#pronounced Al-Lah
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sheilamurrey · 2 years ago
At Tuwani
Here’s something I wrote 12 years ago in a book I did about Palestine which was never published. A short interesting read from that time… An Eclipse …At Tuwani
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ind1exo · 6 months ago
[ How I Pronounce WH Characters' Names ]
Elias Goldstein: (2017) El-li-yahs Gold-steen; (Now) El-li-yis Gold-steen
Yukiya Reizen: (2017) Yu-kai-yah Rey-zin; (Now) Yu-key-ya Rey-zin
Luca Orlem: Lu-ka Or-lem
Klaus Goldstein: Claus Gold-steen
Randy March: Ran-dee March
Azusa Kuze: Uh-zu-sa Ku-zay
Joel Crawford: (2017) Johl Crawford; (Now) Jo-el Crawford
Vincent Knight: Vincent Night
Leon: Leon
Cerim Leiado: Ser-im Lay-ah-do
Guy Brighton: Guy Brai-tin
Glenn Qing: Glenn King
Leslie Roseblade: Les-lee Rose-blade
Sigurd Curtis: Sih-gurd Kur-tis
Mel Glover: Mehl Glow-ver
Zeus Brundle: Zeus Brun-dul
Hiro Tachibana: He-ro Tah-chi-ba-na
Alfonse Goldstein: Al-fonse Gold-steen
Caesar Raphael: See-zar Ra-fai-el
Lucious Duller: (2018) Luh-cious Dul-ler; (Months ago) Lu-see-is Dul-ler; (Now) Lu-cious Dul-ler I've taken years of vacations off the game twice so that's why the timeline is drastic
Hugo Peers: Hue-go Peers
Hisoka Hagakure: He-so-ka Ha-ga-ku-rae
Willem V. Rembrandt: Will-em V. Rem-brant
Nox Noir: Nohx No-ar
Rex Blanc: Rehx Blahnk
Gray: Gray
Ted: Tehd
Lars Lagrene: Lars Lah-gren
Clive Lagrene: Clive Lah-gren
Florin Arden: Floor-in Ar-den
Albert Auburne: Ahl-bert Au-burn
Light Fildora: Light Fill-dora
Felix: Feel-lix
Viggo: Vih-go
Vain: Vain
Zett: Zeht
Augustus Cole: Au-gist-us Kole
Scarlett Quinn: Skar-let Quin
Randolph: Randolph
Conrad Schuyler: Cohn-rad Sk-huy-ler (It's hard to tell how his last name is actually pronounced...)
Loran Merkulova: Low-ran Mer-ku-lova
Thanatos: Than-na-tohs
Lacan: Lah-kan
Carbuncle: Car-bun-kle
Eress: Air-ess
Ronnie: Rah-nee
Chica: Chi-ka
Mischa: Mees-cha (Surprisingly, since my accent is supposed to make me say Mihs-cha like mischievous)
Chocolate Cake (Coco): I just call him Coco because saying the whole name is a pain. Luca reference
Nidhogg: Nihd-hog
Shu: Shoo
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risalei-nur · 7 months ago
The Words - The Ninth  Word - Part 1
The different Prayer times
In the Name of God, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate.
So glorify God when you enter the evening and when you enter the morning—And (proclaim that) all praise and gratitude in the heav- ens and on the earth are for Him—and in the afternoon, and when you enter the noon time. (30:17-18)
YOU ASK ME, BROTHER, WHY THE DAILY PRAYERS MUST BE PRAYED AT specific five times. I will give just one of the many wise reasons for this. Each Prayer time marks the start of a significant turning point, a mirror to the Divine disposal of power as well as the uni-
versal Divine bounties therein. We are therefore ordered to pray at those spe- cific times to give more adoration and glory to the All-Powerful One of Majesty, and to give more thanks for the bounties accumulated between any two periods. To comprehend this subtle and profound meaning a little bet- ter, consider these five points together with my own soul:
FIRST POINT: Prayer stands for praising, glorifying, and thanking God Almighty. We glorify Him by saying Subhanallah (All-Glorified is God) by word and action in awareness of His Majesty. We exalt and magnify Him by saying Allahu akbar (God is the All-Great) through word and action in awareness of His Perfection. We offer thanks to Him by saying Al-hamdu lil- lah (All praise and gratitude are for God) with our heart, tongue, andbody, in awareness of His Grace. That is to say, the heart of Prayer consists of glorification, exaltation, praise, and thanksgiving. Thus, these three seeds are present in all words and actions that constitute Prayer. Further, following each Prayer, they are repeated 33 times each to confirm and complete the Prayer’s objectives. The meaning of Prayer is pronounced consecutively with these concise utterances.
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knightofhylia · 1 year ago
Adamkvi: Peace and Joy on the Planet Earth
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I am honouring Adamard 'Puka'. His tag is adamkvi.
History and Name:
He came to me as part of a Full metal Alchemist OC. Adamard is a combination of 'Adam' and 'Edward', since he started as an Edward export I wanted to keep the name. It is pronounced "ah-DAHM'-ard" His middle name, Llolineu is a mystery. I don't really know where it came from. It has been spelled also as Llolineau. I always pronounced it 'Lah-lahl-eh-new' but I think it is closer to "Tholl-eh-noh". Considering that Puka is from the UK, I wouldn't be surprised if the double L is supposed to be like the Welsh letter that we see often in Llewlleyn. It's pronounced more like a 'th' with the tongue behind the teeth as opposed to on the teeth with an L. Another interesting synchronicity with his name is that he is mostly known as Puka. I used to refer to Puka, his wife, and their partners as 'the goblins' because they were mostly all short fae creatures with a tendency for trouble. I learned later that púca is the old English word for goblin! interesting huh? His last name is Tracey, but I don't think that had any specific origin, I think I just picked that from a list.
in 2020,when I was working with my deities I asked them all what their 'role' was by pulling 3 Tarot cards (This is when my Zelda deck was all I had). His as follows:
The Hanged Man Surrender, release, waiting, sacrifice The World Change, luck, taking action, inevitable change King of Swords Intellect, objective, assertive
When I first pulled these cards I assumed everyone was 'a deity' but as I've gotten to know them all, Puka is more of a saint/prophet than a deity. He is godspoused to the spirit of the Life and is very close to a Yeshua/Jesus figure: an embodiment of a god on earth whose focus is to spread kindness, love, and justice.
Lore and Description:
Adamard has been both human and machine multiple times. He was drowned as a child by bullies and was made into an android. Later, he was changed back into a human .He is intersex and albino. He was a part of many experiments which lead to his clone, Cain, and his son, Beauramard. He was groomed by an Anglican offshoot cult to be their saviour, however, he was later disregarded after the birth of his child did not change the world as prophesized. He later married D'sukinz, the actual prophesized saviour, and raised their children together. His patron deity is Niseag and D'sukinz. He is the son in law of Hemy, and brother in law to Kaleitti and Junalahqi.
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He is albino with pale skin, white hair, one blue and one pink eye. I never remember which is which tho. In his teenage years he was forced on hormones to 'fix him' so he presented more feminine. as he got older he presents more masculine/androgynous. His favourite colour is blue. He has scar on his neck and a scar/tattoo on his forehead.
UPG story:
Puka was actually a name given to him by a longtime friend of mine. I collect BJD dolls and have two of him. One day my friend commented saying he looked like a 'pukabear' and when I asked what the was they said 'I dunno but it's him!' I rarely use Adam or Adamard with him,I mostly call him Puka lol.
I mostly experience puka in my head so I don't have very many upg stories I guess. Sometimes when I get thrown into a laughing fit my husband calls it 'my puka laugh' lol. There is a still al to for me to learn about him! I also haven't worked directly with him in a long time.
Animals - rabbits, hares, albino animals, Astrology - Virgo, Venus, Gemini, the Moon Beverage - Tea Color - Blue, Pink, White
Crystals: Rose Quartz, Pearl, Aura Quartz, Coral Emotions - Peace, Love, belonging
Epithets: The Auspistice, Peace Keeper, Flower - Rose, baby's breath, elfdock Fruit - Apples, Strawberries, Herbs - Damiana, Motherwort, Carrots Keywords - Love, Harmony, Rebirth Kvi - September Meme -
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Metal - Iron, Aluminum Musical Expression - electro swing, indie folk, vapourwave
Number - 50, 38 Playlist - Lüzers Mythical Animal - Unicorn, Mermaid, Jackalope Physical Expression - Sex, Stimming, being flirty Sense - Touch Symbol -
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sel-of-the-sea · 5 months ago
im a revert so Allahu 'alam, God knows best, here is how i pronounce the words. i have a hard time with astaghfirullah still. basically you really have to know how to pronounce Allah, and it changes in the word depending on if its a possessive form and tenses in my understanding. so know Allah - ah-la(h) ah like a doctor saying 'say ah' and la like la la la, but a soft h at the end. Illah - e-la(h).
inshaallah - in-sha-ah-lah
mashallah - ma-sha-ah-lah
alhamdulillah - al-ham-du-lee-lah (al like in allen)
subhanallah - sub-han-ah-lah
astaghfirullah - as-tagh-fi-rul-lah people also say
i think we should all start using arabic words and phrases more often because its a beautiful language and also theres not really. english equivalents that have the same vibes
theres also the comedy potential of it. you guys dont know the joy of having your muslim friend text you "hopefully the racists in our city will all get sick and cant go to the protest" and you, as a pasty white guy, responding with "inshallah they get covid"
its a one hit KO every time. its fucking hilarious. theres no english word that has the same effect.
he also once texted me that he got over a mysterious illness he came down with (i think? i cant remember the exact context) and i responded with "subhanallah he is cured"
again, one hit KO. he lost his shit.
what im saying is we gotta normalise arabic. its just a language like any other, and it has some great words. its just like saying "thank god" or whatever, but theres so much variety and nuance. its beautiful
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quransurahverses · 7 months ago
فَذَكِّرْ إِن نَّفَعَتِ ٱلذِّكْرَىٰ ٩
So ˹always˺ remind ˹with the Quran˺—˹even˺ if the reminder is beneficial ˹only to some˺.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
So, extend advice (to people) if advice is useful.
— T. Usmani
Fathakkir in nafaAAati aththikra
— Transliteration
Oleh itu berilah peringatan (kepada umat manusia dengan ajaran Al-Quran), kalau-kalau peringatan itu berguna (dan sudah tentu berguna);
— Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih
سَيَذَّكَّرُ مَن يَخْشَىٰ ١٠
Those in awe ˹of Allah˺ will be mindful ˹of it˺.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
The one who fears (Allah) will observe the advice,
— T. Usmani
Sayaththakkaru man yakhsha
— Transliteration
Kerana orang yang takut (melanggar perintah Allah) akan menerima peringatan itu;
— Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih
وَيَتَجَنَّبُهَا ٱلْأَشْقَى ١١
But it will be shunned by the most wretched,
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
and it will be avoided by the most wretched one
— T. Usmani
Wayatajannabuha al-ashqa
— Transliteration
Dan (sebaliknya) orang yang sangat celaka akan menjauhinya,
— Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih
ٱلَّذِى يَصْلَى ٱلنَّارَ ٱلْكُبْرَىٰ ١٢
who will burn in the greatest Fire,
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
who will enter the Biggest Fire,
— T. Usmani
Allathee yasla annaraalkubra
— Transliteration
Dia lah orang yang akan menderita bakaran neraka yang amat besar (azab seksanya),
— Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih
ثُمَّ لَا يَمُوتُ فِيهَا وَلَا يَحْيَىٰ ١٣
where they will not ˹be able to˺ live or die.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
then he will neither die therein, nor live (a desirable life).
— T. Usmani
Thumma la yamootu feeha walayahya
— Transliteration
Selain dari itu, ia tidak mati di dalamnya dan tidak pula hidup senang.
— Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih
قَدْ أَفْلَحَ مَن تَزَكَّىٰ ١٤
Successful indeed are those who purify themselves,
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
Success is surely achieved by him who purifies himself,
— T. Usmani
Qad aflaha man tazakka
— Transliteration
Sesungguhnya berjayalah orang yang - setelah menerima peringatan itu - berusaha membersihkan dirinya (dengan taat dan amal yang soleh),
— Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih
وَذَكَرَ ٱسْمَ رَبِّهِۦ فَصَلَّىٰ ١٥
remember the Name of their Lord, and pray.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
and pronounces the name of his Lord, then offers prayer.
— T. Usmani
Wathakara isma rabbihi fasalla
— Transliteration
Dan menyebut-nyebut dengan lidah dan hatinya akan nama Tuhannya serta mangerjakan sembahyang (dengan khusyuk).
— Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih
بَلْ تُؤْثِرُونَ ٱلْحَيَوٰةَ ٱلدُّنْيَا ١٦
But you ˹deniers only˺ prefer the life of this world,
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
But you prefer the worldly life,
— T. Usmani
Bal tu/thiroona alhayata addunya
— Transliteration
(Tetapi kebanyakkan kamu tidak melakukan yang demikian), bahkan kamu utamakan kehidupan dunia;
— Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih
وَٱلْـَٔاخِرَةُ خَيْرٌۭ وَأَبْقَىٰٓ ١٧
even though the Hereafter is far better and more lasting.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
while the Hereafter is much better and much more durable.
— T. Usmani
Wal-akhiratu khayrun waabqa
— Transliteration
Padahal kehidupan akhirat lebih baik dan lebih kekal.
— Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih
إِنَّ هَـٰذَا لَفِى ٱلصُّحُفِ ٱلْأُولَىٰ ١٨
This is certainly ˹mentioned˺ in the earlier Scriptures—
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
Indeed this is (written) in the earlier divine scripts,
— T. Usmani
Inna hatha lafee assuhufial-oola
— Transliteration
Sesungguhnya (keterangan-keterangan yang dinyatakan) ini ada (disebutkan) di dalam Kitab-kitab yang terdahulu, -
— Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih
صُحُفِ إِبْرَٰهِيمَ وَمُوسَىٰ ١٩
the Scriptures of Abraham and Moses.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
the scripts of Ibrāhīm and Mūsā.
— T. Usmani
Suhufi ibraheema wamoosa
— Transliteration
Iaitu Kitab-kitab Nabi Ibrahim dan Nabi Musa.
— Abdullah Muhammad Basmeih
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cecropiaden · 4 years ago
How to pronounce pagan holiday names:
Samhain - Sow-win
Yule - Yew-luh
Imbolc - Im-boh-lc
Ostara - Oss-tara
Beltaine - Bee-al-tin-uh
Litha - Lee-tha
Lughnasadh - Loo-nas-ah (or Lammas - Lah-mass)
Mabon - Mah-bon
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thatvixenchick · 3 years ago
So for A Mate Most Begruding, you have a very specific way on how people refer to others politely (ie Al./Be./Om. and Ala/Eba/Oma). I was wondering if there is a specific way you pronounce them in your head? I just can't settle on one specific way and was curious if you did. It was such a fun fic and I'm lowkey obsessed with it. Thank you!
So, for Al./Be./Om., in my head, that worked the same as Mr./Ms. so it was just an abbreviation. Al. Wilson would be said aloud as Alpha Wilson and so on.
Ala was ah-lah, Eba was eh-bah, and Oma was oh-mah. All of them soft vowels, I guess you could say. But that's just me. In writing, I know things can be pronounced in various different ways, so I leave it up to the reader which one they're most comfortable with.
(That said, I almost had a heart attack the first time I heard someone read Sakit from my dragon story as "sack-it" rather than "sah-keet" lol)
I'm super happy you enjoyed the fic! Thank you for reading! ^.^
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thatssroughbuddy · 4 years ago
Do u pronounce it “at-luh” “A-T-L-A” “at-lah” or “al-tah” in your head I rly wanna know
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mxgicthot · 4 years ago
I really hate it when people pronounce Altair's name wrong... It's my pet peeve
His name is pronounced :
al-tah-eer ib-in-lah-ah-had
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kerblackthorn · 4 years ago
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Donning the Mask of the Mastriss: An Adaptation of the Rite of the Headless One/Stele of Jeu
Bathe, then tie a Bull Rush, the leaf of a Cattail, or a strip of Goat skin on your head with the formula pictured above written on it.
Face North and gaze up towards Orion, stretching the emblem across your forehead from one of your temples to the other and reciting the six names written on the leaf:
Then recite:
“Make all spirits become subject to me, so that every spirit, no matter where they dwell—that they who dwell within the stars and planets, the winds, the lands, the depths, and the waters would all be obedient to me, and every enchantment and power that is under the dominion of the Mastriss of this World be under my control.”
Now, read aloud the summoning of the Mastriss of all Sorcery:
“I call to You, Headless Hunter Akephalon, who shapes the Sky and the Earth, who separated Night and Day, beautiful Ruler Who dies and is reborn each year—none have ever seen Your true face, Mastriss OSORONNOPHRIS (pronounced: “AH-SAH-RAHN-NAH-PuhREES)! You are IABAS (pronounced: “YAH-BAHS”)! You are IAPOS (pronounced: “YAH-POSE”)! You are the true God of this world, the one Who humans have long said of, “I’ve found the One!” yet few have.
Because You dwell in the middle, You show good from evil, just from unjust, dividing pleasure from pain. You made men and women as the divine Sun and Moon, Your eyes; revealing seed and fruit and teaching humankind how to plant and harvest, you manifest Your presence. You make people love or hate one another as is Your good pleasure, spreading Your madness to the ends of the Earth.
I am Solomon the King/Moses the Mageia/Isobel Gowdie the Witch (insert whichever mystical occultist you’d like here), Your seer in the Dark Glimmering Land Below to whom You have revealed Your Mysteries celebrated by the scholars of Alexandria; You cause the rains to fall and the mist to rise, the breeze to evaporate, and provide nourishment for all. Hear me, for I am the angelic messenger of PHAPRO OSORONNOPHRIS (pronounced: “PuhAH-PRAH AH-SAH-RAHN-NAH-PuhREES), which is Your true name, handed down to the prophets of Ees-rah-el!
Listen to me and turn away all spirits contrary to my sorceries and my health! I call upon You emptied of breath, Old One, for I am in awe of Your might! AROGOGOROBRAÔ SOCHOU MODORIÔ PHALARCHAÔ OOO (Pronounced: “AH-RAH-GAH-GAH-RAH-BRAH-OH SAH-KuhEW MAH-DAH-REE-OH PuhAH-LAHR-KuhAH-OH AAHH”). Windswept Headless Hunter, deliver me, (Full Name), son/daughter of (Mother’s Maiden Name), from all spirits which restrain me, ROUBRIAÔ MARI ÔDAM BAABNABAÔTH ASS ADÔNAI APHNIAÔ ITHÔLÊTH ABRASAX A��ÔÔY (Pronounced: “REW-BREE-AH-OH MAH-REE OH-DAHM BAHHB-NAH-BAH-OATuh AHSS AH-DOH-NIGH AHPuh-NEE-AH-OH EETuh-OH-LAYTuh AH-BRAH-SAHKS AH-AYE-OOOH-OO”)—mighty Headless Hunter, deliver me (Repeat Your’ Name As Above) from all spirits and powers that restrain me!
The Mastriss is the Ruler of the Spirits; They are the Ruler of the World, the Wild Man, Azazel Who stole the blacksmith’s tools, Prometheus Who stole the fire, Who taught humans the civilized arts, Baal Hadad with the voice of the Storm; all the Winds obey Your command and call out, “my Liege!”; You can create all things by the utterance of the Words of Power which You know!
Hurry, hurry, Good Goblins of the Huntsman, ANLALA LAI GAIA APA DIACHANNA CHORYN (Pronounced: “AHN-LAH-LAH LIE GUY-AH AHP-AH DEE-AH-KuhAHN-NAH KuhAH-ROON”).
I am the Master/Mistress of Spirits and Beasts with eyes in My feet! I am the Turnskin Trickster Who has stolen the immortal Fire! I am the Good Judge Who hates the injustice of humankind! I am the lightning and My voice is the thunder that announces My will! I am the rainfall that fertilizes the Earth! I am the One Whose mouth is always flaming! I am the One Who creates and destroys! Fate favors Me: I am the apple of the Dark Mother’s breast! My name is Heart-Encircled-by-a-Serpent! Let them come forth and follow Me!”
This rite invokes the names of the Mastriss, the Skin-Walking Ruler of the Spirits, for a delegation of Their authority. Out of Her love for Her Child even the Dark Mother may bend Her pronouncements of Fate through the use of this rite. This being, called “Pan” among so many other names, was said to elicit the joyous laughter of all the gods. By the mere pronouncement of it, spirits may suddenly manifest and be plainly seen and the sorcerous conjurer may even soar gloriously into the very Depths, meeting the Strange Beings there. It will cause any spirits trying to keep you in the dark, any powers which are casting their glamour upon you, and anything opposed to your sorcerous work and Night flights to depart. It will give you the intuitive knowledge necessary to put on the body of the Double and walk about. Any evocation of any spirit will become successful to you, and hedge-walking will become as simple as waking from sleep. You may meet your Guardian Paredros Angel and/or have a visit from the “Man in Black” by the pronouncement of it alone.
The most important aspect of this is the timing of it. In the Northern Hemisphere, it must be done just before sunrise in August and September, around 4 am in October, 1 am in November, 11 pm in December, 9 pm in January, 7 pm in February, just after sunset in March and April, afternoon in May, noon in June, and mid-morning in July. Do the rite EVERY DAY until you are successful in it, which will be quite obvious when success is won. You should also be performing Dark Communions out of worship to the Mastriss as a payment for this authority. You should never perform the rite on either solstice, since Orion is headed by the Sun at the Summer Solstice and the Moon at the Winter Solstice, and it would therefore be sacrilegious to refer as such. Performing the rite on the day after the Full Moon in December is a very powerful time for its performance, as the energy is high and Orion is newly beheaded.
It should be noted that Orion was said by the Aztecs to be the final cause of the world’s end. Each year, at the rising of Orion in August, they performed ceremonies that lasted through the Winter period designed to forestall the world’s end. The Mayan doomsday clock is based on these stars. The constellation is the inspiration for the engineering of the pyramids at Giza, Gobekli Tepe, and the seven ancestral Hopi cities. In Aramaic, the constellation is called “Nephila”, and is said to be the creator of the Nephilim, who are, of course, the parentage of the witches, progenitors of the witch-blood.
This rite is based on that of the “Stele of Jeu”, PGM V. 96-172.
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bella-daonna · 3 years ago
so I have 2 OCs who I might slot into the NDM world but I also have a new one just… percolating atm. Thinking about names for her 🤔
Merle (French name but I like it) (alt: Merrill)
Nevyn (male name but I might just use it anyway cause I like it)
Ailbhe (pronounced “al-va”)
Kerrigan (unisex apparently)
Callen (also unisex, means ‘rock’)
Cobhlaith (pronounced “Kov-lah”)
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copperbadge · 2 years ago
Jerry calls him that just to annoy him
Jerry is the only one allowed to call him “Uncle Mike”, he knows not to push his luck :D (In my head, Jerry struggled to say “Michaelis” as a child so just started calling him Uncle Mike without asking him or anyone else; when he got older he just did it to troll him, which is why Michaelis continues to call him Gerald instead of Jerry, at least to his face, in order to irritate him back.) 
I'm a "my-kell-is" person I guess (with less stress).....sadly,despite having been here the whole time, I either missed or mentally blocked the previous pronunciation post and have been using alternates this whole time. That I quite liked *sigh* darn your reality Sam ;)  (if you're interested, the biggest difference is "shiv" (like the knife I guess) rather than "sheav" for the beginning. Shi-VOD in short not Shea-VOD.  Also 'lah-key-uh' (like the note "la" / so-fa-la), rather that your "LACKEY-uh")
I mean, on the one hand in these things I am Voice Of God, I guess, but I’m a big fan of ignoring God whenever he’s annoying or obviously incorrect, so you keep on saying it exactly as you’d like to :D 
Anonymous asked:
LOL, I have 100% been pronouncing Michaelis' name the "Italian" way this entire time, with a side of ch like Chaim. It's phonetic, though?!
And it’s totally fine! It’s just funny because it turns a three-syllable name that’s already a bit unwieldy into a FIVE syllable name with a little “ah” on the end. Probably it’s how Ofelia, Milo, Bruno, et al in Galia say it. 
Hey Sam, I'm currently rereading your Shivadh stories (well, listening to them with a screen reader while I work) and I realized that if I don't automatically know how to pronounce a proper noun, my mind will just kinda fill it in with an approximation based on the first syllable. Which makes listening to a story interesting when my mind has apparently decided to pronounce Askazer-Shivadlakia as Azkadelia, who was the Bad guy in Sci-Fi's 2007 Tin Man. But now I at least know how a TTS engine pronounces your small European kingdom's name. The beginning of Fete had a running joke of Eddie trying to pronounce it correctly, but I don't remember if you ever actually had a pronunciation in text. So, phonetically, how is Askazer-Shivadlakia meant to be pronounced for ignorant Americans like me?
I sometimes do the same thing! Have you seen the post going around about "how do you pronounce 'etc' in your head when you see it in print"? I know that it's e-t-c, I know that it stands for Et Cetera, and if I'm saying it aloud I say "et cet". But because I misread it as a child, I still think of it as "Eckt".
I did do a pronunciation post, but I've done enough posts tagged Shivadhverse that they all get a little bit lost (I actually had to google copperbadge, kazoo, and shivadlakia to find it, Tumblr's search couldn't turn it up). It's here!
It contains the immortal phrase "like “ass kazoo” but ending on an r".
As amusing was my quest to determine how to correctly pronounce "Michaelis". The generally accepted way, based on videos of people discussing a mathematic principle known as the Michaelis-Menten Equation, is either "my-KELL-is" or "my-KAY-liss" (I say myKAYliss) but there's one especially fantastic video that claims to be how to pronounce it as an Italian:
I can only imagine the chaos if every character called him that.
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risalei-nur · 4 years ago
The Words - The Ninth Word - Part 1
The different Prayer times
In the Name of God, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate.
So glorify God when you enter the evening and when you enter the morning—And (proclaim that) all praise and gratitude in the heav- ens and on the earth are for Him—and in the afternoon, and when you enter the noon time. (30:17-18)
YOU ASK ME, BROTHER, WHY THE DAILY PRAYERS MUST BE PRAYED AT specific five times. I will give just one of the many wise reasons for this. Each Prayer time marks the start of a significant turning point, a mirror to the Divine disposal of power as well as the universal Divine bounties therein. We are therefore ordered to pray at those spe- cific times to give more adoration and glory to the All-Powerful One of Majesty, and to give more thanks for the bounties accumulated between any two periods. To comprehend this subtle and profound meaning a little bet- ter, consider these five points together with my own soul:
FIRST POINT: Prayer stands for praising, glorifying, and thanking God Almighty. We glorify Him by saying Subhanallah (All-Glorified is God) by word and action in awareness of His Majesty. We exalt and magnify Him by saying Allahu akbar (God is the All-Great) through word and action in awareness of His Perfection. We offer thanks to Him by saying Al-hamdu lil- lah (All praise and gratitude are for God) with our heart, tongue, and body, in awareness of His Grace. That is to say, the heart of Prayer consists of glo- rification, exaltation, praise, and thanksgiving. Thus, these three seeds are present in all words and actions that constitute Prayer. Further, following each Prayer, they are repeated 33 times each to confirm and complete the Prayer’s objectives. The meaning of Prayer is pronounced consecutively with these concise utterances.
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evolutiontopeacefulmystic · 7 years ago
Eastern Orthodox Jesus Prayer in Different Languages! Newly includes a Laotian translation, The Beatitudes, Prophesy of Daniel 3:23-24, Hiri Motu (Papua New Guinea) translation, Tetun Dili (East Timor) translation, Nawat/ Pipil, Manx, Bukar Sadong, Ronga, Arosi, Gwichin, Mandingi, Bari, Gela, Dakota, Pileni, and Cornish translations!!! Just scroll all the way down! PLEASE SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN!!!
Sign of the Cross in Greek: Ees to onoma tou Patros keh tou Ee-you keh tou Agiou Pnevmatos, Monos Theos. Ameen.
Sign of the Cross in Spanish: En el nombre del Padre, y del Hijo, y del Espíritu Santo. Amen.
To Jesus:
The Orthodox Christian Jesus Prayer in other Languages:
English: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner. Amen.
Long Form in English: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Amen.
Short Form in English: Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me. Amen.
Shortest Form in English: Lord have mercy!
English Translation of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Christian “Arrow Prayer”: O Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us!
Deep Love Version: Lord Jesus Christ Yeshua al Masih, Love of God, have mercy on me/us! Lord Jesus Christ, Love of God, have mercy! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Love of God, True God, have mercy on me have mercy on us!
Spanish: Senor Jesucristo, Hijo de Dios, ten piedad de mi, que soy un pecador. Amen.  
Latin: Domine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei, miserere mei, peccatoris. Amen.
Pronunciation: Doh-mee-neh Yeh-soo Kree-steh, Feel-lee Day-yee, mee-sehr-ehr-eh may-yee, peh-kah-tor-ees. Ah-mehn.
Greek: Kyrie Iesou Christe, Yie tou Theou, Eleison me ton amartalon. Amen.  
Italian: Signore Gesu Cristo, Figlio di Dio, abbi misericordia di me peccatore. Amen.
Russian: Gospodi Iisuse Khriste, Syne Bozhiy, pomiluy mya greshnago. Amen.
Chinese: Zhu yesu jidu, shangdi zhizi, lianmin wo zuiren. Amen.
Hindi: Prabhu yisu masiha, paramesvara ke santana, mujha para eka papi daya hai. Amen.
Arabic: Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, Ibnu-L-Lah, irhamni ana-L-Khati. Amen. [Ayha alrb ysw’ almsyh abn allh arhmny ‘ana alkhaty. Amen.]
Swahili: Bwana Yesu Kristo, Mwana wa Mungu, nihurumie, mimi mwenye dhambi.
Language of Kerala: Karthavaya Yeshu Mishiha, Dhaiva puthra, Papiyaya Ennodu Karuna Cheyaname.
Aramaic: Mar Yeshua Meshikha, bar Alaha, ith rakham alee, khataya.
Turkish: Rab İsa Mesih, Tanrı’nın Oğlu, beni bir günahkar rahmet.
French: Seigneur, Jésus Christ, Fils de Dieu, aie pitié de moi, pécheur.
German: Herr (Y)Jesus Christus, Sohn Gottes, erbarme dich meiner, eines Sünders.
Portuguese: Senhor (G)Jesus Cristo, Filho de Deus, tende piedade de mim pecador!
Romanian: Doamne Iisuse Hristoase, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, miluieste-ma pe mine pacatosul.
Thai: Xngkh̒ phra yesū khris̄t̒ phra butr k̄hxng phracêā mī khwām mettā kạb c̄hạn khn bāp!
Thai Pronunciation Guide: Ong (Om) pra yesu krist pra boot-kong pra cha mi quan metta kabchan-koon-baap.
Ukrainian: Hospody Isuse Khryste, Synu Bozhyy, pomyluy mene hrishnoho.
Serbian: Gospode Isuse Hriste, Sine Boziji, pomiluj me greshnog.
Armenian: Ter Yisus K’ristos Vordi Astutsoy voghormea indz meghaworis.
Swedish: Herre (hara) (Y)Jesus Kristus, Guds Son, förbarma (furbarma) dig (day) över (uver) mig (may) syndare (sindara).
Georgian: up’alo iesu k’riste, dzeo ghmrt’isao, shemitsqale me ts’odvili.
Haitian Creole: Seye Jezi Kris la, Pitit Bondye a, gen pitye pou mwen ki fe anpil peche.
Finnish: Herra (Y)Jeesus Kristus, (Y)Jumalan Poika, armahda minua syntistä.
Korean: 주(Ju) - Lord
예수(Yaysu) - Jesus
그리스도(Ke-ree-se-doe) - Christ
하느님의(Ha-ne-nim-oui) - of God
아들이(ah-deul-ee) - son
시여(see-yeo) 죄인인(chui-in-in) - the sinner
나를(na-deul) - on me
불쌍히 여기소서(bool-sang-he  yogi-so-seo) - have mercy!
Korean Pronunciation Guide: Joo Yaysu Kreesto Han-nen-nim-way ah-dool-ee see-yo chway-in-in nah-dool bool-sang-hee- yogee-so-so!
Bulgarian: Gospodi Iisuse Khriste, Sine Bozhii, pomilvai men greshnika.
Malay: Wahai Isa-al-Masih, Putra Allah, Kasihanilah aku, sesungguhnya aku ini berdosa.
Hawaiian: E Ka Haku o Iesu Kristo, Keiki Kane a ke Akua; e aloha mai ia’u, ka mea hewa.
Indonesian: Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Anak Allah, Kasihanilah aku orang berdosa.
Dutch: Heer Jezus Christus, Zoon van God (Howt), ontferm U over mij (may), zondaar.  
Croatian: Gospodin Isus Krist, Sin Bozji, smiluj se meni gresniku.  
Polish: Panie Jezu Chryste, Synu Boga, zmiłuj się nade mną, grzesznikiem.
Filipino: Panginoong Hesukristo, Anak ng Diyos, maawa sa akin ang isang makasalanan.
Belarusian: Hospadzie Isusie Chryscie, Synie Bozy, pamiluj mianie, hresnaha.
Hungarian: Uram Jézus (Yejhush) Krisztus (Krishtush), Isten (Ishten) Fia, könyörülj (kun-yu-rul) rajtam (rai-tam), bűnösön (bu-nu-shun)!
Norwegian (Short Form): Herre (hara) Jesus (yesus) Kristus, forbarm (furbarm) deg (dai) over (pronounced like the English word over) meg (mai).
Japanese (Short Form): Shu Iesu.Kirisuto wa, watashi o awaren de!
Macedonian: Gospodi Isuse Hriste, Sine BožJi, pomiluJ me grešniot.
Albanian: Zoti Jezu Krishti, Biri i Perëndisë, ki mëshirë për mua mëkatarin.
Ethiopian Amharic Ge’ez “Arrow Prayer”: Egzio Maharena Iyesus Kristos! Egzio Maharena Iyesus Krestos!
Shortest Form in Coptic: Efnouti Nai Nan! Ep Chois Nai Nan!
Shortest Form in Hebrew: Hashem Yerachem!
Shortest Form in Arabic: Ya Rabo Irham!
Vietnamese: Lay Chua Giesu Kito, xin thuong xot!
Pronunciation: Lai choo-wa Yeshu Kitauo, seen twah-ong [twong] saht!
Shortest Form in Hindi/Chinese: Hibru Raja Yisu Masiha daya hai! Yesu, wo xiangxin ni!
Ge’ez (Shortest Form): Egzee’o tesahalene!
Amharic (Shortest Form): Abetu maren! Abetu yikir belen!  
Italian Affirmation: Gesu mi ama!
Ethiopian Amharic Affirmation: Eyesus yewedegnal!
Hebrew Appreciation (Male): Ani ohev otach, Yeshua!
Hebrew Appreciation (Female): Ani ohevet otach, Yeshua!  
Bengali (Love): Ami Tomake Bhalobashi!
Eritrean Tigrinya (Grateful): Yekenyeley!
Pakistani Urdu (Grateful): Shukriya!
Nigerian Hausa (Love): Ina Sonki!
Nigerian Igbo (Love): A hurum gi nanya
Nigerian Yoruba (Love): Mo ni ife re!      
Zulu (Love): Ngiyakuthanda! (N is silent)
Farsi (Love): Doset Daram!
Tamil (Love): Naan unnai kaathalikkiren!
Sinhala (Love): Ama Oyaata Aadharei!
Punjabi (Grateful): Meherbani!
Ghanaian Twi (Love): Me Dowapaa!
Senegalese Wolof (Love): Da ma la nope!
Sierra Leonian Krio: Ar Lek You!
Tibetan (Grateful): Too-je-che!
Czech: Pane Jezisi Kriste, smiluj!
Welsh: Arglwydd Iesu Grist, trugarha!
Georgian (Help): Meesh-veh-leht!
Romanian (Help): Ah-zhoo-tor!
Lugandan (Grateful): Whey-baa-ley ne-yo!
Slovak: Pane Jezisu Kriste, Synu Bozi, zmiluj sa nado.
Russian (Shortest Form): Gospodi Pomiluy!
Maltese: Mulej Ġesù Kristu, Iben ta’ Alla l-ħaj, ikollok ħniena minni, midneb.
Maltese Pronunciation (English Syllables Only):Muh-lay Jess-uh Kris-two, E-benn tahlla high, ick-ollock hne-nah minnij, mid-nep.
Slavonic (Christ is Risen): Christos Voskrese! Voistinu Voskrese!
Sanskrit: Om Sri Yesu Bhagavate Namaha! (Lord Jesus I bow to you!)
Sanskrit (Christ is Risen): Kristo’pastitaha! Satvam upastitaha!
Marathi (Christ is Risen): Yeshu Khrist uthla ahe! Kharokhar uthla ahe!
Dravidian (Christ is Risen): Christu uyirthezhunnettu! Theerchayayum uyirthezhunnettu!
Mandarin (Christ is Risen): Jīdū fùhuó le! tā quèshí fùhuó le!
基督復活了 他確實復活了
Aramaic/Hebrew (Christ is Risen): Yeshua Meshiha qam! Bashrira qam! Yeshua Ha Masheeha houh kam! Be emet quam!
Greek (Christ is Risen): Christos anesti! Alithos anesti!
Iyaric Patwa (Christ is Risen): Krestos a uprisin! Seen, him a uprisin fe tru!
Arabic (Christ is Risen): El Messieh kahm! Hakken kahm!
Nigerian Ibo (Christ is Risen): Jesu Kristi ebiliwo! Ezia o’ biliwo!
Japanese (Christ is Risen): Christos fukkatsu! Jitsu ni fukkatsu!
Zulu (Christ is Risen): Ukristu uvukile! Uvukile kuphela!
Eritrean-Tigre (Christ is Risen): Christos tensiou! Bahake tensiou!
Coptic (Christ is Risen): Pchristos aftooun! Alethos aftooun!
Amharic (Christ is Risen): Kristos tenestwal! Bergit tenestwal!
Korean (Christ is Risen): Kristo gesso! Buhar ha sho nay!
Ugandan (Christ is Risen): Kristo ajukkide! Kweli ajukkide!
Latin (Christ is Risen): Christus resurrexit! Vere resurrexit!
Slavonic (Glory): SLAVA ISUSU CHRISTU! Glory to Jesus Christ! SLAVA VO V’IKI! Glory forever!
Slavonic: Hospodi Isuse Christe, Syne Bozii, pomiluj mja hrisnaho.
Catalan:  Senyor Jesucrist, fill de Déu, tingueu pietat de mi, un pecador.
Irish Gaelic (long version): uh HEER-nuh EE-suh KREE-ust, uh vik jay, jayn TROH-kuh-reh OR-um, mar iss PAK-ukh may
Korean (Short Form):
주 - “Ju” - Lord
예수 - “yehsu” - Jesus
그리스도 - “keu-ri-seu-do” - Christ
Have mercy is  불쌍히 여기소서 - “Boolsanghee yogi-so-soh”
Female Hebrew (Long Version): yeSHOOwa ha-ma-SHI-akh, ben ha-eh-lo-HIM, ra-KHEM a-Laii, kho-Tet
ישוע המשיח, בן האלהים, רחם עלי, חוטאת
Male Hebrew (Long Version): yeSHOOwa ha-ma-SHI-akh, ben ha-eh-lo-HIM, ra-KHEM a-Laii, kho-Te
ישוע המשיח, בן האלהים, רחם עלי, חוטא
Yeshua ha-Mashiach, Ben ha-Elohim, ra-Khem a-Laii, Kho-Te!
Yeshua ha-Ma-shi-akh, ben ha-Eh-lo-HIM, ra-KHEM a-Laii, kho-Te.
Hebrew (both genders): Yeshua ha-Ma-shi-akh, ben ha-Eh-lo-HIM, ra-KHEM a-Laii, kho-Te/kho-Tet!
Spanish (Short Version): Señor Jesucristo, ten piedad.
Latin (Short Version): Domine Iesu Christe, miserere mei.
Chinese (Short Version): 主耶穌基督,憐憫. Zhǔ yēsū jīdū, liánmǐn.
Italian (Short Version): Signore Gesu Cristo, Figlio di Dio, abbi misericordia.
Persian:  خداوند، عیسی مسیح، پسر خدا، بر من رحمت عطا گناهکار Khoedaavand, e’saah masih, pesareh khoedaa, bar man rahmat a’taa goenaah kaar.
[Some people show the kh sound[like in Khoemeyni] as an X.]
Hindi (Short Version): प्रभु यीशु मसीह, मुझ पर दया कर. Prabhu yīśu masīha, mujha para dayā kara.
Thai (Christ is Risen!): พระคริสต์ทรงกลับคืนพระชนมชีพ Phra khris̄t̒ thrng klạbkhụ̄n phra chnm chīph
Pronunciation guide for beginners: pra(n) krist sung klab-kun pra chun-ma-ship
Thai (Short Version): ข้าแต่พระเยซูคริสตเจ้า โปรดทรงพระเมตตาเทอญ K̄ĥā tæ̀ phra yesū kh ri s̄t cêā Pord thrng phra mettā thexỵ
Pronunciation guide for beginners: Ka (like mass) ta-pra yesu krist ta-chao prod-song pra metta tung (toom).
Arabic (Short Version): Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih (Lord Jesus Christ), irhamni (have mercy on me).
Latin (Plural “have mercy on us sinners” edition): Domine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei, miserere nobis peccatoribus.
Greek (Plural Edition): Kyrie Iesou Christe, Yie tou Theou, Eleison imas.
Spanish Plural: Señor Jesucristo, Hijo de Dios, ten piedad de nosotros y del mundo entero.
Arabic Plural: Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, Ibnu-L-Lah, irhamna!
Arabic Short: Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, irham!
Arabic Plural 2nd Edition: Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, Ibnu-L-Lah, irhamnaa nahnu al-khataa’!
Romanian (Plural): Doamne Iisuse Hristoase, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, Miluieşte-ne pe noi.
Hebrew (Plural and Alternate/Modern): Adon Yeshua haMashiakh, Ben Elohim, rakhem aleinu!
Hebrew (Short and Alternate/Modern): Adon Yeshua haMashiakh, rakhem!
Russian (Plural): Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас. Gospodi Iisuse Khriste, Syne Bozhiy, pomiluy nas.
Georgian (Plural which is only “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us” edition): Upalo Iesu Kriste, shegvitsqalen chven!
Filipino (Plural): Panginoong Hesukristo, Anak ng Diyos, maawâ po Kayò sa amin.
Filipino (Plural 2): Panginoong Hesukristo, Kaawaan mo kami.
Mandarin Chinese Plural (Version 1): 主耶穌基督,上帝之子, 怜悯我们。Zhǔ yēsū jīdū, shàngdì zhīzǐ, liánmǐn wǒmen.
Mandarin Chinese Plural (Version 2): Zhǔ yēsū jīdū, shàngdì zhīzǐ, chue (chway) lian wo-mehn!
Turkish (Plural): Rab İsa Mesih, Tanrı'nın Oğlu, bize merhamet göster.
French (Plural): Seigneur, Jésus Christ, Fils de Dieu, aie pitié de nous.
German (Plural): Herr Jesus Christus, Sohn Gottes, erbarme dich unser.
Italian (Plural): Signore Gesu Cristo, Figlio di Dio, abbi pietà di noi.
Armenian (Plural):  Տէր Յիսուս Քրիստոս Որդի Աստուծոյ ողորմեա մեզ Ter Yisus K’ristos Vordi Astutsoy voghormea mez!
Swahili (Plural): Bwana Yesu Kristo, Mwana wa Mungu, Utuhurumie!
Japanese (Plural which is only “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us” edition):
主イエス·キリストは我等を憐れめよ。Shu Iesu· Kirisuto wa Warerao Awaremeyo.
Korean (Plural which is only “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us” edition):
주(Ju) - Lord
예수(Yaysu) - Jesus        
그리스도(Ke-ree-se-doe) - Christ
우리를 불쌍히 여기소서! (urireul bulssanghi yeogisoseo)- on us, have mercy!
Filipino Tagalog (Christ Is Risen): Si Cristo ay nabuhay! Siya nga ay nabuhay!
Georgian (Christ Is Risen): Kriste akhsdga! Cheshmaritad Akhsdga!
Romanian (Christ Is Risen): Hristos a înviat! Adevărat a înviat!
Portuguese (Plural): Senhor Jesus Cristo, Filho de Deus, tende piedade de nós.
Marathi (Plural with Trisagion): प्रभु येशू ख्रिस्त, पवित्र देवा, पवित्र शक्तिमान, पवित्र अमर्त्या, आम्हावर दया कर. Prabhu yēśū khrista, pavitra dēvā, pavitra śaktimāna, pavitra amartyā, āmhāvara dayā kara.
Hindi (Plural): प्रभु यीशु मसीह, दया करो हम पर और पूरी दुनिया पर. Prabhu yīśu masīha, dayā karō hama para aura pūrī duniyā para.
Urdu (Short Version): Ai Khudáwand Yisu‘ Masíh, rahm kar.
Bengali (Plural): Probhu Jishu Khristo,Ishorer Putro ,amader proti shodoy how.
Dutch (Plural): Heer Jezus Christus, zoon van god, wees ons genadig.
Afrikaans (Plural): Heer Jesus Christus, seun van god, wees ons genadig.
Myanmar Burmese (Plural):  Thakhin Jezu Krisdaw, Phaza ii ta, a pyat shih htu tar pyat daw ko, tana daw mu ba…
Bulgarian (Plural/Modern): Господи, Иисусе Христе, Сине Божий, помилвай нас. Gospodi, Iisuse Khriste, Sine Bozhiĭ, pomilvaĭ nas.
Finnish (Plural):   Herra Jesus Kristus, Jumalan poika, armahda meitä.
Zulu (Plural):  Nkosi Jesu Kristu, iNdodana kaNkulunkulu, ngihawukele kithi, izoni.
Haitian Creole (Plural): Seye Jezi Kris, la Pitit Bondye, Pran Pitye pou nou.
Klingon Aleut (Plural): joH yeSuS QrISt, puqloD vo’ joH'a’, ghaj pung Daq maH yemwI'pu’!
[Klingon gives a nod to Aleut … the pronunciation is as follows: a [ɑ] As in psalm or pa, never as in crabapple. b [b] As in bronchitis, gazebo or bribe. ch [t͡ʃ] As in chew or artichoke. D [ɖ] As in Swedish värd (host), further back than English d as in dream or android. Let the tongue touch halfway between the teeth and the soft palate. e [ɛ] As in sensor or pet. gh [ɣ] Put tongue as if to say gobble, but relax and hum. Almost the same as H but voiced. H [x] As in the name of the German composer Bach. Very strong and coarse. Similar to gh but without humming. I [ɪ] As in misfit or pit. j [d͡ʒ] As in junk (with an initial d-sound), never as in French jour. l [l] As in lunge or alchemy. m [m] As in mud or pneumatic. n [n] As in nectarine or sunspot. ng [ŋ] As in furlong or thing, never as in engulf. Also occurs at the beginning of syllables. o [o] As in go or mosaic. p [pʰ] As in parallax or oppobrium, always with a strong puff or pop, never laxly. q [qʰ] Similar to k in kumquat, but further back. The tongue should touch the uvula while saying this. A puff of air should accompany the sound. Q [q͡χ] A harder variant of q, very strong and raspy. r [r] A trilled r using the tip of the tongue, as in Swedish rör (pipe, tube) if properly articulated. S [ʂ] As in Swedish mothårs (against the predominant direction of hair growth e.g. on a pet) or as an English s articulated with the tongue in the Klingon D position. t [tʰ] As in tarpaulin or critique. It is accompanied by a puff of air. tlh [t͡ɬ] To learn how to say this Klingon sound, first say l, then keep your tongue in the same position and exhale. Now repeat this, but let the air build up pressure behind your tongue before releasing it. The resulting sound should be voiceless, and you should be able to feel the air escape quite forcefully on both sides of your tongue. u [u] As in gnu, prune or soon, never as in but or cute. v [v] As in vulgar or demonstrative. w [w] As in worrywart or cow. y [j] As in yodel or joy. ’ [ʔ] As in the abrupt cutoff of sound in uh-oh or unh-unh meaning “no”.]  
Malay (Plural): Wahai Isa-al-Masih, Putra Allah, Kasihanilah kami!
Indonesian (Plural): Tuhan Yesus Kristus, Anak Allah, kasihanilah kami!
Tamil (Plural and Short): கர்த்தாவே இயேசு கிறிஸ்து, எங்களுக்கு இரங்கும்! Karttāvē iyēcu kiṟistu, eṅkaḷukku iraṅkum!
Telugu (Plural and Short): Prabhuva Yesu Kristu, ma mida kanikarintsu!
Punjabi (Plural and Short Edition 1): ਪ੍ਰਭੂ ਯਿਸੂ ਮਸੀਹ, ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਸਾਡੇ ਤੇ ਰਹਿਮ ਕਰ। Prabhū yisū masīha, kirapā karakē sāḍē tē rahima kara. Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.
Punjabi (Plural and Short Edition 2):  “ਯਿਸੂ ਸੁਆਮੀ, ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਸਾਡੇ ਤੇ ਰਹਿਮ ਕਰ।” “Yisū su'āmī, kirapā karakē sāḍē tē rahima kara.” “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.“
Yoruba (Plural and Short):  Jesu Kristi Oluwa, Olukoni, saanu fun wa! Lord Jesus Christ, Master, have mercy on us!
Croatian (Plural and Short): Gospodin Isus Krist, smiluj nam se.  
Serbian (Plural): Господе Исусе Христе, Сине Божји, помилуј Нас. Gospode Isuse Hriste, Sine Božiji, pomiluj Nas.
Belarusian (Plural and Short): Госпадзе Ісусе Хрысьце, памілуй нас.
Polish (Plural): Panie Jezu Chryste, Synu Boga,  zmiłuj się nad nami.
Malayalam Indian (Plural): Karthavaya Yeshu Mishiha, Dhaiva Puthra, Njangalku vendi Krushikkapettavane Njangale anugrahikkaname. Karthavaya Yeshu Mishiha, Dhaiva puthra, Papiyaya Ennodu Karuna Cheyaname.
Igbo (Plural and Short): Onyenweanyi Jisus Kraist, Nna-ayi, mere ayi ebere!
Hausa (Neither plural nor singular): Ubangji Yesu Kristi, Dan Allah, ka ji tausayinmu!
Maori (Plural and Short): Ariki O Ihu Karaiti, kia aroha ki a matou!
Swedish (Plural): Herre Jesus Kristus, Guds Son, förbarma dig över oss!
Nepali (Plural): प्रभु येशू ख्रीष्ट, दया गरी हामीलाई सहायता गर्नुहोस्। Prabhu yēśū khrīṣṭa, dayā garī hāmīlā'ī sahāyatā garnuhōs.
Nepali (Plural 2): राजा येशू ख्रीष्टको  कृपा हामीमा  रहोस्! Rājā yēśū khrīṣṭakō kr̥pā hāmīmā rahōs!
Hungarian (Plural): Uram Jézus Krisztus, Isten Fia, könyörülj rajtunk!
Somali: Rabbiga Ciisow Masiixa, noo naxariiso!
Albanian (Plural): Zoti Jezu Krishti, ki mëshirë për ne!
Lithuanian: Viešpatie Jėzau Kristau, pasigailėk mūsų!
Mongolian (Plural): Есүс Мессиа, Эзэнтэн, биднийг өршөөгөөч! Yesüs Myessia, Ezenten, bidniig örshöögööch!
Gujarati: ઈસુ મસીહ સ્વામી, કૃપા કરી અમને મદદ કર! Īsu masīha svāmī, kr̥pā karī amanē madada kara!
Basque: Jauna Iesus Kristau, auc misericordia guçaz.
Bavarian: Iesen, Maister, dyrbarm di diend ob üns!
Quichua (Indigenous American): ¡Yachachij Jesús Cristo, ñucanchijta llaquihuaiari!
Kekchi (indigenous American): Jesús Cristo, at aj tzolonel, chacuuxta̱na taxak ku, chanqueb!
Mam (indigenous American): ¡Jesús Cristo! Ay Xnaqˈtzil, qˈaqˈintzin teˈ tkˈuˈj qiˈja!
Ukrainian (Plural): Господи Ісусе Христе, наставниче,Сину Божий,помилуй нас! Hospody Isuse Khryste, nastavnyche,Synu Bozhyy,pomyluy nas.
Tajik (Ancient Persian Related to Farsi): Худованд мо Исои Масеҳ, ба мо марҳамат кун! Xudovand mo Isoi Maseh, ʙa mo marhamat kun!
Azerbaijan: Rab İsa Məsih, Müəllim, bizə rəhm et!
Nahuatl: Tecuhtzintli Yesu Cristo, xtechicneli niman xtechpalehui!
Sinhala: Devindunge puthrawu swamiwu yesus kristhus wahansa apata karunakala Manawa
Tibetan: Kyabgon tsowo yeshu,kunchok ki sey,ngantso la nyingje nangrok nang. Lord Jesus Christ,son of God ,have mercy on us in Tibetan Roman.
Vietnamese (Plural): Lạy Chua Giesu Kito, xin thương xót chúng tôi.
Slovak (Plural): Pane Ježišu Kriste, zmiluj sa nad nami!
Chichewa: Ambuye Yesu Mesiya, Atate, mutichitire ife chifundo!
Estonian: Issanda Jeesus Kristus, halasta meie peale!
Norwegian (Plural): Herre Jesus Kristus, miskunn deg over oss!
Danish: Herre Jesus Kristus, forbarm dig over os!
Latvian: Kungs Jēzus Kristus, apžēlojies par mums!
Czech (Plural): Pane Ježíši Kriste, smiluj se nad námi!
Esperanto: Sinjoro Jesuo Kristo, kompatu nin.
Cebuano: Ginoong Jesus Mesiyas, Malooy ka kanamo!
Javanese: Dhuh Gusti Yesus Kristus, Guru, kawula mugi sami Panjenengan welasi!
Sesotho: Morena Jesu Kreste, Morutiši, re gaugele!
Uzbek: Xudo Iso Masih, Muallim, bizga rahm boring!
Malagasy: Tompo Jesosy Kristy, mba iantrao izahay!
Slovenian: Gospod Jezus Kristus, usmili se nas!
Kazakh: Иеміз Иса Мәсіх, бізге қайырым қыла көріңіз! Ïemiz Ïsa Mäsix, bizge qayırım qıla köriñiz!
Sudanese: Nun Gusti Yesus Kristus! Juragan! Sing hawatos ka abdi-abdi!
Ateso: Lokapolon Yesu Kristo, Kitimoi iso!
Icelandic: Drottinn Jesús Kristur, Orð Guðs, miskunna þú oss!  (Drroh-teen Yeh-soos Kree-stoor, Orrr-goo-oods, mee-skoon-nah-foo-oast)
Afghan: Khoda wand ma isih masi bala ma mehraban ast.
Yiddish:  האר יאָשקע משיח, זון פון גאָט, האָבן רחמנות אויף אונדז!  har yoshke mshikh, zun fun got, hobn rkhmnus aoyf aundz!
Kurdish: Xodawand Isay Masih, kori Xodawand, rahm ba ema bka.
Sorani Kurdish: Gawraman masih rolay Xuda barakata le serman u ba bazaaiya la gal man.
Bahdini Kurdish: Ai Isa Maseeh korré Xode rahmé el ma bka.
Aramaic/Syriac: Mar Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, Bar Allaha, deslebt hlofayn ethraham layn!
Hindi (Plural Edition Version 2): प्रभु यीशु मसीह, हम पर दया कर! prabhu yeeshu maseeh, ham par daya karo!
Hawaiian (Plural): E ka haku o Iesū Kristo, e aloha mai iā mākou!
Samoan: Alii o Iesu Keriso, ia e alofa mai iā i matou!
Kyrgyz: Мырзабыз Ыйса Машаяк, бизге ырайым кыла көр! Mırzabız Iysa Maşayak, bizge ırayım kıla kör!
Irish Gaelic (Plural): A Thiarna Íosa Críost, a Mhic Dé, déan trócaire orainn! (Irish pronunciation: a heer-na ee-sa cree-ast, a vic day, jane throwcura ur-ing)
Scots-Gaelic: a Ìosa Crìost ar Tighearna, dèan tròcair oirnn! (uh eessa kreeast ar cheerna, jeean trohker orin)!
Welsh (Plural): Arglwydd Iesu Grist, trugarha wrthym! (Argloi[d] Ye-zoo Greest, trrroo-garrr-ha woo-them!)
Hawaiian (Plural Version 2): Ē ka Haku ‘o Iesu Kristo, Keiki kāne a ke Akua, e aloha mai iā mākou!
Samoan (Plural Version 2): Alii o Iesu Keriso, Alo o le Atua, ia e alofa mai iā i matou!
Shona: Ishe Jesu Kristu, Murayiridzi, tinzwireiwo ngoni!
Xhosa: Inkosi Yesu Kristu, Mongameli, senzele inceba.
Corsican: Signore Ghjesù Cristu, aghji pietà di noi! (Signore Yesu Kristu, adi pieta di no)
Bosnian: Gospodina Isuse Mesija, Učitelju, smiluj nam se!
Macedonian (Plural): Господару Исусе Христе, Имај милост спрема нас! Gospodaru Isuse Hriste, ImaJ milost sprema nas!
Hmong: Txiv Yexus Khetos, Vajtswv, thov koj hlub peb! (pronunciation: Tz-ee Yay-sthou Kay-taw, vaa’t-tjue'v [vaht-joov], taw gaw lu bey)
Frisian: Hear Jezus Kristus, untfermje jo oer us!
Korean (Plural and Longer Edition version 3): 주(Ju) - Lord 예수(Yaysu) - Jesus 그리스도(Ke-ree-se-doe) - Christ 하느님의(Ha-ne-nim-oui) - of God 아들이(ah-deul-ee) - son 우리를 불쌍히 여기소서! (urireul bulssanghi yeogisoseo)- on us, have mercy! Korean Pronunciation Guide: Joo Yaysu Ker-rees-sedo Han-nen-nim-way ah-dool-ee, oo-rrreh-rrool bool-sang-hee yo-gee-so-so!
Hindi (Plural Version 3 and Long with Eastern Orthodox Mount Athos tradition): प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! prabhu yeeshu maseeh, parameshvar ke santaan, ham par daya karo!
Twi/Akan: Awurade Yesu Kristo, yɛn wura, hu yɛn mmɔbɔ. Ah-woo-rah-de Yee-sah Kree-sto, yen wuh-ra [a as in rat], hah yehn mmobo [o as in pot]!  Latin help for Twi: Awurade Yisa Kristo, yen wara, ha yen mmaba!
Brazilian Portuguese: Senhor Jésus Cristo Messias, Filho de Deus, Tem piedade de nós!
Jamaican Patois: Lawd [or Jah] (Lord), Jizas Kraist (Jesus) Gunguru mara (God Almighty) [{or} Big Massa (God Almighty)], a massi (have mercy)!
Hawaiian Pidgin English: Jesus Christ, da Boss Up Dea Inside Da Sky, pity us!
Pampangan/Pampango: Guinu Jesus Mesiyas, pakaluluan mu kami.
Papua New Guinea Tok Pisin Creole Language: Long Jisas Kraist, bikman, yu ken sori long mipela. Shortest Version: Long Jisas Krais Lod bilong mipela.
Egyptian Coptic Plural: (My Lord) Pachois Isos Pikhristos, Epsheri wmeVnouti, nai nan [or eleison imas]. (Our Lord) Penchois Isos Pikhristos, Epsheri wmeVnouti, nai nan/ eleison imas. (Lord) Epchois Isos Pikristos, Epsheri Emevnouti, nai nan.
Cherokee: u-ne-la-nv-hi tsisa u-ni-s-de-li-s-gi ga-lo-ne-dv, tadeyohvsgi, sgiyadoligi!
Turkish (Christ is Risen): Hristos diril - di! Hakikaten diril - di!
Swahili (Christ is Risen): Kristo amefufukka! Kweli amefufukka!
Spanish (Christ is Risen): Cristo ha resucitado! En verdad ha resucitado!
Gaelic (Christ is Risen):  Taw creest ereen! Taw shay ereen guhdyne!
Turkish (Plural Edition 2 but with Trisagion): Rab Isa Mesih, Kutsal Tanrı, Kutsal Kudretli, Kutsal Ölümsüz, bize merhamet göster!
Ainu: Utarapa Yesu Kiristo, un erampokiwen wa un kore!
Lakota: Itancan Waníkiya [Jesus Christ=Yeshua ha-Mashiach], waonsila ye/yo! Itancan Waníkiya [Jesus Christ=Yeshua ha-Mashiach], waonsila ye! Itancan Waníkiya [Jesus Christ=Yeshua ha-Mashiach], waonsila yo!
Serbian (Warrior): Господе Исусе Христе, Ратник, Сине Божији, помилуј Нас!
Korean (Warrior):  주(Ju) - Lord 예수(Yaysu) - Jesus  
그리스도(Ke-ree-se-doe) - Christ  전사 (Jeonsa) -Warrior
우리를 불쌍히 여기소서! (urireul bulssanghi yeogisoseo)- on us, have mercy!
Turkish (Warrior): Rab İsa Mesih, Savaşçı, Tanrı'nın Oğlu, bize merhamet göster!
Swahili (Warrior): Bwana Yesu Kristo, Askari, Utuhurumie!
Mandarin Chinese (Warrior):  主耶穌基督, 战士, 怜悯我们。Zhǔ yēsū jīdū, zhànshì, liánmǐn wǒmen.
Japanese (Byzantine Eastern Orthodox Christian Nichiren Buddhist Hybrid): 主イエス・キリスト、南無妙法蓮華経, 我等を憐れめよ。Shu Iesu Kirisuto, nam-myōhō-renge-kyō, warerao aware meyo.
Spanish: Señor Jesucristo (Yeshua haMashiach), Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, Hijo de Dios, ten piedad (misericordia) de nosotros, el cosmos entero, y el universo entero!
Hindi (Warrior): प्रभु यीशु मसीह, योद्धा, हम पर दया करो!prabhu yeeshu maseeh, yoddha, ham par daya karo!
Fijian: Turaga Jisu Karisito, e nomuni na loloma!
Mende Sierra Leonian: O Ndemoi Jesus Chraisti, manu mu ma.
Mohawk: Sewenniio Iesos Keristos, takwentenrhek.
Gullah: Lawd Jedus de Messiah, Massa, Hab mussy pon we!
Vlach Romani: Devles Jesus Kristo, Tu o Gazda, Av tuke mila anda amende!
Ilocano: Apo HesuKristo, Anak ti Diyos, maasika!
Pangasinan: Katawan Jesus Mesiyas a Managbangat, kasian mo kami! Katawan Jesus Mesiyas, abagey Mo kami.
Kirundi / Rundi (language of Burundi): Yezu Kristo, Mwigisha, tugirire imbabazi!
Olive Oil Edition: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have olive oil on us! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have olive oil on our souls and bodies!
Kinyarwanda (Rwandan): Nyagasani Yezu Kristu, utubabarire.
Uma (Sulawesi Indonesian): Yesus! Guru! Poka'ahi’ -ka-kaiwo!
Thai (Plural):  เยซู นาย​ท่าน สงสาร​พวก���เรา​ด้วย​เถิด!  ข้าแต่พระเยซูคริสตเจ้า โปรดทรงพระเมตตาเทอญ ! Yesū nāy​th̀ān s̄ngs̄ār​phwk​reā​d̂wy​t̄heid! K̄ĥā tæ̀ phra yesū kh ri s̄t cêā pord thrng phra mettā thexỵ! Latin Pronunciation: Yesu nai-ttthan sung-san pok-krao-doi-tho[d]! Ka ta-pra yesu krist ta-chao prod-song pra metta tung (toom)!
Divine Name of Jesus Yeshua Edition: LORD YESHUA THE MESSIAH, SON OF ALLAH, HAVE MERCY ON US! LORD YESHUA THE MESSIAH, SON OF ELOHIM, HAVE MERCY ON US! Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam oseh ma'asei v'reishit! Blessed are you, Lord, our God, sovereign of the universe Who does the work of Creation! SEÑOR YESHUA EL MESIAS, HIJO DE ALÁ/ELOJIM, TEN PIEDAD DE NOSOTROS!
Deep Version: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us! Lord Jesus Christ, Word of God, have mercy on us! Lord Jesus Christ, Image of God, have mercy on us! Lord Jesus Christ, True God of True God, have mercy on us!
Psalm 151 of King David: King David prayer for us always! Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of Allah/Elohim, have mercy on us! 1 I was small among my brothers, and the youngest in my father’s house; I tended my father’s sheep. Saint Maria Skobtsova of Paris and King David pray for us! Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of Allah/Elohim, have mercy on us! 2 My hands made a harp; my fingers fashioned a lyre. Saint Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov and King David pray for us! Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of Allah/Elohim, have mercy on us! 3 And who will tell my Lord? The Lord himself; it is he who hears. Saint John Maximovitch of Shanghai and King David pray for us! Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of Allah/Elohim, have mercy on us! 4 It was he who sent his messenger and took me from my father’s sheep, and anointed me with his anointing oil. Saint Porphyrios Bairaktaris and King David pray for us! Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of Allah/Elohim, have mercy on us! 5 My brothers were handsome and tall, but the Lord was not pleased with them. Holy Archangels and King David pray for us! Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of Allah/Elohim, have mercy on us! 6 I went out to meet the Philistine, and he cursed me by his idols. Saint Tikhon of Moscow, Gabra Manfas Queddus, Takla Haymanot, and King David pray for us! Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of Allah/Elohim, have mercy on us! 7 But I drew his own sword; I beheaded him, and took away disgrace from the people of Israel. Most Holy Theotokos and King David pray for us! Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of Allah/Elohim, have mercy on us!Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of Allah/Elohim, have mercy on us! Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of Allah/Elohim, have mercy on us!
Ethiopian Ge’ez “Arrow Prayer”: Egzio Maharena Iyesus Krestos! O Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us! Persian:  خداوند، عیسی مسیح، پسر خدا، بر من رحمت عطا گناهکار Khoedaavand, e’saah masih, pesareh khoedaa, bar man rahmat a’taa goenaah kaar.Herre Jesus Kristus, Guds Son, förbarma dig över oss! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! prabhu yeeshu maseeh, parameshvar ke santaan, ham par daya karo! 主耶穌基督,上帝之子, 怜悯我们。Zhǔ yēsū jīdū, shàngdì zhīzǐ, liánmǐn wǒmen.Zhǔ yēsū jīdū, shàngdì zhīzǐ, chue (chway) lian wo-mehn!
Saint Patrick’s Celtic Orthodox Breastplate (short version):
Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ in me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ in breadth, Christ in length, Christ in height,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.
Críost liomsa, (Christ with me) Críost romham, (Christ before me) Agus Críost i mo chroí'se, (and Christ in my heart) Críost os mo chionn'sa, (Christ above me) Críost fúm, (Christ below me) Agus Críost ar mo chroí'se. (and Christ on my heart) Agus Críost i mo chroí. (and Christ in my heart)
Maltese (Plural): Mulej Ġesù Kristu, Iben ta’ Alla l-ħaj, ikollok ħniena minna!
Muh-lay Jess-uh Kris-two, E-benn tahlla high, ick-ollock  hne-nah minn-nnah!
Tatar: Иисусе Христе, Гайсә, Остаз, безне кызган!
İisuse Hriste, Gaysə, Ostaz, bezne kızgan!
Lugandan: Yesu, Omuyigiriza, tusaasire!
Ossetian: Йесо (Иисусе Христе), Ахуыргӕнӕг, батӕригъӕд нын кӕн!
Yyeso (Iisuse Khriste), Akhuyrgænæg, batærig"æd syn kæn!
Turkish (Yeshua edition): Rab Yeşua haMaşiyah ישוע המשיח, Tanrı'nın Oğlu, bize merhamet göster!
Romanian (Yeshua edition): Doamne Yeşua haMaşiyah ישוע המשיח, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, Miluieşte-ne pe noi!
Russian (Yeshua edition): Господи Иисусе Хрисte Иешуа Ха-Машиях, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас!
Latin and Greek (Yeshua edition): Domine Iesu Christe ישוע המשיח, Fili Dei, miserere nobis peccatoribus! Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέישוע המשיח, Υἱέ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς!
Mandarin Chinese (Yeshua edition): Zhǔ yēsū jīdū (Yeşua haMaşiyah), shàngdì zhīzǐ, chue (chway) lian wo-mehn! 主耶穌基督 ישוע המשיח,上帝之子, 怜悯我们。Zhǔ yēsū jīdū (Yeşua haMaşiyah) ישוע המשיח, shàngdì zhīzǐ, liánmǐn wǒmen.
Hindi (Yeshua edition): प्रभु यीशु मसीह ישוע המשיח, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! prabhu yeeshu maseeh, parameshvar ke santaan, ham par daya karo!
Hebrew (Cyrillic): Адон Иешуа Ха-Машиях, Бен Елохим, Рахем Алейну!
Chibemba: Mwe Yesu Kristo (Adon Yeshua ha-Mashiach), mwe Kasambilisha, tubeleleni uluse!
Congo/ Kikongo Language:  Yezu (Adon Yeshua ha-Mashiach), Longi, wila beto mawa!
Psalm 33 (Byzantine 1st, 3rd, pl. 1st modes. Melody in brief heirmologic):
1. I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise will continually be in my mouth. Hallelujah 2. In the Lord will my soul be praised: let the meek hear, and be glad.Hallelujah 3. O, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together!Hallelujah 4. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my tribulations. Hallelujah 5. Come unto Him, and be enlightened: and your faces will not be ashamed. Hallelujah 6. This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his tribulations.Hallelujah 7. The angel of the Lord will encamp round about them that fear Him, and will deliver them.Hallelujah 8. O, taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that hopeth in Him. Hallelujah 9. O, fear the Lord, all ye His saints: for there is no want to those that fear Him. Hallelujah 10. Rich men have turned poor and gone hungry: but they that seek the Lord will not be deprived of any good thing.Hallelujah 11. Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Hallelujah 12. What man is there that desires life, who loveth to see good days?Hallelujah 13. Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile.Hallelujah 14. Turn away from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.Hallelujah 15. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are opened unto their supplication. Hallelujah 16. The face of the Lord is against them that do evil, utterly to destroy the remembrance of them from the earth. Hallelujah 17. The righteous man cried, and the Lord heard him, and He delivered him out of all his tribulations. Hallelujah 18. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a contrite heart; and He will save the humble of spirit. Hallelujah 19. Many are the tribulations of the righteous: but the Lord will deliver them out of them all.Hallelujah 20. The Lord keepeth all their bones: not one of them will be broken.Hallelujah 21. The death of sinners is evil: and they that hate the righteous will do wrong. Hallelujah 22. The Lord will redeem the souls of his servants and none of them will do wrong that hope in Him. Hallelujah
Trinity Team Addition: Lord Jesus Christ (Adon Yeshua Ha-Mashiach) and Divine Spirit / Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh), Co-Creators with the Heavenly Father, have mercy on us! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us! Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with the Divine Father, One True God, have mercy on us! Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit (Divine Spirit), Co-Creators with the Heavenly Father, have mercy on us sinners!  
Swati/ Swazi: Jesu Kristi (Adon Yeshua ha-Mashiach/ Gospodi Isuse Hriste), Mfundzisi, sihawukele!
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the heights! Praise Him, all His angels! Praise Him, all His host! Praise Him, sun and moon! Praise Him, all you shining stars! Praise Him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens! Let them praise the name of the Lord! For He commanded and they were created. And He established them for ever and ever; He fixed their bounds which cannot be passed. Praise the Lord from earth, you sea monsters and all deeps, fire and hail, snow and frost, stormy wind fulfilling His command! Mountains and all hills, fruit trees and all cedars! Beasts and all cattle, creeping things and flying birds! Kings of the earth and all peoples, princes and all rulers of the earth! Young men and maidens together, old men and children! Let them praise the name of the Lord, for His name alone is exalted; His glory is above earth and heaven. He has raised up a horn for His people, praise for all His saints, for the people of Israel who are near Him. Praise The Lord! Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of the Living God, have mercy on us! Saints Gabriel Urgebadze, George-John Mkheidze, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Maria Skobtsova of Paris, John Maisuradze and Archangel Uriel pray for us always! Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of God, have mercy on us! Hindi (Eastern Orthodox Mount Athos): प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! prabhu yeeshu maseeh, parameshvar ke santaan, ham par daya karo! Aramaic: Mar Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, Bar Allaha, deslebt hlofayn ethraham layn! Hebrew: Adon Yeshua haMashiakh, Ben Elohim, rakhem aleinu! Arabic: Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, Ibnu-L-Lah, irhamna!
Prayer to the Theotokos: It is truly meet to bless you, O Theotokos, ever-blessed and most pure, and the Mother of our God. More honorable than the Cherubim, and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim, without defilement you gave birth to God the Word. True Theotokos we magnify you!
Holy Spirit Prayer (Shortest Addition): Holy Spirit, Breath of the One True God, have mercy on us! Ruach Hakodesh, Rachem Aleinu!
Psalm 117 (Tone 5 of Constantinople Chant lyrics):
O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. Alleluia! For His mercy endureth forever and ever. Alleluia! Saints Maria Skobtsova of Paris, Alexander Schmorell of Munich,Pavel Peter Gojdič, André Bessette of Montreal, Elizabeth Fyodorovna, Varavara, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov,Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Paisios of Mount Athos,and Tikhon of Moscow pray for us! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us!Let the house of Israel now say that He is good. Alleluia!For His mercy endureth forever and ever. Alleluia! Saints John Jacob the Romanian Chozebite of Hazeva and Nektarios/ Nectarios of Aegina and Pentapolis pray for us! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us!Let the house of Aaron now say that He is good. Alleluia!For His mercy endureth forever and ever. Alleluia! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us!Let all that fear the Lord now say that He is good. Alleluia!For His mercy endureth forever and ever. Alleluia! In my distress I called upon the Lord, He heard me and brought me into a large place. Alleluia!For His mercy endureth forever and ever. Alleluia!  The Lord is my helper, I will not fear what man can do unto me. Alleluia!For His mercy endureth forever and ever. Alleluia!The Lord is my helper, I shall look down upon my enemies. Alleluia!For His mercy endureth forever and ever. Alleluia! Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of Allah/Elohim, have mercy on us!  It is better to trust in the Lord than to trust in mankind. Alleluia!For His mercy endureth forever and ever. Alleluia! It is better to hope in the Lord than to hope in princes. Alleluia! For His mercy endureth forever and ever. Alleluia! Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, Ibnu-L-Lah, irhamnaa nahnu al-khataa’!Doamne Iisuse Hristoase, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, Miluieşte-ne pe noi!Адон Иешуа Ха-Машиях, Бен Елохим, Рахем Алейну!Bwana Yesu Kristo, Mwana wa Mungu, Utuhurumie! Domine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei, miserere nobis peccatoribus. Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱέ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς. Kyrie Iesou Christe, Yie tou Theou, Eleison imas.
All the nations compassed me about, but in His name will I destroy them. Alleluia! For His mercy endureth forever and ever. Alleluia! Saints Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Nicholas of Myra, Archimandrite Gabriel Urgebadze, Judith the conqueror of Holofernes, Herman of Alaska, Peter the Aleut, Barsanuphius of Optina, Job of Pochaev, Photios I the Great of Constantinople, Mark of Ephesus, Augustus Tolton, John of Kronstadt, Anthony of Egypt, Yared of Ethiopia, Takla Haymanot, Ahmed the Calligrapher, Abo of Tbilisi, Theodore Romzha, Josephine Bakhita, Gabra Manfas Qeddus, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Alexis Toth of Wilkes Barre, (Offero) Christopher the Martyr, Alexander Hotovitzky, Reverend Mother Florence Li Tim-Oi, Thomas the Apostle, Queen Esther, and Mary the Most Holy Theotokos pray for us! 主耶穌基督,上帝之子, 怜悯我们。Zhǔ yēsū jīdū, shàngdì zhīzǐ, liánmǐn wǒmen. Zhǔ yēsū jīdū, shàngdì zhīzǐ, chue (chway) lian wo-mehn! Zhǔ yēsū jīdū (Yeşua haMaşiyah), shàngdì zhīzǐ, chue (chway) lian wo-mehn! 主耶穌基督 ישוע המשיח,上帝之子, 怜悯我们。Zhǔ yēsū jīdū (Yeşua haMaşiyah) ישוע המשיח, shàngdì zhīzǐ, liánmǐn wǒmen.Probhu Jishu Khristo,Ishorer Putro ,amader proti shodoy how! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! prabhu yeeshu maseeh, parameshvar ke santaan, ham par daya karo! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us!Surrounding me they compassed me, but in His name will I destroy them. Alleluia! For His mercy endureth forever and ever. Alleluia! The Lord is my strength and my song, He has become my salvation. Alleluia! For His mercy endureth forever and ever. Alleluia! The stone which the builders rejected, has become the cornerstone. Alleluia! For His mercy endureth forever and ever. Alleluia! This is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad therein. Alleluia! For His mercy endureth forever and ever. Alleluia! O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good. Alleluia! For His mercy endureth forever and ever. Alleluia!…Saints Bridget of Ireland, Patrick (Padraig) of Ireland, Mary Magdalene, Pope Pius I, Dymphna, Khalid Jabara the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Holy Martyr of Oklahoma, and John of Kronstadt pray for us! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us! Christ with me, Christ before me,Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ in breadth, Christ in length, Christ in height,Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of every man who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.
Cambodian (Khmer): ព្រះយេហូវ៉ា! លោកគ្រូយេស៊ូ! ជាព្រះមេស្ស៊ី! សូមមេត្ដាជួយយើងផង! preahyehauvea! lokakrou yesaou! chea preah me ssai! saum me tda chuoy yeung phng!
Tuvaluan language: Aliki Iesu Keliso [Adon Yeshua ha-Mashiach/ Doamne Isuse Hristoase], Atua, te Faiakoga, alofa mai ki a matou!
Lingala: Yawé Nzámbe Yesu Kristu, Molakisi, yokelá biso mawa!
Nicene Creed (OCA Orthodox): Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners! I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth and of all things visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only-begotten, begotten of the Father before all ages. Light of light; true God of true God; begotten, not made; of one essence with the Father, by Whom all things were made; Who for us men and for our salvation came down from Heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became man. And He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. And the third day He arose again, according to the Scriptures, and ascended into Heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again with glory to judge the living and the dead; Whose Kingdom shall have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, Who proceeds from the Father; Who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; Who spoke by the prophets. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners! In one Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners! I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners!Amen.
Psalm 132 (133): Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners!Behold now, what is so good or so pleasant as for brothers to dwell together in unity? It is like fragrant oil running down upon the Beard, the Beard of Aaron, running down upon the border of his garment; It is like dew of Hermon, running down upon the mountains of Zion; For there the Lord commanded the blessing and life forever. Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua the Messiah), Son of God (Allah/Elohim), have mercy on us sinners! Holy Righteous Father Abraham pray for us! Lord Jesus Christ, True Monotheistic God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, have mercy on us sinners! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us!
Song of Songs/ Song of Solomon 5:10-16
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners! My beloved is a shining and fiery light, Chosen from countless thousands. His head is like refined gold; His locks of hair are shiny and black, Like a raven’s feathers. His eyes are like those of doves sitting by pools of water, having eyes bathed in milk and fitly set. His cheeks are like bowls of spices pouring forth perfumes. [His face is rugged, his beard smells like sage, His voice, his words, warm and reassuring.] His lips are lilies dripping choice myrrh. His hands are like elaborate gold set with precious stones. His stomach is like an ivory tablet inlaid with sapphire stones. His legs are like pillars or marble established on golden feet. His appearance is like Lebanon, choice as the cedar trees. His mouth is most sweet and altogether desirable. This is my beloved, my companion, O daughters of Jerusalem! Saints Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Tikhon of Moscow, Archimandrite Gabriel Urgebadze, Archimandrite Grigol Peradze, Job of Pochaev, Holy Righteous Father Abraham, Isaac, Sergius, Bacchus, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Jacob, Queen Esther, Judith conquerer of Holofernes, Moses, Aaron, Ruth, Naomi, King David, King Solomon, Takla Haymanot, Queen of Sheba and 40 Holy Martyrs of Sebaste pray for us always! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners!
Revelation 1:12-18
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners. Then I turned to see the voice that spoke with me. And having turned I saw seven golden lamp stands, and in the midst of the seven lamp stands One like the Son of Man, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band. His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire; His feet were like fine brass, as if refined in a furnace, and His voice as the sound of many waters, He had in His right hand seven stars, out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength. And when I saw Him, I fell at His feet as dead. But He laid His right hand on me, saying to me, “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last. I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen…”. Saints Michael the Archangel, John Jacob the Romanian Chozebite of Hazeva, Nektarios/ Nectarios Cephalas of Aegina and Pentapolis, Nicholas of Myra, Nicholas of Japan, Alexander Schmorell the New Martyr of Munich,Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Paisios of Mount Athos, Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Yared of Ethiopia, Bridget of Ireland, Patrick (Padraig) of Ireland,Pavel Peter Gojdič,André Bessette of Montreal, Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr, and Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn pray for us always! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners! Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱέ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς. Domine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei, miserere nobis peccatoribus! Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас!
Jude 24-25: Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior, who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen. Saints Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr [Prisoner 19,263] of Paris, Tikhon of Moscow, Archimandrite Gabriel Urgebadze, Archimandrite Grigol Peradze, Job of Pochaev, Holy Righteous Father Abraham, Isaac, Sergius, Bacchus, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Jacob, Queen Esther, Judith conquerer of Holofernes, Moses, Aaron, Ruth, Naomi, King David, Elijah/ Elias the Prophet, King Solomon, Takla Haymanot, Queen of Sheba, Jude Thaddeus, and 40 Holy Martyrs of Sebaste pray for us always! Saints Michael the Archangel, Christopher the Martyr, John Jacob the Romanian Chozebite of Hazeva, Nektarios/ Nectarios Cephalas of Aegina and Pentapolis, Nicholas of Myra, Nicholas of Japan, Alexander Schmorell the New Martyr of Munich, Herman of Alaska, Peter the Aleut, Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Markella of Chios, Paisios of Mount Athos, Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Yared of Ethiopia, Bridget of Ireland, Patrick (Padraig) of Ireland, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Josephine Bakhita, André Bessette of Montreal, Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Xenia of Petersburg, Nino of Georgia, Alexander Hotovitzky, Matrona of Moscow, Gregory Palamas, John Chrysostom, and John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco pray for us always! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners! Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱέ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς.Domine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei, miserere nobis peccatoribus! Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас!
Cajun French: Seigneur, Jésus Christ (Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ), Fils de Dieu/ Fils de Bondye, aie pitié de nous/prends pitié de nous! Seigneur, Jésus Christ (Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ), Fils de Dieu/ Fils de Bondye, aie pitié de nous/prends pitié de nous! Seye Jezi Kris, la Pitit Bondye, Pran Pitye pou nou. Seigneur, Jésus Christ (Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ), Fils de Dieu/ Fils de Bondye, aie pitié de nous/prends pitié de nous! Seye Jezi Kris, la Pitit Bondye, Pran Pitye pou nou.
Seychelles Creole: Ansenyan, Zezi Krist (Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ), pran pitye pour nou! Ansenyan, Zezi Krist (Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ), pran pitye pour nou! Ansenyan, Zezi Krist (Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ), pran pitye pour nou! Ansenyan, Zezi Krist (Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ), pran pitye pour nou!
Psalm 145:
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit!Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас! Saints Job of Pochaev, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Josephine Bakhita, André Bessette of Montreal, Sergius, Bacchus, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Herman of Alaska, Peter the Aleut,Xenia of Petersburg, Barsanuphius of Optina, Nino of Georgia, Alexander Hotovitzky, Tikhon of Moscow, Joan of Arc, Theodora of Vasta, John Maximovitch of Tobolsk and John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Franciscopray for us always! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!Адон Иешуа Ха-Машиях, Бен Елохим, Рахем Алейну!Probhu Jishu Khristo,Ishorer Putro ,amader proti shodoy how.Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱέ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς! PRAISE THE LORD, O MY SOUL, I will praise the Lord as long as I live! I will sing praises to my God, While I have being. Put not your trust in Princes, In sons of men in whom there is no salvation!When his breath departs he returns to his earth,On that very day his plans perish. Blessed is he whose help is in the God of Jacob,Whose hope is in the Lord his God! Who made Heaven and Earth, The Sea and all that is in them.Who keeps His way forever, Who executes justice for the oppressed!  And gives food to the hungry.
The Lord sets the prisoners free, The Lord opens the eyes of the blind! The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, The Lord loves the righteous. The Lord watches over the sojourners, He upholds the widow and the fatherless! But the way of the wicked he will bring to ruin. The Lord will reign forever, THY GOD O ZION THROUGH ALL GENERATIONS!Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱέ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς! Holy Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Salathiel, Jehudiel, Jeremiel, and Barachiel pray for us always! Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас! Saints Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr [Prisoner 19,263] of Paris, Yared of Ethiopia, Tikhon of Moscow, Archimandrite Gabriel Urgebadze, Archimandrite Grigol Peradze, Job of Pochaev, Holy Righteous Father Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Queen Esther, Judith conquerer of Holofernes, Moses, Aaron, Ruth, Naomi, King David, Elijah/ Elias the Prophet, King Solomon, Takla Haymanot, Queen of Sheba, Jude, and 40 Holy Martyrs of Sebaste pray for us always! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!Saints Christopher the Martyr, John Jacob the Romanian Chozebite of Hazeva, Nektarios/ Nectarios Cephalas of Aegina and Pentapolis, Nicholas of Myra, Nicholas of Japan, Alexander Schmorell the New Martyr of Munich, Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Markella of Chios, Paisios of Mount Athos, Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Yared of Ethiopia, Matrona of Moscow, Bridget of Ireland, Patrick (Padraig) of Ireland, Gregory Palamas, and John Chrysostom pray for us always! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! Blessed Virgin Mary Theotokos pray for us always! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! ਪ੍ਰਭੂ ਯਿਸੂ ਮਸੀਹ, ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਸਾਡੇ ਤੇ ਰਹਿਮ ਕਰ। प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!ਯਿਸੂ ਸੁਆਮੀ, ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਸਾਡੇ ਤੇ ਰਹਿਮ ਕਰ। கர்த்தாவே இயேசு கிறிஸ்து, எங்களுக்கு இரங்கும்!Prabhuva Yesu Kristu, ma mida kanikarintsu!ઈસુ મસીહ સ્વામી, કૃપા કરી અમને મદદ કર! Ai Khudáwand Yisu‘ Masíh, rahm kar. प्रभु येशू ख्रिस्त, पवित्र देवा, पवित्र शक्तिमान, पवित्र अमर्त्या, आम्हावर दया कर. Karthavaya Yeshu Mishiha, Dhaiva Puthra, Njangalku vendi Krushikkapettavane Njangale anugrahikkaname. Karthavaya Yeshu Mishiha, Dhaiva puthra, Papiyaya Ennodu Karuna Cheyaname. प्रभु येशू ख्रीष्ट, दया गरी हामीलाई सहायता गर्नुहोस्।राजा येशू ख्रीष्टको  कृपा हामीमा  रहोस्! Devles Jesus Kristo, Tu o Gazda, Av tuke mila anda amende!
Saint Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia Quote:
“This is the way we should see Christ— He is our friend, our brother. He is whatever is good and beautiful. He is everything. Yet, He is still a friend and He shouts it out, “You’re my friends, don’t you understand that? We’re brothers. I’m not threatening you. I don’t hold hell in my hands. I love you. I want you to enjoy life together with me.” Christ is Everything. He is joy, He is life, He is light. He is the true light who makes man joyful, makes him soar with happiness; makes him see everything, everybody; makes him feel for everyone, to want everyone with him, everyone with Christ.“ -Saints Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Paisios of Mount Athos, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco, John Jacob the Romanian Chozebite of Hazeva, Ephrem the Syrian, Nektarios Kefalas of Aegina and Pentapolis, Grigol Peradze, Mitrophan Yang of Beijing, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna  the New Martyr,Moses the Black, Tikhon Bellavin of Moscow, and Nino of Georgia pray for us always! LORD YESHUA THE MESSIAH, SON OF ALLAH / ELOHIM, HAVE MERCY ON US AND ON THE WHOLE UNIVERSE! LORD JESUS CHRIST, SON OF GOD, HAVE MERCY ON US AND ON THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!
Joshua 10: 12-13
Holy Righteous Joshua (Jesus) son of Navi (Nun) pray for us!Domine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei, miserere nobis peccatoribus! Lord Yeshua the Messiah Jesus Christ, Son of Allah/Elohim, have mercy on us sinners! Then Joshua spoke to the Lord on the day God delivered the Amorites into the hands of Israel, when he crushed them in Gibeon. Saints John Jacob the Romanian Chozebite of Hazeva, Nektarios/ Nectarios Cephalas of Aegina and Pentapolis,Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Archimandrite Gabriel Urgebadze, Archimandrite Grigol Peradze, Gregory Palamas, John Chrysostom, Job of Pochaev, Basil the Great, Paul the Apostle, Blessed Virgin Mary the Most Holy Theotokos, and Holy Righteous Joshua (Jesus) son of Navi (Nun) pray for us! Lord Yeshua the Messiah Jesus Christ, Son of Allah/Elohim, have mercy upon us sinners!  They were crushed before the face of the sons of Israel, for Joshua said: “Let the sun stand still over Gibeon, and the moon over the valley of Ajalon.” Saints Peter the Aleut,Xenia of Petersburg, Barsanuphius of Optina, Nino of Georgia, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Josephine Bakhita, André Bessette of Montreal,Moses the Black, Tikhon Bellavin of Moscow, and Holy Righteous Joshua (Jesus) son of Navi (Nun) pray for us! Lord Yeshua the Messiah Jesus Christ, Son of Allah/Elohim, have mercy on us sinners! So the sun and moon stood still until God brought vengeance against their enemies. Saints Theodora of Vasta, John Maximovitch of Tobolsk, John of Kronstadt, John of the Ladder,John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco and Holy Righteous Joshua (Jesus) son of Navi (Nun) pray for us! Lord Yeshua the Messiah Jesus Christ, Son of Allah/Elohim, have mercy on us sinners! The sun stood still in the midst of heaven and did not set in the west until the end of one day. Saints Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Grand DuchessElizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Herman of Alaska, Hesychius the Horebite,Alexander Schmorell the New Martyr of Munich, Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Markella of Chios, Paisios of Mount Athos, Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Yared of Ethiopia, Matrona of Moscow, Ephrem the Syrian,Bridget of Ireland, Patrick (Padraig) of Ireland, andHoly Righteous Joshua (Jesus) son of Navi (Nun) pray for us!Lord Yeshua the Messiah Jesus Christ, Son of Allah/Elohim, have mercy on us sinners! Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱέ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς. Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас!Adon Yeshua haMashiakh, Ben Elohim, rakhem aleinu!Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, Ibnu-L-Lah, irhamnaa nahnu al-khataa’!
Laotian: Ong Phra Yesu Christ jong mee medta tor moo kanoi.
Matthew 28:1-20
NOW AFTER THE SABBATH, toward the dawn of the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the sepulchre. And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone, and sat upon it. His appearance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow. And for fear of him the guards trembled and became like dead men. Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники! But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid; for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and behold, he is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him. Lo, I have told you.” So they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples. And behold, Jesus met them and said, “Hail!” And they came up and took hold of his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.” While they were going, behold, some of the guard went into the city and told the chief priests all that had taken place. And when they had assembled with the elders and taken counsel, they gave a sum of money to the soldiers and said, “Tell people, ‘His disciples came by night and stole him away while we were asleep.’ And if this comes to the governor’s ears, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble.” So they took the money and did as they were directed; and this story has been spread among the Jews to this day. Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники!  Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him they worshiped him; but some doubted. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, TO THE CLOSE OF THE AGE.”
Saint Silouan Antonov the Athonite quote:
“Christ prayed for those that crucified Him: ‘Father, count not this sin against them; they know not what they do.’ Archdeacon Stephen prayed for those who stoned him so that the Lord would not judge this sin against them. And so we, if we wish to retain grace, must pray for our enemies. If you do not find pity on a sinner who will suffer in flames, then you do not carry the grace of the Holy Spirit, but rather an evil spirit; and while you yet live, you must free yourself from his clutches through repentance.” Saint Silouan Antonov the Athonite pray for us always! Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on us sinners! Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники! Doamne Iisuse Hristoase, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, Miluieşte-ne pe noi pacatosii!
Prayer to Saint Panteleimon: You emulated the Merciful One, and received from Him the grace of healing, Passion-bearer and healer Panteleimon; by your prayers, heal our spiritual diseases and continually drive away the temptations of the enemy from those who cry out in faith “Save us, O Lord.” Doamne Iisuse Hristoase, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, Miluieşte-ne pe noi pacatosii!
Saint Seraphim of Sarov Quote:  "When I am dead, come to me at my grave, and the more often the better. Whatever is in your soul, whatever may have happened to you, come to me as when I was alive and kneeling on the ground, cast all your bitterness upon my grave. Tell me everything and I shall listen to you, and all the bitterness will fly away from you. And as you spoke to me when I was alive, do so now. For I am living and I shall be forever.“ Saint Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov pray for us! Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники!
Saint John of Shanghai Quote:     “Holiness is not simply righteousness, for which the righteous merit the enjoyment of blessedness in the Kingdom of God, but rather such a height of righteousness that men are filled with the grace of God to the extent that it flows from them upon those who associate with them. Great is their blessedness; it proceeds from personal experience of the Glory of God. Being filled also with love for men, which proceeds from love of God, they are responsive to men’s needs, and upon their supplication they appear also as intercessors and defenders for them before God.” — Saint John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco pray for us! Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники!
Swahili (Yeshua Edition): Bwana Yesu Kristo (Yeshua ha-Mashiach), Mwana wa Mungu, Utuhurumie! Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники!
Greek (Wisdom & Edition):  Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Σοφία του Θεού, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς! Kýrie Iisoú Christé, Sofía tou Theoú, eléison imás!  Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Λόγος του Θεού, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς! Kýrie Iisoú Christé, Lógos tou Theoú, eléison imás!
Modern Tigrinya (Plural): “ኦ የሱስ፡ ይሖዋ ክርስቶስ: መምህር፡ ምሓረና!” “o yesusi፡ yiḥowa kirisitosi: memihiri፡ miḥarena!”
Modern Amharic (Plural): “ኢየሱስ፣ ይሖዋ በናዝሬቱ መሲሑ ክርስቶስ: መምህር፣ ምሕረት አድርግልን!” “īyesusi፣ yiḥowa benazirētu mesīḥu kirisitosi: memihiri፣ miḥireti ādirigilini!” Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники!
Gospel of Nicodemus [Chapter 19: Verses 1-3,11-12 &18] 1 THEN Jesus stretched forth his hand, and said, Come to me, all ye my saints, who were created in my image, who were condemned by the tree of forbidden fruit, and by the devil and death; 2 Live now by the wood of my cross; the devil, the prince of this world, is overcome, and death is conquered. 3 Then presently all the saints were joined together under the hand of the most high God; and the Lord Jesus laid hold on Adam’s hand and said to him, Peace be to thee, and all thy righteous posterity, which is mine. 11 Then the Lord stretching forth his hand, made the sign of the cross upon Adam, and upon all his saints.12 And taking hold of Adam by his right hand, he ascended from hell, and all the saints of God followed him. 18 In like manner all the prophets spake the sacred things of his praise, and followed the Lord. Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники!
Gospel of John 20:11-16
But Mary stood outside by the tomb weeping, and as she wept she stooped down and looked into the tomb. And she saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus [Yeshua] had lain. Then they said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him.” Now when she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus [Yeshua] standing there, and did not know that it was Jesus [Yeshua]. Jesus [Yeshua] said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?” She, supposing Him to be the gardener, said to Him, “Sir, if You have carried Him away, tell me where You have laid Him, and I will take Him away.” Jesus [Yeshua] said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to Him, “Rabboni!” (which is to say, Teacher).
Bwana Yesu Kristo (Yeshua ha-Mashiach), Mwana wa Mungu, Utuhurumie! Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники!
Navajo/Dine: [Господи Иисусе Христе] Jiihóvah Jesus Doodaatsaahii, Bóhólníihii nílíinii, nihaa jiiníbaah!
Navajo/Dine pronunciation guide: Jee-Khoh-vakh Kheh-soos Dohhh-daaah-saaaa-khee Boh-khohl-neeeee-kheee neel-leeeee-neeeee, nee-khaa jee-ni-baaakh!! [J like English J. H is heavy.]
Prayer of Saint Ephrem the Syrian:
Saint Ephrem the Syrian pray for us! Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of the Living Allah, have mercy on us! O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk. But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant. Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen. Algonquian Ojibwe: Jesus Christ (Yeshua ha-Mashiach) Debeniminang, Kije manito Nose, zhawenimishinaang. Pronounciation: Jesus Christ (Yeshua ha-Mashiach) debeniminang, gizhe-manidoo noose, zhawenimishinaang. Translation: Our Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua ha-Mashiach), God, Father, have pity on us. Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники.
Didache 16 (Donaldson-Roberts Translation):
Watch for your life’s sake. Let not your lamps be quenched, nor your loins unloosed; but be ready, for you know not the hour in which our Lord will come. But come together often, seeking the things which are befitting to your souls: for the whole time of your faith will not profit you, if you are not made perfect in the last time. For in the last days false prophets and corrupters shall be multiplied, and the sheep shall be turned into wolves, and love shall be turned into hate; for when lawlessness increases, they shall hate and persecute and betray one another, and then shall appear the world-deceiver as Son of God, and shall do signs and wonders, and the earth shall be delivered into his hands, and he shall do iniquitous things which have never yet come to pass since the beginning. Then shall the creation of men come into the fire of trial, and many shall be made to stumble and shall perish; but those who endure in their faith shall be saved from under the curse itself. And then shall appear the signs of the truth: first, the sign of an outspreading in heaven, then the sign of the sound of the trumpet. And third, the resurrection of the dead – yet not of all, but as it is said: “The Lord shall come and all His saints with Him.” Then shall the world see the Lord coming upon the clouds of heaven. Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of the Living God, have mercy on us! Saints Gabriel Urgebadze, George-John Mkheidze, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Maria Skobtsova of Paris, John Maisuradze and Archangel Uriel pray for us always! Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of God, have mercy on us!
Algonquian Ojibwe: Jesus Christ (Yeshua ha-Mashiach) Debeniminang, Kije manito Nose, zhawenimishinaang. Pronounciation: Jesus Christ (Yeshua ha-Mashiach) debeniminang, gizhe-manidoo noose, zhawenimishinaang. Translation: Our Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua ha-Mashiach), God, Father, have pity on us. Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники.
Trisagion in Arabic:  قدوس الله، قدوس القوي، قدوس الذي لا يموت ارحمنا Quddûsun Allâh! Quddûsun al-qawî! Quddûsun al-ladhî lâ yamût urhamnâ.  أيها الرب يسوع المسيح ابن الله, إرحمني أنا الخاطئ
Trisagion in Hebrew:  אל הקדוש, סגיב הקודש,אלמותי הקודש, ירחם עלינו El Ha-Kadosh! Sagiv Ha-Kadosh! Almoti Ha-Kadosh, rakhem aleynu.
Trisagion in Latin/Greek:  Sānctus Deus, Sānctus Fortis, Sānctus Immortālis, miserēre nōbīs. Ἅγιος ὁ Θεός, Ἅγιος ἰσχυρός, Ἅγιος ἀθάνατος, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς (Agios O Theos, Agios Eeskhiros, Agios Athanatos, eleison imas).
Trisagion in Georgian: უფალო იესუ ქრისტე, ძეო ღმრთისაო, წმიდაო ღმერთო, წმიდაო ძლიერო, წმიდაო უკვდავო, შეგვიწყალენ ჩვენ. up’alo iesu k’riste, dzeo ghmrt’isao, tsmidao ghmert’o, tsmidao dzliero, tsmidao ukvdavo, shegvitsqalen ch’ven.
IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD from Gospel of John 1:1-17
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God; all things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came for testimony, to bear witness to the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to bear witness to the light. The true light that enlightens every man was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world knew him not. He came to his own home, and his own people received him not. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God; who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father. (John bore witness to him, and cried, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me ranks before me, for he was before me.’”) And from his fulness have we all received, grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники! Lord Yeshua the Messiah, Son of Allah, have mercy on us! უფალო იესუ ქრისტე, ძეო ღმრთისაო, წმიდაო ღმერთო, წმიდაო ძლიერო, წმიდაო უკვდავო, შეგვიწყალენ ჩვენ. Most Holy Theotokos, and Saints Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Gabriel Urgebadze, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna  the New Martyr, Moses the Black, Archangel Uriel,Pavel Peter Gojdič, Tikhon Bellavin of Moscow, John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco, John Jacob the Romanian Chozebite of Hazeva, JosephineBakhita, André Bessette of Montreal, Ephrem the Syrian, Nektarios Kefalas of Aegina and Pentapolis, Grigol Peradze,PaisiosEznepidis of Mount Athos, Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia,George-John Mkheidze, John Maisuradze, Nikolai Velimirović of Žiča, Job of Pochaev, Nino of Georgia, Sophrony Sakharov of Essex, Theodora of Vasta, andElder Gervasios Paraskevopoulos of Patras pray for us!
Aymara: (Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ)Jesús Mesias, Yatichiri, nanakat khuyaptʼayasipjjeta.
Bicol/Bikol: (უფალო იესუ ქრისტე, ძეო ღმრთისაო,)Jesucristo, Paratukdo, mahirak ka sa samuya!
Prayer to Saint Joseph the Betrothed:  O St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in thee all my interests and desires. O St. Joseph, do assist me by thy powerful intersession and obtain for me from thy Divine Son all the spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, so that having engaged here below thy Heavenly power I may offer my Thanksgiving and Homage to the most loving of Fathers. O St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating thee with Jesus asleep in thy arms. I dare not approach while He reposes near thy heart. Press Him in my name, and kiss His fine head for me, and ask Him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for us. Amen. Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники! უფალო იესუ ქრისტე, ძეო ღმრთისაო, წმიდაო ღმერთო, წმიდაო ძლიერო, წმიდაო უკვდავო, შეგვიწყალენ ჩვენ. Йесо (Иисусе Христе), Ахуыргӕнӕг, батӕригъӕд нын кӕн! 主耶穌基督,上帝之子, 怜悯我们。Zhǔ yēsū jīdū, shàngdì zhīzǐ, liánmǐn wǒmen.Zhǔ yēsū jīdū, shàngdì zhīzǐ, chue (chway) lian wo-mehn! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!
Chechen: Дела / Дика / Лам-Тишуол / Аллах  Йесо Кристе, Орца! Dela/Dika/Lam-Tishuol/Allah Ieso Kriste [Yeshua ha-Mashiach أيها الرب يسوع المسيح ابن الله, إرحمني أنا الخاطئГосподи Иисусе Христе אל הקדוש, סגיב הקודש,אלמותי הקודש, ירחם עלינו قدوس الله، قدوس القوي، قدوس الذي لا يموت ارحمنا Quddûsun Allâh! Quddûsun al-qawî! Quddûsun al-ladhî lâ yamût urhamnâ.  أيها الرب يسوع المسيح ابن الله, إرحمني أنا الخاطئ Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ], Orca (Орца)! Дела / Дика / Лам-Тишуол / Аллах  Йесо Кристе, Орца! “Lord/God Jesus Christ, help!!!!” Дела / Дика / Лам-Тишуол / Аллах  Йесо Кристе, Орца!
Sephardic Ladino (Answer Us Edition): Adonay Yesu Kriste (Yeșua ja-Mașiaj), Dio de Abraham, Respondenos, Fuerte de Ya’acov, O Dio de la merkava, O Padre piadoso y gracioso, repondenos. [My Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua ha-Mashiach), God of Abraham, Answer us, Power of Jacob, O God of mercy, O Father, merciful and gracious, answer us.]          Sephardic Ladino (Shorter Version): Adonay Yeșua ja-Mașiaj, Dio de Abraham y Dio Piadoso de la Merkava, eleison/salvame! [My Lord Jesus Christ, God of Abraham and Merciful God of Mercy, have mercy/save me!]
Cantonese: Zhjuu Ye-sou Jidou, San de yi zai, gau mehng a!
Prayer of Saint Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos:
Our Lord Jesus Christ:  Do not abandon your servants who live far away from the Church.   May your love convict them and bring them back to you.Lord have mercy on your servants who are suffering from cancer.On your servants who suffer either from small or serious ailments.On your servants who suffer from physical infirmities.On your servants who suffer from spiritual infirmities. Lord have mercy on our leaders and inspire them to govern with Christian love. Lord have mercy on children who come from troubled homes.  On troubled families and those who have been divorced.     Lord have mercy on all the orphans of the world, on all those who are suffering pain and injustices since losing their spouses.     Lord have mercy on all those in jail, on all anarchists, on all drug abusers, on all murderers, on all abusers of people, and on all thieves.  Enlighten these people and help them to straighten out their lives.    Lord have mercy on all those who have been forced to emigrate.   On all those who travel on the seas, on land, in the air,  and protect them.   Lord have mercy on our Church, the bishops, the priests and the faithful of the Church.Lord have mercy on all the monastic communities, male and female, the elders and eldresses and all the brotherhoods of Mt. Athos. Lord have mercy on your servants who find themselves in the midst of war. On your servants who are being pursued in the mountains and on the plains.  On your servants who are being hunted like birds of prey.Lord have mercy on your servants who were forced to abandon their homes and their jobs and feel afflicted.Lord have mercy on the poor, the homeless and the exiled.Lord have mercy on the nations of the world.  Keep them in your embrace and envelope them with your holy protection.  Keep them safe from every evil and war.  Keep our beloved Greece (we can add here the USA) in your protective embrace day and night.  Embrace her with your holy protection defending her from all evil and war.   Lord have mercy on those who have been abandoned and have suffered injustice.  Have mercy on families that are going through trying times.  Pour your abundant love upon them.  Lord have mercy on your servants who suffer from spiritual and bodily problems of all kinds.Lord have mercy on those who are despairing.  Help them and grant them peace.   Lord have mercy on those that have requested that we pray for them.  Lord grant eternal rest to all those who have passed on to eternal life throughout the ages.
Dormition Prayer: Neither the tomb, nor death, could hold the Theotokos, who is constant in prayer and our firm hope in her intercessions. For being the Mother of Life, she was translated to life, by the One who dwelt in her virginal womb. Most Holy Theotokos save us! LORD YESHUA THE MESSIAH, SON OF GOD, HAVE MERCY ON US SINNERS! Saints Mardarije Uskoković of Libertyville, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr,Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, John Maximovitch of Shanghai and San Francisco,Nektarios Kefalas of Aegina and Pentapolis, Grigol Peradze, and Holy Righteous Abraham pray for us always!
प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!Domine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei, miserere nobis peccatoribus. San Juan Maximovitch de Shanghai y San Francisco ruega por nosotros! Be it known that the number of armed soldiers were 150; those who trailed Me while I was bound were 23. The executioners of justice were 83; the blows received on My head were 150; those on My stomach, 108; kicks on My shoulders, 80. प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!Domine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei, miserere nobis peccatoribus. San Paisios Eznepidis del Monte Athos, San Nectario Kefalas de Pentapolis, San Rafael Hawaweeny de Brooklyn, San Tijon Belavin de Moscú, y San Porfirio Bairaktaris ruega por nosotros! Adon Yeshua haMashiakh, Ben Elohim, rakhem aleinu! Muy Santa Theotokos ruega por nosotros! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! I was led, bound with cords, by the hair, 24 times; spits in the face were 180; I was beaten on the body 6666 times; beaten on the head, 110 times. I was roughly pushed, and at 12 o'clock was lifted up by the hair; pricked with thorns and pulled by the beard, 23 times; received 20 wounds on the head; thorns of marine junks, 72; pricks of thorns in the head, 110; mortal thorns in the forehead, 3. प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!Domine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei, miserere nobis peccatoribus. Santa Maria Skobtsova la Nueva Mártira de Paris y Santa Isabel Fiódorovna Románova la Nueva Mártira ruega por nosotros! I was afterwards flogged and dressed as a mock king; wounds in the body, 1000. The soldiers who led Me to Calvary were 608; those who watched Me were 3, and those who mocked Me were 1008; the drops of blood which I lost were 28,430.  प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!Domine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei, miserere nobis peccatoribus. ¡San Josué, Hijo de Navi (Nun), ruega por nosotros! Domine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei, miserere nobis peccatoribus.
Prophesy of Daniel 3:16-18, 3:23-24
Shadrach (Hananiah), Meshach (Mishael), and Abednego (Azariah) answered the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If it be so, our God whom we serve is in the heavens, able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image which you have set up.” And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell bound into the fiery furnace. And they walked about in the midst of the flames, singing hymns to God and blessing the Lord. प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! प्रभु येशू ख्रीष्ट, दया गरी हामीलाई सहायता गर्नुहोस्। राजा येशू ख्रीष्टको  कृपा हामीमा  रहोस्! Adon Yeshua haMashiakh, Ben Elohim, rakhem aleinu! Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, Ibnu-L-Lah, irhamnaa nahnu al-khataa’! Karthavaya Yeshu Mishiha, Dhaiva Puthra, Njangalku vendi Krushikkapettavane Njangale anugrahikkaname. Karthavaya Yeshu Mishiha, Dhaiva puthra, Papiyaya Ennodu Karuna Cheyaname. प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!Господи Иисусе Христе, Сыне Божий, помилуй нас грешники! LORD JESUS YESHUA THE CHRIST MESSIAH, SON OF ALLAH, HAVE MERCY UPON ME A SINNER. LORD JESUS YESHUA THE CHRIST MESSIAH, SON OF ALLAH, HAVE MERCY UPON US SINNERS! Doamne Iisuse Hristoase, Fiul lui Dumnezeu, Miluieşte-ne pe noi pacatosii! प्रभु येशू ख्रिस्त, पवित्र देवा, पवित्र शक्तिमान, पवित्र अमर्त्या, आम्हावर दया कर. प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! MOST HOLY THEOTOKOS AND SAINTS MARY MAGDALENE, Holy Prophet Daniel, Shadrach (Hananiah), Meshach (Mishael), Abednego (Azariah), Gabriel Urgebadze, Panteleimon the Unmercenary Healer, Apollonia, Xenia of St. Petersburg, Dymphna, Barsanuphius of Optina, Sophrony Sakharov, Grigol Peradze, Isaac the Syrian, Kassiani the Hymnographer, Holy Righteous Father Abraham, Queen Esther, Judith conquerer of Holofernes, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai & San Francisco, John Sergiyev of Kronstadt, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Phoebe the Deaconess, Patrick of Ireland, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr of Russia, Pachomius the Great, Alexander Hotovitzky, Alexis Toth of Wilkes-Barre, Phanourios the Great Martyr, Herman of Alaska, Peter the Aleut, Mitrophan Yang, Nectarios Kephalas of Aegina & Pentapolis, King David, King Solomon,Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Takla Haymanot, Yared of Ethiopia, Gregory Palamas, Holy Prophet and God-seer Moses, Elijah/ Elias the Prophet, Holy Righteous Joshua (Jesus) son of Navi (Nun) , Christopher of Lycia, Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom, Hesychius the Horebite, Anthony the Great of Egypt, Michael the Archangel, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Salathiel, Jehudiel, Jeremiel, Barachiel the Archangel, Pavel Peter Gojdič, André Bessette of Montreal, Josephine Bakhita, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos and Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia PRAY FOR US ALWAYS! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! Trisagion in Arabic:  قدوس الله، قدوس القوي، قدوس الذي لا يموت ارحمنا Quddûsun Allâh! Quddûsun al-qawî! Quddûsun al-ladhî lâ yamût urhamnâ.  أيها الرب يسوع المسيح ابن الله, إرحمني أنا الخاطئTrisagion in Hebrew:  אל הקדוש, סגיב הקודש,אלמותי הקודש, ירחם עלינו El Ha-Kadosh! Sagiv Ha-Kadosh! Almoti Ha-Kadosh, rakhem aleynu.Trisagion in Latin/Greek:  Sānctus Deus, Sānctus Fortis, Sānctus Immortālis, miserēre nōbīs. Ἅγιος ὁ Θεός, Ἅγιος ἰσχυρός, Ἅγιος ἀθάνατος, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς (Agios O Theos, Agios Eeskhiros, Agios Athanatos, eleison imas).Trisagion in Georgian: უფალო იესუ ქრისტე, ძეო ღმრთისაო, წმიდაო ღმერთო, წმიდაო ძლიერო, წმიდაო უკვდავო, შეგვიწყალენ ჩვენ. up’alo iesu k’riste, dzeo ghmrt’isao, tsmidao ghmert’o, tsmidao dzliero, tsmidao ukvdavo, shegvitsqalen ch’ven. Marathi (Plural with Trisagion): प्रभु येशू ख्रिस्त, पवित्र देवा, पवित्र शक्तिमान, पवित्र अमर्त्या, आम्हावर दया कर. Prabhu yēśū khrista, pavitra dēvā, pavitra śaktimāna, pavitra amartyā, āmhāvara dayā kara.
The Beatitudes:
प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! In Thy Kingdom remember us O Lord, when Thou comest in Thy Kingdom. LORD YESHUA JESUS THE MESSIAH CHRIST, SON OF GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON US SINNERS!प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven. Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.Blessed are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for My sake.  Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in Heaven. प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Both now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen. प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! Panginoong Hesukristo, Anak ng Diyos, maawâ po Kayò sa amin!Panginoong Hesukristo, Kaawaan mo kami! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! prabhu yeeshu maseeh, parameshvar ke santaan, ham par daya karo! Karthavaya Yeshu Mishiha, Dhaiva Puthra, Njangalku vendi Krushikkapettavane Njangale anugrahikkaname. Karthavaya Yeshu Mishiha, Dhaiva puthra, Papiyaya Ennodu Karuna Cheyaname. Nkosi Jesu Kristu, iNdodana kaNkulunkulu, ngihawukele kithi, izoni. Most Holy Theotokos and Saints Dimitri Klepinin the New Martyr, Ilya Elias Fondaminsky, George Yuri Skobtsov, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris,Gregory Palamas, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Porphyrios Bairaktaris the Kapsokalyvite, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna The New Martyr of Russia, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Patrick of Ireland, Bridget of Ireland, Archangel Michael, Christopher of Lycia, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, John Sergiyev of Kronstadt, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Dymphna, Nino of Georgia, Joseph the Betrothed, Queen Esther, Judith the Conqueror of Holofernes, Archangel Uriel, Gabriel Urgebadze, Grigol Peradze, Apollonia, Panteleimon the Holy Unmercenary Healer, and Mary Magdalene pray for us always! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!
The Transfiguration Troparion / Kontakion:
Saints Mark Ji Tianxiang, Dimitri Klepinin the New Martyr, Ilya Elias Fondaminsky, George Yuri Skobtsov, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Alexander Hotovitzky, Spyridon of Trimythous, Sebastian Dabovich of Jackson and San Francisco, Olga Michael of Alaska, Florence Li Tim-Oi, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Maxim Sandovich, Ahmed the Calligrapher,Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Gregory Palamas, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Porphyrios Bairaktaris the Kapsokalyvite,PaisiosEznepidis of Mount Athos, Holy Prophet and God-Seer Moses, ProphetElijah/Elias, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna The New Martyr of Russia, and Leonty Turkevich of New York pray for us! You were transfigured on the mountain, O Christ God, / revealing Your glory to Your disciples as far as they could bear it. / Let Your everlasting Light also shine upon us sinners, / through the prayers of the Theotokos. / O Giver of Light, glory to You! On the Mountain You were Transfigured, O Christ God, / And Your disciples beheld Your glory as far as they could see it; / So that when they would behold You crucified, / They would understand that Your suffering was voluntary, / And would proclaim to the world, / That You are truly the Radiance of the Father! LORD JESUS YESHUA THE CHRIST MESSIAH, SON OF THE LIVING ALLAH/ELOHIM/GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON US SINNERS!  प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! prabhu yeeshu maseeh, parameshvar ke santaan, ham par daya karo! Karthavaya Yeshu Mishiha, Dhaiva Puthra, Njangalku vendi Krushikkapettavane Njangale anugrahikkaname. Karthavaya Yeshu Mishiha, Dhaiva puthra, Papiyaya Ennodu Karuna Cheyaname. Nkosi Jesu Kristu, iNdodana kaNkulunkulu, ngihawukele kithi, izoni.
Sranantongo (Suriname): [უფალო იესუ ქრისტე, ძეო ღმრთისაო] Yesus, Leriman, abi sari-ati gi wi! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!
Hiri Motu (Papua New Guinea): [უფალო იესუ ქრისტე, ძეო ღმრთისაო] Iesu, Hadibaia Tauna e, ai oi hebogahisi henia! Arglwydd Iesu Grist, trugarha wrthym!
Tetun Dili (East Timor): Mestre, Jesus [უფალო იესუ ქრისტე, ძეო ღმრთისაო], hatudu laran-sadiʼa mai ami! A Thiarna Íosa Críost, a Mhic Dé, déan trócaire orainn! a Ìosa Crìost ar Tighearna, dèan tròcair oirnn!
Yeshua Calms A Storm in Gospel of Mark 4.35-41:
On that day, when evening had come, He said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.” And leaving the crowd, they took Him with them in the boat, just as He was. And other boats were with Him. And a great storm of wind arose, and the waves beat into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. But He was in the stern, asleep on the cushion; and they woke Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do you not care if we perish?” And He awoke and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. He said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?” And they were filled with awe, and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even wind and sea obey Him?” Lord Yeshua the Messiah, True God, have mercy on us! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!  We learn from St. Mark that, in the words of the St. Athanasius the Great, “The Lord Who rebuked (the storm) was not a creature, but rather its Creator.” St. Basil the Great further teaches us that “by these encounters we are meeting the Father of the Son, the Father Who creates through the Son. प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, Ibnu-L-Lah, irhamna! Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, irham! Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, Ibnu-L-Lah, irhamnaa nahnu al-khataa’!
Protection Prayer:
प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! Today the faithful celebrate the feast with joy / illumined by your coming, O Mother of God. / Beholding your pure image we fervently cry to you: / “Encompass us beneath the precious veil of your protection; / deliver us from every form of evil by entreating Christ, / your Son and our God that He may save our souls.” Lord Yeshua the Messiah, True God, have mercy on us! Most Holy Theotokos save us!!! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! Saints Mary Magdalene the Apostle, Andrew the Fool-for-Christ of Constantinople, Epiphanius, Romanos the Melodist, Metropolitan Peter Polyansky of Krutitsy, Thomas the Apostle, Sebastian Dabovich of Jackson and San Francisco, Olga Michael of Alaska, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Gregory Palamas, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna The New Martyr of Russia, Thekla the Protomartyr, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Tikhon Bellavin of Moscow, Apostle Paul, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Josephine Bakhita, André Bessette of Montreal, Nektarios Kefalas of Aegina and Pentapolis, Grigol Peradze,Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Peter the Apostle, Paul the Apostle, Pope Pius I, Gabra Manfas Qeddus, Takla Haymanot, Yared of Ethiopia, Hilda of Whitby, Florence Li Tim-Oi, Apostle Prochorus, Michael (Mikhail I) of Kiev, Olympia the Deaconess, Phoebe the Deaconess, Thérèse Martin of the Child Jesus of Lisieux,Herman of Alaska, Peter the Aleut (Cungagnaq), Hildegard von Bingen,Innocent Popov-Veniaminov of Alaska, Kateri Tekakwitha, and Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov pray for us always!!! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!
Matthew 17.1-9       प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! And after six days Jesus Yeshua took with him Peter and James and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain apart. And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his garments became white as light. And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, talking with him. And Peter said to Jesus Yeshua, “Lord, it is well that we are here; if you wish, I will make three booths here, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah.” He was still speaking, when lo, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces, and were filled with awe. But Jesus Yeshua came and touched them, saying, “Rise, and have no fear.” And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus Yeshua only. And as they were coming down the mountain, Jesus Yeshua commanded them, “Tell no one the vision, until the Son of man is raised from the dead.” LORD YESHUA JESUS THE MESSIAH CHRIST, TRUE GOD, HAVE MERCY ON US!प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! Most Holy Theotokos and Saints Mary Magdalene the Apostle of the Resurrection, Metropolitan Peter Polyansky of Krutitsy, Father Samaan Shehata, Vida Dutton Scudder, Florence Converse, Apostle Paul, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Sergius, Bacchus, Bayard Rustin, Milad Makeen Zaky, Abanub Ayad Atiya, Maged Soliman Shehata, Youssef Shukry Younan, Kirollos Boshra Fawzy, Bishoy Astafanous Kamel, Samuel Astafanous Kamel, Malak Ibrahim Sinyout, Tawadros Youssef Tawadros, Gerges Milad Sinyout, Mina Fayez Aziz, Hany Abdel Mesih Salib, Samuel Alham Wilson, Ezzat Boshra Naseef, Luka Nagaty Anis, Gaber Mounir Adly, Essam Baddar Samir, Malak Farag Abrahim, Sameh Salah Farouk, Gerges Samir Megally, Mathew Ayairga, Magdy Sobhy Tawfeek, Sahar Talaat Rezk, Katherine Magdy Sobhy, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Maxim Sandovich of Gorlice,Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, and Maria Skobtsova of Paris pray for us always! Senhor Jesus Cristo, Filho de Deus, tende piedade de nós.Señor Jesucristo, Hijo de Dios, ten piedad de nosotros y del mundo entero.Senhor Jésus Cristo Messias, Filho de Deus, Tem piedade de nós! Longer Ethiopian translation (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners!): Abetu Geta Eyesus Kristos ye Egziabher lij yiqir belen! Abetu Geta Eyesus Kristos ye Egziabher lij yiqir belen! Ethiopian Ge’ez “Arrow Prayer”: Egzio Maharena Iyesus Krestos! O Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!
Luke 9:28–36                At that time, Jesus Yeshua took with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. And as he was praying, the appearance of his countenance was altered, and his raiment became dazzling white. And behold, two men talked with him, Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of his departure, which he was to accomplish at Jerusalem. Now Peter and those who were with him were heavy with sleep, and when they wakened they saw his glory and the two men who stood with him. And as the men were parting from him, Peter said to Jesus Yeshua, “Master, it is well that we are here; let us make three booths, one for you and one for Moses and one for Elijah” - not knowing what he said. As he said this, a cloud came and overshadowed them; and they were afraid as they entered the cloud. And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, my Beloved; listen to him!” And when the voice had spoken, Jesus Yeshua was found alone. And they kept silence and told no one in those days anything of what they had seen. LORD JESUS CHRIST, SON OF THE LIVING GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON ME A SINNER! LORD JESUS CHRIST, SON OF THE LIVING GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON US SINNERS! Mary, Theotokos Mother of God, Virgin Priest [Priestess], pray for us! Sranantongo (Suriname): [უფალო იესუ ქრისტე, ძეო ღმრთისაო] Yesus, Leriman, abi sari-ati gi wi! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!  Hiri Motu (Papua New Guinea): [უფალო იესუ ქრისტე, ძეო ღმრთისაო] Iesu, Hadibaia Tauna e, ai oi hebogahisi henia!Arglwydd Iesu Grist, trugarha wrthym! Tetun Dili (East Timor): Mestre, Jesus [უფალო იესუ ქრისტე, ძეო ღმრთისაო], hatudu laran-sadiʼa mai ami! A Thiarna Íosa Críost, a Mhic Dé, déan trócaire orainn! a Ìosa Crìost ar Tighearna, dèan tròcair oirnn! Longer Ethiopian translation (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners!): Abetu Geta Eyesus Kristos ye Egziabher lij yiqir belen! Abetu Geta Eyesus Kristos ye Egziabher lij yiqir belen! Ethiopian Ge’ez “Arrow Prayer”: Egzio Maharena Iyesus Krestos! O Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy upon us! Italian (Plural): Signore Gesu Cristo, Figlio di Dio, abbi pietà di noi. Mulej Ġesù Kristu, Iben ta’ Alla l-ħaj, ikollok ħniena minna! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! A Thiarna Íosa Críost, a Mhic Dé, déan trócaire orainn! a Ìosa Crìost ar Tighearna, dèan tròcair oirnn! Arglwydd Iesu Grist, trugarha wrthym!
Mark 9:2–8     प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! Now after six days Jesus Yeshua took Peter, James and John, and led them up on a high mountain apart by themselves; and He was transfigured before them. His clothes became shining, exceedingly white, like snow, such as no launderer on earth can whiten them. And Elijah appeared to them with Moses, and they were talking with Jesus Yeshua. Then Peter answered and said to Jesus Yeshua, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one Elijah” because he did not know what to say, for they were greatly afraid. And a cloud came and overshadowed them, and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “THIS IS MY BELOVED SON, HEAR HIM!” Suddenly, when they had looked around, they saw no one anymore, but only Jesus Yeshua with themselves.  LORD JESUS CHRIST, SON OF THE LIVING GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON ME A SINNER! LORD JESUS CHRIST, SON OF THE LIVING GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON US SINNERS! LORD JESUS CHRIST, SON OF THE LIVING GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON ME A SINNER! LORD JESUS CHRIST, SON OF THE LIVING GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON US SINNERS! Abetu Geta Eyesus Kristos ye Egziabher lij yiqir belen!  Egzio Maharena Iyesus Krestos! Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, Ibnu-L-Lah, irhamnaa nahnu al-khataa’! เยซู นาย​ท่าน สงสาร​พวก​เรา​ด้วย​เถิด!  ข้าแต่พระเยซูคริสตเจ้า โปรดทรงพระเมตตาเทอญ ! Yesū nāy​th̀ān s̄ngs̄ār​phwk​reā​d̂wy​t̄heid! K̄ĥā tæ̀ phra yesū kh ri s̄t cêā pord thrng phra mettā thexỵ! Latin Pronunciation: Yesu nai-ttthan sung-san pok-krao-doi-tho[d]! Ka ta-pra yesu krist ta-chao prod-song pra metta tung (toom)! Ariki O Ihu Karaiti, kia aroha ki a matou!Adon Yeshua haMashiakh, Ben Elohim, rakhem aleinu! Mar Yeshua Ha-Mashiach, Bar Allaha, deslebt hlofayn ethraham layn! Domine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei, miserere nobis peccatoribus.
Miracle at Cana John 2:1-11=On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus Yeshua was there. Now both Jesus Yeshua and His disciples were invited to the wedding. And when they ran out of wine, the Mother of Jesus Yeshua said to Him, “They have no wine.” Jesus Yeshua said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.” His Mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” Now there were set there six water pots of stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews, containing twenty or thirty gallons a piece. Jesus Yeshua said to them, “Fill the water pots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them, “Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast.” And they took it.  When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom. And he said to him, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!” This beginning of signs Jesus Yeshua did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him.  प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! LORD JESUS CHRIST, SON OF THE LIVING GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON ME A SINNER! LORD JESUS CHRIST, SON OF THE LIVING GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON US SINNERS! Most Holy Theotokos and Saints Mary Magdalene the Apostle of the Resurrection, Metropolitan Peter Polyansky of Krutitsy, Father Samaan Shehata, Vida Dutton Scudder, Florence Converse, Apostle Paul, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Gabra Manfas Queddus, Sergius, Bacchus, Bayard Rustin, Milad Makeen Zaky, Abanub Ayad Atiya, Maged Soliman Shehata, Youssef Shukry Younan, Kirollos Boshra Fawzy, Bishoy Astafanous Kamel, Samuel Astafanous Kamel, Malak Ibrahim Sinyout, Tawadros Youssef Tawadros, Gerges Milad Sinyout, Mina Fayez Aziz, Hany Abdel Mesih Salib, Samuel Alham Wilson, Ezzat Boshra Naseef, Luka Nagaty Anis, Gaber Mounir Adly, Essam Baddar Samir, Malak Farag Abrahim, Sameh Salah Farouk, Gerges Samir Megally, Mathew Ayairga, Magdy Sobhy Tawfeek, Sahar Talaat Rezk, Katherine Magdy Sobhy, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Maxim Sandovich of Gorlice, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, and Maria Skobtsova of Paris pray for us always! Abetu Geta Eyesus Kristos ye Egziabher lij yiqir belen! Egzio Maharena Iyesus Krestos! Ariki O Ihu Karaiti, kia aroha ki a matou!
YESHUA CASTS OUT DEMONS Luke 8:26-39       At that time, as Jesus YESHUA arrived at the country of the Gadarenes, there met him a man from the city who had demons; for a long time he had worn no clothes and he lived not in a house but among the tombs. When he saw Jesus YESHUA, he cried out and fell down before him, and said with a loud voice, “What have you to do with me, Jesus YESHUA, Son of the Most High God? I beseech you, do not torment me.” For he had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. (For many a time it had seized him; he was kept under guard, and bound with chains and fetters, but he broke the bonds and was driven by the demon into the desert.) Jesus YESHUA then asked him, “What is your name?” And he said, “Legion”; for many demons had entered him. And they begged him not to command them to depart into the abyss. Now a large herd of swine was feeding there on the hillside; and they begged him to let them enter these. So he gave them leave. Then the demons came out of the man and entered the swine, and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned. When the herdsmen saw what happened, they fled, and told it in the city and in the country. Then people went out to see what had happened, and they came to Jesus YESHUA, and found the man from whom the demons had gone, sitting at the feet of Jesus YESHUA, clothed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. And those who had seen it told them how he who had been possessed with demons was healed. Then all the people of the surrounding country of the Gadarenes asked him to depart from them; for they were seized with great fear; so he got into the boat and returned. The man from whom the demons had gone begged that he might be with him; but he sent him away, saying, “Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you.” And he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city how much Jesus YESHUA had done for him. LORD YESHUA HA-MASHIACH JESUS CHRIST, SON OF THE LIVING GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON ME A SINNER! LORD YESHUA HA-MASHIACH JESUS CHRIST, SON OF THE LIVING GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON US SINNERS! Most Holy Theotokos and Saints Mary Magdalene, Maxim Sandovich of Gorlice, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Milad Makeen Zaky, Abanub Ayad Atiya, Maged Soliman Shehata, Youssef Shukry Younan, Kirollos Boshra Fawzy, Bishoy Astafanous Kamel, Samuel Astafanous Kamel, Malak Ibrahim Sinyout, Tawadros Youssef Tawadros, Gerges Milad Sinyout, Mina Fayez Aziz, Hany Abdel Mesih Salib, Samuel Alham Wilson, Ezzat Boshra Naseef, Luka Nagaty Anis, Gaber Mounir Adly, Essam Baddar Samir, Malak Farag Abrahim, Sameh Salah Farouk, Gerges Samir Megally, Mathew Ayairga, Magdy Sobhy Tawfeek, Sahar Talaat Rezk, Katherine Magdy Sobhy, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Father Samaan Shehata, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Gabra Manfas Queddus, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Thérèse Martin of the Child Jesus of Lisieux, Claudia Procula, Vida Dutton Scudder, Florence Converse, Dymphna, Khalid Jabara the Antiochian Orthodox Martyr of Oklahoma, and Michael the Archangel pray for us always!!!
When Jesus Yeshua heard it, He departed from there by boat to a deserted place by Himself. But when the multitudes heard it, they followed Him on foot from the cities. And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick. When it was evening, His disciples came to Him saying, “This is a deserted place. and the hour is already late. Send the multitudes away, that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food.” But Jesus Yeshua said to them, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” And they said to Him, “We have here only five loaves and two fish.” He said, “Bring them here to Me.” Then He commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass. And He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples; and the disciples gave to the multitudes. So they all ate and were filled, and they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments that remained. Now those who had eaten were about five thousand men, besides women and children. प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! Mandarin Chinese: 主耶穌基督,上帝之子, 怜悯我们。Zhǔ yēsū jīdū, shàngdì zhīzǐ, liánmǐn wǒmen.Mandarin Chinese: Zhǔ yēsū jīdū, shàngdì zhīzǐ, chue (chway) lian wo-mehn! Mongolian: Есүс Мессиа, Эзэнтэн, биднийг өршөөгөөч! Yesüs Myessia, Ezenten, bidniig örshöögööch! Tibetan: Kyabgon tsowo yeshu,kunchok ki sey,ngantso la nyingje nangrok nang. Laotian: Ong Phra Yesu Christ jong mee medta tor moo kanoi. Cantonese: Zhjuu Ye-sou Jidou, San de yi zai, gau mehng a! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! Saints Maxim Sandovich of Gorlice, Spyridon the prosphora-baker of the Kiev Caves, Nicodimos the prosphora-baker of the Kiev Caves, Ambrose of Milan, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Gabra Manfas Queddus, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Father Samaan Shehata, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Martin Luther King Jr, Coretta Scott King,Florence Li Tim-Oi, Grigol Peradze, Gabriel Urgebadze, Mark Ji Tianxiang,Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos,Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Tatiana of Beijing, Mitrophan Yang of China, and Moses the Ethiopian pray for us always! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!Abetu Geta Eyesus Kristos ye Egziabher lij yiqir belen! Egzio Maharena Iyesus Krestos! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!
Yeshua Heals the Centurion’s Servant in Matthew 8:5-13
Now when Jesus Yeshua had entered Capernaum, a centurion came to Him, pleading with Him, saying, “Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed, dreadfully tormented.” And Jesus Yeshua said to him, “I will come and heal him.” The centurion answered and said, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed. For I also am a man under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” When Jesus Yeshua heard it, He marveled, and said to those who followed, “Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel! And I say to you that many will come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Then Jesus Yeshua said to the centurion, “Go your way; and as you have believed, so let it be done for you.” And his servant was healed that same hour. प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!Abetu Geta Eyesus Kristos ye Egziabher lij yiqir belen! Egzio Maharena Iyesus Krestos! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!  Most Holy Theotokos and Saints Mary Magdalene, Claudia Procula, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Pavel Peter Gojdič, Vida Dutton Scudder, Florence Converse, Sergius, Bacchus, Bayard Rustin, Coretta Scott King, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Josephine Bakhita, André Bessette of Montreal, Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Holy Righteous Prophet-King David, Jonathan, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Silouan Antonov the Athonite, Sophrony Sakharov of Essex, Florence Li Tim-Oi, Grigol Peradze, Maxim Sandovich of Gorlice, and Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov pray for us always!!!!
LORD YESHUA JESUS THE MESSIAH CHRIST, SON OF THE LIVING GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON US SINNERS! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!     He who hears you hears me, and he who rejects you rejects me, and he who rejects me rejects him who sent me.” The seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!” And he said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you; but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” In that same hour he rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to babes; yea, Father, for such was thy gracious will.   प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱέ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς. LORD YESHUA JESUS THE MESSIAH CHRIST, SON OF THE LIVING GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON US SINNERS! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Uriel, Archangel Selaphiel, Archangel Jehudiel, Archangel Barachiel, and Archangel Jeremiel PRAY FOR US ALWAYS!!!!! प्रभु येशू ख्रिस्त, पवित्र देवा, पवित्र शक्तिमान, पवित्र अमर्त्या, आम्हावर दया कर. प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! Most Holy Theotokos and Saints Mary Magdalene, Claudia Procula, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, John the Theologian, Pavel Peter Gojdič, John Maximovitch of Tobolsk, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Gabra Manfas Queddus, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Herman of Alaska, Matrona Nikonova the Wonderworker of Moscow, Patrick of Ireland, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Josephine Bakhita, Dymphna, Herman of Alaska, Job Zhelezo of Pochaev, and Luke Voino-Yasenetsky the Blessed Surgeon of Simferopol and Crimea PRAY FOR US ALWAYS!!!!  
LORD YESHUA JESUS THE MESSIAH CHRIST, SON OF THE LIVING GOD, HAVE MERCY UPON US SINNERS! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्त���न, हम पर दया कर! प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर!     And there came a man named Jairus, who was a ruler of the synagogue; and falling at Jesus’ Yeshua’s feet he besought him to come to his house, for he had an only daughter, about twelve years of age, and she was dying. As he went, the people pressed round him. And a woman who had had a flow of blood for twelve years and could not be healed by any one, came up behind him, and touched the fringe of his garment; and immediately her flow of blood ceased. And Jesus Yeshua said, “Who was it that touched me?” When all denied it, Peter said, “Master, the multitudes surround you and press upon you!” But Jesus Yeshua said, “Some one touched me; for I perceive that power has gone forth from me.” And when the woman saw that she was not hidden, she came trembling, and falling down before him declared in the presence of all the people why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed. And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.” While he was still speaking, a man from the ruler’s house came and said, “Your daughter is dead; do not trouble the Teacher any more.” But Jesus Yeshua on hearing this answered him, “Do not fear; only believe, and she shall be well.” And when he came to the house, he permitted no one to enter with him, except Peter and John and James, and the father and mother of the child. And all were weeping and bewailing her; but he said, “Do not weep; for she is not dead but sleeping.” And they laughed at him, knowing that she was dead. But taking her by the hand he called, saying, “Child, arise.” And her spirit returned, and she got up at once; and he directed that something should be given her to eat. And her parents were amazed; but he charged them to tell no one what had happened. கர்த்தாவே இயேசு கிறிஸ்து, எங்களுக்கு இரங்கும்! Saints Peter the Aleut, André Bessette of Montreal, Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Christopher of Lycia, Thérèse Martin of the Child Jesus of Lisieux, Vida Dutton Scudder, Florence Converse and Tikhon Bellavin of Moscow PRAY FOR US ALWAYS!!!
THOMAS SUNDAY      Gospel of John 20.19-31
On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus YESHUA came and stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord. Jesus YESHUA said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus YESHUA came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails, and place my finger in the mark of the nails, and place my hand in his side, I will not believe.” Eight days later, his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. The doors were shut, but Jesus YESHUA came and stood among them, and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side; do not be faithless, but believing.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus YESHUA said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.” Now Jesus YESHUA did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus YESHUA is the Christ MESSIAH, the Son of God, and that believing you may have Life in His Name. Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱέ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς. प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, Ibnu-L-Lah, irhamna! Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, irham! Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, Ibnu-L-Lah, irhamnaa nahnu al-khataa’!
YESHUA THE TRUE VINE  Gospel of John 15:5  
“I AM the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, he it is that BEARS MUCH FRUIT, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱέ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς. प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, Ibnu-L-Lah, irhamna! Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, irham! Ayyuha-r-Rabbu Yasu ‘al-Masih, Ibnu-L-Lah, irhamnaa nahnu al-khataa’! Most Holy Theotokos and Saints Mary Magdalene, Claudia Procula, Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, John the Theologian, Pavel Peter Gojdič, John Maximovitch of Tobolsk, John Maximovitch the Wonderworker of Shanghai and San Francisco, Takla Haymanot of Ethiopia, Yared of Ethiopia, Gabra Manfas Queddus, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr, Seraphim Moshnin of Sarov, Herman of Alaska, Matrona Nikonova the Wonderworker of Moscow, Patrick of Ireland, Paisios Eznepidis of Mount Athos, Josephine Bakhita, Dymphna, Herman of Alaska, Job Zhelezo of Pochaev, Luke Voino-Yasenetsky the Blessed Surgeon of Simferopol and Crimea, Peter the Aleut, André Bessette of Montreal, Porphyrios Bairaktaris of Kafsokalivia, Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn, Gregory Palamas, Nilus of Sora / Nil Sorski, Christopher of Lycia, Thérèse Martin of the Child Jesus YESHUA of Lisieux, Vida Dutton Scudder, Florence Converse and Tikhon Bellavin of Moscow PRAY FOR US ALWAYS!!!!  
SAINT DEBORAH THE JUDGE      Judges 4:4-9, 4:15, 4:20-23, 5:31
At that time Deborah, a prophetess, wife of Lappidoth, was judging Israel. She used to sit under the palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim; and the Israelites came up to her for judgement. She sent and summoned Barak son of Abinoam from Kedesh in Naphtali, and said to him, ‘The Lord, the God of Israel, commands you, “Go, take position at Mount Tabor, bringing ten thousand from the tribe of Naphtali and the tribe of Zebulun. I will draw out Sisera, the general of Jabin’s army, to meet you by the Wadi Kishon with his chariots and his troops; and I will give him into your hand.”’ Barak said to her, ‘If you will go with me, I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go.’ And she said, ‘I will surely go with you; nevertheless, the road on which you are going will not lead to your glory, for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.’ Then Deborah got up and went with Barak to Kedesh. And the Lord threw Sisera and all his chariots and all his army into a panic before Barak; Sisera got down from his chariot and fled away on foot… Sisera said to her, ‘Stand at the entrance of the tent, and if anybody comes and asks you, “Is anyone here?” say, “No.”’ But Jael wife of Heber took a tent-peg, and took a hammer in her hand, and went softly to him and drove the peg into his temple, until it went down into the ground—he was lying fast asleep from weariness—and he died. Then, as Barak came in pursuit of Sisera, Jael went out to meet him, and said to him, ‘Come, and I will show you the man whom you are seeking.’ So he went into her tent; and there was Sisera lying dead, with the tent-peg in his temple. So on that day God subdued King Jabin of Canaan before the Israelites. Then the hand of the Israelites bore harder and harder on King Jabin of Canaan, until they destroyed King Jabin of Canaan. ‘So perish all your enemies, O Lord! But may your friends be like the sun as it rises in its might.’And the land had rest for forty years. SAINT DEBORAH THE JUDGE, Maria Skobtsova [Ravensbrück Prisoner 19263] the New Martyr of Paris, Matrona Nikonova the Wonderworker of Moscow, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr, Judith Conqueror of Holofernes, and Blessed Virgin Mary Theotokos PRAY FOR US! Yeshu, Tajtzin, Taja ne Mawaltijtuk, ne itelpuch ne Teut yultuk, shitechpalewi! Yeshu, Tajtzin, Taja ne Mawaltijtuk, ne itelpuch ne Teut yultuk, shitechpalewi! Yeshu, Tajtzin, Taja ne Mawaltijtuk, ne itelpuch ne Teut yultuk, shitechpalewi!
QUEEN SAINT ESTHER       Esther 2:5-7, 2:17, 9:29-32, 10:1-3
Now there was a Jew in the citadel of Susa whose name was Mordecai son of Jair son of Shimei son of Kish, a Benjaminite. Kish had been carried away from Jerusalem among the captives carried away with King Jeconiah of Judah, whom King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon had carried away. Mordecai had brought up Hadassah, that is Esther, his cousin, for she had neither father nor mother; the girl was fair and beautiful, and when her father and her mother died, Mordecai adopted her as his own daughter. The king loved Esther more than all the other women; of all the virgins she won his favour and devotion, so that he set the royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti… Queen Esther daughter of Abihail, along with the Jew Mordecai, gave full written authority, confirming this second letter about Purim. Letters were sent wishing peace and security to all the Jews, to the one hundred and twenty-seven provinces of the kingdom of Ahasuerus, and giving orders that these days of Purim should be observed at their appointed seasons, as the Jew Mordecai and Queen Esther enjoined on the Jews, just as they had laid down for themselves and for their descendants regulations concerning their fasts and their lamentations. The command of Queen Esther fixed these practices of Purim, and it was recorded in writing. King Ahasuerus laid tribute on the land and on the islands of the sea. All the acts of his power and might, and the full account of the high honour of Mordecai, to which the king advanced him, are they not written in the annals of the kings of Media and Persia? For Mordecai the Jew was next in rank to King Ahasuerus, and he was powerful among the Jews and popular with his many kindred, for he sought the good of his people and interceded for the welfare of all his descendants. Saints Queen Esther the Righteous, Mordecai the Righteous, Job Zhelezo of Pochaev, Luke Voino-Yasenetsky the Blessed Surgeon of Simferopol and Crimea, Innocent Kulchitsky of Irkutsk, Clement of Rome, Athanasius of Alexandria, Ambrose of Milan, John Chrysostom, and Judith Conqueror of Holofernes pray for us! Abetu Geta Eyesus Kristos ye Egziabher lij yiqir belen! Egzio Maharena Iyesus Krestos! Ariki o Ihu Karaiti, Tamaiti a te Atua, kia aroha ki a matou!
YESHUA JESUS THE GOOD SHEPHERD in Gospel of John 10:11-18
“I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd, one who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees; and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them. The hireling flees because he is a hireling and does not care about the sheep. I AM the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, and am known by My own. As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd. Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. No ones takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.” 주(Ju) - Lord 예수(Yaysu) - Jesus 그리스도(Ke-ree-se-doe) - Christ 하느님의 (Ha-ne-nim-oui) - of God 아들이(ah-deul-ee) - son 우리를 불쌍히 여기소서! (urireul bulssanghi yeogisoseo)- on us, have mercy!Joo Yaysu Ker-rees-sedo Han-nen-nim-way ah-dool-ee, oo-rrreh-rrool bool-sang-hee yo-gee-so-so! Hindi (Eastern Orthodox Mount Athos tradition): प्रभु यीशु मसीह, परमेश्वर के सन्तान, हम पर दया कर! prabhu yeeshu maseeh, parameshvar ke santaan, ham par daya karo! प्रभु येशू ख्रिस्त, पवित्र देवा, पवित्र शक्तिमान, पवित्र अमर्त्या, आम्हावर दया कर. Prabhu yēśū khrista, pavitra dēvā, pavitra śaktimāna, pavitra amartyā, āmhāvara dayā kara. San Nectario Kefalas de Egina y Pentápolis, San Tijon Belavin de Moscú, San Juan Maksimovich de Shanghái y San Francisco, Santa Maria Skobtsova la Nueva Mártira de París, San Paisios Eznepidis del Monte Athos, San Nicolás de Myra, San Serafín Moshnín de Sarov, San Rafael Hawaweeny de Brooklyn, San Nilo de Sora-Nil Sorsky, y San Porfirio Bairaktaris ruega por nosotros siempre! Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱέ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς. Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱέ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς. Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱέ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς. Κύριε Ἰησοῦ Χριστέ, Υἱέ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἐλέησον ἡμᾶς.
YESHUA JESUS OF NAZARETH AT EMMAUS Luke 24:13-35 +++ Now on that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing, Jesus YESHUA Himself came near and went with them, but their eyes were kept from recognizing Him. And he said to them, ‘What are you discussing with each other while you walk along?’ They stood still, looking sad. Then one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered Him, ‘Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have taken place there in these days?’ He asked them, ‘What things?’ They replied, ‘The things about Jesus YESHUA of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, and how our chief priests and leaders handed him over to be condemned to death and crucified him. But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things took place. Moreover, some women of our group astounded us. They were at the tomb early this morning, and when they did not find his body there, they came back and told us that they had indeed seen a vision of angels who said that HE was alive. Some of those who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said; but they did not see him.’ Then he said to them, ‘Oh, how foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have declared! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and then enter into his glory?’ Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things about Himself in all the scriptures. As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying, ‘Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over.’ So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scriptures to us?’ That same hour they got up and returned to Jerusalem; and they found the eleven and their companions gathered together. They were saying, ‘The Lord has risen indeed, and he has appeared to Simon!’ Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread. 主耶穌基督,上帝之子, 怜悯我们。Zhǔ yēsū jīdū, shàngdì zhīzǐ, liánmǐn wǒmen. Saints Maria Skobtsova the New Martyr of Paris, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fyodorovna the New Martyr, Tikhon Bellavin of Moscow, and Raphael Hawaweeny of Brooklyn pray for us! Zhǔ yēsū jīdū, shàngdì zhīzǐ, chue (chway) lian wo-mehn!
Catalan (Plural Edition): Senyor Jesucrist, Fill de Déu, tingues pietat de nosaltres!
Nawat/Pipil (Language that is Indigenous to El Salvador): Yeshu, Tajtzin, Taja ne Mawaltijtuk, ne itelpuch ne Teut yultuk, shitechpalewi!
Maori (Plural): Ariki o Ihu Karaiti, Tamaiti a te Atua, kia aroha ki a matou!
Manx: Hiarn Yeesey Creest, jean myghin orrin. (heerrrn yees-sey kreest, jeh-ahn mee-hhin orr-in. i=as in Michigan)
Longer Ethiopian translation (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us sinners!): Abetu Geta Eyesus Kristos ye Egziabher lij yiqir belen! Abetu Geta Eyesus Kristos ye Egziabher lij yiqir belen!
Dakota: Itancan +Jesus Christ+Yeshua ha-Mashiach+ onśiunda miye.
Bukar Sadong:  Tuhan Jesus Kristus, masi nŭg ami.
Ronga: Hosi Yesu Kristo, u ba ni bumḇilu ku hine.
Bari: A Matat Yesu Kristo, wone kenyen ko yi. A Matat Yesu Kristo, wone konyen ko yi.
Munsee (Delaware): Nalaulwayun Jesus Christ, ktumaukailmenain.
Bullom So/Mandingi: Yeome Jesus Krist, kehkeh hë sinobull.
Gwichin (Athabaskan): Kekwadhut Jesus Kreist, nersingichachyo nyiwhochịnyoo.
Iban (Dayak): Tuhan Yesus Kristus, kasih ka kami.
Masaba: Mwami Yesu Kristo, ukwiriremu.
Nsenga: Asikulu Yesu Kristo, mticitile lusungu.
Arosi (Makira Island): Araha Jesus Christ, o taahiami.
Pileni (Melanesian Vaeakau-Taumako): Lord Jesus Christ, alofa ikhimatou.
Nggela Sule/Gela (Florida Solomon Island of Melanesia): Age Lord Jesus Christ, ko arovigami.
Cornish: Arluth Yesu Cryst, dysqua tregereth!
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chronicles-of-salaf · 7 years ago
Benefits of Reciting Adhkars
Ubaadah ibn al-Saamit (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever turns over at night and says ‘Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahu’l-mulk wa lahu’l-hamd wa huwa ‘a’l kulli shay’in qadeer. Al-hamdulillahi, subhaan Allaah wa laa illaaha ill-Allaah wa Allaahu akbar wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illa Billaah (There is no god but Allaah Alone, with no partner or associate. His is the Dominion and the Praise, and He is Able to do all things. Praise be to Allaah, glory be to Allaah. There is no god except Allaah, Allaah is Most Great and there is no strength and no power except in Allaah),’ then says, ‘Allaahumma ‘ghfir li (O Allaah, forgive me),’ or some other du’aa’, it will be answered, and if he does wudoo’ and then prays, his prayer will be accepted.” (Reported by al-Bukhaari) Imaam Ibn Battaal said: “Allaah has promised through His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that whoever wakes up from his sleep pronouncing words of Tawheed, submitting to His sovereignty, recognizing His blessings by praising Him, exalting Him above that which does not befit Him by glorifying Him (saying ‘Subhaan Allaah’), submitting to Him by magnifying Him (saying ‘Allaahu akbar’) and admitting one’s utter dependence upon His help, then if he makes du’aa’ it will be answered, and if he prays his prayer will be accepted. Everyone who hears this hadeeth should apply it and make the most of it, and make his intention sincerely for his Lord, may He be glorified and exalted.”
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