#promo articles
a-bensler-blog · 1 year
"When DNA from an SVU rape investigation connects to an OCCB unsolved murder, Stabler and Benson uncover a revenge-for-hire scheme on the dark web. While Bell and Jet follow the money trail to expose the website’s anonymous creator, Stabler asks Professor Rollins for help with a key clue."
Description for OC 3x21 airing May 11 at 10/9c. [x]
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louisupdates · 2 months
INTERVIEW: Lottie Tomlinson: we lost our mum and sister. Louis saved me
At the age of 20, the sister of One Direction singer Louis had already lost her mother, Johannah, and sister Félicité. Now 25, the social media star has written a book about how they coped
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Alice Thomson | Tuesday July 23 2024, 5.00pm BST, The Times
Losing Mum was so hard. I was only a teenager but at least I knew that her death was a possibility, even though she didn’t accept it. She was 47 and had cancer. But when my sister died three years later, I was on this hotel balcony in Bali and I was screaming, ‘No, my baby sister, no.’ The pain was indescribable. I kept thinking, ‘Why me? This can’t be happening again. When is this going to end?’ ”
We are sitting on Lottie Tomlinson’s immaculate white sofa in her pristine white house in Chislehurst, southeast London, where she is curled up in tiny shorts with a perfect tan and impeccably applied make-up. But her French manicured nails are digging so hard into the sofa I think they might snap, the heart tattoo on her minuscule wrist is throbbing and her eyelashes are clogged with tears.
Her life sounds blessed. The influencer has 4.8 million Instagram followers waiting for her to dispense advice on how to apply mascara; the fake tan brand, Tanologist, that she launched at 19 has gone global; and she has a devoted fiancé, Lewis Burton, who runs a luxury concierge business and whose former girlfriend was the late Caroline Flack. They have an adorable son called Lucky, who is dripping ice cream on her marble counters. Her new book is also called Lucky Girl; her older brother is Louis Tomlinson of One Direction and she was touring the world with the band as a make-up artist at 16.
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But after her mother died when she was 18, Tomlinson was left looking after her younger sister and two sets of twin siblings, aged eight and two, while creating her businesses, and trying to process her grief. Her father had left their home in Doncaster years before after a battle with alcohol. “Dad had a drinking problem. We’d see glimpses of his good side but he let us down,” she says. “I ended up trying to take care of him rather than the other way round.”
When her mother died, life felt bleak, “I lost the one person who loved me unconditionally, and then when my sister Fizz [Félicité] died of an accidental overdose, I thought I could never be happy again,” she says. “I found the lead-up to Mother’s Day devastating without my sister as well. It was a constant reminder that I was now different from my friends. In my dreams, my mum was still there; she was alive. I woke up feeling comforted, only to realise that she’d gone.”
Tomlinson, who is now 25 and a patron of the bereavement charity Sue Ryder, moves easily between telling you how to apply the best tan and how to talk about death. She cares passionately about both subjects and takes them equally seriously, worried that I’ve never tried a bronzer or used foundation before asking how I coped when my mother died during the pandemic. Her soft Yorkshire accent is both reassuring and no-nonsense.
Born near Doncaster, she was only two when Fizz was born and six when the first twins arrived. “I’ve always been the big sister — Fizz and I each got one and then more twins six years later.” While Louis had his own space, the girls all shared one room with bunk beds. “It was chaos, but my mum, Johannah, was a midwife and loved being pregnant and having so many babies,” she explains. “I used to be in awe of the way she could feed the twins at once, one on each hip. She would do the night shifts, while I held the fort at home.”
Within a few years, Tomlinson would be touring America, Asia and Europe, flying first class with Louis, part of the biggest boy band in the world, but until she was 15, the family had only ever gone to France once a year all packed into a seven-seater car, with her mother’s new partner, snacks laid out in the middle. They stayed in a caravan park. On a Sunday, a treat was to go to their mother’s hospital to see the babies.
While Louis just wanted to sing, play the guitar and listen to Oasis, the girls were obsessed with make-up. “From the age of 12, I struggled academically, but I loved cropped clothes and my mum’s highlighters and mascaras.” She learnt how to apply everything from YouTube tutorials, rather than doing algebra. “We didn’t have much money — we sometimes couldn’t afford to top up the electricity meter so used candles — but everything my mum earned she spent on us. We all looked immaculate — I remember her being horrified when I dyed my hair orange. So it was lovely later when we could treat her.”
Saturday nights were spent watching The X Factor. “My mother and brother kept applying; in 2010, he got in and the whole family went for the audition. We believed in him, but we never thought it would go that far.” One day the family were going to the live shows, the next the boy band was formed with Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan and Liam Payne. “He was 18. For my mum it was a big shock. It was all so sudden. The press and fans were in our front garden every day.”
The older twins had already made their first TV appearances — they sound like Doncaster’s Von Trapps. “My mother was gently pushy,” Tomlinson says, smiling at the thought. “When I didn’t get good enough GCSEs to stay at school, she sent me off to join Louis on tour as work experience. I was so scared. I remember her ringing up Lou [Teasdale], their hair and make-up artist, and saying, ‘Lottie has not got through to sixth form; she’s going to come and assist you.’ I was in the car going, ‘No, please don’t.’ But it ended up being the best thing that happened to me. I went for a week and stayed two years. Lou and I are still so close.”
Suddenly, the two eldest Tomlinson children were circling the world, eating room service and ducking the paparazzi hanging out of helicopters taking snaps. “At first Louis didn’t really want his little sister gate crashing his new rock-star life, but now it feels like the best time of our lives — we experienced that craziness together,” she says.
The teenage Tomlinson found it harder to cope with being photographed wherever she went. “I had some puppy fat which made me very self-aware, and the filler culture was coming in and I felt I had to look perfect.” She had her lips done first at 17. “Then I became addicted: cheek filler, jaw filler, more make-up, blonder hair, slimmer and more tanned. My mum thought I looked perfect, but I was always searching.”
Five years later, when she became pregnant with Lucky and her lips started to swell and crack, she realised she didn’t need the enhancements any more. “I had everything removed, the false eyelashes too. It was liberating.” She kept her boob job, however. “That was just enhancement,” she says laughing. “The rest radically changed the way I looked. My breasts also got huge when I was pregnant and it was a bit painful. But I still breastfed. I loved carrying my child. I felt fantastic even when I was sick and exhausted.”
She leans forward, wraps her bronzed arms around her stomach and whispers, “I am pregnant again. We don’t know yet if it’s a boy or girl. It’s only 13 weeks, so this is the first time I’ve said it publicly. I think I want a big family. I loved having Lucky but after a year I wanted to give him siblings.”
Tomlinson’s influencer career began once she established herself on tour. Soon everything she did, even dying her roots rainbow-coloured, went viral and fashion companies from Asos to Dior wanted in on it. “I was just going for it. I couldn’t believe the money I was making and spending — money I didn’t know existed as a child.”
Then suddenly her mum came home from holiday with flu. “She didn’t want to get out of bed. The doctors quite quickly told her she had leukaemia and she went straight to London for treatment. It all happened so fast. I remember being in London at work and getting a call from her partner — she couldn’t say the words herself, it was too hard for her.” The family were told it was treatable. “We kept so much hope.”
Her mother asked the family to keep her illness secret. “It was hard because you feel so isolated, but I understood. Louis was in the public eye and she didn’t want him questioned. She was determined to fight it and didn’t want everyone pitying her. My friends noticed I was acting differently for a few months. But I wanted to respect her wishes. It was her one request.”
She also dropped everything to go back to Doncaster to help her grandparents with the twins. “The younger ones were two and I wanted to keep everything as normal as possible. I can’t imagine what my mum was feeling leaving her kids to go to hospital.
“I would take them down and treasure seeing her — we tried to keep it light, no serious conversation. The only way Mum could cope was to keep it normal. Then, when the doctors said the transfusions hadn’t worked, she came home to die.”
Tomlinson tries to sound matter-of-fact. “We went to see her in hospital in Sheffield and the next morning we woke up and were told she had died. We felt numb. We didn’t know what to do with ourselves. Now I am involved with the Sue Ryder charity, I am surprised we were offered no support or counselling at all, from the GP, the teachers, the professionals. They all kept away.” Her nan and grandad picked up the pieces.
It’s not surprising she can’t remember the funeral. “I just remember getting really drunk to numb the pain. I couldn’t come to terms with it. I can’t even remember how we organised it. My instinct was to take over as the eldest girl and step into my mum’s shoes so that is what I did.” Meanwhile, her older brother, who was launching his solo career, ensured there was enough money. “He’s incredibly generous. We looked after each other.”
Tomlinson returned to London months later, after her grandmother said she needed to become a role model for her siblings. Her younger sister Fizz worried her most. “She was very academic — she got straight A’s without trying — but she always said she felt different. She was bottling her grief for so long; it was too much and made her turn to other things. I think Mum’s death destroyed her. Only my mum seemed to understand her. If she had been offered some help at the start, things might have been different.”
Meanwhile, Tomlinson’s self-tanning brand was soon being sold in Los Angeles, New York and Australia, while her own fanbase grew; she hardly ever needed to pay for drinks, meals or holidays. However, she finds the term influencer obnoxious. “I don’t want to act like I tell people what to do. I am more of a content creator,” she explains. “I get paid by brands to create content for their clothes or beauty products and promote that to my followers. I also wanted my own business. I was quite aware that, at the end of the day, I was just working with an app. That’s why I started Tanologist with my business partner. I was always using tanning treatments that would end up turning my sheets orange and my face would break out in spots — this is more natural.”
Louis was also forging his career as a solo artist, eventually creating the song Two of Us about his mother’s death. “We were always so proud of Louis and what he was doing. We were not going to match up to being a global superstar, but we didn’t want to — ‘successful’ looks different for everyone,” she says.
But her sister Fizz was slipping and struggling. “She was old enough to do what she wanted at 19; she was partying and taking stuff to numb everything. She did go into rehab but to me it didn’t feel like an addiction problem, but a way to blank out her grief.” When Tomlinson was invited to Bali, she asked Fizz whether she wanted her to stay behind. “She said she was OK, and then it happened while I was away,” she says. (Fizz accidentally overdosed on cocaine, an anxiety drug and painkillers, her inquest found.) “Louis called me…” She stops talking.
The shock of a second death must have been devastating. She doesn’t speak for a minute while she twists her huge diamond engagement ring. “We weren’t mentally prepared,” she eventually says. “I can’t even remember if the two funerals were in the same church. I think grief has affected my memory a lot and that’s quite common. Grief is such a powerful emotion; it takes up a lot of your brain.”
Five years later, she now knows how to remain positive. “I had an amazing mum for 18 years. I have the most amazing family, my little boy and my career, and that is because of her. The same with Fizz — I had an amazing sister. It’s heartbreaking they aren’t with us any more, but they are together and they are looking out for me,” she says, sounding as though she is repeating a mantra.
Having a baby made her feel closer to them both. “He was a boy — it’s funny, he actually looks a lot like Louis did — and I thought, this is what my mother must have felt. But then I had so many questions I couldn’t ask, even more because she was a midwife.”
Her biggest problem was her terror that something terrible would happen to her son. “I became fixated [on the idea that] something bad would happen to him, so I couldn’t sleep. You go to the worst-case scenario, because that’s happened to you twice, to two of the closest people in your life. I couldn’t turn the lights off at night; I needed to see him all the time. Luckily, it calmed down quite quickly.”
We are still flitting between her story and advice on make-up, exercise and clothes.
“I like sharing advice. If a child lost their mother, I would say there is no magic answer. But the point of this book is to show that you can have tragic things happen and still keep going.”
What would the 25-year-old now say to her younger self, struggling at her second funeral at the age of 20? “I would say, ‘You are going to be OK; you will live a nice life.’ I didn’t think I could. I thought this will be a really sad, lonely life without my mum and sister. I wouldn’t have believed then that I could be happy again. But it would have been nice to hear.”
Lucky Girl by Lottie Tomlinson (Bonnier, £22). To order a copy go to timesbookshop.co.uk. Free UK standard P&P on orders over £25. Special discount available for Times+ members
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xofeno · 17 days
New Photo of Jesse Lee Soffer as Wes Mitchell on "FBI: International"
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source: ew.com
“He sort of flies by the seat of his pants,” Soffer says while filming in Budapest. “He has a really carefree attitude about it and he's just going to do his thing and he's a breath of fresh air. He's a lot of fun.” But that insouciance hides a darker side, as it so often does. When Mitchell’s partner is shot in Los Angeles and the suspects flee to Budapest, Mitchell follows after them on the fourth season premiere. Mitchell also shares a history with Cameron Vo (Vinessa Vidotto) which we’ll see play out over the season.
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It's been a long, long time coming...
2024 | Ryan Guzman on the Success of ‘9-1-1,’ Finding Family in His Costars and What’s to Come for Season 8
“[Eddie having a mustache] is something I pitched a long, long time ago when I first got on the show. I wanted to do a mustache and it didn’t make it then, but it came back this year,” he told Us of how the look came to be. “Kenny [Choi] saw it. He loved it. He goes, ‘Are you gonna do it?’ I said, ‘Man, if they let me do it, I’m there.’ So I sent a picture to [showrunner] Tim Minear, and he loved it. Next thing you know, we’re publicizing this mustache like it’s its own character.”
2016 | What it's like hanging out with the cast of 'Everybody Wants Some!!'
About Guzman’s lost mustache. Blake Jenner: I thought Ryan was going to keep his mustache. Glen Powell: The problem is that he and McReynolds looked the same. He begged Rick not to make him lose it. He really wanted a mustache.
@coldbam @singitforthegirls
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b-skarsgard · 26 days
—It must have been a very demanding shoot. I'd like to know, what did you do when you finished filming to relax?
—BS: I was working out a lot and I kind of developed an addiction to that, so it was good. It was a good tool to get your frustrations out and sweat it out in the gym. I was there with Valdemar, who was my personal trainer and my right-hand man throughout this whole trip, and he was a very important source for me to let off steam and, you know, cook together and eat well and just walk around Prague and enjoy that beautiful city.
—Before joining this new version, had you read the graphic novels, the comic, the original film?
—BS: Yeah, I had seen the original movie and I watched it again while I was putting this one together. I also read the graphic novel, which I really enjoyed, but when we started shooting I had to focus on the director’s cut and how Eric and that crow would develop and develop. Once we started shooting and working, it was like, well, what are the boundaries of this story? What are the high points, the big moments and the turning points, and how does the character evolve and change throughout this journey?
full interview at the link
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itsaship-literally · 1 month
Total Film Magazine:
Full Articles pt3
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napoleondidthat · 10 months
Oh. My. God.
This whole article makes me want to throw things and yell.
Thanks for schooling me sir. I mean, all my study is for naught. Obviously everyone’s side eyeing in the movie is because we just lick up Napoleon’s propaganda.
You can tell he thinks he’s so smart pointing out that Napoleon crossed the Alps on a mule and historians don’t know this because they have Napoleon Crossing the Alps painting on their biography covers.
I want to die.
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mary-inkay-cosmetics · 9 months
Hey Boss Babes <3
Hey, Boss Babes 😍😍😍 It's me, Glynda Glytters ✨✨✨, the social media 📳📳📳 coordinator (and Contest 🏅🏅🏅 Coordinator) for Mary Inkay Cosmetics!!!!! 💄🥰💅
FAQ (Frequent Asked Queries!)
How can I sign up to sell Mary Inkay Cosmetics?
You can sign up at www.maryinkaycosmetics.poke/sellers/Glynda-Glitters/starter-kit
Isn't this a pyramid scheme?
Pyramid Schemes are illegal, hun 💅💅💅
Your products gave me a rash!
Um, no it didn't, sweetie, our products are pure and natural! You probably just don't know how to put on makeup! 💅💅💅
Where are your products’ ingredients listed?
Nowhere, silly! What, you think we're going to let someone steal our formula? 😤😤🤨
How many kids do you have?
As a #boymom, I have three boys! Jaxen, Jaxon, and Jaxyn!
How much money do you make?
#sixfigures #retiringmyhusband #andnotwithachainsaw #unlesshedisobeys ✨✨✨✨✨✨
OOC Under the Cut
Ooc: Hiya, it's Xander again, back with another pkmn irl blog, this one's a fake MLM. Don't actually join a multi level marketing company, they're all scams lol. 
Since this a fake company page, Pelipper Mail is off, Magic Anons are off, but please please please send hate anons. Glynda is the cattiest mother of three who's ever existed. She wants to FIGHT. Please please please let her fight! 
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feypact · 4 days
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Promotional images for The Power Fantasy, a new comic by Kieron Gillen and Caspar Wijngaard with Image Comics
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felassan · 3 months
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[template] [char. portraits] [otis_inf]
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xofeno · 19 days
First Photos of Jesse Lee Soffer as Wes Mitchell on "FBI: International"
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source: tvline.com
⬇️mild spoilers⬇️
“Wes is not with the team when the season opens,” showrunner Matt Olmstead tells TVLine, “as viewers meet him when he is investigating a ‘tourism robbery’ crew in Los Angeles — and dealing with turbulence with his girlfriend.”
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statementlou · 11 months
Another element to Tomlinson’s psyche has been his decision to visit places off the usual tour circuit. “Louis has a real desire to perform to fans in markets that are often overlooked” “Louis also is extremely fan-focused in everything that he does. He comes at it from a perspective of ‘I want to take the show to them,’ meaning he’s always more willing to take the risky option to try something out.”
there is also detailed info about challenges in here that feel relevant to the Asian market issues
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b-skarsgard · 1 month
“Physicality wasn’t really an issue, but the mental state kind of wears on you because you live in it for four months, you know?” Skarsgard told The Hollywood Reporter on Tuesday night at the Lionsgate film’s world premiere held at New York’s Village East by Angelika. “I had a great shoot, a lot of night shoots. … You’re kind of preoccupied in a bleak state of mind for a while. I like to be consumed by it when I’m doing it. Actually, we were working out a lot, I found it really helpful. There’s nothing like being tired and sweaty to get the demons out.” Skarsgard also spoke to THR about the qualities in his character that stood out to him and inspired him to tackle the part. “I feel like he’s a fragile individual when you meet him, someone that’s almost given up on life and surely given up on himself. So getting to perform that, and then him finding Shelly and falling madly in love with her and how he projects onto her this kind of saving angel,” he explained. “And then when he loses her, what he’s willing to do for her. It’s kind of the beautiful archetypal story about what people do for love, and he’s commendable that way, I think, Eric as a character — very generous.”
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deluweil · 6 months
The thing that caught me a little is the wording in that one article. Why would Buck be jealous OF Eddie? Shouldn't he be jealous of Tommy stealing Buck's bff or something? What does Eddie have that Buck can be jealous of (and not about)?
Or you know, ignore me. It's just my brain and being sceptical. 😅
Yay for Bi-Buck though...
LOL I read it wrong at first too!!!
The headline for the promo for the article is misleading.
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It's with Eddie, the situation with Eddie.
Not jealous OF Eddie, but the fact that Eddie is now close to someone else, and Buck feels unsure of his place with him.
Almost like... 👀
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itsaship-literally · 1 month
Total Film Magazine:
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