#battling cancer
tilbageidanmark · 27 days
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Pepe Mujica, Uruguay's former president, and the only politician I admire, is battling cancer.
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roboticsstuff · 10 months
For everyone!
Hey, guys! It's ltzCuteFuzz! Here, and today, I'm here to share something.
For everyone who has hard times to come out who they want to be with or their sexualities:
it's okay, you have all the time in the world to figure it out! For boys, all boys don't have to like the color blue, you can like other colors too! Including the color pink! And Girls, if you like girls, you can be who you want to be.
And for Women:
Don't let a man control your life or your body, and don't ever ruin your face, or body. It doesn't need plastic fat or skinny, you're still beautiful inside or out! So don't do anything that's gonna ruin your body! Natural beauty is just right, sure you can put make up on but not a whole lot on it!
For people who got bullied or were bullied:
What that person says about you, screw them, in the future I can see you with a nice dress or suit, in a fancy mansion with unlimited money, and a hot wife or husband, and a few years later the person who picked on you is gonna be looking stupid, and homeless! And you can get to laugh in their faces!
For people battling cancer:
Don't let that cancer win, the moment you give up is the moment you let it win! Keep fighting—no matter how bad the fight gets, don't go dying without a fight! If you win, then the world is waiting for what you can do! And if it wins, go down swinging, but God will be waiting for you, waiting in the wings!
For everyone who has or was abused:
Abusive parents, family, girlfriends, or boyfriends, they are like predators and they see you as the prey. But you can overpower them by saying help, save me or anything! Talk to a counselor, teacher, loved one, best friend, or a hotline number! Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness, sure you're gonna experience trauma, PTSD, and Physical trauma, but you're more powerful than you think. Don't forget that!
For people suffering from depression/suicidal thoughts:
Don't cut, Your skin isn't paper
Don't judge your face, it isn't a book
Don't hang, your neck isn't clothes
Don't shoot, you're not a target
Never end your life because someone said so or something, your life is more important than others! And I know deep down in my heart that there are a lot of things you can do! Believe me, I went through that state of mind, and I got out there... And I survived!
For people who are suffering from mental illnesses or disorders:
You're strong, independent, intelligent. Make sure you use that wisely, because many people feel like they can't! Don't let those illnesses or disorders get to you no matter what!
P.S. your welcome to reblog if you want! 😊
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Cancer can be a challenging journey, but with the proper support, fighters can conquer it. Home care in Atlanta, Georgia, offers a comforting solution for those battling cancer. Being in familiar surroundings can make a difference during such challenging times. Home care services provide individualized care catered to each person’s needs, whether for medical needs or help with everyday duties. In-home care guarantees these heroes receive the most excellent support they deserve.
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procyonis · 8 months
My mother’s best friend was recently diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer and this place and the treatment is the best chance against it. But the costs are too high for them to handle and insurance of course, will only cover so much.
Kirsten is a truly wonderful person, an amazing artist, and just so immensely important to her family and friends. This diagnosis has been devastating for everyone and we all want to help her fight it as hard as possible.
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
One thing that I always disliked about how people approach mental illness was to frame it as a grand battle, a battle you can lose to.
Obviously, this type of thinking absolutely gets applied to people who have gone through cancer, but I leave it to people affected by cancer to articulate how they feel about this, because it's absolutely not in my lane to talk about that part of this conversation. I talk about mental health because people (at least where I am at) also apply the logic to mental illness - especially if one has "lost" their battle.
It especially bothers me because in many cases, people conceptualize battle as something wherein both parties are full participants, that one participant can only win. Do you commemorate and respect the people who lose battles? Often not.
I know that many times, people use battle euphemisms in order to preserve dignity and (somehow) imply that the illness isn't their fault, but I just don't personally resonate with the idea that illness is something you "win" or "lose" at, that winning means something Grand, Big, and it's something which good people achieve. In my personal experience, it can feel like a battle, but it's completely different in how it operates as a "battle."
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beheworthy · 1 year
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Jane wearing a 'thunder' necklace when she and Thor weren't together. This is right after she says to Darcy that she will manage her illness on her own when Darcy had suggested reaching out to him.
#nobody touch me #she's wearing his name when he isn't with her #when he never said i love you #why do that to yourself girl
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philonob · 2 years
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Father and daughter
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ausetkmt · 2 months
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee dies after battle with cancer
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Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, has died at the age of 74 after a battle with cancer, her family announced on Friday.
"Today, with incredible grief for our loss yet deep gratitude for the life she shared with us, we announce the passing of United States Representative Sheila Jackson Lee of the 18th Congressional District of Texas," her family said in a statement.
“A local, national, and international humanitarian, she was acknowledged worldwide for her courageous fights for racial justice, criminal justice, and human rights, with a special emphasis on women and children,” the statement said.
Jackson Lee announced in June that she had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and was undergoing treatment.
The longtime congresswoman served in the House since 1995 and leaves a legacy of pushing for legislation related to civil rights.
Jackson Lee was the lead sponsor of the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, and she pushed for the Sentencing Reform Act of 2015, as well as the George Floyd Law Enforcement Trust and Integrity Act.
She sat on the Judiciary, Homeland Security and Budget committees.
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irusol · 2 months
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Sadness: English yew (Taxus baccata)
Parallel post to my previous one! Yew will always remind me of the The Monster Calls by Patrick Ness (from an original idea by Siobhan Dowd) which was illustrated by Jim Kay. In modern literature, I really do think this is one of the best stories that uses the symbolism of yew for grief and sorrow. The story follows 14-year old Conor O'Malley who is trying to come to terms with his mother's fight with cancer and it's SO beautifully illustrated.
Source: Ildrewe. (1865). The Language of Flowers. De Vries, Ibarra, and Company.
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i-am-theseeker · 1 year
A Prayer to Sekhmet for the Fight Against Cancer
This post and prayer are dedicated to my coworker and friend who is currently battling cancer after a recent diagnosis, she has now started chemo this week so she has been going through health difficulties associated with that. May Sekhmet aid her in her triumph over this horrible disease. Offerings for Sekhmet today: homemade pad […]A Prayer to Sekhmet for the Fight Against Cancer
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ibja-blog · 1 month
Those who do negative to the area of operations.
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fallinginlove-20s · 3 months
I just wanted to send out a message to anyone who follows or interacts this blog. First and foremost, thank you!
Please be aware that my activity may decline as my mom is currently fighting a battle with cancer. I will post when I can but it may not be as frequent as it has been.
Again, thank you for all of the follows, likes, comments, and reblogs! ❤️
Cancer Sucks! 🩵
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yugiohz · 1 year
one of my profs passed away :(
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blackgirlslivingwell · 2 months
Sheila Jackson Lee, a long-serving Democratic congresswoman from Texas and a strong advocate for Black Americans, has passed away at the age of 74 after a battle with pancreatic cancer.
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sosaysdean · 2 years
rest in peace nicki aycox ☹️☹️
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taegularities · 5 months
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