#problematic fave. tbh.
youkaiyume · 5 months
Alright, so I've been a fan of Shane, Ryan and even Steven since their buzzfeed days and I've been watching this whole thing with Watcher moving their content over to their own streaming service debacle.
Like most ppl, I think it's a poor business move to alienate your fans like this, but I've been thinking on it more from maybe a financial perspective. I'm wondering how many people actually signed up for it. I saw a tiktok advertising expert say that the conversion rate for ads--meaning the number of ppl to actually buy something when they see an ad is about 1-5%. Like, right now they have about 2.8 million subscribers. And even though they've lost about 50K since and counting, they probably anticipated some loss. I'm sure they've mathed that if they just get at least like 100K conservatively out of their nearly 3 million fanbase to sign up, they'd be able to make $600K a month from their streaming service at six bucks a pop each month.
Maybe that's worth it? I'm not exactly sure how much they were making before. Ppl say they had 11K subscribers on patreon before but that's just their member total. Actual paid members was about 5K. But despite the controversy, their patreon member count has actually gone up. Today it sits at 12K members total with nearly 6K members paying. So they're making at least $30K-70K+ a month currently on patreon based on their offered tiers. not sure how much they were making on ad revenue alone or sponsors cuz I'm not sure how that stuff works on youtube. But maybe by their own accounting they think the loss of followers was worth it if they can hang on to that small, loyal but paying minority.
Another youtuber has pointed out that if you have a sponsor for a video and it's a one off, it can pay more. Up to $35K. So if that is the peak and they release 1 video a week, so 4 a month would be like 140K a month on sponsor money. And youtube pays about $10 per 1000 views a video, and they average 1 mil each video. So about $40K a month on views. So we can guess that they made about $180K a month currently on youtube (patreon and merch sales not included).
Honestly, if they can reach the goal of 1-5% of their subscribers converting to their streaming platform, yeah they probably would make more money in the long run. IF they can somehow manage to retain as well as grow those number of subscribers on their new platform. And don't forget, they don't plan to delete their current videos on their youtube channel so they'll still be earning revenue from those videos. We'll have to see I guess given how much goodwill they've lost with their audience.
Tbh, I am all for them trying to get paid more for their work but I also think they could have transitioned much differently, like only putting some exclusive content on their own platform while also posting free shows to youtube. Or maybe delaying releases for a week or a month for youtubers. or cutting back your production costs if it's really killing you cuz everyone has pointed out they liked the ghoul boys when it was just a black screen with text scrolling by saying "wheeze." Only time will tell if this move paid off for them.
But I'm not super knowledgeable on how the entire youtube thing works so if someone has some insight, feel free to weigh in.
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sukibenders · 3 months
"I understand why Penelope didn't tell Colin about LW, that was a huge risk and could have put her in an uncomfortable situation." So, for some that I've seen with this rhetoric, you can understand her not wanting to tell Colin about a gossip blog she wrote that, not only, made repeated digs at the queen (who's on her neck mind you) but HIS OWN family as well but can't understand why Marina, who was pregnant and left out of options, would conceal her pregnancy from him to protect herself and her children from the threat of being thrown out? Hmm.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
Boston in every other episode: Most Problematic Fave out to Be The Worst
Boston in episode 8: Least Problematic Fave who's Just Born This Way
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artbypockets · 9 months
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Jedi Knight, Etain "Don't Worry I'm On The Pill" Tur-mukan
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sharkieboi · 2 months
little details, I love that as soon as Mrs. Coulter is introduced to the idea that she can wear pants she never voluntarily wears a skirt or dress for the rest of the series
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qiu-yan · 2 months
the real struggle of being a jiang cheng stan is that the one thing i do actually side-eye him for is also the thing that literally none of the antis give a shit about
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theceaselessidiot · 3 months
sorry i am not done being upset about how cressida was treated in part 2.
i especially want to talk about how the conversation between eloise and penelope had about cressida genuinely made by blood boil.
when eloise said "i genuinely enjoyed her at the start", she made their entire friendship sound so trivial, like cressida was just some toy meant for her entertainment...and then she basically said the friendship was motivated by pettiness (which fine is justified giving her anger at penelope being LW).
also saying she hopes cressida has a "reasonable" moment like have we even seen cressida be unreasonable? imo most of her actions have perfectly reasonable explanations.
it just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth to see cressida doubting her actions, regretting them even and questioning whether it was a good idea (it wasn't) meanwhile eloise is out there calling her a viper, a monster (and that is before cressida and her mother publish their sheet about the bridgertons) and basically saying "well she was fun at first but then I got bored"
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url0calpr0sh1tt3r · 2 years
The Old lady with a Sword is Proship!
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She has no reason not to be! Hell,; it’s why she has a sword to begin with !!! :D
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evil-but-refined · 10 months
Fuck characters that made you question your sexuality. What character made you question your gender? I'll go first (Btw I haven't gotten past season 2, I tried watching the show 3 or 4 times growing up and I never did for some reason. I'm trying to finish the show now but I feel like I'm cursed)
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cloud8doesstuff · 6 months
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Square may be too cowardly to give Hojo a Costa del sol alt. but im not. Nomura count your days. /J.
+other stuff!
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4th-make-quail · 2 months
"3 things you want to know about me" HMM... top 3 favorite fictional old men? :P
TOP THREE THIS IS SO CRUEL.... HOW'S A BITCH MEANT TO PICK. But okay, FINE. XDD I'm picking ones who've been around the longest heh
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1. Leonard "Bones" McCoy! I've loved him since I was in single digits watching TOS on my grandma's tiny portable kitchen TV heh. Absolute smokeshow, gorgeous accent, the works. I love one cranky doctor!!! He's smart, he's got heart, I adore his humanism and his friendship (and more!!!) with Jim, and oh my god, his blue blue eyes. And his forearms. And his EYEBROW and his fluffy hair!!!
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2. Sartauvoir quo Soranus of FFXIV IVth Legion! He's a sadistic pyromaniac whose favourite pastime is burning people alive, and he's p obviously in love with his superior Basch van Gabranth (pictured here smooching his BEAUTIFUL FACE) who died 30 years before the bit of the game Sart is in. His bit of game is heavily Ivalice-based, hence the Basch heh. He transforms into a giant fire monster during his duels and has a penchant for summoning phoenixes and time magick fuckery, he's so much fun and is my absolute beloved. He has truly like a total of 20 minutes of game time and not a single cutscene and I adore him with every fibre of my being!!
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3. This is a toss-up, but forever loves must win out: Doctor Cid, of FFXII! He's one of my fave kind of characters - super smart scientisty dudes who are a bit morally dubious and also antagonists 🥰🥰 I love the way he speaks, his beautiful nose and how chubby he is, and his stupid long thighboots and his super active way of gesticulating andandand- well ofc his relationship with Vayne. Obviously. And his little purple tie and his greying hair and WELL. HIS EVERYTHING.
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wah-pah · 19 days
As threatened, I have indeed started a Mad Men rewatch.
I love this show so much.
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(I think this gif is from a brothel scene?)
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hasanpits · 5 months
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definition of white woman jumpscare
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squiddcakes · 2 years
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Holy shit! Courtney Gears really released a new Christmas single!? It sounds so familiar omg...,,
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booksbhenchod · 1 year
I don't even stan Mikasa but "she only cares about Eren" will never be a point for why she's poorly written. She does care about her friends, literally the "mom" friend and is the first to help gabi and falco. It's just that a majority of her scenes are with Eren(mc privilege).
But even so she's allowed to be selfish, she only cares about saving one boy? fine 👌🏼. She's allowed that. She would've never chosen the corps if he didn't, she wanted a quiet life with him and she's allowed to wish for that.
People love male characters doing the "idc about anyone else but (my love interest) ", why do different standards apply to her?
There is a lot to say about isayama failing to do justice to his female characters, some start off strong and get sidelined as the story moves past, then get shoved into a romantic plot? (Annie, Mikasa), few are well written,however briefly it may be(gabi,historia, og ymir )
I am asking you to look at this from a completely unbiased view, regardless of who your favourite character/ship is especially because this is such a common criticism for her.
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
not to make the only analysis of her ever bc no one talks about drop dead gorgeous but thinking about how lisa swenson spends much of the movie talking about her (gay) older brother peter and his drag shows and his acting with so much love and how her room is covered in posters for broadway shows and it and nyc (famously/stereotypically gay city, esp broadway) are recurring motifs with her and how much of her character is centered on him. on his performance, especially of femininity. and how joining the pageant (a performance of femininity) is just what girls do in mount rose. and how when she quits (the "just what girls do" performance of femininity) and gives amber her costume so she can compete despite an establishment (gladys leeman and all she represents as far as class and privilege and gender performance go) stacked against her, she says it's fine because she wouldn't win, comparing herself to peter, saying, "this family only needs one liza and peter's got much better legs". one of them can perform femininity in a way that's fun and impressive and she's not it, to her. how she says her parents won't be that mad since they only had her to give peter one of her kidneys, as if it doesn't matter, just a sad fact of her life that she is second to him. how she is second to him, how this is gendered. how she gives amber a suit in a performance that's all dresses, how that nyc-stained (and thus queer-stained) costume is eventually what carries her to the top, to the national level of girl performance, which she walks away from as it falls apart due to capitalistic corruption (tax evasion/fraud, specifically). how they kiss each other's cheeks and hold each other. how she is more upset than amber is that she doesn't win, how when her father scolds her for quitting by comparing her to peter, she screams that he's gay. how it sounds like that's something obvious to her that he didn't know, either because peter told her or because she sees his queerness in his actions. how she is filled with such a genuine passion and love and charisma that despite all this she does not feel like a character made as a plot device, whose sole trait is that she loves her gay broadway brother, but that she is a young queer woman dealing with the staunch, conservative gender roles of her hometown (an early scene has the pageant staff shut talking liberal women and their hairy armpits and dressing like men) compared to that fantasy world of queer nyc, with her queer brother and his drag shows. she puts herself second and compares herself to others because that is how her parents treat her, but she still has her own vivacity. she is a person. and even though she didn't get to sing new york, new york in her suit, she uplifted another girl she thought deserved her shot at upending the leemans' system. it's noble and it's sad and i really really like her and i hope she got to nyc someday, where she could kiss girls and kick it with peter. that's all
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