#primus what did i do to deserve this
Oh yeah so when I reblog things, I don't think they show up in the reblog tab anymore.
I'm probably shadowbanned, support never messaged me back lol
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tinydefector · 12 days
Swerve: traditionally, humans gift chocolates and stuffed animals, as a display of hunting prowess and ability to provide, on the fourteenth of February. This is because a deity named saint valentine is said to bless conjux pairs on this day.
Swerve x Human reader
Word count; 1k
Warnings: none
Heeeyyyyy Bumpin got some food for you~. Enjoy some clueless and hopeless romantic Swerve becuase I said so.
Swerve stared down at the clunky plastic earth animals and chocolates clutched in his servos, completely befuddled. It had sounded like such a good plan when he came across it! But now, facing his human, uncertainty crept in. He offered an awkward chuckle. "Uh, happy February fourteenth! I know on Earth it's tradition for you guys to, uh, exchange dead animal carcasses and sweets as a romantic gesture. Something about showing you can provide, I think?" 
Rubbing the back of his neck, Swerve hoped he hadn't misunderstood. Or offended them! Primus, why was organic culture so weird? "So, uh, I thought maybe you'd like these gifts. Even though mice probably aren't a big hunting prize for humans." He cringed internally. At how embarrassed he was. "S-so, what do you think? Did I get the tradition right? Or should I just forget the whole—"
They give Swerve a slight look as they cut him off. "Swerve, why would you need to hunt?, plus it's July if my callander is right " They ask while looking at the stuff Swerve had set up, it looked as if he was trying to organise a date for them, it was a rather cute little set up more so than past people they had ever dated before, Their words fall silent as they take in the scene. 
Wincing internally, Swerve fidgeted under their searching gaze. Frag, this was even worse than he'd feared. "Well, ya know, I did some reading that Earth Valentines is about showing you can provide for a mate. And I know I ain't got much to offer organics, but I wanted to try!" He held out the gifts in his massive metal hands, practically trembling. 
"I know it ain't exactly a feast or nothin'. But I saw these toys and thought, maybe they'd pass for some small game? And the chocolate's real! Well, not made of real chocolate, more like synthechoc. But it's what I could get you!" 
Slumping with a sigh, Swerve knew he must look utterly foolish. But they deserved his honesty. "Look, I just wanna show ya I care, okay? Even if I'm lousy at Earth courting."
"My courting..." they go quiet for a moment before starting to giggle which turns into laughter. "Swerve Honey, Valentine's day, is in February. It's a day to spend with loved ones and enjoy each other's company, sometimes trade gifts to special people, which most are fake flowers and sweets" they continue to giggle softly. "What did you think was handsome?" They ask with a smile.
"O-oh." Swerve felt his plating heat as their laughter sank in, truly mortified. He should've just stuck to energon pouring and storytelling, left the Earth traditions well alone! "I, uh, may have misunderstood some cultural exchange files," he admitted bashfully. "Thought it was about proving yourself as a good provider! You know, strong and capable." 
He scuffed his pede sheepishly. "Maybe shoulda just asked you straight out, huh? Instead of all this." Swerve gestured ruefully at the mess of toys and candy. They smile and grab his servos. 
A warm glow flooded his Spark at their smile, though. Maybe he hadn't fragged it up totally. "So, uh, does that mean...you'd still consider spending time with me? We could watch a flick, share some high grade—" He cycled a vent, fans whirring. "I just wanna make you happy, anyhow I can. Without any mouse-hunting required."
They laugh lightly as they move towards him. "Swerve, please it's OK, calm down" they call out while waiting for him to sit down so they can at least touch his faceplate. "Yes you probably should have come to me to ask about it, but now I'm more interested in who told you about Valentine's day." they hum while pressing a kiss to his nasal ridge. 
Swerve's vents stuttered as their lips brushed his plating in a gentle kiss. "W-well, you know how it is - a mech hears stuff in the bar sometimes," he replied shyly, fans whirring as they caressed his face. "I think maybe Rung was telling Rodimus about Earth traditions, and overheard Whirl say something about hunting prowess being important for it." 
He groaned, covering his optics. "Frag, I should've known better than to trust second-hand cultural osmosis from that glitchheads, i justed wanted to do something special for you." Lowering his hand, Swerve gazed down at them hopefully. "Sorry about the mess, forgive my clumsy courting attempt? There's still a whole stash of synthechoc with your designation on it." 
He's still sheepish as they laugh at him, their hand trying to keep it in and not embarrass Swerve more. " Maybe you could, um, give me some proper pointers? About Earth holidays and such? I'd really like to get it right next time." They give him another soft kiss which he melts into.
 "Think we might have to talk about human holidays, and Swerve I don't expect you to have to follow human stuff. You know that right?" They ask softly tracing his face.
Swerve leaned happily into their gentle touch, systems buzzing with joy. "I know, I know. Don't gotta do human things if they don't make sense," he conceded affectionately. 
"It's just..." He vented softly, captured by their smile. "I wanna understand where you come from, y'know? Be able to celebrate the special days that are important to you. Share in your culture."
His fans hitched as their fingers traced the seams of his faceplates. How did they always make him feel so calm yet alive all at once? "So maybe lessons would help this fool bot out, huh?" Swerve ventured shyly. He nuzzled into their hand with a lovesick sigh. "I just want to be able to spend time with you doin things that are important, that's really all I want, sweetspark. To be wherever you are."
 "Alright, how about we set up your hab and watch some vids.?" They inquire with a sly smile on their face.
Swerve perked up, any trace of embarrassment melting away in his eagerness. His engine gave a happy rev, hope blooming in his spark. Clapping his servos together, he bounced on his pedes like an excited sparkling. "Oh frag yes, I'll fire up the holoprojector right away!" 
In an instant he had them swept into his arms, cradling them gently against his chassis as he strode off toward his berth. The gifts were forgotten in his joyful haste. "You're gon' teach me everything, sweetspark! Holidays, customs, what all those weird organic dishes are!" He nuzzled their cheek fondly as he walked.
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buckysmith · 2 years
Request from my TikTok account
How the TFP decepticons would react to (human) reader call them love
Includes: TFP Megatron,TFP Starscream, TFP Breakdown, TFP Knockout, TFP Predaking, TFP Shockwave and TFP Soundwave
- Honestly if you’re an human, he would look at you like you just told him humans can fly.
- He would for sure grin like a maniac the moment he understands what it means in human terms or in your terms.
- He wouldn’t show you that he’s proud that you called him love, he’s a prideful warrior and leader after all but if you happen to call him love while someone else is there it would increase his ego even more (if its wouldn’t be high enough already xD)
- He secretly wants to hear you call him love every time (He would soundwave get to record it so he could listing to it while you’re away doing human stuff. It would confuse soundwave so much, but he wouldn’t let anyone know what Megatron does nor ask a question.
- (Oh btw, not even you would know that. It’s a secret between Megatron and soundwave )
Oh dear god, the moment you call him Love it would be over for you.
- He’s a proud mech, for sure but by Primus- the moment you give him this nickname you would have consequences for your own actions.
- It’s not like he would get mad at you, everything but that.
- No, it’s more likely the fact that you have to admire him so much for you to call him love (he’s a poor mech, he deserves some love)
- He would hide you from Megatron.I mean he would do that even before but after you call him love he would do anything to make sure you’re at least fifty miles away from megatron. He doesn't want you to get hurt, and he knows where Megatron goes, death and pain follows.
- Oh dear heaven, don’t feed this man more ego it’s already enough.
- He would probably just look at you, pick you up like a teddy bear and hold you in front of his faceplate, wanting you to repeat what you just said.
- The moment you would repeat, this bastard would grin at you like a maniac
- Ofc you love him, who wouldn’t? Yes, yes he would take it as you would love him, not as a cute nickname.
- He would pinch your cheek, telling you what a cute little human you are
- Would tell everyone that you call him love and that you love him, I mean obviously you have to love him.
-His first reaction would be like “what did you say? Did you call me love?”
- He would definitely pick you up just to make 100% sure that he understands you
- He would be like soundwave and admire your cute little nickname.
- He would give you a nickname too cause of that, not like love or other human nicknames but more likely something cybertronian.
- He would make sure to show you how thankful he is, for him it’s important to show you the same respect. (Yes, for him it’s your respect to him to call him Love )
- His emotions tend to change but the moment you call him love he would smile at you, even if he was angry only moments before.
- He would ask you why you call him love since he’s a big intimidating mech.
- He would pick you up to bring you somewhere safe, somewhere he can cuddle with you and show you how much he appreciates his adorable little nickname you gave him.
- He would honor his nickname, but Primus he would get jealous easily so don’t call anything or anyone else like Love or smt like that.
- We don’t want roasted humans or other cons, don’t we? I mean it’s not even thanksgiving yet.
- He would just stare at you, no emotion, not a single word, nothing.
- You would have to explain to him why exactly you called him “love” cause he isn’t lovely, he’s a creepy scientist mech with a strong will and logical explanations . Not a sweet little mini bot (at least this is his opinion)
- After a while he would come attached to your sweet little nickname for him and don’t you dare to call somebody or something anything near like Love or lovely or he would for sure get rid of it. (Without your knowledge ofc).
- He would questioning himself a lot cause how could he get attached to something like that, for him it’s not logical.
- Same like Shockwave, he would just stare at you not capable of anything but repeating in his processor what you just said to him.
- Honestly he would be confused, do you mean by that that he’s lovely? Or do you love him and if yes, in which way?
- You would have to explain to him too what exactly you mean.
- Not like the other two mechs he would show you that he’s proud that you call him love.
- But don’t say that in front of other mechs, it’s not that he doesn’t like it or want you to hide it, but it’s safer for you cause you’re still a human being. I mean he’s a busy man and even though Laserbeak is always with you or at least near you he’s paranoid of like anything.
My request are open :)
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Iron hold and Fearless get yeeted into RiD
Steve now has to face the judgment of his wife's interdimensional siblings
Ophelia's and Stevie's family is just growing by the minute.
Hope you enjoy!
Ironhold and Fearless reuniting with Ophelia and meeting with Steve
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Romance, Cybertronian reader, Human reader
RiD2015/ MTMTE/ G1
Ophelia knew today was going to be a full day when she saw the portal open.
Her team all rushed around grabbing something to hold on seeing the portal start sucking its surroundings.
“Grab a hold of something!”--Bumblebee
Strongarm and Sideswipe are grabbing some iron rods from the ground.
Bumblebee and Grimlock are grabbing the sides of the wall while holding onto Denny and Russel.
Steve is grabbing to the side of the main console when he notices that Ophelia is nowhere in sight.
“Ophelia? Ophelia!”--Steve
“She’s right there!”--Strongarm
Steve looks over to see his Conjunx standing in front of the portal with her arms crossed.
He lets one arm go and tries to reach her.
“Ophelia! Grab my servo!”--Steve
“What do you mean ‘Nah’!?”--Steve
“Its easier if you just let it take its course.”--Ophelia
“What—Huh? Oh, Primus help me…”--Steve
He manages to snag the back of Ophelia and quickly pulls her close to his chassis.
“Steve! Just Let go—”--Ophelia
“Are you hearing yourself right now?! Anyways if you go—”—Steve
“Ophelia holds a digit up to his face while squinting at the portal.
“Did you just shush me?! Really, right now?!”--Steve
Ophelia’s optics widen.
“It’s spitting out!”--Ophelia
“Excuse me?!”—Team Bee
“HIT THE DECK!”--Ophelia
Steve quickly covers Ophelia with his frame as two figures pop out of the closing portal.
A bot and a human now laid down on the floor.
The human was the first to dust themselves before the bot groaned and stood up towering most of the bots in the scrapyard.
The human looked over at the larger bot and raced over giving one of their digits a hug.
The bot blinked a bit before giving them a small smile and holding them to their chassis.
Ophelia smiled widely slipping out of Steve’s grip and greeting them.
To the team’s surprise and slight relief, the larger bot and human smiled widely at Ophelia.
The bot kneeling down a bit to catch the hug while the human had basically flung themselves into her arms.
Ophelia letting go of Fearless and Ironhold’s grasp.
“Primus it’s been so long since I’ve seen you two! How did—”--Ophelia
“Random portal.”--Fearless
“Random portal.”--Ironhold
“Random portal.”--Ophelia
The three laugh a bit at this.
Ophelia turns to her team.
“Everyone, these are my interdimensional siblings! The human is Fearless.”--Ophelia
Fearless playfully salutes to the team.
“And this is Ironhold.”--Ophelia
Ironhold nods to the team standing rather stoically.
“Interdimensional siblings?”--Sideswipe
“Megs is our dad in our universe.”--Fearless
Most of Team Bee looks confused at this.
Ophelia grabs Steve’s servo.
“This is my Conjunx I’ve been talking about. This is Steve.”—Ophelia
“Steve?”—Fearless and Ironhold
“Now that’s a name on a bot I haven’t heard and I’ve heard plenty. I knew a bot named Dent and Toaster in my dimension.”—Fearless
“Dent and Toaster?”—Denny
Fearless waves it off.
“And your name is ‘Fearless’?”—Russel
“Well, its more of a nickname that just stuck. ANYWAYS back to the important subject with Stevie here.”--Fearless
Steve tenses when Ironhold glances at him slightly menacingly.
Fearless walks around him before whistling.
“Nice catch ‘Lia. But the real question is—”--Fearless
“Are you treating our sister with the upmost respect?”—Ironhold
“Quit stealing my lines…”--Fearless
Steve stands straighter and tightens his grasp on Ophelia’s servo.
“After everything she’s been through, treating her with the upmost respect doesn’t even begin to cover how much she deserves.”--Steve
The pair look at each other with soft optics.
Steve nearly topples over with the force behind Ironhold’s pat on the back.
“Good. Its… nice to meet my interdimensional brother in law.”--Ironhold
They look down at Fearless who was drinking a bottle of water, courtesy of Russel.
“Looks like we need to find someone for you aren’t we Fearless?”--Ironhold
Fearless nearly chokes on their water, flushed with embarrassment.
“Butt out of it ‘Hold. I don’t need you or ‘Lia playing match maker.”--Fearless
Ophelia giggles a bit.
“What’s wrong Fearless? Scared of a bit of love?”--Ophelia
The human huffs.
“Please, they don’t call me Fearless for no reason. I HAVE NO FEAR! Watch this!”--Fearless
Fearless starts scaling Ironhold before jumping off and landing on the nearest bot…
Which happened to be Grimlock.
Grimlock quickly catches Fearless, who without missing a beat, climbs until they are on top of his helm.
Sideswipe mumbling to Strongarm and Drift.
“Maybe someone hoped on circuit boosters…”—Sideswipe
Strongarm just nods with Drift trying to comprehend what the little human just did.
Bumblebee has Miko flashbacks.
Denny can already see the thoughts and stunts Russel wants to try now after seeing his son’s starstruck face.
Grimlock just looks in awe at the little human patting his helm.
“…I like them. Can we—”--Grimlock
“We are not keeping them Grimlock.”--Bumblebee
Steve has earned two in-laws and bodyguards.
Yes two.
Fearless has already explained in great detail how they would protect their siblings from all harm.
The Bee team laughs it off.
Ironhold and Ophelia are slightly chuckling because they KNOW that Fearless would go to great lengths to ensure their safety.
No matter the danger or situation, the little human swore that they would be there if they ever needed them.
Ironhold has a nice conversation with Steve about his life with Ophelia post-war.
Steve sympathizes with them.
Soon enough it’s time for the pair to leave.
Everyone says their good-byes before they hop into the portal.
In Ironhold’s universe…
“Seriously! You haven’t seen them all day? Aren’t they attached to your hip or something?”--Skywarp
Rumble groans again.
“No, they are not. They don’t have any missions today AND we had a—”--Rumble
A portal opens up above Skywarp.
Ironhold falls through crushing the Seeker below.
“Well, that was an entrance.”—Rumble
Ironhold chuckles at the comment bringing a smile to their Conjunx face.
“… So… how was the trip this time around?”--Rumble
“Great actually! You also have an interdimensional brother-in-law.”--Ironhold
“I have a what?”--Rumble
“GE’F OFF O’ EEEE!”—Skywarp
In Fearless’s universe…
Fearless lands on one of the highest shelves in Ultra Magnus’s office.
“… Well, isn’t this great… just great…”—Fearless
They lay down spread out.
“Yep, I deserve a nap…”--Fearless
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Ironhold holding any of their siblings
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lightandspark · 1 year
Love Confessions be Like:
Perceptor to Brainstorm: Every day, the moment I met you, I found a new reason to keep trying, to keep exploring, to keep getting right back up… because that’s what I saw from you.
Drift to Ratchet: I started living when I first met you, before that, I was just surviving.
Prowl to Jazz: You are my light, that leads me home. The moment you are gone, I’m lost.
Ultra Magnus to Rodimus: My love for you is like fire, it burns more today than it did yesterday, but it will only grow tomorrow.
Mirage to Hound: I learned I can be and that deserve to be happy because of you, from the moment you laughed and smiled, I never realized how laughing could be so natural… I want to continue to be happy and share those moments with you.
Starscream to Windblade: I never wanted to be alone. I never wanted to be like this. What I want is you not to go… stay. Please. Stay.
Greenlight to Arcee: From every return, from every embrace, to the next battle, and then repeat… I don’t want you to go without hearing this, I love you, Arcee. My spark speaks to yours and yours alone.
Red Alert to Inferno: I know I can’t stop you for helping others. I know I can’t prevent you from your selfless ways. I wished you could be more selfish as me, because I want to keep you myself, to keep you safe until our sparks flickered out.
Soundwave to Blaster: Silence scares me. Not hearing your voice scares me. To not hear your footsteps, your laughter, you… please never make me start living in a world without you, because it scares me.
Octane to Sandstorm: I’m a lot of things, I’m everything that wouldn’t let me deserve you as my friend. I know this. I also know that I love you. I love you. I love you. I will continue to work hard to be worthy of the love you give me because you deserve more than a ‘I love you’.
Cyclonus to Tailgate:You saw something in me that I thought I lost years ago into an abyss of darkness. You helped me find that again and I promise, I will always find you in every abyss of darkness to save you.
Knockout to Breakdown: Beauty fade as we grow older… I disagree. You have only gotten more beautiful as time went on and at every moment I laid eyes on you.
Bumblebee: Damn… what are you guys waiting for, kiss already!
Sideswipe: Don’t be shy, be happy!
Bluestreak: Primus, they are doing it!
Smokescreen: They are really going for it.
Sunstreaker: Wow…
Whirl: Yeah~ gets some!
The bots and cons: AWWW.
The Wreckers, Aerialbots, Protectobots: *snickering nearby*
The Combaticons and seekers: OwO
MegaOp: *Megatron pretends to stretch and rest his arm on Optimus’s shoulder as Prime chuckled fondly*
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authorxxxxxx · 1 year
Jitterbug | Bayverse!Optimus Prime x fem!human!reader
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Pairing : Bayverse!Optimus Prime x fem!human!reader ( she is Sam's younger sister )
Summary : At first she was the exact same as her brother Sam , but after some tragic events she became a little bit distant . But when he came - she was confused . She did not know how to react when she realized that she loved him . When him and the Autobots landed on the Planet Earth , he expected humans like Sam to be intrigued by them , what he did not expect was to fall in love for a certain girl with bright blue eyes.
Tw : mental health issues , diagnosis of illness , angsty feelings , a very concerned Ratchet , confused Optimus , parents stupidity , but fluff at the end.
English is not my first language so if you spot any mistakes please just bare with me .
Ps : I got away with this one because OPTIMUS DESERVES SOME LOVE , but I really enjoyed it so I hope you do too .
Edit : I think it is so bad for some reason . Some people will say that the song does not fit with the imagine , but I think it is better this way .
11k words
Let's just say that your first encounter with the Autobots was not like you've imagined it to be .
Not that you've ever imagined about meeting extremely tall and big aliens that can turn into cars .
You've never imagined that you'll fall in love for the leader of the Autobots when you first saw him either .
It was a cold night in the early days of October when you and your older brother Sam got into a really big fight .
Things got even worse when your parents came upstairs to calm you both , but instead of doing that they intervened and the situation escalated .
From arguing with your brother about something that you both forgot after a while , to both be arguing with your parents about literally anything .
Their criticism about Sam's progress in school that was not so good , how you were being a not so helpful person because of your mental health issues .
" How much more oblivious can you both be ? Sam do you even realise how much money we are going to spend for your college if you do not graduate form High School with at least decent grades ? "
Your father had told your brother , but he did not answered .
He believes that in situations likes this one - silence is the best option.
But when your mother turned to you . . . Sam saw red .
" And you Y/N haven't we spent enough money for your therapy ? Buying pills every God damn month ? It happened long ago , you should have been able to forget it by now . I mean , it is like you are doing it on purpose ."
He immediately grabbed your right wrist and dragged you out of your house .
Your parents yelling at you to come back at the house immediately or else -
That is how you found yourselves in the middle of nowhere eating McDonald's and drinking coffee inside his car .
Dad bought him a yellow Camaro with black details a couple of days ago , but he was experiencing some weird problems with it .
The most common one - the radio turned all the time on its own .
You loved it .
And so did Sam that night .
The radio was playing some funny jokes to help you both forget the ugly situation back at the house .
Uncontrollably laughing you did not hear a big track changing its form to a 22ft alien robot .
Optimus Prime thought that Bumblebee was still into his alt - form just because he enjoyed it .
The thing is that Bee was so happy that you both were laughing at the jokes , that he did not even noticed his leader looking down at him .
" Mother of Primus . Are you even listening to to me ? " Optimus Prime asked a little louder this time and Bee frozed in his spot .
When Optimus realized that Bee had passengers inside the car he left a breath he did not know he was holding .
Bee opened his doors slowly telling you to get out before he could change into his original form .
Both you and Sam were shocked beyond repair .
Bee was looking down embarrassed when Optimus kneeled on the ground to take a better look at you - both .
Coming close to your faces he asked :
" Are you Samuel Witwicky descedant of Archibald Witwicky?"
" Yeah . " Sam had answered holding at you like a teddy bear .
" My name is Optimus Prime . We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron . "
" But you can call us Autobots for short . " Another one said .
Where did he come from ?
" What's cracking little biches ? This looks like a cool place to kick it . " Another one asked .
You heard yourself silently laughing .
" My first lieutenant the designating Jazz . " You heard Optimus deep voice saying .
" How you learnde to talk like that ? " Sam asked smiling .
" We learned Earth's languages through the World Wide Web . " Optimus answered while looking at you .
Shocked by his piercing blue eyes , you did not realised that another bot had said that your levels were unstable and your body was asking for some rest .
Sam looked worryingly at you .
" And you are ? " Optimus asked you .
" Huh ? " You asked him lost in his eyes .
" She is my younger sister Y/N . " Sam had answered for you .
Suddenly you heard George Michael's voice in Bee's speakers .
" You put the boom - boom into my heart
" You send my soul hig - sky
" When your lovin' starts "
Ratchet the medical's officer had stoped Bee with what it seems to be a laser .
Optimus tried to save you both from embarrassed when he properly introduced to Sam that Bee was his guardian .
And while Ironhide and Jazz were both not interested in the conversation , Ratchet decided to tell his leader that you needed a guardian too .
He offered to become yours so he can have you close by his side since of your unstable health levels but Optimus decided otherwise .
Ratchet was never more anxious and afraid in his whole entire robotic life .
After their first encounter with you and your brother , he soon realized that Sam was the type of guy that tried to fing good in every bad situation . He was alaways happy and funny . Laughing at everything him and Bee did .
You on the other side were more close , introvert , sometimes you spent to many hours of the day alone , you had sleepless nights , you found peace in listening to 80's and 90's music in your earphones .
And of course he had realized that you and Optimus - your guardian had a think for each other .
Everyone seemed to know except you two .
Although after the war between the Autobots and the Decepticons you reached your breaking point .
Anxiety and panic attacks , insomnia , sleepless nights , nightmares , constant fight with your parents , Sam's abstinence , Ratchet's healt questions , Bee's teasing about you and Optimus - Optimus .
You can not lie .
You two were closer that anyone else .
Ironhide believed that your bond was even stronger that the one of Sam and Bee's .
You loved him - more that n just love actually .
You could not imagine your life without the big bot .
And when one day were you were at your worst , Optimus did not returned home that night chasing after some Decepticons , you thought that he was dead .
Only Sam knew why .
You left the compound that night crying and when Optimus returned and did not found you , he knew that he was in deep trouble .
Sam told everyone the truth .
One year ago you had lost forever your bestfriend right in front of your eyes .
The memory was just too much for you and you slowly started getting depressed .
When the therapist diagnosed you with it it was too late you were already deep within it .
Sam told Optimus that you liked him .
And after that Optimus knew what he had to do .
You heard the big truck coming to a stop and after a couple of seconds the sounds of Optimus changing from his alt - form .
" Are you alright Jitterbug ? " Optimus Prime asked you coming closer to you .
Jitterbug . . .
The nickname Optimus had given you after he found out that the song Bee used was your favorite .
Wake my up before you go by Wham!
Your silence made him even more worried .
"Sam told us what is going on and I wanted to say that . . .
I'm sorry Y/N .
If I realized sooner maybe I could have find a way to help you . " He said .
" It's not your fault Optimus . " You finally said to him , voice hoarse from crying .
When you looked up at him - even in the dark night sky he could see your red eyes .
Oh Sweetspark . . . he thought .
He placed his left servo on the ground near you .
After a couple of seconds you hopen up while he was briging you closer to his face .
" Y/N I would like to confess something to you that I hope it will not jeopardize the relationship with have build up . Sam told me - " Before he could complete whatbhe wanted to say you interrupted him .
" Did Sam told you that I like you ? " You asked , tears already building in your eyes .
" Is it not true ? " Optimus asked you .
" No it's not like that . Look you are Optimus Prime . You are a Prime . The leader of the Autobots . And I'm me . Just me . " You said . Taking it of your chest .
" That doesn't meen anything Y/N you humans have helped us with so much that we can call your planet Earth home . And in my home your in too . I am willing to help you get through your pain my Sweetspark . " He confessed to you .
" I thought I was your Jitterbug . " You said to him while placing your hands to his face plate pressing your lips in his dermas .
He stared in your blue eyes , the ones he grew to love so much .
" What do you think about going back to the compound ? It's about to rain and it's a long drive . " He said and slowly he transformed back to his al - form placing you inside his cabin .
" Can you please put our song ? " Your sweet voice asked him and he for sure did it with happiness .
Wake me up before you go by Wham! was playing .
Your song .
" Y/N your back . Is everything okay ? " Your older brother Sam asked you once he saw you .
" I am going to kill you . " You said to him while running to catch him .
Sam started to scream for help while Bee and Jazz seem to enjoy the moment .
" Primus . What is going on ? " Ironhide asked Optimus but before he could answer Ratchet showed up .
" Well at least her levels indicate that she is doing better . Someone save Sam , his stress levels are duplicated .
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lets-try-some-writing · 5 months
Cold war Russia and USA race to the moon and Titan Moon huh.. Wonder how that went(especially considering some still think moon landing was fake)
Unicron: What's with the commotion?
Earth: Russia and America
Unicron: Urgh them. What did they do now?
Earth: They're doing race to Moon? I think?
Unicron:.. Has their rivarly reached the point of doing weird random things? Aren't they not equiped for space travel?
Earth: They are! They're building ships and doing tranings thought
Moon: It would be endearing if it wasn't for them wanting to probably do/build some weird stuff on me.. And if it was anyone else but these two
Moon is so done with the humans at this point. They constantly refer to him by the wrong names and gender and then they go out of their way to try and put sticks all over him with their flags. Yeah he was fine with their weird worship of him, but this is too much. He's already dented enough.
His opinion on the space race? WHY?!?! The squishies are already so SQUISHY. They will turn into paste if they try to get to him- Oh and there they go.
Earth: I don't know Moon. I really don't.
Unicron: Honestly it is what you deserve as one of Primus's spawn. Let the unclean vermin devastate his frame.
Moon, two seconds away from shaking the humans off him like a kid would with ant on their arm: I swear if you don't get them OFF-
Earth: Alright alright calm down! I will give them something else to focus on!
Earth: *proceeds to make the planet warmer so the humans focus on other things*
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mskenway97 · 9 months
Hello! I have a Transformers question and an idea 👍
First: the autobots symbol. What is the origin? I mean... This is the representation of the first prime or of Primus face? I never didn't understand.
Second: idea/request. What if OP, bayverse movie, partner (romantically or friendship whatever you want) is a blind human female? She's been tortured by decepticons 😨
Thanks 🙌🙌🙌
I find the first question very curious and you have. in fact the logo was created because of this:
the designer who came up with the Autobot emblem used a stylized representation of Prowl's toy head as a source of inspiration (Prowl is the Autobot military strategist). In the world of Marvel Comics, the distinctive red mask is often referred to as the "Autobrand".
According to official legend, the Autobot symbol was created in reference to the face of the Last Autobot, the guardian Primus prepared, before the day when he could no longer restrain his own army. By the way, we cannot fail to mention that the same sign was used as the symbol of the slave brand Quintesson.
And from the second question, I have created a small scenario more related to friendship and partenership:
Darkness, infinite was the only thing, the Decepticons had tortured her in a thousand ways to discover the location of NEST, y/n was a soldier of the first humans closest to the autobots. No y/n opened his mouth to snitch, he wasn't a snitch the wounds on his body were nothing serious until they decided to take his sight…. When the autobots rescued him it was too late, it was irreparable damage. Ratchet did everything he could for y/n….. It was so complicated to do day to day things, to be guided more by touch, sound, to learn differently than reading, writing…. Her day to day life literally changed… She heard a familiar sound, maybe she only saw darkness but that confusing sound was Optimus, since the rescue he kept coming to see her. She felt a little wind in front of her, the noise of the hydraulic presses around, the house of y/n was in a more distant area to be closer to the base in case of emergency and in this case to be able to take better care of her. -Optimus? - she asked as she grabbed a guide stick to carefully exit the house, stumbling at the exit to feel that something metallic had grabbed her.
-You should be more careful," Optimus lectured her a little. And/n chuckled a little as she tried to get a little positioned - You know I always feel like it when you get here. Optimus pulled her a little closer, face to face.
Optimus every time he looked at the dull eye color that y/n had, instead of y/c of eyes that sparkled every time she smiled, that she got angry, those looks of complicity they had in meetings, only to see that when she was rescued, those eyes had lost their essence…. It made him squeeze his other servo and change only his expression of frustration and anger. "If only it had taken less time, if only I had arrived before she was in so much pain…. It's my fault…" Optimus thought but those frantic thoughts were interrupted by smaller hands passing over his face.
-Again thinking about what happened? - said y/n
-I can't help it, you didn't deserve to end up like this, Optimus said in frustration, y/n stroked his faceplate.
-What's done is done… At least I'm alive, if it weren't for you. I would continue with the experiments. You saved my life
-But you paid a high price for that," said Optimus as he pulled her closer to his chassis. Y/n leaned in as she heard the pulse of his spark - It wasn't your fault…. Even if you can't see, you see only this eternal darkness…. Your mere presence brings me light among the shadows," said Y/n leaving Optimus surprised as he pulled her closer to him. They stayed like that for a while, until Optimus decided to help her with her holoform exercises. Maybe she lost her sight… but he swore by Primus that he would never ever leave her side. He would be her light and her guide for the rest of her life.
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professoruber · 3 months
Quick thoughts on MAWS depiction of Krypton
My Adventures with Superman Spoilers
Okay so I've really been enjoying My Adventures With Superman (I recently re-watched and caught up with the show) but honestly I am personally not the biggest fan of the depiction of Krypton and Kara.
Disclaimer I am not a big comic expert and am still something of an novice, especially with Superman stuff, but I am slowly broadening my horizons.
Some things I like about Superman is the parallels to the story of Moses as well as the general immigrant story. Superman Smashes the Klan is one of the comics I've read so far and I really liked how it explored those latter themes.
So I guess I kinda feel that having Krypton be depicted as this imperialistic empire, especially one who was destroyed due the fights they picked, kinda undermines those parallels/themes? Granted, the immigrant story stuff can still very much be present regardless of the nature of Kryptonian society.
Perhaps it has something to do with my initial expectations that Kara would provide another view of Krypton to contrast the very negative impression which Clark had received from the very limited information he had received in the first season but uh...
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While Kara is certainly a rather sympathetic individual, she is also certainly not exactly providing a better view of Krypton. Of course, I'd imagine as well that Primus Brainiac's version of Krypton is much worse than the original one.
(The reason why I had the theory is because I like the contrast between Superman and Supergirl, of the latter generally being depicted as having spent at least her formative years in Krytponian society, either Argo City or Krypton itself. Both are stories of immigrants, but with an interesting difference which makes them distinct in their experiences)
But we did hear from Jor-El that Krypton was indeed an Empire before its destruction (although... Clark's only able to have a proper conversation with Jor-El after the Brainiac systems of the ship had been explicitly activated... hm.)
As I said before, I am really loving MAWS and think its a very fun show. And I also do not want to criticise a show merely because it did not follow my exact personal expectations, that'd just be silly.
But I suppose that watching it has gotten me thinking about my personal thoughts on Krypton in general, and I feel like I might as well write it down.
The season's also not over yet, so there is a high possibility of more nuance being shown in Krypyton. Plus regardless of if Krypton was an empire, the regular civilians didn't deserve total destruction.
Anyway, MAWS is very good .Would recommend. And like I said, this is mostly my personal rambling of thoughts on Krypton and Kara. Can't wait to see the next episode!
Edit: kinda tired today but to slightly expand on my thoughts. I suppose in general I like the idea of Krypton with its own flaws and virtues. While MAWS could still very well show the better side of Krypton outside of Brainiac’s propaganda, it’s status as an imperialistic power which caused its own destruction through its conquests arguably would overshadow that somewhat.
Clark Kent was raised on Earth by the Kent Family. That’s who he is, where he got his values and how he was shaped into the man he is. But I also like him still nonetheless being able to be proud of his Kryptonian heritage and connect to it; being both Earthling and Kryptonian.
But in MAWS; between Jor-El’s A.I getting destroyed, Old Krypton being imperialist, New Krypton being ruled by Brainiac and Kara being a brainwashed war criminal, it leaves Clark with very little connection to Krypton and very little insight to what it was actually like as a society and culture and people.
And unless there’s further reveals about Kara’s backstory (although I do have a theory about that…), there’s a fair chance she won’t have much connection to Krypton once she gets freed from Brainiac’s comtrol. And what connection she does have right now is mostly negative and tainted by Brainiac.
Perhaps I am a bit pre-emptive in some of this and I do think there’s still plenty of room for the writers to expand on Krypton and what it was like and what lead to its empire and subsequent destruction. Regardless of what direction the writers take though, I am looking forward to seeing the show’s story progress!
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melishade · 4 months
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Was the part with the flowers reference to this?
now I’m imagining Primus singing Akuma no ko to Ymir either the original or a English cover
Actually the flowers are in reference to IDW. Specifically:
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My knowledge of IDW is spotty, but I do remember when chapters were being dropped that this was fuel for the transformers fandom. Very angsty fanart kept popping up, specifically around IDW Megatron.
Because these flowers are called Remembrance Flowers, and in IDW, the flowers and the statue represent the amount of people that were killed by that one particular person. Each flower, represents a soul, so when the comic ends up cutting to this panel about Megatron's flowers, it basically showed the weight of Megatron's actions and all the lives that he's taken. Because his field of flowers is extremely massive. I think he drove through his flowers with a scooter and he was out there for a few hours.
So instead of the Eldians being connected through a tree in the Paths, Primus has altered everything so that the souls of each Eldian are present and visible, no longer bound by the rules of the Paths and allowed to just be individuals.
And in regards to the scene with Primus and Ymir, Akuma no ko doesn't fit simply because it's a love song meant for Eren and Mikasa. The song that I think fits, and I've put it on the playlist, is this:
A Million Miles Away from the Belle movie back in 2021. The Belle movie is supposed to be a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast, and while the story is extremely imperfect, but the songs are really great, especially in the dub.
But instead of Belle being a love story between Belle and the Beast, it's about a girl named Suzu who resents her late mother for sacrificing her life to save a random girl during a storm, essentially leaving her behind. This trauma prevents her from going back to singing, and she's only able to sing again in a virtual reality setting as Belle. And the Beast that she interacts with, causing a lot of problems in the internet, turns out to be a boy who's being abused by his father, along with his little brother. When Suzu finds this out and says she's Belle, he obviously doesn't believe her and her willingness to help. So she ends up shedding her avatar and sings this song to prove to the boy she is who she says she is and she wants to help.
Why do I bring this up? Because I think this song fits how Primus feels about Ymir. He heard Ymir's cry for help from across the universe, her cry transcending time and space, as she's locked away in the Paths. He traveled through the memories of the titan shifters in the Paths, trying to find the answers he needs and trying to find her so he could save her. He says he's been in the Paths for 2,000 years, but if he's searching through the memories of all the titan shifters, it would no doubt be longer, as he has to account for different perspectives and lives.
Ending the power of the titans was the second goal Primus had. His first goal was to save Ymir, simply because he heard her crying out for help and he didn't want to leave her alone. The chorus fits this perfectly:
Come back to me, and stay by my side I feel my heart shake Come, ease this ache I'm standing over here, reaching for you A million miles away, come back and stay No matter how far the memories may be When I close my eyes, you're all that I see Come back to me A million miles away, come back and stay
And now try to read this while listening to the song:
Primus pulled back and looked at her blank face. He cradled Ymir’s face in his hands, and felt tears brimming in his eyes. “Little One, you suffered so much. You gave up so much, but what he did to you was not right. That wasn’t love. He hurt you and used you. He took everything from you and you did nothing to deserve that.”
Primus felt Ymir flinch and continued. “You are not a slave. What the king told you...that was wrong and cruel and unjustified. You’re not a slave, you’re not a devil, and you’re not a god. You are just a little girl with the weight of the world on her shoulders. A heavy burden, that causes nothing but misery.”
Primus saw her expression change. There was light flickering in her blank eyes, and he could’ve sworn he saw the color of her eyes.
“You do not deserve this,” Primus declared, “And I wish to take you far away from here…but…I cannot.”
Eren was shocked. What did he mean by he can’t? He stated earlier that he had the ability to do so! Why was he saying that he couldn’t now?!
“Little One, you were never given a chance to choose what you wanted,” Primus explained, “All your life, you were told by others what to do, but that is not what you want. I want so badly to take you far away from here and give you the peace and love you deserve. But I do not wish to force you to come with me. I wish for that to be your choice.”
Primus took her hands into his own. “If you wish to stay here forever, then…I will not stop you. I will leave you here, and you will not see me again. If you wish to come with me, I would be more than happy to take you as far away from here as possible. If you are not certain, then I will wait here as long as possible until you come to the decision.”
Ymir’s flickering gaze went to Primus’ hands holding her own. Ymir opened her mouth, and she could feel the strain in her voice. She struggled to form the words and felt like her throat was burning from trying to form it. But Primus patiently waited for her to speak. He waited and waited until…
Primus felt it: her confusion, her intrigue, her denial. She wanted desperately to understand the reason why a stranger came all this way to find her. Why was he willing to give a slave the whole world? Why did such a powerful being travel for 2,000 years to find a pitiful girl? There had to be a good reason.
“…Because I heard your cry, and I wanted nothing more than to save you.” Primus answered.
Ymir’s eyes brightened as she sharply turned her head to look at Primus. The life missing reappearing, revealing her eyes to be a pale gray infected by the blue of the energon. That…that was it? That was the only reason? He came all this way…for her? He came all this way…for a pathetic and worthless girl. Tears poured from her eyes once again as her lips trembled. He didn’t even know her, but…he came all this way. Someone had listened to her cry, her desperate plea for help, and it was him.
Primus gave her a warm smile, happy to see the life come back into her eyes. “Do you wish to come with me?”
Ymir gripped his hands deathly tight. She was still trying to comprehend those words, but she didn’t want to let go. This warmth, this kindness, this comfort, this boundless freedom: she had never felt it before. It was so different from what she had before. She…wanted to go with him. She wanted to go. She wanted the love and freedom he offered her. Ymir, despite her own fear, nodded her head, answering his question.
 “Then come with me, Little One,” Primus offered, “Let us go home, together.”
Ymir began shaking, shocked by the god’s words and offer, the tears pouring down her cheeks. Primus lifted his hands to touch her cheeks and wipe the tears that were falling. She slowly lifted her hands to touch the ones there, actually registering the physical contact, surprised by the soft touch and warmth he continued to give. She let out a cry of sorrow and relief, the first real and raw emotion she let out in years. She cried and cried and cried. She tightened her grip, not wanting this being to let go of her. Primus wrapped his arms around her and Ymir hugged him tightly. He rubbed her back as she cried in his chest.
“Little One, I promise you,” he began as he looked down at her and wiped her tears, “As long as I still function, no one will ever hurt you again. I promise.”
Primus saw the smallest ghost of a smile on her lips before nodding his head in reassurance. Primus smiled brightly towards her, tears coming down his face. He quietly laughed and hugged her close once more. Ymir continued crying into his chest, feeling all of her tension and stress leave her body in an instant. Her grief and sorrow were mute. All she felt was the warm and kindness this gentle being was willing to give to her. This…this is what love was. It had to be.
Primus raised his head and spoke ancient words. Both titan shifters watched the blue stream of energy surround Primus as he spoke this unfamiliar language. They grew fearful when they saw that his eyes were beginning to glow once more and his tears began to fade. When he finished speaking, the tree began to fall apart. It crumbled and turned to dust, and the dust flew up towards the stars. Eren then noticed a flower sprouting and blooming at Ymir’s feet. It looked other worldly, glowing a bright blue in a rather desolate place. Then, three more flowers bloomed next to the first one, and then nine formed. Before Eren realized it, multiple flowers began to spring up and bloom. This garden continued to expand for miles; the flowers blooming under Eren and Zeke. Eren watched as it went on for miles, a never ending field of flowers. He turned his head upward, and saw the starry night change into a mix of day and night. A sun began to shine while the stars glistened in the sky. Eren gasped when he saw the shining mountain lights that Armin had once told him about when they were kids, while three moons appeared in his line of sight. It was…it was indescribable.
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whatwooshkai · 1 month
HOME STRETCH!!! 21 like the strangely high American drinking age!
"I hate you," Blades mutters.
Quickshadow doesn't dignify that with an answer.
They've been stuck below ground for maybe a few hours now. Blades had spent the first hour panicking, the second hour sleeping off the exhaustion, and from then on the hours started to blur as he woke up and immediately started moping.
Quickshadow grimaces at the taste of dirt as she licks her claws clean, before going back to attacking the cave wall. Their comms are blocked from this far down, and there's absolutely no way the other rescue bots are picking up their signals. She can only hope that they saw exactly where the ground had opened up beneath her and Blades and are digging accordingly.
But they've also been down here a while, so that might be a stretch.
"You could help, you know," Quickshadow snaps, deciding Blades doesn't deserve grace anymore. Sure, he's a flier trapped who knows how deep underground and clearly isn't taking it well, but sitting in the corner pouting most certainly isn't helping anyone. "You do have claws."
Blades doesn't answer, so she keeps pressing. "If you actually want to get out of here, we must work together, you know-"
"Primus, you sound just like Hot Spot," Blades snaps, and Quickshadow pauses out of pure confusion.
Who is Hot Spot?
"'Oh, we're brothers, we're a team'," Blades mocks, and Quickshadow gets the distinct feeling that Blades isn't really talking to her anymore. "'The power of love and friendship and we have to stick together' and look where that got us!" He heaves a vent, putting his face in his hands. "No. No, he was right, we should've stuck together. Maybe then they wouldn't all be dead."
Quickshadow's interest is piqued, that's for sure. She's always been partial to mysteries, and enforcer training certainly doesn't help.
But this brings up a whole host of questions. Normally "brothers" is a term used for split-sparks and gestalts, though he fondly calls his team that. Was Blades part of a gestalt? Are they all dead besides him? She thought he didn't participate in the war, what could've possibly happened?
"Who is all dead?" she asks, and Blades meets her with a glare, but no answer, so she presses. "Were you part of a gestalt? A combiner team? I thought you never saw war, but all combiners were drafted right away, weren't they-"
Quickshadow's mouth snaps shut. Blades is glaring at her with more force than she thought him capable of, his rotors raised angrily and threateningly.
"All bots like you ever do is ask questions!" he screams, voice reverberating off the walls of the cave. "'What did it feel like'? 'Cause of death'? 'Maybe you'd like to come into the lab so we can study you'! 'Are you sure you felt him die'? All these motherfucking questions and I still don't know anything!"
Quickshadow opens her mouth to say something, anything, but Blades is whirling on her again. "Shut up!" he shouts. "I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it," he mumbles over and over, like a mantra, sinking down to the ground and pulling his knees to his chassis.
Quickshadow blinks. Something about what Blades was saying is ringing a bell in her processor, but she can't quite put a digit on it. There's some story, maybe something she heard in a break room or passing a mech on the street, something about a murder, or maybe a series of murders, having to do with a gestalt... but she can't quite remember.
Wasn't there a kidnapping case as well? Naturally forming gestalts were extremely rare, of course when the war broke out Autobots and Decepticons would want to have combiners on their teams.
Maybe I could look into it for you, she almost wants to say. I could get access to some old files. Maybe deep in my memory banks, there's something that could help you.
I want to help you.
"You don't hate me," is what comes out of her mouth.
Quickshadow returns to digging.
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toomanybrainrots · 9 months
RAAGGGGGHHH I’m having a mental breakdown asf rn 😘 but anygays I rlly need some fluff rn can I pwetty plwse have some Fortress Maximus x F!cybertroian reader?? Tysm pookie✨
The jumpscare I had when I saw this😭. I do hope you're okay right now, and here's the fluff you requested!
Warnings: a probably OOC Fort Max(real sorry for that)
Fortress Maximus with a Cybertronian Reader
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Fortress Maximus Loved cycles like these. Where you and him could just spend the entire cycle lazing around in your berth, no work, nothing and no one else except the two of you.
He can feel the hum of your spark as you lay against him, your helm on his chassis, servo over his spark chamber. His optics were looking at you, admiring the peaceful look on your face, your optics offline and a content smile on your lips. He held a servo on your back, almost like he was afraid you were going to be gone if he took his optics off of you for one klik.
He couldn’t help but think — what did he do to deserve you of all bots? What did he do to be worthy in Primus’ optics of such a bot like you? A strong, beautiful and strong bot, liking him of all bots and bonding with him. It was almost unbelievable to him.
“Something on your processor, sweetspark?” You ask, looking up at him, those beautiful optics gazing back at him. Oh, how he loved those beautiful optics, optics that matched the beauty of its owner.
“Nothing. Just thinking, about you that is.” He said, his lips curving into a smile as he turned his helm to fully meet your gaze. You let out a laugh, and he hoped the energon rushing up to his face wasn’t visible. Was that too sappy? Maybe he should’ve dialled it back a bit—
His thoughts are interrupted as you capture his lips in a kiss, to his surprise. The kiss - which was far too short in his personal opinion - is broken as you let out a chuckle at, what he assumed was, the look on his face.
“You’re very easily flustered.” You said, that adorable smile on his face. He turned his helm slightly away in a poor attempt to hide the blush on his face. Before he could do that any further, your servos reach up to cradle his face, turning his helm to look at you. He could feel more energon rushing to his face now.
He’s not surprised when you capture his lips in another kiss, he lets out a hum as he felt your lips against his, savouring the feeling and moment. He loved cycles like these, and he loved you most of all.
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annabelle-creart · 1 month
20 + OptChet + Adventure Bots
"Oh my-" Optimus looked at his conjux, full of mud and dirt like if a dog play on outside "are you okay?"
"Yeah, just... I got some problems" Ratchet excused, looking with piercing optics to the two orange bots behind, Optimus looked at them with compassion
"I'll talk with you later" Optimus told the orange bots and they leave as quickly as their pedes let them, Blades was genuinely scared but Bumblebee patted his back to comfort him "what happened?"
"What happened?" Ratchet asked Optimus, but Primus, his optics were like daggers "THAT MED BOT IS THE WORST MED BOT I´VE EVER MET IN MY WHOLE LIFE!" Ratchet shouted at Optimus, throwing his servos to everywhere "ORION, HOW THE FRAG ARE YOU LETTING BUMBLEBEE GOT TANGLED ON HIS STUPID STUFF!?"
"Ratchet, please-"
"Please, stop! Bee is not a sparkling"
"BUT ACTS LIKE ONE, AND THAT BLADES IS NO BETTER!" Ratchet's faceplate was colored by blue while his engines roared in disagreement
"But why are you so angry? What happened?" Optimus took Ratchet on his servos
"DID YOU KNOW BEE IS MORE-THAN-A-FRIEND WITH A BARD?!" Ratchet took (and squeezed hard) Optimus' servos "A BARD WHO IS TRAVELLING WITH A BUNCH OF USELESS?! AND BEE´S GOING WITH THEM?!" Ratchet´s voice was like a sharp screech for Optimus´ audial, nonetheless, the notice got him out of guard
"Bee is going with them?"
Ratchet was obviously grump and about to explode, but on Optimus' optics, it was like a super nova created a new galaxy
"You're kidding" Ratchet noticed Optimus' brilliant optics
"Oh Primus- Bee is going to marry?"
"I´m focusing, Ratchet, BEE IS GOING TO MARRY!" the smile on Optimus' faceplate was like seeing a star born, so bright and hopeful
"WITH A BARD!" meanwhile, Ratchet´s face was like seeing a hateful dragon about to burn an entire city "YOU KNOW HOW ARE BARDS!"
"But you were a bard"
"Ratchet, listen" Optimus pressed his fingers on Ratchet´s face to keep his attention "It doesn´t matter, you don´t know if they´re going to repeat the story, and, after all, the only thing important is Bee´s happiness"
"NO! For that reason, he deserves to be with whoever he wants, and Bee is smart enough to difference who is good for him from who isn´t, don´t you think?" Ratchet still wasn´t convinced, but his optics softened and OP felt how his faceplate cooled
"Ratchet, is okay, and even if the story repeated, look at us" Optimus let go Ratchet "life put us on the same path again, it was going to happen" OP gave Ratchet a soft kiss on his forehead, Ratchet sighed
"What is he does something and Bee is who pays for it"
"In that case, we will be there for him" Optimus hugged Ratchet, he only replied to rest his head, later remembering he was covered in mud
"My Primus- No!" Ratchet yelled to the air, noticing Optimus was know a mess too, but Optimus replied him with a big, comforting laugh, Primus, Optimus was like a gentle giant that kept Ratchet´s spark warm, he also gave a smile, relaxing a bit, he was still worried about the notice but Optimus always managed to see the good in everything "How you do that? See the good on everything?"
Optimus meditated it a bit, and with a smile, he replied "the good is what keeps me going through"
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hiiii I love all your little blurbs that show on my fyp your angst stuff hits so well…could I ask for something following Megs’ “death” after the TFP premiere and Optimus struggling to mourn, due to them being enemies and having to keep a brave face? Again, luv your stuff. Have an awesome day.
Optimus had to smile. Pretend he was as glad as everyone else. Had to ignore the bitterness he felt as his teammates, in their own ways, expressed how glad they were over Megatron's death. Feel unending guilt at the fact that he even feels bitter about it. He cares about his teammates. He knows each and everybody has lost something precious at Megatron's, Decepticon's, or at the war's hand. The war they all believe Megatron had started.
They don't know. They don't see. They don't realize what brought uppon this war, and now what Optimus will have to fight alone towards. Megatron represented hope. Hope for a better future, hope for equal treatment to all that the previous system ignored and abused. Hope.. Even so, Optimus doesn't regret disagreeing with the way Megatron wanted to go about things. He just regrets that he and Megatron couldn't have come to a compromise. Couldn't find common ground.
'Now he's dead.'
"He could be alive." Optimus comments out loud.
"Who?" Ratchet asks. Probably hoping to Primus that Optimus doesn't mean-
"Megatron?" Bumblebee beeps out, making everyone else stop in their tracks
"You don't seriously think he's still alive, do you?" Bulkhead adds
"Well," Arcee begins. "Even though it feels like there is no way he could be alive. You have to admit, he has survived worse." She scowls.
The mood of the base drops. Optimus already feels an argument brewing. He decides to stop it before it begins. "We do not know if he is alive or not. Arce is right, Megatron has survived worse. But even so, we must remain alert. We do not know what Decepticons will do with the loss of their leader. Only time will tell if this loss is temporary.. or permanent."
His team nods their helms with serious expressions. All except Ratchet, who is looking at Optimus with a look that says they will have a word about this later.
Optimus can only internally sigh as he walks off after a few more reassuring words. His team also dispersed after that. Ratchet followed after him.
"Optimus! Surely you can't be hoping he's alive! You of all mechs know of all the evil deeds he has done!" Ratchet begins once Optimus stops walking.
"I know all too well, old friend. I still wish things could have gone differently." Optimus admits this small bit to Ratchet. Hoping he of all bots could understand...
Ratchet only scoffs, crossing his arms. "Well, they didn't. Megatron made his choice, and he chose genocide. He chose to continue this war even after what happened to Cybertron! So many were killed because of his choices, Optimus.. You should stop being a bleeding spark for mechs that don't deserve it. Especially for a monster."
Optimus felt a part of his spark break. The small hope he had about trusting anyone with his thoughts was gone, just like that. It's fine. His field is still pulled tightly against his frame. Ratchet won't be able to feel how deeply those words hurt him. Optimus sighs. Trying to regain his composure. "Once again, you are right. Perhaps it is for the best that things ended up like this." The words felt like lead to his tongue. He had to force them out anyway.
"Damn right I am," Ratchet mutters, nodding. About to say something more. But Optimus tunes him out.
The Prime finds himself out at night, staring up at the singular moon. Why is he here? He should be back at base recharging. Rarely does Optimus come out at night. But when he does, he likes to drive to a secluded place. A place only he knows of.
"A place that reminds me of you.."
"My sworn brother turned enemy. How did things end up like this?"
'You betrayed him. You became a Prime.'
"I didn't wish to become a Prime!"
'A Prime shouldn't think about not wanting to be one. You are a fake. A failure as one. It is an honor and a privilege to fight for the people of Cybertron.'
"There is no Cybertron left to fight for.."
'And for the people?'
"They will always be worth fighting for."
'Then why are you here?'
'He's dead.'
"He could be alive."
'It would be better if he wasn't.'
'Why do you want him to be alive?'
"I do not know."
'You don't wish to admit it.'
"I wish things could have gone differently. That me and him could have rebuilt Cybertron side by side."
"He was my sworn brother. The Decepticons follow his lead, and I know with his help, no unfair laws could have ever been put in place."
'He was more than your sworn brother. You wished he was more than-'
"He shouldn't have been. That was a mistake on both our ends. We were both foolish -"
'You still love him. You still wished you both were more than enemies. Now he's dead.'
Optimus remains silent. Covering his optics with a servo. "This is ridiculous. I am a Prime. A protector of all life. If these feelings and thoughts are going to cloud my processor. It would be best if I didn't have them at all."
'Are you going to hide from your feelings? Your thoughts? Your memories? What you truthly long for? How many times will you do this, Optimus?'
Optimus paused when his processor conjured up Megatron's voice the moment he opened the folder he had been searching for. Shocked by the sheer amount of data he was hiding in it. One small folder he always forgot about. Was curious over. And always regretted opening again and again. It was all Megatron. Every memory, every thought, every feeling, it was all too overwealming. Optimus felt overpowering grief—
Optimus Prime did what needed to be done, closed, and hid the small, unassuming folder. "For however long I continue to be a leader."
Then he stood. The moon now hidden by clouds. Rain already beginning to pour.
And with that, Optimus Prime drove back to base. To the place that he knew could never replace home.
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in1-nutshell · 10 months
How would the lost light crew react about human reader throwing up on them by accident ?
The amount of possibilities with this prompt! Might revisit it in the future to add more! If you have more bots in mind please let me know. These characters were picked at random since you did not specify.
Hope you enjoy!
Tailgate, Rodimus Prime, and Brainstorm’s reaction to Human Buddy throwing up on them on accident
SFW, platonic, mentions of puke but nothing graphic, Human reader
Tailgate had sneaked in an alien fruit to Buddy on an off-world expedition. He felt bad for Buddy not having fresh food and having to eat from the boring looking containers.
He saw the fruit in an alien market that was titled organic friendly. To be fair, the fruit itself looked like one of the fruits Buddy had shown him.
An apple, was it?
Well Buddy thought that Tailgate had found the apple at a human friendly shop. So, they ate it.
That was not an apple.
The next they knew; they were puking their guts out all over Tailgate’s pede.
“What’s going on panic—AAAAHHH!”--Whirl
Tailgate literally runs past him sweeping him off his pedes.
Meanwhile with Cyclonus
“…Somethings wrong…”--Cyclonus
Tailgate is screaming and crying. He thinks he poisoned Buddy and now they are dying. He is breaking down walls trying to get to the medbay.
By the time he gets to the medbay Buddy had puke all over their face and some on Tailgate’s servos. He doesn’t care at that moment; his priority is Buddy right now.
Ratchet has to take Buddy aside while First Aid and Ambulon calm Tailgate down.
Tailgate apologizes profusely after finding out that the fruit made Buddy puke. He is now very wary of any food that Buddy consumes judging them if they are safe for his friend to eat.
Buddy cleans Tailgate’s servos as an apology for puking on him.
“Hey Fleshy I heard you puked your insides on Panic Button here.”--Whirl
“Yeah I—”--Buddy
“What do I have to do to see that?”--Whirl
“What!?”—Buddy and Tailgate
“Don’t even think about it Whirl!”--Tailgate
Tailgate running down to halls with Buddy in his servos followed by Whirl.
“There is no escape!”--Whirl
“Tailgate go faster!”--Buddy
Meanwhile with Cyclonus.
“…Something just happened…”--Cyclonus
Rodimus Prime
Rodimus didn’t believe that Buddy got carsick.
They can travel through space just like everyone on board and not get sick.
What’s the difference?
He secretly wanted to drive Buddy around on a joy ride like the ones he saw on Swerve’s earth movies. He wants to try and replicate the moves from ‘Fast and the Furious’.
He got his chance to drive Buddy one night.
Swerve’s was having yet another party for its grand reopening. The party was great and all, but Buddy was getting sleepy and decided it was best to retire for the night.
Rodimus saw this as his chance.
“Don’t worry Buddy, I’ll get you to your habsuite!”--Rodimus
“Oh, thanks Roddy—Wait what are you doing!?”--Buddy
“Giving you a ride! Now hang on!”--Rodimus
“HAHA isn’t this—”--Rodimus
“OH PRIMUS!”--Rodimus
Rodimus freaks out and brings them to Ratchet.
He gets scolded several different times, but he feels like the puke was enough.
Buddy gets better and cleans Rodimus several different times as an apology.
Rodimus was shining like a star for a good month from the amount of wax Buddy put on, not that he minded.
“Roddy I’m still so sorry for doing that.”--Buddy
“Hey, hey I was the one who started it. I did kind of deserved it for not listening to you.”--Rodimus
“You sure did!”--Ratchet
Brainstorm just wanted to show off his aerial skills to Buddy.
Buddy had never seen him transform and thought he was a monoformer. He was a bit offended that Buddy thought he was and sought to fix that.
Transforming, he told Buddy to climb in.
Buddy did and he took them out on a joy ride. He did some tricks in the air that made Buddy laugh. But after three more times Buddy stopped laughing.
“Getting bored, are we?”--Brainstorm
“No… its not that—”--Buddy
“Don’t worry I saved the best for last!”--Brainstorm
“Wait what?”--Buddy
“Here comes the double loop!”--Brainstorm
“Wait Brainstorm don’t!”--Buddy
“Here we go!”--Brainstorm
“Buddy are you okay!? Nevermind we are taking you to Ratchet! Hold on!”--Brainstorm
Brainstorm jets over to the medbay which causes more puke to come out. He is more worried about Buddy not dying.
He is interested in the fluid than he is upset about the mess inside. He wants to experiment with it.
Buddy cleans his interior several times as an apology. Brainstorm has been gleaming for weeks.
“So, this is what your fuel becomes when you eat it.”--Brainstorm
“Yeah, disgusting I know.”--Buddy
“Not at all! This is fascinating!”--Brainstorm
“I’ve never heard someone say that puke was ‘fascinating’.”--Buddy
“I wonder if I can make a gun that shoots this?”--Brainstorm
“Brainstorm no.”--Buddy
“Brainstorm yes!”--Brainstorm
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ddlcbrainrot · 5 months
I can't wrap my head around people genuinely not liking Monika, because she's a beautiful mess of a tragedy. And to a lot of those sorts of people, she gets exactly what she deserves.
Something I say about her is "Monika sucks, like Primus". Primus is a band with a very unique style who picked up the fan chant "Primus sucks!" as part of a goof on themselves. And Monika? Yeah she kinda sucks and that's the point. Like, video game rules says "we" are the protagonist as a player, but the story is ABOUT Monika and her mistakes.
You actually mention something ive been thinking for a while, DDLC is Monika's story in its core
I mean sure the side stories do expand the other characters as well, but in the base game, as much as i love Sayori, Natsuki and Yuri, they have no actual character arc/growth (mainly bc the game keeps resetting through acts so any progress that could have been made is also reset). The only one who does is Monika (since she is the only one that persists the resets). In my personal opinion, the main theme of DDLC has always been "nihilism vs existentialism". The whole game is basically Monika learning that her nihilistic view of their world is wrong, and that yeah maybe there is no meaning but even then she could have made one herself, with the help of the literature club. So, people saying they hate Monika but they love DDLC's story is not really possible, bc its her story.
Side note : people sometimes think that liking Monika means you support what she did which like... no? No sane person thinks that all the horrible things she did are justifiable. You can understand why someone does certain things and still know they are wrong.
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