#pro Luke Skywalker
cap10froggerguy · 1 year
Alright, I just saw a poll on YouTube asking who would win between Luke and Anakin Skywalker, with both being at their prime and in peak form. And wouldn’t you know, the poll was favoring Anakin two to one.
Ok, look, Anakin never reached his prime since his emotional imbalances held him back. That being said, he was probably in peak form around the time of RoTS where, may i remind you, he was absolutely TROUNCED by Obi Wan.
Luke, meanwhile (in current canon) in in his prime around S2 of Mandalorian and BoBF. We see him facing off against droids during this, yes, but we also see that he has a greater sense of strategy and understanding of the force than Anakin did. Also recall that this Luke has already survived two encounters with Darth Vader, and won the last one.
In conclusion, if the two had to fight (Luke would not want to, and neither would Anakin if he discovered who Luke was), Luke is twice the Jedi Anakin is by that point, and even if we’re giving Ani dark sider rage then Luke still wins.
Anakin’s strategy is “Hit problem until it dies”, while Luke has been shown to be much more surgical and careful at this point in his life. In a life or death fight, Luke simply has to say something that Anakin doesn’t like, and then Anakin is, very much, dead, because he’ll lose control and wake up three hours later in a lava bath with two fourths of his limbs missing. Again.
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thewriterowl · 1 year
When Luke drifted off into the Force after he faced off against Kylo Ren, he thought perhaps, finally, he was done with suffering and loneliness and so much loss. Instead, he wakes up in the body of his eight-year-old self with a haunting whisper vibrating in his memory:
One more chance, little sun, you deserve one more chance.
New update for Sunburst! As usual, Luke isn’t having a good time but he’s not being allowed to wallow now. There is none of that accepted within the Tribe.
Also, now have a rough estimate on how many chapters this first story will be--so we are about half-way through (potentially) with story one! I decided it will be split up into, at least, three different long-stories with potentially some special one-shots/shorter-stories here and there to tie some things together. 
Happy to say, have 15 and 16 written and working hard to get 17 done before the next update--hopefully I can maintain a 3-4 pace before each update. That’s the goal at least. And have a lot of the story and details planned out. So, fingers-crossed, this continues to go smoothly!
Thank you all for your support with this fic!!
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bibxrbie · 6 months
"Luke Skywalker isn’t like the old Jedi. He saves Vader with his attachments!”
Luke Skywalker, at the end of Return of the Jedi, after his confrontation with the Emperor drags Darth Vader through the destructing Death Star. He’s desperate, knuckles white under the heavy weight of his father’s body, a little boy dragging his dad to safety. He sets Vader down for a moment, to catch his breath or maybe to get a better grip. He goes to grab Vader again, but Vader, uncomfortable and in pain, asks Luke to take off the mask. He wants to see Luke through his eyes instead of the eyes Palpatine built for him. Luke refuses, says that removing the mask is a sure way for Vader to die. Luke doesn’t want Vader dead, he wants Vader alive. Not to hold him accountable for his many evil acts, but for the same reason why Luke Skywalker can’t kill Darth Vader; Vader is his father and Luke loves him.
And yet, after a moment, Luke removes Vader’s mask. He doesn’t want to, he hesitates, but he removes the mask with enough slowness to allow Vader to take it back. In that moment, Luke sets aside his desire for Vader in his life, sets aside his desire to see him live, and sets aside his entire mission, the reason he was even on the Death Star in the place. In his compassion for his father, Luke stays with Vader until he dies. It is this moment where we see him be the best damn Jedi he can be. I’d even argue that this moment is the greatest example of non-attached love we see. Because Luke lets Vader go! He lets his father die, and in some ways, by removing the mask, he too kills Vader, he stays with him until his last moment, gives him the kindness of granting his last wish and finally chooses Vader.
And Luke doesn’t have to do this. If Luke Skywalker’s love for his father was an attachment, he would ignore Vader and continue dragging him to the escape pod, put his desire for a father as his central focus and ignore Vader’s wants and discomfort. Maybe he would even save him. But he doesn’t. Instead, he watches as Vader dies.
He builds a Jedi burial for his father and watches it burn the remnants of Vader and Anakin Skywalker away. He mourns Vader, he mourns what they could’ve had as father and son, considers what ifs and maybe-if-I-did-this. Vader/ Anakin is released from his mortal body, from his ‘crude matter’ and Luke lets him go. He says one final goodbye to Anakin. Then, he joins Leia, Han, Chewie, Lando, and the rest of the Rebels and celebrates their victory. He lives in the present and celebrates what he has instead of what he lost.
Luke Skywalker is THE Jedi. Everything about Luke Skywalker serves as the foundational cornerstone of the Jedi, everything about the Jedi as a culture and philosophy is reflected in his character. Luke’s desire for the New Jedi Order isn’t to throw away the values of the old Order, but to vitalise them, breathe life back into dying lungs, and rebuild a path that people set out on their way to destroy. (Yes, his Order is different from the Old, but that’s because it has to be. He doesn’t have the resources or the safety of the Old Order.) The philosophies of the Jedi are difficult and they aren’t for everyone, and like the perfect Jedi that Luke is, he struggles and stumbles and sometimes he even rejects it. But, no matter how far he falls, it is a way of life he chooses again and again and again. It is a way of life that welcomes him back each time
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ziggyyyystardust · 8 months
It’s been said before but the way people treat Luke has got to be one of the worst cases of infantilisation in media ever,, sometimes it feels like people aren’t even watching the same movies because how do you watch return of the Jedi and think “yeah what a stupid twink” bro straight up chopped off DARTH VADERS hand despite having crash course training in something Vaders been doing for the past like 30yrs.. if I were Vader I’d be so embarrassed. ALSO I’m so sick of people being like “Leia is so much smarter than him she was a senator and he was playing with toy ships” buddy idk how to say this but they had VASTLY different education levels, Leias’ parents were part of the rebellion and worked in politics where she was actively encouraged. Luke grew up in hutt space where his aunt and uncle were focused on making sure he didn’t turn out like his father or get himself killed. He’s also extremely skilled and crafty?? It’s always given me a weird feeling that people think that just because he doesn’t have a formal education that he’s dumb or something.
Anyways I <3 Luke, I think he’s one of the best Jedi characters ever
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lieutenant-teach · 3 months
Getting upset everytime I think ‘hey a cool SW blog’ and there I read smth like ‘a real point of SW is that Luke becomes a True jedi because he embraced attachment and love and saved everyone denying old Jedi ways’, ‘these crazy fans who idolize child-stealing zealots’ – and I think ‘Am I stupid? Media-illiterate? Wrong? Are all these people I read wrong? All these quotes and Lucas analyses deceitful?’. After such readings I want to delete my blog and never come to SW internet again. It takes effort to calm down with all I love about SW. Everytime I think I don’t have much else to say in Jedi defense – here it is. I even rewatched the OT and PT trying to put aside my pro-Jedi views and turn on a clear head to find anything I probably missed that might indicate ‘Jedi are not heroes\they were wrong\Luke is right about attachment’ – and I found nothing. Luke never says ‘I’m a BETTER Jedi’, he says ‘I’m a Jedi LIKE my father before me’. He wins exactly because he follows Yoda’s teachings, which are core Jedi values. If Luke doesn’t put difference between himself and old Jedi, that means he perceives himself as one of them. Not ‘a new Jedi’, but ‘the last Jedi’.
The worst part of it – these anti-Jedi takes come unexpectedly! The moment I get into a pro-Jedi post’s reblogs\comments section, my eyes are flooded with this shit. And most of these over-realistic takes have been debunked million times, but people who write them don’t read these debunks.
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evil-swedenish · 5 months
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Star Wars day!!
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devondeal · 1 year
Let's talk about this meme
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Obviously it's highlighting both extremes of emotional reactions. Rey and Finn as the melodramatic end and Luke as the "dull" end.
But I really hate the latter. I often see discussion on how Luke doesn't have a strong reaction to the murder of Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen.
I severely disagree. I have always found this scene to be heartwrenching because Luke is in so much shock and grief, he is unable to fully process his loss because of how horrific and sudden it was.
That expression above kills me every time because that is the face of innocence stolen. This is when Luke realizes what the Empire truly is which is why instead of taking the space to grieve, he immediately wants to avenge his aunt and uncle by becoming a Jedi and joining the Rebellion.
Luke may be a softy and his anger may not be obvious like it was in Anakin but nonetheless, when he tells Obi Wan he wants to become a Jedi, he has fury inside him. No matter how softly he says it.
(I imagine that's why Yoda was concerned in ep 5, while anger can be productive when processed, it can become all consuming when left untended)
On a personal note, I've always related to Luke's way of showing the negative spectrum of emotions. They may be subdued but it doesn't mean the pain, sadness, anger, etc. are any less and it's always made me feel seen. Which is why I will never accept Luke slander saying that he's unemotional and out of touch.
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fonmythenmetz · 6 months
Gentle reminder that these guys are rebuilding the Jedi Order together while Sabine and Ahsoka are busy staring at each other.
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Thrawn asking the nightsisters for advice like “How do I get back to my galaxy?” And they be like “??? Don’t. Man. Just hide.”
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short-wooloo · 9 months
I really hate it when people say stuff to the effect of "Jedi didn’t need to end, but the Jedi Order needed to be erased" as if those are two mutually exclusive things!
"The people who make up a culture don't need to die but their culture does" is not the profound take you think it is!
To be a Jedi is to be a part of the Jedi Order and vice versa, you cannot have one without the other, the Jedi Order isn't just an organization, it's histories, traditions, philosophy, it's a way of life, what is a Jedi without the Jedi Order!?
individuals like Ezra, Luke, or Rey who became Jedi after Order 66 are not just Jedi, they are a part of and the continuation of the Jedi Order
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jedimasterbailey · 1 year
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This Loth Cat is a good representation of me not losing my mind on how badly the Jedi Order is being completely defiled by Feloni. Okay…so apparently according to Feloni anybody can just be a Jedi if they try really, really hard and believe in them because the Force resides in everyone when we all know that that’s not fucking true according to Lucas. Yes, the Force resides in all things HOWEVER it is the Force sensitive (I.e. the Jedi and Sith) that are able to wield the Force because they’ve got the blood to do so (midocholorians… I’m sure I’ve butchered the spelling forgive me). So with that being said, does anything in Star Wars even matter anymore? Like honestly.
By this logic…anybody in the OT could have just destroyed the Sith if they tRiEd HaRd EnOuGh. So I guess fuck the importance of Luke Skywalker and all the other survivors of Order 66? And I suppose by this logic none of the prequel Jedi or hell even Anakin doesn’t matter because anybody can just wield a lightsaber and tap into the Force if tHeY jUsT bElIeVeD iN tHeMsElVeS? Why does Rey matter when apparently anyone could have taken down the First Order and destroyed Palpatine when some fucking Mando could have just done the job of being Force sensitive doesn’t matter?
Like believe me guys, I am TRYING so hard not to be a hater but it truly makes me sad to see the one element of Star Wars I love so much (I.e. the Jedi Order and everything they do and stand for) just get picked apart and trashed over and over and over again. I just don’t understand it and I know I can’t be the only one feeling like this.
Also Ahsoka’s character right now is reminding me of Luke’s in TLJ where I feel like I’m seeing and hearing a completely different character and it’s heartbreaking when you’ve looked up and loved these heroes so much. Like for Gods sake can we settle the score in where Ahsoka stands with the Jedi? Is she or is she not? Because right now she’s doing a poor representation of all her mentors who have lost their lives staying true to themselves, Jedi who gave everything to protect and save lives. Now she seems to just go out of her way to scoff at the Order that raised her, similar to Luke dismissing the very thing that gave him hope in the OT.
As these new shows go on, it just makes the fall of the Jedi Order all the more tragic just seeing how their sacrifice and good will meant absolutely nothing. That’s why characters like Cal Kestis and Cere Junda are incredible. They stayed true to their Jedi values no matter what because that’s what the galaxy needs, heroes who care. Not heroes who have personal agendas.
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emmybreese · 2 months
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put mark in one of those de-age filters bc i HAD to see and then did a quick edit to try and get the full effect
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bibxrbie · 11 months
Every time I see the Star Wars fandom characterise Luke as apolitical or unpolitical, or in some ways unaware of politics, I get so incredibly frustrated.
"Luke joined the Rebel Alliance to fly. He just loves to fly!"
Shut up! Luke Skywalker isn't some idiot, gallivanting around the galaxy for shits and giggles.
ANH shows that even before he found Artoo he had intentions of joining the Rebel Alliance as a pilot, not because he loved to fly, but because he knew that he was a good pilot and that was how he could contribute to the liberation of the people from the Empire. But he also knew that he lacked the training needed to fly in space and that his family could not afford to send him into space, so he intended to join the Imperial Fleet, knowingly taking advantage of the system, to get him both of these things, to abandon the Fleet and joining the Rebellion.
Luke Skywalker grew up under the influence of two oppressive regimes: Hutt Space and the Empire. Slavery was literally happening in his backyard, and he was not unaware of it. Even though he was never a slave, you can't tell me that didn't have an effect on him? Seeing people owned and sold and destroyed like they're nothing; hell, he comes from a family of slaves! ROTJ shows that he has opinions about the Hutt empire too: wearing black in a desert world, refusing to speak Huttese even when he may understand the language? Political rebellion, baby. Maybe he even joined the Rebellion in hopes of using their power after destroying the Empire to one day get rid of the Hutts, which would make sense for him to think considering the Empire has only existed for 20 years and the Hutt empire lived for a lot longer
Also, he denies Vader's offer to rule the galaxy. Yes, it is a moment of trauma and anguish, but also he denies it because he fundamentally disagrees with the system of imperial fascism. He would literally die than willingly join the Empire.
He is political! He is aware of politics and oppression, and he is pro-revolution!
The other Star Wars content makes a point to show this. He frees slaves from the Empire, reads history and philosophy and gets angry at people who trade Jedi artefacts on the black market and at those who willingly work with the Empire.
He might not have the education, power, or language that Leia had, but he has political opinions. And to eradicate that part of his character is an injustice to him.
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froglover7789 · 2 months
ok ok so we all know luke skywalker ends up making his gay little jedi academy daycare school temple thing and i imagine he ends up with quite the list of ppl attending bc its Luke Skywalker and also force sensitives would flock to bro but then this begs the question of who tf is taking care of all them kids???? its not luke! hes very smart and very strong but i think him and his strange/ dangerous tatooine upbringing would accidently send those children to death. how was he meant to know that the bears in the forest werent friendly? hes never seen a bear before! and so on and so forth. so then whos making sure every one is alive and feeding the kids three square meals? it cant JUST be ahsoka. she'd go crazy from trying to wrangle 20 force sensitive kids and luke. hm..... maybe chewie helps? idk. give me your thoughts plz. and dont say mr din djarin madalorian bc he would be just as bad.
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ziggyyyystardust · 9 months
Extremely unpopular opinion but I know in my heart that Padmé Amidala would be awful parents to Luke and Leia. Padmé would refuse to talk to the children when they’re upset and the less said about Anakin ‘youngling slayer, hand cutter, “but the women and the children too” Skywalker the better tbh
I think it’s weird that people are convinced they would be the worlds best parents with the healthiest relationship, I’ve seen a lot of posts saying that Leia and Anakin would be super close when like.. Leia was a rebel and a feminist, in what way would Leia and fascist fanboy be bffs. I’ve seen the same that Padmé and Luke would wear matching outfits and gossip and all, but that’s not fitting with Luke’s character at all? Idk every time I see Luke in those family fics he’s infantilised to all hell - even besides that children aren’t copy’s of their parents, they have their own autonomy and personality.
Realistically Padmé and Anakin are far, far to obsessive over each other to give their children a healthy upbringing, Anakin choked Padmé (while pregnant) out of anger which makes me think abt what exactly he’d do if angry with the kids or Padmé? Like he cut off Luke’s hand, it definitely doesn’t bode well
^^Edit: looking back on this now abt Padmé being “alright with it” that wasn’t the case, sorry abt that one guys
I honestly believe that had she had lived long enough she would’ve tried to raise the children with Vader. Anakin never really seemed to care that much over the kids (I believe because it was a realisation that they couldn’t keep their affair hidden any longer and he would have to choose between being a father/husband or a Jedi) and I couldn’t imagine he’d be alright with Padmé having to give a lot of attention to the kids instead of him.
Ultimately Owen/Beru and Bail/Breha were the best options for raising the children seeing as the Jedi order was out of the question. The reason Luke and Leia turned out to be healthy, well adjusted adults is because of their respective adoptive parents (Aunt/uncle), not because of “to be angry is to be human” amidala and alderaan destroyer 2000 Skywalker
Sidenote: throughout RotS Padmé and Anakin barely even trust each other💀💀 how are 2 people who can’t trust one another supposed to raise kids cmon now
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jedi-enthusiast · 9 months
One thing I hate the most with anti Jedi people is how they bastardize the clones.
I've seen fics and pieces where the clones straight up despise the Jedi- or see them as bad leaders. Or don't rly care for them bc "they don't care for us either"
Like- there was a reason why Palps needed litteral mind control to get them to hurt the Jedi. If you want the clones to rebel against the Republic and tear into it, by all means do it ! But leave the Jedi out of this.
The Jedi and the Clones were eachother's best friends.
Krell was the expection.
People should start to get some media literacy and understand the damn point.
No literally.
Like, if you want to hate the Jedi---fine! Whatever! It's your choice! But don't go around pretending that characters who are literally shown to love the Jedi hate them too just because you can't deal with the fact that you're objectively wrong about them.
They do the same shit with Luke, pretending that he hated Yoda or Obi-Wan or the Prequels Jedi Order just because they hate them---despite the fact that Luke is shown to care and be fond of both Obi-Wan and Yoda, and the fact that he specifically wants to rebuild the Order.
Is his new Order different than the old one? Yes.
But that's because Palpatine literally destroyed all information about the Jedi and their Order, leaving only his propaganda and what little information people were able to save/salvage, and destroyed/desecrated every Temple he could find.
It wasn't an intentional change, it was the result of a cultural genocide!
Yet so many fics- (and tbh tumblr posts) -about Luke portray him as this "holier than thou" figure saying- "oh the old Jedi were bad, but I'm better than them and so is my order! Also fuck Yoda!" -for no fucking reason except they want to pretend that the main character shares their views so they can then project themselves onto him.
It's the reason why I avoid reading dinluke fics even though I actually really enjoy the idea of the ship, because every fic I've seen has Luke hating being a Jedi and/or "struggling with his feelings because love totally = attachment" even though attachment is literally shown to be obsessive and selfish love, aka putting one person over the rest of the galaxy- (*cough* Anakin *cough*).
Like I'm so sick of it.
The clones loved the Jedi.
Luke loved the Jedi and loves being a Jedi.
Get the fuck over it.
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furious-blueberry0 · 8 months
Hey, am I the only one who does not like the idea of Luke's new Jedi order allowing romantic relationships, marriage and having kids?
Like, George Lucas even said that the reason he did not give Luke a love interest in the end was because Jedi do not marry? And he even gave us a clear example of what happens with that in the Prequels?
I just don't understand this whole "Luke's Order was better because people could finally love" or "That's why the old Order fell"
Yeah sure buddy, they ceartenly did not fell because they had a freaking Sith Lord as head of the Republic who orchestrated one of the greatest evil plans the galaxy had ever seen, no no no, they fell because they didn't let Jedi to marry. sure.
The Order had the rule of non attachments for 25,000 years, and it's a rule that makes sense, we even saw what happens when Jedi form attachments and are unable to let go.
So I don't understand how a new Order without this rule would be better than one that survived for that long with it.
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