#prince maximilian
royal-confessions · 2 years
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“I always wondered if Harry and Meghan ever reached out to Prince Max and Princess Angela of Liechtenstein? In the beginning of their marriage, Max and Angela had to deal with royal family members not being exactly supportive of their relationship and I wonder if they could have given Harry and Meghan so advice on how to deal with it.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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almightyhamslice · 1 year
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Insektober day 8: Film Style (Horror)!
I always knew I wanted to draw something horror-themed for today, but I didn't know what it would be... I chose to parody Carrie in the end cuz the blood spill scene is horrifying but in a more sorta psychological way... and it is very easily translated into Insektors as I draw it!
As you may be able to deduce from the Koal Juice spilled everywhere... I don't want to veer into gore territory with my insektors art! I think with Insektors there's a lot more ways I can convey fear while also keeping it pg --or at least, the kind of pg you might see on an 80's/90's era film like Labyrinth or Antz. Antz is actually a huge inspiration for my insektors work if you can believe that! That movie is SO fucked up btw. good grief.
ramblings abt Carrie under the cut, since I'm thinking about it! warning for dysphoria i guess???
I know Carrie is kinda infamous for its theme of menstruation & that being tied to the horror of the story, though I actually find that idea compelling as a trans man--I think the idea of menstrual horror is interesting and frightening in concept, but I think it usually falls flat cuz its mostly like, cisgender men writing about it, and they don't really 'get it'. And then on the other hand I think its simply not well explored cuz your average woman just doesn't find that sort of thing scary at all lol-- how could they when it's just a mundane and normal thing that happens every month? And that is valid.
It is scary to me personally because its uncontrollable and its essentially your body betraying you once every month, or worse, just completely randomly ! It's the lack of control over your body and your life that gets me I think. less like "lol isnt it scary women have periods" and more "isnt it scary that your body does this thing that hurts you and destroys you and you have no way of stopping it". Maybe we should have more transmasc authors writing horror? or maybe I've been looking in the wrong places and there are a shit ton I have never heard of!! Maybe both!
sorry abt going on a long rant on a post abt funny bugs! also, did you know drawing dripping fluids is very difficult for me? it is! I like the second panel more than the first because the koal juice arrangement (??????) feels more realistic to me. Anyways im taggigng this with spcopophobia cuz I drew Aelia's eyes kinda scary in that second panel. I will take any opportunity to draw a character with scary eyes LOL.
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watercolor-hearts · 1 year
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📸 @.maseratimsg Ok... So now we really do have the Monday blues 💔
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honeylikesyanderes · 2 years
yandere ocs - the beau-maude twins
one darling, two powerful yanderes-
what could go wrong?
twice the yandere tendencies, vampire edition
hope you enjoy anons! thanks for your ideas
unedited for now and kinda rushed lol
minors dni 18+ only
warning: contains yanderes and yandere behaviour, huge and lowkey unfair power dynamics, desperate vampires and a darling that cant escape, mentions of blood
asks/requests are open!
likes and reblogs are very very very much appreciated ♡
montgomery 'memory' beau-maude - the fixer
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 age: ??? (looks about 24 tho)
birthday: may 30th
physical attributes:
back length jet black hair that's usually up in a ponytail
red eyes
tall af (6'6)
pale skin (not too pale tho)
has a bit of a dad bod
slightly above average voice (not too deep)
always looks bored or angry
no in-between
has a scar on his right eye that he doesnt like to talk about
wears fake glasses to cover up said scar
personality traits:
is very poised
you can never catch him slacking tbh
is the more mature twin
rarely shows any feeling that isnt anger
doesn't like humans
is no fun
highkey a dick.
is mostly mean because of his royal status mixed with some bad experiences
people dont know a lot about him, even his twin doesn't know some things
is very secretive.
can fix any situation, no matter how hopeless it seems
he's called the fixer for a reason
maximilian 'max' beau-maude - the wildcard
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age: ??? (looks 22ish)
birthday: may 30th
physical attributes:
short and messy black hair
red eyes
wears sunglasses because his eyes are a bit sensitive
a bit taller than his brother (6'6.5)
pale skin
muscular but not too muscular
slightly high pitched voice
always smiling
has a scar on his left eye that he’s willing to talk about, but everything he says about it is probably a lie.
personality traits:
is the opposite of his brother
is very playful
loves to joke about
cant be serious for more than 30 minutes
is very impulsive
thinks humans are interesting
lies for fun
no one can really predict him or his next actions
not even his brother
that's why he's the wildcard
seems like he's an open book
but he's actually lies quite a bit
most of his messes are cleaned up by his brother
can be very smart and strategic when he wants to be tho
meeting you:
they've waited for 500 years to ascend the throne
just to discover that their father made a decree that they cannot ascend the throne unless they find their mate
memory is livid, max is slightly amused
max suggests that they meet the palace oracle
the oracle describes their mate as a person with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes as well as extra details
the palace painter was then called to work with the oracle to provide an accurate picture of their bride
within two days, the picture was ready
it was then given to the royal soldiers , in which they were told to bring you to the palace
the search took about 2 weeks
and then after you were brought back looking disorientated and confused
you looked like a hot mess really
but to them?
you looked perfect.
are they aware that they are yanderes? are they bothered by it?
technically, theyre not really aware; because this is how they were raised to believe love towards your mate(s) should be like. so theyre not aware and they dont see anything wrong with it. its just how things work in the vampire world.
yandere tendencies:
theyre both obsessive yanderes
memory is more possesive tho
max pretends to be delusional, but he’s actually not delusional at all.
max is more carefree and but extremely clingy
memory is more strict but gives darling their breathing space
they both kind of view you as property at first-
memory shows it and makes it clear
you belong to them, no arguments, if, what or buts.
max on the other hand is much more cunning
he’ll act like he sees you as an equal
but he’s just pretending
and when push comes to shove-
he’ll throw you under the bus.
so be careful around him mkay-?
max is also the type to try and win you over
whether it is through gifts, sweet words, physical affection, giving you what you want etc
memory, on the contrary, is more harsh at first, but becomes sweeter and gentler over time
this softening can also be sped up if darling behaves well and doesnt struggle much.
when they both ascend the throne, you will also become their ruling spouse
that means prior to their coronation, you will have to learn your royal duties and how to rule.
even before then, your relationship will move extremely quick
you’ll be permanently bonded to them within a week, give or take
to clarify, max is much more dangerous than memory.
he’s extremely cunning and manipulative and will stop at nothing to get what he wants.
he doesnt care what he has to do to get what he wants.
he’ll do it.
memory on the other hand is more calculating and observant.
he notices little details and is extremely good at predicting patterns
so after being with darling for a certain period of time, he can successfully predict their every move.
btw, you cant run away.
youre their mate
they can smell you and can therefore track you.
and theyre royals-
they have the manpower and the resources to burn just to find you-
and theyve been waiting over 500 years to find you darling-
so just be a sweet thing and love them, okay?
fun facts/trivia:
you will be turned almost as soon as you start living in the palace
this is because memory really doesnt like the smell of humans
memory also doesnt drink human blood
he invented an animal blood supplement that he takes once a week
he likes to read and sleep
he actually likes the taste of human food and is extremely good at cooking 
is also very interested in human courtship and how it differs from that of the vampire world
is extremely truthful but will avoid answering the question if he doesnt want to say the truth
has special and specific powers because he's a vampire royal
has a strained relationship with his parents
max has quite a bit of tattoos, but he keeps them hidden
he also gets tattoos when he's in a bad mood/angry
has had many many careers throughout his lifespan
so he’s very informed about humans and human behaviour
and he has a fuck ton of random things that he’s really good at
likes to drink alcohol
he is very impulsive.
and he's very touchy
he likes to bake and make chocolate for fun
has a weird addiction to monster energy tho
his room is always messy
has special and specific powers that differ from his brother's
avoids talking to his father, regularly talks to his mother.
loves to freak out/ scare darling
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richmond-rex · 7 months
Hi there
So I follow the Tudor Trio and Nicola Tallis, Matthew Lewis and Nathan Amin were doing a debate today on the Princes in the Tower with the quote on quote new evidence that has been revealed from Philippa Langley.
I still firmly believe Richard III killed the Princes and find many of Matthew Lewis' arguments bizarre. I'm not sure why he thinks the Princes weren't a threat to Richard but were to Henry VII. If the Princes weren't a threat to Richard then why would they have been a threat to Henry VII? I can't understand why Richard would ever let them escape England of his own free Will. There is almost no chance they could have escaped without him knowing about it.
Also he claimed that Henry VII sent Elizabeth Woodville to Bermondsey Abbey and that she was supporting the Lambert Simnel Rebellion. Is there any truth to that? Thanks!
Hi, sorry for taking so long to reply! Lewis' arguments are so incredibly ridiculous — they largely rest on accepting at face value people's signatures and on the claim that Maximilian and Margaret of York were too blue-blooded to ever lie for political ends: essentially, he claims lying was for peasants. And yes, the princes would absolutely be a threat to Richard III as he found out as soon as he left London after his coronation — there happened a rebellion made by former Edwardian servants that aimed to free the princes from the Tower, very possibly to restore them to the throne. The princes had been raised all their lives to regard the English throne as their birthright — you're telling me they would grow up abroad and would neve try a restoration aided by one of England's political enemies such as France?
The ricardian claim that Richard III sent them to Burgundy is incredibly ridiculous to me as well: even if they stayed with Richard's sister, she wasn't the one ruling Burgundy — Maximilian of Austria, the husband of Margaret's deceased daughter-in-law, was. How could Richard be sure Maximilian wouldn't take the princes the minute Richard did something that went against Maximilian's interests and use them to either blackmail him or depose him so Maximilian could have his own English king? Burgundy had displayed lancastrian loyalties not so long ago in the past and the political game in Europe changed constantly.
It would have been absolutely STUPID of Richard III to deliver the strongest weapon anyone could use against him to a foreign power. Let's also mention that Maximilian at the time was struggling with controlling his own children, the actual Burgundian heirs, because some Flemish cities had rebelled against him and had his heir (Philip of Burgundy) in their power and were up in arms against his regency. From June 1483 to July 1485 Maximilian couldn't have control of his own son. You're telling me Richard would have sent the biggest assets anyone could use against him to that unstable scenario?
The truth is that Ricardians like Matthew Lewis benefit from the fact that people study/know about the Wars of the Roses from an impossibly anglocentric lens, ignoring that the conflict was also the outcome of the multiple iterations of power play between Western European powers: 'the Wars of the Roses were an extended episode in a European conflict, not just a murderous private dispute'. It really is inconceivable, when it comes down to logic, how Richard was one step ahead of everyone during the mounting off to his takeover of the throne (bamboozling and imprisoning the Woodvilles, executing and imprisoning Edward V's strongest supporters such as Hastings) but would commit such a basic political error as sending other claimants to his own crown to a foreign power.
As to Elizabeth Woodville going to Bermondsey Abbey as a way of punishment for her supporting a rebellion against Henry VII, it makes little sense as well. Henry VII carried on with the marriage negotiations with Scotland that involved Elizabeth and two of her daughters until James III's death in 1488. Again, it would make little sense for Henry VII to have found out Elizabeth was conspiring against him but keep wanting to send her north as an ally to Scotland, a country that could easily make war on him and create problems. Why would he deliver an enemy into the hands of another possible enemy, if Elizabeth truly conspired against him? Again, it's the lack of perspective into Europe and international politics that jump out in Lewis' logic.
Do my words make sense to you? I truly cannot comprehend how Lewis can say the stuff he says and no one really contradicts him in his logic.
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catapparently · 7 months
A Particular Type of Happily Ever After
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In which Evangeline thinks that Jacks killed a fox to make his fur coat, which leads him to gifting her one.
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PART 1: Evangeline Fox
                Evangeline Fox had always had a particular penchant for little foxes. Perhaps she had a special connection to them because of her last name, or perhaps she simply wasn’t cruel enough to not be head over heels for the adorable fluffy creatures. How could one possibly see a fox all snug and sleepy in its little den and NOT want to cuddle it close and bring it home with them?
On an unusually stormy evening, Evangeline heard the distinct creak of the front door opening. The familiar aroma of sweet apples and newly healed heartbreaks instantly wafted through the air, overwhelming her senses. Jacks. Had she not loved the man so dearly, she would have long since boiled him into a bottle of the perfect perfume for her to use.
She quickly sprang up from her comfortable, sprawled out position on the new soft rug they’d gotten and rushed down to see the not-quite-human boy. He’d been gone all day doing who knows what shenanigans with Castor. Castor, who Jacks still refused to let anywhere near his “precious Little Fox”.
Evangeline came to an abrupt halt the moment she laid her eyes on Jacks. He had gotten, through unknown means (and frankly, she didn’t want to know how), a brand new winter coat. The coat was a pretty shade of blue, an uncommon color for him to wear. He was ever so insistent on wearing red, white, and gold. Then again, his preference around her was rather to wear nothing at all.
It wasn’t the color that surprised her, no. It was the fur lining on the collar. It didn’t look like it came with the coat, rather that it was stitched on separately. The cut of the lining wasn’t quite the same as the collar underneath them. The fine strands of the said fur lining were of a beautiful beige-orange color. Too beautiful, actually. No synthetic fur could be dyed to imitate such a unique and extravagant coloring. In fact, the fur on Jacks’s collar looked exactly like that of a fox. Suspiciously so.
“Jacks… what did you do to that poor fox?!”
He twirled the apple in his hand, sparing a glance back and forth between it and Evangeline’s lips, and finally set it down on a nearby tabletop with an exaggerated flourish. He stepped towards her, a certain freely expressed fondness that Evangeline had yet to get used to gracing the usual playful smile on his flawless face. Despite him becoming somewhat human, he still had an ethereal glow on his skin. Not quite human.
“What, don’t you find it pretty? I thought you’d finally stop berating me for not wearing enough layers in the winter.”
Evangeline touched his collar, inspecting it from every angle, desperately hoping that it wasn’t what she thought it was. Sure, she loved Jacks more than everything, but she knew first-hand how cruel he could be sometimes.
Her heart sank to the lowest pit in her stomach. This had to be real fox fur. There was no other way.
“Jacks, how could you? How could you do that to the poor fox?!” Her hands gripped his shoulders tightly, tempted to shake him back and forth like a plum tree until some sense was finally knocked into his thick skull.
Jacks cupped her face with his hands, his thumb gently stroking her cheek. “Relax, love, it’s not real fox fur.”
“I don’t believe you.” “It’s fake fur.” “I really don’t believe you.” “I swear on the Hollow that it’s not real.”
She paused, looking at him. “Then what is it?” she demanded. If it was indeed fox fur as she’d thought, she wouldn’t talk to him ever again unless he figured out a way to bring the heartlessly slaughtered fox back to life.
Jacks’s chest heaved with a heavy sigh as he lazily ran a hand through his messy blond hair. It had grown longer ever since he’d finally given up on the blue dye, but Evangeline didn’t let him cut it. No way in hell. It was just the perfect length for her to play with when he was fast asleep with his head resting on her chest, curled up into her like a clingy cat. Sometimes he’d wake up with little braids and ribbons in his hair.
“When we were kids, Aurora taught me and Castor how to change anything’s appearance with certain combinations of her weird ingredients, so I tried to alter some fake fur I conveniently found on an old coat. Then I had LaLa stitch it on for me.”
She exhaled in relief. She’d already been planning the many ways to make Jacks deeply regret his existence had he actually killed an innocent fox. Her favorite that she’d come up with had been to lock him inside the Hollow with a bunch of foxes she’d lure in so that he could see what cuteness he’d dared slaughter.
 “You promise?” she tilted her head up to look at him right in the eye. “Promise. Besides, I like having a constant reminder of you or your hands around my neck, Little Fox.”
Her cheeks turned bright red, matching the shiny crystal heart on her ring, identical to the one on Jacks’s ring finger.
Delighted at the adorable reaction, Jacks wrapped his arms around his chosen true love, burying his face in her soft hair. He was always making sure that it was really her, alive and in his arms.
“You really like foxes, don’t you, Little Fox?”
“Who wouldn’t?”
Jacks could not argue against that.
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PART 2: Jacks of the Hollow
            Jacks of the Hollow found himself in a rather peculiar situation. He was in the middle of a very foggy forest, hiding behind a tree. He’d placed a fresh piece of raw meat a few feet away, near a tree. It had been carefully and strategically placed near a poorly concealed hole in the ground that he hoped was indeed a fox hole. He’d roamed around the Cursed Forest for days, looking for foxes like an Archer and his Fox. Now that he’d finally found the spot, he was determined to stay there as long as he had to. Nothing in the world –except maybe his own Fox- could distract him from his mission.
As he waited patiently, he started preparing the cardboard box he had brought with him. Jacks neatly smoothed and rearranged the small pile of his clothes that he’d placed in it to create some sort of animal bed.
 He looked back at the piece of meat. Was the lure not working? He’d made sure that it was the juiciest, tastiest, and most expensive meat that he’d found. What a picky, pretentious little fox this was. Jacks had chosen to catch this exact one because it was still a small kit, and it had no family, so it would be starving and lonely. Then why was it not coming to the meat?
 It was getting late, and Jacks was growing restless. Finally, as the sun was setting, he spotted a tiny pair of ears peeking out from behind a snow-covered bush. Jacks held his breath as the cutest baby fox in the North came out and began nibbling on a corner of the red meat. Poor little guy must be freezing; its stubby little legs were shaking.
Before the cute creature could react, Jacks stepped over to it and swiftly picked it up, his large hands carefully wrapping around its shivering body and holding it close to his chest. The fox squirmed and trashed a bit, but quickly calmed down, too weak to protest. It curled up in Jacks’s arms and dozed off, content with the warmth emanating from the boy.
Jacks’s heart melted. He didn’t even want to put it down in the comfy box he’d so carefully prepared, so he left it there. He didn’t like those clothes anyway.
He pressed a soft kiss between the loveable animal’s ears. “Eva is absolutely going to love you,” he whispered to it. Jacks walked home, making sure to protect his newest family member from the harsh, icy winds. As he stepped inside their room in the Hollow, he was greeted with silence. Hmm. Evangeline must still be out with LaLa.
 While waiting for her to come home, he set the now-awake fox on his shoulder, rummaging through the cupboards to feed it some bread.
 As if on cue, he heard the front door open, and, soon after, a certain pink-haired girl bounced over into the kitchen to him, stopping short when she saw what was on his shoulder.
“Jacks… Is that what I think it is?” she exclaimed, the pitch of her voice reaching new heights.
Jacks finally turned and held out the little fox, now warm and fed to her. “Meet your wedding gift. A little fox for my Little Fox.”
She took the creature from him, looking at it with adoration in her eyes as it licked her cheeks.
“He’s so so so cute! Where did you find it?” she smiled, petting its soft fur and rubbing its ears.
Jacks sighed dramatically, collapsing on top of the couch in mock-exhaustion. “I stood day and night in the freezing cold, shivering and slowly dying, waiting for the little guy to one day decide to come out of his hiding place.”
 “Well it’s your fault for not having a coat,” she retorted as she sat beside him, the fox curling up on her lap. “What are we going to name it?”
“We’re not naming him a color, Jacks.”
Evangeline stared down at the still nameless kit, petting it lovingly as it made a catlike purring noise in her lap. She tried to think of a fitting name since Jacks clearly wouldn’t be of any help.
“Let’s name it… uh, Maximilian? Maximilian of the Hollow. Max for short.”
Jacks stared at her blankly. Maximilian? It worked, but he couldn’t tell where it came from. Why Maximilian?
He must have accidentally talked in her mind, because she soon answered.
“Maximilian was my father’s name. Maximillian Fox.”
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Part 3: Maximilian of the Hollow
            Maximilian of the Hollow was a particularly happy little fox. Once upon a time, he’d been cold and weak and starving, until, one day, a strange not-quite-human boy smelling of apples and healed, forgotten heartbreak came along, saving him and bringing him home.
Max was now healthy, warm, and well-fed. He was rather spoiled by the pretty once princess with the golden-pink hair. He was the happiest of foxes, snugly tucked into his soft bed near his owners, who were all tangled up and asleep in their own bed.
Max had yet to understand who the strange little dragon creature who snuck in when nobody was looking was and why it was here, though.
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Prince Charles Théodore Henri Antoine Meinrad of Belgium, Duke of Flanders Prince Léopold Philippe Charles Albert Meinrad Hubert Marie Michel of Belgium, later King Léopold III Prince Albrecht Luitpold Ferdinand Michael of Bavaria, later Duke of Bavaria Prince Luitpold Maximilian Ludwig Karl, Hereditary Prince of Bavaria
Belgian vintage postcard
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royalchildreneurope · 5 months
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Happy 6th Birthday to Maximilian Casiraghi -April 19th 2024.
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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Prince Amedeo and Princess Elisabetta have announced the birth of their daughter Archduchess Alix who was born on 2 September in Brussels weighing 3.4 kg.
Both, the baby and Elisabetta are well and doing good.
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chicinsilk · 2 months
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US Vogue July 1963
Famous theater director and producer Harold Prince reading a magazine. Leaning carelessly on her shoulders, Veruschka listens to him with an absent ear; she is dressed in one of the most luxurious indoor tops: a sleeveless, slightly flared chinchilla sweater. By Maximilian from Empress chinchilla and pants from John Weitz Boutique, in pale beige silk satin. Black sandals with all straps and sequins by Bernardo. Laguna's bracelet. Hair by Kenneth.
Le célèbre metteur en scène et producteur de théâtre Harold Prince en train de lire un magazine. Appuyée négligemment sur ses épaules, Veruschka l'écoute d'une oreille distraite; elle est vêtue de l'un des hauts d'intérieur les plus luxueux : un pull chinchilla sans manches, légèrement évasé. Par Maximilian d'Empress chinchilla et d'un pantalon de John Weitz Boutique, en satin de soie beige pâle. Sandales noires toutes brides et paillettes par Bernardo. Le bracelet de Laguna. Coiffure par Kenneth.
Photo Bert Stern vogue archive
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archduchessofnowhere · 8 months
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The grandchildren of Queen Caroline of Bavaria, by Josef Kriehuber, 1840. From left to right, sitting: Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria, Prince Ernst of Saxony. Standing: Duke Ludwig Wilhelm in Bavaria, Prince Georg of Saxony (later King of Saxony), Archduke Franz Josef of Austria (later Emperor of Austria), Archduke Ferdinand Maximilian of Austria (later Emperor of Mexico), Duchess Helene in Bavaria (later Hereditary Princess of Thurn und Taxis), Archduchess Maria Anna of Austria, Princess Elisabeth of Saxony (later Duchess of Genoa), Prince Albert of Saxony (later King of Saxony). In the back there is a portrait of Queen Caroline.
From The Austrian Court in the Nineteenth Century by Sir Horace Rumbold
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royal-confessions · 2 years
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“My favorite royals are Elisabetta, Mathilde and Philippe of Belgium, Sirindhorn of Thailand, Maximilian and Hans Adam of Liechtenstein, Henri, Maria Teresa, Claire and Felix of Luxembourg, Cecile de Massey of Monaco and Anne of the UK.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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almightyhamslice · 2 years
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forgot to post yesterday but YAY I FINISHED INSEKTOBER WAHOOO!!! the prompt was Trick Or Treat. it’s a flashback set 14 yrs prior to the show, so the characters are kids.
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watercolor-hearts · 1 year
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First home race podium for Maserati since 1957.💙🔱
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ajlockwood · 11 months
I don’t know if anyone has ever pointed that out but evangeline’s father is likely the owner of elantine’s most wanted — and jacks was related to the establishment for quite some time —, so this and eva’s mom always telling her the story from the ballad of the archer and the fox is enough proof to me that eva’s parents had always been playing matchmakers (or they knew something no one does)
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Margaret of Austria is Shipwrecked and King Henry VII of England Writes to Her at Southampton – 1497
Probably by Pieter van Coninxloo Diptych: Philip the Handsome and Margaret of Austria about 1493-5 https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/paintings/GROUP20 When King Charles VIII of France put into motion his plans to extend his power basis into Italy, he attacked Naples which belonged to the sphere of influence of King Ferdinand of Aragon. Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I concluded an anti-French…
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