#regent strauss
medeaft · 18 days
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Strauss in profile 2024 Watercolour on paper
So I'm working on an animation project again, which will involve Strauss riding a train; and as a part of that, I need to draw reference sketches of Strauss from different angles, to use as guidelines so that things will distort into each other correctly when he moves. But making the actual parts and putting them together will take a while. And I just wanted to make a picture of him already! So then of course I couldn't help myself and I just had to take this reference sketch I made and neaten it up and make it a tiny watercolour portrait. Because I love him, and this is my blog, and that means you have to look at his beautiful face now.
Does that mean I should tag this as a work in progress? Technically it's not; this part was not actually required for the process, and it will not become an animation asset. So I won't.
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bloodlinessave · 5 months
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“Greetings Neonate, I’m glad you found your way here. I have been looking forward to meeting you for quite some time…”
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“Strauss, Maximillian Strauss. I am the regent of this Chantry.”
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“Yes, this new life in which you find yourself undoubtedly seems strange. I’m sure you have many questions young one.”
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its-sixxers · 3 months
(sorting through old docs, have a prelude to a half light sort-of sequel starring viola the tremere and allusions to a 70s new york fic i might write eventually)
tremere oc x mercurio, blood bond angst
Los Angeles was a lost cause. Venture Tower burned, and Viola could see the glow of flame against the navy sky through the chantry window.
A muscle in her throat constricted. Her eyes felt dry, itched, and something between her ribs ached.
After thirty years apart they were reunited in the city of angels. Never to exchange words, to make reunion as painful as separation. Once they had been friends, one they had been each other’s sole confidant, the only one to be trusted. A chasm greater than time spanned between them, greater than regnant.
Life no longer hummed through her veins. He was yet a servant. When she looked at him she could see the color in his cheeks, his nose, his ears, the red in his knuckles, and it reawakened a hunger she’d long tried to forget, long thought she’d smothered. It reawakened twisted, a predator wishing to hunt and kill and consume, and she’d thought it was for the best that their paths crossed rarely and in places where they could not speak.
Until the sky burned, his regnant dead, and his life destined for the ashes if it had not already joined it.
Six months later she stood in the San Diego chantry, a pitiful small thing near the sea, Strauss at his desk across from her and looking no less imposing despite their diminished circumstances.
“I was informed a week ago that the Camarilla is sending an Archon here.” The regent explained. “To help Prince Tierney maintain control over the city, officially - an embarrassment to her, to be sure.”
“Unofficially?” Viola inquired, though she couldn’t give life to her voice. It was flat, hollow, numb - and Strauss was not impressed.
“The events in Los Angeles were disturbing. Confusing. By all accounts the Anarchs had no chance of success. The fledgling was their catalyst, of course, but she had no right to her achievements at her age. I met the poor creature.” Strauss frowned deeply. “There have been isolated reports of increases in blood potency through the ages, and each have been treated with utmost gravity by the Camarilla. This is one of such cases.”
Viola remained silent, her question unasked but obvious. Strauss was telling her this for a reason.
“I have met the poor creature,” Strauss repeated. “But I knew her little. Those with greater familiarity are our enemy. LaCroix for all of his faults would enlighten us. Unfortunate. However,” he rose from his desk and walked past her, pushing open the door to his office and gesturing for her to follow him. “The Nosferatu were willing to cut a deal.”
Strauss led her through the chantry, a crumbling abandoned mission church by the seaside that had been layered with enchantment upon enchantment. Through the halls, floors of sun baked ceramic, down into the cellar; converted to cells. Viola’s curiosity managed to burn through the fog of her apathy, the dimmest glimmer of flame. The infamous Red Nosferatu was dead, the fledgling who’d seized Los Angeles by the throat and had brought an Archon to the New World to see how she’d done so - and yet a part of Viola hoped she had been brought to the very cells they passed by. A part of her burned with envy, wishing she could grasp such power and break her chains so easily.
Instead Strauss stopped by the final cell, next to a rotting wooden rack that had once held wine barrels. A figure was curled in the corner of the cell, in the darkness; hair graying and limbs bony. The faint scent of cologne, cigarettes, and gun polish met her nostrils, sparking familiarity in her memory.
Not the infamous fledgling - but someone back from the dead, nevertheless.
“Mercurio.” she breathed. He flinched, raised his head to meet her gaze - there were deep lines set in his face, he looked fifteen years older and exhausted. Viola’s chest grew tight, and reflexively she wrapped her hand around the bars of the cell. Mercurio dropped his gaze back to his feet. Terror lanced through her at the realization he hadn’t been fed in some time - perhaps not since LaCroix’s death.
In only a few years she’d be seventy. Which meant he’d - not die, exactly, but -
“The Prince’s ghoul.” Strauss affirmed, cutting off her panicked thoughts. “The next best thing. It’s my understanding he was somewhat close with the fledgling. I recall the two of you having great success in New York when you worked together. I hope your knowledge will fill in the blanks where he lacks it, and the Archon will leave satisfied.”
The unsaid was obvious. If unsatisfied, it was likely both she and Mercurio would be dragged back to Europe, minds subjected to all the techniques the Camarilla had at their disposal to ferret out the truth. Viola was a sacrificial lamb. It was a hazard of the job, after all.
“How long has he been starved?” she inquired quietly, keeping her tone aloof and uninterested. Strauss knew they’d worked together, but he could never know how closely - even if it was only ever one sided, a flame too dim to shine across the abyss of separate regnants.
“Long enough for entropy to resume.” Strauss said dryly. “Perhaps the anarchs grew tired of feeding him - or he was unable to scavenge what dregs he could.”
Viola could have lied - could have said he would be dead soon if it was allowed to continue, soon to be useless to any interrogator - but Strauss was not one to remain ignorant of those enjoying his hospitality, prisoner or guest. All she could do was stare at his hunched form.
“In order to expedite the task that lies ahead of you, he is yours.” The regent continued. “Consider him a reward for your work in Los Angeles with the fledgling’s sire. If he survives the Archon’s questions, he’ll serve you as well as he did LaCroix. Admirably, from my understanding - a pity for the Prince that he wasn’t there to help on that final night.”
LaCroix was dead. Perhaps it was a threat - a mockery - but Viola knew Mercurio better than Strauss would ever guess.
Hers. It made nausea roll in her gut. Her ghoul, and all that implied.
At least he would be fed, she reassured herself.
“The Archon is expected within the fortnight.” Strauss advised. “Ensure you’re ready to answer his questions by then. I’ve business to attend to; I trust you can handle him.”
Viola nodded - it wasn’t a question, but she answered nevertheless. Strauss’ footsteps echoed against the cobblestone of the cellar. She waited until they crested the stairs before she passed her hand over the door lock, willing her heart to beat.
The echo of blood unlocked it, and she drew open the cell. Mercurio did not move from where he was huddled, not even when she knelt in front of him.
Words stuck in her throat, her tongue heavy when she opened her mouth. To her shame a low whine escaped her - a whimper, at how matters were never in their control, how it had all come to this - how their continued existence was about to rely on a betrayal, an abomination, and worst of all it might only buy them a few more weeks.
The city of angels was lost, and the failure lay heavy upon their shoulders.
“Do I leave you?” she whispered to him in the dark. “I can’t imagine the hunger, but if this is what you want -”
Mercurio lifted his head again, silencing her, his blue eyes nearly glimmering in the gloom. Far too pretty for him, for the man they belonged to; doubly so now that time was enacting its revenge upon his body.
“No.” he spoke after a beat of silence, his voice hoarse.
“You know what it’ll do.” Viola continued nevertheless, her own voice cracking. They both had been ghouls, they knew what it did - how one could never quite be themselves again, always aware of the boot on their neck. After the death of her sire she’d been free - as free as a childe of Tremere ever could be - but he’d been shackled long after she.
Until then - until he sat hunched in the cell, what youthful charm he had fading fast.
Viola peeled off her gloves, pressed the thumb of her left hand to her right wrist, let her nail bite into the flesh. Deliberately she drew a thin line, her blood a darkened and thick plum in color rather than the crimson of a mortal, stark against her ashen skin.
Mercurio’s pupils blew wide at the sight, the gleaming blue of his iris now a thin line. He sat up straight, leaned forward, licked his lips - he was salivating, and if her heart still beat it would have quickened its pace.
Instead she lifted her wrist to his face, and his hands wrapped around her arm. They were hot, even after a stay in the cell, and his mouth was hotter, tongue pressed to the wound in her skin, burning, heat crawling up her veins as he fed from her. Some primal instinct urged her to bat him away, to crush his cheekbone against the back of her knuckles for his presumption, but instead she remained still.
The lines in his face softened, some of the damage of the ages reversed - when there was nothing more to be done she withdrew her arm, even as he still clung to it. Viola laved her own tongue over the cut, tasting him against her skin. Bittersweet.
Once upon a time she’d imagined herself kissing him, tasting him upon her tongue in a much different context. It’d been a source of no small amount of shame, for there was no hope of reciprocation - and now, with him shuddering from a new source of vitae in his veins the shame colored a shade darker.
How long had she hoped for the Embrace, how naively she’d thought it would improve her station. Ever since had been failure after failure, isolation after isolation, all in her living death tainted and twisted.
Mercurio’s hands had fallen to her knees, his gaze fixed hungrily on her lips. How she’d wanted him to look at her the way he did then, on the edge of manic, some shade of the desperate madness she’d once felt. Forbidden, taboo.
Now she was certain he’d do whatever she asked, sate each fantasy she’d ever felt - but those blooms were blackened husks now, and she had no desire to turn them into nightshade.
Instead she stood, walked back to the cell door to take her leave.
Mercurio gripped her ankle, giving her pause. She thought he’d ask her for more blood, but instead he managed to speak three words into the damp air, vocal cords rejuvenated by her vitae.
“I missed you.”
Viola lowered her head and closed her eyes for a moment. Oh, she wanted to believe him, but she knew what it was to have a regnant feet from her, how one wanted to say anything in hopes of a scrap of approval, mind crude and not one’s own.
“I’ll lead you to my room.” she said flatly, desperately trying to ignore how he seemed to hang on her every word. Mercurio was never a sycophantic ghoul, always aloof and reserved in his way - but she knew him well enough to know what it took to make him straight backed, to make him reach out, to hold onto something. “No doubt Strauss has work for me, so I won’t be around much, but you’ll have your hands busy with research.”
It didn’t take long for Mercurio to understand - he was always smarter than anyone gave him credit for. With a groan he clambered to his feet, joints most assuredly stiff from his time in captivity - though the vitae in his veins meant that wouldn’t be a reality for much longer.
She tried to ignore how he eyed her as she pulled the cell door open, how acutely aware he appeared to be of her. Before they left the cellar he stopped her again - this time with a simple brush of his fingers against the back of her arm.
“Are you upset?” he asked, so bluntly she felt as if she’d been slapped.
“No.” she answered, equally bluntly. “Why?”
“I never came with you.”
New York burning, just like Venture Tower. He chose the ashes over her to twice, bonds of blood stronger than anything their experience together could create. She could never blame him - and felt some bitterness to know that in the end it didn’t matter either way.
He was tied to her now, and would never be the man she’d grown to care for again so long as he was. A catch 22, his life her responsibility and the very duty ensuring things would never be the same.
“It doesn’t matter anymore.” she said quietly, and he did not argue with her.
Against all hope, she still hoped they’d survive the Archon, for anything was better than the void. Even a poor parody of briefest happiness.
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Hello! How are ya?
If you're in the mood, could you write something for Strauss x f!tremere that works really hard, maybe even *too* hard? Like, borderline thinking she will be killed or something if she fails (like college, where is she failed she would be terribly behind), so he shows up to her room to check on her and she is slouched over notes and almost hyperventilating so he has to calm her down and reassure her? General fluff and cuteness. <3
[Hello! I’m doing alright. So sorry this took a bit to get here, I’ve had the worst brain fog lately so words hated me for like a week or something, haha. Hopefully it was worth the wait though :)]
Strauss x f! Reader
There were many things that Strauss had learned during his many years of being a regent. One of these things was the difference between when someone hadn’t been seen in a while because they were busy and when someone hadn’t been seen in a while to the point of it being concerning. Such was what he suspected the case to be with you tonight.
When he had seen you at the end of the night before, it seemed like you were stressed about something, though he was not able to tell what that was. You had seemed troubled, but not so much that it was alarming at the time. However, Strauss had neither seen nor heard you at all tonight which became concerning as it was now pushing 1:00 in the morning. This was more than enough time for you to have risen from the hold of the morning and come down from your room; even if it was not to report to him, then for a myriad of other reasons.
That is why Strauss had made his way up to the door of your room and began knocking. It was gentle at first, but he then gave another, more firm rap at the door when you didn’t answer even after he called your name. Eventually, enough was enough and he was turning the doorknob which he found was unlocked, and announced himself as he let himself in.
The sight that he saw when he was in the room wasn’t anything that Strauss had not seen before, at least in one form or another. He had thought that you weren’t likely to fall prey to major burnout, but here you were, hunched over your desk, shoulders shaking, and so much into your despair that you probably didn’t even comprehend that he was there, at least not fully.
“Childe,” Strauss called softly, placing a hand on your shoulder. “What troubles you?”
It seemed that you did not notice him as previously thought, but you did little more than gasp a bit before your breathing went back to its stunted attempts to even itself. If he was going to find out what was happening then he was going to have to stop your hyperventilating.
Once again from his experience of being a regent for so long, Strauss was often prepared for most situations that could arrive. And, though perhaps not the most coddling of people naturally, he wasn’t completely without empathy; some understanding of people was useful to have, be that for ill or good. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulled out a small vial with a flat bottom. Popping the lid off of it he sat it on your desk out of the way of where you were lying your head and arms. Soon a soft and calming aroma was wafting into the air.
This was already starting to help you calm down, but it wouldn’t do the job alone. However, Strauss was hopeful that now you would be able to explain at least something about what had happened.
“Now, if you could, tell me what you have been doing.” It was a command, but a gentle one.
“I…I have been studying the… the….”
You seemed like you were still having trouble talking clearly much less explaining things, but you were able to sit up a bit more and motioned to the material on your desk.
Looking it over, Strauss could see that it was indeed something that he had assigned to you a few nights prior, and stressed only last night how imperative it was for you to learn it.
He should have known to be a bit more cautious with his insistency as this was indeed something that many young Tremere would often fret over seeing as it was one of the first things they would have to present to a higher member of The Pyramid themselves rather than having their regent do so. But, once again, you being one of his most promising pupils in quite some time led him to mistakenly believe that you were somehow immune to this anxiety.
Strauss gave a thoughtful hum, “I see,” he seemed to be disappointed, though at his own shortcomings in this situation rather than anything that you were doing. “And, for how long have you been studying?”
You gave a shaky breath, deep yet still troubled. The fact that you were breathing at all was concerning as the one of only reasons for kindred to partake in the act was to try to calm their nerves, a soothing method leftover from their past human life. There was an equally shaken exhale before you responded, “Since last night.”
“When did you revive and start your studies again tonight?”
“I didn’t.”
“Beg pardon?”
You froze for a moment when you thought that you might have offended him somehow with your answer. However, a glance in his direction let you know that he was truly puzzled and not wanting you to expound your answer in apology.
“I was awake the whole morning.” You explained.
At this Strauss gave a sigh, an exasperated and almost woeful sigh.
“To be awake with the sun is something that even seasoned kindred can struggle with. It was neglectful for you to attempt something so foolish.” He was correcting, but it still held the gentle tone that he had maintained since he had come into your room.
“Neglectful?” Your question came in a mumble.
“That is correct: neglectful. To both your health and your studies.”
“Yes, I know. You stayed awake this whole time to study the required material.” Strauss interrupted, something that he only did when he thought that teaching was more important than manners, and thus catching your attention.
“And, tell me, childe, did your actions result in a better understanding of your reading, or did it upset you to the point of being ill?”
You didn’t answer. You didn’t need to as you both knew the state you were in right now. Strauss wasn’t going to let you delve back into your sorrow, though your body threatened to return to its violent sobs at any moment.
“Worry not. I am not angry with you. This whole ordeal is partially my fault. As your regent, I should have better prepared and worked with you rather than expecting you to be able to accomplish all of this work alone.”
There was something more soft about this side about Strauss; something that you could have sworn you had never seen him show to anyone else before. And, to be honest, he thought so as well. Though he might never admit it verbally, or perhaps even mentally, he did have at least a bit of a soft spot for you.
A small and endeared smile made its way to his face without his knowledge as he continued, once again placing a hand on your shoulder. “My erring was due to you being very bright. You excel in so many other things that I had thought you could handle something of this caliber with ease as well. That, however, was unfair of me to expect of you.”
It seemed that you were starting to settle, but not fully. Strauss, not wanting to make you more stressed by feeling like he was eyeing you like a hawk, decided that he should give you space for a while.
“You are to spend the rest of the night away from your studies. I do not care how you use your time, as long as it is away from those books and your notes of them.” He instructed, this time in a more firm and demanding tone so that you knew how serious he was about it.
“But, what about the exam? It's coming up soon and you told me that if I don’t do well then- then-“
“Do not worry about that now.” Strauss once again cut in to keep you from spiraling again. He also scolded himself for telling you of the student who did so poorly with his tone, memory, and presentation that the invigilator used Blood Boil on him. That was a yarn that he most certainly should have saved for after the examination. But, once again, he underestimated the stress this whole thing would place on you.
He started to make his way to the door. “You shall do fine. More than fine; you shall do well. I have as much confidence in you as I have had in all of my other students combined. That is if you rest and allow your mind to achieve its full potential. An overworked mind is an underutilized one. If the path of knowledge is not clear, then the haze of clouded memory with prevent it from passing.”
Strauss had to stop himself from giving another platitude. He was trying to calm you right now, not teach another lesson. So, he ended his time in your room by saying, “Rest and be sure that you do not make yourself go mad by staying in this room. Be sure to walk about if you need to. As you are aware, we are the only ones in the Chantry at this time, so you will not be disturbing anyone if you are wandering. Farewell.”
By the way you were looking when he shut the door, Strauss felt it was safe to leave you alone. He was also hopeful that you would sleep, or rather, the vampiric equivalent of it. He couldn’t be too outwardly affectionate with you as his role of regent was supposed to be equally attentive to all in his charge, and showing you favor would call his qualifications into question.
However, he did make sure to, “forget,” his aromatic vile on your desk. Not only to leave you with its soothing properties for a while longer but also so that he could return to you later when he went to retrieve it.
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smuttyfang · 1 year
Strauss, His Favorite Blood Doll
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"If you're still interested in doing these, there's so many things I could ask for, but the thing I'd most dearly like to see is Strauss/Reader. Uh... NSFW if possible. I don't think the wizard-king gets enough love. My first thought was the reader would most likely need to be a Tremere apprentice at the Chantry for it to be in character... but heck, maybe Max has what was once just a private blood doll that he's growing irrationally fond of. (Your human/vampire scenarios are hot, okay?) I'll be stoked to see whatever you come up with!"
Words: 1,461
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"There, finally.." You were standing in front of your mirror, checking on your appearance after getting ready. You were wearing what he always preferred for you to wear. A little classic black dress, hidden by a black trench coat until you arrived. Also a little makeup, but you did that more for yourself rather than doing it for him. You also wore a pair of sunglasses, despite it being night time. There was a good reason for you to be so inconspicuous. You were the favored blood doll of a pretty powerful vampire, a Tremere. A Regent.
There were a multitude of reasons that he picked you. He was extremely private, did NOT want his blood doll to be a well known person. He did NOT want you to be noticed or seen by anyone, nor did he want you to have any sort of connection with anyone. It's not like you had a problem with it. The amount of pleasure you got from his Kiss was worth more than anything else. You didn't have anyone in L.A. you were close to from the start, no family, no friends. Pretty much just work acquaintances. Being alone for some time, you had never been happier to be desired by someone like this. Especially someone so powerful. It felt like your own dirty little secret, and you loved every second of it.
As you approached the door to the building, you knocked. There was a particular way he wished for you to knock, so he would be aware that it was you. You weren't sure if this was his clan's base of operations or not. Sometimes the building looked slightly different to you when you'd come. Oddly enough, it would sometimes appear slightly off, but you couldn't put your finger on why. Maybe he was hiding it from you with magic, as it sometimes looked different on the inside too. You didn't dwell on it too much. He probably didn't want you to have a lot of information on him, as private as he was. After your knock, the door swung open on it's own. You were used to this. Stepping inside, the door closed on it's own behind you and locked. Walking up the stairs right beside of the front door, you noticed that the door to the room was already open. As you stepped inside, you saw him. Strauss was sitting at a desk close to the bed, reading what looked like a very old an ancient book. It was practically falling apart.
"Hi." You said, somewhat shyly. Something about even seeing him made you nervous. Your mind just became fogged with craving the feeling of his Kiss.
"Hello, my dear. You look lovely." You smiled brightly at his words as he closed the dusty book he was looking at.
"Thank you, I always get dressed up just for you." He stood up from his desk, pushing his chair in. He approached you, helping you take off your coat like the gentleman that he was.
"Haha, yes. I know." He was so confident and well spoken that it made you feel small. But it was an addicting feeling. He held his hand out to you, taking your hand and leading you toward the bed. He helped you sit down on the edge before kissing your hand. "Have you been doing well with your diet?" He asked. You had almost forgotten the list of foods he wanted you to eat. He said in some slight ways, it could change the taste of the blood just a tad.
"Yes, to the letter. Only what you approved of." He kissed higher this time, planting his lips on your wrist. You would swear that he was using magic on you simply by kissing you.
"Good, as I expected of you." His kisses trailed up your arm until he reached your shoulder. He nibbled on your skin just a bit. "Do you have any idea how thirsty I am? It's been far too long." Unable to speak, you only whimpered beneath his touch. His teeth grazed across your neck before he slowly sunk them into your skin. How was it not painful? It was something you'd never be able to understand. Two large fangs piercing deep into your flesh would have to be painful, or so you would think. But there was nothing you'd ever felt that had been as pleasurable as this. No drugs, no amount of alcohol, nothing could ever compare to how the Kiss made you feel. Pleasure flowed throughout your body, your skin tingling and feeling as if it was on fire. Unable to control yourself, you threw your head back and moaned loudly. Your head began to feel light, as if you were floating. He pulled away, licking the wound he had created. Now that the pleasure was gone, you felt dizzy and uneasy. "My apologies." Strauss said.
"For.. what?" You breathed out, still somewhat shaken with pleasure.
"I took quite a bit, I was.. so thirsty. Lie down, please. I insist." You did as he asked, lying back on the bed and placing your head on the soft pillow. He gently placed his hand on your stomach, lightly rubbing up and down. It was strange, you think vampires would all be violent and gruesome like they are portrayed in the media. You knew well enough that plenty of them were like that. From the time you had spent with Strauss though, you knew that a few of them were kind, even a little caring. You trusted him with your life.
"I'm okay, I promise. I don't feel too bad." You smiled at him. He gave a half genuine smile back. "Is everything alright?" You asked.
"Yes. I just feel some strange and conflicting emotions currently." You hummed.
"May I ask what they are?" You questioned, but didn't expect him to give you an answer. He thought for a moment, stopping his movements.
"I feel strangely close to you. I do not wish to ever be away from you. I feel.. drained, when you're not close by." You heart started beating faster in an instant. He must have sensed it, because he placed his hand on your chest, right over your quickly still beating heart.
"I feel the same." You admitted. He took his small rounded glasses off, looking directly in your eyes.
"May I give you a real kiss?" He asked, kindly and quietly. You nodded your head, smiling up at him. He leans down, closing his eyes and pressing his lips to yours. It was.. different. His lips were cold and dead, sending shivers down your spine. His tongue slid past your lips. It began cold and dry, but slowly warmed up and became wet. His.. saliva, you weren't sure.. began mixing with yours. He tasted just like a living, breathing person.
"Wow, I.." You were unable to create sentences, shocked and anxious at his words and actions. "Strauss.."
"Yes?" He laughed a little, seemingly enjoying how nervous he was making you feel.
"Can you.. do anything else with that power of yours?" You smiled at him, unable to control yourself at this point. You were so turned on it was difficult for you to focus on anything.
"Of course. Let me show you.." He began undoing the buttons on his long trench coat, revealing the black shirt underneath. He didn't remove anything else, only began undoing his pants. He pulled out his cock, revealing that it was hard and standing at attention.
"Wow.. that's incredible.." You smiled seeing it, never wanting anything more in your whole life. He crawled onto the bed on his knees, pushing your legs apart and getting in between them. He lifted your little black dress up, somehow tearing your panties. Like he had cut them with a knife to get them out of the way. He removed the fabric, then using his hands to keep your knees apart.
"Are you prepared?" He asked, you quickly nodding your head in response. You'd both been secretly wanting this the whole time without realizing it, and there was no reason to be patient any longer. Using one of his hands to position himself, he slowly pushed his cock inside of you. It was like his tongue, now alive and warm, pulsing with want and desire. He quickly began thrusting, still keeping that cool and collected composure he always had. Meanwhile, you were unable to do the same, throwing your head back and moaning loudly in pleasure. He used one of his hands to cover your mouth, smiling at you. "Shh, shh.. you don't want to disturb my neonates.. do you?"
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sshoujo-ais · 1 year
the rituals are intricate. i know it. i know they're intricate
Strauss's Sheriff was a woman of few words, and rather enigmatic to boot. Regent Sturbridge was considered by many to be equally enigmatic. Yet the two women understood each other surprisingly well with no need for any level of Auspex.
Usually they would simply exchange meaningful looks as Aisling passed by Strauss, with Faraday in tow, in the halls of the New York Chantry. On certain nights they would meet in the parks around the city, and stare silently at the same landmark from opposite sides of it.
Faraday would break the silence only sometimes. "Cute fountain."
It was.
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mochidreambubble · 1 year
Five Comfort Characters, Five Tags
tagged by @georgiedoesntfloat
I was asking myself if it was going to be made up of characters from my weeb days cause I actually had to think for a good long while lol. Thankfully not but still very influenced by the obsessions of my adolescence haha.
Maximillian Strauss - Vampire: The Masquerade
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Maybe it had to do with the fact that the first time I ever played Bloodlines, it was a Tremere and he introduced himself as Tremere regent and primogen. Which well, had to bring some flavour to a Tremere player character right? And that he had a really nice voice- As I would later get more intuned with the greater scope of VtM as a whole, there is no mistaking that Maximillian Strauss is a pretty manipulative piece of work (as most Camarilla kindred are, obviously), so trusting him is pretty stupid. Too bad I really am, cause every time he basically metaphorically pets the player on the head for making (in his opinion) the right or smart choices, the praise and rewards... Bro, I'm weak. Doesn't help that when playing as a Tremere, he really goes and makes you feel like you should belong if you play your cards right with him.
2. Ludus - Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns
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I've always enjoyed farming games, and the ones I enjoyed most always have love interests of course haha. The Story of Seasons franchise (known in Japan as Bokujō Monogatari and formerly known as Harvest Moon) especially has a special nostalgic place in my heart. That said, the potential spouses have always been hit or miss for me. Ludus was the one that stuck out the most, or maybe it was just that when I was playing Trio, the idea of a responsible, dependable partner was so ideal... Helps that he's good at carpentry and cooking XD
3. Baxter Ward - Our Life: Beginnings & Always
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His DLC isn't actually officially out yet by the time I'm writing this so to keep it short, I love me angsty relationships that have that tension between them but one or both have character issues holding them back so we're all just simmering then boiling in that tension. I love Baxter and really want him to be loved cause (sobs)
4. Aisling Sturbridge - Vampire: The Masquerade
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Maybe I just really like Tremere regents haha... I kind of just fell in love with her as she's a major lore character with so much content so it helped that I was fed. Would again be stupid enough to be Camarilla just for her
5. Damian Wayne - DC/Batman
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My bratty son who gets way too much hate. I adore most characters who start out as just a mess and kind of the worst but have killer character development. Now if only some writers would stop writing him regressing in character pls
Tagging (but no obligation as always): @almondes , @xielians , @seeliecaelumvt , @pxinksxul , @werfenspeer
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fakegothpansy · 1 day
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"I will ponder the orb" -Maximilian Strauss, literally high regent of LA
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operaportugues · 7 months
Entrevista com o Maestro Tullio Colacioppo, 18/março/2017
Entrevista com o Maestro Tullio Colacioppo: link.
Homenagem dos sobrinhos ao Maestro Tullio Colacioppo que faleceu em 11/fevereiro/2024 aos 89 anos. Especialista brasileiro em óperas, o renomado maestro, que dirigiu a orquestra do Theatro Municipal de São Paulo durante 43 anos, de 1961 até 2004, ainda percorria o mundo apresentando sua arte, encantando plateias e formando outros tantos profissionais ao redor do globo. Por isso mesmo, sonha com o dia em que o Brasil valorizará mais a formação e as apresentações de músicas clássicas. Para ele, há bons profissionais no país, mas ainda são muito poucos. "Os poucos que existem são ótimos, mas precisaria multiplicar esse número por 20 mil", exemplifica. O maestro relembrou sua trajetória na música, que acabaram levando-o às óperas, que já regeu em cerca de 180 países. "Sou regente especialista em ópera", informa orgulhoso o homem que começou ainda jovem a tocar instrumentos, mas acabou na regência por um golpe do destino. "Comecei no piano com seis anos, aos doze comecei a tocar violoncelo, mas aos quinze anos perdi as pontas do dedo em um acidente", conta. Como não conseguiria mais tocar violoncelo, para incentivá-lo, o pai pediu para concluir o curso de música e aprendesse clarinete, instrumento que seria possível após o acidente. "Isso me deu uma formação em instrumentos de arco e sopro, e acabei desenvolvendo mais a parte teórica, composição e regência", lembra. Ainda muito jovem começou a colher os frutos dos estudos e venceu importantes concursos como um para reger no Municipal, e também foi convidado para se aperfeiçoar em Roma, na Itália, convivendo e aprendendo com importantes nomes como Goffredo Petrassi, Fernando Previtali e Tullio Serafin, com quem trabalhou na Ópera de Roma. "Peguei grande experiência em ópera", reconhece. A experiência na Itália foi o grande divisor de águas da vida do maestro, que se especializou em ópera. E quando voltou ao Brasil, mesmo à frente da Orquestra Sinfônica do Theatro Municipal de São Paulo por mais de quatro décadas, viajou o mundo regendo óperas. "Nesse tempo, regi em 173 países. Quarenta músicas do grande repertório sinfônico estão sob meus domínios", orgulha-se o maestro paulistano, que começou como assistente e ministra masterclass de regência de obras de Stravinsky, Strauss, mundo afora. Mas não é de se espantar com o currículo e com os feitos do maestro que para chegar a tal nível de excelência, tem uma dedicação exclusiva: passa 800 horas estudando ópera e antes de reger são 600 horas de ensaio, ao todo são 1.400 horas de dedicação do maestro para reger "de cor", títulos de compositores famosos como Puccini, Verdi, Donizetti, Bellini, Rossini, Carlos Gomes, Wagner, Mozart, entre outros. Em 1977 o melhor regente do ano em São Paulo na Associação paulista de críticos de arte com a obra Carmina Burana e em 1983 prêmio Etna d'oro regendo Madama Butterfly no Alla Scala de Milão.
Revista Concerto
Outra entrevista com Tullio Colacioppo
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medeaft · 7 months
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Oil (originally: Olaj) 2024 Watercolour on paper
It's one of those pictures that hasn't left my mind for months and needed to be done. For the sake of Tumblr's delicate sensibilities I'm not explaining my thought process this time. I'm sure Regent Strauss can have any number of reasons to pour oil over his hand. Maybe it's magically necessary.
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bloodlinessave · 5 months
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Household - Strauss
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Tremere Chantry - Windenburg (Downtown)
Maximillian Strauss
Bookworm - Proper - Genius
Adult - Vampire
Male - He/Him
As Primogen and Regent of the local Chantry Strauss has quite a bit of influence in L.A. His age and knowledge also adds credit to him as a powerful kindred in his own right. He has no doubt mastered the blood magics of his clan. His allegiance lies with the Tremere. Which means he places his loyalty to the Camarilla, but certainly not to the young Prince of L.A, LaCroix. And he is not shy about the fact. Strauss is a mysterious man, choosing not to share much about himself and knowing many things. He can often seem very cold and will speak his mind blatantly. Yet many secrets seem to hide behind his words.  He likes to give off the impression that callings of the flesh and romance aren't his cup of tea, but his connection to VV implies otherwise…
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Download (sfs) | Gallery ID: Losieee
All my sims are CC free, have 1 or more outfit per category, likes + dislikes, traits, aspirations, pronouns, skills, career/school/ect.
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gazeta24br · 2 years
A Temporada de Concertos 2023 do Instituto Baccarelli se inicia no dia 16 de fevereiro, uma quinta-feira, às 20h, com a Orquestra Sinfônica Heliópolis. Sob regência de Isaac Karabtchevsky, maestro titular do grupo e diretor artístico da instituição, o grupo leva ao Teatro B32 um programa que é um verdadeiro festival, com obras de Lorenzo Fernandez, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Maurice Ravel, Johann Strauss e Antônio Carlos Gomes. Os ingressos vão de R$ 40 a R$ 20 (meia-entrada) e estão à venda na bilheteria do teatro ou no site teatrob32.byinti.com. Também haverá transmissão online gratuita — para participar da plateia online basta realizar se inscrever em institutobaccarelli.org.br/agenda. Abre o programa o famoso Batuque, de Lorenzo Fernández (1897-1948). Movimento final de sua suíte Reisado do Pastoreio (1930), a peça ganhou fama mundial por sua força rítmica e expressividade, tornando-se atração recorrente em salas de concertos brasileiras e internacionais. Exemplo máximo de sua fase nacionalista, o Batuque faz parte do empenho de Fernandez em traduzir em música a diversidade cultural do Brasil. Outro compositor que se dedicou a criar uma música autenticamente nacional foi Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959), contemporâneo e amigo de Fernandez, considerado o grande patrono da música clássica brasileira. Entre suas obras mais conhecidas estão o ciclo das Bachianas Brasileiras — uma série de nove suítes, para formações diversas, em que o autor uniu expressões do folclore nacional às formas composicionais de Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). Das suas Bachianas, serão apresentados dois famosos movimentos: o Prelúdio, da Bachiana nº 4 (1942); e O Trenzinho do Caipira, tocata que fecha a Bachiana nº 2 (1934). Na sequência, é a vez de outro expoente da música moderna do início do século XX: o francês Maurice Ravel (1875-1937). Considerado um mestre da orquestração, Ravel é dono de uma produção vasta e diversa, ao mesmo tempo singular e em sintonia com a tradição musical francesa. No Teatro B32, a Orquestra Sinfônica Heliópolis interpreta a segunda suíte do balé Daphnis et Chloé (1912). Escrito sob encomenda para a famosa companhia Ballets Russes, de Sergei Diaghilev — a mesma que encomendou A Sagração da Primavera a Stravinsky —, o balé foi um sucesso imediato, consolidando Ravel como um dos grandes compositores de seu tempo. Fecham o programa duas peças curtas e impactantes. A primeira delas é a Marcha Radetzky, de Johann Strauss (1804-1849). Considerado um dos maiores nomes da chamada “música leve”, estilo muito em voga no século XIX, com obras curtas e populares, Strauss escreveu a marcha para o marechal-de-campo Joseph Radetzky von Radetz, para comemorar a vitória na Batalha de Custoza (1848). Encerrando o repertório, outra peça triunfante, mas desta vinda da ficção: a Protofonia da ópera O Guarani, de Antônio Carlos Gomes (1836-1896). Nome maior da ópera brasileira, Carlos Gomes tem no Guarani sua obra-prima. Baseada no romance de mesmo nome de José de Alencar, a peça carrega o nacionalismo típico do século XIX, e é uma das obras fundamentais para a criação da identidade nacional brasileira. E o público presente no Teatro B32 poderá acompanhar um espetáculo de alto nível. Grupo artístico mais avançado do Instituto Baccarelli, a Orquestra Sinfônica Heliópolis é um dos grupos jovens mais conceituados do Brasil, reconhecida nacional e internacionalmente. Sob direção do maestro Isaac Karabtchevsky, os jovens instrumentistas têm a oportunidade de trabalhar com o maior regente brasileiro da atualidade, em uma intensa troca artística e profissional.   Sobre o Instituto Baccarelli O Instituto Baccarelli é uma das organizações sem fins lucrativos mais respeitadas no Brasil por proporcionar ensino de excelência combinando três eixos de grande importância: social, educacional e cultural. É responsável por formar a primeira orquestra sinfônica do mundo em uma favela, a Orquestra Sinfônica Heliópolis, que conta com o ma
estro Isaac Karabtchevsky como diretor artístico e regente titular, quebrando diversas barreiras e incentivando o surgimento de outros projetos similares no país. Sua sede está instalada na comunidade de Heliópolis, São Paulo, onde opera como agente de transformação social há 26 anos, mostrando um futuro com mais perspectivas a centenas de crianças e jovens. Ali, beneficia anualmente 1200 alunos em situação de vulnerabilidade por meio de programas de ensino de excelência que se dividem em: Musicalização Infantil, Canto Coral, Aulas de Instrumentos (classes coletivas e individuais) e Prática Orquestral, com reais oportunidades de profissionalização na música para aqueles que desejam construir uma carreira. A instituição também assiste as famílias dos beneficiados com a distribuição de alimentos e outros itens de primeira necessidade, além de disponibilizar atendimentos de uma equipe de assistentes sociais. Em 2022, assumiu a gestão de 12 unidades dos CEUS, em contrato firmado com a Secretaria Municipal de Educação, e ampliou seu campo de atuação, levando esta consistente trajetória de transformação social em Heliópolis para outras regiões da cidade, em conformidade com os objetivos, planos e políticas estabelecidas pela SME para as áreas de educação, cultura, esporte, lazer, recreação e tecnologia da cidade de São Paulo. Para mais informações, acesse: www.institutobaccarelli.org.br   Agradecemos aos nossos patrocinadores e parceiros que apoiam as atividades artístico-pedagógicas por meio da Lei Federal de Incentivo à Cultura: Patrocínio Master: Unilever Brasil, B3 - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão, Instituto Cultural Vale Patrocínio Ouro: Instituto CCR, Instituto Votorantim Patrocínio Prata: Zurich, Kinea, Klabin, BTG Pactual, Pfizer e Pró-Vida Patrocínio Bronze: Ultra, Bradesco, Bain & Company, EMS, Alelo, Eletrobras Furnas, Banco BV Apoio: Jive, Velt Partners, IGC, Trench Rossi Watanabe, Cacau Show, Dexco, Sky, EDP, Havan, Ibiuna Investimentos, Astra, Magazine Luiza, Verde Asset, Automob Apoio Institucional: Teatro B32, Mazars   Serviço: Orquestra Sinfônica Heliópolis Isaac Karabtchevsky, regente Data: 16/02/2023 Horário: 20h Local: Teatro B32 Endereço: Av. Brg. Faria Lima, 3732 - Itaim Bibi, São Paulo/SP Ingressos: R$ 40 (meia entrada: R$ 20) Vendas na bilheteria do teatro e na plataforma teatrob32.byinti.com. Contato: [email protected] / (11) 3506-4610
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fuckyeahlabynight · 2 years
Hey Tumblr Vamily, would you all like to read Eva's backstory?
Yes, this is Eva's actual canon backstory, from Josephine McAdam herself. She gave me permission to share it.
Part 1
Part 3
(Part 2 of 3)
Katya and Eva got in trouble for Eva's embrace.
Katya sneaked books and information to Eva against the Chantry's wishes. Eva learned about Golconda.
The Chantry found out about this. Strauss tortured Katya and sent her away. Eva thought she had been killed.
Kindred Life 1969-1975 A few weeks after being embraced, Katya finally brought Evangeline back to the Chantry, where there was a very rude awakening of learning what being a Tremere kindred would really entail. Evangeline was almost set to be executed after Katya had embraced her without permission. But her aptitude and passion for magic stood out as a useful tool to the other members of House Tremere. Katya was required to implement strict and rigorous training for Evangeline, and was required to check in more often than most. Evangeline constantly complained and fought back against the rules and voiced that to Katya, who would do her best to keep it from others ears. After about 2-3 years of incessant asking, Katya finally gave in to Evangeline’s wishes to learn more than just what the Regent decreed was suitable. She would find Evangeline more books and information that she was looking for, all in secret from the Chantry. This was how Evangeline first found mention of the Salubri and became enamored by the idea of Golconda - something she found hope and meaning in, during her unwanted life as a Tremere. She found purpose in wanting to atone for the sins of the Tremere against the Salubri, and in the idea that she could still retain her humanity and ascend to an enlightened state even as the monster she was. Her day to day activities entailed walking in the footsteps and playing the good Tremere Apprentice, but then coming together with Katya at the end of the night to whisper sweet nothings and secrets to one another until sleep would find them. In 1975, Evangeline is finally discovered when she lets slip some knowledge in conversation with others at the Chantry, of something that she by no means, should have knowledge on at this point. One of the other Apprentices brings this information to a Magistrate who, knowing the circumstances of Evangeline’s odd acceptance into the Chantry in the first place, calls upon Strauss to come rule on it. After days of questioning and learning of Eva’s true intentions in her hate of the Tremere and their history and her seeking knowledge outside of the curriculum, Strauss takes it upon himself to pass judgment on the one who let it all happen: her sire. In true cruelty, Evangeline has to witness days of torture inflicted upon Katya - flaying, burning, cutting of limbs, so forth and finishes by finally shipping Katya off to Vienna, where it is presumed she is executed, not allowing for them to say goodbye to one another in any way.
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dopesotherstuff · 3 years
VTMB Headcanons Part 1
1. Caine is significantly less of an asshole than he was 10k years ago. Also vampire legend does get a significant number of things wrong. Thus the world isn’t about to end so much as go through a drastic shift.
2. Regent Strauss’s Humanity is actually higher than Prince Lacroix’s. Evidence: his behavior, his ability to laugh, his ability to deal with apprentices, their still-human morals and typical apprentice shenanigans...and his ability to (temporarily, as VV apparently falls in love with new people every day or so) maintain a relationship/flirtation with a high Humanity Kindred without scaring her off. Generally Tremere tend to have sort of middling Humanity--too high and it impedes some of what they must do as Tremere, too low and it impedes not only focus and performance but relations with both clanmates and outsiders. Maintaining that “happy medium” is a practical, not moral choice. Maximillian appears to be a touch higher than average...but that still indicates that Lacroix is actually on the low end of the moral scale.
3. Evidence for Lacroix actually having dangerously low humanity that he is masking only semi-successfully, and which is a significant reason for his being an insufferable bastard: Yes he is passionate, but only with negative and self-centered emotions (rage, greed, etc). He thinks nothing of murdering or having people murdered for almost no reason (like killing off Mercurio for being beaten up if you tell on him, trying to kill off the Fledgling basically for being inconvenient, or murdering Dr. Grout on the mere suspicion that Grout was on to him, and as a convenient thing to frame Nines with). He is isolated, not only from humans but from other Kindred, except for the Sheriff/his bodyguard, when the game makes a point of showing how interacting with humanity is one of the ways vampires keep in touch with their own. His self-control is failing, sending him into fits of anger at small setbacks. He cares about exactly nobody, including openly dismissing the very real concerns of his Primogen. And most of all: diablerie is not only on the table for him ethically, but is a coveted end goal of his in the story. These are not small lapses. Fucking cannibalism is about as low as you can go morally. These are the signs of a downward spiral.
4. The reason why Lacroix has fallen so far in Humanity over the last century is standing behind his throne. The Sheriff is a Nagloper. Naglopers, besides being kin to the Tzimisce, are on their own very, very, very, very, very very FUCKING evil.
Relevant quotation from the wiki:
“They allow the Beast to dominate them, leading them into causing any debauchery one can imagine, and some were only thought possible in nightmares.“
Even other Laibon avoid them, as anyone who enters a Nagloper’s territory will basically be made into a toy.
This guy has been the only close companion that Lacroix has had for an entire century. Ghouls and even his childer appear to basically be cannon fodder to him. The Sheriff, however, is always there, and has his ear when he doesn’t even speak to anyone else. Whether Lacroix has him blood bound or not, the Nagloper is going to believe that tempting Lacroix closer and closer to falling to the Beast is doing him a favor.
So he does it. Subtly. Suggestions of viciousness. Insinuations to sow distrust of everyone but him. Helpfully hiding the bodies that pile up more and more during “normal” feeding. Slowly driving a once-promising Ventrue first to petty, cruel and murderous ambition and then, to the final frenzy.
And nobody, especially not Lacroix, realizes that he’s doing it.
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How do you think Strauss would handle a Tremere fledgling who was extremely into combat magic as opposed to summoning or divination?
This would take some time for him to get used to. Not that he is totally against it, but it is certainly uncommon.
There would have to be a but of a give and take from both of you.
While he would have to learn that there was a place for more, as he would call them, harsh magic, you would also have to learn that there is a time where you have to be more subtle instead of just rushing into things.
This goes double if you are into not only combat spells but actual physical combat itself.
“While I understand where you are coming from, NO you MAY NOT use the tomes as blunt force weapons.” Says Strauss with his constantly tired voice.
He has to constantly remind you that ever though you may have been good at fighting as a human, part of the nature of being a Tremere was giving up physical strength for magical strength.
He does know that there is a place for this as well as other forms of magic and tries to be encouraging as well as cautionary. In fact he’s actually sort of proud to have such a unique student.
Him checking in on his pupils tends to look like,
Student 1: I have finished my studies and am starting the first stages of creating my first gargoyle.
Strauss: Wonderful. Be sure to exercise caution and discretion when making the gargoyle.
Student 2: I have learned how to enhance my Blood Shield technique, so now I can cover more area at once.
Strauss: Excellent. Be sure to maintain control of the energy to keep the shield strong.
You: I blew up that wall over there.
Strauss, not even sure how that was possible: … How delightfully intriguing. Perhaps you might tell you your technique? Verbally, childe. We don’t need to lose another wall…
The other regents both envy and pity poor Strauss
To base this off of an example of a conversation that I had with someone about my dog yesterday
Regent: Do you think they’ll every slow down?
Strauss: They can be… excitable.
They look over to you, who is currently firing blood bullets at a test dummy with wild abandon.
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anotherisodope · 3 years
Revisiting old games...
Me, an old White Wolf RPer with Opinions: Tremere are insular, power-hungry, scheming, suspiciously secretive, out only for themselves, and part of a rigid hierarchy of increasingly psychopathic beings who get worse the higher up the Pyramid you go. All their inherent awesome just doesn’t make up for that level of institutionalized douchebaggery. No character I play would ever be stupid enough to trust, admire, or seek the company of any of them.
Regent Maximillian Strauss: *exists*
Me: ...dammit.
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