#prob gonna hold someone's hand the whole time
spacenintendogs · 11 months
going roller skating for the first time 😭
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tryingtofindava · 5 months
── 𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐁𝐆 𝐆𝐚𝐧𝐠*ೃ༄
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She can handle being all cuddly to a certain extent, before she rolls away to have her own space. Though, she’ll always have some sort of touch with you. That being a hand on your waist or thigh, or even her foot touching yours. (Red confirmed Ashlyn to have autism)
You better hope she doesn’t have any nightmares in her sleep time before transporting to the Phantom world, because if she does she jolts so fast her hair is gonna literally whip you.
This girl is skin and bones, so she’s probably not the warmest to snuggle up to. But she makes that up with wearing nice and soft things, like hoodies, PJ bottoms, and fuzzy socks.
When she’s in a comfortable position with you, she probs drools.
╰┈➤ 𝐀𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧
Sleeping/cuddling with Aiden is a very humbling experience.
He watches tiktoks with you because he thinks it’s a bonding experience while you guys snuggle. (just ignore his fyp it’s cursed…)
Before you guys cuddle, you have to force him to take his contacts out because every cuddle sesh ends up with the two of you falling asleep.
But when he sleeps with them in his eyes become all dried when he wakes up.
(Red also confirmed Aiden to have contacts, because he’s blinder than a bat, and it’s also why his eyes are red because his contacts are coloured.)
Like Ashlyn, he drools… but not just a small bit like the ginger. He’s drooling fucking RIVERS.
He moves about in his sleep, like a lot. And when he settles, it’s only for like a maximum of 4 mins before he’s squirming around like a worm again.
BLANKET HOG ALERT!! WEE WOO WEE WOO. If you ever wake up cold, you’re gonna turn to see Aiden with YOUR OWN blanket cuddling up with the whole damn blanket cuz he srsly subconsciously wrapped himself a cocoon.
When you guys are cozying up together, he’s literally in top of you like the human version of a weighted comforter.
And if you feel suffocated with him on top of you, he’s pressed up to your like a leech looking for affection. I’m talking limbs tangled together and every thing.
╰┈➤ 𝐁𝐞𝐧
He’s such a teddy bear!! ^_^
For being such a big guy, you’d automatically think he liked being big spoon. BUT THAT IS FALSE INFORMATION HE LIKES BEING LITTLE SPOON!!
If you knew him before the accident, he used to hum you to sleep as you guys snuggled!!
And when he eventually does fall asleep while cuddling he goes so still like he turned into a rock.
It feels like sleeping next to a dead body…
Except the dead body is incredibly warm instead of being all cold. And if the deceased body had a vice grip on you like I’d be let go you’d disappear.
╰┈➤ 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫
This girl is full of sm love and affection, she loves to show her appreciation for someone through physical touch!
She makes sure that not only she’s comfy, but you are too! Like you guys could be snuggling on a Rocky Mountain and she’d still make it comfortable.
Like Ashlyn she’ll always make sure to have a hand on you, even if you guys are firmly pressed aging eachother like sardines in a can.
╰┈➤ 𝐓𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐫
Whines that he hates cuddling, saying it’s sappy and cringy… But then whines again when you aren’t cuddling up…
He likes to keep his ‘I’m a tough guy’ act on, so he’ll not initiate a cuddle sesh. It’s either gonna have to be you start it, or he’s sick and doesn’t give af.
Unlike Ben, he prefers being big spoon, since he just likes holding you closely to his chest while you guys spoon. Thinks it’s very intimate.
If you tease him about how he comes like putty when you guys cuddle, he’ll get all pouty and push you away. (Only to be back in your arms in 3 minutes time…)
╰┈➤ 𝐋𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐧
But so, so, so painfully awkward…
BUT!! He’s cozy, and has the COMFIEST pillows and blankets lying around it’s insane.
He deffo had one of them cool star projectors that make the room look like space. It’s the coolest.
When you guys start cuddling his glasses stay on, but if it turns into a small snooze they get lost and you guys have to dig through the blankets to find them to he can see, cause without them this bitch turns into Velma from Scooby Doo.
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bomber-grl · 9 months
❤︎₊ ⊹Hiro fluff alphabet ❤︎₊ ⊹
Pairing(s): Hiro Hamada x Gn!Reader (no pronouns used)
Warning(s): Super long so beware
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A - Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Hiro would absolutely adore your intellect, skill, or a heroic trait like bravery.
His adoration for your intellect, if you’re a genius like him, mostly stems from admiration and interest in your skill, especially when it’s something he’s never seen before.
I say skill because even if your intellect isn’t your strong suite your hobbies like art, knitting, anything that takes skill impresses him.
He knows what it’s like to have to wait for a project or experiment to finish so he not only admires your patience but just your ability overall
He’d literally be in awe if he ever saw and most realistically ask about it and if you could draw him-
He’s mostly joking
Last would be a trait of yours. We see in the series that hiro really admires and respects tadashi for his actions and that’d be the same with you.
If you are brave or passionate and use those traits to help others you’ve won hiro over.
Honestly home dude really adores your anything if we’re gonna be real here.
A - Attention (how much attention do they want in the relationship?)
Despite how awkward and kind of distant he can be when romance comes into the question he can get pretty needy 😭
If you don’t give him enough attention then he’ll pout and get at you for it
Most times it’s just him joking around and faking being hurt but in the rare occurrence that he actually does care then he’ll practically be begging
No he wouldn’t he’d try to be sly about it while simultaneously failing to
But then when he gets attention he over thinks and flushes from head to toe and actively tries to pull away
Like make up your mind???😭😭😭
B - Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
His favorite part of your body would be tied between three things
Your hands, shoulders, and lap
The only reason why this is, is because of an instance of when hiro accidentally fell asleep on your lap and woke up to not only the best bed but best head massage he’s ever had.
He then woke up fully and flushed more than ever before but let’s not talk about that.
He’d probs end up falling asleep even more and more likely than not ask for you to play with his hair
Yknow despite the fact he absolutely flusters at the thought and stutters throughout the whole time he’s asking you
Not to mention how he complains when you’re done playing with his hair /massaging his head😭
He comes at you for leaving his hair “a mess”
Like boy you got bed hair all the time it ain’t my fault
Also he likes your shoulders because this insomniac falls alseep on them everywhere
B - Boo! (do they scare people? How do they act when scaring you/people?)
The most unfunny person known to man kind and yet he still thinks he’s funny as fuck
He thinks he soooo funny when he hides behind something and jumps out at you
And when you flinch? Yea best believe he’s gonna be laughing his nerdy little ass off as if he wouldn’t break down the moment you even mention holding his hand 🤨
He usually pulls stunts like this all the time which is why when the two of you are at the store and he jumps out just to see a rando-
He’s so embarrassed 😭😭😭 the little bastard even goes up to you afterwards all mad while you try not to laugh too loudly
He’ll literally be shaking you back and forth to stop your laughter, which just makes it even worse.
B - Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
Home dude is a literal nerd so best believe he’s never been around someone he deems as attractive
He sees your looks and personality as something that attracts him to you
He really admires traits of yours that I’ve mentioned previously
But physically wise he’d really admire prominent traits of yours
Like traits that are noticeable at first glance
Like moles, freckles and even dimples
He’d find himself looking at them more often than not and if you have pretty eyes then this man is absolutely floored
I mean no wonder his only way to flirt is by shooting out insults.
C - Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Cuddling with hiro is one of the most impossible tasks
He’s so fidgety and stiff
He can’t relax for the life of him 😭
He’s all bark no bite especially when he says he’ll cuddle you and goes on about how flustered you’d be
Yea, no.
I mean, sure you can cuddle hiro a little bit but then he just clams up
He much rather prefers you two just be in your own space while facing the other so you can casually talk about whatever you want
Ofc he says that then the very next day you wake up to you and hiros limbs intertwined with another and are met with a very flustered hiro.
Who then denies the situation ever happening, it’s the only way to save face
D - Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Honestly just going out to eat casually
I mean cmon
You’re both probably young and he’d much rather go out casually and secretly to avoid being not only teased but having to take a chaperone
I mean that’s so embarrassing especially for a teen to have to go through
The only way the two of you would accomplish this successfully would be in the lab at school or if you were to hang out in hiros room pretending to work on something.
Even then cass is doting and quite literally there for every possible outcome
Honestly you’d probably end up sneaking out and eating burgers or something at like 3 am 😭
While you’re out there at night hiro would probably try and scare with you with ghosts and Japanese urban legends
How romantic ☺️
E - Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Hiro would probably express emotion around you like he would with anyone else
Especially if(most likely) you guys started out as friends.
Ofc hiro is an absolute menace and can’t be described as anything else but a gremlin however he would honestly be more open with you
You’re his age, and probably his closest friend - now turned lover
He doesn’t need to sugarcoat things and despite how difficult it can be to express how he truly feels I think he’d be open to it, especially if it’s being open to you of all people.
If we’re talking about romantic feelings then hiro is most definitely joke flirting and just being how romantic friends
Well, atleast until the actual romance comes into question then he’s absolutely no where to be seen.
He flusters and stutters at the littlest things and implications
Not to mention his awkwardness so I’d imagine he’d be more stiff on the romance front.
E - Equal (do they prefer to be more in control or laid-back in the relationship?)
He’s pretty laid back but I don’t really see hiro as the type of guy that would want to take the initiative or want to over power his significant other
He doesn’t really have any interest in that and would much rather just have an equal power dynamic
I mean unless he’s taking the lead in robotics then he won’t do so any other way
Even then he’ll probs work alongside you
He very adamant on being on equal standing even if it’s “not a big deal”
F - Future (What are their plans for the future? Do they see themselves getting married, having kids?)
Honestly hiro is just existing 😭
He’s never really ever considered any romantic relationships with anyone into the mix of what he’d want for his future.
I mean, until recently he got into SFIT and changed his life plans. He doesn’t really think of romance often however he does enjoy his relationship with you
Yknow, despite the constant teasing, prodding and just absolute gremlin activities.
He’d probably count you into his life plans when you two get the closest you’ve ever been, otherwise hiro has no plans on kids and quite frankly
-It’s really not on his mind 🤷‍♀️
F - Forgiving (If they had a fight with their partner(s), how would they apologize? Or would they be petty about it?)
Honestly the first thing hiro does is try to resolve it right then and there
He’s very set on trying to solve issues as soon as possible but eventually he settles on you guys just giving each other space so you won’t say anything you’ll regret later
It honestly depends who initiated and was at fault
I mean I’m not the type to shift the blame on anyone but if you know you did something wrong or he knows he did something wrong and is the problem then he’ll definitely apologize as sincerely as he can
If you’re the one in the wrong then he’ll very much be petty
Hell refuse to apologize first and is very stubborn
He’s honestly just hurt but also mad you won’t admit you’re wrong or apologize (if you’re hesitant to)
However once you do he’ll be a bit petty still but ultimately he’ll understand and although it can be awkward, you’ll find common ground.
G - Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
I feel like hiro would gift you little things
Hiro is a guy of many talents so I’d imagine little gifts like those hearts made of gum wrappers or papers aren’t a rare occurrence for you to find
He’s always casually gifting you things whether he knows or not
And if he’s aware, he tries his best to not fluster and stutter while he shoves the gift into your hands and runs away
If you ever do mention how much gifting you things affects him then he’d definitely ignore you for a good while 😭
He takes so much offense that you’d make it obvious and would pout about it until you apologized and he’d just say “yea I didn’t really care”
Like what???😭😭 bro had you apologizing, on your knees, basically begging for forgiveness and he hits u w this then casually asks if you’d like to come over to eat dinner.
🧍‍♀️it’s ur turn to ignore him and turn the tables on him
G - Gratitude (how grateful are they to have you? what do they think your relationship is worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
He’s so grateful for you
He finds the relationships in his life as very precious to him so he’d definitely view your relationship as worth it
Especially since you’d most likely get together once you’re close friends
He really thinks of your relationship as valuable, why else would he be with you if he didn’t?
Even if it didn’t work out you’re still a close friend of his so of course you hold value to him.
G- Gentle (how gentle are they? physically and emotionally)
He can be pretty sassy and go all out on the jokes and teasing however he can be really gentle at times
Especially since he cares so deeply for you so he’ll make sure that even if him being gentle causes him to fidget and fluster
Mostly due to it being foreign to him
He may not be the best but the effort he puts in to be gentle in both emotionally fragile situations and when you get hurt just makes up for it
H - Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
Ok not really cuz I’m not gonna do my boy hiro like that but still😭
Hiro is always teasing and prodding at you for the littlest things
He’s an absolute menace
So imagine when this menace finally holds hands with you and when you turn to look at him, he’s starts tweaking
This is one of the romance part of your relationship so itd obviously be foreign to him
He’s stuttering and is this close 🤏 to combusting
His hands are sweaty and he’s constantly apologizing for it and will NOT tolerate any teasing or he’ll run away.
He’s not really able to show much affection through physical touch since he freezes up so much but at times when he knows you need support he’ll hold your hand.
It then becomes apparent to everyone around you due to the very intense blush hiro is sporting.
I do see it becoming casual eventually but that doesn’t really change hiros blush
H - Hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it, and what are they like?)
He isn’t really one for hugs
We’ve all seen how awkward he hugs and how hesitant he seems when giving one
But he’ll definitely give you one if you ask
Very awkwardly and stiff yet cutely tho so 🤷‍♀️
Also if you were to ever ask for a hug where everyone can see you two
He doesn’t hug you often at first but if you’re more cuddly then he’ll definitely get in the habit while staying with his usual attitude
His hugs are obviously stiff but they’re really nice
I - Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Absolutely terrified
Any normal person would feel this way about someone they care deeply for, but with what happened with tadashi just really made this fear even worse.
Since he’s also a hero/vigilante he’ll try his best to protect you, even if at times it can seem risky or spontaneous
Regardless of whether you’re a hero/vigilante and are able to protect yourself then he’d keep an eye on you, always.
In the actual scenario of you getting hurt during battle hiro would absolutely throw the whole plan away and go to you.
If it’s not in battle but still serious he’d be the first person asking to see you and is that person you see once you wake up.
If the injury is small he’d have Baymax assist with a bandaid or something but he’d still tell you to be more careful.
You guys can joke and tease at eachother all you want but this is one of the more serious things hiro would absolutely not want to joke about.
Even if you’re the one who got injured, he’s seriously just concerned for you.
I- I love you (how fast would they say ‘i love you’?)
So with how things have been going you’d think that hiro wouldn’t take the longest time ever due to his shyness
But he actually ends up being the first person to say it in your relationship and even says it pretty early on
Atleast in comparison to how long he’d probs take to say it
The reason he says it is only because of a fluke
He’d be all sleepy while you’re over due to an assignment the two of you have to work on or something of the sort
And because it was almost near an all nighter then best believe hiro is exhausted
And your comforting presence doesn’t make it any better
So finally when you realize hiro blissfully falling asleep you decide to cover him with a blanket and help reposition him so that he doesn’t hurt his neck while he sleeps.
While you do so you decide to also just go to sleep and when you turn off the lights and say good night to him you unexpectedly hear a goodnight back and an “I love you”
The next morning only then does hiro realize what he said and although he’s this close 🤏 to dying he still manages to tell you that he meant it
J - Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
I’ve said this one and I’ll say it again
He’d joke around with humor that can best be described as gen z TikTok humor
I mean, he’s literally a teenage boy who probably had unrestricted internet access from an early age.
Let’s be real here
So he’d probably send you the Smurf cat vids, that one dancing wolf thing, and those “send to your green person 🥰” and it’s a slideshow of Shrek…
Most jokes just consist of weird teenage boy jokes and that chronically online TikTok humor 😀😭😭
He mostly just roasts you then apologizes because he realizes that it could actually hurt your feelings 🧍‍♀️
He’d probs just do lame pranks tbh
He’d just wait behind something to scare you
And even if you didn’t react he’d laugh his little ass off 🧍‍♀️
J - Jealousy (what makes them jealous? what are they like when they’re jealous?)
Despite how much hiro wants to be the non jealous type, he unfortunately fits the profile
Even if he doesn’t try, if he ever sees you talking to any guys or just hanging out with anyone else for too long then he’ll get kinda upset
He’ll ask u about it too but he’s not that confrontational unless you purposefully try to make him feel this way
Which would be ideally never
If he can’t shake the jealous feeling off then he’ll end up confessing it to you between embarrassed pauses
If you try to coddle and tease him then he’ll just run away from you cuz ain’t no way
K - Kisses (what are their kisses like? who kissed who first? where do they like to kiss you?how do they like to kiss you?)
Ok ok so that’s kinda sorta rude 😭
But hiro is barely getting around with the hand holding, you really think he’s gonna be kissing you?-
Yes, yes he will
I’d imagine your teasing on how flustered and awkward he gets when you hold his hand finally made him get fed up so he just decides to kiss your cheek…
He literally evaporated from that one thing because despite trying to he backs out then you’re the one to kiss his cheek 😭
*Hiro exe has stopped working*
He had an internal freak out then turns around trying to be all nonchalant with a “hey”
Y’all don’t rlly kiss or else it’d be the death of him but that doesn’t mean kisses between the two of you are practically non existent 🌝
You’ll probably be the one to kiss him first and that knocks him out for the rest of the evening.
L - Love (how do they show you they love you? What’s their love language?)
He obviously doesn’t show you physical affection besides him touching the behind of your knees to trip you so how does he? 🌝
Well he gifts and spends time with you
I’ve already explained the gift thing, he usually gifts you little origami things or snacks
Besides the gift giving his love language would more accurately be quality time
He loves to spend time with you and just spend hours joking with you in the most cringe ways
He really adores you and thinks if the time he spends with you as precious, yknow despite the boarder line bullying
He’d probably indulge you if your more into physical touch, however the most frequent hugs you’d get from him are side hugs.
Even then, he’d more than happily hug you (ofc with his usual stiff and awkward self)
Honestly just be around hiro more often than not and you’ve already won him over
M - Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
If you ever decide to sleepover (which was probs accidental from that all nighter scenario)
Then the two of you would wake up (you were woken up by him first by getting abused 😔/j)
And then make your way to the kitchen since Cass is occupied with the Lucky Cat Cafe
You guys would make an absolute mess with food due to being distracted and it was so bad 😭
Hiro even ended up burning his pancake and bro still ate it 💀💀💀
Y’all would probs have to beg Cass to make you two something and have to hurriedly clean everything up before doing so to avoid punishment
Because ain’t no way 😭
Honestly fun because you two end up walking around San fransokyo but still 🤷‍♀️
N - Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Anything happening to his loved ones or those he cares for.
That’s an obvious fear for any sane person but, again, because of how sudden and horrible tadashis death it just reinforced this fear even more.
The thought of anything happening to you, his friends, and especially his aunt just had his stomach churning and makes him feel nauseous at the thought.
He’d still have nightmares about Tadashi which turned into even more serious ones about others in his life
He’d really appreciate you being there for him, especially if you slept over on one of those particular nights.
O - Obvious (How obvious do they make it that they like you?)
So insanely obvious
Not only is he painfully obvious but he’s so oblivious to the fact
He’s always offering to help you, he’s one of those people that flirts by roasting or joking around with you, and the blush that just so happens to appear on his face the minute you walk in doesn’t really help his case
Let’s not talk about how his eyes would stray away from what was in front of him anytime you’d pass by
If tadashi was still around during that time he’d obviously tease hiro about it and mention it in casual conversation
Hiro would obviously end up confessing to his crush on you and tadashi would tease but ultimately encourage him like any good older brother would.
If this took place after hiro got into SFIT then he’d be encouraged by his friends who can obviously see hiros crush on you.
He doesn’t exactly try to not make it obvious but it doesn’t really matter anyway because of all the ways he physically shows his crush on you.
P - Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
When considering pet names don’t expect him to be lovey dovey
He’d call you those cringe ass nicknames like “pookie” or “sugar booger”
Only ever calls you this to get on your nerves and absolutely evaporates when cass or anyone from the friend group overheard him calling you these names 💀
Any other “pet names” he’d call you would either be nicknames many others who are close to you call you or nicknames he makes of your name.
P - Patience (how easily do they get angry?)
It honestly depends on the day and how it’s going for hiro
He’s honestly more on the patient side and more likely to hear you or other people out
If he’s a bit more worked up from the long day at SFIT then he’ll have a harder time tolerating anything and is more prone to lashing out
Would probs just ask you to give him some peaceful silence while you’re there with him
Q - Quiet (How are the calm, quiet moments with them?)
Because of how loud and laughter filled time you spend with hiro the moment it gets calm and quiet it almost feels foreign
The two of you obviously settle down and relax for what seems like the first time in forever
Moments like these end up with you and hiro accidentally falling alseep in eachothers arms or it makes hiro feel comfortable to talk about tadashi and more serious matters
In the case of the latter, if you ever mention a serious matter then hiro will feel even more comfortable and even happy you can share stuff like this with him.
Honestly moments like these are so sweet that even gremlin hiro won’t wish for anything to disrupt them
R - Rhythm (what songs reminds you of them?)
R - Romance (How romantic are they? What are their go-to ways of being romantic?
Home dude is absolutely the least romantic person
Well that’s what he initially thought
He never really imagined a relationship in his future, but he could easily say the same about him joining SFIT
As I’ve previously mentioned, hiros go to ways to convey his love and affection to you is by gift giving and just spending time with you.
The only ways he could flirt without absolutely losing his composure is by literally bullying you and just play fighting w you
It’s the only way hiro can effectively just get along with you.
In instances of actual romantic gestures he’s pretty awkward
I mean hiros a teenager, it’s to be expected
But I feel like when there’s certain instances that are very emotionally charged
S - Secrets (how open are they with you?)
There are times where he’s secret yet open alike
He can keep secrets from you (although he’s pretty bad at it 😭) he’d probs try his best to keep his more personal issues to himself to not only burden you but just avoid sharing it.
Obviously he’s entitled to privacy but hiro would eventually learn that keeping secrets isn’t exactly the way to go
Even if he did want to keep anything from you he isn’t exactly the best so either he continues trying to lie and gives up or you seriously confront him and he admits defeat.
When it comes to other topics that aren’t so serious or personal then he’s an open book
You’re most likely in or at least aware of his schemes and plans if you aren’t participating.
S - safe (What makes them feel safe and comfortable around you?)
Your overall presence brings him comfort and makes him feel safe
It doesn’t really matter where you guys are, the streets of san fransokyo, just hitting up a corner store or even when you’re at SFIT
Most times you’re both enjoying the other and your time is usually filled with constant teasing and jokes played on each other.
When it comes to more serious discussions he’d really appreciate it if you kept quiet and gave him the opportunity to go at his own pace.
When you create this environment and make him feel like he’s not on the spot, only then can he relax and be more open with you.
Despite how chronically online he can act at times just know it isn’t how he is all the time.
S - Security (how protective are they? how would they protect their s/o?)
He’d be pretty protective of you
Especially with how heroes have become a norm in the world of big hero 6 so he’d be more aware of where you are and what condition you’re in
He’d obviously protect you by physically defending you regardless of whether or not you’re also a vigilante/hero
But he’d also have your back if anyone were to ever pick on you
He literally just has zero tolerance policy for anyone who tries to start shit with you
It’s literally all 😐 with him cuz he really just ain’t gonna tolerate all that
T - Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
there was so many factors to consider here
You guys were obviously close friends before you started dating and feelings were obviously apparent
As was the unbearable tension around the two of you, especially with how hiro would constantly joke around how friends dothen become so painfully aware that he completely freezes up and starts stuttering 😭
It was especially awkward when you’d be around the friend group and if you met and befriended hiro before tadashis death then best believe tadashi is gonna have to bring it up to hiro.
Because of this and hiros shy nature when anything romantic happens, he seriously refuses to make romantic advances
I mean the person you’re used to joking around and boarderline bully is now a romantic interest so it’d be so odd to have to become lovers
It’s so crazy too because once you actually confess to him everything happens so fast and it’s all spontaneous
You’re casually just chilling with hiro and all of a sudden you decide to just blurt out that you like him
He’s obviously caught off guard and accidentally hurts himself, then everything just unfolds from there and despite how awkward the air is the two of you end the night dating.
T - Tend (How do they act when you’re hurt or sick, and vice versa?)
If you ever get hurt because you accidentally cut yourself or trip and scrape your knee he’ll help you and most likely just get Baymax to treat your little injury
If this is the scenario of you falling, hiro is so obviously gonna laugh his ass off before he helps you up
He’s absolutely in the dark if you’re sick
He doesn’t even realize
Which is a complete lie cuz he kept spamming your phone when you didn’t show up to classes or respond to his texts/TikTok’s
He only found out once you either finally texted him, or more likely, he showed up at your house and decided to take care of you with the help of Baymax
Honestly thank goodness Baymax was there cuz otherwise you probably would’ve died due to hiros clumsiness.
T - Tease (how do they tease you?)
*breathes in* breathes out*
The absolute devil in human form
Wolf in sheep’s clothing
Demon spawn
Call him what you will but he’s the absolute worst teaser to be around
He’ll tease the hell out of you for the smallest of things and absolutely gain joy from your reactions
Especially if you’re the type to be more visibly flustered or embarrassed than the average person
Just throw the whole thing (hiro) away at this point honestly
U - Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
He’s so unserious😭
He’s kinda sorta bad at getting the clue so he’d go up to you and still joke and tease thinking you’re being unserious
If you’re actually serious then he’d automatically drop his joking tone and would ask what was wrong
Whether or not you tell him or not is up to you but if you opt to not telling him he’d be there for him and be chill about it even if he’s a lil hurt
He’d probs just drop it and try to change the subject (if u want) and you’d go back to your usual playful banter.
Although, he’d probably be pretty awkward if he’d have to comfort you 😭
U - Ugly (what are some bad habits of theirs?)
A bad habit of hiros would be getting to involved with his work
Because of how his work with robotics is constantly calling his name he can not only forget to eat and just take care of himself, but he’ll also forget to even call or talk w you
He won’t even realize until he sees a “missing poster “ around SFIT with the ugliest god damn pic of him he’s ever seen
Even then if you act petty then he’ll feel pretty guilty but then he’ll turn the tables and feel offended that your guilt tripping him
Like who do u think u are? 🤨
V - Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He’s absolutely proud of your accomplishments
The type of boyfriend he’d be depends on how he feels and the situation at hand.
Hiro would be so proud at your accomplishments, discoverys, research and your skills
Especially if that contributed to your success to your respective major
It honestly depends how vocal he’d be about it
He’d probs cheer you on, especially when the friend group is there to cheer you on alongside him
He’d more shy and awkward to be vocal if it’s just him but he’d still let you know how he feels
V - Vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
Hiro isn’t really the type to be all that concerned with how he looks
I mean he’d occasionally be self conscious, but it’s mostly because he’s going through puberty and is a teenager
The only times he cares is when he’s getting ready for something fancy or when he’s going out with you
He’d probs look at himself and think that he doesn’t look bad
He’ll definitely wonder if he’s one of those ugly guys pretty people get with
Even if he isn’t all that insecure he gets so unbearably flustered and self aware if you mention how cute he looks.
W - Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
If you’re a vigilante alongside big hero 6 then not having you be near the fight or not fight at all is not really an option
So in this case he’d be neutral about letting you fight but he’d of course still be there to defend you in the case that anyone tries to sneak up on you
He’d definitely fight for and with you. He’d be by your side and would absolutely put his all into making sure the two of you guy’s successfully accomplish your mission and win the fight
He won’t hesitate when he learns you got into a fight with villains.
And what’s more is that he won’t hesitate when it comes to civilian fights, not physical ones but more accurately described as disputes.
He’d definitely help when you’re being targeted or cornered by people who are trying to start and argument with you.
Will most likely tell you if you were in the wrong but only after the two of you won’t the dispute
He’s not gonna throw u under the bus like that in front of others.
W - Wild card (random relationship headcanon!)
He’d info dump and uses you to rant about his interests 😭
You’re honestly a victim due to how many times he pulls you into the lore of his fav fandoms
But if you ever show interest in it he’ll gate keep it
I mean atleast if you ever wanna rant to anyone or info dump he’ll always be right there 🤷‍♀️
If you’re a victim he has to be one too
X - X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
He’s pretty 50/50 most of the time
Since your relationship consists of online humor and just constant jokes he can tell when you’re not in the mood pretty quickly
Like if you’re upset and not in the mood to joke around he automatically picks up on it
However there are instances where he’s just his awkward self or just preoccupied with other things like his projects
I know I said he’s like 50/50 but he’d be able to read how you feel pretty much right then and there he’s just a bit awkward when addressing it so it’d take a bit longer for him to discuss it with you
Especially if you’re not the one to mention it, then there’s just a tension that hangs over the two of you.
This applied regardless of whether or not it’s a negative emotion/situation
X - XO (How do they show you affection? How much PDA are they willing to show?)
Hiro is the most awkward stiff teenage boy
Plus he’s a nerd so it just makes his ability to act on romantic gestures even less
I don’t really imagine hiro as the type to enjoy any form of PDA
Especially since he even hesitates with hugging and is quite stiff so if you ever wanted to very obviously hold hands or even kiss-
Well then forget it because before you can even speak to him he’d combust on the spot
He’s pretty affectionate in his own way but physical touch much less PDA would not be among them.
Y - Yearn (What do they do when they miss you?)
Hiro isn’t the type to really miss you
At least hat’s what he thinks
He usually starts off his day with thinking about you and throughout his day he’ll casually mention you in his mind
Saying things like “hmmm I wonder what y/n is doing” or “y/n would like this”
Him missing you eventually becomes apparent to everyone around him whether he notices or not
Hell casually sigh while sitting at a table at SFIT or the lucky cat cafe and it will eventually be addressed by friends or Cass
The one time that they actually do have dinner together 💀
Z- Zzz (How do they act when they get sleepy? How is it sleeping in the same bed?)
The worst sleeper ever if we’re gonna be real here
If you ever say that to his face he’d take actual offense 😭
Once you and hiro shared a bed whether he fell asleep on accident or you two just wanted to he does not give you a comfortable experience
Not only does he sleep sprawled out and all over the place but he also just has no regard for you
When he gets sleepy he’s honestly adorable though so it kinda makes up for how bad he sleeps
He’s pretty delirious and out of it once he’s sleepy and he’d probably let you hug and kiss his cheek easier than he would if he was more awake.
Even then he more likely than not snaps out of it and flusters up a storm
He has the worst bed head ever 😭
But that just makes him even cuter and if you say so he either 1. Doesn’t care because he’s sleepy and just lets you coddle him or 2. He absolutely denies it and gets all sassy with you
All that sass and usual jokes all go down the drain when the two of you wake up the next morning and the both of you are cuddling and he practically flies off the bed
Which causes him to yelp in pain and wake up Baymax that just makes the whole situation even worse with his scans and analysis of your heartbeats
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed and don’t be afraid to let me know about any grammatical errors/spelling mistakes :)
Also if u saw more than 1 prompt for a letter, no u didn’t 🌝
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wickjump · 2 months
I’ve recently seen a trope somewhere that if partner A has noticeable scars, partner B will kiss them as a small romantic or comforting gesture. Ever since I’ve seen this trope I have not stopped thinking about crepic. IT FITS SO WELL???
Like, obviously Epic has the scar on his eye. His magic eye has caused him years of suffering and awful nightmares. It’s been nothing more to him than a burden. And the scar is just another reminder that he can never let go of everything that’s been done to him. But whatever, he’s gotten over it. But imagine Epic going over to Cross’ house for a sleepover, and late at night the two are just lying in Cross’ bed talking about something stupid, when their conversation suddenly turns more personal. This slowly leads to Epic opening up about how much of a struggle it is to live with his eye. Of course, he doesn’t go too much into detail, since he was never really one to speak about his personal life.
And Cross can’t help but feel so guilty for his poor best friend after listening to him talk about how much pain he had to endure for so long. Epic keeps insisting that he’s fine and that it’s not a big deal, but Cross wants to give the person he cares about so much the desperate comfort he needs. One way leads to another and Cross ends up leaning over and kissing the scar on Epic’s eye while gently cupping his face or something. (bonus points if Cross also kisses the scars on Epic’s hands). AND EPIC WOULD PROB BE HOLDING BACK TEARS THE ENITRE TIME BUT WOUDL EVENTUALLY CRAKC CUZ SOMEONE ACTUALLY FINDS BEAUTY IN HIS INSECURITIES AND UHHUHGH.
I’m so ashamed that this became a huge rant when it didn’t need to be 🙏🙏 (But seriously I’m so starved of crepic that it’s becoming torturous. I need to be fed more fanfics bc there’s only 30 on ao3. Nsfw or not I need to be fed.)
WEEPING CRYING YES!!!!!!!!!! epic is so ignored in crepic fics mostly because people don’t bother to read his au’s comic (it’s… a long one… so i get it lmfao), and i might be one of those people though not because a lack of adoration for his canon but because cross is my favorite idiot and epic is hard to write. BUT!!!!!! I LIKE THIS A LOT.
scar kissing can go one of two ways, very very good, or very very bad. personally if anyone tried to kiss my scars they’d get clocked, but it depends for the character (and person). some people think it’s cringe worthy, other people think it’s sweet. EYE SCARS HOWEVER? OH HO HO. THOSE NEED TO BE KISSED RIGJT FUCKIJG NOW… ABSOLUTELY YES. epic’s whole eye ordeal like ruined his life and made him damn near suicidal. i haven’t read the side comics in a little while for epic but iirc when he’s killed he thinks something along the lines of ‘isnt this what ive been waiting for?’ or something? could be wrong idk i haven’t read it in a few months. but either way that eye, and that scar as a reminder, really fucked him up. and epic’s the kind of guy to gloss over that entirely. but cross is an overthinker at his core so when he catches wind of this it’s going to be on his mind forever probably.
i love. i love the idea that cross just holds epic’s face and kisses his scars. holy shit i love that so much. dear god. he absolutely should get to do that. cross cares sososo much about epic but epic never tells him anything!!! so when cross gets a whiff of his internal turmoil he is gonna DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!! and epic is gonna FEEL EMOTIONS!!!!!!
I LOVE characters cupping someone’s face while kissing them while paying mind to their traumas and letting them know that you treasure them and and and combusts into a superbillion molecules
goddd this idea. /pos. AND YOURE SO REAL ABOUT THE FIC THING THEY SHOULD HAVE MORE FICS LIKE??? WHAT???!!!!! there’s barely any fics out there for them compared to so many other ships. every night i pray that i wake up and someone dropped a 200k+ word slow burn crepic ‘forbidden’ (because cross’ job and epic’s residence) romance best friends to lovers au fic. but those prayers always go unanswered. ive scoured the entire site for them, ive started going to WATTPAD, DAMNIT!!!!!!!!! bleh. i don’t even care about ratings or tags anymore as long as it’s consensual and legal im fine please give me more content with them 🙏
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xsoleil boys x reader || wedding day
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a/n: im bored as hell now guys 😭 im just gonna like post a bunch of headcanon stuff LOL i might post like fanfics, but thats a maybe wwww ALSO ALSO starting to reaaally like the later waves of niji, so ill prob focus on mainly xsoleil, noctyx, iluna, etc. ill dribble in some luxiem from time to time, but like the other waves need attention too 🙌 i might do some of the fem waves, but im not sure how to write those LOL
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bro this man's voice makes my brain go haywire
anyways uh
would definitely just be like very happy and stoic during yalls wedding
he'd treat you like his pretty princess/prince
anyways uhhh he would be that kind of romantic person to like take your hand and kiss it once you go to the front
oh my lord, im struggling to find his green flags when all i listen to from his asmrs are the yandere ones
UHM...... i mean like reception would be cute, like he'd dance with you
like beauty and the beast vibes ykkk
help im genuinely struggling w anything thats positive about marrying him 💀
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i feel like doppio would just be generally so excited and happy hes finally marrying the person he loves so much
he would fix his hair JUST FOR THIS
this is also the only event he will never be late to
oh god he would be so nervous when the ceremony actually starts
like hes worried he'll mess up his parts or someone will object
BUT it probably wont happen and itll be a great wedding!!
reception!doppio would be fucking lit
he'd already be making dad jokes even if he isnt a dad yet
i swear, he would be kissing your forehead or cheek every few minutes
oh my goodness, drunk doppio would be so sweet
like i can just imagine him getting tipsy while like the maid of honor and the groomsman doing their little speech things and him getting really emotional
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honestly, i think he would cry at yalls wedding
like, he just screams 'emotionally fragile man on occasion'
the second he sees you in your wedding dress/suit/wtv, he'll start tearing up knowing that yall r gonna be married
and he loves you ya know
he'd hide the fact he was tearing up when you get to the front www
five bucks, doppio would be stifling his laughter when he sees ver crying
reception would be wholesome
ver would be whispering things to you while you guys dance
and not just random things
like i mean in korean
yeah his cute ass voice when he talks in korean
the voice where you want to keel over and throw up because it's really goddamn adorable and kind of attractive because people who speak more than one language is always somewhat attractive
tipsy ver is something to live for
it doesn't always happen but when it does its either hilarious as fuck or really cute and wholesome
like when he gets drunk, there's a 50% chance he starts to emote on the dance floor with an equally drunk doppio
or he could be holding your hand the whole time and staying by your side
a/n: WWWW im sorry i half assed hex's hcs LMAO i just genuinely cant see something that isnt overly explicit or kinky that wouldnt happen on ur wedding so thats why his is like the shortest lmao 💀 errhmm yeah, also ver is my #1 oshi thats why he has like the uh longest one LMAO UHHM yeah whatever lols have a good timezone
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mythica0 · 28 days
Fop: a new wish Tword headcanons!
Because, once again, hyperfixation lol. In this is Dev, Hazel, Cosmo +Wanda, and Peri, in that order. (long post)
Dev (I love this silly lil guy)
-he is def a lee, although he likes twording ppl as well.
-he didn’t know until after he got really introduced to it(he always knew what it was and kinda what it felt like, but never really experienced it that much.) but he really likes being tworded. [don’t worry man, same 🙏]
-his death spot (and coincidentally, his favorite spot to be tworded) is his tummy!
-his laugh is the happiest sounding giggle you’ve ever heard. This laugh is so bouncy and bubbly and sweet. It’s the kind of laugh that you just know whoever’s producing it is having the time of their life.
-Whenever he’s tworded he stims, usually with flappi by his hands or little kicks. However, he never seems to try and get away.
-very easily flustered, both by the fact that he’s ticklish and that he likes it. however he can say the tword with ease(unlike me)
-would try to hold off his laugh but fail miserably
-he is weak to raspberries and tword games, but as much as he likes to deny it he loves them.
-after being introduced to twords, he gets lee moods, and the first one he ever got he did not understand. ‘Why do I feel all buzzy? Why do I want to be tickled?!’ Peri was happy to explain and assist (probs gonna write a fic of this one)
-Now, when it comes to being the ler, Dev is an absolute little shit.
-he likes to tword others, both because it’s fun for him and because he likes seeing others laugh. (He will tell you it’s just the first one. That it’s fun for him to make other ppl powerless)
-He’s pretty new to the whole thing, so he’s not super good at it yet, but he’s trying, and getting better!
-She is a ler leaning switch!
-she loves to start tword fights and absolutely loves it as a bonding experience.
-Her laugh is very wheezy, but don’t worry she’s fine.
-her worst spot is her ribs
-She doesn’t actually squirm all too much, kinda just goes limp.
-she is immune to visual teases after the twords start, because as soon as she starts getting tworded she shuts her eyes.
-Hazel loves to use twords as a way to cheer up her friends. (Although she tends to leave Jazz out of it since she’s afraid of being tworded)
-she is not shy about her love of twords at all. She’s very open about it.
-I didn’t come up with this one,(that award goes to my mootie @randommusicalfluff) but after finding out Dev is twordish, she absolutely gets him any time he’s being pretentious or pushing people away.
-she uses baby talk. And lots of it. A fave of hers is definitely to just repeat the tword over and over again in a teasy voice.
Cosmo + Wanda
-putting them together cause they’re basically a package deal.
-both of them are even switches.
-they love to team up, but also love to get into tword fights with eachother.
-sometimes after a tword fight they’ll have a cuddle sesh and watch a movie
-Cosmo’s worst spot is his wings, and his laugh is very funny, and kinda high pitched.
-Wanda’s worst spot is her armpits, and her laugh is kinda rough but very sweet sounding.
-they will use their magic to their advantage in a tword fight, or when lering as a whole.
Peri (my fav boi!!)
-he’s a ler but he likes being tworded too.
-his worst spot his also his tummy (him and his godkid have something in common that way.)
-when he’s tworded he squirms but mostly just curls into a ball. Most of his movements are in his wings, which usually flutter around rapidly.
-his laugh is very smooth, but also very frantic sounding. And it can get very loud.
-Now, as you’ve probably gathered, Peri loves to tword Dev. Especially to cheer him up. He just loves to see his godkid happy.
-he has a ridiculously good sense of when someone is in a lee mood. He just knows
-he loves to make a game out of it, and is overall a very silly ler
-the more he can make someone laugh the better he feels.
-hasn’t thought about using his magic before, until he sees his parents do it.
And that’s all I have today! Hope you enjoyed reading these and expect more fics of these guys in the near future!!
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cats-closet · 1 year
So once again random poly erasermic headcanon for cat quirk darling. This is inspired by my own cat when I trimmed her nail it made me wonder how that would translate to a person with a cat quirk. I had written out a whole explanation of how I thought the claws would translate to a human hand but let's be honest no one wants to hear that so I'll jump to what we're all here for.
I imagine at least Aizawa had considered that they might have to forcibly trim your nails after 'rehoming' you but the need didn't arise until you actually scratched one of them.
Maybe it was intentional maybe not but either way I imagine within a few hours after the incident you're approached by both of them and they announce what's going to happen. Your nails are getting trimmed one way or another and it'll either be an easy or forceful process.
I guess depending on your choice it'll go one of two ways. You could comply and one of them would grab your hands and (kinda humiliatingly) gently squeeze your fingies to expand the claws and carefully clip them. It would proooobably be Aizawa trimming your nails (claws?) while Hizashi coos at you for being so good :((( if you let him he'd probably pat your head too and once Aizawa finishes he also plants a couple solid pats on top of your head:(((( your ears probably react so cutely too just by the nature of being cat ears.
Oh my god and if Aizawa somehow manages to fuck up and cut too far and ends up catching the quick they'd feel sooooooo bad:'(((((( obviously, that would hurt very bad and start rapidly bleeding, instinctively you retract your hand and hold it to yourself wincing:((((((( Hizashi jumps to comfort you wrapping his arm around your back while trying to gently coax you to give them your hand so they can perform first aid, even if your hesitant they wouldn't be mad cause they know this probably hurts a lot (it does) and it's harder to be rational in situations like this:'''(((((
Depending on your pain tolerance there's a very good chance you're crying and whimpering and they feel SOOOO BAD (as they should tbh). I think Hizashi applies a little styptic powder (it's for stuff like this to stop bleeding) and wraps a little bandage around the finger (giving a soft kiss to the finger if you let him). During this Aizawa has a hand on either your shoulder or head and gently apologizes for his mistake, you're probably not paying the most attention to the things being said to you but you do hear it lmao.
They definitely make it up to you somehow probably in a manner specific to you. Something like your favorite meal you haven't had in a while or some new stuff (within reason) you've expressed interest in. They both probably say sorry a couple more times since you were so obedient and they still hurt you.
If you're,,, not obedient however,,,,
Depending on your history Aizawa probs expected you to put up a fight. Having someone else force trim your nails is embarrassing enough but these clowns???? No way you were not gonna let them. Hizashi is disappointed but it's not a very long struggle to get you under control. It's two grown pro hero men what did you expect.
You might have gotten some good scratches or even bites in but eventually, Aizawa is able to get behind and grab both your wrists, holding them out in front of you for Hizashi to handle trimming. This is far from an ideal situation since even though you're tired, you can still do many things to struggle. Simply curling your hands into fists, trying to turn and bite Aizawa, and just struggling as an action will make it much harder for Hizashi to be careful when trimming your nails to not actually cut any flesh.
In this scenario where you're fighting tooth and nail, you're almost guaranteed to get hurt. When he inevitably cuts your finger or the quick of your nail and you cry out trying to pull back on yourself, they feel much less bad. As expected they definitely blame you for this, if you hadn't struggled you wouldn't have gotten hurt but they still feel sympathetic.
They probably have to force the first-aid again but aren't as understanding of any resistance, by this point they're also getting tired and annoyed with your behavior. Once Hizashi is able to wrestle the injured hand from you and apply treatment they probably punish you still for being so insubordinate.
It's probably nothing serious, just locking you in your room without entertainment though you probably still get dinner brought to you.
Overall,,,,,,,, they're kinda annoying tbh
For such a silly concept this post was wayyy longer than expected, I'm kinda just spitting out my thots all the time so it's never given any quality control
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LITA Ep. 5 Rewatch Thoughts Part 1
(edit bc I started writing this post like 6 months ago - hi! I'm gonna finish going through the rest of the phayurain episodes of LITA finally! I've lost all sense of shame so these posts are just gonna be love letters to Eul, hope that's ok) Hi hi hi! I find it absolutely hilarious that the notes on the final part of my episode 4 rewatch post (which contains my best screenshots of That Scene) has like triple the notes of the rest of the parts. I love the thirsty LITA fam <3 I think I kept it mostly clean for the first 3 episodes but LITA brainrot is real and from here on out I'm putting down all my deranged thoughts into words so enjoy
Onwards to episode 5!! Ok so y'all should know by this point that BossNoeul sang the opening right? I added it on spotify and have listened to it on repeat so much over the last week that I could probs (badly, bc my singing voice leaves much to be desired but I can and will belt it at the top of my lungs) karaoke it now. If y'all haven't heard the full version check it out bc they rap a few bars and Noeul has this line "shake your bo- shake your bo- shake your body" that makes me lose it every time
The recap sees us revisiting some rather adorable moments from the previous episode including PhayuRain in the rain and tub. Imagine if they stuck the leg kiss in the recap >.<
We open to sunlight pouring in through the curtained windows on the morning after. I kind of wish the last episode had ended with this scene bc it would have been a soft transition after the intimacy PhayuRain shared rather than the abrupt cut to credits. But I digress.
Phayu's hair looks glorious out and I wish we'd gotten to see it like this more. In fact I think we should've seen Rain push his hands through it and grip it during episode 6's NC scene. Also the definition of that bicep? Sir pls.
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I ADORE how sweet Phayu is towards Rain all the time, and this is yet another example. I love it when characters look fondly at their lover (I finally get to use that word for them!!), cover them with a blanket, and then give them a forehead kiss before sliding out of bed. SO FOND
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I just think it's really attractive when people do this. Rain was really missing out by snoozing.
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The state of Rain's neck and chest sends me into hysterical giggles every time. Phayu you did not have to go that hard with the marking bestie (let's be honest though, looking at the state of Phayu's neck post episode 6 they both have marking kinks) - everyone's gonna know Rain's officially yours soon enough. Also throwback to how like two months ago (or something like that idk the exact timeline) Rain was like hmph I never want anything to do with P' Phayu ever again. I didn't hear any complaining from you last night hmm??? Also I love how confident Rain was in his abilities to seduce Phayu, so true of him
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OK WAIT I think I finally get the whole yellow-blue thing. It literally is just that yellow is Rain's representative color and Phayu's is navy blue. So by making Rain put on Phayu's navy blue shirt for the "morning after" they're just reiterating that Rain belongs to Phayu now. Mystery solved :)
Obligatory shot bc he's worked hard for these gains and I think he deserves some appreciation ft. Rain who's making the same face as all of us. I think they spent like 30 whole seconds on Phayu's shoulders and that's so valid of them
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Sir, do you have a good reason for striding in here shirtless and sweaty to wake your new bf up? Methinks someone was hoping for round 2
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Ok, and we're back to Rain in a yellow t-shirt looking very feverish. He's holding his teal green phone (case) up though which is a combo of yellow and blue, isn't it? I'm sorry my color theory is lacking. His eyebrows look really nice here and I don't know why I noticed. I hope he has a good nap! But oops he misses calls from Phayu...
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This episode's title is "the Calm Before the Storm" which implies it's gonna be a mostly tooth-rotting fluff episode and that drama is on the way next week. I'm already smiling so wide my cheeks hurt so the title is apt.
Phayu (dressed in navy blue!) is here to make sure his precious Rain is ok and Mama is already planning the wedding in her head.
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The first three or four times I watched this, I was paying too much attention to their faces and probably missed a lot so let's break it down a bit. Phayu comes in, Rain's surprised and sits up, and Phayu sits down next to Rain on the bed but facing away. Phayu is slightly upset that Rain went away without saying anything and he was worried that since Rain was sick that him driving home alone was dangerous. The second Phayu sits down this way, Rain reaches out to grab his arm but Phayu pulls away. Compared to couples in other dramas, PhayuRain depend on touch a lot to communicate so obv the situation is quite serious plus Phayu is not immediately making eye contact with Rain.
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The next couple of shots are just back and forth where Phayu asks why Rain left and Rain tells him what happened and apologies for worrying him. He looks v v soft and fluffy here
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Gonna take a second to appreciate the background music bc it sounds so serious and doom-y right now but they're literally about to clear it all up so it was unnecessary to go that hard. Sound artist I love you
Throughout this conversation, Phayu starts far away (which for PhayuRain means there's like 1.5 meters of distance between their faces instead of 0.15 meters) but he moves closer and tilts his body more in Rain's direction as Rain gives each justification. He also lets Rain grab his arm. It's very subtle but I like the acting choices here.
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Phayu, Rain is sick. Can you pls stop staring at his lips bff give him some rest (spoiler alert I counted like 5 lip-looks in the next 10 seconds, Phayu didn't hear me)
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OK this hug. Exquisite. The gap has been bridged, all parties are happy again, and they both absolutely sink into each other.
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Boss' little shoulder rub here is so soft and gives us more PhayuRain believability. We can see how worried he was and how relieved he is now that Rain is safely in his arms again.
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Rain's cheek-smushed nod agreeing to never disappear from Phayu's side ever again is everything to me.
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I don't actually think this was what I was supposed to get out of this but there's something about the symmetry of this hug and them being in the shape of a triangle and how technically their first encounter as a couple involved Phayu's triangle tool etc. etc. etc. Also headpat alert!
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More subtle and soft gestures from Phayu. Rain is down bad.
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We really heard the MWAH here and I want to forehead kiss whoever placed the mics
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Everyone needs to observe Rain's expression right after Phayu asks this question bc it's very sus
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(I couldn't get it in motion but Rain straightens up a bit and raises his eyebrows. Someone thinks they're about to get spanked like before)
Except this is not that kind of punishment and I can't believe Phayu really brought along a rectal suppository. To his credit though, I believe they're supposed to be more immediately effective than oral medicines because they absorb more directly into the body so he just wants Rain to be healthy faster. Although I wish Phayu would've not proceeded to yank Rain's pants off without permission, it's fiction and I hope if Rain had shown signs of major discomfort he would've listened. I do have to wonder if Mama put on headphones though bc Rain was really loud with his protests. I also think this must've been funny to film bc if you look closely before it cuts to Rain's mom, Rain looks like he's holding back laughter.
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Uh-oh, Mama it's better if you walk away now
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This sequence was actually so adorable and funny. I love purrito!Rain and Phayu is looking way too smug. Mama Rain walked out of there trying to name all the yellow and blue flowers she could for the wedding centerpieces.
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omfg Phayu calling Rain's mom "Mama" is so friggin cute and I love how smoothly he just slid into son-in-law position
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Rain's like excuse me I'm sick I should NOT be slandered right now
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To part 2 with all the cute shots!!
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redr0sewrites · 1 year
Self Care With Aaravos Hcs
🥀CW: the writer is ridiculously not ok over aaravos, fluff, mentions of non-sexual nudity and bathing, mentions of shaving
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aaravos is someone who prioritizes self care alot, and has a lot of self care products. especially within his imprisonment, in the beginning he was very neglectful of himself and lowkey depressed but after he eventually understood the situation and adjusted he would prob start doing self care at least to occupy the time
he has the silkiest, smoothest, thickest most luscious hair uve ever seen and has like a billion products for it
his haircare routine is probably like 40 steps alone 💀 not to mention all of the time he spends styling his hair and brushing it through
aaravos has a wall of all the products that he uses and its all neatly labeled and organized in sections depending on what its used for
if u want to help him with his hair, he will gladly let you wash it for him however will instruct u on the specific process and will make u use all pf his products in a super specific order 😭😭😭
he would also wash ur hair for u too, and is super gentle if u have curly hair like me
i wouldnt say this is a self care hc, but when hes out of his prison he definitely styles his hair a lot more than just leaving it down! i hc that he would probably wear it in so many styles, and will spend a lot of time in the morning braiding it or tying it up and adding in accessories :)
i feel like he would do skincare too, i remember seeing this one silly comic on the official tdp website that you can find here, but its basically a (joke) comic ab aaravos dealing with a pimple that i just found hilarious and i feel like would it be very in character for him to have a super good skincare routine
if ur someone who has/had really bad acne and skin like me, he would definitely do skincare with u and would teach you about elven products that he likes (only if u wanted him too tho)
he likes doing face masks with u and the both of you love having self care and skincare days where u guys just chill
its so funny when u walk in on him relaxing with a face mask on and cucumbers over his eyes, but its also kinda endearing that he trusts u enough to be so relaxed and vulnerable around u!
aaravos has a lot of body washes and soaps, and when the two of u bathe together its like a whole mf spa he will pour in bubbles and use all these nice smelling soaps like omfg hes so spoiled but u both love it
along with that, i feel like hes the type to use a lot of body scrubs so he always smells nice yk? i also feel like hes the type to shave and keeps his body hair to a minimum, but doesnt really care what u do ab that he just feels more comfortable without it
when yall bathe or shower together u cant help but admire him cuz hes just so,, pretty and its so mesmerizing to watch him go through all the steps of his self care routines-
im imagining him gently running his hands through your hair as he washes it, humming softly to himself and gently holding your head and cupping your face as he rinses the soap out, placing soft kisses on the back of your neck and shoulders auugh. he then proceeds to carefully wash your entire body, softly rubbing his body soaps across your back, down your chest, on your legs and wherever u want, hes very content in just washing u and worshiping your body. aaravos will trail kisses all over ur body after washing u, hes so devoted to u do mi ti why not me im gonna cry why arent u real
i also feel like aaravos would have very pretty hands and uses a lot of lotions and oils for his hands and nails, he does nail and hand selfcare and will do your nails for u if u want him too!
i feel like he would keep his relatively short but still a little long, and would absolutely ROCK glittery silver nails!!!
he will kiss u on the back of ur hand when hes done doing ur nails for u hhhhhh im not ok
he loves it when u use his hand lotions, or any of his products really. theres a possessive part of aaravos that is very pleased seeing u enjoy his products, and the fact that u smell like him and smell good is a bonus
u both will have self care date days and will take care of eachother the whole day, taking turns doing all of ur routines and having a whole spa day and relaxing with soothing incense burning in the background and its just a wonderful and relaxing time with ur lover <3
what i would do to have him be real.... i put WAYY too much effort into this even with the knowledge that nobodies probably gonna read it cuz the aaravos x reader tag is so dead 😔pushing the acts of service aaravos agenda today 🤭 why isnt he real oh my god why isnt he reallllllll people better read this omg i spent so much time on this i put my whole heart soul and pussy into writing this
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streaminn · 1 year
Twin anon here!
I think the council of anons is incredibly funny. I’m just gonna forever imagine us all sitting at a round table or something dhdhhd
on the moderates for streamer enid note I do think my theory would die then :( definitely be more aware of what siblings Enid had. I mean I think it was said before that Endespairs fandom knew she had a bunch of brothers so the closer my twin theory is to enid the more it kinda collapses.
Also because I’m here- I never realized how sad the twin theory was till he pointed it out. Like oh my god that is devastating. Like imagine the twin you have marrying your idol that’s actually so horrifying. (It’s also a good fanfic idea for a cheating au…)
Enid spent three years attached to Wednesday, going through all kinds of shit together and you're telling me-
One break, just two years of far apart so they can build their own lives and Wednesday gets married to enid's twin
Girl would be devastated. Obviously you aren't entitled to someone's feelings but Enid, who most likely has a more successful twin in terms of wolfing out and thus better connections to the birth family- holy shit, she'll be bitter. She'll wonder, what is it like, to have everything she wanted. Everything she needed. A family, better treatment and her mate.
She wonders what's it like to see them dead
Its not even an idol thing either twin anon! I like to think, Enid genuinely loves Wednesday at this point and like, it'll probably hurt to see someone get so close so easily. But she'll accept it, she's Wednesday's best friend, she needs to accept it.
And when she stands in the altar, in the wrong side of the platform, she will clasp a hand so dangerously close to her twins neck and whisper a congratulations before Wednesday walks down the aisle.
Can you blame Enid, for closing her eyes for just a moment and wishing that Wednesday was walking to her?
The toast afterwards is essentially a confession. She spills her whole feelings, of the gratitude and the greatfulness and the love she has for Wednesday. She waxes it with waving hands and trembling fingers. Wednesday is smiling at her throughout this and it hurts bc her hand is on someone else's and not hers.
Nobody reads it more than a clingy bestfriend who most likely can't spend more time with the other now. Nobody sees the shine of tears barely hidden back and theres a tremble to the glass she's holding when she finishes.
By the end of the whole thing, Enid hugs Wednesday like it was their very first time. It's tight, just like how Wednesday wanted and the sigh that she earns from that has Enid free falling back into how in love she is with Wednesday.
But, it isn't reciprocated and so she pulls back and the tears are spilling. Wednesday chuckles and wipes it away with such softness and care that was once only theirs.
She says, "I love you too, Enid." she sees the love, yes but she is blind for she doesn't see how willing Enid is to die for her. She doesn't see the regret of pushing for the necessary space between them, she doesn't see- she doesn't know that werewolves mate for life.
Enid smiles and savors the eyes of her love. She traces the skin on Wednesday's face, the dip of her dimple and gives a single kiss to Wednesday's forehead. It isn't enough, it's never enough but Enid can't be selfish so she pulls away.
She walks out of the event and Wednesday's life with such ease that it leaves her gasping down a block away.
Enid feels like a ghost since that day onward, untethered and lost in the world.
Idt streamer Enid would exist at this point if the twin thing were true 😭 she'd prob just be a movie reviewer like the og concept of sin. If she ever does become Endespair, she'll probably have a more sarcastic and melachony vibe to the streams. Not alot of Wednesday simping, just cold analytics and if you're a Lil delulu, fondness in her tone.
Didn't expect it to turn into a whole ass drabble but I'm feeling angst so I hope yall liked it.
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s0lar-ch3ri · 11 months
theory time!
so reasoning as to why i cant reblog the other one is just cause it doesnt allow videos when i reblog now which sucks but whatever so yeah! its a jrwi theory again, and whatever future info i have was 99% gathered from the wiki (the remaining one percent might not even show up in this theory so ye), and of course theres spoilers for the black rose one shot AND riptide pirates (dont have any exsct eps, all i can say is im at ep 101 now so anything before that is kinda fair game)
for the original theory post
k so we gonna put that one clip (scroll message, about a minute long) and talk about it, def mention all the connections gill would have with the black sea, shit like that
apologies for the buggy clip, just needed to add this and when i recorded i was in school aka just recorded like this for less risk, lets talk about the message though.
"a map that is a guide and a key passed around the hands of destiny, it leads to chaos infinity beneath the seas, the garden giant, the nameless prince, the unborn kings, all await to be inevitably free"
i think in my og theory post i talked on how gill was very connected to the black sea imo so how does all this tie in? lets do some quick lil notes first
ok so the scroll of legend lore has been held onto by gillion, the one closest to destiny's ties, and has not been used until now
chaos infinity while refering to the black sea could also be an undersea thing, what with the leviathins (nobody else remember how the pearl shard gillion has came from one? and how the pearl was never supposed to even see the light of day probs let alone be in some cat mans evil base? just me?)
while i wanna say aster mythborne aeiliana shes not real here so she cant be garden giant
BUT we do have a known leviathin(? could just be a dragon turtle) named duke who has plant shit and is controlled by a gollieth
nameless prince is everso chip coded but we looking all across our board here so yeah
it could apply that the "nameless prince" could refer to someone "unnamed" who holds power like that prince from edison kingdom or smth
it could also reference marshal jon, who's canon first name has been forgotten and canon last name is jon
unborn kings? honestly while i dont think chip's bit of mpreg is apart of this i think the lady inspiring it (aka aslana's mom) has some relations to this whole thing
we all read "kings" btw so theres probs multiple yall
would goobleck count? he is goobleck he must apply someway
non-literal one again? maybe their monsters or smth
wait to be free. huh. gee, i wonder, will the door nightmare with arlin come into play here. thatd be so fun. yeah. ahahaha im losing myself
okay okay maybe its not all clear and i honestly have had this as a draft for too long (as shown below)
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BUT ill reblog this later cause ill really just be using text and images and shit
whats the basic idea? this is def where the oath from the sword comes into play (murdering destiny), with the whole "the black sea twists you" thing we may get hints of killion or even dark gillion again, the thign about it being a "key" might imply like a 'this means that' type deal rather then being actually a key, the chaos isnt really referring to the black sea but the state of the undersea in general (lost champion becomign criminal, ally shit gone, oversea war, etc), unnamed prince is either someone we havent met yet or someone who we dont expect to have a return (ie: were deemed before as not really lore relevant), and the unborn kings are monsters, oh and the garden giant isnt arlin but something related to the duke! THIS HAS TO CONNECT TO THE LEVIATHINS FR
some details/info about gill/things related to gill so i write this better:
"You promise to slay all evil before thee, crack corruption that takes hold of this world, strike swiftly enough to split the seas, and even if the thread of fate poses an obstacle against us, we shall sever it"
A hero born of moonlight, storm and sea. / They shall rise or fall to bring unity. / They will be tested or bested by evil’s hand. / By their choice one will remain: sea or land.
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scenetocause · 1 year
Hello beloved emptyhalf if you have any Lewis and Lando cute thoughts I would love to hear them. I think about Lando being depressed on Lewis' couch in Monaco fic all the time it cracks me up
oh god lando and lewis is just a whole thing. lewis likes lando soooooooooooo much. lando is lewis' special little guy and also he wants to like, pass on some sort of mantle to him. but because he likes him in super cringe ways lewis wants to steal lando's hat and mess him up a bit and make him blush and feel how much lando's in awe of lewis at the same time as lewis is just like, embarrassingly obsessed with lando. terrible. when they clobbered each other in spain i was like oh no lewis is gonna be thinking about that all race because like, neither of them makes mistakes but someone clearly did there and that is just unpossible. such a great driver lando is legendary but [very quiet] i love you lewis is the heart of the situation. lewis knows he has all the power and platform to be nice about lando and lando obviously is massively in awe of lewis, that time he was talking to max on stream about playing golf with him and they were being soooooo shifty about it because omg actual lewis hamilton and lando doesn't hold the right cards in this situation to cringily fangirl back but he's doing that squeaky laugh thing you fucking know he does when he's flirting.
the fact lewis barely knows who george is, by comparison, is fucking hilarious. george studies lewis with incredible intensity and lewis is just like oh yeah, that guy. he'll fret all race from lightly tapping lando but he'd prob crash george out in turn one and never think about it again. who is george? lewis for one doesn't care and although i am a george enjoyer i think that's extremely funny of him.
monaco-fic-verse drabble under the cut
"Moved over with the big boys, huh?" Lewis isn't really expecting Lando to jump out of his skin in the cereal section of Casino but ok, maybe he could've announced himself better.
"Yeah, erm. Yeah?" Lando is looking extremely furtive about the contents of his basket, which mostly looks like Cheestrings and loo roll.
"It's nice being, y'know, normal." Lewis reaches for the Weetabix, then considers it. "Was this what you were after?"
"Uhm, yeah but you - you can have it. I've got." Lando gestures at the completely cereal-free contents of his basket and Lewis resists the urge to laugh at him.
"Nah man, you have it. You're still settling in, I've probably got a box somewhere." He tips the pack into Lando's basket, claps a hand on his elbow. "Honestly I was just kinda leaving the house for the sake of it, I dunno what I'm even here for."
"Oh, same." Lando nearly manages it without stuttering, then seems to panic like he's been over-familiar. "Like, I don't know, I've got to get used to it haven't I? Finding everything and being on my own and so on."
"It's not a big place, you'll get the jist pretty fast." Lewis gives up on pretending he's not going to buy a baguette, while he's in here and Ange can moan at him about the pointless carbs later. "And there's people around, y'know."
"Yeah." Lando sounds very small, suddenly. "I'd just got used to - I left him at home and it was probably right but it's. Lots to adjust to."
That feels like a confession Lewis has missed a few steps on, glancing round to see Lando looking semi-distressed, fiddling with his ring.
"You can... come round, if you want? Roscoe likes visitors." He has no idea why he's saying this, there hasn't been another F1 driver in his flat since the last thermonuclear fight with Nico but there's... something, to what Lando said that makes him think it might be not like that but somewhere that cuts near to it.
"Oh. Yeah!" Lando says it too fast, seems to pull himself back again. "I mean, if that's alright? I'm just. It's all kind of tricky."
Half an hour later, Lewis coaxes just enough vague detail out of Lando to know the thing is so certain there's no way the guy should still be back in the UK. And this is going to take a lot of cups of tea to untangle.
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lingy910y · 1 year
Ian and Mickey Meta Questions: Clothing
this is my moment 🙏 aka just me rambling to myself @gallavichmeta
1. When do you think the first time was that one wore the others clothes? And what feelings did they have about it?
I’m looking through gifs and it seems like the earliest occurence is during 2x01/3x11 with this grey hoodie? and my only interpretation of this is that sometime during the s2 summer, Ian left it at the dugouts after they fucked. and Mickey saw it in the corner of his closet since he also forgot to give it back, and naturally was drawn to it without realizing it’s Ian’s to help him cope with how sad he was :/
2. Mickey is the youngest brother in his family and Ian is the middle brother in his family. What feelings do they have about hand-me-down clothing?
Mickey didn’t care at all cause that’s the way life was for him in Terry’s household, sadly.
Well canonically Ian was tired of living under Lip’s shadow and he’s his only older brother, so naturally some of his clothes are his hand-me-downs. You can also see that in the show. I think that Ian didn’t rly mind this particularly, just shows how close he is with Lip y’know? and they have different styles but so similar at the same time esp Lip’s is more nerdy
3. Do you think either of them have a favourite outfit or item of clothing?
Oh I know Mickey fucking LOVES his black boat neck sleeveless tank. mans wears it all the time, like if he was in a dress up game this would be his default option. I saw a cute fanart speculating that the reason why he mostly wears sleeveless clothes esp in early seasons is bc he overheard Ian saying he esp loves a r m s in men so he cut them specifically, but I feel like he felt uncomfortable and wants to stretch his arms. we all know how he’s a man of action
On the other hand Ian is obsessed with military outfits 💀 first of all bro got the ugly buzzcut. ok sure, whatever, he changes hairstyles every season anyway. but then he was wearing his rotc uniform everywhere?? cutting it into shorts for the club? and he dared mickey to wear the camo for the gig 💀💀 he literally has a kink for it and it’s embarrassing i’m sorry. tho I’m a hypocrite cause he does look good in it, but when does he not? if a watch counts as an item of clothing tho I’m gonna say that instead
4. Do you think either of them have a least favourite item of clothing?
Can I say Mickey’s first wedding suit? Because he was yanking the bowtie when he came out of the dressing room and the whole thing was both literally and metaphorically was suffocating him. which was why it was so meaningful for him to get to choose his white suit (and other stuff in his second wedding), even if he had to straight-up take his and Ian’s by force ASDKFJL
Ian telling Mandy he didn’t want to starve himself to fit that golden thong was so :((( I think he also greatly regrets his job at the club, so all memories involving it are prob bad for him. rly wished the show didn’t just brush how he felt under the rug
5. What do you think their personal style says about them?
Well Mickey’s style screams thug (not necessarily king of the southside) that’s for sure
Ian’s fashion sense is very wack lmfao. I think it just means that he’s a silly goofy boy! Someone said "every cis gay millenial dude owns this shirt" under a gifset of his raglans 😭
6. What items of clothing hold most significance for them?
Didn’t Mickey personally say in 11x05 that he “loves this shirt” in response to the black shirt he was wearing, and the whole fandom agreed that it’s the same one that Ian wore to Mexico 🥺 MEANWHILE HE WAS WEARING THE FLANNEL?? THAT SPANS A WHOLE TIMELINE
And Ian’s EMT jacket def means a lot to him. Everytime I look at it I gain new waves of emotion so I can’t even imagine what he feels when he reminiscences during late nights TT
7. Do you think the way Mickey’s sense of style changed over time was to do with his relationship with Ian?
Yes, definitely. Says a lot that he was dirtier in the early seasons, like he never gave a fuck abt his appearance bc there were other things to focus on before Ian did. I can imagine Ian nuzzling Mickey’s shoulder during another one of their summertime fucks at the dugouts, so Mickey wanted to clean up nice for him without directly saying anything. And how overtime, he dressed more and more fashionable :D
8. Ian has worn a few different uniforms (ROTC, janitor, EMT, prisoner, fake EMT etc etc) over the course of the series, how do you think they made him feel?
I feel like the ROTC and EMT uniforms made him feel empowering, like he’s reaching his ambition of doing something with his life. Then the other ones like his stripper outfit as I’ve mentioned in 4, janitor, prison, fake EMT uniforms rly made him feel horrible. But I think he did grow to like his prison uniform after seeing Mickey in that white tank top all the time, maybe?
9. How does their emotional state affect their clothing choices?
It does, but I can’t necessarily find much apparent examples? But I like how in 3x09/ abandoned building, Mickey was wearing his sweater. I think sweaters and sadness definitely go together
10. We see Mickey wear colourful/Hawaiian shirts a couple of times, how do you think those types of clothes make him feel?
It makes him feel fun! The first time he clicks his tongue, does a little dance, and asks ian for his approval & the second time he lets out a “ooh!” He’s a cutie. I rly get emotional whenever Mickey gets to experience the little joys in life that he never rly got to express when he was younger. Then I get emotional for a different reason - he had a whole dream of laying in the sun with Ian in Mexico but he ended up doing it alone or not at all I’m fucking crying
11. Compare their first and last appearances, what do their outfits tell us about the characters?
They both dress more “maturely” in the last eps compared to the first ones :0c cargo jackets(?) !!!
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daydreamslikewaves · 1 year
Every single unfiltered thought I had watching Fast Five (2011)
- I love love love seeing Mia driving, get it guuurrl
- Brian giving 0 fucks and becoming a wanted man:
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- Gonna be anxious af for Mia this whole entire film now I know she’s pregs
- Seeing these people on public transportation is for real like seeing a fish walk on land
- Paul Walker’s eyes were so blue 💔
- Omg The Rock, I didn’t realise he was gonna be a cop lol
- Brian barely able to keep up with Mia’s parkour like:
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- …to be fair to Elena if Dom saved me by pushing me up against a wall I’d probs be 🥵🥵🥵 too, ynwim
- Mia’s timing to announce her pregnancy 💀💀💀 probs should have saved that for later babe
- Dom is so bbygirl in his reaction 🥹🥹🥹
- I know The Rock isn’t supposed to be funny in this but he really is
- I love how wherever these people hide out when hiding from the police, they always seem to have beer
- Dom and Brian bonding is so 🥹 but also I love seeing tender moments between alpha men on screen, where they’re trying to comfort each other. I do think that a lot of action films lack things like that and it’s a shame because it’s so important to show it
- Someone needs to edit the voiceovers better in these films bc this is the second time now Dom is not moving his mouth, but somehow is still talking, lol
- Giselleeeeeeeee my gurrrrl is back 🥰🥰🥰 also already checking out Han yeahh get it
- Already concerned about my mental well-being if anyone from this extended family dies
- Dom being like 😌😌 when he sees how blatantly into each other Giselle and Han are
- Accurate depiction of Han watching his new crush:
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- Elena wearing Dom/Letty’s cross???? Who do you think you are???
- Vince dying and telling Dom his son is named after him:
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- Han and Roman in uniform in those police cars tho 🥵🥵
- Dom giving Rosa and Nico the money 🥹🥹🥹🥹
- aosdjsiaorjsl Tej and Roman’s bromance
- …yeah ngl think Han and Giselle made the best use of their time and money looool
- Okay prefacing this by saying I’m obviously biased; but there was no true lead-up to the Elena/Dom romance? A few smiles and then suddenly at the end of the film they turn up to Brian and Mia’s holding hands??? Like when on Earth lol (but I like Elena as a character ok ok I will give y’all that)
Honestly each of these films keeps pleasantly surprising me, but I’m def in too deep now, you can’t help but get invested in these characters and I need there to be no more deaths 🥹🥹🥹 I know they are coming but 🥹🥹🥹
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m-arahuyo · 5 months
cleaning up my documents folder it's a got damn mess in here and found a couple scraps that got cut from the final output of offer her name. sharing them here before removin em from there so i got em somewhere at least...... jus in case :')
hey yall have some chapter 7 deleted scenes bec lord knows i just Had to do smth about the length it got like damn am i gon find more? idk, probs, let me clean still
lines in [brackets] are lines that made it to the final thing
[Miles from the town, there’s a lump of land that could pass off as the earth’s sorry attempt at a lousy hill. Dirt there is stiff, near-cemented through by sun, rains, winds]: seasons coming and going, molding, baking, drying. [Artificial hill—So Mi herself used the term to describe it. Sitting a horizon off California State Route 89 to the south of the town, bordered by scours of withered, dark trees and a wayward slash of steep ditch] with water murky enough to fool you into thinking it isn’t liquid. Certainly does fool V. Takes accidentally kicking a pebble into it to make her realize it’s rippling.   “How deep you think this water is?” she asks Scorpion next to her offhandedly. Scorpion, distracted out of his ministrations, hums, cranes his neck to look, and shrugs.  “You wanna find out, leave me out of it. I just washed these pants.”  “Gonna get filthy in a sec, choom,” Mitch murmurs, peering intently into the scope of his rifle. It’s a huge thing, that—a size that screams anti-material and gussied up with a silencer that looks imposing in the night. “Does it matter?”  “Yeah, it matters. Wanna keep these clean long as I can.”  V picks up a knotted prong of stick, hitches low, and sticks it into the water. Couldn’t even feel the bottom there. “S’deep,” she observes, like any of it matters.  “You nervous, V?”  “Mm?”  “In the war,” Mitch starts without looking up, “my first few ops—couldn’t sit still before it was go-time. Couldn’t shut up, either. Had to be on the fuckin’ move. Tinkerin’ with my radio. Messin’ with the panzer, over and over. Botherin’ the other gonks waitin’ around, them feelin’ just as restless.” He looks up, finally, and gives V a crinkly-eyed smile. “S’normal. But ya gotta just sit, choom.”  “How many gigs you been in? As a solo?” It’s Scorpion’s turn to pick up.   V tries to count it out in her head, her stint in Night City and the sprinkle of gigs she���d taken, fucked up, won. She shrugs in the end. “Not a whole lot. Good few.”  Scorpion chuckles. Mitch just grins: “yeah. This one’s gonna turn you inside out, kid.”  “But you’re gonna be fine!” Scorpion says hastily, digging his elbow into Mitch’s side. V kind of wants to retch. “Gonna be just preem, V. Don’t worry.”  “You gonks done foolin’ ‘round?”  V looks over her shoulder to see Carol there, shrouded in night and with arms crossed. The light of someone’s flashlight waves over the top of her head like a halo. “Time to hustle if ya are.” Carol jerks her head. “C’mon.”  Scorpion and Mitch get off their haunches, hauling tools and iron. V throws the stick into the ditch.  [Panam’s face is bottomlit by a datapad.]
[There’s a fire in the darkness.]   V’s coughing through dust clouds and tripping over rubble. [Using the missile launcher is always a shock to the brainstem even with two people carrying the pressure—panzer wasn’t designed for two artilleries, see]—and she wiggles her head now. Squints into brown clouds and covers her nose and mouth.   “…Think anybody heard that?” Cassidy asks behind her uncertainly. The smoke hasn’t yet cleared. Modest fires lick and whip through the dust, reaching out and up. V speaks with her palm on her lips.   “If they didn’t, they probably felt it. Town did, at least.”  “How’s it look?” Panam shouts from the tank. V raises a hand and waves it—hold up—and starts swinging it at the air around her to help clear it.   A minute or two. The fires die out. The dust settles. Somewhere in the wrecked face of this lie of a hill is a hole as big as V’s fist, and it’s Scorpion who approaches it, digging a hand in to claw off some rocks and stiff dirt. V pats his arm, gives it a shove, and starts turning around to return to the Basilisk.   “Think we can do two more?” she asks Panam breathlessly, hitching herself up onto the tank. Panam’s face is screwed but she’s smirking.   “Can even manage three. Bet ya you’re gonna faint before I do.”  “In your dreams, choom.”  They jack in again. [Panam winces into their shared connection now and V soothes her with some light warmth.]
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hannibutts · 1 year
Ooh nice intro of Jack and Hannibal basically telling Will the same thing and Will agreeing with both of them.
Garrett Jacob Hobbes? Oh because of the killing of the deer thing - so like Will killing of the serial killer side of himself? Or is it because it was GJH who opened that door for Will in the first place, not only because he was Wills first kill, but because he got too close to how GJH thought… and then semi adopted his daughter?
Oh man if I was Bella I would have not let Hannibal in my house after he didn’t let me die. She gets some Barbs in but yikes.
If someone had not let me die - I would not let them into my house OR ask them to save my husband after I’m gone. I’d kick them in the dick, looking at you, Hannibal.
Freddie Lounds (booo)
Will just wants to keep Abigail out of Freddie’s filthy mouth.
Oh shit Hannibal can smell Freddie on Will. RUN BITCH
Oh yeah where has Alana (boo) been this whole time? Doesn’t Hannibal notice she’s not around. Cool visuals on the poisoned by darkness stuff. Wait, is she crying blood or is that just for visual effect?
Aw Hannibal sweetheart, he’s begging Will to run away with him. He knows something dodgy is happening with the whole Freddie Lounds thing so he’s trying to avoid whatever he thinks Will is planning about jack. That or it’s a trap, who fucking knows with these guys.
Oh shit, I was wondering when all of this was gonna bite jack in the ass. But he’s still going to go no? Especially since we’ve seen him and Hannibal go at it.
Oh NOW Alana sticks up for Will 🙄
Man BureauCynthia is missing the big picture here but living up to her name.
Welp at least Alana had the decency to warn Will the FBI was out to arrest him and Jack.
OH SHITTTTT - Will called Hannibal like how Hannibal called Garrett Jacob Hobbes! Did Will know about that or was it just coincidence? Literal chills
Ooh baby we’re back to the brawl. Let’s do this shit.
Jesus. Hannibal fighting in a tight white button down 👀
Alana placing herself in the middle. She gon get herself killed.
Dannng Laurence Fishburne in boxer stance 👀 am I too horny for this show because I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to be side eyeing so much during this fight…
Oh haha this is the daintily throwing himself at the door thing 😂 even when he’s supposed to be brutal, Mads moves so elegantly, it was such a perfect casting.
“In your defence, I worked very hard to blind you” I bet you did Hannibal 👀 at least he’s trying to spare Alana from feeling like she was an idiot…
Oh Jesus but he took her bullets… that’s fucking horrifying her just clicking desperately.
Ok look, I dislike Alana but she didn’t deserve that but also she probs should have mentioned to Will that Abigail is alive and feeling Pushy… but you can forgive Alana considering she’s probably fucked or at least paralysed by the looks of it.
Dang Jack is losing a lot of blood.
Is Abigail a Trojan horse again with Will?
W to H “You were supposed to leave”
Oh shit, Will still has some allegiance to Hannibal, he wanted Hannibal to escape no matter what but Hannibal is too fucking obsessed with Will and now Jack and Alana are probably dead.
H- “Did you believe you could change me the way I change you?”
W- “I already did”
Fuck me this show.
Oh my god I am in tears, Will is holding in his guts with one hand and holding in Abigail’s throat with the other 😭😭😭
If Will would have gone with Hannibal, Hannibal would have present A I hail as a gift to Will and they would have gone away together with their daughter 😭😭😭😭
Gratuitous shot of Hannibal standing the rain while his Adam apple bobs, even I’m not horny for this after all of that (narrator: this was in fact a lie).
Hannibal just casually walking away in the rain looking all hot and stuff and not even glancing down at Alana.
Will’s killer instinct deer dying can only be a good thing no?
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