#prompt: learning to drive ride a bike
verfound · 2 days
FIC: "Luka's New Bike" (MLB; Lukanette; LBSC Lukanette Month 2024)
@lovebugs-and-snakecharmers is doing a Lukanette Month for September 2024, and we all just kinda tossed some prompts in the disco to compile a list?  We ended up with 71 prompts, so I decided I’d roll some dice to pick a prompt, do a twenty minute (ish, bc we all know sometimes they run away from me) sprint, and try to get some short fics out this month?
Read on Ao3
Prompt 68: Learning to Drive/Ride a Bike
When Luka had first expressed interest in getting his motorcycle license, it had been for a more practical reason than anything else.  The Captain had had a bike for as long as he could remember.  She’d also had the old van, but it was easier to get around for her day-to-day needs on the bike and the van really only came out if she needed to haul something.  He’d spent a lot of time on the back of her bike growing up, so somewhere in the back of his mind getting a bike when he was old enough just seemed…practical.
Plus, he already rode his bicycle  everywhere, and he loved it.  He did.  But sometimes you needed something…faster.
He’d started working on his license as soon as he’d turned sixteen.  The Captain had already warned him the process could take years – at least two to get his A2 license, and he couldn’t even start on that until he’d had his B license for a few years.  It would be another two until he had his full A license, so he had known from the start he’d probably be twenty before he could get his own bike.
…but he’d been delivering pizzas since he was fifteen.  Busking on random street corners even longer.  Picking up odd jobs catering or helping the Captain or teaching guitar where he could.  He hadn’t managed to sell any instruments yet, but he was skilled enough to do a damn good repair job – and that skill was invaluable among his classmates, who were all willing to pay his cheaper prices instead of going to some of the more expensive mainstream shops.
And then Jay had asked him on tour, and while Luka still wasn’t entirely sure the road was the life he ultimately wanted…the paycheck was nice.
It was almost too easy, procuring a decent bike, after that.  He could have even afforded a more than decent bike, but he wasn’t greedy.  He just wanted something that ran well.
And now that he was back in Paris, A license and keys to his new bike in hand…he had just wanted the damn thing because he liked bikes.  They were practical.
But this…this was a decided perk.
When he jogged down the gangway that morning and made his way to the street just to find one Marinette Dupain-Cheng sitting on his new bike, her creamy thighs pressed against the sleek black metal like…he knew it was summer but who gave her permission to wear shorts that short????  She couldn’t ride in those.  She’d burn herself.  The soles of her flats would melt against the exhaust.
…but damn if she didn’t look…
“Excuse me, mademoiselle,” he called, hoping his smile looked more easy-going and less leering as he approached.  She looked up, her entire face lighting up when she saw him, and for a moment he forgot how to breathe.  How did she always manage to do that…?  “Are you sure you’re old enough to be sitting on that?  I’ll need to see your license.”
“Oh, shut up,” she laughed, grinning at him.  “Isn’t that my line?  I’m the one starting at the Ministère next year.”
“I still can’t believe you’re going to be a cop,” he chuckled, shaking his head.  “Well.  Maybe I can.  Ma almost shit a brick when I told her.”
“It feels like a good fit,” she said, smiling softly at him.  She looked back at the bike beneath her, her smile growing as she wrung her hands on the handlebars.  “Even if the company wasn’t going under, I hated working for Gabriel.  Even if I hadn’t…most of them there hate me, anyway.  I’m the intern that unmasked Hawkmoth, remember?  I’m the reason most of them are losing their jobs.”
“You saved Paris,” he said, frowning.  In more ways than one, he thought, even though the rest of the world only knew about her involvement outside of the mask.  “Marinette –”
But Marinette was sick of talking about Agrestes.  She had been for a while now.
“Anyway!  The Ministère!” she said, bouncing a little in her seat.  “Think you could show me how to work this thing?  I’ll need to start studying for my own license, if I want to be on the force.”
“Your B license should be fine for that,” he said, his smile slipping a little at the way she just…dismissed the whole Gabriel thing.  He felt he should be concerned about that.  She looked back at him, a pout on her lips.
“It should be fine, yes, but what if I want to ride a bike?  Not a cruiser?” she asked.  She looked back at his bike, smiling again.  “I always loved riding with my nonna.  And your bike looks so cool, Luka.  Could you take me for a ride, at least?  If you won’t teach me?”
“I never said I wouldn’t teach you,” he said.  He stepped up behind her, his hand finding the small of her back.  “I can teach you.  But maybe let me get used to her first?  I’ve only ridden her home.  I can’t teach you on a bike I’m not familiar with.”
“Her?” she asked, giggling.  “Your bike’s a her?  Should I be jealous?”
“Every bike’s a her,” he said, rolling his eyes.  “Like boats.”
“So I should be jealous,” she said.  He looked up at her, his eyebrow lifted.  Her cheeks flushed, and he felt dizzy again.  “…I missed you, you know.”
“I missed you, too,” he said without hesitation, because it was true.  He had.  Terribly.  Sometimes, he thought she was the main reason he still hadn’t committed long-term to Jay’s plans for him.  How could he, when Marinette was back in Paris and he wasn’t?  “You…you look good, Mari.”
“Just good?” she teased, her eyebrows lifting.  She looked down at herself with a frown.  “I was hoping for a little more than just good.  I dressed down for you, Couffaine.”
…he was pretty sure his jaw had dropped at that.  His mouth certainly felt dry enough, like it was hanging open, and she was certainly smirking enough, like she had gotten one over on him and knew it.  She ducked her head, her bare shoulders bobbing with her giggle, and when she peeked up at him there was a glint in her eyes that made him swallow.
“You…are horrible, Marinette,” he chuckled weakly, shaking his head.
“No, that’s you,” she said.  She tapped her fingers on the handles, glancing at the watch on her wrist.  “Do you realize you’ve been standing here almost five minutes now, and I haven’t seen you in almost five months, and you still haven’t kissed me yet?  What’s up with that, Luka?”
He hesitated again at that.
“I…wasn’t sure you’d want me to,” he said.  Their last kiss…it had been kind of amazing, but she hadn’t brought it up since he’d left.  She’d kissed him, and sent him on his way, and then they’d never talked about it again.  Nothing had changed, even if for one dizzying, amazing moment it had felt like everything had.
Of course he’d wanted to kiss her again.  And again.  Often, every day, for the rest of their lives, if she was willing.
He just…hadn’t been sure she’d be willing.
He’d never been the bravest, when it came to her.  After the last time…well.  He’d always been afraid of screwing things up again.  He’d never been brave enough to push for more again, because if he did and she didn’t want that and he lost her completely…
“…huh,” she said, tilting her head to the side.  He frowned, but she was still smiling at him.  “I always thought Juleka called you stupid because you were her brother.  I never actually thought it was true.”
“…hey,” he laughed, shaking his head, but then her hands were fisting in his jacket and tugging him closer, and his hands quickly found her hips when for one precarious moment she started to lose her balance and the bike wobbled.  He swallowed when she was suddenly so much closer, and he looked up at her to find that dangerous little smile was still on her lips.  “You really want me to teach you how to ride?”
“I want you to shut up and kiss me,” she said.  Her grin grew.  “For a start.  We can talk about the bike lessons later.  Maybe after you take me for a spin on this thing.  After you kiss me.  I’ve been waiting five months, Luka.”
“You never said anything, Marinette,” he reminded her.
“Would it really be fair of me to whine about how much I missed you, how much I wanted you back home for kisses and snuggles and all the coupley things we could be doing if you just stayed, when you were supposed to be focusing on your job?  I wouldn’t do that to you, Luka.  It’s your dream,” she said.  He shook his head, smiling.
“You’re my dream, Marinette,” he said.  “Music…music will work out.  Somehow.  Please, go ahead and whine about those things.  I need to hear them.  How else will I keep my priorities straight?”
“Ok,” she said, nodding.  “Then I need you to kiss me.  And stick around for a bit so you can teach me how to ride a bike.  But mostly the kissing.  I really need you to stay for the kissing.”
He brushed the backs of his fingers against her jaw, dragging them along her check until he was tucking her hair behind her ear.  She grinned up at him, and he grinned back as he leaned in.
“I thought you’d never ask,” he breathed before pressing his mouth to hers.
They…didn’t actually get to any bike lessons that day.  Or biking.  He made some perfectly valid argument about shorts and burns that sounded reasonable at the time, but he was also pretty sure his point in pointing out her shorts had not been to get her out of them.
…he wasn’t complaining when that’s what ended up happening anyway.
And he wasn’t complaining about anything that followed.
…they had time.  They could ride the stupid bike later.
He wasn’t planning on going anywhere.
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I used to love writing when I was in high school, but stopped after I graduated because of life. Now, after almost a decade, I want to get back into it but I don't know how. I have so many ideas but I tend to bounce around the same variations and don't know how to stick to one thing, or how to just get back into the rhythm of writing actively. Or even reading actively.
Any advice?
Getting Back to Reading and Writing
What you're experiencing is what I like to think of as "the creative zoomies."
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After so long away from actively reading and writing, there's now this flood of ideas, plans, books you want to read, and stories you want to write. You can't settle and focus on a single thing because your brain wants to do ALL THE THINGS, so you keep bouncing back and forth between things hoping something will stick.
First things first... DEEP BREATH.
As I said in an earlier post, remember: there is no ticking clock. It may feel like there is, sometimes, but we're just little ants on a planet doing our things. There are no deadlines unless you sign up for any, and you don't have to worry about that right now.
So... start by taking an honest look at your schedule and your life, and see if you can figure out a realistic estimate of how much time you have in a given week. Where are there slots of time you can dedicate to writing? How about reading?
Next, it can be immensely helpful if you have a comfortable, relaxing space, free from distraction and interruption, where you can go to write. Some people like to go write at a coffee shop or library to get away from family shenanigans or bothersome housemates. If it's not a billion degrees where you are, you might also try your patio, yard, or a nearby park. Listening to soft music or "ambience rooms" (tons on YouTube) through headphones can also help you focus. There are also still some different apps and programs for distraction free writing. Just make sure to save often and keep a master document on your computer to prevent losing all your work in case the app or program gets glitchy. Also: put your phone on silent, turn off your internet if you must, and let people know not to bother you. This is your writing time... don't be afraid to guard it fiercely.
As for choosing ideas, I'm a big fan of the old-fashioned methods... random number pickers, drawing out of a hat, rolling dice... But you can also do a process of elimination based on what appeals to you the most. If you get it down to two, and then you're disappointed with the one you're left with, you know the one you just eliminated is the right idea to go with.
If you're not sure what to write, try doing some writing prompts. There are lots available online and there are some great books with writing prompts. Doing one a day can be a great way to get yourself back in the habit of writing again.
As for reading, start by reading during moments of spare time, such as if you're taking a bath, riding your stationary bike, sitting in a waiting room, or riding public transportation. You can even read during your morning coffee or your lunch break. Also, embrace the world of audio books. This is one of my favorite ways to read, because I can do it while I'm exercising, showering, cleaning, cooking, driving, doing projects... I get through so many more books by listening to audio books. More than anything, just remember that once again, there's no ticking clock. You don't have to finish a certain number of books before the end of the year. Read what you want, at the pace that works for you, and don't be afraid to DNF if a book isn't working for you.
I hope this helps!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
♦ Questions that violate my ask policies will be deleted! ♦ Please see my master list of top posts before asking ♦ Learn more about WQA here
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theglamorousferal · 1 month
Persephone's Binding Part 10
Hardcover/Anger Management ship Sacrificial Bride au
AO3 Prompt Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Jason woke with a start as someone gently shook his shoulder, one of his notes from the previous night sticking to his face as he shot up. He heard a soft giggle from next to him and looked up, and up at Jasmine Nightingale, Queen Regent, standing there with a plate of food and looking regal as ever in her teal toga dress.
"You missed breakfast, but it looks like you were pretty busy. What are you working on?" she asked, setting a plate of French toast on the table and taking a seat, careful to not look at the notes without permission. Still, he was thankful he had written all his notes in code.
He shuffled the papers together and stuffed them into his journal before pulling the plate closer. "Just research about this place, there's so many different places here. Where are your favorite places to visit when you get a day off?" He took a bite of the food and noticed a cinnamon flavored syrup.
"I don't really go anywhere on my days off, I usually just hang out in the library or in my room all day. Sometimes I'll go visit Lady Pandora and have sandwiches and spar with her, but I haven't had much of a chance to get out of the castle for a while now." She frowned to herself as if just now realizing. "I mean, I do sometimes for meetings and whatnot, but I haven't had a chance to explore much of the Realms."
"Is there anywhere you'd want to go visit?" Jason asked, breaking her from her thoughts.
She held a finger to her chin and looked upwards as she thought. "I'd like to go to the Boardwalk at Eternal Shores and ride the coaster there." She remembered more places she wanted to go in the Realms from when she first started learning about them. "I want to hike up Soul's Peak. I want to sail in the Mirror Sea, that's so crystal clear you can see the bottom and all the fantastical and weird corals and fish. I want to ride my bike down Highway 6-66 and go to Beelzebub's Waffle House and stay at Hestia's Bed and Breakfast." She clenched her fists as she hid her face with a curtain of her hair. "I want to go to the Second Globe Theatre to watch the plays that Shakespeare has released since his death." She whispered to herself.
Jason reached for her forearm and patted it in comfort, bringing her out of her thoughts. He smiled encouragingly at her.
"Sorry, I guess I needed to let that out." She sighed and blew her hair out of her face. "I really do need a day out."
"Sounds like it. Maybe you can let any advisors you have know you need some time away? Surely they can last one day without you?" He asked and finished his plate.
"Maybe, I'll talk to Frostbite about it when we go see him. It's gonna take us a little while to get there because the Far Frozen is about a two hour drive by Specter Speeder. You should go get ready, we're heading out in about an hour. We keep cold weather clothes in the Speeder." She stood up and wiped her hands on her dress, then snapped her fingers for a skeleton to appear and take away the dish.
"What dress code should I dress for today?" Jason asked and she froze.
"Dress code?" She asked, eyes wide.
"Well, I want to match the vibe of the day, I'd feel weird to wear modern street fashion if the others in my party were wearing more formal clothes." I want to match you, he thought.
"Oh, well." She played with her skirt. "I guess since I'm appearing in public, I should dress accordingly. I'm still going more casual today since I don't have to do any public speaking. If you want to match?" She blushed. "Then I guess casual royal court? I know we don't know each other very well yet, but I'd like to be your friend if you'd accept?" She held out her hand to shake.
He gently took her hand and, though he felt electricity shoot from his fingertips, he kept his face calm and he shook it once, then let go. "I'd be more than happy to be your friend." He said with a smile.
Jazz seemed frozen for a moment before she held her hand to her chest and turned away. "I'll meet you at the split in the hallways in an hour." She said as she fled the room. Jason let out a huff of a laugh.
An hour later has Jason dressed in a poet's shirt with a pair of black leather pants, still paired with his combat boots, standing and waiting for Jazz.
"Boo." He hears and startles as Danny fades into existence, floating upside down next to him. Somehow, his clothes did not obey gravity and clung to him as if he were upright. Today he was just in the same outfit Jason had met him in.
"Christ kid, you're gonna kill me again I swear." Jason grumbles.
"Leather pants? Really? I know I said she likes the biker look, but leather pants?" Danny looked him up and down. " And what's with the flowy shirt anyway? Not very biker there."
Jason rolled his eyes and sighed, crossing his arms. "I wanted to match your sister." He stated.
"Oh boy, does this mean you're gonna be dressing like dudes on romance novel covers?" Danny scrunched his nose. "I mean, I have seen Jazz read some of those I guess, and hey, if it works, then go for it I guess." Danny fell backwards so he was floating on his back. "I'm coming with you guys to visit the Yeti's today by the way. Jazz still gets lost getting there sometimes, and the GZPS has been on the fritz since the last time Technus was here, so I gotta guide you."
"Hey, I'm getting better at it!" Jazz said as she approached the pair. "Come on, let's head over." They made their way to the training grounds where what appeared to be a hover-submarine in gleaming chrome floated with it's side hatch wide open.
Once inside, Jason took the passenger's seat and Jazz took the pilot's seat and began take off. It was a bit weird to get used to the motion, but soon they were gliding through the green and purple sky.
"So, Shakespeare's released new plays since he died? Have you had the chance to read some?" Jason asked, and with that question, Jazz just began talking with passion. He looked softly at her as she rambled for the next hour about 'Love's Labour's Won', the play thought to have been lost to time, but that Shakespeare was able to pen again once he had his haunt established and had a full cast of ghosts willing to spend eternity performing.
"What about you? I noticed you were reading Austen's first post-mortem book. How are you liking 'Satisfaction'? I read it a few years ago when I first explored the library." It was now Jason's turn to start rambling about a topic as he praised it and compared it to some of her other books.
"We're getting close!" Danny yelled from outside the Speeder. Jason looked up to see a floating glacier rapidly approaching them.
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LBSC Lukanette Month - September 2024
Welcome to LBSC Lukanette Month 2024! If you're in a hurry, skip on down to the prompt list below, but be sure to check out the rest of the post for information about where and how to post for maximum visibility. Just to be clear, even though we call it LBSC Lukanette month, ANYONE can participate. There's no membership card and you don't have to join the discord or follow the blog.
You will notice we have many more than 30 prompts here - because there's no such thing as too many prompts. This way you can pick and choose which ones speak to you. As with all of our events, the rules are quite laid back (although we do have some hard and fast rules at the bottom of the post regarding the type of content). You may fill as many or as few prompts as you like, as often as you like, in whatever order you like, in whatever format you like (sprint, minific, 30 chapter epic, whatever makes you happy). Our official event dates are September 1 through September 30, but if you post outside of those dates, we'll still reblog. If you're inspired to write something that you wouldn't otherwise have written, our goals are met, so don't fret about the rules - unless rules inspire you, in which case, take the first 30 or the last 30 prompts and write one prompt every day.
If you are having trouble finding a prompt that speaks to you, you can also check out the LBSC Smooch Roulette generator or take a look at our past sprint prompts.
Please make sure to tag @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers in the body of your post so that we can be sure to reblog your work and include it in our final summary post!
If you post to AO3 please tag LBSC Lukanette Month 2024 and add your work to our collection here.
Feel free to drop any questions in our ask box or join our discord group.
Locked In
Getaway/Vacation/Road Trip
Out of Town
Street/Craft Fair
Laundry Snuggles
New Pet
A: says something stupid B: laughing "Shut up. I love you."
Broken chair
Big Changes/Little Changes
City Walks
Memory loss
Fancy Dress
Silly Costumes
"Do you trust me?"
"I can't believe our first date ended in the emergency room."
"Why do I feel like you enjoy getting yourself into danger?"
"Are you okay?" "That was really attractive."
"You're a terrible liar." "I don't know what you mean." "You're smiling."
"I missed my chance once. I won't miss it again."
Free fall
"It‘s not what it looks like!"
"I already take care of 18 little guys so what‘s one more?"
"Is that my hoodie?"
"Love is a choice, and I've made mine."
"Look, I know I don't deserve a second chance. But I'm hoping you'll let me have one anyway."
Stage fright
Nail polish
First tattoo/piercing
Learning to drive/ride a bike
The Rest of the Rules:
NSFW responses are permitted but characters must be 18 or older and the fic should be tagged accordingly. This is a Lukanette blog and a Lukanette event, so while Lukanette does not need to be the main ship, it needs to at least be included or referenced and considered endgame (in other words, they don’t have to be together by the end of your work, but the intent is that they’re headed in that direction, and if they're not, it's a tragedy, not The Best Thing For Everybody). The decision about what qualifies for reblog rests solely with the LBSC moderators. If a piece hasn’t been reblogged within a couple of days, either the mods felt the piece didn’t meet the criteria or it was simply missed; you are welcome to reach out in the asks to inquire which.
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ohmygodshesinsane · 5 months
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Unlicensed | A Jily Micro-Oops
Lily Evans begrudgingly agrees to get in the car with classmate and sometime-foe James Potter and his not-quite-earned P-plates after a particularly rubbish day.
words: 1438 | for @jilymicro-oops | april prompt 14: ridiculous
read on ao3 or under the cut
Lily’s buckle clicked as Potter nudged the gearstick into ‘R’. He tossed his gaze back over his shoulder, one hand on the wheel, dark hair curling around the round rims of his overlarge specs. It was getting long, by school standards; she was surprised McGonagall hadn’t tapped him on the shoulder to send him for a cut. It softened him, though. The contours of his straight nose and the hard ridge of his forehead seemed friendlier, somehow. Or maybe she was just growing accustomed to the crinkles that came with one of his genuine smiles.
All the same, it was ridiculous that she would be sitting in his car, bag tucked between her ankles, all patches with its broken zip in the footwell of his beamer. Heated leather melted against her back, sanding the edges off the mid-July chill. She had pegged him as the sportscar sort, truth be told; but he wasn’t seventeen yet. Hand sanitiser sat in the drinkholder, and the car was empty, save for him and her and his bags in the boot. It was too clean for a bloke - especially one with red P-plates pinned to the windscreen. Plates he hadn’t earned.
“Is this your Mum’s?” Lily asked lightly. The car lurched. She grabbed the handle hanging above. Potter swore, running his fingers through his hair, and twisted his body to look out the back window.
“Yeah,” he admitted, never looking at her. “If you wouldn’t mind keeping - er, mum, about it, though —”
“Much cooler to let everyone think your parents got you a car for your birthday,” Lily smiled. He was doing her a favour, really, but she couldn’t resist. He was the only one in their year with any kind of access to independent transport as yet; the only one whose parents were permissive enough to let him zoom around in their car with a big fat ‘L’ stamped on his license. Lily had passed the theoretical with flying colours, but the only person in her family to hold a full license was her sister’s stupid boyfriend, and she would beg for rides before she’d condemn herself to listening to him boast for hours on end.
Potter lifted his foot off the brake, and the car hesitantly jerked back into the carpark. With a swing of the wheel he righted them, and so the navy BMW hopped its way out of the school gates. Potter’s brows knitted in concentration as he straightened in his seat, knuckles white.
“Er,” he said, checking his mirrors, “could you put the heat on? The whole driving and fiddling thing —”
“Don’t worry.” Lily leaned down. The car’s interface was impossibly flash, with a shiny touch-screen and a dozen different lights. It could make phone calls, skip songs, even - “It has a reverse camera, you know.”
Potter flicked the indicator on. “Yeah,” he said, a little distracted. “I wanted to learn the old-fashioned way.”
Lily’s eyebrows arched. “Nothing about this is old-fashioned. It’s an auto. It has Spotify.” She jabbed an accusing finger at the little black-and-green app on the car’s menu.
“I’m an old soul, Evans.” Lily winced as he accelerated into a tiny gap, earning a blast on the horn. “Ah, fuckwit, I was fine!” Lily snorted. Potter flashed her a look, but his eyes quickly returned to the road, sitting a smidgeon too close to the car in front. Kids spilled out of the school in the distinctive black-and-grey Hogwarts uniforms, backpacks bouncing, heading for cars in the line-up or swinging their legs over bikes. Lily ducked her head. The last thing she needed was for someone to dob her in - ‘a prefect in a car with an unlicensed driver, Miss, really!’ Potter had a reputation, too. The last thing she needed was for the girl-of-the-week to come after her. She tilted her head, wondering what, exactly, Potter would tell the current one, a clingy blonde who always glared at Lily if she dared to enter Glassons. Lily didn’t think they’d ever spoken, but she clearly held a grudge.
“Come on,” Potter said, drumming his fingers as they waited for the traffic lights to change. His eyes hung heavy on her skin, and she grimaced, knowing she looked like a loon. “I’m not that embarrassing, am I? I’m a bloody good football player. Got the winning try when we played Durmstrang the other week, you know.”
Lily’s foot tapped; as soon as she noticed it, she stopped, scared somehow that the worn toes would mark the car. She folded her hands in her lap and unfolded them, picking at her nails.
“I just… shouldn’t really be in here,” she said, guilt seeping through every word. “After everything with Sev…”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Potter said, frowning. “Snape’s a dick.”
“People will think I was in on it, though,” Lily said, eyes falling to the lock on the glovebox, shining in the afternoon sun. “I mean, I - you know, I do… what you did was… but if Sev’s mum calls the school or something, or one of his mates makes a fuss - it’s…” How could she explain? James Potter had had his name down for Hogwarts since his birth, and his parents donated generously and notoriously to the school. What did he know of scholarships and monthly meetings, the sneers of the Slytherins’ parents when she spoke at assembly? “Never mind,” she shrugged. “Thank you for the ride. You didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to,” Potter answered. Lily froze. His jaw worked, a flush creeping up his neck. “You’ll sign it off for me, right?” he added quickly, laughing, flexing the veins in his hands. “I need all the hours I can get.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s illegal.”
“Mm… But?”
“You’re dreaming.”
“You’re facilitating.” Potter grinned cheekily. It was endearing, in its own strange way, and Lily’s stomach swooped. He’s such a tosser. They took off, cruising now that they’d escaped the speed-limited school zone. Lily gazed out the window, through the maze of low brick homes to the rippling ocean beyond, blue and brilliant. Why had Potter agreed to drive her? They’d been partnered up for their English project, sure, but they’d never exactly got along. Was it just because of lunch? Did he pity her?
“It’s a left,” she said, when they made it over the bridge. Potter shoulder-checked - good job - and slipped into the turning lane.
“Evans,” he said, braking.
“It’s not on you, you know.” His voice lowered. Lily swallowed. His hazel eyes landed on hers, round and sincere, with an intensity that made her heart race. “What happened’s not your fault.”
She couldn’t stand it, with that mole on his cheek and the press of his mouth.
“I don’t know,” Lily said.
“I’m telling you it isn’t,” Potter insisted. “I chose to do it. I’ll tell them all that. I don’t,” and he inhaled deep, hauling in the breath like a fishing net, fingers splayed in his nest of black hair, “I don’t want you dealing with the consequences of my actions.” His features firmed, resolved. “I won’t let that happen.”
Lily’s mouth dried. She tried to play it off with a chuckle, folding her arms across her chest.
“I don’t think it’s really up to you, whether they blame me. They will. It doesn’t matter.” It mattered more than anything, but only for someone like Lily. The holes in her socks seemed to gape over her feet.
“No, Evans,” Potter said, guiding the car shakily around the corner now. Had he ever been down this road before? Tufts of grass moped amongst the brown dustbowls of the front yards, tacky gnomes and old bicycles decorating the paths to the front doors. A picket sign warned off doorknockers and Jehovah’s; a collarless dog lifted its leg on the slender wood. Lily shifted in her seat, conscious of the leather and the new-car air freshener and the little sticker on the inside of the glass windscreen that noted the car as being one of regular, reliable services. “You’re my project partner,” he said. “It matters. You know, now, I guess, you - well, yeah. You matter to me.”
They hit the speedbump too quick, and Lily’s body jolted over the seatbelt, straps digging into her body, bag slamming against her leg. The brakes screeched. Potter hurriedly spun the wheel, bringing them back onto their route. Lily’s pulse pounded. Why would he say that? It didn’t make sense. Nothing about today made sense.
“Sure,” she said, face knitting in thought. “I’ll believe it when you stop trying to kill me.”
“Come on, Evans,” Potter smiled, eyes glittering. “The fear is half the fun.”
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shmaptainwrites · 1 year
Any way you could do a Hawkeye/Reader one shot with the prompt “ “i like you just the way you are” 🥺🥺
I love your writing style!
hi bestie! thank you and of course i can :) i did fem reader with this but if you’d prefer something different lemme know and i can edit it as soon as i can :))
Pairings: Hawkeye Pierce x fem!Reader
Warnings: alcohol, insecurity
Just the Way You Are
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A time old saying your mother used to tell you for when things didn’t seem to be going your way was that maybe you just needed a change of scenery. You didn’t realize it would come in the form of a draft letter.
In a snap your life went from small town to war zone, thrown right in the deep end.
“A MASH unit? What’s that?” you frowned. “I thought nurses were stationed in Seoul or somethin’?”
“It stands for mobile surgical army hospital. We keep ‘em close to the front so the doctors can patch them up there so they’re well enough to get to Seoul or Tokyo. Someone will drive you to the 4077th first thing tomorrow.”
You nodded your head and thought that given the information it might be best to try and get some sleep.
That seemed to escape you and instead the gears in your mind turned at the realization that absolutely no one would know you here.
The girl who was pegged as innocent, vulnerable, too empathetic with terrible luck in love was unknown to whoever you were going to be working with and it was the perfect opportunity to start fresh, but as what was the question.
After a rather sleepless night of planning, you woke up bright and early to get on the jeep and head down to Ouijonbou. As soon as you arrived after the long and somewhat treacherous journey, your commanding officer, Major Houlihan, was quick to welcome you to her team of nurses and introduced you to your colleagues and showed you where you would be staying.
“Major Im really unfamiliar with the working of a MASH unit but I’m a hard worker and I’m ready to learn. Just might need a bit of educating here and there,” you smiled.
“That’s no problem, everyone here was in your position at one point or another. Us nurses have to stick together alright, (L/N)?”
“Yes ma’am,” you nodded.
“I’ll let you get settled, but if you hear the call for choppers OR is that way,” she pointed and you nodded again in confirmation.
“Thanks again, Major,” you waved.
“Sure, you ever need anything you let me know.”
With the Major gone you got to unpacking and getting to know your bunk mates.
“So what did you do for fun back home?” Nurse Kellye asked.
“Oh…well,” you paused and thought for a moment. Your answer probably should have been something along the lines of reading or riding your bike around town, but you had decided you wanted to paint yourself as someone who was adventurous. Didn’t take no for an answer. Someone that other people looked up to and admired. So you embellished a little. “I have a motorbike,” you said. “I take it out on the freeway, ride it around town. Just to get outside, you know?”
“Wow a motorcycle?” Nurse Bellows looked at you in astonishment. “I could never bring myself to get on one of those things.”
“Takes a bit to get used to, but once you do it’s smooth sailing.”
Your conversation was interrupted by a call on the PA about choppers and the nurses quickly instructed you on the procedure as you ran out to the compound to await the ambulances.
Before you knew it you were scrubbed in all white, working alongside Dr. Hunnicutt with his patients.
Your particular area of expertise wasn’t necessarily in OR but you had the training for it so you got by with only a fumble or two.
By the time all of the wounded had made their way through OR it was dark outside and you wondered quietly to yourself if this was what every day was going to feel like.
Pure exhaustion, not even a single glimmer of energy.
It was no surprise to your roommates when you simply changed out of your dirty scrubs and went straight to bed. On your first day, showering could definitely wait.
Even within the first day you had developed quite a reputation with your fellow nurses. The Major loved you because despite your new personality you weren’t here to ruffle anyone’s feathers so you paid great attention to her instructions and carried them out to a T, but also managed to have some fun with your colleagues.
You were tossing around a baseball for some practice before your nurses versus enlisted men game when your partner overshot the ball and you had to run to catch it in your glove before it hit the ground.
“I got it! I got it! I-Oof!
You felt a large obstruction in front of you and stumbled back only to see the ball land on the ground.
“Hey, I was trying to…” you looked up and blinked a few times in astonishment. “H-Hawkeye?”
“Well, would you look at what Uncle Sam dragged in,” he chuckled. “What are you doing in this neck of the war?”
“Drafted, you?”
“Same,” he nodded. “I didn’t know you played baseball,” he motioned to your gloved hand. “Thought you were more of a stay at home and read type.”
You shrugged, “Uh, people change. I-I really gotta go Hawk, Cindy’s waiting for me. Maybe we can catch up some other time?”
“Sure, a drink in the officer’s club?”
“Sounds good,” you nodded. “I’ll see you around.”
Of the 400 people that lived in Crabapple Cove you had to run into one of them in Korea.
Your drinks with Hawkeye kept getting delayed. At one point it was because there was a camp wide outbreak of the measles and naturally a quarantine ensued, at another point there were back to back days in OR followed by everyone in camp sleeping like a log, and you seemed to have better luck getting a few dates here and there with some of the enlisted men who had taken a shine to you, unfortunately all of them didn’t seem such a good fit.
“Crazy how fast time flies huh?” Hawkeye asked when you finally sat down with your drinks.
“Yeah, feels like a couple of days, but I’ve already been here two months,” you agreed.
“And just as busy as the rest of us,” he chuckled. “Seems you’ve become the most popular person in camp.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” you raised a brow and took a sip of your beer.
“Not bad, just different. Different from the version of you I grew up with.”
“Like I said, people change,” you shrugged.
“War will do that to a person,” Hawkeye sighed. “Anyway, how’s home?”
“Home’s nice,” you smiled. “Missing it more every day. I mean I left for nursing school and came back only to be shipped off.”
“At least you’ve got all the procedures fresh in mind. Sometimes I worry with all this meatball surgery I’ll forget how to take someone’s tonsils out.”
“If you need practice I still got mine,” you teased and he chuckled.
“Who would have thought coming from Crabapple Cove we’d find each other on the other end of the world.”
“Yeah, the universe sure has a funny sense of humour,” you stared down into your cup before taking another sip.
“You still read much?”
“Not since I got here,” you shook your head. “Major Houlihan’s got us working double time with all the wounded coming in and on top of it we need to keep the place spick and span.”
“Just make sure she doesn’t work you to your grave before the rest of the war does.”
“I’ll try.”
The rest of your night was relaxed, but you couldn’t help but feel like something was off, before you could give it much thought you had ambulances in the compound and it was back to work.
It seemed your luck had run out for the night because patient after patient there was one complication after another and it was not looking up to be a good shift.
“Maybe you should take ten lieutenant,” the Colonel suggested.
“No I’m fine,” you shook your head, a blatant lie, but the new you wasn’t bothered by things like this.
“(Y/N), I think Potter’s right, maybe you should take a minute,” Hawkeye counselled.
“I said I’m fine, Hawk,” you insisted. “Just let me do my work please.”
You kept your head down for the rest of the shift in OR and once it was over you slipped out before anyone was the wiser and gave you a lecture on not taking more than you could handle.
Your eyes filled with tears before you were even halfway across the compound, but you refused to let anyone see you in such a state. Maybe you’d be the one working yourself into a grave before the war got to you, or maybe it already had.
“Can you close up or do you need a break?” BJ asked you.
“I think I’m alright,” you nodded, but before you could take the needle from him your joints locked and you pulled back in pain.
“Woah, maybe I should just take care of this,” BJ nodded.
“Hey, let me have a look at that,” Hawkeye said, pulling off his gloves and walking towards you. “No more wounded, right Klinger?”
“You’re all good, sir,” Klinger nodded from the door and Hawkeye took that as his cue to grab your other wrist and pull you to pre-op.
He sat you down on one of the beds there and wordlessly filled a bowl with warm water so that you could place your hand inside and loosen up your joints.
“Who the hell are you trying to impress here, (N/N)?” Hawkeye asked and you blinked and looked up at him.
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I think you do,” he nodded and took your hand out of the water, wrapping it in a towel and gently massaging it. “You’re pulling double shifts in OR, covering for your friends, and on top of it living this life that isn’t yours.”
“Hawkeye you don't understand,” you shook your head. “Everyone has always liked you. When we were in school the parents loved you because you knew when to be well-behaved and the kids loved you because you knew when not to be. I’m trying to even myself out and get better at the second part.”
“And you’re gonna kill yourself in the process,” he shook his head.
“Easy for you to say, you’re not the one who’s been stuck in a town with only 400 people and half of them don’t even know your name let alone like you. No one’s ever liked me for me so I decided I was gonna be someone else.”
“I liked you,” he said quietly.
“I like you,” he said plainly. “Just as you are.”
You blinked a few times more and stayed silent.
“And maybe you’d consider taking it easy for someone who likes you, and knows your name, and doesn’t care if you ride a motorbike or get hit hard in OR like we all do.”
He gently held your arm and leaned in, pressing a small kiss to your cheek before turning around to make his way into post op leaving you with a lot to think about.
Hawkeye and BJ found themselves aimlessly walking around the compound as they usually did when there was nothing to do.
“No wounded, post op is almost empty, peace talks are resuming, BJ dare I say it but I think the war is starting to look up,” Hawkeye chuckled.
BJ chuckled as they walked by the nurses throwing around Klinger’s baseball only for it to land by BJ’s feet.
BJ picked up the ball and tossed it to Nurse Jenkins while Hawkeye scanned the crowd for you.
“Hey where’s (Y/N)?” he asked. “She normally plays with you guys.”
“She decided to take it easy today,” Nurse Kellye told him. “I think she’s by the tent.”
Hawkeye and BJ turned in the direction of the tent to see you lounging in a chair with your feet kicked up and a book in your hands.
“If you’ll excuse me Beej, I’m gonna go check in on a friend.”
Hawkeye walked over to where you sat and pulled up another chair.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked and you looked up from your novel and shook your head. “I see you traded a glove for a book.”
“Temporarily,” you shrugged. “Baseball actually kind of grew on me. I'm not gonna quit that.”
“Fair enough,” Hawkeye chuckled.
“But I have decided to quit the double shifts, and all the extras if you know what I mean.”
“Yeah, I think I do,” Hawkeye nodded.
You closed your book and put it down next to your chair and looked at Hawkeye.
“Thanks Hawk, really for telling me it was okay to stop,” you said. “You were right I would have run myself into an early grave trying to keep up with everything.”
“What are old friends for,” he reached out for your hand and gave it a squeeze.
You stood up from your chair and moved next to his, bending down so you were both at eye level with each other.
“And this is a little something just as a thank you for reminding me I’m alright just the way I am,” you whispered and leaned in, pressing a soft and gentle kiss to his lips only for him to pull you closer as the nurses hollered and whistled behind you.
“Would the old you say yes to me if I asked if you’d come on a date with me?” Hawkeye asked.
“By old me do you mean the one that grew up with you?” you asked and he nodded. “Probably not, but,” you quickly butted in. “The new old me would.”
“The new old you?” Hawkeye chuckled.
“Can’t stay the same forever Hawk, just like baseball can grow on a person in a certain way, you can too.”
“I’ll take it. Otherwise I wouldn’t be a man of my word.”
“Because you like me just as I am,” you smiled.
“That I do.”
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tags: @robin-the-enby
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theconnectiongarden · 9 months
50 Romantic Ideas to Reignite the Spark in Your Relationship
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Hey there, lovebirds! Whether you’ve been together for months, years, or decades, keeping the romance alive is key to a thriving relationship. Sometimes, all you need is a little inspiration to rekindle that flame. That's why I've put together a list of 50 romantic ideas to add a spark to your relationship. From simple gestures to grand surprises, there’s something here for every couple. And if you're looking for more in-depth guidance on building a deeper connection, my Couples & Relationship Therapy Workbook is a great resource to explore alongside these ideas.
1. Surprise Date Nights: Plan a surprise date night. It could be dinner at a fancy restaurant or a cozy night in. And why not use one of the creative date ideas from the workbook?
2. Handwritten Love Letters: Write heartfelt, handwritten love letters to each other.
3. Weekend Getaway: Organize a surprise weekend getaway to a place you both love or have always wanted to visit.
4. Cooking Together: Spend an evening cooking a new recipe together.
5. Sunrise or Sunset Watching: Find a beautiful spot to watch the sunrise or sunset together.
6. Recreate Your First Date: Relive the memories by recreating your first date.
7. Star Gazing: Lay out a blanket and gaze at the stars together.
8. Love Notes: Leave little love notes in unexpected places.
9. Spa Day at Home: Set up a spa day at home with massages and relaxation.
10. Memory Book: Create a book or a digital album of your favorite memories together. While assembling it, use prompts from the workbook to reflect on your journey together and deepen your bond.
11. Dance Together: Have a dance night at home to your favorite songs.
12. Breakfast in Bed: Surprise your partner with breakfast in bed.
13. Watch a Romantic Movie: Have a movie night with a selection of romantic films.
14. Go for a Hike: Connect with nature and each other on a scenic hike.
15. Visit a Museum or Art Gallery: Spend a day exploring a museum or art gallery.
16. Write a Song or Poem: If you’re musically inclined, write a song or poem for your partner.
17. Take a Class Together: Sign up for a class you’re both interested in, like cooking, dancing, or pottery.
18. Plan a Picnic: Have a romantic picnic in a local park.
19. Couples Photoshoot: Arrange a professional photoshoot or take candid shots of each other.
20. Candlelit Dinner at Home: Cook or order in and have a candlelit dinner.
21. Plan Future Dreams: Spend an evening planning your future together.
22. Volunteer Together: Share the love by volunteering for a cause you both care about.
23. Write Future Letters: Write letters to each other to open in the future.
24. Create a Playlist: Make a playlist of songs that are special to your relationship.
25. Take a Road Trip: Hit the road and see where it takes you. During the trip, you can use the conversation starters from the workbook to learn new things about each other and strengthen your connection.
26. Visit a Winery or Brewery: Spend a day tasting wines or beers.
27. Try a New Restaurant: Go out to a new restaurant in town.
28. Weekend Brunch: Enjoy a lazy weekend brunch together.
29. Play Board Games: Have a fun night playing your favorite board games.
30. Attend a Concert or Show: See a live concert or show together.
31. Visit a Botanical Garden: Take a stroll through a local botanical garden.
32. Go on a Bike Ride: Explore your city or town on a bike ride.
33. Make a Time Capsule: Create a time capsule of your relationship and open it in the future.
34. Have a Themed Dinner Night: Choose a theme and make a dinner night out of it.
35. Take a Scenic Drive: Drive through scenic routes in or near your city.
36. Visit an Amusement Park: Spend a day at an amusement park.
37. Go to a Festival: Find a local festival or fair and enjoy it together.
38. Have a DIY Project Day: Work on a home improvement or craft project together.
39. Go Kayaking or Canoeing: Have an adventure on the water.
40. Take a Hot Air Balloon Ride: Experience a hot air balloon ride for a unique date.
41. Watch Old Home Videos: Reminisce by watching old videos or photos.
42. Go to a Trivia Night: Participate in a trivia night at a local bar or cafe.
43. Plan a Themed Movie Marathon: Have a movie marathon with a specific theme.
44. Go Horseback Riding: Try horseback riding for a fun outdoor activity.
45. Visit a Farmer’s Market: Stroll through a farmer’s market and cook a meal with your finds.
46. Attend a Cooking Demonstration: Learn something new at a cooking demo.
47. Go to an Aquarium: Spend a day at an aquarium.
48. Take a Yoga Class Together: Relax and connect with a couple's yoga class.
49. Have a Beach Day: Spend a day relaxing at the beach.
50. Go on a Scavenger Hunt: Spice up your day with a personalized scavenger hunt for each other. For a ready-made adventure, check out my Scavenger Hunt Pack for Couples, designed to bring fun and excitement into your relationship. This pack takes the guesswork out of creating an engaging activity and is filled with creative clues and challenges tailored for couples. It’s a playful way to explore and enjoy each other's company, creating lasting memories.
Remember, it’s not about grand gestures but about the thought and love you put into them. These ideas are just a starting point. Feel free to get creative and tailor them to suit your relationship’s unique dynamic. The most important thing is to spend quality time together, creating new memories and strengthening your bond. The Couples & Relationship Therapy Workbook can be a valuable tool in this journey, offering deeper insights and structured activities to strengthen your relationship. It’s designed to complement these romantic ideas, providing a foundation for continued growth and connection.
1. Are these ideas suitable for all budgets?
Yes, there are options here for every budget, from free activities to more elaborate plans.
2. Can we modify these ideas to suit our interests?
Absolutely! Feel free to adapt and change these ideas to match what you both enjoy.
3. What if we're not very romantic?
Romance is subjective. The key is to find activities that you both feel comfortable with and enjoy.
4. How often should we plan these activities?
It depends on your schedules, but try to set aside time regularly, whether it’s weekly or monthly.
5. Can the workbook be used along with these romantic ideas?
Of course! The workbook is a great complement to these activities, offering deeper insights and guided exercises to enhance your connection.
6. Where can I get the Couples & Relationship Workbook?
You can find the workbook here: Get Access Now. It’s a great resource for couples looking to deepen their relationship and reignite the spark.
7. Where Can I get the Scavenger Hunt for Couples Pack?
You can find the pack here: Click here. It’s a great tool for couples add a playful yet intimate twist to their relationship.
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cloveroctobers · 11 months
OCTOBER PROMPTS 🎃 — 4. Ruby Matthews
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A/N: yes it is I! Back with another Ruby piece because why the hell not? Thanks for all the new love on my previous works surrounding this layered character. She’s been fun to watch and it’s only right that I do something else for this final season. Thoughts about it? There were great moments for sure but I don’t think it’s my favorite season, I’ll probably have to go back and watch to fully determine that. I still wanted more for lots of the characters and this season seemed to miss something and it’s not me fighting for the main ships like some of you are arguing over lol. Otis needs to be by his damn self for awhile! + Ruby deserves better than the way he treated her, I’ll say that and know she’ll find her person in the near future once she experiences more growth for sure. Anyways this show was gold! RIP.
PROMPTS from HERE + I’m using: caught in the rain + crunching leaves + “you’ve got leaves in your hair.”
WARNINGS: Reader has a name + fem pronouns. Ruby being a little bitchy towards reader + hints of a potential romance?
⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚. ⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚. ⋆。‧
Thanks to Milou's god-mother, she was able to clock out early from the book shop for the evening since a storm was brewing according to the older woman. It's funny really how Milou tended not to pay much attention to science or the weather whether-*wink* in conversation or just the mere thought of the subject, giving that she was surrounded by a bunch of people that worked in that field. Her absent mother was a meterologist who got a kick out of chasing storms, her late father was a broadcast meteorologist, her paternal uncle and ex boyfriend of her god-mother; who also happened to be her mother's best friend is a GIS analyst and finally her cousin and god-brother was studying to be a hydrologist.
As for Milou? She has no clue what she wanted to be in life, she was simply taking it one day at a time and going with the flow. Which she of course got shit for but she knew she loved books and tattoos. I mean hey! look at her god-mother, she didn’t have this goal board of being something fancy growing up she just stuck to what she loved. She came from a small family, a professor for a father, a step-father who worked in a boutique for two decades, and a mother as a florist. Milou’s god-mother always knew she loved books and candles so she eventually got into owning a book shop, making and selling candles on the side.
She did quite alright with her life if you asked Milou. Milou felt she was similar to her god-mother more than her own mother and figured with each day that the sun rose it would all work out…at least she hoped.
In the distance she sees someone dressed in red tweed attire, walking alongside their bike as Milou drives down the hill. It doesn’t take her long to realize that it’s Ruby Matthews and a smirk spreads on her lips then as she presses her foot on the gas. She thinks about speeding right pass her, turning the stereo up to make Ruby’s attention focused only on the back of her ride but it was interesting nonetheless to see Ruby on a bike instead in her own car.
“What’s this? Not the Queen of Moorfield doing actual labor? Where’s the Royal Chauffeurs?” Milou jokes from the driver’s side.
Immediately Ruby rolls her eyes, stopping in her tracks as she stretched a sarcastic smile over her pink painted lips, “oh Milou, haven’t you learned that harassment doesn’t look nice on you? That can lead to loads of things like imprisonment or pillory.”
“That’s extreme, yeah?” Milou tilts her head or the side while letting her wrists rest over the top of the steering wheel, “You call it harassment, I call it having a conversation with my neighbor.”
Ruby scoffs, “what makes you think I want to talk to someone like you?”
“I dunno something tells me you could use a friend…but if you prefer lonely strolls around town drinking that let me guess, pistachio latte on your own then don’t mind me.” Milou shrugs, pushing her sunglasses back up the bridge of her nose, “good day then, your highness.”
Ruby was more of a decaf tea person since coffee stains your teeth but when stress calls so does caffeine apparently!
And with that Ruby watches as Milou attempts to speed off but the smoke and spluttering coming from her car didn’t sound normal. Part of that gave Ruby satisfaction before she could let the sadness fill in more than anything.
Milou’s been Ruby’s neighbor since she was about nine, moving in from New Zealand, and Ruby always liked how Milou moved to her own drum. There was a time where Ruby considered being Milou’s friend but Ruby was whisked off to camp where she met Sarah— “O” and that changed everything Ruby knew about friendships.
Ruby coughed and fanned the smoke away up ahead…she honestly hoped there wouldn’t be a fire but Milou seemed to take her time kicking the door open and out the way. Cautiously Ruby made some steps forward as Milou whacked at her car a bit after popping the hood open.
“Look at that, your get away wasn’t as stunt like  as you hoped.” Ruby mockingly pouted while Milou side-eyed her.
Milou adjusted the cuffed back denim bucket hat on her head saying, “and what about you? I haven’t seen you ride a bike since we were knee-high.”
‘You still are,’ Ruby thought to herself as she peered at the shorter girl.
“Decided to try something new for college and it’s better for the environment.” Ruby stood up straight as she stated her claim.
Milou snorted at that, “you caring for the environment? Not likely.”
“Excuse me? You don’t know my interests.”
“Course I do. I pay more attention than you think regardless if we attend the same college or not. We lived next door to each other for years, I know enough.” Milou replied as she pushed away from her steaming car.
Milou stood by Ruby who held her analyzing stare, “your chains broken by the way.”
“I’ve noticed, thank you! Why else would I be walking?” Ruby sassed, “It’s not like this street is the best runway with its awful incline.”
Milou clicked her tongue and pointed, “Anything to strengthen the glutes.”
Ruby swallows to refrain from traveling her eyes elsewhere. Milou maybe short as ever but she’s always been athletic as a kid and it didn’t seem to change now into their teens, let’s just say that.
“I am the view, these hills better be proud that I’m even passing through.”
“…This is the only route to our neighborhood.”
“Do you have an answer for everything?!”
Milou laughs with a shrug of her shoulders deciding to switch the minor problem at hand, “I can probably fix that for you.”
“I know how to fix a bike! I just don’t have the tools…”
Milou sighs as she squats down near Ruby who takes a step back and sideways to give the girl some room.
“It’s bent…you’re going to need new chain.” Milou observes.
“That’s just great, as if this day couldn’t get any worse.”
Milou stands up at this, “want to talk about it?”
Ruby sips from her cup and pops her tongue, “Not particularly no.”
“We got a long way home on foot. Are you suuure?” Milou backs up towards her car to retrieve her things.
“Sorry? We?”
“Yes. This thing isn’t going anywhere, my transmission’s been on the brink of blowing at any moment.” Milou says nonchalantly while Ruby widens her eyes, “I’ll have to reach out to a friend to tow this baby up for me.”
“Transmission?! Isn’t that a safety hazard?”
“Oh certainly but there’s not much money in the bank to get a new car so…perhaps I’ll build me one in the near future for cheaper.”
“Wait…you know how to do that?”
“I’m a person of many traits my love.”
“Not your love.”
“Not yet.” Milou winks, popping a lolly into her mouth, “want to leave your bike in my trunk? My guy can fix it up for you and you’ll get it back in a day or two?”
“Thanks for the offer but I don’t know or trust this friend of yours. They could be a thief for all I know.” Ruby sticks her nose up in the air.
Milou snorts as she placed a hand on her chest, “does it really seem like I’d hang out with kleptomaniacs?”
Ruby now side eyes Milou staring at her finger tattoos mainly and shrugs, “who truly knows? You probably hang out at sketchy bars, smoke by dumpsters, and illegally race cars on the outskirts of town.”
“Wooow you really do know me,” Milou exhales, “I don’t smoke because I’d like to keep my teeth and lungs. And I don’t race cars anymore for income after crashing and breaking my collarbone last year driving that sweet corvette. So sorry babes, you’re wrong. Is it my turn to assume why you’re in a sour mood?”
Ruby pursed her lips knowing she was laying on the bitchiness but it just seemed to ooze out whenever she had interactions with Milou. It’s not like the girl’s ever had one main reason why they went at it but Milou was never one to take anyone’s shit, despite having her nose in a book reading or doodling and seeming checked out. She had Ruby figured out and Ruby couldn’t say the same with Milou, which is why she did not enjoy that much.
At least that’s what she portrayed.
“If I had to guess…Otis?”
Ruby scoffs and begins walking off.
“What did he do this time?” Milou spins on her feet, quickly locking her doors before following after the long haired girl and says, “Doesn’t seem like he’s been around much lately.”
Ruby spews over her shoulder, “And how exactly would you know that Hm? Are you proving my assumptions by being a weirdo and stalking me?”
“Never. It’s what you show and I’m not just talking about your socials…thanks for suddenly deciding to unblock me by the way.” Milou chats, “I’m talking about your energy, it’s different. Well except for you insulting me this entire time, you do seem a bit sadder these days. I just want to make sure you’re alright is all.”
Ruby feels her shoulders sink in a bit, a little surprised that anyone’s noticed this. Yes she’s been going through a heartbreak, friends being distant, dealing with seeing a old bully thrive in their new supposed “helpful,” role at this new school where Ruby can’t find her footing…it’s all been a bit much and she didn’t feel like talking about it to anyone.
She won’t ever let anyone see her as weak even if the weight was starting to crush her.
Yet here comes Milou in her cool rina sawayama glory, sensing that something’s been up with Ruby and who knows how long she’s noticed.
Milou wasn’t a friend or really an enemy and Ruby wasn’t sure if she could even consider Milou just her neighbor.
It’s quiet now besides the crunching of leaves that Milou makes a show of stomping on as they walk through town together. Milou doesn’t mind the silence or even press the issue but she always had a habit of being honest, “too honest,” in her mother’s eyes but Milou had no problem letting Ruby know what she sees.
No matter what the wannabe diva thought of her.
Ruby pounds her feet after a wave of leaves fly back into her vision after Milou’s just kicked another set up into the air up ahead. The wind seemed to shift not long after, whipping some of those copper and sun dried leaves right into Ruby’s face.
“Hey! Stop that! You’re gonna ruin my outfit.”
“Aw c’mon, it’s awful already isn’t it?” Milou teased as she scanned over the appearance of the girl who suddenly ripped off her glasses.
“I have you know this outfit was made by my mum.” Ruby proudly said as she shoved her bike to the side and strutted right up to Milou, towering over her, “I picked the fabric, tweaked it afterwards just to my liking and I know I look damn good wearing it because of how long and the care it took to make it so I’d shut my mouth if I were you.”
Milou moved the lollipop around with her tongue, slowly eyeing Ruby up and down that Ruby almost had to hold her breath at how agonizingly slow Milou scanned her frame.
She smirked at Ruby once she met her brown eyes again and playfully raised her hands up in the air, “relax babes, I’m just having a bit of fun, just like with the leaves. And I know Mrs. Matthews’ has quite the craft, she taught me how to fix my old hat when I was twelve.”
“What?” Ruby frowned, “when? How?”
“That old lime green hat that I used to wear a lot as a kid? Ripped it right across the top after it got stuck in a tree branch. Your mum witnessed it on her way to work.”
“I don’t even want to know what you were doing for that to happen but…mum really stopped to help and she didn’t bother to tell me?” Ruby tried to wrack her brain to remember if her mum ever mentioned it but tending to a sick father and a mother always at work, usually means the conversations happened to be pretty brief.
Always has been but that never stopped Ruby from loving her mum. She was always the kind hearted one out of the two which translated well being a nurse but Ruby definitely got her fire from her father.
“People have a lot on their minds and I hear it gets worse as adulthood comes along so we better enjoy the better memories now…plus it happened forever ago but I’m always thankful for your mom’s help since that hat is special to me.” Milou shrugged, moving to walk beside Ruby again.
Ruby hums at this and let’s out a small laugh, “that hat was a terrible color but I must say…you wore it well. Framed your perfectly potato sized head nicely.”
Milou rolls her eyes, “thank you, I think?”
Ruby nods, a small smile playing on her lips before she says, “you mentioned if I was okay earlier, yeah?”
“Mhm.” Milou peeked at Ruby as they continued walking.
“Well…if you don’t mind—
The brown haired girl began just as the rain poured down over their heads. Ruby let’s out a squeal in displeasure, quickly leaving her bike behind and sets off into a jog towards the stone fence and nearest tree.
“I can’t believe this!” Ruby yells over the loud rain after Milou makes her way over.
Milou holds out her hand to let the rain drops hit the back of the skin on her hand, “believe it. My god-mommy did mention a rain storm was on its way.”
Ruby wipes the water from her face, “And you didn’t think to inform me earlier?”
Milou folds her arms, “You don’t check the weather when you pick out your outfits for the day?”
“Do you?” Ruby glares, with a roll of her neck.
Milou smirks doing another famous spin with a pop of the collar to her puffer vest, “Always…i mean look at me, don’t I look on theme?”
It’s Ruby’s turn to glance at Milou’s appearance for the day. A cream puffy vest, a nude zip up sweater underneath exposing a black tourmaline crystal wrapped around her neck, baggy cream jeans, the black sunglasses, damp denim hat and some sort of patterned boots.
“…Debatable.” Ruby calls over the pelt of rain while Milou shrugs her shoulders.
“If I like it then I love it.” Milou says peering at Ruby underneath her sunnies, “just like you’ll learn to love it once we become friends.”
“You keep saying that like you’ve been wishing upon a star.”
“No but you were just about to put your trust in me and tell me what’s been up with you lately, yeah?” Milou rests her elbow against the tree, later followed by resting her head against her hand.
Ruby turned her eyes into slits, “was I really?”
Milou lounges just blinking at the eighteen year old, waiting for her next move.
“Okay fine!” Ruby tightens her hold on the ends of her jacket for warmth, “I’m not the biggest fan of therapists.”
“Good thing for you, I’m nowhere near one.”
Ruby sighs, “thank heavens for that! But I better not hear you gossiping about me online or anywhere else for that matter.”
“Ruby,” Milou stares hard at the girl underneath her eyelashes, “that’s not how I operate and never will. Plus I’ve been told I don’t have much of a social media presence in the first place.”
“Did I say that?” Ruby searched the air in thought.
“No, my god-brother did.”
“Smart guy. Now him, I could be friends with.”
It’s Milou’s turn to roll her eyes.
“Okay! So the only reason I’m saying this is because I won’t be running through the rain and we have nothing else better to do. So yes! I Ruby Matthews have felt like complete shit for awhile now and I’m dealing with it all the best way I know how: On my own. It’s also a number of things that contributed to this icky feeling…that you’re probably right about too.”
Milou gave a quick clap and a thumbs up at Ruby, “well done. See that wasn’t so bad?”
Ruby takes a brief sip from her coffee that’s definitely turned warm opposed to piping hot like she preferred it. She also finds that her hands are shaking a bit as she exhales. “You’re not gonna give me any advice or anything?”
“Well no, unless that’s what you want?” Milou now leans her back against the tree as she peeks up beneath the remaining brown leaves on the tree, “Otherwise I’m just here to listen or be a shoulder to lean on, your choice.”
“That works,” Ruby flicks her hair back, eyes viewing the heavy rain that makes it almost hard to see the other homes in the distance.
Milou wasn’t sure what part exactly but she had a feeling Ruby was still working that out herself.
When she reaches a hand out to Ruby, which she catches from the corner of her eye, the taller of the two quickly latches onto Milou’s wrist, “what do you think you’re doing?”
“You’ve got leaves in your hair,” Milou says making Ruby glance upwards trying to see herself.
Milou innocently raises the fingers on the hand Ruby is currently holding, showing that she doesn’t mean any harm and that Ruby doesn’t have to always be on the defense when it came to her.
However she understood and knew it would take time for Ruby to allow that after being hurt a few times. They probably wouldn’t have forever since time does move faster than you think and there were many missed opportunities as children to be something more but at least they had now.
“Thanks for sharing,” Milou whispers, holding the crumbled leaf to Ruby’s view and flicking it to the ground.
Ruby gazed at Milou for a moment before staring back out at the rain, “C’mon then. The rain looks to have lightened up.”
“You sure?”
“Not really,” Ruby cautiously steps into the now windy air, “but be a lady and walk me home. Then maybe you’ll help me with my hair while we watch wives of Miami…since who knows what kind of leftovers are stuck in my hair from the leaves you kicked at me.”
Milou takes her sunglasses to place on the brim of her hat, “that’s not what happened, I kicked away from us not towards you.”
“Don’t argue just accept the invitation because I do not ask twice.” Ruby held her cup out for Milou to hold while she shrugged out of her jacket to tie the arms securely around her head.
Milou cackled, “you look ridiculous.”
Ruby can’t help but to fight the laughter lines that appear on her cheeks, “so be it but we both know who’s the true fashionista here.”
“Yeah and her name starts with an ‘m.’” Milou hands the half empty beverage back to Ruby who struts back some to pull her bike back up into her grasp.
“Right: M for Matthews.”
“Sure but it’s actually M for Mrs. Milou.”
Ruby snaps her head back to Milou who’s all smirks and raised brows.
Was Milou flirting with Ruby? Ruby couldn’t deny that she found Milou attractive but she wasn’t in the mood to get under to get over.
“Please, don’t flatter yourself.” Ruby makes her way back over.
Milou teases, “You like it.”
“Noooo! Stop talking, let’s get going.” Ruby rushes out with a clear of her throat, hoping that the apples of her cheeks didn’t change hues.
Milou courtesy’s and holds out a hand, “lead the way then, your highness.”
Ruby looks forward after walking by Milou, the now light rain making it somewhat bareable to get through on foot, “I just want to say…thank you for always being around when I least expect it and probably need it.”
“Aw, what are friends for?” Milou lightly bumps her shoulder with Ruby’s.
“Friends? I thought you were coming up with a proposal for me.”
Milou raises her eyebrows at this, picking up on the humor in Ruby’s tone, “at least take me out first then we’ll discuss the details later.”
“Are we not heading round to mine now?” Ruby peeks out from underneath the arm of her jacket on her head.
Milou laughs, “I see. Good thing I’m dressed for the occasion.”
Ruby smiles to herself, “we’ll see…”
Milou frowns at that, not knowing what she was getting herself into with Ruby Matthews but she was sure being caught in any other rainstorms along the way, could bring flowers in the end.
⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚. ⋆。‧₊°♱༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻♱༉‧₊˚. ⋆。‧
Continue along with my October anthology prompts here.
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littledreamling · 2 years
Something that's been rotating in my mind like pastas in a microwave lately is : how does Hob's brain, and particularly his memory, works with his elongated life ?
this is prompted by one of your latest reblogs regarding Hob's memory, the fact that's you're actually a student of science, and because I'm pretty sure you wrote or reblogged material for an AU in which Hob became a neurosurgeon instead of a History professor in modern days, which leads him to study people suffering of the sleepy sickness, which in turns leads him to Dream's identity, or something, but I cannot find it again on your blog and maybe I'm mistaken and this sounds completely out of the blue, apologies
Because, correct me if I'm mistaken but our brains aren't fully developed until ~30 years old, which is why it's easier to learn during this period of our lives. But then it retains a considerable plasticity and we may reprogram entire neural pathways for purpose they weren't initially generated to fulfill still (like when someone goes blind and they develop extremely acute hearing or sense of touch because the part of their brain previously alloted to vision has been reprogrammed for hearing/touch instead). Right ?
Which means Hob's brain and memory is functioning just as fine as any 33 years-old's, since he is sparred the decay of his grey cells. But also ... Hob's brain, and memory is, ultimately, finite. There's only so much grey matter his skull can hold !!
He has probably started establishing sorts of "well-memorising" rituals at one point in his life, to make sure not to forget certain precious memories ... and it's probably a non-negligible reason why he got into History too !! He gets to make a living out of churning and reflecting on the past and keeping it vivid.
But there are also parts of his brain, memories and skills that necessarily get overwritten by new memories and skills ? And of course, our brains aren't like hard drives, entire sections of his memory wouldn't suddenly be wiped out. Some memories and skills would simply wither away at the outskirt of his brain, rustying until they get vacuumed into oblivion ... but what do I know about how amnesia work ?? I'm just a Japanese undergraduate and a librarian who writes !!
But combining that with a warped sense of time passing ... Hob used to be excellent on horseback. Of course, he's ridden more horses than any rider throughout his life as a soldat and a bandit, and later as a knight. Sure his title was honorary, and he was no longer a warrior then, but one didn't carve out a niche in England's nobility for themselves, let alone hosted the Queen, without virtosity in horseback fox-hunting.
Then time passes, centuries come and go, and it's been a small eternity since Hob last rode a horse. And he misses it, but he's a busy man, and one does business much more easily inside of a coach than on a horse's back. Plus it's fine, riding a horse is like riding a bike, one simply doesn't forget how to once they've learnt it. Speaking of which, bikes are fantastic !! Such elaborate mechanic would have looked like witchcraft to actually-33-years-old-Hob and yet, it's one about anyone can afford in these days and age ...
Before he realises, centuries have passed without riding a horse. And then Hob finds himself invited to monitor a Renaissance Fair as an historian, and there is jousting on the program, and he somehow finds himself arguing with the knight-wanabees over the inaccuracy of their horses' harnessing, and all they can respond is that historically-accurate harnessing wouldn't be safe for them to ride with, and Hob finds himself oddly riled up by this, and he might not say it, but he thinks loud that "Ah ! Back in my days, people didn't need all of that frill, because we knew how to ride horses," as he climbs on one, intending on demonstrating the ease of today's riders ... and almost breaks his arm in his fall upon a few steps from his mount.
Hob Gadling might know how to ride a bike nowadays, but no longer a horse ...
Uh I might have wandered off a bit here, but my point is, for all the enthusiasm Hob carry with him throughout his immortality, an abundance of oblivion for an abundance of novelty and experiences is a price of which payment he cannot escape.
And that is quite dampening ... but I had to inflict this upon you because I want to hear your thoughts on it Ꮚ•ꈊ•Ꮚ
I’m actually screaming and crying about this, you have no idea. I’m going to try to keep this short because I have about four projects due tomorrow so I can’t devote an hour to pouring my heart and soul into this ask like I want to but this is actually making me go feral!!
First and foremost, I should say that… we don’t really know how memory works in the first place, even in regular humans. I mean yeah, we understand that memories go to short term and then get transported to long term, and there’s a whole lot that goes into that, but it’s kind of a squiggly, imprecise method (and I’m sure there are others who could offer far more insight than me, and I’d love to hear it!) so comparing Hob’s memory to ours is a little difficult, to say the least. But let’s for the moment, assume that his memory works the same way: he can only hold so much information in his brain. You’re absolutely correct about the brain’s plasticity and the fact that Hob would’ve been given his immortality pretty much at the height of his brain’s functioning power (as long as you subscribe to the headcanon that he was ~30-35 at the time of his and Dream’s first meeting) so yeah, he’d have a pretty good memory! But like you said, not infinite. He’s only human, after all, and this is where I blacked out and my angst brain took off in leaps and bounds (sorry @levi1088 for spamming you out of the blue and also making you sad, I’m about to do it again) because thinking about Hob’s memory, about what he’s lived through and lost and forgotten will always make me feel like my ribs are being ripped from my chest, so I’m going to endeavor to make you feel the same way because I’m evil like that
I can’t even begin to fathom all of the things Hob has forgotten over the centuries. Names, places, skills, scents. He always told himself that he’d never forget the sound of a blade being unsheathed or the gasp of air that a man makes when his lungs have been punctured, but he eventually does. When he watches period war movies, he criticizes the sound effects, claiming inaccuracy, but he also can’t remember what it really sounded like, only that it didn’t sound like that. He told himself he’d never forget his sisters’ names, but he forgot them long before he learned his letters (working at a printing press doesn’t necessarily mean he knew the words he was printing, especially because the majority of what he would’ve printed would’ve been in Latin, not English) and with no records, their very existence has disappeared into smoke and grave dirt. Can you imagine the moment when he realized he couldn’t remember his mother’s face? Or Eleanor’s? Or Robyn’s? When he realized he could no longer remember the scent of his childhood home or the sound of his father’s laugh?
His memory isn’t any better than ours! And I’d like to comfort you (and myself) by saying that Dream could conjure up those things in the Dreaming, but he can only draw from memory; once Hob no longer remembers it, it’s gone forever. AND THEN!! The warping of memories!! Every time you remember something, it gets rewritten in your mind, so even if Hob remembered every detail about his life (which we’ve already established that he doesn’t), he probably only thinks he does, because those early memories have been warped beyond belief. And he can’t go back and check because his parents were nobodies, his siblings all died in the plague, his friends died in war. None of them got portraits painted of them, none of them could afford the paper to keep diaries or sketchbooks. There’s absolutely no record of his childhood or home town or family or friends; he’s well and truly the only one left and god, doesn’t that just kill you?
But then (because I’m an incurable optimist and as much as I love angst, I love happy endings too) there’s always a silver lining. Hob is immortal. He’s lost everything. Every single item, every possession, every name, every single person except for one has been lost. He’s had six hundred years to come to terms with the fact that he will inevitably lose everything he currently has and that has to be okay. It has to be, because what other option does he have? He can’t be sentimental with objects because the constant sense of temporariness of every aspect of his life would drive him insane. Delirium would probably take up permanent residence at his flat if he constantly worried about everything he had lost over the course of his long life.
And I have to believe that this applies for memories, too. Hob strikes me as the type to let those kind of things roll off his shoulders like water. There’s nothing he can do about it, so why bother worrying about it? He lives his entire life in a completely transitory state; his memories are the least of his concern (as someone with pretty severe memory problems, this is a mindset that I have been forced to adopt because I, too, would drive myself absolutely insane trying to remember everything I had forgotten. If it’s important, it’ll come back to me, and if it doesn’t, someone will remind me. If neither of those happen, it’s usually none of my concern and 99% of the time, it never comes up again). And like, yeah, it sucks that he can’t remember his mother or his friends or his house, and he mourned those losses when they happened, but he’s constantly replacing those memories with new ones. He’s so invested and intrigued with the world around him and he’s always gaining new experiences; his memories come and go like the tides and he no longer gets upset at the loss of them, or at least, he no longer holds onto that mourning for longer than the emotion warrants; he grieves their absence and then he moves on.
Additionally, his memory might be finite, but the life lessons he’s learned and carried from one lifetime to the next are not. He doesn’t have to remember where he learned how to pick pockets to remember that he knows how to do it, if that makes sense. Some things transcend memory.
This might be a convoluted analogy, but I like to think of memory as a window looking into anroom with a timeline on the opposite wall. Wach person has a window to look through and they can only see the section of the timeline that corresponds to their life. The window can never get bigger, not for anyone. You can only hold a lifetime’s worth of memories. And the same goes for Hob; his window doesn’t stretch or expand any larger than anyone else’s, but it moves when no one else’s does. His window has the ability to slide along the wall, constantly replacing the memories that disappear from view with new ones. We’re all stuck with the lifetime we have, with the memories that we can create in the 70-90 years that we have (if we’re lucky). We all have our window, it’s just that Hob has the ability to shift his window to a new perspective, a new era of time, a new life. And I think he would think that was pretty cool
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a-b-riddle · 4 months
For the loser prompt: I never learned how to ride a bike, but that’s not worse than my brother who, could legally drive a tank (that turns into a boat??? Idk ask him) before he got his driver’s license
I don't remember who, but someone I knew didn't learn how to ride a bike and was like "the seat hurt my coochie more than walking ever would" and I think about that anytime I see a cyclists on the road now
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jmagnabo92 · 9 months
GGSB Fest 2024 - Day 3 - Saying Goodbye is Hard to Do
Prompt - Jily Graves
Sirius gets freed despite losing Pettigrew, and learns that Harry's never been to Jill's graves. Thus, a goodbye trip is in order.
One of the best things that Sirius ever did was making sure that he was able to take Harry and clear his name, even after losing Pettigrew in the scuffle that night.  It had taken two weeks into the summer, but at least he’s finally free, and allowed to take his kid in for the summer.  Although it was strange pulling up on his bike in front of the Dursleys and riding away with his kid to the house in the country, it was the best feeling in the world to give his kid the dream come true that he’d been dreaming up for years.  Harry had looked at him like he hung the moon, and Sirius was thrilled that he could do that for him.  
Fortunately, their first week, their first month, their first summer together had gone well.  Harry had been thrilled to decorate his own bedroom, get to go on fun adventures, and get to know more about his parents.  They had bonded far faster than Sirius anticipated, but he was thrilled.  They both had a lot to work through, but together, they were making it work and heal together.
Unfortunately, Harry let slip that he’s never been to his parents’ graves, and thus, Sirius made a plan to visit those graves and give them both the chance to move on and say goodbye on Halloween.  He’d gotten permission for Harry to visit home for the weekend, so that he could take him to properly honor his parents instead of ignoring them like everyone else does.  Too busy celebrating the holiday.  
A proper visit, a proper goodbye, just the two of them.
Which is what they’re doing today.
They’re both a little more dressed up despite the fact that they’re both riding the bike on the long ride to Godric’s Hollow, and he could’ve just used magic to get there, but Sirius wanted the drive to think.  To think about where he is right now.  How hard it is to properly say goodbye, even if it is thirteen years too late. 
Sirius, despite knowing that Pettigrew would’ve done it anyway, still ached over his part in what happened.  His husband and wife were killed because he let someone else protect them.  Sure, he had no way of knowing what Pettigrew would go on to do when they’d been so tight knit at Hogwarts and afterward in the Order, but he still could’ve found another way to pull the wool everyone’s eyes. 
Yet, he didn’t.  And his family suffered.
As he pulls into the lot next to the cemetery, that’s all he could think about.  He sits frozen on the bike, even as Harry gets off of it, staring at the cemetery, wondering if they were angry with him.  If they hated him the way he hated himself.  
“Pads?” Harry questions after he sits there far too long.  “We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready.”
Sirius shakes his head to clear his thoughts.  “No, no, I am ready, and this will … help, for sure.”  He gets off the bike and gives Harry a side-hug.  “Don’t worry about me, kid.  This is your chance to say goodbye, too.”
Harry gives him a soft smile before they head towards the cemetery.  
Although, he’d never been there before – definitely couldn’t do this on his own – he knew roughly where their graves were.  He leads the way to their graves quite easily.  Finding them in moments and offering his arm to Harry to put around him in a side-hug. 
“Here they are, kid,” Sirius says.  “Do you want to say a few words?”
“Well, I – I’d like to, but I – I am not sure what to say,” Harry states, uncertainly.
“Just speak from your heart.  They love you no matter what.”
Harry coughs and clears his throat.  “Well, er, hi mum, hi dad.  It’s Harry – your, er, son.”
He looks at Sirius for assurance and Sirius nods at him.  “Go on, kid.”
He looks back at the graves and just starts talking about everything – his life before, how he hopes that they’re proud of him, how happy he is to be with Sirius (although he uses Pads), how he’s looking forward to honoring them every day… and then, he tells them that he misses them.  That he didn’t know what he was missing until Sirius came back into his life, but he knows now, and he truly misses them.  
“But I know that you would want Pads and I to be happy, so we’ll honor you and remember you.  We’ll love you, but we’ll also know that it’s okay to – to move on and be happy because I know you’d want us to be.”
“They sure would, kid,” Sirius assures him.  He knows that no matter how difficult it is to say goodbye, to move on, especially given… well, everything… they would want them to be happy.  They wouldn’t want their husband and son suffer.  “They loved us, and they’re watching over us.  They would be telling us that no matter what happened.  I know that, deep down.  They would want us to be happy and move on because they loved us.”
Harry nods, letting Sirius pull him into a proper hug before letting go. 
“And they would be so proud of you.  The young man you’ve become and man you’ll grow into someday,” Sirius states.  
“They’d be proud of you, too, Pads,” Harry offers.  “I’m sure of it.  You – you saved me from… and you’ve been so good to me…”
“I’m your Pads, kid,” Sirius states.  “I’m meant to love you and take care of you because I’m your Pads.  Still, I understand the sentiment.  I know I messed up even though we all agreed to the change, but I want to make up for it now.  They know that, I’m sure.”
He doesn’t have to say the words he’s feeling out loud.  He just looks at the graves and thinks to himself: 
I know that you loved me.  I know that the dementors lied.  I know that I screwed up.  I know that I let you down.  Despite this, I know that you’ll forgive me – if you haven’t already.  But I also know that I will always love you and I will spend the rest of my life making things right.  To you both and to our son.  I promise – I won’t screw up, again.  I just hope you believe me.
He can feel the wind through the air and smell the light scent of flowers, and he knows that they do.  His husband and wife watching over him, they know what he feels, and they know that he’ll keep his promise.
Harry nods and turns back to the graves.  “I love you, mum, dad.”
“And I love you, too,” Sirius says.  He turns to Harry, “Are you ready to go?”
Harry nods, again.  “Let’s go home, Pads.”
“Yes, let’s.”
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b1ueoff1ine · 2 years
Partygoers - Part 2
Loki x Reader
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Prompt: Your part of the Avengers, and, when it's up to you to capture the villain at an event, you find they aren't what they seem.
Summary: That night, Loki protects you from strange men. You show him how to properly fry an egg when things get emotional.
Warnings: Enemies to Lovers. Some dudes getting scared by Loki. Angst. (Let me know if I missed any!)
A/N: part 2! based on my prompt: "touch her and you're dead."
WC: 1k
Loki kissed your shoulder as you considered calling Nat. You could tell her Loki got away so you didnt have to knock him unconscious and betray his trust.
But that would still mean you had to distract him and get away at some point.
You just didnt want to. He was extremely charming and very kind. He was such the gentleman. So you decided to let him take you home with him, to learn the ways of Loki.
And of course spend more time with him. You surprisingly liked hanging out with him.
You laughed as Loki practically dragged you back into the party. You grabbed your stuff and Loki followed you to your motorcycle.
Hopping on, you noticed Loki looked concerned. "What's the matter, Mischief? Afraid?" You teased.
"Look." He gestured to behind you, where a group of guys was watching you hungrily.
"Oh, shit- Um..." You said, putting on the guise of a scared woman.
"Dont worry- I'll handle it." Loki walked over to the group, and you followed. "Greetings, gentlemen. I couldn't help but notice the way y'all were looking at my girl."
You blushed at his words.
"Awe, just one touch?" One of the men asked, drunk.
"Touch her and you're dead." Loki sneered.
"Ooh, pretty boy feisty." Another said.
Suddenly a glowing green blade was in Loki's hand. You knew he wouldn't hurt them too badly.
"I suggest you run." Loki was looking at them darkly, a smile on his face.
The men just advanced towards you, ignoring his warning.
They took a step forward, Loki taking two.
They took a step, and all of the sudden Loki had two blades in his hands.
The drunk men finally seemed to get the message that you weren't theirs, for they turned and ran into the darkness, scared looks on their faces.
"Now, where were we?"
"About to head over to your place, I believe."
Loki smiled. "Ah, right. And may I have the pleasure of driving your motorcycle?"
"Mhm." You nodded, dragging Loki back towards it. He hopped on, and you climbed on behind him. Then he started the bike and you were off.
You sped through the city, lights zooming past.
Loki smiled to himself as Y/N gripped his waist, afraid of falling off.
Lights blazed past the two of them, and Y/N rested her chin on Loki's shoulder as she held on tighter to his waist.
It was actually quite romantic.
As they zoomed past resturants and small stores, Loki imagined a cute candle-lit dinner with Y/N.
But the romantic motorcycle ride didn't last, for they had reached his apartment complex.
They parked the bike, then dismounted and put the helmets away.
Loki practially dragged Y/N up the stairs and through the door of his apartment.
They both laughed when Y/N's stomach growled.
Y/N blushed. "Yeah."
Your stomach growled again.
You laughed as you sat on of his bar stools. Loki was frying you an egg and some bacon.
"Do you even know how to fry an egg?" You asked, curious.
"Yeah. Thor taught me. You got an issue with that?"
You shook your head and went into the kitchen. You took over the pan, flipping the egg and showing the burnt side.
"You're supposed to flip the egg halfway through, not let one side burn." You laughed.
Loki raised his brows innocently. "I must be rusty, then."
You imagined many mornings like this, you teaching Loki how to cook. But it made you wonder- Are the two of us a thing now? You shook your head. No- I've only just met him and he's my enemy. I cant betray the team like this.
"Stop looking at me like that."
"Like what?" Loki asked.
"Like you'd give me the world if I asked for it."
"I would, though."
You exited the kitchen, a blank expression shrouding your features. You sat on the couch, and started to sob.
Loki detected the shift in your mood, because he plated the food and came to sit next to you.
"You alright?"
You shook your head. "No. But its something I can't tell you."
"Why not?"
"Because... I'm sorry, Loki, but I-I just cant tell you." You looked away, tears falling.
"Hey, its okay." Loki told you, giving you a great big bear hug. "You can trust me."
"Loki... tell me this: did you enjoy the kiss we shared in the rain?"
He nodded. "Why?"
"Because you can never kiss me again if I tell you."
You shook your head. "No buts. If you wish me to tell you, then kiss me now. Kiss me like you're never going to see me again. Because chances are, you never will."
Your tears were falling freely. You didn't want to leave Loki. You had come to know him in the past few hours to be kind and forgiving and protective.
You had come to know him as a lover.
So when his lips collided with yours, you were in heaven. The kiss was soft and sweet, fierce and strong, and you didnt want to stop.
It was passionate and kind and wonderful. It felt like freedom.
But all good things must come to an end.
So when the kiss was broken, both of you panting heavily, needing air, Loki hugged you again.
He hugged you for what seemed like an hour.
Then he held your hand and stared deep into your eyes. "Now, will you tell me what's bothering you?"
"Yes." You sigh. "I... I'm the Avenger sent to hunt you down."
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blinktwicebaby · 7 months
Febuwhump Day 13- “you weren’t supposed to get hurt”
Prompt from @febuwhump
Originally posted on ao3- Featherly
“It’s actually super fun when you know what you’re doing” Dick said through his helmets communicator, revving the dirt bike to show off how loud it was.
Tim held in the clutch and revved his own, barely loud enough to be considered a rev. “I saw one at the county fair once” he proclaimed, “that’s about as close to one I’ve ever been.”
Tim let the clutch go slowly and revved low, yelping as the bike jolted forward and stalled.
Dick made him try again. And again. And again.
Apparently it’s how he’d learned, and how Jason (may God rest his soul) had learned, and looking at Nightwing take out the batcycle on the road these days, Tim could hardly believe it. It’s like Dick was born to ride, and Tim was born to sit at a computer with his feet planted firmly on the ground.
He wasn’t a quitter though. Unfortunately, neither was Dick.
Dick spent a few days teaching Tim how to ride, and after that he spent his time teaching Tim to go down hills and over harder bits of the terrraine. Once he understood, he had to agree that Dick was right. He was having a pretty great time.
“Okay smart guy,” Dick said when Tim was getting antsy for something harder, “we can try the beginner path now.”
He pointed down a long dirt track, “it starts there, goes up on a turn, then down for a long time, then through the creek, and loops back around. Can you remember that?”
“Sure can!” Tim said, revving his bike and streaming forward, ahead of Dick.
He was climbing the track, Dick not too far behind him.
“You cheated!” Dick called out playfully, his voice beating around Tim’s helmet.
“No, you’re just slow!” replied Tim, turning his bike inexpertly against the top part of the incline where the first curve was.
Up, then down for a long time.
Tim was speeding down and down, accelerating dangerously into it. He was armoured to the T though, and if he came off he’d have little more than a scrape, a bruise at worst.
The bike bumped over the uneven ground, flying at random holes. Tim laughed at his new found hobby, the breeze whipping loudly past him.
Over another ledge and he was far ahead of Dick. He could see the bottom of the long hill, the creek shallow. He couldn’t wait to drive right through it, water shooting up all around him.
Dick shot over the ledge behind Tim and he gasped. “Tim, stop” he said calmly into the comms.
“Why, it’s just water?” Tim replied, a little unsure.
But Dick had seen it too late.
Tim never made it to the creek. He hit the wire that spanned between two trees, a horrible trick from someone who might have thought it was funny, or else maybe hated the sound of dirt bikes.
The wire was at the exact right height for Tim’s neck, the only unprotected part of his body. He rode into the wire, razor sharp at the speed he was going, and it sliced half way through the muscles, severing his oesophagus and windpipe. He hung from it, gurgling on his own blood. His bike, free of its rider, slid down the slope stopping just short of the creek.
Dick slid into a stop and let his bike fall under him. He grabbed Tim at the chest with one arm, using his other hand to grab his hair. It took effort for him to pull Tim off the taut wire, and when he did the metal string bounced, making a ‘sproing’ noise.
He tried putting his gloved hands over the bleeding line in Tim’s neck, but that didn’t stop the blood from falling into his lungs. As Tim made a horrible choking noise Dick tried putting him on an angle that would let the blood fall upwards, but that could only work for so long. Panic set in, and Dick fumbled with his phone. The gloves didn’t work on the touch screen so he ripped the one on his right hand off. He called Bruce since he was up at the garage working on Jason’s old bike, and he might know what to do.
“Tim’s bleeding from his neck” Dick whined desperately down the line, “he needs help NOW!”
Bruce tried to get more out of him, the sound of another bike burring both down the phone and somewhere in the distance. Dick warned him about the razor sharp wire and Bruce was on his way. Bruce was going to fix Tim up and make him okay.
Both shaking hands, one gloved and the other bare, cupped either side of Tim’s head. Tim looked up at him while he struggled to breathe, Bruce’s bike sounding far away and close at the same time as it echoed off the wilderness.
“Bruce is coming” Dick said, looking Tim deep in the eyes so he wouldn’t slip away, “it was fun otherwise though! We can go on the burned path next, then the open field track. I think you’ll really like that one.”
Tim just looked up at Dick sadly, unable to talk, pale as his blood left him. He knew he was going to die, but Dick seemed unable to accept it.
Dick put his forehead to Tim’s, heaving as he started crying. “This was supposed to be a fun lesson” he whined, barely comprehensible, “you weren’t supposed to get hurt!”
It sounded like he was blaming Tim, like the time he’d blamed him for dropping sauce on his science fair project, or for taking the last 2 pieces of bread when Dick had mentally dibsed them the previous night, or for accidently dropping the fresh baked scones Dick had asked Alfred for into the sink.
Tim became limp in Dicks hands, their heads still touching, the sound of a dirt bike scraping to a stop somewhere very close by.
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cyberpunk-r-j · 4 months
Learning Lines
I have always thought the most important tool in learning lines is understanding. If as an actor, you deeply understand what you and your scene partners are saying and why they are saying it, then the memorization of the lines will follow much more easily.
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psychologists ... found that actors search for meaning in the script, rather than memorizing lines.
— https://thereader.mitpress.mit.edu/how-actors-remember-their-lines
I liken it a bit to learning how to drive, or ride a bike. At first, every tiny adjustment or correction is very much in the forefront of your awareness. Eventually though, you get to the point where the car/bike becomes an extension of you. You no longer have to think "I need to turn the wheel, just a bit, to stay in the centre of the lane on this slightly curving road." Instead, you just stay in the middle of your lane. You are watching the road, and your learned understanding makes the small adjustments almost without thought.
The same is true for acting. The most important job for every actor, big speaking role to tiny non-speaking alike, is to listen, and react to your fellow actors.
You must be able to stand there not thinking of that line. You take it off the other actor’s face. Otherwise, for your next line, you’re not listening and not free to respond naturally, to act spontaneously.
— Michael Caine
The text needs to become so well understood, that the lines become the natural reaction to your cue.
John Basinger, at age 58, spent 8 years memorizing Milton's “Paradise Lost” (10,565 lines) which he was able to recite over the course of 3 days. When speaking of the process at age 74, still able to recall almost perfectly the following lines when prompted with a random couplet, said...
During the incessant repetition of Milton’s words, I really began to listen to them, and every now and then as the poem began to take shape in my mind, an insight would come, an understanding, a delicious possibility.
— John Basinger
This is my hope for all involved in the making of the show. It is why I dedicate the first couple of weeks of rehearsal, of an already tight schedule, to table work. Reading and re-reading scenes, as we collectively gain a better understanding of the text, and what it means specifically within the context of the production.
Due to the nature of repeatedly speaking/hearing the lines during rehearsal, that understanding can continue to grow continually, including during the middle of a performance.
Our goal is to capture as much understanding as we can during the repetition of the rehearsal process, and learn how that can inform the performance such that the audience can gain as much of that understanding as possible by seeing the scene only once during a performance.
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starrwulfe · 6 months
Last Week Today! S2024E7
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🤦‍♂️ OK, I skipped out on hella posts for this category. I know, I know… I’ll backfill them later, but I really hadn’t done much of anything noteworthy I guess so there wasn’t the motivation to post one of these… Which is not the point of course, so I’ll just shut up and get on with this installment. Just watch out for the backfills if you’re keeping up with this on the socials or RSS or email or whatever.
🩺 I had my yearly physical exam, and it went well except for the one note under intensive fasting glucose being 101mg/dL which to make a long story short, prompted my doctor to admonish me about getting enough exercise or else worry about diabetes being a thing. Other than that, I’m just as healthy as ever.
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🏋️ It’s no secret that since returning Stateside from Japan, I haven’t really been getting enough exercise, walks, runs, all that jazz and have low-key been stressed and a bit depressed. I have zero motivation to go to a gym; I don’t like doing routines so much to begin with, but I really don’t like being in a room with total strangers trying to figure out how to make my body do stuff to burn fat. It literally makes me even more stressed out than just jogging/riding a bike by myself. SuperWife and I had been going to the gym together at first, but her job changed, and our schedules fell out of alignment for that; I lost my motivation about a year later and here we are. I tried going to the little gym in my area, but my job no longer subsidizes gym membership, and probably more influential, the guy that runs it keeps asking me to join a “boot camp” class. I don’t want to join shit, I don’t want to be around people, leave me the fsck alone, I’m already anxious as hell just being there. So I stopped going.
🚲️ Excuses aside, I’m just gonna go and buy myself a bike and do what I used to do overseas that kept me fit in the first place. I used to cycle all over the place. I can’t walk or take trains like I did there but I’m going to try to at least bike around here and get out more. Did you know I once went almost a whole week without leaving my house a few months ago? (Working from home has its downsides too!) I miss Japan for my social life and urban living more than anything; it kept me on the “life gym” plan where my mind and body constantly got a workout every day without effort. Just living my daily JapanLife kept me fit. Now I actually have to actively work on it. I appreciate any tips on keeping motivated and healthy from y’all out there reading this please.
🚸 Moving on, the kids are doing well. I just realized we’ll have 0 mini-mes that will be in elementary school after this school year. Little Monkey will be a middle schooler. When dafuq did my cute little simian who learned to climb up my back like a ladder and sit on my shoulders get to be on the precipice of teenagedom?
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🚗 At the other end of the scale, The Big One just passed her written Drivers Exam and is now permitted. I really wasn’t ready for this one. It’s not like she’s chomping at the bit to drive (kinda opposite actually – she frequently takes our fledgling bus system around here) but it’s always good to have another driver in the family in case something happens. I wish I had the cheddar to get a hoopty for her and Boy-Type (he’ll be at a permittable age this time next year 😨) to drive… But even if I did, we can’t afford the insurance on a 16 year old right now I’m sure.
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🎨 Speaking of Boy-Type, his drawing skills are getting very good. Fingers crossed for him to be the next Akira Toriyama or Hayao Miyazaki. I’ll settle for him just being that guy that paints to cool murals in trendy shopping plazas and shops like his uncle does back in Tokyo. Getting paid to do what you like to do is the shit. One of the classes at the arts high school he’ll need to pay attention in is Creative Business Management. I hope he soaks it all up when the time comes.
🦸‍♀️ SuperWife is out here doing her thing and will attend a intensive technical training bootcamp style class this summer since she’ll have more time for that while the school district is on summer break. I think she’d make a great tech support technician or level 1 project lead; her time management is better than mine and that’s always been half the job for me. I can’t wait to have crazy “vim vs emacs” type discussions with her. LOL
🏁 Lastly, I’m looking forward to spring, warmer temps, and getting back out in the RV. We’re set to head down to Jacksonville, Florida for a few days during the first week of April and I can’t wait. I love being on the road with the tribe and I feel we’re at our best together out in the world exploring like this. We’ve hit daylight savings already and 25ºC/80ºF was hit for the first time last week too. Just gotta hang on a bit longer to shake these winter doldrums!
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megwritesnstuff · 1 year
I know I don’t have a lot of mutuals and stuff but this is my blog and I can post whatever I want and I need to. Talk about some stuff.
On the night of the 17th my little brother in law was involved in a really horrific, traumatic accident while on vacation. He was invited, along with their other roomie, by one of his roomates’ family to join them on their vacation to West Virginia. They own property up there and it was meant as good wholesome fun. Go relax in the mountains, ride some four wheelers, have a few beers, whatever. All three of the roommates are in trade school learning welding but they’re on summer break right now and, my little BiL specifically had been saving up to go on a trip anyway because theres been a lot of other stressful stuff going on in his/my partners family lately and so he decided to go.
But, while no one is exactly sure what happened, there was an accident and my lil BiL had to be airlifted to the nearest hospital. Basically, they were at a place that is for mountain bikes (I guess? idk much about this sort of stuff) riding the ATVs. There were some trees blocking sight of a bend in the track so no one who was at the scene saw what happened, but my BiL went around the track and just... never came back. A few minutes pass and his buddies are like. “Wow whats taking him so long? Lets go check” and they found him just
nearly dead. The four wheeler was on top of him and he was face down in the dirt. Aparently an animal ran out in the track or SOMETHING happened, and it ended up rolling end over end so he broke the fall all with his face and neck. They of course called emergency services and his parents, but because it was later at night his parents were already asleep and didnt answer/ So they called his brother AKA my partner. It showed up as an unknown number so we nearly didnt answer as well but thank GODS we did. We drove out as fast as we could, a four and some change hour drive, to be with him. I’m only family by marriage, not immediate, so I wasn’t allowed to go in to see him but from what my husband said he was... messed up really good.
He has twelve seperate skull fractures, broken jaw, multiple severe lacerations as well as an internal brain bleed and massive swelling. He had to have transfusions as well as a 12 hour, multiple surgeon team operation to insert titanium plates and screws and basically just. Reconstruct his face/head. Honestly, its a miracle he’s even alive. He even had a bone fragment get lodged in his brain that had to be removed. The situation is. BAD.
Or, well. It was. Thankfully he made it through surgery and the brain bleed stopped. Because of the massive bleed initially though, a lot of blood rdrained into his stomach and lungs so they inserted tubes to drain it out. He also had to be intubated to help him breathe, and he has a feeding tube since they had to wire his jaw shut for the time being so those titanium plates dont get shifted bu the movent (as well to stabalize his broken jaw). They had been keeping him sedated until today because every time he started to come to, he would try to rip out the tubes and fight off the medical staff. They weren’t sure if he was just in shock or what, but either way, without the breathing and feeding tube he would die so. Yeah.
Thankfully this morning, he started to come to but they were able to calm him down so that they could tell him what happened and get him to do some cognitive tests. He was able to wiggle his fingrs and toes according to the doctors prompting, so we know he can still hear. Also he isn’t paralyzed, which is obviously great. He’s still in a very delicate state and they’re keeping him in ICU, but it seems like he’s going to pull through. 
I am so, so grateful to the medical staff, the Gods, his friends for their swift response when they realized he hadn’t come back. All of it. I am honestly so happy he is alive.
But the weird thing about emergency scenarios, is that. It doesn’t really hit you until a few days later, you know? Like the whole time when my husband and I were on our way to West Virginia, the night we spent up there with their parents waiting to see if he was gonna basically live or die. I was so scarily calm. I am a very anxious person by nature, who was abused by my parents and even ten years later gets very easily triggered by certain things, has panic attacks, falls into depressive episodes, goes to therapy and takes medication... ect. It was. UNNATURAL. How calm and rational I was during the whole ordeal. I had to be there for my In-laws, my husband. I needed to be a rock for them because at that moment, it wasn’t about my feelings. Like, yes. I love my brother in law as if he was my blood brother. I am adopted and have no real connection with my biological siblings or my much older adopted brother. We didnt grow up together, and in the case of my adopted brother, he was so much older than me that he was already moved out of home by the time I came into my adoptive parents care. So, we barely know each other at all.
When I got married to my partner, and met his little brother, it was just like. I had a sibling for the first time ever. We got on great, had a lot in common, and arent that far apart in age. So he really became like family to me. So, yes. Of COURSE I was devastated when we heard the news. But I knew that for as much as I love him, my partner and his parents love him even more. They have known him his whole life. They have watched him grow. Thats- Thats their KID. Thats their little brother that they’ve stood up for and protected their whole LIFE. So, somehow in my brain, it was like an override switch. I was able to be there for them, let them cry on me, run the phone lines to make sure the rest of the family was aprised of the situation and didnt bother my FiL, MiL, and husband while they were trying to be there for him and... and basically say their final words to him, if he didnt make it through the night and his operation.
But now that we’re home, and we know Diego is gonna be okay, and he’s on the up and up with the start of his recovery its like. REALLY hitting me.
I’m so exhausted. I’m so panicked and jittery and upset as if it was still saturday night. Like, LOGICALLY i know now that he is fine. Time has passed and he is already showing signs that he’s gonna be able to pull through this just fine, even if it takes a while. But emotionally I cant get it out of my head
Diego has been in an accident. Diego might die. Diego might not ever be able to walk or eat or talk or do anything beside be in a vegatative state ever again. Oh my gods, please. Please let him be okay. Please let him be okay. PLEASE---
And its like. Not “dumb” but for lack of a better word, its dumb to be having this response NOW because. He’s okay! He can hear us! He can wiggle his toes! He can move his arms enough to be able to try to yank an IV out! He made it through surgery, and, even if he might not look exactly the same because of the facial reconstruction process, he’s alive and he’s going to be able to be moved to a hospital in NC in a few weeks so we can visit him! He’s pulling through!
So why do I still feel so terrified as if his life is still hanging in the balance, driving through the mountains of Appalachia in the middle of the night?
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