#project 2025 is treason
benjjedi · 2 months
Stop Project 2025
In case you guys didn't know, Project 2025 is bad news for pretty much all of us US citizens. I'd suggest looking up and reading over Project 2025 because after reading it, Joe Biden being "too old" to be in charge will be the last thing you'll want to worry about. Heck, I can only hope you will realize, after reading it, that it's the very reason why this election is too important to sit out. Literally everyone's rights are on the line; women's rights, the LGBTQIA community's rights, the elderly, federal workers, the military and even people of every ethnicity.
As a matter of fact, I'll save you the trouble of searching for Project 2025 and provide you with the PDF of it right here: https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf
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ridenwithbiden · 2 months
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vintageseawitch · 2 months
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this is the original title of the Project 2025 book featuring a foreword written by JD Vance. they have since changed the title to "Taking Back Washington to Save America."
the contents are the same. they want to rip away our government. they want to forsake the Constitution. veterans & active duty military: how the hell would anyone NOT consider this an act of sedition? of treason? how is the Heritage Foundation not considered a terrorist group? they want to hurt us all. please take this seriously. DON'T STOP TALKING ABOUT PROJECT 2025
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rghfll · 23 days
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robertreich · 6 months
How Trump is Following Hitler's Playbook
You’ve heard Trump’s promise:
TRUMP: I’m going to be a dictator for one day.
History shows there are no “one-day” dictatorships. When democracies fall, they typically fall completely.
In a previous video, I laid out the defining traits of fascism and how MAGA Republicans embody them. But how could Trump — or someone like him — actually turn America into a fascist state? Here’s how in five steps.
Step 1: Use threats of violence to gain power
Hitler and Mussolini relied on their vigilante militias to intimidate voters and local officials. We watched Trump try to do the same in 2020.
TRUMP: Proud Boys, stand back and stand by.
Republican election officials testified to the threats they faced when they refused Trump’s demands to falsify the election results.
RAFFENSPERGER: My email, my cell phone was doxxed.
RUSTY BOWERS: They have had video panel trucks with videos of me proclaiming me to be a pedophile.
GABRIEL STERLING: A 20-something tech in Gwinnett County today has death threats and a noose put out saying he should be hung for treason.
If the next election is close, threats to voters and election officials could be enough to sabotage it.
Step 2: Consolidate power
After taking office, a would-be fascist must turn every arm of government into a tool of the party. One of Hitler’s first steps was to take over the civil service, purging it of non-Nazis.
In October of 2020, Trump issued his own executive order that would have enabled him to fire tens of thousands of civil servants and replace them with MAGA loyalists. He never got to act on it, but he’s now promising to apply it to the entire civil service.
That’s become the centerpiece of something called Project 2025, a presidential agenda assembled by MAGA Republicans, that would, as the AP put it, “dismantle the US government and replace it with Trump’s vision.”
Step 3: Establish a police state
Hitler used the imaginary threat of “the poison of foreign races” to justify taking control of the military and police, placing both under his top general, and granting law-enforcement powers to his civilian militias.
Now Trump is using the same language to claim he needs similar powers to deal with immigrants.
Trump plans to deploy troops within the U.S. to conduct immigration raids and round up what he estimates to be 18 million people who would be placed in mass-detention camps while their fate is decided.
And even though crime is actually down across the nation, Trump is citing an imaginary crime wave to justify sending troops into blue cities and states against the will of governors and mayors.
Trump insiders say he plans to invoke the Insurrection Act to have the military crush civilian protests. We saw a glimpse of that in 2020, when Trump deployed the National Guard against peaceful protesters outside the White House.
And with promises to pardon January 6 criminals and stop prosecutions of right-wing domestic terrorists, Trump would empower groups like the Proud Boys to act as MAGA enforcers.
Step 4: Jail the opposition
In classic dictatorial fashion, Trump is now openly threatening to prosecute his opponents.
TRUMP: if I happen to be president and I see somebody who’s doing well and beating me very badly, I say, ‘Go down and indict them.’ They’d be out of business.
And he’s looking to remake the Justice Department into a tool for his personal vendettas.
TRUMP: As we completely overhaul the federal Department of Justice and FBI, we will also launch sweeping civil rights investigations into Marxist local district attorneys.
In the model of Hitler and Mussolini, Trump describes his opponents as subhuman.
TRUMP: …the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country…
Step 5: Undermine the free press
As Hitler well understood, a fascist needs to control the flow of information. Trump has been attacking the press for years.
And he’s threatening to punish news outlets whose coverage he dislikes.
He has helped to reduce trust in the media to such a historic low that his supporters now view him as their most trusted source of information.
Within a democracy, we may often have leaders we don’t like. But we have the power to change them — at the ballot box and through public pressure. Once fascism takes hold, those freedoms are gone and can’t easily be won back.
We must recognize the threat of fascism when it appears, and do everything in our power to stop it.
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roguekhajiit · 3 months
With the SCOTUS ruling that the president is above the law, the MAGATs are showing their true colors.
And it's not the red, white, and blue that they fly next to their cult flags.
No, it's peach and orange.
That's because all this time, while they were screaming the loudest about how they were the "True patriots," they were really just reading a script their great orange leader gave to them.
They absolutely praise the deeds of these corrupt justices that blatantly disregard the vision the founding fathers had for our country.
When you call them out on their treasonous ideas, and that's what this boils down to, they can't do much more than regurgitate the tweets of their supreme leader.
They are not Patriots! Project 2025 seeks to tear down our democracy and rebuild our government into a dictatorship, crowning their cult leader as king.
All of these recent SCOTUS rulings are designed to lay the groundwork for Project 2025, and the MAGATs fully support it. Don't you forget that. Every single truck flying a MAGA flag, every single house with a Trump 2024 sign out front, and every red hat in the crowd at this year's 4th of July parade; they all support a dictatorship.
Don't let these kool-aid drinkers win this year. If they do, you can kiss your freedoms goodbye. They will undo all the progress we made over the years and set us back 300+ years. Under their regime, only rich, white men will have any semblance of freedom in the new country.
The only way we can hope to stop it is to get out and vote, turn as many states blue as we can. And let's hope that the electoral college isn't as corrupt as the Supreme Court is.
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Jesse Duquette
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July 11, 2024
JUL 12, 2024
Yesterday, Raw Story reported that Ivan Raiklin, Trump’s self-declared “Secretary of Retribution” has compiled a “Deep State target list” of 350 people he wants to see arrested and punished for “treason” if Trump is reelected. The list includes Democratic and Republican elected officials, journalists he considers to be Trump’s enemies, U.S. Capitol Police officers, and witnesses against Trump in his impeachment trials and the hearings concerning the events of January 6, 2021.
Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) told Raw Story: “His hit list is a vigilante death warrant for hundreds of Americans and a clear and present danger to the survival of American democracy and freedom.” The Trump campaign did not respond to requests for comment. Raiklin said the list was just the beginning. “This is the scratching of the surface of who is going to be criminalized for their treason, okay?” 
Former president Donald Trump, the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee, has tried to distance himself from the radical extremist blueprint outlined in Project 2025, spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation. Today, videos surfaced of Trump cheering the project on from the start. At a Heritage Foundation dinner in 2022, Trump, slurring his words, said: “Our country is going to hell…. This is a great group and they’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do...when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America. And that’s coming.”
On a right-wing podcast yesterday, Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts said that Trump’s agenda and Project 2025 have “tremendous” overlap. “There are some quibbles and differences of opinion here and there, which not only is okay, but it's actually good,” Roberts said. “I mean, we're gonna be able to sort those out once the presidential administration declares what their priorities are.” He said that Trump’s attempt to distance himself from the project was “a political tactical decision.” Media Matters uncovered a video in which Project 2025 director Paul Dans said that Trump is “very bought in with this.” 
The Heritage Foundation, the key author of Project 2025, is a sponsor of the Republican National Convention. 
Today the Heritage Foundation preemptively accused the Biden administration of cheating in the 2024 election and warned that Biden might try to hold the White House “by force.” It said that Biden and his administration could “circumvent constitutional limits and disregard the will of the voters should they demand a new president.” 
There is no indication that Biden, who has repeatedly said he will accept the election results, will try to launch a coup against the United States government. In contrast, Trump, who has refused to say he will accept the election result unless he agrees with it, has already done exactly what Heritage is trying to pin on Biden: Trump tried to stay in office against the will of the voters in 2021. 
Trump is currently under criminal indictment for that attempt, although the Supreme Court’s eye-popping July 1 decision in Trump v. U.S. declaring that a president cannot be prosecuted for crimes committed as part of a president’s “official duties” means Trump can challenge those indictments. Indeed, in the wake of that decision, Trump’s lawyers have filed a motion to vacate the jury’s conviction of Trump on 24 felony counts related to the falsification of business records in his attempt to skew the 2016 election, and to dismiss the indictment. 
While the U.S. and our allies celebrated the seventy-fifth anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Erin Banco of Politico reported yesterday that Trump advisors have told foreign officials that Trump plans to scale back U.S. cooperation and support for NATO, including reducing the sharing of intelligence with NATO countries.
This seems likely to be related to the news that the U.S. intelligence discovered a series of Russian plots to assassinate executives from European defense companies that are supplying arms to Ukraine. Americans took that intelligence to Germany and foiled a Russian plot to kill the chief executive officer of a German arms manufacturer. 
Trump has stayed home playing golf for the past two weeks, but on Tuesday he held a rally at his Doral golf club outside of Miami, where he kept the audience waiting outside in 90-degree heat before he showed up an hour late. His 75-minute speech was, as The Guardian’s Richard Luscombe reported, “full of evidence-free claims that his 2020 election defeat was fraudulent; baseless accusations that overseas nations were sending to the US ‘most of their prisoners’; and a laughable assertion that a gathering of supporters numbering in the hundreds was really a crowd of 45,000.” He also claimed that Biden had quadrupled the price of bacon and said, “We don’t eat bacon any more.” 
Trump did not mention his vice presidential pick. For the first time since 1988, it appears the Republicans will go into their convention without knowing who that pick will be. 
Luscombe reported that the crowd “appeared mostly subdued,” yawning and playing on their phones. 
Today, the editorial board of the Los Angeles Times wrote that Trump is “the only candidate in the race who is patently unfit for office—any office—and an imminent threat to democracy.” “If the [Republicans] had any decency left,” it wrote, they would dump him. Voters, the board said, must see the election as “a referendum on our 248-year democracy, and a choice between a trustworthy public servant who upholds American values and a serial liar who wants to push the country into authoritarianism.”
Almost two weeks after calling for Biden to step out of the 2024 race for the presidency, the editorial board of the New York Times also said that Trump is unfit to lead the United States of America, and urged voters “to see the dangers of a second Trump term clearly and to reject it.”
There was continued good news today about the American economy. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had collected more than $1 billion in overdue tax bills from millionaires. That crackdown was possible thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, which funded an initiative to pursue high-income, high-wealth individuals who have an income of more than $1 million and owe more than $250,000 to the IRS. 
Republicans have repeatedly tried to cut the funding that made this enforcement possible. 
Today’s inflation report for June showed that inflation continues to cool, falling in June for the first time since the start of the pandemic. It declined in June by –0.1%, as gas and electricity prices dropped and as rent had its smallest monthly increase since August 2021. Statistics also show that workers’ wages continue to grow more quickly than prices. 
Yesterday, the AFL-CIO executive council voted unanimously to reaffirm its support for President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, saying: “Unions have never wavered in our support of them because they’ve never wavered in their commitment to working people.” The Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Union quoted that statement and added: “BAC is proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters across the labor movement in supporting the Biden-Harris re-election campaign.”
In a press conference this evening, Biden championed the economic boom his policies created for the middle class and reminded attending journalists that “none of you thought that would happen.” 
In that press conference, held after he presided over the three-day NATO summit and thus focused on foreign affairs, Biden answered press questions directly and fully, not only on his health but also on foreign affairs. He reiterated the importance of NATO and reminded reporters that he was key to reinforcing the alliance after Trump weakened it, then went on to talk about foreign affairs more broadly. He also noted that “I’ve spent more time with Xi Jinping than any other president,” adding: “And by the way I handed in my notes.” This was a reference to the fact that in an unprecedented move, Trump infamously refused to disclose the notes from one of his conversations with Russian president Vladimir Putin.
At the same time that Biden was holding a press conference that focused on NATO and foreign affairs, Trump was meeting at Mar-a-Lago with Putin ally Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán. On social media this evening, Trump indicated that he is trying to conduct his own foreign policy, although the Logan Act prohibits private citizens from negotiating with foreign governments, and reiterated his support for Putin’s call for “peace” in Ukraine. Their plan calls for giving Putin the western regions of Ukraine that were central to his 2016 support for Trump; Trump’s 2016 campaign manager promised Trump would look the other way as Putin absorbed them. 
Orbán, who has openly called for Trump’s reelection, posted: “Peace mission 5.0[.] It was an honour to visit President [Trump] at Mar-a-Lago today. We discussed ways to make [peace]. The good news of the day: he’s going to solve it!”
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virgo-79 · 3 months
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This is Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, the white nationalist organization behind the fascist horror and treason that is the 2025 Project, openly threatening leftist American citizens. Me. You. Your families. Your partners. Your kids. Your friends. Your patients. Your clients. Your teachers. Your students. Your patrons. Your volunteers. Your coworkers. If Trump wins, this skinhead motherfucker will have disastrous levels of power. There will be no "voting them out in 4 years." We need to stop this NOW.
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meandmybigmouth · 2 months
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healingheartdogs · 1 year
Call to Action for all Americans!
This is of extreme importance, so I am begging everyone who sees this post to read it and share this information with everyone you know. Groups of conservative elites are planning to quite literally overthrow our government to replace it with a theocracy if they secure a Republican win in the next election (specifically they want Trump again, the man with RICO charges who attempted to steal an election with voter fraud and by encouraging alt-right violence in an attack on the capitol, but they will take anyone with similar ideology). No, that is not an exaggeration. This plan -- called Project 2025 -- is posted online for everyone to see, so please look it up. This is led by a group called The Heritage Foundation, a rich alt-right think tank with ties to fossil fuel billionaires that wants to walk back civil rights and environmental protections, which they view as actions by "the left" that are ruining our country, as well as outright criminalize being LGBTQ+ and implement conversion therapy as the only form of "treatment" for being LGBTQ+. I am not making this up, it is all detailed in their plan in fanciful distracting wording that tries to paint these things as being done for the sanctity of families and religious freedom.
The policies this group wants to put in place if they secure the next election will harm everyone in this country, even their own conservative and alt-right supporters. It is ONLY to benefit the 1% in this country. Let me state that again in clearer words. YOU ARE NOT SAFE FROM BEING SERIOUSLY HARMED BY PROJECT 2025 EVEN IF YOU ARE CONSERVATIVE, REPUBLICAN, ALT-RIGHT, OR WHITE. This project is by the 1% FOR the 1%. This is not a situation where you should be voting for "small government" or "tax policy" on the right while ignoring the other key points of the Republican platform, this is an effort by Republicans' rich extremist donors to actively overthrow the government and rebuild it from the ground up to only benefit themselves.
You can see the framework of this plan being laid across the country by conservative politicians these elite groups have already paid off -- overturning Roe v. Wade and attacking reproductive rights and medical privacy, conservatives running under progressive platforms and then switching sides after being elected to take political seats from progressives that the people actually want in office and voted for, criminalizing openly LGBTQ+ people in public spaces and labeling them groomers for daring to exist, walking back voter accessibility and putting obstacles in the way of marginalized groups voting to attempt to steal the next election, banning books that teach anything that goes against their fascist white supremacist religious extremist world view (indoctrination), defunding public schooling because they don't want an educated public who can more easily understand them and therefore fight back against them, and walking back protections for children including those preventing child labor and providing free meals and family supports from public institutions like schools (while simultaneously screaming about protecting kids from trans people to distract you from their own blatant attempts to harm kids). Don't just take my word for this, you can see it in action around you with your own eyes by looking up policies Republican politicians have pushed across the country these last few years as well as discussions of Project 2025 in news outlets.
This is, straight up, an attempt at treason by conservative politicians and the elite who are puppeteering them. For the sake of what shreds of democracy this country has remaining DO NOT VOTE REPUBLICAN IN THIS NEXT ELECTION. They are counting on you being uneducated and scared enough of "the left", "communism", and "foreign adversaries" like China and Russia that you will vote against your own best interests and give them all the power to hurt you and everyone else in this country (and the world as a whole, seriously. Take a look at their plans for our military around the world in their mandate if you don't believe me). If you're already liberal, centrist, left, democrat, whatever and you currently don't exercise your voting rights as much as you should PLEASE go vote blue in the next election. You need to be actively voting on both the state and federal level to help fight these threats to our country and our lives. These actions by the rich elites and their politician puppets are trying to lead us to potential civil war and the overthrow of the current US government. Again, THIS IS NOT EXAGGERATION. This is their PUBLIC PLAN for 2025 if they secure a Republican win for president.
Some articles discussing Project 2025 from various news sources:
The official Project 2025 website, which has their plan posted for anyone to read:
And the Mandate itself, taken directly from their official website for Project 2025: (Content warning, this mandate is full of anti-vax, anti-healthcare, covid denial conspiracy, systemic racism denial, anti-LGBTQ+, anti-reproductive rights, anti-equality, anti-divorce, anti-environmental protection, climate change denial conspiracy, anti-social support (SSI/SSDI, CEP, WIC, SNAP, etc), anti-public education, anti-higher education accessibility, pro-fossil fuel, pro-military expansion, pro-conversion therapy, pro-religion in government, and pro-government controlled media censorship and propaganda rhetoric as well as many other fascist, alt-right, religious extremist, and white supremacy political points.)
I have also included some screenshots directly from the Project 2025 mandate in this post for those of you who don't follow links to include a taste of just how evil this mandate actually is. A lot of these things are worded to make it sound like their goal is family protections, increased protections for "democracy" for the right, and to tear down the "corrupt ruling elite" (so they can make themselves the new corrupt ruling elite). DO NOT BE FOOLED, these policies will have wide reaching negative effects for EVERYONE -- including their own voter base. Project 2025 wants to create a government where the president, chosen by groups like The Heritage Foundation specifically for extreme right platforms, and their hand-picked political appointees have power over all other branches to restructure as they see fit and prevent those branches from being able to check the president's powers. This is not for the benefit of the American people, this is for the benefit of the billionaires heading The Heritage Foundation and their elite allies.
Finally, I'd like to make a note about one of the screenshots I included regarding wanting to criminalize pornography and imprison anyone who produces it. This note is for my LGBTQ+ friends and allies. When they are talking about pornography here they are specifically talking about LGBTQ+ rights, not actually porn (as detailed in the article I linked above about their plan to criminalize being trans). They are more likely than not including things like children's books that teach about LGBTQ+ equality and representation and even organizations like the Trevor Project -- a crisis support service for suicide prevention for LGBTQ+ youth -- as pornography to be criminalized. The proof for this is in actions taken by the Republican politicians they have already bought, like the "don't say gay" laws in Florida, which Project 2025 wants to make into federal law. This would also put LGBTQ+ parents and even non-LGBTQ+ parents who support their LGBTQ+ children at risk of being criminalized and imprisoned for exposing their children to "pornography" by being LGBTQ+ themselves or for "sexualizing", "grooming", and making "pornography" of their children by allowing their kids to be LGBTQ+ and seeking affirmative care for them. It would also put educators, librarians, doctors, and therapists who teach about and support LGBTQ+ rights, possess LGBTQ+ positive education materials, or provide affirmative care in the line of fire as criminals, groomers, and pedophiles. Again, this is not exaggeration. A lesbian couple was literally arrested in Houston for kissing in front of a homophobic woman who was with her child in a public space and then called the cops on them, which the arresting officers told the couple was "sexual harassment of a minor" when they asked why they were being arrested. That is the type of law and punishment that this Project plans to pass on the federal level if given the chance.
PLEASE spread the word about this as much as you possibly can. They released this mandate so early because they are trying to gather an "army" of alt-right supporters ahead of time to steal the next election and take over our government immediately starting day one of a new conservative presidency, so we need to be just as proactive in mobilizing against this and making sure their plan is fully exposed to voters across the country so that can't happen.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
By James Anthony
August 19, 2024
Project 2025 is most of all a binder showcasing Donald Trump’s past and possible future appointees.
Lately, Trump or informed observers have suggested that possible cabinet appointees could include JPMorgan Chase chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon, BlackRock co-founder, chairman, and CEO Larry Fink, and North Dakota governor Doug Burgum.
What does this information suggest that we can reasonably anticipate from Trump in a possible second term? To have an absolute benchmark, we should compare this information to how a constitutionalist president would start his presidency.
We can flesh out this benchmark by starting with the end result, understanding the changes needed to get there, and considering the competencies needed to execute these changes and to execute ongoing operations.
End result must be constitutional governments
If governments are to be constitutional and of republican form, the people must delegate few powers. State governments must have few, explicitly-enumerated powers, unlike now. The national government must be held to within its few, defined powers, particularly:
Pass bills, execute laws, and opine on cases. There must be no administrative state promulgating regulations or other threats of force.
Tax labor income, at a single rate, with no deductible and no deductions. This is the only tax that takes the same fraction of liberty from each person.
Coin money, which must be earned, saved, and deposited before it can be lent out. Using coined money, which is stored value, prevents boom/bust cycles and inflation.
Raise and support armies for at most two years. Armies should be raised only when war is declared and rules-of-engagement cards are passed. Bases shouldn’t be maintained outside the homeland.
Provide and maintain a navy. New generations of weapons should constantly be rapidly researched and developed, but never produced in significant quantities. Producing them would reduce economic strength and help enemy governments catch up.
Enact criminal laws only against treason and counterfeiting. All other criminal laws are reserved to other jurisdictions.
Take property for public use only with just compensation. No person shall be unduly deprived of property to give others health payments, income, or other privileges.
When governments’ powers are severely limited, as they were in America through 1894, individuals use more information to add more value and to better support others.
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arcadiaberger · 2 months
MAGA Rally Takes HORRIFYING TURN, Disturbs the World!
That treasonous SoB George Lang came right out and said, if the American people reject donald and J.D. Vance and Project 2025, he's going to take part in civil war. Well, you right-wing scum, if you think you'll have better luck rolling those bloody dice in 2025 than you did when you tried it in 1861 (the last time right-wingers decided to refuse to accept the results of a Leftist winning the election), you come at us, bro. We'll bloody your nose again, just as we did in 1865. Only this time, we won't be as foolishly magnanimous as we were back then. We'll make sure that Reconstruction doesn't end until an entire generation has grown up free from your insidious influence. No more school boards controlled by "Moms For Lizardbrains". No more Fox Newslike Product. No more "Truth Social" (or "Pravda Sozial" as its backers call it). #RIPGOP We won't take the boot off your necks until we're sure you are no longer a threat to the rights of your fellow Americans. We will NOT have a repeat of Jim Crow, a shameful right-wing pall cast over the country for a lifetime.
#YouTube  #MAGA  #JDVance  #George Lang  #Treason  #Ohio  #Civil War
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rghfll · 2 months
@heritagefoundation = #Donald Trump = Agenda47 = 👿
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realjaysumlin · 2 months
The man supposed to stop Donald Trump is an unpopular 81-year-old
It's really sad to see that we live in a world where people are just stupid or blind to ignorance and hate. I just don't get it, how can a pathological liar, a convicted felon, a modern day Benedict Arnold due to the insurrection of January 6 instigator become a presidential candidate and glorified as a god?
Only in America can people be this stupid. This is my native land and as an American I can't believe what is unfolding right before our eyes in plain sight of hate and the reenactment of Nazis Germany now becoming Nazis America because the people are afraid of attacking whiteness and Christianity two things that made America and other parts of the world what it is today.
Donald Trump has no other options but to enforce project 2025 because he should be locked up and put away for good. He will pardon all of the insurrectionists and go after the likes of Bragg's and Fani Willis for doing their jobs.
I can go on and on about what we are facing but for what reason? People who are facing to relive American Apartheid are willing to accept their own demise so a raging lunatic can be elected as president once again from someone who hasn't done anything but drag this country down a sewage and the shit people who are behind him is willing to allow him to take us even lower than we already have.
A supreme court that gives immunity to a criminal is nothing but a symbol of a lawless country, where criminals get away with treason and innocent Black Indigenous People are being incarcerated for protesting against a modern day genocide. I hope we all can wake up from this nightmare before it's too late.
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dawnsiren · 2 months
Honestly probably shouldn’t be publically celebrating this but like. Tbh if he wins and Project 2025 goes through I’m already fucked for being publically gay on here for the past couple years so might as well double down and get treason slapped onto the charges. Might as well go to jail and be executed for a fun & sexy reason instead of just Homophobia.
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meerkatp · 3 months
Quick question: How is Project 2025 not considered a manifesto for treason? Cause that's LITERALLY what it is.
Getting rid of power from different branches, replacing government members with their specific Christian extremist world view, making the president essentially a king, how is that not textbook treason?
Not to mention the rallying around a ex-president who DID commit treason.
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