#production schedule
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askagamedev · 8 months ago
How expensive is voice acting (assuming professional actors with experience)? What amount of budget goes towards it? If there is a way to determine that, of course. I realize it probably depends a lot on the project. I'm looking at SWTOR which seems to be really struggling to afford VO these days, opting for unvoiced dialogue and even replacements of the main cast. Is it really taking that much of its budget (which is probably on the lower end these days) or is there some other factor at play?
Voice acting has a lot of associated costs. Specifically, getting the voice acting requires us to pay for:
The voice actor's time
The recording studio time
The voice director's time
The developer time
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These can add up - we pay union voice actors about $2000 per day each according to the current [SAG-AFTRA interactive media contract rates], and we spend at least that much for studio time. We also need to factor in the time the developers are away from the development studio and are at the recording studio because they aren't doing their normal tasks while taking care of this. It isn't uncommon for voice recording to cost over $10,000 per day, all things considered.
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In addition to this, voice actors are often quite busy. They often have many roles already scheduled that they have committed to. This means that they might have only one or two days they can commit to recording, then be unavailable for months after that. In such cases, it means that we can't make any modifications or changes to the script after the recording is done because the voice actor isn't available to do those lines anymore. For example, take a look at [Aleks Le's IMDB page]. He did a lot of voicework for games like Persona 3 Reload, Street Fighter 6, Octopath Traveler 2, etc. I count 18 separate projects he recorded for in 2023 alone. If he's one of my voices, I probably wouldn't be able to get him back in the recording studio for several months since his schedule is so packed.
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SWTOR is especially difficult to record for because player voice lines need to be recorded once for each character class. That means aligning eight different actors schedules before a hard deadline, and that can be extraordinarily difficult. Anyone who's tried to schedule events knows this - things happen, people change, agreements fall through, things get pushed back. As such, it's a small miracle they're able to keep putting out fresh voiced content like they do.
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Until Dawn 10th Anniversary Zine Production Schedule
Here is our upcoming zine production schedule, make sure to mark your calendars for important dates! Contributors, a more detailed version of this schedule is in your contributor guidelines document.
-First check in: March 21st
-Second check in: April 18th
-Final check in: May 9th, final pieces due
-Pre-orders open: June 13th to July 11th
-Zine PDFs and Physical Orders will be sent out by Mod Zadra in early August
-Leftover Sales: Open once all physical pre-orders have arrived, and will remain open until everything is gone
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euroquision · 1 year ago
PRODUCTION UPDATES//Eurovision 2024: In Review!
Hey loves!! Firstly, thank you to everyone who has watched/shared my video essay. I couldn't have had even half the impact I've had without your help, kindness, and thoughtfulness. Thank y'all for being here and plz keep up all efforts you've got to support a Free Palestine.
Next, onto business details! I'm super duper happy to share with y'all my April Production Schedule! More details in my wonderful lil graphic:
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The online article for April is gonna be the Eurovision 2024: In Review, but don't worry, my articles every other month aren't gonna be so enormous I publish them in little chunks, lol.
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So if you're already a Patreon member, the first batch of reviews are there for you to read! I hope you enjoy my comments, designs, and scores! The rest will be publicly shared everywhere on Wed. and Sat.
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westeroswisdom · 7 months ago
It's probably just a coincidence but pre-production on House of the Dragon Season 3 begins on Halloween.
Say what you like about Game of Thrones, they were able to produce 7 seasons in just over 7 years. I understand the delay with Season 1 because of the lingering COVID-19 emergency and with Season 2 because of ripples from the SAG-AFTRA strike. But there's no reason why they can't proceed in a more timely way. Season 3 really ought to air late next year.
The second season of House of the Dragon ended earlier this month with a montage of various armies and navies on their way to battle. But it'll be a while before we see them clash. We had to wait two years between the first and second seasons of this Game of Thrones prequel show, and the pattern will likely repeat itself for season 3. We're now getting a better idea of the exact timeline. According to Production List, a pretty reliable industry rag that catalogs shoot dates for major shows and movies, preproduction on House of the Dragon season 3 is going to start up on October 31, 2024. So the third season of House of the Dragon will start grinding to life on Halloween. Should we be scared?
That's likely a general target date; it may shift back or forth. As for when the cameras will actually start to roll, showrunner Ryan Condal has said he expects that to begin in "earlyish 2025." It all lines up with our best guesses; expect new episodes in 2026.
I wonder if D&D have thought of trolling Ryan Condal about the pace of production. 😛
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rgf-scenarios · 1 year ago
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Ben Austen, "Pub Day!!!!" – via @ben_austen on Twitter
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edgycrab · 2 years ago
production schedule
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This is a screenshot of the basic Production schedule that I drew up for the project. While there could have been more detail put into it, it was a very basic and clear method to showing my plan for the project.
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egophiliac · 4 months ago
Do you have any final theories/desires for Book 7 Part 12?
(slamming fists on table) I DEMAND MORE CHE'NYA
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mochabonesblog · 1 year ago
There's absolutely-
Oh I think I know.
Harry belden was cast last. Maybe they wanted to make sure the release was on time so they released the ones where Harry only had to say a couple of lines and he's been dubbing the morty heavy episodes over the past month
I loved the new episode but it’s hindered severely by the fact the show is called Rick and MORTY and it’s been about Rick AND Morty since the beginning, but now it’s just The Rick Show™️, they’ve turned Morty into, essentially, a straight up side character
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catmask · 7 months ago
it is insane how normal i am medicated like. you mean this was an option the whole time. what
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deancasforcutie · 1 year ago
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the neurodivergent representation we deserve
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askagamedev · 8 months ago
Do you think you personally put out better games, better art, under pressure? Some people put out masterpieces that only took the shape they did because they were under harsh constraints, cheifly low dev time. How about you? And is there a dichotomy between comfort and pressure to product quality that you find interesting?
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That's an excellent question. You may remember the term [Decision Paralysis] used before on this blog. It's when a decisionmaker is presented with so many choices that they refuse to make (or put off making) a choice out of fear of making a mistake. Decision Paralysis affects everyone, including game developers like me. We can get so wrapped up in finding the perfect solution that we never commit to any one, for fear of that's solution's drawbacks... even though any solution that we commit to will have drawbacks regardless. This lack of commitment has side effects down the line - because we can't commit to something, we're afraid of our work being wasted or thrown out so we won't commit our best effort to it.
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As such, pressure like a deadline naturally pushes us towards what I've taken to calling decision commitment - when we are willing to lock down a choice and accept all the benefits and tradeoffs that choice entails, rather than continuing to circle the options and never commit. It is closely related to what Mark Darrah likes to call completion urgency - the pressure to finish what we're working on. Decision commitment is necessary to make actual progress. Without any pressure to commit to a decision, dev teams can (and do) burn indefinite amounts of dev time and resources going in circles and end up with very little to show for it. When we've got a hard deadline, we know we have to buckle down and commit. That pushes us to give our best because we know it won't be wasted.
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Lack of (or late) decision commitment really hurts craftsmanship and quality because we aren't actually committing to what we're building. If we are always keeping the back door open to drop whatever it is we're working on and changing our minds on the direction we're going, it always feels like a potential waste to do our best work. The quickest way to burnout is to feel like your work doesn't matter and your effort was wasted. Why polish, optimize, and improve if we're going to go a different way next week and throw this work out? No one likes to feel that way, so we naturally hedge our efforts with the minimum viable effort if we aren't sure whether it will be used.
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This is all a long-winded way of saying "Yes, I absolutely do better quality work when I'm under pressure. Since I am confident we're doing this thing, I can give it my all." Without the pressure to deliver, the back door is always open and it's extremely hard to commit to the decision and give my best. If I know that we're absolutely committing to what I'm working on, I will build the best feature and content that I can. I believe that many other devs share this feeling for similar reasons.
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elbdot · 12 days ago
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Hey everybody! I've opened up 3 new slots for commissions! I am currently only taking character commissions like shown above of 1-3 characters max! Characters can be humans/humanoid, Pokemon, animals ect. (you can DM me if you have any questions).
To apply for a slot, please fill out the following google form! If you're supporting me on Patreon on the Latias tier, you can directly DM me on Patreon or Discord if you're interested in a slot. Latias-pledgers will be prioritized for commissions!
EDIT: All slots have been taken, thank you! 💖
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wiststudies · 5 months ago
42 / 100 days of productivity
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5th november
☆ got chem marks ( passed with a 19/35 - still upset over it )
☆ bio revision class + physics class
☆ best friend got me cinnamon rolls to cheer me up
☆ studied for biology test
☆ barely drank water
☆ walked 4.5 K cuz my leg is still healing
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reineydraws · 1 year ago
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mishanks sketch dump bc ive been doodling them to de-stress or when i need a break from other pieces lately ✨️
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dailypokemoncrochet · 1 month ago
You know actually it's really insane I've been able to put so much time into making all of these Pokemon. Yes talent and skill and all that but like. The physical amount of time. I've spent SO much time on these and it's weird being able to have actual timestamps for a lot of the more recent ones.
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choccy-milky · 1 year ago
Finally had time to catch up on the raven and the snake. I am just in awe of everything.
Also, I kinda like Clora hanging out with Garreth and Leander. (don't kill me 🤐)
aw thank you!!🥹💖💖im happy to hear it! and NO i wont kill you, you are so right. the garreth/leander/clora hangout was my fav part of the chapter and also the most fun part to write, and it gave me an appreciation for the leander and garreth dynamic, which is amazing
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i now headcanon their relationship like brothers LMAO, garreth constantly badgering leander and getting on his nerves, while leander is just exasperated in dealing with him (BUT IN A FRIENDLY WAY) theyre like characters in a sitcom tbh BAHAHA (and to anyone wondering, im gonna TRY to have the next chap up within the first week of feb!🙏 ive just been busy with the dark relic comic + work + and now i feel a bit under the weather. ive been sleeping almost nonstop for the past 2 days LOL oop)
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