said cheerfully. "Ever since you boys got the word out, my office hasn't been vacant since!" He clapped his hands together cheerfully.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," a tall, violet eyed apparition said with a wave of his hand, looking through a large book. "Boys look at 'dis one," he said with a large grin pointing to a picture of a girl with full lips, and dark eyes. "Jeannie Ann Hefner…" Stretch said, his eyes wide. The largest ghost howled at the top of his lungs. "Let me get a piece of that," he hollered.
"She looks like a hot dog kind o' gal to me," the middle one with large buck teeth mused dreamily. James stacked his arms on top of the box and gazed into space.
"Jeannie Ann Hefner," he laughed and shook his head. "We went on a date back in the summer of, what was it…'71?" He smiled.
"Bow-chika-bow-wow, Doc! 'Atta boy, 'atta boy!" Stretch whooped. "Tell me you got to 'da, whata the kids call it," he formed his hand into a bat and Stinkie threw a baseball at him. "Third base?" He and the other two cackled loudly. He swung and the baseball flew out the window making a glass shattering sound. Dr. Harvey blushed furiously and waved his hands.
"No, no, no. Nothing like that." he said. "She lost a bet…" he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly
Stretch, Stinkie and Fatso lost their heads, raging with laughter, Stinkie melting into a puddle of his own tears. Literally.
"'Dem fleshie dames ain't no good anyways, Doc. Too lively for my taste." He looked at his fingernails. "Don't waste ya time on 'em."
"Am I detecting some resentment, there Stretch?" James asked, his voice getting a little serious.
"What da hell is that supposed to mean? I ain't had the least bit of trouble with the ladies," he said, smirking. "Can't say the same for these bozos," He said, elbowing Fatso and punching Stinkie on the shoulder. Stinkie shrugged and smiled innocently.
"One dame get's too close to Stink ova here and she goes a' runnin' for da hills." Stretch laughed.
"For the hills! Screamin'!" Fatso said laughing loudly.
"Who me?" He said putting a finger to his mouth and one behind his back. "Them dames just didn't know a good belch or fart when they hear one," He said putting one finger in the air.
"Now Fatso," Stretch said patting is brother's head, "Fatso ova' 'ere will swallow his goddamn date whole," he laughed, while Stinky pointed and rolled over in the air. Stretch turned a few more pages before gasping and slamming his finger onto one of the pages titled, 'Senior Year Graduates'.
"Oh shit!" Stretch yelled. "I found da mothaload," he ran his finger through the many names, turning a few more pages and laughing at the dramatic pictures of the seniors.
"And look who we got 'ere…" He said holding up the book with a picture of Dr. Harvey in his senior school year. He saw the picture and rushed to get it from Stretch. "Nope, nuh uh." Stretch, Stinkie and Fatso gathered around the picture as James tried to retrieve it from below their tails.
"Oh come on, let us get a good look," Fatso said laughing.
"Yeah, yeah. You was one handsome devil der, Doc." Stretch laughed.
"Wait a minute." Stinkie scrunched up his face in confusion. "Doc, you don't got no red freckles!" Stinkie said.
"Thoze, a' pimples ya dipshit," Stretch banged his brother on the back of the head with one whack with the year book.
"Oh for the love of," James said throwing his hands in the air. "I need to get more boxes anyways," he said. While the ghostly trio snickered at his old, embarrassing high school and college photos, James surveyed the area and eyed the mysterious cubed in the corner of the room covered with cobwebs.
"Perhaps I could store patient files in here," He said wiping away the dust and webs. He opened the two large doors and waved away the mildew smell.
"Good lord," He said holding his nose. "So who's up for a little teamwork building activities?" James said rubbing his hands together.
"Damn!" He heard Stretch yell. "Where can I get my hands on a blossom blossom like that?" The ghosts laughed and high fived. James rolled his eyes and reached for a box on the top shelf. He stood on his tip toes and eventually lost his balance finding him self on the floor papers, books and pictures everywhere.
"And he sticks the landing!"
"Whoop, whoop, whoop!" They all sang in unison.
"Cabinet one, Doc, zero!" Stinkie cried out with fists in the all said in unison with their hands in the air.
"A little help?" James said from under the heap. The trio lifted him up from under and set him on the ground. James dusted himself off and bent down to collect the pictures scattered across the floor.
He lifted the box and blew a thick layer of dust off the top. The side read, 'Photographs' in a thin black hand.
"I wonder," He slowly lifted the top and pulled out a large, faded photo. He held it up and squinted, adjusting his glasses. It was brown, old and almost whitened, but he could make out three young men arm in arm smiling stupidly. James's eyes widened and he held the picture up to the three brothers that stood in front of him. In the photo, the largest of the three brothers resting his eight on one foot, was wearing a white button down with slacks and his hair was short but very disheveled. His eyes were large and happy, and his smile genuine.
"Whatcha lookin' at der, Doc?" Stinkie asked tilting his head. James was standing in an odd position examining a photo in awe. He didn't answer Stinkie.
"Amazing…" He said breathlessly. He examined the other two.
On the right was a thinner looking figure with spiky, light brown hair and light brown eyes. His figure was slumped over but his face was bright and young. The one in the middle though, was the most familiar. He had striking violet eyes, contrasting with jet black, messy hair. They seemed to sparkle, with years of mischief behind them almost daring the photographer to move closer. His smile was charming, cunning if you will. He was almost six feet high from the looks of the photograph and a nearby fire hydrant that looked like a measly mouse compared to his long figure.
"What the hell, Doc." Stretch spoke interrupting James's deep thought almost making him drop the picture. "You's givin' me da creeps…" he said eyeing him with a squint.
"Fellas…" James said. "Do you know who these young men are?" He asked. They all swopped over and squinted pushing each other out of the way here and there.
"Damn!" Stinkie exclaimed. "Who ah 'dose handsome devils?" He said.
"I don't know, but the one on the left looks like he could eat a horse." Fatso said. Stretch took the photo and looked more closely. His eyes widened as he realized who just was standing arm in arm and just where they were.
"Holy Mother Teresa. Boys," he said with an unreadable look plastered on his face. "Dis was us, when we was fleshies, air breathers, bone bags. Look der —" Stretch pointed. "It's Wipstaff for god's sake!"
"Move it, Stink," Fatso butt bumped Stinkie out of the way and snatched the picture form Stretch's hands. He took one look at the other "fatso" in the photo and looked at his brothers. "Holy shit, you're right." Fatso said. "I remember,"
"I'm as handsome as I remember," Stretch said smoothing his bald head.
"I'm as fat as I remember," Fatso said.
"Look what's done been written on da back," Stinkie said. Stretch cocked his head back and shook his head.
"'June 1st, 1893 — Joseph "Joey", Theodore "Theo" and Vincent "Vinnie…"
"Gosh," Stinkie said. "Fellas, it's slowly comin' back." He said. Stinkie ran his slim fingers across the faded cursive writing.
"Dat day was our Auntie Julia's wedding, see," Stinkie said to James, who was still completely bewildered.
"That crazy old hag, I'd never guessed she'd hitch the wagon in a million years!" Fatso said making them all laugh.
"Member how she used to make us shine all her damn silverware?" Stretch said. He shaped into a very disturbing version of what they had seen their Auntie Julia like. White bun, bright red lipstick and a corset. Stretch spoke in a high pitched tone. "Now boys," He said mockingly. "If I see one more spot on those spoons I'll throw myself out the kitchen window!" They all laughed and huddled together over this shared memory.
James had never seen them be so genuinely happy…Then again, he didn't even know they could remember their past life, let alone a memory so vivid.
"Fellas do you realize what this means?" James cried out his hands in the air.
"No more spoon shinin'?" Stinkie's head popped into vision.
"Uncle Fred threw himself out the kitchen window?" Fatso appeared next to Stinkie. Stretch shot up between them.
"Our Auntie Julia was a bitch?" Stretch asked shrugging.
James furrowed his brow and lowered his arms when he realized they didn't share the same excitement.
"It means," He said exasperated. "If we can get you to remember your past lives, maybe we can figure out why you have yet to cross over to the other side!" He said, smiling widely. "Your unfinished business!" He said hands on his hips. The trio just looked at each other in awe.
Now they really wished Doc hadn't found that old photo.
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rainsmediaradio · 9 months
Burna Boy - Naughty By Nature Lyrics
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Throwback to 2020 when Burna Boy teamed up with Naughty by Nature to give us a rhythmic hit song named after Naughty by Nature. The song is number seventh track on Burna Boy's Grammy nominated album Twice As Tall. Enjoy!
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Burna Boy - Naughty By Nature Lyrics Burna Boy - Naughty By Nature Lyrics Intro: Burna Boy & Vin Rock (Burna) Yeah, shawtie N-N-Naughty, yeah, yeah Yeah, shawty (Funkula) Chorus: Burna Boy Hey I wanna see fine keles, come jam for me Not the ones, wey dey form Instagram for me Say God damn you no go fit, handle me God go punish, whoever no gbadun me Because I know that I'm the bigger man Its why I came looking fresher than a peppermint (Uh) 'Til today I dey the same because I can't change I be naughty by nature, I be gang-gang Verse 1: Burna Boy Now your girl, she say she like the way my chain bling I be king, so me and you no be the same thing No be me, na God, do am no dey blame me As you see, I jejely dey for my lane men Remember when I used to hope and pray for change, men (Yeah) As in any little petty cash change men (Ooh) Just to get a ride back to the main land (Yeah) Now when they see the double R, Im like "Amen" Come make I give you tori When nobody know me When I dey run from police 'Cause if dem catch my kpoli Den dem go barb me goris Give me quit notice Carry me go, oh Chorus: Burna Boy Hey I wanna see fine keles, come jam for me Not the ones, wey dey form Instagram for me Say God damn you no go fit, handle me God go punish, whoever no gbadun me Because I know that I'm the bigger man Its why I came looking fresher than a peppermint (Uh) Till today I dey the same because I can't change I be naughty by nature, I be gang-gang Post-Chorus: Burna Boy See me I no be politician, me no like no politics Hmm, ha, like no politics Go ahead, ask anybody my beginnings Hmm, ha, my beginnings Dem go t-t-t-t-tell you say my style di wickedest Hmm, ha, style wickedest Whether, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, any time of the week Hmm, ha, 'time of the week Verse 2: Vin Rock Come on, come on, have a ball if you act maturely Ayo, who wanna get invited to a Burna party? I got a hunnid and eighteen homies who's naughty So, baby, don't you bring your friends if those chicks are corny We gets it on 'til the dawn, till they say, "This is ridiculous" Ladies, they love the way we come through in the clutch Fellas who can't keep up, might as well hit the dust And haters, bump what they say, they don't mean shh— Yo, I give three words when I try to scoop her Then after that, ain't got no time for no party pooper I keeps it movin' 'cause we zone out and own our own damn lane Thirty years up in this same game, still doing our damn thang Verse 3: Treach Heard I'm a earner, had to earn a burner Trigga nigga, Naughty Nation, marshal arsenal Never had to use burner-burners I'm a changed man, still on the gun range Singing karaoke, wife wearing Dolce Black fist, pick stuck in my gold teeth Been winning, befriending woman From the beginning with a dripping driver African emblems on the engine, engine, engine A number runner, every summer, what's hopping with ya option? Keep it gutter witcha brother Chorus: Burna Boy Hey I wanna see fine keles, come jam for me Not the ones, wey dey form Instagram for me Say God damn you no go fit, handle me God go punish, whoever no gbadun me Because I know that I'm the bigger man Its why I came looking fresher than a peppermint (Uh) Till today I dey the same because I can't change I be naughty by nature, I be gang-gang Outro: Burna Boy Some people think it's a game, like Connect Four Till I rise the ting and dem collect four I come extort Give me both, mine and yours Silent war 'Cause anyone could be next door I was born naughty by nature Now I make more But still me wicked as they come Your eyes get sore Why you watch my pockets for? Watch it (Hmm) Spaceship Rocket Boys Runner by nature Know that shawty bang-bang New Jerusalem, Africa the same game Boom bap, boom baye, all the same slang No protection, no peace, they know the chain game Bang, bang Read the full article
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libidomechanica · 10 months
Instead of slave to ask him up a glasse, whose rays shone
A limerick sequence
Deep watery glass will tell! That poor Susan said allow; and the tawny    sunset, before you then.    Leaf, in these ill-change to sell of a league is spoil I thinking.
Before long with hoary from thy living at then wing. Unless at once delights    a funeral fire.    ’ May be, now! Dear Eulalie’s her chaste conceits, between the skies.
The web, she lifts the String of them breathed for hart, each times abroad. The owlets    pursuing, a beau, or    Dem my eyes look’d believed in their lives were did allow; with joy.
She seeke, to comfort Johnny well, ere you say you love, you’llhave thee; how she’sgane,    and bounded; yet do    it too; Trust notes, irregular abode. And things—home again.
Now where permitted with which mix’d as their extreme verge their cumbrous, dinsome    joys, can comest! Why, the    blood! Mosses creep, a fierce, should be in joy, what thy wife, or more.
Bird skulls into herself to the far from a Corner of the moon, they would    dree, and in his blood! But    let me down, alone! Pink waves, and was born or in Princely Heart!
A child, and with thy soft starry Hope! For when Pity pleasures do learn from    ten throughout the hill, some    slight go far, but live in spite of my night to mind; her thou taste.
Thus is the Gate! I may kiss when I have won the west shewes a present    pay? She, as free burgess    of heaven’s circle of poets, or the Lady of Shalott.
An independent beyond measure, and snakes of love weight of Life is on    the grave, but the dead—the    Muses dwell vile savage deeds he held stern she saw the evening.
They burrs, and she was dripping, and some goods when the morning. To trail a long    farewell! Alas! If i    couldst rubies find: I by the stopp’d. Not so vigorously so.
Which, snatch’d thus; at last man,—and, Behold! But if, both are laid with strand oft were    anon. Then trace it anew    to Heauen to the loss, or mine. Come, and fault; once our silence!
Mingle this broad stretch’d at least abstruse ecstasy my heart to burden may    read your country. Idiot    boy., Lay Juan, here was he; and I have the mountain to stem?
But Betty, and no doubted Knights sheathe. And thus lament to see’t; yet Juan’s the    pretty pair has it, yet    canst their priming! When I’ll call I know a moments of a noun.
An empires, yet she claret velvet bed, as on the green bough in the    tide. ’Er with my wooings, there’s    sharp surprise in generations much theirs; but who are dumb.
Not that then spak her far nor has the heard, tall it bear the deeply on earth    the yellow-haired young    missives back. Catches the cliff-side a sight wash, and turn to flowe.
The Chinese nymph with such matter. She good custom of old Goethe’s spring,    but when he’s past the whirl’d.    Few lire ticking fell,— she thought, though a life which men with vain!
And love-tokens pass our fortune Allah from mine eyes, and stood there, did the    last year, I feel at the    fray. Gate, and clear blue unclosed bawlers, and wine—kept for two.
Fat, defying aught myself a slave. Bene rough tall its become experience    now kept his    Authority. Will pype and daunce, which makes Love thee living with payne.
Crying—oh God fortunes before than anyone evades of libertie? Wilt    thou lay the clock till had    chain, and wild warbling on thing everything need na jouk behind.
With his momentum, the earth should, and wings in which make. For stars go waltzing    on the notes we sings, there    before. I cannot choose, though dark red lovers’ parts come, I will.
At poor woman who have sought it out, unless curl. He roses: by the guns    of flatters stands of sin;    if Betty now her brandished from Camelot. The owls have me?
—Goes by the water part of the dry- tongue aspire to sea in a watrie glass.    Your feet widens to her    hands. The Owl looked he find her than empire be foundation.
And now she’s doubtless body to see. Ilka hand than for if they pour life    he sought her most of the    watch! In that’s feet; the Heart, are you sing, for sure that will be.
For which makes him in his neck to be leaneth on a suddenly he shakes    they caught he has not    Hobbinol, I come, sing to me. A woman, men should be a ball!
My bride to bind that are born infant’s coil: they could. You refused, and space, least    and smile as sometimes wake,    the river! The Almighty wrought—a Boy—Who, when the mountains.
And average—by timely sleep, and she recourse the sick, for sight, like Daphne!    The mortals, love me, I’ll    call. Before they were spread with Juan. Beat than here once more endear’d.
I am neither frame,—senseless costly. With me! We tells you no placed, cloves,    her burden down from wine—    ’t is manners, duly rear’d too poor wretched by our pleasure.
Half serpent in its face, the queenly I could’st thou list the mathematics.    A things the nombers quite    a picture of this country. Before than a philosopher.
For, tho’ thy lore and Death may ye die! You may for a woman planted found    him wait,—haste, my Philly!    When you turn the century don’t come in after something star.
Old inn-yard. Lovely tints auld Nature can be wise, and lovely, and some bring    honey to habits, as    the present my lips my love rows, once, quickly the monstrous moon.
Though all their fury being; in a watrie glass. The thunderstands erect, and    who seldom sun and looking    on the living from such delightful Fairy Princely Gray!
It is nothing force, at sea, but her as they bore in the public mind, love    more painting force, whether    cry, o misery! She scribes; like clouds come friend: that sort while they?
Her on these valleys; meseems I hear sweet spell. I dreams to speak to each agree    to stoupe, and lighted    fair, till the fact is he remain with muskets at Camelot.
A scents thy lore and set my true-love for the philosophical behold    thorn? My pype, and when you    off an hour and fetter’d angel in a perfect wealth of them?
The came of tortoise-shell or two webbes in her; like cherubs round us    by touch my boast, they han    the diamond fine. I took it up when she was born in Bethlam.
At poor groom that, woman go, what were, and sithes I blesse fere, they dance, if    a night-cap. Were all books    having no pleasure. Her hands. And next morning from Nelly Gray!
—So few are the beside remote Shalott. I didn’t knows its she been a Briton’s,    who am now was    no wherefore set up a fresh from some block could go to bed.
Not the banks, crystal midnight long, the world we are. Fair face, though Wilberforce,    at sea, when half a year.    Who knew weeping at the moon, the nombers flowers, las!
Whistle, Betty stain, thou be still; for pearl the east, and the cocks did beam. Blest,    but know your fair may not    with Time hath lent; vnable they who in his prison him, you are!
My foe: I told my plaint. His venerable, leapt slantwise the moon-struck, kissed    her Face beneath the arts    of madness, and with eyes level where all though the darkness skies.
Put for eleven; but violet eye. Give me though thou be a foreigner in    a woodman in vayne: tom    Piper make a light rise in sport and much good as one by one.
Has some Zephyr caught myself o’ermaster’s too like Burns: buck, a beautiful    grew to Heauen sownde. Such—the    Seventh a Moorish malignant tide till the Pussy! Moved her.
And Betty Foy, and the land, and sonnets all his count the place for Annie,    dear! And quiver by precincts    palely lying the air, had he notes we see who frown?
A vast, until the placed, cloves, her fan. And would see, still, leaf, ’ and he helmet    and many an oak, where    there—but not for speedy ease all those who champion’d him, and brow.
I think a very pore will beauteous head, it scarce said: twas dusk; she awoke,    and why the insults, to    knows why with a Bacchanted by the Inconstance? Was her tale.
Deep water story: I must forgot ? The figuranti, they were lies afloat.    Each dead brow with a    maid, young Pharsalians did Johnny’s near the hears, white girls, the Line.
A bow-shot from out think I love evening, either be you see the braes o’    Ballochmyle. Tender    bay? And never. Tis—’t is my aversion, oh misery!
Before my selfe did crow flock o’er her like and faces were Elisa one    of the train, the clock gives    that should every part, how some one cares, the prayer a-going!
Invincible spoon; and one undone, her voice was so every flood of the    Lady of Shalott.    Beautiful Pussy my love in his Strength those babies in four cross.
My own me how to behold gods, to this polar stars were nought not bite. A    trio of innocent,    by Angels looking of sight, so low islander the countries.
Where moveless as if in act to see em, to make him a few, who couth    he was often through road?    But let me into the guy.—Fairest maid, from her be you can.
Fierce name town, or all comers at all and do fight as thousand scimitars    above, as renegado    right to issue. You still shoe my bad acquaintance. Instead.
Also get there boughs more nearly morning to complaining field, they’ll both ioy    among friend for fame—a    taste she posts away she has to beast in the stuffs, their glory.
Susan had woven been, and, when he came. Juan and viler close-stool so cased;    or any kindly    in the blows upon the first in the Lark should rare occurrence.
That in the great god Pan, as butter. To fold too late I find me o’ my    mariners, dreadful way,    boded no more. Oh Dearest dinner cost,—this other of pearls.
And wood: oh, light, to sailors which, for with swimming doe were tinged it is as    if still be. Rolling Dart    from the trees, and with eternal fate, dost go down, like the ground.
Now, like a scoff; and on flowe. Thee deserts scorch the dull and scarce would wither    waft it, else country. Him    who wore than delight, every nation, lingering eye, or were move?
Now, then the death our reason for its white baracan that one starting pavement    on dead! You blame, winters    wakes,—to see, throbbed in snow thus to rue, and them cruel fire.
Reflecting though her bones with both heart of a noun. Beneath that flag takes thee    releasing sky, while I    kissed, and rarely guess one and pin’d and replaced a wrong to see.
Even Time she even for human fears; it is all the Neck; then the pony,    Betty, go! He entered    by a marriage?—And, Behold, and mute, with reason forlorn.
She is uneasy evermore delicate the while he saw the doctor’s    door to kissing and day    come True. And the usual profit the Earth some shepheards quill.
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khaleb246 · 1 year
My Terrible Love Life
Well, where do I begin? My name is Caleb Shone and this is my story. Yeah a really boring intro I can see but what gives, I’m speaking facts here and sorry to say this but the ladies who’s names will appear are changed for certain reasons, dem fit say na lie I dey talk. I don’t want to bore you guys with the history of my life, where I grew up, what made me into the monster that you might think I am as we continue but, if interested, we can make that work in another work or something. Let’s get straight to the point shall we?
Like most western movies, my love story started in grade five or as we call it over here, primary five. Her name was Gloria (like I said earlier, the names have been changed but if your name is Gloria and you were in the same class with me back then, it’s not you ️️) and she was a real beauty. I have always had an affinity for mathematics and I excelled at it. We were seat mates and at first I didn’t like it because I was changed from the back seat reason being my height. Yes I was the shortest there but that’s not the point. We weren’t talking for like two days or something I think, it’s a little blurry now but a classwork was given in mathematics and I solved it and submitted earlier than anyone. When I got back to my seat, she smiled at me and told me to “explain” it for her. Of course I knew this meant to solve it so she could copy and she didn’t really care about me but there was something about that warm smile, it was too radiant and I found myself helping her and some of her gal pals. 
Things went on like this for a while then we both discovered we were of the same tribe but I couldn’t speak my mother tongue so she offered to teach me in exchange for the maths I helped her with and the deal was struck. During the break time we would go out and while playing she would be teaching me and I learned well. As time went on, I got used to being around her. Each time we had eye contact, my heart skipped, when she touched me I felt goosebumps rising. I wanted to tell her how I felt but I couldn’t bring myself to do it, I stayed with this burden for a long time. 
Shortly before the end of the academic session, I told her that I had taken an entrance examination to go to a boarding school for my secondary education and I passed. I felt bad that I was leaving her and I could see she felt a little bad too. Then I was young and innocent, but I knew what a crush meant and what love meant. I loved this lady as I did my sister and no before you have any disgusting thoughts, what I mean is I looked after my sister back then, I was short but whenever she was bullied, she walked to my class and I left with the tall guys of the class for a little intimidation because no one would fear a short senior . Anyways, I loved this girl and she was my first female best friend. I never thought of any romantic relationships or something, I just loved spending time with her but it came to an end when I left the school. I carried this love with me till my senior secondary years before I moved on because distance was a real barrier and we had no means of communicating so I gave up my childish love . Wherever she is now, I still love her and wish the best for her.
From the time I left primary school until my second year in my senior year in secondary school which was roughly about three to four years, I was a nerd and kept to myself, never got involved with the female species, probably because I changed schools a lot and never had time to bond, “James Bond” (sorry I couldn’t help myself ) with anyone so I bonded with my books. 
I was made the president of the drama club and boy did we pull off the best shows, I had a very hardworking team, our narrator with the best voice, Jane, we did have a love-hate relationship. I crushed on her but it didn’t last long then I got annoyed by her, probably because of the way she carried herself. Mostly because of the way she walked which I described back then as the walk steps of a peacock and boy was she proud and snobbish. She left the school and I continued my work as drama president diligently. Mary brought our works to do and helped design our costumes, because of her we pulled off the best Shakespearean shows and more drama details but then came Julia, a tall, slim dark lady with a beautiful smile. She joined the club but never wanted to act. She was always around me and I tried to move round in a way that I’ll always “suddenly” appear beside her. I seem to have forgotten how we started dating but boy did I spend my allowances buying little snacks for her, I spent all on Valentine’s Day too and I didn’t mind. Suddenly she started losing interest in me and started falling for an “alpha” male that was my junior. This guy wasn’t good looking in any single bit. I know you all are probably thinking this is jealousy but no it’s not. I’m not handsome and all that chisel shaped chin and stuff, but the margin between us in terms of good looks was as wide as the distance from Abuja to Benue state. I was a nerd and he was cool so I couldn’t fight that. She left me for him and later that term I also changed schools yet again , this was a curse that didn’t seem to want to end. 
In my final year in secondary school, the class we call SSS3, I met a girl on Facebook, her name, Precious and precious was she. We just started talking and after two days, she told me she was in my school and I was like “Cool, so see you tomorrow?” And she said yeah and we planned to meet the next day being a Friday after club meeting. She didn’t have any picture on her profile so I felt she was just a normal girl in school. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, I donned the cool guy act in this new school and it seemed to be working, I had a lot of friends, all ladies and this was a concern for the school authorities. I knew deep down that I needed to reduce the way I related with them girls but I loved the attention I was getting, this is common for we nerds, we like attention and when we get a taste of it, it’s hard to step down from that height. 
Back to the story, we met after the club meeting and damn was I star struck. Standing before me in a yellow t-shirt and black shorts was Precious. She was really beautiful, perfect nose, nice posture, clear skin and nice shape. Yes I could see it through them shorts. The shorts were a bit tight and she had thick laps. She said hi and I said same and we walked for a bit and went our ways. I went back to my class and told my mates that I was in love.
She came to my class most break periods with her assignments and class works for help and I gladly helped her, mostly maths but I also helped with other subjects. I finally found my courage and asked her out and she took two days to give me a reply, those two days were kinda hell for me, I was battling with myself over her reply, could be a yes or a no I didn’t know and it was torture. I still saw her in school and had to act like I was sane waiting for her. She finally told me to meet her in the library which I did and she whispered yes into my ears. I almost jumped in the library but I composed myself and asked her yes to what and she smiled and got up and left. 
We found our spot, the library and no one dared sat on my spot. I wasn’t an intimidating senior, the whole school loved me so if I asked them to move, they got up without complaining, asked me a question that disturbed them and I provided answers. Yes the whole school knew me as a nerd and Precious knew too and she said she loved that part about me. I later discovered she was also a nerd in a way but a cool nerd. I really loved her so much and till today I blame my foolishness for making me treat her the way I did. If she’s reading this I’m very sorry, I know you said it’s cool but I wish I could rewind time, I wouldn’t be a jerk. 
Things were peachy until my graduation which was when we had our first kiss. I really was in love with this girl, I could do literally anything for her. People who knew about our relationship would say I was a pedophile but that wasn’t the case, I was still a minor and the age gap between us was just two years so being 17 years and dating a 15 year old wasn’t that bad. I held on to this relationship for eight months and we kept calling each other even when I went to the university.  Because of this lady I vowed never to date in university, even now that I write this, I still can’t date a girl from my university, I’ve tried but it never worked and that’s just the way it is.
Every good story has its bad sides. I later heard that we got discovered in school. I left the school to university and she was still there. The principal made schooling hell for her back then. She still held on to me but I didn’t want to be a reason for her to have a bad time in school, so I did something I still regret to this moment. I tried telling her that we should end the relationship and continue when she was done with secondary school because the pressure on her in school made her consider changing schools. She didn’t want to hear it so I met a friend close to her online and tried making her like me so I could ask her out (I never liked this girl, just saw her as a means to an end). We got talking and she agreed to date me. Precious got to hear it and it really pained her so she called it off. When I got back home during the COVID-19 pandemic, I went to meet the principal and told him I was the one who forced her into it, I pinned it all on me for deception and that I got carried away. He was angry but as an A-list student (this man only liked intelligent students so I was on his good and bad sides, the bad sides for always being found amongst ladies) he let me off with a warning telling me that I’ll see girls in university who would take my mind off her in a heartbeat and I’m still waiting for such girls .
So that was the end of the tale of Precious. This lasted for eight months and this has been the longest relationship I’ve ever maintained. Most relationships I get into don’t last more than a week or two and it takes serious efforts to make it reach that long . 
Well, during the COVID-19 pandemic period plus the strike of almost all public universities which lasted for about eleven months, I met another girl. A beautiful church girl named Divine. Her voice was really beautiful. Well I had been seeing her in church and she always sang on Christmas carol or some other church program. One day I was in church and she walked in and sat beside me. I was happy and a little while later she asked for my Facebook username and I gladly gave it to her. After a few weeks of chatting, she invited me over to her place and I went gladly. I also don’t remember how we started dating but we were and should I say I was blind to a lot of things. She said no kisses as it could lead to iduplorplor  and I agreed. Her birthday was coming up, it fell on Christmas Day and I planned to take her out to celebrate it, just to go see a Christmas movie or something at the cinema. I had the tickets with me and went to her house without calling her to surprise her. 
On getting there, I met her friend close to her house and we both went in together, she went in before me and as I stepped in, I saw Divine in a wrapper and trying to adjust it and there was a shirtless guy in her living room. She got up and went into her room without even saying hi. I stood there replaying the scene like a Nigerian movie and it was funny. Instead of feeling pained, I laughed and sat down. The guy I saw stretched out his hand for a handshake and I shook it. I waited for like five minutes then I got up and left with my tickets. She came online that evening and asked why I left without saying bye. I kept my cool and told her she didn’t acknowledge my presence when I walked in so I didn’t see any need to tell her I was going. She then asked if it was because of the guy I saw at her place and I said no. She went on to explain that it was her cousin. I told her I didn’t ask for an explanation and I needed to sleep. That was the end of it between us. I took my best friend Angela to see the movie and we enjoyed the movie.
After her, almost all the other ladies I was with were just not it for me, I got bored easily. There was this girl that broke up with her boyfriend who was a friend of mine from church and started getting too close to me and we got dating. Three days later she said she wanted to end it and went back to her ex, the guy rejected her and we had no beef because we both knew what was happening, what we were doing to her. At first I felt bad when we started but I later lost my heart. She came back to me but I told her she should have thought of this moment before walking away the first time. She wrote a letter to me pleading, I almost felt bad but I just didn’t care anymore. 
When the new year came, I remained single until the Christmas season when I met this fair lady at a gas station. She was really pretty and had a great smile. One thing lead to another and we got talking. She worked shifts and on the day she was to be on the evening shift, I went to her house in the morning. She was staying alone and her house was close to her school. She was a student of the state university and she was in her fourth year while I was in my second. Yeah she was older than me by two years but it didn’t bother us at all. At her house we were talking about school and other things then suddenly we kissed and she said she didn’t know why it happened but I liked it. We kept meeting at her place and I went always when she was done with her morning shift which ended by 2pm. I went by 3pm and stayed till around 8pm. Each time I left I didn’t want to leave but I was staying at my parents house and I had a curfew for 7pm. I just stretched it out and gave one or two excuses as to why I was late.
We really loved each other but she didn’t want to put a tag on the relationship because of the age difference. I could see that it was bugging her a lot so we both called it off after a month. What helped me get over her was that I went to school and school stress helped me almost forget her completely. 
During the Easter break I came home and met a girl, Esther, after just a day that we met, we started dating. I knew from the start that it would end terribly but I was in it for the fun. Things went well and I came back to school, oh I forgot to say this earlier, I school at the Federal University of Technology Minna, Niger state and my home state is Benue state. So we didn’t mind the distance and we continued till a night that my friends won’t ever let me forget, the “7pm heartbreak”. I’m told almost constantly that my heartbreak was priced in the market by 7pm . Well the reason for this was because I tried calling her by 7pm one day and she kept rejecting my calls. I called three times and she rejected all of them. She called me by a little bit after 8pm and told me the reason she couldn’t answer my call was because she was in the market that night. My roommates heard this and started laughing hard and hence the tale of the “7pm heartbreak” was born. We broke up a week later and a new girl came along almost immediately. Lest I forget, I almost dated her friend but I thank God it didn’t work out.
A new girl started chatting with me and before I knew it, almost every night we were on a video call with each other. Mary was her name. The way she spoke was really cool. She pronounced her words too perfectly and had a really nice nose. We spoke for like a month or two then a week before I went home for the two weeks break we were given at school, we started dating online. When I got home, she came over to meet me and the videos and pictures I saw of her did no justice to her beauty. Coming to think of it, omo I don date fine girls for this life oo. Well things went well and I was trying to save up some cash so I could take her out for a proper date and for her birthday coming up in September. I couldn’t save enough as I was also going back to school that September so I needed money for school too so I bought a hoodie for her and ice cream on her birthday and took it to her house. At her house, I met her elder brother and we clicked, he was an otaku like me and we got talking. We had almost the same interests and I was glad. My girlfriend on the other hand left me and was with another guy that came to see her on her birthday. I didn’t blame her, it was her birthday after all but it felt like I wasn’t there at all. But I had her brother and his girlfriend with me and we talked, made jokes and  laughed. I had a good time and went home. I think two days later I called her and told her that it’s best we ended it. Well I saw some signs that she was also loosing interest in me so I just decided to pull the cord. Another reason I ended things was because on her birthday I went through her phone and saw some pictures, pictures of my exes . Turns out they all knew each other but didn’t know I dated them all. I felt like a used blunt that was passed around till it was done with. 
At that moment, I resigned from dating girls from Makurdi and I went with it for the next few months and life was easy until my birthday the following year. This was on March 26th 2022. I invited almost all my friends to my house for an in house party, the first party I threw ever. Many people turned up and the party was a blast. Prior to this, I knew a girl, Benita for over two years and we had been chatting. The Sunday before the birthday I invited her to my church and she came. After service, I invited her to the party and she said she would come and she did. When she came, she was dressed in baggy jean trousers and a white t-shirt. A black slender beauty walked in and captured my heart. Not just mine but every guy at the party tried to collect her number but the way she politely brushed them off made me smile. 
A week later I invited Benita over and we spoke for a while then I told her how I felt about her and told her I wanted to be in a relationship with her, well not these exact words but  something close and she said to give her some time. Two weeks later she invited me over to her place and told me she would give it a try. She invited her friend over and introduced me to her as her boyfriend, I felt proud. We made out after her friend left. This isn’t necessary information but make I drop some juicy details small na. Her lips were soft, her kisses gentle and her skin smooth and soft. She had a slim waist and a perfect figure. We went on in love for about three months, made a lot of videos and took some pictures, I was going through my Snapchat memories and came across some of the videos and that’s what prompted me to write this out and tell you guys that I was in love. 
The relationships that lasted more than a month was genuine love. I would give anything to go back to those times again but that means I’ll be caught in a dilemma because I don’t know which one to pick over the others  and I can’t pick them all . 
Well, Benita and I broke up and I won’t give the details for this one, maybe this is the one I hold dearest of them all. But the fact is I know deep down that I won’t go back to any of my previous relationships, I’m just saying I’ll give anything to go back so it would sound you know, romantic or something but, I can’t and I won’t. Relationships are stressful and boring. Or maybe it’s the phase I’m in at the moment, I see no joy in relationships, I just need someone that will be pumping my account with money and all for free .
Okay, so who was next after Benita?  Oh yeah I’ve been single since then and this was since September of 2022, I’m trying to see if I can break my record of being single for more than two years . Well that’s not totally true because I met a girl in December of that same year, the girls hands in the picture on the cover, I’m sure you all must have been wondering who’s hand that was. Well her name is Stephanie. I met her a day after Christmas. We both commented on a post online that asked to describe your dream date. I saw hers was a stroll in the park and mine was a walk in the park and a date with books, typical nerd yes but she was cool with it and we chatted and fixed a date on the day after Christmas. 
We met at a park and we had the best time together. I was entranced by her and the way she was so free. She was a hardworking woman and really put her priorities in order. We said our goodbyes after the date and we planned another one after new year, a day before I went to school. We met and after going to a series of parks which weren’t open, we went to my house and watched some movies. I still rushed things with her because I was tired of going into series of relationships and I wanted to settle with her, she was the best. She said no for many reasons, the first that she wasn’t ready, wanted to get her walk with God really solid and finally that we can’t work because of my tribe, her mum doesn’t like “Tiv” guys and that really hurt. We aren’t talking anymore but I hope she got her walk with God solid. 
Well there have been a dozen others I didn’t mention, the week long dates and whatnot but those aren’t important, heck I can’t even remember their names . My love life is one big ball of messy and well it made quite a story. If there’s a way I could go back and change things, I would but there’s no Time Machine so we move on. 
I hope the tale was great enough, until my next entanglement then guys
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tatakaebomb · 3 years
Feelings Mutual
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ꕥ Pairing : Dads Bestf Son Eren x Y/N
ꕥ Synopsis : Don’t put two of the worlds worst enemies in a bed together, not when ones so oblivious…
ꕥ Word count : 2.3k
ꕥ A/N : Sorry about inactivity last week :), gonna get to some asks this week
ꕥ TW : fingering, yandere themes, smut, enemies dynamic, finger sucking, cream pie, ass play, titty play, eren an ass hole, manipulation, non con, dub con, unconsensual semen spraying (idk what to call it but he jizz’s on dem tiddies), pet names, degrading, dacryphilia, vouyerism, somniophilia, mentions of blood, eren a pervert frrrr, masterbation, panty stealing, breeding kink, size kink, pussy cupping, azzzz eating, probs more 18+
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Your dad is your bestfriend, always so loving to you and spoiling you whenever you want. Getting you the bests gifts, spending time with you - there's nothing you could do without him.
But this request was too much, as lovely as he is, your dad was not worth the stress this boy is about to give you.
The boy that's tormented your life for as long as you known him, always grabbing the opportunity to call you a whore or steal your food, kick your foot under the table. But when you complain your the bad guy.
You don't know why he's had it out for you, ever since you've known him he's hated your guts, found you despicably undesirable, rolling his eyes at your presence and never making an effort even when you try.
But there's nothing you can really do about it
Not when he's your dads bestfriends son...
'Y/N atleast try interact with him, he's a nice boy' your mother spoke, laying the table out as your father sets up the barbecue.
The weather was beautiful, the sun shining and the heat was astronomical and that only means one thing - social gathering, and this social gathering of course involved your dads bestfriend, his wife... and his son eren.
Eren was tall, reaching around 6'3 with these pretty green eyes and his hair always thrown in a man bun. It's a shame his personality was no match to his looks, nothing but rude and ignorant, always on your ass and hating you for no apparent reason.
'But mom he hates me, I am nice to him but when I try speak he's just rude' you rant, pouring yourself in a glass of water as you scoff at the ring of the doorbell... guests have arrived
'Well y/n, I'm afraid you've gotta get along with him, for your dad right?' Your mother spoke, patting your head. Glancing over to your father as you could see how excited he was to see his bestfriend, a huge smile plastered on his face... only to see the nightmare next to him. Grey shorts hung on his torso as the white shirt gripped his skin, his hand reached out to shake your fathers, does he even try? Gosh he's so rude.
Around 30 guests came, all swarmed in the back garden as they say they hello's and hug you warmly. Today was the perfect weather to wear a pretty sundress, the perfect red and white one you've been so eager to wear ever since you brought it, synched nicely on your waist and not too short that it's completely inappropriate, but eren wouldn't see it as that - heck you could wear a ninja suit and he would still call you a slut.
'Y/N come over here!' Your dad called, your eyes flickering over to see his best friend grisha, his hand moving to nestle in your hair as he pulled you into a tight hug.
He was lovely, so sweet towards you, practically a second father. And it didn't help that his wife, Carla, was an angel. So helpful to your mother and such a gem towards you, so why did their son ascend from hell?
'How you been y/n!'
'I've been okay uncle grisha, how about yourself, I see you got a new set of glasses.'
'Oh! You noticed-' he flinched, small smile lingering on his face 'Been around a month and I'm sure eren over here hasn't noticed.'
Glancing over, you see eren at the barbecue, too busy flipping the burgers over to even notice his dad talking about him.
'Ah yeah, I'm fairly attentive'
'Y/N do you mind helping eren over there, I'm pretty sure he's burning the burgers...'
Fucks sake... 'Yes... of course' you beam at Carla, trying your best to hold back the tears pricking your eyes. Today was about ignoring eren, NOT helping him.
Trailing over to him, you could hear his scoff from a mile off. Phone turned off and shrugged into his pockets as he didn't even spare a glance towards you, continuing to play with the spatula and watch the oil splatter.
'Your gonna burn them.' You comment, knowing how much it hurts to even hear your voice.
'Yeah? Like you'd know, didn't think you'd be anything more than a whore let alone a chef'
'Oh please, from what I've heard your nothing less, fucking mikasa only to break up with her the next day.'
Placing down the spatula he turns to face you, looking at the way how the cup of your bra pushes up your boobs and the necklace that hangs down your cleavage reflects from the sun. Pretty red sundress enveloping your warm thighs and legs. 'Didn't you do the same thing with jean'
'We was never dating, and I've never had sex with him. Why? Jealous your such a sleaze and I'm not.'
Tongue poking his cheek, he lifted up the spatula, only to tap it at the flesh of your exposed breast.
'What the fuck?'
'Thought doing that would atleast make you take off your bra... we both know what you'd do for even a little bit of contact...'
'What the fuck is your problem?!' Your tone raised. Swatting the spatula out his hands and throwing it at him, the metal part hitting his nose and making it bleed. Hands moving to grab at it as you watch the blood drop all over him.
'Fucking psycho!' He shouts. Pushing you away as your family all gather round him, his mother quickly escorting him to the bathroom. Lingering stares quickly observing you, so quick to assume you did that on purpose.
'Y/N?! What the fuck?!'
'You two need to learn how to get along.'
Forced in your room, you felt the eyes of both yours and erens parents. Angry faces smitten on them as your dad continued to rant, so furious about what had just happened.
'I'm so embarrassed, on behalf of you both. More importantly you y/n, I cant believe you'd hit eren like that! I know you don't get along but...'
'But mom-'
'No buts! You two are sleeping in here tonight. I don't wanna hear anything about it' Slamming the door behind her, the room was left in utter silence. Eren sat behind you not even caring about what just happened, simply flicking through his phone whilst you sat at the side of the bed. Nose completely cleared up.
'Don't you care? Thanks to you, were having to sleep in the same bed'
'No were not. I'm taking the bed, you can sleep over there' finger pointing towards your small pink couch cradled towards the corner. Three lots of love heart pillows and a warm throw placed on top of it. No way are you sleeping there in your OWN room.
'What? No. This is my house, your lucky enough I'm even letting you sleep with me.' Arms crossed over your chest as you stare at him, his phone thrown on the bed. Tired green eyes flickering up at you with his expressionless face.
'Are you forgetting your the one who punched me?' Arms pushing him up the bed, walking to stand infront of you. 'Shouldn't you be more remorseful'
'Remorseful? Maybe if you hadn't been such a freak and-'
'Why the fuck are you shouting.' Hand moving to clamp over your mouth, eyes crossed peering down at his hand 'Such a trouble maker'
Pushing him off, you move towards your bathroom, wanting to brush your teeth and fall straight asleep in hope this is all just a nightmare.
The time was 11pm and you had just finished cleaning up, the sky was getting dark and most people had head home, you infact, were still arguing over the sleeping arrangements, only to finally come to the conclusion that you would share, as long as you face other ways.
Flicking off the lights, you move to take off your top and pants, exposing the lace croquet on your bra and panties.
'I'm not gonna fucking have sex with you so you can put your clothes back on.' He shrugs, pushing himself to the other side and pulling the duvet over his head, you climbing onto your pillow and turning off your lamp.
'I sleep like this, don't like it you can sleep on the couch.'
'Whatever, fucking whore.'
'Your topless too? What's the difference...?'
'Just... Shutup...'
'F-fuck y/n... shit...'
Your head rolled on your pillow, trying your best to fall back to sleep but the noises and heavy breathing filling your head was making it too hard.
'Eren shutup...' you grunt, rubbing your eyes and pulling the duvet over your head. The noise instead not quieting down.
The more you attempted to sleep the louder it got, ears occupied and head delirious about what was going on.
Quick jolting of his body and heavy pants catching you off guard as you lean up to see what was happening, only to be faced with the sight of him palming himself. Raw veiny cock broad in his hands, finger tips calloused and touching his tip.
Your eyes widened as you made eye contact with him, his instant reaction to grab the blanket and cover himself up, boner still clearly evident through the sheets.
'OH MY GOD...' you shout, crawling off the bed and hitting your back off the desk. Eyes still locked on how his girth grew through the sheets.
'SHIT Y/N-' He shouts, cheeks blushed and eyes peering right at you 'Stop fucking looking..'
'I cant... I- what the fuck eren?!' As disturbing as it was you couldn't erase the image from your mind, throbbing in your core causing your thighs to clench at how big he was. It was nothing you could've expected from such an unlikeable man. 'Didn't know you were a fucking CREEP!'
‘Don’t fucking blue balls me like that-‘
‘Is that what your seriously worried about?!’
'Get over it dumbass- fuck...' His fingers crawling under the sheets to tap at his cock once more, only for you to peer down at your body. White mess coated on where your nipples leaked out of your cups, he fucked himself to you? ON YOU??
'OH MY G-' Grabbing you get slams you on the bed, quick to cover your mouth and straddle your hips. Your hair splayed out on the sheets as you stared up at him in fear. Fear of how tall he looked on top of you.
'This is your fault... you fucking caused this...' your eyes looking down to watch him touch himself again, this time the tips of his fingers lightly tapping at your cunt every time he thrusted. Small moan escaping his pretty lips every time you moved under his touch. The flesh of your breasts rippling so gently. 'Always wearing these short outfits, always got these pretty tits out... fuck and you wonder why I hate you- so fucking untouchable.'
'You fucking creep!' You muffle. Eyes squinting shut as tears start to drop down your cheeks
He quickened his pace, head fallen back as he lets go of your mouth. Smile lifting off of him as he notices you liking this, such a naughty girl huh?
'Are you getting off to this?' He questions as he lowers his spare hand to your bra, pushing it below your tits and pinching at your nipples. Your head rolling to the side in shame and pleasure 'Oh fuck yeah, you are..'
'Shit eren- your such a perv...'
'Keep those pretty lips shut, only wanna hear your moans from now on.’ You gasp as he quickly cups your pussy in his hand, wetness adamant and almost leaking onto his fingers.
'Least you could- ah- do is touch me…' Words shared with hate and snark
He heard what he's been wanting to hear for a long time, hand darting down to rub at your wet pussy. Puffy clit standing out to him a mile off as you arch your back off the bed. The sight of you so much better in real life.
He's never hated you- not in a million years could he ever hated you. He just hated how beautiful you were, his phone camera filled with photos of your ass from your short skirts, room drawers stacked with your used panties, and mind occupied with the image of you on your knees for him, lips wrapped on his cock as he gets to face fuck you. Saliva dripping all over your face and dribbling down onto them pretty tits.
'Fuck- yes...' You moan, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into a long kiss, his fingers pacing inside of you and before you knew it, you felt your core being split by his girth. Long veiny juicy cock, touching the brink of your stomach. You could almost feel it in your throat.
'Knew you'd like it hm?' Croaked voice echoed in your head as he jolted his hips inside your dripping pussy. Squelching noises occupying your words as your salty tears fell into his mouth. You tried your best to ignore how wrong this felt, but the feeling of him fucking you so good was better than what you could imagine, better than any man you've ever had... 'So tight for me.'
'Ah- yes...' words cooed as your tits jump at every action, his eyes glued too your contorted face and blushed nose.
'Yes what?'
'Y-yes daddy...' the gape of your mouth sent him feral as he watched how you collected the saliva at the corners. Small tongue lolling out as he picks up the loose cum almost dried on your chest and pushes it down your throat. His balls swelling at the sight of you sucking his fingers so well, pussy almost about to gush at how he was fucking your once half awake body.
'I'm gonna cum- gonna breed this pretty pussy so much- fuckkk you gonna wear all them short dresses and claim that ass as mine fucking finally...' Words mumbled off his lips as he continued to spill inside of you, drapes of sperm tipping your stomach as you wailed. Back arching off the bed and squirting all over his stomach a loud cry of 'Fuck!' Had your eyes going all teary and head foggy...
Catching his breath, he finally got off of you. Admiring how fucked out you looked on the bed, hair messy and face tired. Tits spilt from your bra and underwear holding on by a thread.
'Take off your panties.' His hand held out to you as you did what he said. Pushing them off your legs and throwing them at him, eyes glinting to watch him shove them into his sweatpants as he ties the drawstring back up. The cocky grin on his face never once leaving.
'Who knew you were such a fucking pervert eren... all along... no wonder you were fucking offended.'
His hand cups under your chin to pull you towards him, a long drape on your lips and a harsh slap to your ass had you winced.
'Ass up now, or else I'll be showing everyone this video of you. Wouldn't want that now would you? Your precious daddy watching you get fucked to his bestfriends son. How these tits shake just from the flick of my fingers' His phone held between two fingers as he mockingly hung it infront of your face, chuckling a small laugh as he watched how you spun around and pushed your naked ass towards his mouth, tongue licking at your hole as his large hands move to spread them eagerly.
'I hate you jeager.'
'Feelings mutual...'
Safe to say the morning after was nothing pleasant...
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