Hello There Hero!
435 posts
An Adventure Ask Blog.
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es-quest · 2 months ago
@karemandohan1999 needs your help. She's a Palestinian woman who lost her home in the genocide. Her family lost their only source of income, and now they wish to rebuild it to provide for their son and to live well again. Living in Gaza is now extremely expensive and basic necessities are hard to access, so every donation you make, no matter how small, can go a long way in helping
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es-quest · 2 months ago
OOC: Very honestly I converted Amane and Es into OCs months ago already and I haven't been feeling like writing Es Quest since I did that but also I want to end it. I think this should be given an end. But I don't know how to get to that end. ... I wonder if you people will be alright if the end isn't the greatest......
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es-quest · 3 months ago
Good evening,
Part of you- Guard sounds poisonous? I guess I sort of get it. It's a very harsh sounding term. It's more like you're there to keep her in there more than help her out. But it's not exactly like we know what you want to do even if you are of part of us.
Could you possibly communicate your goals to us? Also maybe tell us why and when you arrived here? You said something bad must have happened to Es if you're here after all. What makes you so certain of that?
I just am. It only makes sense. If I'm being a more distinct presence then that means Es isn't here. Cause I'm Part of You. Not Part of Es.
Does that make sense to you?
And I'm just here to.....why am I here huh...?
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es-quest · 3 months ago
OOC: My god I didnt even remember my own anniversary…I wasnt able to draw anything cause me hands were injuired (their better now) but still I didn’t have time.
I’ll get back on this soon I swear! Ive just uh. Been obsessed with Umineko. So it might be a bit….
Hello Everyone! This is a AU Adventure Ask blog in the style of stuff like Seekerquest! Heavily inspired by Slay The Princess and Utena and a few other things.
The premise is this: You are Es, and you are here to save the world, and to do that you need to get into this temple.
That is Definitely All There Is And Nothing Else Is Going On Here.
Main is @not-too-many-eyes but the Milgram sideblog is @purgemarchlockdown, if you want to look for Milgram stuff go there and not my main.
CWs for this blog include: Death, Child Death, Child Abuse, Religious Trauma, Dehumanization, Canon-Typical Acts of Violence, Body Horror, Manipulation, Suicide, and Distorted Reality. Please send an ask if you believe there should be another CW added to this list.
Current Loop: ??
Read Chronologically
Blog Guidelines:
-Asks will either be portrayed as Voices to the characters or as extensions of their thoughts and feelings.
-As with Milgram the series, your thoughts and actions Will Affect the story. So I'm encouraging Theorization and if you want you can send your theories onto this blog or my Milgram Sideblog. I deeply appreciate it.
-While I'm alright with antagonism towards these Fictional Characters in the ask box. If it starts getting into Personal Attacks onto people or offensive comments towards them it Will get Clamped Down On. Just be respectful in the box please.
-Also no NSFW asks but I hope that doesn't need to be said.
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es-quest · 4 months ago
OOC: If your wondering why I haven't updated in a bit it's not cause of anything it's cause Umineko currently has a vice grip on my soul. Really sorry about that. The onset of a new fixation might take me away for a bit I'll get back to the kids I promise just give me a few moments to ride it out.
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es-quest · 5 months ago
Part of You me again- earlier speakers were right your name is a mouthful and a few characters too long to type. Since you seem to be looking over and protective of Amane here- would it be fine if I referred to you as Guard or Guard-san? - Gunsli
This might be strange to say but name like that feels rather poisonous? If that makes sense to you.
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es-quest · 5 months ago
Hey, Part of You. What do you think of Es? Since you've been here from the beginning... What do you think of their journey and ours?- Gunsli
Oh? Hm. I don't think I have much of an opinion. Their just Es. I would have been fine seeing any sort of journey, but I'm happy they tried to be kind to her.
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es-quest · 5 months ago
Good evening,
Can we play on the cat tree for seven minutes? I think that would be fun. Also, something may be on it.
A small look would be acceptable.
She walks towards it. Looking all over it. She's actually too big for it so she has to be careful not to unbalance it as she searches for anything that could possible be on it. But it seems like there's nothing at all.
Though she did find this ball of yarn inside of it.
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es-quest · 5 months ago
Are there any windows here? Is it heard something outside? Urgh, we can't hang out eternity here, and I agree, the completely beige room is terrible aesthetically >_<
She's glad you all agree that this room being all beige is a horrible awful choice. She's going to kill whoever designed this place. She can already feel the remenats of her sanity leave her body as she exists in this room.
And also there's no windows.
There is no reprieve at all.
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es-quest · 5 months ago
Good evening,
It's evening where I am! What time is it for you? It seems you've been locked in this room. Though given what happened when you fell maybe you don't have to be trapped. Is there a small opening anywhere that you may be able to squeeze through. Or does the door they locked have a keyhole on the inside as well perhaps?
What's the room like?
The room is actually rather pleasant. Soft carpeting. A big bed. There was even a surprisingly large cat tree and scratching post in the corner...
Not that she would ever use those.
She gently scratches her hand. Still the room isn't perfect. For some reason the designers thought it would be a good idea to make everything the same color of beige. A design choice that she doesn't appreciate at all.
The door on the other hand seems like a normal door. She tries to squeeze through it but an invisible force seems to stop her. No matter how hard she tries to force herself out.
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es-quest · 5 months ago
*tugs on Amane's cat ears lightly* Do you actually hear out of these is there another of set of ears beneath your hair. Do they move like regular cat ears??? *boops her nose*
She falls off the wall, parts of her still sticking to it before getting reabsorbed into herself. "I wish I didn't hear out of them at this moment..." She stands up. Looking around where she landed.
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Just more doors.
She sighs. Putting her hand on another door, hoping that it'll let her out but instead it's just.
Another Hallway
With more doors.
She opens another. Same situation. She's opening doors but going nowhere. Is it the same hallway? A different one? Does it really matter? She's not Going Anywhere, she's just-
"Hello, ma'am, sir, cat." Someone says. Tapping on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, but could you please return to your room?" ... "What?" "Uh-" The employee(?)'s head tilts downwards before shooting back up to look at her. "Have you...not been assigned a room? Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear- here take this!" She shoves a key into her hands, and she wonders for a moment if this could be another key for that door, but it doesn't seem like one that could fit into the locks on it.
Actually it doesn't seem like a key that could fit into Any of the doors presented to her or any door that could exist. It seems too misshapen and badly made for it to work for it's intended purpose.
"My...apologies, however I believe you have mistaken me for-" Amane tries to communicate, before the employee pushes her towards a door. Completely ignoring her words.
"I'm sorry but you have to wait here for now! They won't see anyone till she's ready! And I would be in trouble if you were allowed to roam around any more than you already have!"
Before she could protest further the employee takes a Different Key and rams it into the lock. Opening the door, and causing her to fall inside of the room. The click she hears signifying that she is now locked in for the time being.
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es-quest · 5 months ago
Good day,
It's quite rude to ignore others or keep them waiting. Es is waiting for you- I think we both knkw this. I think...perhaps you didn't rip up their hat. Maybe some part of you wanted to return it to them just a bit. If what I'm supposing is the case then keeping it around would be painful.
Though maybe you didn't have the strength to destroy it. In case like that I'd throw it out. Are you sure you don't want to get it now? Or if I'm wrong show me it's torn remains just like you did with... Well, I'm certain you remember. I'm sorry for riling you up to that extent... Is- Is your head alright? Did you get injured from any of that?
I know this is selfish of me. But if you could muster it I'd really appreciate if we could inspect that door you opened together.
- Gunsli
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Considering it is Your Fault she is in this situation she finds that selfishness to be frankly. Annoying. Your continued insistence at pushing into her problems to be upsetting. And-
She slams head first into a wall.
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es-quest · 5 months ago
Good day,
At least, I hope it’s a good day when you receive this. I haven’t caught up to current events as of yet. I’ll be going over them as I write this letter. Time is funny isn’t it. From my perspective it’s been a good while since I’ve heard even the smallest of noise from this place.
At a glance it seems as though many things have changed since I was last aware of this place. Yet, you’re always aware of it, huh? From your words- You’ve been stuck in this place for a long time. A time that’s impossible to measure. It makes sense, I mean there’s no clocks or the sun see rise and set. Still, the passage of can be felt just the same.
Sometimes it can drag even more when those things aren’t present.
Amane do you know about “Part of You” the one who narrates? Can you hear that person or is that just us? I wonder if this songwill be familiar to that person? You said Es left you after all, but is that the most honest description of their actions?
They left in an attempt to help you did they not?
Are not the same Amane who asked them, “…Are you still worried about me?” Do you not remember the lives you’ve lived. That can’t be the case can it? You said it yourself, “Sometimes people kill me and are happy with it. The world does not end then.”
If you’ve even remembered those times. Then surely you remember the one’s with Es as well. The efforts they put forth over and over again.
The times they tried to help and you rebuked them- How you were shocked by them still being outside when they shouldn’t have been because all the people who made them up had woken up? The upset you felt when you were told they’d come back certain that they must kill the thing in the basement? Your own hesitation before consuming them?
Do you not remember saying these words to them, “…Why do you come back for me still? All I’ve done to you is harm…so why do you continue to do so… I don’t understand…I don’t…..”
Do you not remember the thing they gave you- You said you had nothing out there before. Es gave you something out there.
“I’ll stop.” Es says. “I won’t come back here ever again! You just have to do one thing for me.”
“I want you give me back my hat.”
And you said they couldn’t get out of here because they were made of him. You said it was impossible and even if they did that you had no reason to do anything they said.
Specifically, to “Part of You” whose body is this exactly?
Now, pardon my rudeness Amane… But- why are you waiting for people to ask you what you want to do? Why don’t you just do it? If you want to go back to when god was there so badly why were you just waiting there with their remains. If you still want that why not try to find the keys to that door?
Isn’t it blasphemous to use god as an excuse for complacency. No wonder god isn’t coming back. Do you really want god to return or just your convenient excuse back? If you really wanted to know all the things that happened why not ask instead of denying everything outright.
Haven't you just been running away from things this whole time?
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"Shut up...." Amane mutters. Trying to ignore your voice. She doesn't have to listen to you. Actually she's been very good at ignoring you up to this point! So, she will continue to=
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Amane swings wildly at you. At the empty space in front of her. But there's nothing at all for there for her to hurt.
Until, of course, something does break.
A door. A very normal door. Maybe even the most normal feeling door in this place.
That's...fine isn't it?
She places a hand to her head. Feeling strangely...hurt.
And then she gets sucked into whatever room that door leads to.
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es-quest · 5 months ago
...are you giving up?
Amane brings her blanket tighter around her. Feeling more suffocated than she should be at the moment.
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She's not really giving up.
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es-quest · 5 months ago
Is self-destroying that fun?
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es-quest · 5 months ago
Amane, when the hero left, what changes did you notice with the voices?
(Nope, totally didn't ask to punt Amane a moment ago)
You disappeared.
She was alone.
That's all that she knows.
Not that it matters at this point.
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es-quest · 5 months ago
...Are we real?
Are you expecting her to say none of this is real? She very honestly doesn't know anymore.
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