#preventing child abuse
fosteringinsc · 1 year
Mandated Reporters. Who are they?
Mandated reporters are individuals required by law to report suspected child or vulnerable adult abuse or neglect. Professionals who work with children or vulnerable adults or have regular contact with them, such as teachers, healthcare providers, foster parents, social workers, and law enforcement officials, are typically mandated reporters. Mandatory reporting laws are designed to help…
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ashleyfableblack · 6 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem
For Child Abuse Prevention Month and y'all who never got to hear it. 💚🐢 🐀💚 Good parenting.
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"I don't HAVE to get it. YOU get it and that's enough because I LOVE you."
Good dad. 💜
Given Jackie Chan's notorious relationship to his LGBTQ daughter I have to wonder how this role hit home.
Love may find a way. 💜
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this is going to be a very uncomfortable and potentially triggering conversation so i suggest you scroll past if you have a lot of empathy because this isn't fun at all
also wanna preface this by saying i'm not interested in spreading conspiracy theories or "truther" claims because i feel that's incredibly disrespectful and potentially harmful to the people that need the most help. any allusions to unverified rumors will be presented as uncorroborated, not as fact (only bringing them up because i know that's the kind of rumor floating around and i don't want to seem like i'm participating somehow in dismissing concerns). because we simply don't know. and it's not our business.
i've had this bad feeling about amanda bynes for the past decade. it's the same pattern we've seen with child stars over and over again. the drugs, the mental breakdown, the conservatorship. but i pushed those nagging thoughts away. i didn't have the bandwidth at the time because i was living in an abusive household when her most public battles were happening. i didn't have the time or the emotional understanding to put towards what was happening to her even as i felt it mirrored what i was going through or what my mom was going through. then i found out about dan schneider a few years ago. i didn't really engage with the rumor and speculation about him - i was in my early 20s when this all broke and i didn't know most of the shows he'd been involved with except by the fact that my younger siblings watched them. i'd been an amanda bynes fan - hugely into the amanda show and what i like about you. my siblings watched drake and josh, icarly, and victorious. i didn't have the emotional bandwidth at the time to look into what people were saying. i knew it would upset me if i learned too much. but i couldn't stop thinking about amanda.
i heard about quiet on set from news websites. i saw the headlines about drake bell. it shook me to my core. the things i was reading were horrific and immediately put me in mind of what my sister went through as a teenage survivor of repeated sexual abuse by a man who was trusted with our care. she'd had a huge crush on drake when we were growing up. i wonder if she's heard about this.
this immediately made me think about amanda again. this time i couldn't push the thought away. i guess i'm finally ready to process the way this whole situation has felt to me.
the way people talk about amanda reminds me of how people in the 50s talked about judy garland. child star with incredible talent, far beyond her years, with incredible charm and personality and the whole world at her fingertips. everyone loved working with her. until she became erratic and had a mental breakdown fueled by drugs. (you could even argue there were parallels because both women were frequently typecast as the wholesome girl next door and not really allowed to break out of that infantilizing box.) and no one could ever think why. why does this happen.
i've come to believe that mental illness always has a cause. brain chemistry fucked up by trauma, whether that's long-term stress or a singular event or repeated traumas stacking on top of each other. the mind can't cope. i really, truly believe something horrific happened to amanda bynes. and i know people will say, well, maybe it wasn't dan schneider. she was doing fine for years after she stopped working with him. i want to make one thing very clear. trauma doesn't always manifest symptoms immediately. not everyone comes out of a trauma looking shell shocked. i know from my experience because i didn't have my breakdown until a year after my abuser was exposed and i'm still feeling the consequences to my psyche to this day. and i think it must be difficult for child stars to process this trauma. the pattern i've seen is the child star endures something terrible, gets incredible fame and begins taking on more and more pressure, then when this isn't enough to make them happy they turn to drugs. you think because they got out that it would all just go away? no. they were raised to play characters so they played those characters. there was incredible pressure to just play those characters because that's what the fans want. having struggles isn't part of the brand. it had to be especially rough on nick stars because there wasn't much separation between them and the characters they played. it was the amanda show. drake and josh used their real first names. the separation between who they were and who the character was was probably a very blurred line.
i wonder how long this documentary has been in production. tracking down these people and petitioning courts had to have taken ages. amanda was supposed to be at 90s con last year but cancelled due to illness and had another psychotic episode. 90s con itself may have been a trigger for her, but if someone had reached out to her or if she'd heard about this production...i could see that triggering her and making her relive the horror she went through. there are so many unsubstantiated rumors floating around. i can't speak to whether she was high on adderall during that interview when she was 12 (she could've just been a hyper child but they could've been pulling a judy garland on her and i don't trust these people plus she's said she got hooked on adderall when she was a teenager for weight loss but she may not feel comfortable disclosing if the studio has her under NDA). i can't verify if that side twitter actually belonged to amanda. it could be some sicko thought it was funny to accuse her boss of knocking her up and forcing her to get an abortion at 13 or accusing her father of various things.
but i get why she wouldn't speak up because people won't believe her no matter what she says. i went through something and people in my hometown still debate whether i'm crazy or lying for attention. my family did everything they could to put me under control and get me diagnosed as paranoid or delusional so they wouldn't face justice. (really don't get me started on how the mental healthcare system is used by abusers to cover up their sins.) i wouldn't put it past her parents to do that, especially considering amanda had a bad relationship with them as a teenager which sent her further into that groomer's clutches. she doesn't owe us anything because it'll start a firestorm that could retrigger her as people debate if she's delusional or scrutinize her past mistakes to determine if she's a perfect enough victim to deserve sympathy.
which brings me to drake bell. i knew he was the victim before i watched the doc but it still gave me chills when he sat down in that chair. like it felt like the air drained from the room. it was so obvious that what he went through has affected him so deeply and that he had no one to turn to. my abuser had so much community support, so many people making us out to be lying opportunistic bitches. i can't imagine having to carry that secret. i wonder if the people around him can pinpoint it in retrospect when he started being different. i want the other kids on set to know that it's not their fault they didn't know and that they had a bad opinion of him at some point. my sister and i were pitted against each other by the man who assaulted her and it's only with context later that i can see what was going on. i have no doubt that schneider employed these tactics so no one would feel comfortable disclosing what happened to them.
i admit that i cried watching the drake bell episode. that had to be incredibly difficult for him to open up about it after all these years and i hope he can get some closure and that someone starts a support group for these former nick stars.
and to drake bell himself. you were a child. you had no idea what grooming looks like. most grown people don't seem to know what grooming looks like based on how they talk about these issues. you are not at fault for what that man did to you or not knowing how to handle it. you didn't do anything to encourage this and you're not at fault.
and to his father. i appreciate that you did what you could to try to protect him. my mother had a similar experience trying to protect us from my abuser but everyone assumed she was psychotic and had her put away. try not to blame yourself when you were the lone voice of reason and everyone else insisted you were in the wrong. i do have fault to throw on amanda bynes' parents to some degree depending on what part of all this is true, but i can't find fault with drake bell's father who did try when he saw something wrong.
and i'm sorry but dan being super nice to drake afterwards seems like an attempt to make himself look better and get another hit show. i don't believe for a second that dan didn't know anything or that he had any motives beyond making his own star rise. he wanted to churn out product, and couldn't have that product if drake bell was visibly distraught.
i want to know how many people have known it was drake for 20 years and said nothing. how many people were in peck's side of the courtroom and yet still had the audacity to think this child was at fault in some way. that's vile and utterly unforgivable.
i just want to end this by saying to leave these people alone. don't harass anyone who hasn't spoken up because they may not be in a headspace where it's healthy of them to say anything. they don't owe us any explanation of why.
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hussyknee · 1 year
Idk if there's enough people talking about what a gigantic energy drain Complex PTSD is. It's not just one single traumatic event, it's having lived in a traumatic situation for a long time. And in the case of child abuse, your entire formative life period. Everything is a trigger, anxiety is your default, and your brain keeps trying to keep you safe by yelling at you about everything you're doing "wrong", which will lead to pain. Your brain is a constant war zone, braced for attack, rarely relaxed, at least some part of you always hypervigilant. The stress it takes on your body is insane. It's why trauma is linked to autoimmune issues, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and, according to one study, cancer.
Physical disability leaves you even more vulnerable and less able to live up to the impossible standards of control and "correct" behaviour your brain insists on, not to mention the free gift given to all patients of chronic illness that is medical gaslighting and patient-blaming, all of which simply compounds the trauma. Reduced physical and mental health obviously leads to systemic risk factors such as inability to pursue academic and professional qualifications, poverty and financial struggle, malnutrition, becoming unhoused or bad living conditions, exacerbated medical issues and further lack of medical resources, reliance on welfare and care networks, and becoming trapped in codependent, abusive or toxic relationships. The knock-on effects are endless.
This is all to say— if you're wondering why you can't seem to do more than the bare minimum every day when you haven't been diagnosed with a physical illness, or you're "not that disabled", or you think your symptoms are "just psychosomatic" (which means your brain is under so much intolerable stress that it's started taking a chair to the windows and destroying the furniture just to get you to NOTICE AND MAKE IT STOP): the answer is that your body is actually struggling under the kind of stress that kills trained soldiers and disables them for life. So stop trying to convince yourself that you're just not trying hard enough when what you really, desperately need to get your life on track is community, care, rest and ease.
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professorambrius · 6 months
Jeremy's Latest Partnership
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Jeremy is getting ready to help some very special kids and asks for help....
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#Trans Woman Lesbian Pansexual Bisexuality Asexuality Demisexuality Paraphilia Acceptance Love Compassion Diversity Feelings Emotions Autism#Adhd Tourette Npd Hpd Bpd Dpd Ppd Aspd Avpd Ocpd Szpd Stpd Osdd Spd Tpd Sdpd Papd Cptsd Trauma Victim Abused Psychosis Scizophrenia Bipolar#Yandere Obsessive Compulsive Suomi Finland Finnish Anime Writing Sexism Racism Queerphobia Ableism Sanism Paraphobia Agephobia Bodyphobia#Sickphobia Animalphobia Itemphobia Racephobia Discrimination Oppression Anticapitalism Leftist Leftism Smart Capable Intelligent Genius#Antipsychiatry All Cops Are Bastard All Doctors Are Bastard Mother Goddess Angel Sisters Princess Radqueer Feminist Communist Anarchist#All School Is Evil Anti School All Of School Is Bastard All Of School Is Evil Capitalist Brainwashing Interesting Cool <3#Everyone Is By Default An Enemy Of The Society Everyone Likes Anime Everyone Has A Crazy Past...#This Should Be Simple... Right...? Come... Now... Make Us Transition... You're Our Only Hope...#That Was Crazy We Got Just Abused Once Again... Blocked Again... Without A Reason... Uww... Another Bigot Aren't You Darling...?#Mother Goddess Angel Sisters Princess Radqueer Feminist Communist Anarchist Mad Pride Insanity Terrormania Sexy Life#Manga Josei Romance Romantic Drama Fantasy Fighting Awesome Admirable Amazing Badass Fire#Antiprison WE MUST PREVENT EVERYTHING BAD THERE CAN BE AND EVERYTHING BAD WE'VE BEEN TROUGH WHEN WE HAVE CHILDREN THEY WILL NOT SUFFER LIKE#WE DID... NOT BY US... WE WILL SUPPORT EVERYTHING GOOD... EVERYONE WILL BE OUR GOLDEN CHILD... WHO WOULDN'T BE...? ANYONE WE HAVE IS AMAZING#Anime Writing All Prrnn Should Be Allowed Prrnn Should Be Better The Goddess Of Time They Want This#I CAN HEAR THEM THE GODDESSESS OF TIME THEY WISH ALL PRRNN WAS ALLOWED TO WATCH OUTSIDE EVERYONE ONLY PRAISING NEVER JUDGING... NORMAL...
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ivygorgon · 5 months
👰‍♀️Say NO to Child Marriages in America! Implement Standardized Marriage Age Laws
2 so far! Help us get to 5 signers!
I am writing to express my deep concerns regarding the discrepancies and alarming loopholes in marriage age laws across the states and to advocate for action towards implementing a standardized marriage age of 18 nationwide, with strict provisions that prohibit underage marriage below 16 and set an age of consent not below 16. Additionally, I recommend setting a consent age gap provision that is no more permissive than at least 14 years old and up to five years older, further ensuring the safety and well-being of our youth.
It is alarming to note that four states—California, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Oklahoma—currently have no official minimum age for marriage but require parental consent or court approval. This inconsistency in laws creates dangerous loopholes that could be exploited by individuals seeking to harm or exploit minors. Allowing underage marriage below the age of 16 poses serious risks, including increased vulnerability to exploitation and abuse.
I urge you to take immediate steps towards implementing a consistent and protective legal framework by advocating for standardized marriage age laws across the nation.
Thank you for considering this urgent matter. I strongly believe that uniform marriage age laws are essential to safeguarding the rights and safety of young individuals and preventing potential harm.
Together, we can say NO to child marriage and child exploitation!
📱 Text SIGN PQDHSX to 50409
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es-quest · 8 months
You stay in the forest for longer, nothing is really, changing. The scene flickers to different areas. A flowerbed, some wolf pups playing, deer frolicking.
The real scene is happening inside a small town, far away from them, but you were being monitored constantly and you liked to imagine what they would do when you weren't there. Maybe it was naive of you to think of it as a peaceful world. Was that rabbit okay? You couldn't be sure. You hoped it was.
(Whatever happened to it must be a kinder fate then being in here though. Your not sure who benefits from this. Someone must right? Or else why would something like this happen?)
You stay in the forest.
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2024skin · 2 months
Lmfao @ the idea that it's possible to raise children religiously in a healthy way
#maybe i was raised too atheist but like if you dont think that all religions are a tool for societal control and preach rotten messages#that support racial and sex hierarchies in order to prevent the masses from protesting cruelty against out groups#then like what do you even think religion is? a collection of different approaches to contacting god?? lol#sorry but i dont see it that way i dont believe any religion offers a spiritual pathway to connecting with god#if god is real then the spiritual connection to them must be innate and cannot be refined by engaging in groupthink#and thats only IF god is real! you wanna allow a ton of racist and sexist propaganda to be taught to kids on the offchance#that it Might teach them how to connect to god better? all of that is worth it to you?#also idk about other religions but you absolutely CANNOT healthily teach a child that if they do wrong they will burn in hell#sorry but that is inherently traumatizing its abusive and the idea that nonbelievers shall suffer eternally desensitizes children#to suffering and isolates them from non christians. so if you teach christianity accurately to children#then you are traumatizing them and also teaching them that endless suffering is divine justice#and if you decline to teach your children about hell then you might as well admit that you dont need the bible to connect to god#and throw the whole damn thing out and raise them nondenominational#and even if you do that they will still eventually learn about hell and it will forever change their opinion on human suffering#at least that's my experience with nondenominational christians lol
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me-parenting · 3 months
Single Parents Essentials Shopping List for Kids 1. Clothing
Wonder nation kids socks (M, $4.97)
Fruit of the loom underwear (S, $9.94)
Wonder nation hoodie (M, $15.98)
Pajamas (M, $15.99)
5 Wonder nation t-shirt (M, $15.98)
3 Wonder nation leggings (M, $12.98)
12 Swiss tech winter boots ($18.48)
12 JYNZ winter coat ($29.16)
12 Athletic works sneakers ($19.98)
12 Wonder nation rain boots ($18.98)
Total ($162.44)
Avg shirt / pant size (M - 7.4)
Avg shoe size (12)
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
Do you have any advice for how to manage stress and like constant fear? Or maybe advice about what I should do? (Tw suicide, not mine) My younger sister is severely suicidal and depressed and I've been talking to her every night and sleeping on her floor to stop her from killing herself and I keep talking to my parents about how she needs to go to therapy but they aren't doing anything and they haven't for over a year. My mom told me that it's not my place to decide what's best for my sister. And my dad said that because I'm only 17 I don't know anything about this but I've begged them like five or six times and they still don't believe me. My mom insists I'm being over dramatic and it's my fault that her and my dad talking to my younger sister like 1 time didn't make it better. But they won't talk to my sister at all if I don't or help her and my younger sister has tried to attempt before so I think we need to talk to her more than once? I guess It seems pretty clear to me that my younger sister should go to therapy but maybe I'm thinking about this wrong? Idk. Um. So I guess I just feel really overwhelmed because I've tried asking my siblings for help about my sister and one of my sister's said they wish my younger sister had never been born so we wouldn't have to deal with this (which made it pretty clear she doesn't want to help. Also she's done exactly 0 things to help she just gets inconvenienced by the very idea she might have to and things won't revolve around her problems for like 2 seconds) and my oldest sister who's married and moved out I talked with but now she wont do anything anymore because my parents told her to back off after my mom went on a huge spiel about how I'm over dramatic and blowing things out of porportion and my oldest sister has no right to do anything because she doesn't have legal custody. I don't know. My entire family talks to me about their stress and worries and concerns and I shouldn't be so upset about my younger sister cause I'm used to it but I'm scared all the time that the moment I fall asleep she's actually going to hurt herself so I try to stay up all night to listen for her and I just don't know how to manage the stress and get her help. My parents homeschool us and I don't get to leave the house by myself cause my mom is convinced I'll get murdered. So idk who to talk to or how or even if I should. I don't think this is really abuse, cause my parents haven't hit us and I don't really fit the criteria for emotional abuse either according to your masterlist, (I mean my sister has hit me a few times (not the one moved out) but siblings are different) but idk. It's still trauma? Maybe. Unless it's not? I don't know. Maybe my mom is right. Sorry if this is rambly and weird im just really tired.
Hey, from what I'm reading here, you're the entire's family emotional support, you take all of the stress and complaints from everyone, you alone are responsible for your sister's continuation of life, and you are not even allowed to leave the house, because your mom is worried you'll get killed? And you got hit, but you don't think that was serious?
There is so much stress on you, I'm worried that you might get pushed under the edge. I can sense your utter desperation in saving your sister's life, and that comes from a place of deep compassion, concern, and kinship with your family member. I can tell you'd do anything to save her, and you fear that if she dies, it will be your fault.
But it can't be. Because you alone cannot be responsible for what others do. You've already done everything. You've asked every other person for help, you've raised the alarm, you've been trying to help her, you can't even sleep at night. It cannot be expected of you to go to these lengths, be in this amount of stress, for prolonged amounts of time, even when someone's life is in question. You are not a suicide line, you're not an institution that provides support and watch over people who might do something to themselves, you're not in control.
I believe you're under too much stress and that nobody has any compassion for what you're going through. If even one person cared, they would have helped your sister and watched over her for you. They would have shared the responsibility of saving her and wouldn't make you the sole person responsible. If your sister does, in the worst case scenario, die, you will be the only one who isn't responsible, who's already done everything to prevent it. The fault will be on everyone else.
You seem to be in a prolonged crisis, and I'm not actually equipped to help someone in a crisis like this, so I can't tell you what to do - or rather, I think you've done enough. You've been through enough stress, enough apathy, enough pain. You've been left alone to suffer through this stress, even though you've expressed how scared and anxious you are, and asked for help.
You being kept inside the house at all times, is a form of physical abuse, I should have added it to the checklists - it's a form of violence to restrict your movements. It doesn't make any sense that you will be killed if you step out, when everyone else can walk freely. You are being parentified, and used as an emotional resource, instead of cared for and raised as a loved and nurtured child.
This list has a category of 'parentification', I hope you can find some resources there. I believe you are being abused, and you were taught that it doesn't matter if it happens to you.
I hope you manage to get some sleep. I'm so sorry you were put into this situation, you are not responsible for this. Your parents should be taking this stress, not you. You cannot be responsible for anyone's continuation of life, and being put in a situation where it's expected of you, will break you. This is not on you.
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sacredfire44 · 2 years
Do you ever think maybe the reason Naruto got away with so many big pranks wasn’t because he was stealthy enough to avoid the ANBU, but because his ANBU guard had seen how he was treated and at some point was like “Actually, you know what? He can have a bit of revenge. As a treat.”
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jonathanbassett · 4 months
Working on Article to prevent child abuse
I'm working on an article to help bring awareness to child abuse. I need some more creative ideas on how we can prevent and fix this problem. So far I have a list of acts/events that count as abuse. Possible solutions I have come up with is:
1. Parenting classes every year so the parent can be more prepared for every new year and challenges of their child's life.
2. Each house/family needs a helper at home in some way to lessen the stress of everyday life.
3. Go from being a selfish culture to being more like Virgin River where if someone needs help there's someone willing to help.
Any other ideas or tips for this?
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facelesspassport · 2 years
"An abusive man may embellish his childhood suffering once he discovers that it helps him escape responsibility.
The National District Attorney's Association Bulletin reported a revealing study that was conducted on another group of destructive men: child sexual abusers. The researcher asked each man whether he himself had been sexually victimized as a child. A hefty 67% of the subjects said, "yes". However, the researcher then informed the men that he was going to hook them up to a lie-detector test and ask them the same questions again. Affirmative answers suddenly dropped to only 29%. In other words, abusers of all varieties tend to realize the mileage they can get out of saying, 'I'm abusive because the same thing was done to me.' "
Day 3 of sharing excerpts from Lundy Bancroft's Why Does he DO That?
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muzzled-kelevra · 6 months
I added this onto a reblog about advice/tips for surviving abuse but since it's a very, very long post, I'll be reposting it alone too.
Unfortunately, I have some useful tips to add on based on personal experience.
If you have baby/dog gates in your house that are too loud to open/close, try to climb over if you can.
You can climb over gates by putting one leg over like you'll ride a horse and then put your lead leg down to the floor (tip toes preferred) and bring your other leg over. If you're short or worried about tripping, grab your foot and pull. Might take some practice if you're bad at balancing.
If there's hidden spaces people don't see but you can get to behind fridges, microwaves, the oven, etc, use them to your advantage. Try to keep it small items.
If you're worried about the fridge light at night, there's an actual switch usually inside (it could be on the outside) the fridge in order to turn it off. Try to do this right before you and others go to bed if you need to get up in the night for the fridge.
If you have multiple fridges/freezers, try to memorize what items/foods/drinks are in each separately. Overall try to remember even if you only have *one* fridge/freezer.
If you have ledges or shelves located high up in your room or in your closet, you can hide small items on those ledges. Someone may never know you have a key, pen, or small notes hidden above your doorway.
If you're allowed to have items hung up in your room (posters, pictures, notes, drawings, etc) try to hide small, light items behind them (key, notes for phone numbers etc). Don't keep them there, don't forget about them.
Find some way to have a lighter, matches, and/or keychain flashlight if a large flashlight or candle is unavailable. You can often find these at gas stations or stores like Dick's Sporting Goods or Big Five.
For whatever reason you may need it for, you might be able to hide something small in your hair (if you have hair that at least goes to your chin) using bobby pins. Marks on your neck or face can also be hidden with hair and bobby pins can pin your hair in place. Might look odd though, I personally haven't tried it but it's something I thought of doing.
Definitely try to keep Ibuprofen and Tylenol on you or stashed somewhere safe if you can. I know that can technically be added to first aid said above but those are both great over-the-counter painkillers.
If your door is loud when you close it because it slams against the doorway (maybe it's very light), turn the knob, slowly close the door, and push all the way forward against the doorway before you slowly turn the knob back into place.
If you're worried about leaving your room during the day and someone grabbing your arm in order to hold you there and talk to you, try to stick toward walls and stay away from the person. Peek around corners quickly to make sure the room is empty. If you have to be in the same room as them or pass by, keep yourself tucked and your arms as close to your body as possible and move quickly. Try not to be suspicious about it.
If you have cameras in your house/room/outside but you have cash of any sort and are allowed to go to the store, try to find a secondary safe place away from but somewhere near the house where you can hide the items you bought. If your garage or shed is the safe place, hide the items somewhere up high or in an attic space, or somewhere no one will really check. Some cashiers might be kind enough to store some items there if they're nice enough, but it may only be for a few hours.
If your house has white noise (specifically fans), definitely use it to your advantage in any way you can that won't be suspicious.
If you live with someone disgusting who does not have any sort of hygiene, don't assume anything is clean. Try to wipe down dishes with a clean cloth, paper towel, toilet paper, or wipes if you can. Don't use hand sanitizer to clean surfaces you will have food/drink you'll ingest on. Try to have your own cleaning products if you can and store them out of the bathroom (if you share).
If you share a room/bed with someone and you have a closet, try to make a makeshift bed for the closet if you have space.
If your household has arguments, sometimes the closet doubles as a place that muffles the shouting. Bonus if there are clothes hanging in the closet that you can hide in.
If your house has a crawl space that you can access, try to learn the layout of it if safe to do so. It may come in handy. You might be able to store items down there if no one goes down there, but make sure no one EVER goes down there. Try to be on top of knowing if housework needs to be done so you're prepared to move the stuff.
Learn how to hop high fences and chicken wire fences, it especially helps if you have something to climb on first such as a picnic table nearby. Shoes help a ton with chicken wire, but you can try socks since barefoot hurts a lot.
If your window is a bit high off the ground but you can jump from it, don't land on your heels/flatfooted/knees locked. Try to land on the front of your feet and fall with gravity i.e bend your knees and fall if you need to.
If you have a foam baby mat on your floor, try to fold it up and do NOT step on it barefooted.
If your parents turn off the wi-fi at night and you don't have access to mobile data, Samsung notes and Google Docs don't require any sort of data/wifi so your written content will be saved.
If you need to take your phone to school but you're not allowed to, hide it in your lunchbox or backpack RIGHT BEFORE you leave. ONLY DO THIS FOR EMERGENCIES OR IF YOU REALLY NEED TO. It's possible you may get punished when you return home if your parents notice.
If you menstruate and don't have pads, use a thin hand towel or other clean cloth. Try to avoid toilet paper as it breaks up really easily and becomes uncomfortable, and paper towels may also.
I probably have more but this is just stuff I can remember right now. I haven't gone through a lot of the hardcore stuff described in the reblog and I'm so sorry to anyone who is going through that. I can't imagine what that's like but I'm here if you ever want to vent. I'm a traumadump/abuse/vent-specific blog. You're safe here.
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roboticsstuff · 10 months
For everyone!
Hey, guys! It's ltzCuteFuzz! Here, and today, I'm here to share something.
For everyone who has hard times to come out who they want to be with or their sexualities:
it's okay, you have all the time in the world to figure it out! For boys, all boys don't have to like the color blue, you can like other colors too! Including the color pink! And Girls, if you like girls, you can be who you want to be.
And for Women:
Don't let a man control your life or your body, and don't ever ruin your face, or body. It doesn't need plastic fat or skinny, you're still beautiful inside or out! So don't do anything that's gonna ruin your body! Natural beauty is just right, sure you can put make up on but not a whole lot on it!
For people who got bullied or were bullied:
What that person says about you, screw them, in the future I can see you with a nice dress or suit, in a fancy mansion with unlimited money, and a hot wife or husband, and a few years later the person who picked on you is gonna be looking stupid, and homeless! And you can get to laugh in their faces!
For people battling cancer:
Don't let that cancer win, the moment you give up is the moment you let it win! Keep fighting—no matter how bad the fight gets, don't go dying without a fight! If you win, then the world is waiting for what you can do! And if it wins, go down swinging, but God will be waiting for you, waiting in the wings!
For everyone who has or was abused:
Abusive parents, family, girlfriends, or boyfriends, they are like predators and they see you as the prey. But you can overpower them by saying help, save me or anything! Talk to a counselor, teacher, loved one, best friend, or a hotline number! Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness, sure you're gonna experience trauma, PTSD, and Physical trauma, but you're more powerful than you think. Don't forget that!
For people suffering from depression/suicidal thoughts:
Don't cut, Your skin isn't paper
Don't judge your face, it isn't a book
Don't hang, your neck isn't clothes
Don't shoot, you're not a target
Never end your life because someone said so or something, your life is more important than others! And I know deep down in my heart that there are a lot of things you can do! Believe me, I went through that state of mind, and I got out there... And I survived!
For people who are suffering from mental illnesses or disorders:
You're strong, independent, intelligent. Make sure you use that wisely, because many people feel like they can't! Don't let those illnesses or disorders get to you no matter what!
P.S. your welcome to reblog if you want! 😊
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