#pro beetlebabes
brightredsunset800 · 2 months
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freakydeakyshoe · 4 months
Maybe it's just me but Beej looks like he's gonna cry
"I'm gonna make you SO happy."
If this isn't romantic then I don't know what is.
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moonsceptre · 4 days
Do antis just forget this is a story about a ghost falling in love?
Betelguese is ghosting between the living world and the afterlife; he's implied to be omnipresent and probably feels soul connections. It's not comparable to real life crimes at all.
"The only one I think I can deal with is Edgar Allan Poe's daughter. I think she understands me."
Who's to say he wasn't immediately aware he and Lydia were something akin to soulmates? The funny thing is, he goes about it like a hopeless romantic and it does get toxic. That's literally what makes it funny and shippable.
"Holy shit, this goth girl is the one. I feel it and I get her, she'd definitely get me too even though I never spoke to her and am assuming how she feels is the same as me" ...This opens so many opportunities for Lydia to set her boundaries and have Betelgeuse continuously pine for her, getting rejected until there's some development. You can explore the co-dependent route where they rely on each other too much (hot AF and my personal favourite). Or you can take the second movie literally and have him finally get the girl after 30 years of self reflection. It's just such a good ship.
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afterthefuneral · 21 days
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Hey anti beetlebabes: COPE AND SEETHE! Winona is one of us!
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aspergirl-2006 · 3 months
As someone who loves Beetlejuice, and his whole dynamic and relationship with Lydia (in all its forms); I find really distasteful how when I see a beautiful artwork of them together bonding, having fun and such, I'm gonna give it a like because I think it's nice and cute, but then I see a big text at the end in capital letters:
“NOT SHIP ART, BEETLEB*BES DNI” with the name censored and everything, as if it was some kind of slur.
And then I'm like- “Oh, okay then; I don't know why you feel the need to clarify that when there's nothing romantic happening, but alright, I won't bother you” and proceed to block them.
I don't know, but the fact these people are so eager to yell that their work is not ship content, even though no one except them has implied that, and telling anyone who doesn't see BJ and Lyds as anything but platonic to not talk to them, not even to say that the art is good, is really... Funny to me, to say the least.
Anyway, wait until they find out couples have been wearing BJ and Lydia's wedding outfits for Halloween ever since the first movie came out; I really wonder why that might be.
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hallowjuice · 8 days
Words can't describe how odd it feels to have such a subdued fandom for the past 12 years I've been apart of it and then having it SHOVED into the limelight with the sequel release. I hate sounding like a hipster but the influx of new fans and their uninformed hot takes are melting my brain. You can enter our home but please be polite about it?
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jarleybabes · 2 months
Still so happy that I got to see the Beetlejuice OBC while it was on Broadway. This new movie is bringing back good memories of one of the best days of my life.
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greatgaspiads · 1 year
Me, a Beetlebabes shipper: Seeing a piece of work I like that has nothing to do with Beetlebabes, and at best is a BFFs scenario, enjoying the artistry and being part of the fanbase
Beetlebabes antis: DNI
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𝘽𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙡𝙚𝘽𝙖𝙗𝙚𝙨: 𝘼 𝙃𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙧𝙮
There are many names for the ship and friendship of the dynamic duo known simply by their names: Beetlejuice and Lydia Deetz.
In the beginning, they were considered a horror-comedy icon. She is strange and unusual. She wants to die and be part of the land of the recently deceased. He is wild. A pure chaos machine who lives up to his side of the deal. He knows the ins and outs of the hereafter and wants to get the fuck out. For good.
Lo and behold! The trope of a quid pro quo marriage. He gets out. Her friends are saved from an unknown doom.
Then marketing took over. Merchandise! Toys! And ultimately a cartoon. Who would be the star of Beetlejuice: The Animated Series.
Well, Beetlejuice, of course. And why not make it friendly to the kid's world by taking the youngest character and making her more vulnerable and spooktacular? They could have carried the show without a Lydia but they chose not to do this.
They chose the one girl in the movie he tried to marry: deal or no deal. The girl was in a wedding dress and instead of making them enemies... They make them friends. Friends who share and anniversary, terms of endearments, and blatant flirtations.
Thus, the first shippers were born—a bunch of kids who saw two chaotic characters who were perfectly balanced with each other. We grew up, and so OUR IDEA of Lydia grew with us. Granted, a few of us are freaky and wanna jump the ghost, but rarely will you see a shipper want to split up the duo.
Now for the names; Beetlejuice x Lydia, Beetlyds, Beetz and Deetz, Beetz, Beej and Lyds, Beetle and Babes and now, unintentionally, Beetlebabes.
Ironically this was not the intended name for the ship. We (as in my friends and I) called ourselves Beetle Babes. As in We are the Babes. Fans, mostly ladies, who love to obsess over a ghost from an old 80’s franchise.
The second meaning came naturally because, Didn't BJ call Lydia ”Babes”? Yes, he did in almost every episode. Lyds, Babes, Lydia. Three names he uses for her his best friend.
So Beetlebabes became an easy identifyer for the crew. And it became a standard name for shippers when the new fans came in, but I bet you didn't know that some OG Beetlebabes only Friend-Ship them? And some Relation-Shippers don't like smut or sexual content of any kind.
Beetlebabes are Kids, Teens, and Adults. They are students, parents, CSA survivors, therapists, cooks, homemakers, artists, animators, and filmmakers. They are strangers on the street who don’t even know the musical came to be and only remember the deadly duo through fond memories of two close pals who, for all we knew, were living out their impromptu wedding in the only way they know how.
Now, as I update this, we have a new movie in which Beetlejuice and Lydia are once again affianced. BJ refers to her as the love of his life, bringing more shippers into the fold.
So here we are, The Beetlebabes. We ship the gal who wants death and the ghost who wants life. The balance. The dichotomy. The polar opposites.
This has been the revisit of the history of Beetlebabes. I hope you all are enjoying your time in the fandom and you all have my best wishes to stay happy, healthy, and creative.
Keep being awesome, Babes! 🖤
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mafiadadoof · 4 months
Personally I do not ship this :))
Lydia in alot of media is a minor and beetlejuice is an adult, and in the movie he forced her to marry him cause ya know he’s selfish and wanted to be alive pr whatever (not to mention he also manipulated her i believe and hes known to do that!! Manipulation is a form of abuse)
Not only is it shipping a minor with an adult its also shipping a victim with an abuser.
To me its very wrong and alot of the beetlebab shippers i see are adults with “minors blocked” in their bio which i find ironic cause you’re shipping a minor with a grown adult!!
Personally i think its a bad ship and i only see them as best friends
Also with the nicknames he calls her in the cartoon such as “babs” “babes” “babe” those titles can also be platonic! These are also common things in certain areas depending where you live, parents sometimes call their kids those and sometimes old southern women call people these. Those titles do NOT have to be romantic in any way
But of course at the end of the day this is MY opinion and i can’t control what people ship, it’s just abit icky to me is all and it’s basically a pro-ship :((
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brightredsunset800 · 2 months
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freakydeakyshoe · 3 months
Will probably never find the post again but I saw this Tiktok that was like,
"The new Beetlejuice movie isn't for you..." and showed some beetlebabes ship art. My big thing is that there was a LITTLE KID'S ARTWORK THERE. you can usually tell when a drawing is made by a little kid, and this one obviously was.
It's just rlly heartbreaking to see a kid's artwork bullied by antis. Idk how the art got onto the internet (either the kid being active online or their parent posting it), but I would be heartbroken.
Just wanted to get this off my chest. I'll post a screenshot if I find the video.
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moonsceptre · 2 days
Shipping Underage Lydia Isn't a Crime.
• It's fiction
• She's not real
• No real minors are being harmed
• Dubious relationships and complicated stories deserve to be told
• Real life victims use these fictional situations as a safe and creative way to express their feelings and cope with trauma
• Censorship of any kind kills art
• It's simply canon. Betelgeuse canonically wanted to marry and have sex with underage Lydia, and Lydia was willing to do it.
You don't get to tell people how to ship, or tell them they're a bad person for doing so. Especially a ship that is going to be 'problematic' no matter which way you spin it.
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afterthefuneral · 17 days
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I promised people I’d be a good little beetlebabe and not spoil anything or fight with any antis for the next few days. So far I’m sticking to it. Give me a medal!
Also, on a somewhat related note I might need a proofreader for a fanfic I’m starting to write. I’m getting my bearings right now but I might have a rough draft in a week or two. Look at me, being all creative and stuff.
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madam-o · 4 months
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Omg awesome! The Beetlejuice Beetlejuice trailer is out now! It looks GREAT. Love the practical effects. Keaton stepped right back into that role like no time has passed at all! Adore the rest of the cast and the costumes. Burton always has to have a sexy goth dream woman in his movies, and Monica Belluci looks Uh. May. Zing.
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Oooh, Beej is working as an "Afterlife Care Manager". Looks like he may have taken over Juno's job. Oh look, he's got a pic on his desk of Lydia as a 16 year-old. Looks like it's time for more pro vs anti ship wars. Hooray.
Oh wow, would I love to not talk about this again, but I just gotta. I'm a big mouth every now and then. I dislike angry fandom discourse that much.
First off, to the pro-shippers, I'd like to remind you that Movie Beej's emotional interest in Lydia has always been portrayed as creepy and weird. Also I think we have to remember his primary motivation for marrying her is likely to escape the Afterlife and his (likely many) enemies, such as his first wife. Lydia is rightfully scared about him being released based on how he terrorized her family in the original movie, so I doubt she's into it.
To the antis, I'll just point out that Beetlejuice has always been portrayed as a "lovable" antagonist. He's threatening, but he's a big goofy doofus at the same time. He wants to make people like him, but he's terrible at doing it. Also, his lies are very transparent. He's a cartoonish, sleazy con-man. When he's wooing Lydia it comes off as insincere and humorous. I think we're supposed to find him inappropriate for her, but not truly predatory. His motivations are for selfish gain and not seriously romantic in nature. And if he IS serious about her, I don't think WE'RE supposed to take his crush seriously.
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Basically what I'm saying is, Beetlejuice has never taken itself seriously, so we shouldn't expect it to give us any solid shipping proof or disproof. This property has always been cartoonish in nature. Getting up in arms and screaming about how certain ships are only for pedophiles is as ridiculous as expecting the sequel to give us real Beetlebabes content instead of, say, Beej ending up flat on his face or in Dead Jail again.
Personally I think he'll escape any danger to leave the door open for more movies, but I'll be genuinely surprised if he and Lydia are paired up romantically in the movie canon. But this hardly matters as canon has very little to do with shipping.
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