#pro jedi culture
starbeltconstellation · 3 months
Helloooo, to all SW fans! 👋
Sooo, I have decided to make this like a… monthly? 🤔🤔 Reblog, to search for other like minded pro Jedi individuals like myself in the SW fandom, so I can find more of my little fandom corner.
So! 😁 I humbly ask those that are Pro Jedi, and do NOT blame them for their own genocide (🤦‍♀️🤢🥶) to reblog or like this post, so I can follow more SW fandom blogs.
I also would follow fans who are Anakin critical/anti Anakin. Although I’m more of a pro Jedi fan who still has sympathy and SO much love for Anakin’s character (🥲💔❤️), while still realizing the fault lies with himself, I also enjoy reading a lot of critical analysis on his character too.
But any Anakin fans who love him to death like me and aren’t afraid to hear criticism are welcome to like this post too! ❤️
The same goes with pro Jedi/pro clone blogs. The Jedi are my ultimate favorite blorbos, but the clones are also so very dear to me, and I love to read headcanons about them. 💕
Hopefully this isn’t a weird post. Lol. 😅🫣😂 I just thought this was a good way to expand outward into more fandom territory.
Thanks! 😜💕❤️✨
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antianakin · 1 year
"The Jedi repress their emotions!"
Actually, that's Anakin!
"The Jedi have unhealthy relationships with people!"
Actually, that's Anakin!
"The Jedi are too embroiled in politics to truly be able to help people!"
Anakin is literally in the pocket of the Chancellor and continuously insists that they have to abide by the law while multiple other Jedi, particularly Council members, generally try to avoid that whenever possible in order to better help people on the mission.
"The Jedi aren't involved in politics enough to truly be able to help people!"
Despite living in the Chancellor's pocket, Anakin literally has no idea how the political system works as evidenced by his criticism of it in AOTC and TCW "Heroes on Both Sides." By contrast, we see that Ahsoka has clearly gotten an education in politics and has been taught that it's important to be involved in politics in order to try to keep corruption from happening, an education good enough that she's literally capable of teaching other kids her own age about it. It's also the Jedi who we see actively recognizing that Palpatine is corrupt and choosing the do something about it, unlike Anakin who just keeps making excuses for Palpatine.
"The Jedi didn't fight enough for the clones!"
The Jedi are the ONLY ones we EVER see fighting for the clones in ANY WAY. We see Jedi criticize EACH OTHER for negative treatment of the clones, we see Jedi fight back against the Kaminoans to save the clones, and we see Jedi literally dying to protect the clones. Yoda himself makes the argument to trust the clones after they discover that the clones are probably a Sith trap for the Jedi. There is NO ONE ELSE who ever fights for the clones at all, but the Jedi are seen to do so MULTIPLE TIMES. And I will note that aside from fighting on the battlefield with them, none of these examples include Anakin, who is frequently seen to EXPLOIT his own men, particularly Rex, for his own selfish agendas.
"The Jedi steal babies!"
This has been debunked over and over again by people with more resources than me, but guess who actually DOES steal children? If you guessed Anakin, YOU'D BE RIGHT! And according to the multiple people who gave me examples last time I asked (thank you to all of you who did so), he specifically steals a baby FROM A FORMER JEDI. He also literally helps torture captured Jedi children into becoming Jedi hunters and keeps the body of a Jedi child as a trophy.
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jedimasterbailey · 1 year
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This Loth Cat is a good representation of me not losing my mind on how badly the Jedi Order is being completely defiled by Feloni. Okay…so apparently according to Feloni anybody can just be a Jedi if they try really, really hard and believe in them because the Force resides in everyone when we all know that that’s not fucking true according to Lucas. Yes, the Force resides in all things HOWEVER it is the Force sensitive (I.e. the Jedi and Sith) that are able to wield the Force because they’ve got the blood to do so (midocholorians… I’m sure I’ve butchered the spelling forgive me). So with that being said, does anything in Star Wars even matter anymore? Like honestly.
By this logic…anybody in the OT could have just destroyed the Sith if they tRiEd HaRd EnOuGh. So I guess fuck the importance of Luke Skywalker and all the other survivors of Order 66? And I suppose by this logic none of the prequel Jedi or hell even Anakin doesn’t matter because anybody can just wield a lightsaber and tap into the Force if tHeY jUsT bElIeVeD iN tHeMsElVeS? Why does Rey matter when apparently anyone could have taken down the First Order and destroyed Palpatine when some fucking Mando could have just done the job of being Force sensitive doesn’t matter?
Like believe me guys, I am TRYING so hard not to be a hater but it truly makes me sad to see the one element of Star Wars I love so much (I.e. the Jedi Order and everything they do and stand for) just get picked apart and trashed over and over and over again. I just don’t understand it and I know I can’t be the only one feeling like this.
Also Ahsoka’s character right now is reminding me of Luke’s in TLJ where I feel like I’m seeing and hearing a completely different character and it’s heartbreaking when you’ve looked up and loved these heroes so much. Like for Gods sake can we settle the score in where Ahsoka stands with the Jedi? Is she or is she not? Because right now she’s doing a poor representation of all her mentors who have lost their lives staying true to themselves, Jedi who gave everything to protect and save lives. Now she seems to just go out of her way to scoff at the Order that raised her, similar to Luke dismissing the very thing that gave him hope in the OT.
As these new shows go on, it just makes the fall of the Jedi Order all the more tragic just seeing how their sacrifice and good will meant absolutely nothing. That’s why characters like Cal Kestis and Cere Junda are incredible. They stayed true to their Jedi values no matter what because that’s what the galaxy needs, heroes who care. Not heroes who have personal agendas.
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devilangel657 · 1 year
Realizing my happy au for Jedi and how they have been done dirty post OT:
Luke Skywalker and his journey to find Jedi remnants
Him going on a journey and finding Jedi like Cal
Finding Huyang and his knowledge of lightsabers ever made with stories attached
Gathering people together to make a new Jedi community and teaching force sensitives the way of the force
Hanging out with rebels crew and finding Ezra - he gets a surprise!
Ahsoka letting go of the past and relearning how to be a Jedi again
Those that were saved on the path found, including Jedi helping it like quinlan vos
Inquisitors that remain and got away finally getting their family and peace again
Reva being in the light with her Jedi family again since that night
Any hidden staches that Jocasta nu and other Jedi hid being found
Grogu reaching out like canon and being found
Tarre's lightsaber not being destroyed but returned to the Jedi and put to rest
Finding and guarding Ilum (not used as star killer base in sequels)
Nothing bad happens to this Jedi community at all
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jedi-enthusiast · 7 months
Jedi culture is a padawan smacking one of their friends, poking them, playing a prank on them, etc. and then, when they try to retaliate, running away shouting- "REVENGE IS NOT THE JEDI WAY!!!"
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roseaesynstylae · 3 months
Some Notes for Star Wars Writers
The dark side is not freedom, it’s not pleasure, it’s not happiness. It’s a hell and a slavery you get so deeply enmeshed in that you don’t even see the torment or the chains.
The balance of the Force is not the dark side and the light side being equal, it’s the balance between the Living Force and the Cosmic Force.
The Jedi do not need to be reformed or changed. While individual members can be flawed, the goals and beliefs of the whole are good and right.
Historically, the Mandalorians were assholes who were responsible for multiple genocides. This is important to remember when writing their interactions with the Jedi.
The Jedi did not attack first at Galidraan, nor did they intentionally set out to kill the True Mandalorians. They were manipulated by the governor and Tor Vizla. Jango didn’t exactly try to calm things down, either.
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voidartisan · 1 year
Y'know I think Ahsoka is actually a really good illustration of how the whole Jedi-as-a-collective-family thing works. Anakin is her master and he fills a kind of older brother role for her, and she has not one but TWO members of the Jedi council 100% ready to teach her how to drive and make dad jokes at her and remind her not to mess with the thermostat too much, plus another one that definitely has her favorite candy in one of his robe pockets at all times, and of course luminara who i am absolutely convinced was her cool aunt figure during the clone wars. not to mention aayla, tera sinube, jocasta nu... the list goes on, but they all treat each other like close extended family at the very least and it's there in the show. of course their relationships and roles don't map perfectly onto a nuclear family construction and i just use them as shorthand but in conclusion:
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short-wooloo · 9 months
The Jedi are an aro/ace culture that live happy and fulfilling lives and people hate them for it
People steeped in amatanormativity can't stand the idea that people don't want/need romance and can not only be content without it, but in fact very happy without romance
And thus they hate the Jedi, because an entire culture (even a fictional one) that is aro/ace-normative is an affront to them
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kanansdume · 3 days
I've seen a lot of Jedi characters with tattoos, and some Jedi who specifically got the Jedi Order symbol tattooed, but where are the Jedi with Jedi ART tattoos?
Jedi with tattoos that are replications of their favorite statue in the Temple.
Jedi with tattoos that represent the beautiful architecture of the Temple.
We know that the Jedi seem to like those sort-of circular patterns seen in Mortis and stuff like that, so Jedi with those circular patterns in their tattoos.
I don't believe that there isn't just art in general inside the Temple, painted murals and portraits and the like, so plenty of Jedi should have tattoos of their favorite piece of art.
And also probably things like manuscripts with ancient Jedi art embossed and painted on the pages, so Jedi who work in the Archives more and specialize in research could get replications of ancient Jedi art from a page in their favorite manuscript.
I want the Jedi to be able to show their love and pride for their culture's art on their bodies.
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furious-blueberry0 · 10 months
"Oh but the Jedi were so cold and detached and they even condemned love, they were so cruel"
The Jedis were the literal definition of Agape love, but I guess that for you people the only type of love that exists and is valid is the one that leads you to fucking
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starbeltconstellation · 2 months
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Ahh, and THERE it is… 🙃🙃
I have kept my opinions mostly to myself about The Acolyte, because I wasn’t planning on watching it until seeing where it went with the Jedi. Almost everything in SW media has an element of Jedi criticism (sadly 🙄), so I knew that would be a given with this show, so I was holding off on any total judgment until the end.
One thing I KNEW I would despise and would make me not ever watch it is if they actually made canon that the Jedi brutally murdered an entire coven of witches and COVERED UP A MASSACRE (wtf on that part, because they would NOT cover it up, even if they’d made a mistake). Apparently, it is not as bad as I feared, and they don’t destroy the Jedi Order’s characterization entirely.
But THIS line. 🥶🤢
With THIS line that is apparently written in the newest episode—that’s it. You’ve lost me.
Because THIS line is just straight up genocide apologia.
Ohhh, of course they don’t come outright and SAY, “Loool, those space wizards deserved what they got! 🤪🤪✊”, but the implication is pretty clear, all the same.
From the very beginning, I knew the showrunner of The Acolyte didn’t like the Jedi or their culture, and said that her show “wouldn’t be kind to them.”
And I could’ve lived with just the stupid vagueness of portraying the Jedi as a pompous bureaucracy (because it’s just an infectious opinion that’s spread through most of the fandom), without FULLY condemning The Acolyte and declaring the show a terrible portrayal of the Jedi and their morality and culture, along with the CANON aspects of the Dark Side being a cancer in The Force that does nothing but make people miserable and cause imbalance in The Force.
But with THIS LINE that is SO clearly a wink and a nudge to the SW fans who believe the Jedi ‘deserved what they got’… 🙄🤢… I’m sorry, but they’ve officially lost me. 😬🤷‍♀️
There are things that I’d probably like, if I ever can make myself stomach getting through the show: seeing how different cultures view The Force, seeing more of the Jedi Order/culture/Temple/how they teach their students, the characters Sol and Jecki and Yord and Osha—even seeing Jedi fighting style being so different and more defensive while trying to not use their lightsaber unless necessary, since they are in a time of peace.
But for the most part?
With THIS frankly DISGUSTING line, I can say with absolute certainty that The Acolyte is a show that I would never enjoy, and that is frankly not a welcome addition to the SW universe to me.
I appreciate the diversity inclusion, and I find myself relating to that meme that says something like: “When you hate a show, but then realize the other people that hate it are mostly bigots, 🙃🙃” because—unlike THOSE moronic dudebros—my criticism is for the story itself.
It’s a genuine shame. It’s such an interesting premise, getting to see the Jedi in the High Republic Era. But with this… I now know that The Acolyte is a show not worth my—or ANY OTHER pro Jedi fan’s time. 💔😔🤷‍♀️😬
Only thing I’ll say in defense of it: Mr. Sith (?) IS hot. 🔥❤️‍🔥
And that’s the only other praise I can give. 🤷‍♀️
Loool, sorry for the rant. I’m just so pissed off. 😭🤷‍♀️😂
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antianakin · 1 year
Hi, I'm not sure if you are watching the Ahsoka show but I'm currently watching it and notice that with this "the jedi were corrupt and lost their way" thing people say has been re awaken, and I would love to hear what you think about that. Personaly, I don't think the jedi were in the wrong.
I did watch the Ahsoka show, much to the detriment of my own mental health. I will NOT be watching any second season of it or the "Heir to the Empire" film or whatever that's coming down the pipeline and I am seriously considering abandoning the entire Mandoverse at this point as a result of my feelings about this show. The single exception I might make to that is if TBOBF gets a second season because I do want to support Temuera Morrison and Ming-Na Wen even if the material they get continues to suck.
As for Filoni's completely blatant anti-Jedi bullshit, it's stupid. People will believe what they want to believe and a lot of other blogs have given some really well-written and thought out explanations as to WHY the Jedi weren't "corrupt" at all and didn't "lose their way" that will probably be better than anything I can come up with right now. I've done a few of my own at different points, too, I think. So I'll try to do a brief summary of my thoughts on the matter.
The basic gist is that the narrative of the Prequels was not ever that the Jedi were corrupt and that's why everything else happened. They are not the cause of basically ANYTHING in the story, they do not move the plot at almost any point. They're constantly reacting to things and then having shit happen to them. The Jedi do not parallel Anakin's own fall (nor do they cause it), the REPUBLIC does. Anakin's fall is paralleled by the fall of the Republic and the Senate. It's the SENATE that Palpatine is also corrupting, it's the SENATE that's being run by fear and arrogance, it's the SENATE that keeps making the active choice to allow Palpatine to win things (THEY'RE the ones who vote him in, THEY'RE the ones who vote to go to war, THEY'RE the ones who keep giving him executive powers, and THEY'RE the ones who allow the Empire to come to power and cheer in the end) while the Jedi are CONSTANTLY trying to stop the Sith and ultimately stop Palpatine.
The Jedi are there to represent the health of the galaxy. The more Jedi there are, the better it's doing. If we ignore all of the supplemental stuff, there are 10,000 Jedi or so in TPM. Then one dies and it's the beginning of the end. Almost 200 die in AOTC and a galactic civil war begins. And then all but TWO are killed in ROTS and the Empire rises. Then Luke shows up with the barest of Jedi training and the Rebellion gets their first major win with the destruction of the Death Star. And when Luke fully comes into his own as a Jedi and declares it, the Rebellion beats the Empire and Palpatine dies.
That's literally it. The Jedi are a symbol for the health of the galaxy. They fall because Anakin and the galaxy around them lose their way and turn on the Jedi.
But outside of a few notable exceptions (like the Obi-Wan Kenobi show), everything written since the Prequels came out has started to hit on this particular theme. The Jedi weren't necessarily EVIL, but they WERE weak. They failed. They were arrogant. They were blind. They were out of touch and old-fashioned. This pops up in TCW (in particular season 7, but there's hints of it in earlier seasons too), Rebels, the Cal Kestis video games, Tales of the Jedi, and of course now the Ahsoka show and very very likely the upcoming Acolyte show. It's pervasive as shit and it's annoying and it's WRONG.
So it's not exactly SHOCKING that Felony wrote that theme into a show about Ahsoka. If there was any show we could GUARANTEE was going to have that sentiment expressed, it would've been this one. But it's also part of a much larger pattern that goes beyond Felony, too. And this is why it feels SO SO HARD to hope that at some point we might actually get a Jedi positive piece of media in Star Wars again. GENUINELY Jedi positive, not just lifting up a few special characters while dismissing the entire Order or having what few Jedi characters we've got left actively choosing to abandon some of the things that are intrinsic to what it means to be a Jedi.
The Jedi were never wrong. The Jedi were ALWAYS ALWAYS RIGHT. That's the whole point. The Jedi were right, and they were killed for it. But audiences didn't want to hear it any more than the people of the galaxy far far away did, so now we just keep getting stories about how the Jedi were wrong even though it goes against everything Lucas intended his story to be about.
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crispyjenkins · 2 months
i don't know who needs to hear this today but the jedi would not be body-shy
especially during the war. some would be uncomfortable, sure, or even heavily dislike being nude and/or bathing around others, but the point of that is that would be respected as a choice. there is a very large difference between preferring not to be nude around others, for cultural religious or personal reasons, versus being ashamed. nothing you can do can convince me jedi would be ashamed or embarrassed of their or others' bodies.
why. why would the jedi think nudity undignified. why would they turn their noses up at it as unseemly, rather than a choice and preference
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jedi-enthusiast · 8 months
So you guys know how the Jedi Order is filled with people from pretty much every world and species? Think about all the unique cultural things the Jedi would practice simply because the Order is basically a giant melting pot.
A Kalikori made out of Akul teeth, passed down through a lineage and carved in multiple different styles to represent the cultures of each of the lineage members.
Different Jedi taking inspiration for their cultural face tattoos from their Togruta master's lekku or their friends' facial tattoos or the designs on a Council member's cultural headdress.
Recipes that are fusion foods made of like five different cultural dishes because a group of friends all got drunk together, got the munchies, and fucked around in the kitchen until something tasted good.
Like, just everyone sharing their cultures with each other and then people adapting their cultures based on their lineages and the shared culture in the Order, shared culture being a form of expressing love and adopting someone into the Order/a lineage.
Obviously there would be things that are off limits and permission would have to be given and the Jedi would probably emphasize learning the culture before ever adapting it, but I just think that after thousands of years their would be a lot of shared culture among the Jedi.
Oh, and languages! With how many languages are probably spoken in the Order, I wouldn't be surprised if the Jedi basically spoke bastardized versions of every language mashed together---it'd probably be an always moving/changing/evolving thing that no one but the Jedi can understand because the Jedi use the Force to bridge any gaps there might be in someone's understanding.
A lot of words and phrases would be taken from Dai Bendu, just because it's my personal headcanon that the Jedi still speak it, but then it would branch out from there into Twi'leki and Togruti and Durese and everything else all mixed together.
I just...I love the idea of the Jedi having a mixed culture that reflects the diversity of the Order.
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roseaesynstylae · 4 months
A Collection of Posts about the Jedi, Part 1
I am pro-Jedi and interested in worldbuilding. Here are some a lot of posts I've found on Tumblr. Some are long, some are short, all are interesting. Hopefully you'll find them helpful, inspiring, and/or useful. There's also my collection of fics, My Favorites of Jedi Appreciation.
They're not really in any order, but they are roughly grouped by subject.
Edit: I'm just going to keep updating and organizing this with any interesting posts I find.
Here is Part Two, as Tumblr made me split it.
Jedi Defense
why the jedi couldn't walk away from the republic
Debunking more myths in the GFFA: the Jedi and the clones.
Mace Windu
before the acolyte releases
agape love
i would not want a romantic relationship if i was a jedi
the jedi did everything they could
jedi are aro
When a Star Wars writer engages with the material but not the narrative.
jedi and attachment
jedi and attachment 2
jedi and dbt
in defense of the jedi
the je'daii order
shmi skywalker adhered to the jedi code more than anakin ever did
Attachment Theory and Master Yoda - the Jedi Way to Security
The Parallels Between Antisemitism and Certain Arguments Against the Jedi
Jedi do not steal children
Some basic points to remember
Color and Jedi
Jedi as peacekeepers
Three flaws in the Jedi order you can concede
in defense of the jedi 2
The Jedi Council were reasonable in the Wrong Jedi Arc actually
The Jedi are not out of touch
An analogy
A defense of Ki-Adi-Mundi
Every instance of touch between a Jedi and another physical being
Jedi are allowed to visit their families
Jedi are allowed to leave the order
Jedi do not steal children 2
Kanan and Hera are not against the rules
Mace and his troops
Jedi do not steal children 3
Why the Council couldnt've prevented Order 66
1000 Jedi isn't a lot
The Jedi aren't corrupt & slavery isn't their fault
Padme, the Jedi and slavery
Prosset Dibs is a moron
"Jedi-Friendly" bashing of the Council is not a thing
Yes, the Jedi have flaws (everything has flaws)
Jedi and compassion (+ Ki-Adi-Mundi)
Mace Windu is a compassionate person
The Jedi aren't eugenicists (that's the Kaminoans)
Padawans are not child soldiers
Debunking the lightsaber vs bullet thing
Legends!Luke is not better than the PT Jedi
Jedi Culture
jedi culture
martial arts
Guide to Jedi Ranking Terminology
jedi "labels"
jedi melting pot
jedi gifts
jedi healers
jedi culture 2
young jedi
jedi and taxes
jedi sects
jedi weddings
jedi robes
jedi order corps and subdivisions
jedi order bureaucratic structure
Jedi robe significations
Jedi clothing
Jedi Temple Guards
Jedi culture 3
Feelings soaking in
Jedi and teaching
Jedi are empaths
Bag of flour and the 212th
Plo Koon
Jedi debates
Jedi views on blood ties in Lucasfilm canon
Other faiths in the order
Jedi meeting their bio families
Different adoption scenarios
Jedi music
Jedi healers
Jedi and emotions
Padawan attire and conduct
Jedi younglings
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ceruleanvermillion · 1 year
I love the Jedi Temple. It must have been breathtaking, beautiful, jaw-droppingly gorgeous- the Jedi Temple must have been everything. A little taste of paradise, hidden in plain sight, the beauty of a thousand dreams nestled in the hearts of the Jedi. It was a home, a school, a place to be safe, to be whole.
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