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Parrocchia di San Pio V Alessandria. Premiazione del concorso "Poster per la Pace" – Pace senza limiti, sponsorizzata dai Lions Club
Sabato 18 gennaio 2025, alle ore 10:00, presso la parrocchia di San Pio V in via Isonzo 33, Alessandria, si terrà la cerimonia di premiazione del concorso "Poster per la Pace", iniziativa internazionale sponsorizzata dai Lions Club da oltre tre decenni.
Sabato 18 gennaio 2025, alle ore 10:00, presso la parrocchia di San Pio V in via Isonzo 33, Alessandria, si terrà la cerimonia di premiazione del concorso “Poster per la Pace”, iniziativa internazionale sponsorizzata dai Lions Club da oltre tre decenni. L’edizione 2024/2025 porta il titolo “Pace senza limiti” e si propone di ispirare, attraverso l’arte, una riflessione sulla solidarietà e la…
#Alessandria today#arte per la pace#concorso artistico#Creatività giovanile#Educazione alla pace#Enrico Francescon#Eventi Alessandria#Frenz Cuttica#Google News#Iniziative Scolastiche#italianewsmedia.com#Lions Alessandria#Lions Club#orchestra Straneo#pace e solidarietà.#Pace senza limiti#Pier Carlo Lava#Poster per la Pace#premi Lions#premiazione poster pace#Scuole Alessandria#sibilla aleramo#solidarietà e pace#studenti alessandrini#valori umanitari
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Bit of a twist on the regular hybrid aus
A small percentage of people hybridise as their national/state animals because magic got reintroduced into the world a couple generations back
Soap is a Unicorn, Price, Gaz and Ghost are Lions and Roach is a Welsh dragon.
Graves and Alex are either bald eagles or long horns and Laswell is either a bald eagle, a calico cat or an Astrodon (a mother fucking dinosaur)
Farah is Phoenix and Hadir is a snow Leopard.
Alejandro and Rudy are Golden eagles and Valeria is a rattle snake.
Nick is a Eurasian brown bear
People didn’t think Soap would do well in the military because of how Unicorns are traditionally viewed, sometimes he still cops flack for it.
People hate losing mythic hybrids so Soap Roach and Farah are treated differently then regular hybrids.
Shepherd is jealous of the hybrids and Makarove wants magic extinguished from the world again. 
Maryland has a fucking DINOSAUR as one of its state animals wtf
Urzikstan and Las almas don’t actually exist so I Just went with what I thought fit (and what information I could google)
Sorry if this is too much/weird I got a bit carried away 😅
GREAT PREMIS LOVE THIS!!! This is a perfect idea with how to do hybrids.
Soap as a unicorn is based as FUCK!! Idk about Gaz, Ghost, and, Price all being lions but I don't hate it. I see Roach as Irish but a Welsh dragon is just as good.
Graves is a bald eagle, Alex is a long horn, and Laswell HAS to be the dinosaur I don't make the rules.
Farah as a phenix is perfect for a number of reasons and Hadir as a snow Lepard makes sense as well because of well...Russians.
Alejandro and Rudy as golden eagles is smart and Valeria as a rattle snake is good but also maybe a cobra/viper.
Nik a brown bear is great however here me out polar bear.
No your right people don't suspect for Soap to be as good as he is and that's perfect. and mythic hybrids being treated different is amazing because of course they would be.
Makarov and Shepard have perfect motivations to cause issues.
I did know about the Maryland's state bird lol it's so cool isn't it.
(No your fine it looks about right also it's fiction it's ok)
You are fine lol I love this kind of ask! I would love to hear more of your thoughts on this.
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2024-09-16 17:19:46 La Cina domina la 47ª edizione delle WorldSkills Competition (WSC), conclusasi il 15 settembre a Lione. La delegazione cinese ha conquistato 36 ori, 9 argenti, 4 bronzi e 8 premi nei 59 eventi in programma, primeggiando nel conteggio delle medaglie d’oro che nel medagliere generale, oltre ad ottenere il punteggio totale più alto tra tutte le delegazioni. Durante la cerimonia…
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Justine Triet
Justine Triet, regista e sceneggiatrice, è tra le figure più interessanti e premiate del nuovo cinema francese.
Col suo film Anatomia di una caduta, ha vinto l’Oscar alla miglior sceneggiatura originale, la Palma d’oro al Festival di Cannes, due Golden Globe, un Critics Choice Award e un Premio BAFTA.
Le sue sono piccole storie che si agitano dentro la Storia. Nei suoi film cortocircuitano finzione e realtà, pubblico e privato, video arte e performance.
Nata a Fécamp, in Normansia, il 17 luglio 1978, si è laureata all’École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts di Parigi, nel 2003.
Dopo la laurea, si è fatta presto notare con le sue prime opere che hanno partecipato a diversi concorsi cinematografici. Il cortometraggio Trasverse (2004) è stato selezionato ai Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin e L’amour est un chien de l’enfer (2006) è stato proiettato alla Biennale d’arte contemporanea di Lione. Entrambi i film affrontano aspetti legati all’attualità sociale e politica, concentrandosi sulla “coreografia” delle manifestazioni politiche e degli assembramenti pubblici.
Sur Place, del 2007, che ha ricevuto la menzione speciale al Festival di Brive è stato inserito nelle collezioni del Centre Pompidou e del Museu Berardo di Lisbona. Girato da una finestra durante le proteste studentesche anti CPE a Parigi nel 2006, il suo sguardo è sul conflitto e sul ruolo dell’individuo all’interno di un gruppo, l’ambiguità e la visione stereotipata che i media rilanciano di questi eventi. La cittadinanza diventa protagonista pur restando una massa compatta e uniforme.
Nel 2009 ha diretto il cortometraggio-documentario Des ombres dans la maison, ambientato nella periferia di San Paolo, in Brasile, che racconta la storia del quindicenne Gustavo, della madre alcolista e dell’assistente sociale, pastore della chiesa evangelica, che deve deciderne o meno l’affidamento. Questo film rappresenta una svolta nel suo lavoro, perché pur confermando il suo interesse per i fenomeni di massa, come quelli che hanno al centro i predicatori, introduce una più marcata attenzione e un’intimità con i personaggi di cui narra la storia.
Vilaine fille, mauvais garçon, il suo primo cortometraggio di finzione ispirato nel titolo a una canzone di Serge Gainsbourg, è la storia di due trentenni che la solitudine fa incontrare per caso a una festa, Thomas e Laetitia. Tra dramma e leggerezza, per loro è l’inizio di una notte “fuori orario” sulla strada della felicità. Il corto, nominato ai César nel 2012 ha vinto numerosi premi in vari festival francesi e internazionali, candidato all’Orso d’oro per il miglior cortometraggio, ha vinto il Prix UIP Berlin.
Il suo primo lungometraggio è stato La Bataille de Solférino del 2013, candidato ai César per la migliore opera prima, selezionato all’ACID di Cannes, Premio del Pubblico al Festival Paris Cinéma, considerato dai Cahiers du cinéma uno dei dieci film più belli dell’anno, è la storia di una giornalista che affronta la giornata delle elezioni vinte da François Hollande in Rue de Solferino, storica sede del Partito socialista francese. Girato in presa diretta tra i sostenitori che aspettano il risultato delle urne, il film si immerge nella realtà di un grande evento nazionale facendo rimbalzare la “guerra” politica con quella famigliare della protagonista che, per assicurare i servizi alla rete ha lasciato a casa le sue bambine, proprio il giorno in cui il padre separato vuole vederle. Un pezzo di metatelevisione e metacinema che fotografa angosce private e pubblici conflitti.
Anche Victoria, commedia sofisticata presentata in anteprima mondiale alla Settimana della Critica del Festival di Cannes 2016 è il ritratto di una donna complessa, contesa tra vita professionale e personale. Un film cinico e romantico sulla spirale emotiva di una donna che cade, sbaglia e si rialza, e sulle ossessioni della regista: le difficili relazioni tra i sessi, la solitudine, i figli, la giustizia, i soldi, il sesso.
Sempre a Cannes, in concorso, ha presentato Sibyl – Labirinti di donna nel 2019 a cui è seguito il pluripremiato Anatomia di una caduta del 2023, un legal drama che ha come protagonista una scrittrice sospettata della morte del marito in una remota località di montagna.
Un film appassionante, femminista, sfaccettato, intimista e pieno di colpi di scena. Un’opera di alto livello sull’ambiguità del reale. Un grande lavoro sull’infanzia rubata, violentata, sulla lotta estrema di un adolescente per riappropriarsi il più possibile di quanto stanno cercando di sottrargli. L’opera era stata anche candidata agli Oscar per la miglior regia.
Justine Triet non smette di sorprendere e di collezionare critiche positive per il suo sguardo che penetra nel profondo delle cose e delle persone, per la grandezza nel mostrare i diversi punti di vista. Un’artista che si dà tanto e che in ogni sua fatica riesce a sorprendere e incantare il pubblico.
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Il prestigioso World Water Day Photo Contest, giunto alla sua ottava edizione, offre agli appassionati di fotografia e sostenitori ambientali l'opportunità di esprimere il proprio impegno attraverso immagini evocative dedicate all'acqua. Organizzato con dedizione da Lions International Seregno AID, il concorso ha già contribuito con successo a progetti umanitari in Burkina Faso e Sierra Leone grazie ai fondi raccolti in edizioni precedenti. Anche quest'anno, i proventi saranno destinati al co-finanziamento di un nuovo progetto idrico umanitario, in attesa di aggiudicazione attraverso un bando internazionale. Il tema centrale di questa edizione, "Leveraging Water for Peace | Acqua leva di pace," riflette l'importanza strategica dell'acqua come strumento di pacificazione. La Giornata Mondiale dell'Acqua, istituita nel 1992 dalle Nazioni Unite e celebrata annualmente il 22 marzo, assume un ruolo fondamentale nell'agenda internazionale. Un'iniziativa promossa da "UN Water," l'agenzia dedicata alle questioni idriche, incoraggia gli Stati membri dell'ONU e la comunità globale a dedicare questo giorno alla riflessione sul tema annuale e alla promozione di azioni concrete nei loro territori. Il World Water Day Photo Contest, realizzato in collaborazione con le Nazioni Unite (UN-Water) e patrocinato dalla Comunità Europea, rappresenta un contributo significativo a questa iniziativa, invitando fotografi di ogni livello a catturare l'essenza dell'acqua con qualsiasi dispositivo fotografico, da macchine professionali a smartphone e droni. Le categorie in gara includono "Foto Singole a Tema Water Environment," "Foto Singole a Tema Paesaggi Acquatici," e "Storytelling a Tema Storie d'Acqua." Due premi speciali saranno assegnati alla miglior foto giovane (fino a 21 anni) e alla miglior foto di un/a socio/a Lions Club o Leo Club. Una giuria internazionale composta da dodici professionisti del settore valuterà le opere, e i vincitori saranno premiati con oltre 5.000 euro complessivi. Le foto selezionate saranno esposte in mostre itineranti che attraverseranno l'Italia e il mondo da aprile 2024 a febbraio 2025. Per partecipare e consultare il regolamento completo, visita il sito ufficiale: www.worldwaterday.it
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(Vidéo) EN – Premier galop, huis clos, concurrence, Abdou Diallo : « Peut-être dépanner mais je suis en central… » Le défenseur faisait partie du premi...
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Lions Club Livorno Host premia gli studenti meritevoli di Livorno e sostiene la lotta alla fibrosi cistica
Lions Club Livorno Host premia gli studenti meritevoli di Livorno e sostiene la lotta alla fibrosi cistica
Livorno 15 maggio 2023 – Lions Club Livorno Host premia gli studenti meritevoli di Livorno e sostiene la lotta alla fibrosi cistica Nella serata di domenica presso lo Chalet Rotonda si è svolta la cerimonia dei Premi Studio del Lions Club Livorno Host, dedicati agli studenti meritevoli provenienti da vari istituti scolastici di Livorno. L’impegno del Club verso il futuro dei giovani è radicato…
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TANGO MAGICO - HD (English subtitles)AIUTIAMO I TERREMOTATI DI SIRIA E TURCHIASabato 18 febbraio 2023, il Lions Club Lainate ha dedicato alla solidarietà una cena danzante, con la musica di Gianni Ragusa, la affascinante Silvia Natoli, e dal tj Ausländer, che ha scatenato numerosi e appassionati ballerini di tango argentino in ricercati passi di danza.Una generosa raccolta fondi a premi offerti dagli sponsor, fra i quali opere del pittore Graziano Pastori, sempre sensibile ad iniziative con finalità sociali, ha consentito un buon ricavato.La serata, che si è svolta al ristorante Villa Magnolie di Garbagnate, ha consentito di raccogliere una prima somma di 4.300 euro che sarà destinata ai terremotati della Turchia e della Siria attraverso gli aiuti che Lions Club International sta facendo pervenire direttamente a chi ne ha necessità.Ho organizzato l’evento in una settimana, e, con l’aiuto del cameraman di Nova Web Tv, Tito Galletta, prodotto e montato il video ed e’ stata la generosita’ di tutta la mia ampia rete di amici e conoscenti, che si sono prestati a collaborare a decretarne il successo e spero che possa generare con il vostro contributo altri introiti. L’iniziativa si aggiunge ai numerosi progetti di carattere umanitario che il Lions Club Lainate sta portando avanti a favore delle popolazioni colpite da guerre e disastri in aggiunta alle tradizionali attività a beneficio della comunità del territorio. Seguite il nostro sito e i nostri canali social per restare aggiornati sulle nostre iniziative. E se volete offrire il vostro contributo per i terremotati di Siria e Turchia potete comodamente farlo attraverso il conto del Lions Club Lainate presso la Rete per il Dono. https://dona.perildono.it/fondo-we-se...Oppure bonificare direttamente il Lions Club Lainate che poi provvedera’ con i canali Lions, a versare direttamente ai paesi colpiti dal terremoto i fondi raccolti. Bonificare a LIONS CLUB LAINATE V.le Italia 13 Lainate. IT62O0306933220100000013021Inserire nella causale del versamento la dicitura “Donazioni pro terremotati di Siria e Turchia” Grazie! Non esitate a contattarmi via mail per eventuali Info o iniziative [email protected] CarminatiMusic no copyright da raccolta di YouTubePer favore, se ti e' piaciuto il video, clicca "MI PIACE" e iscriviti al mio canale.Dai un occhiata al mio TRAILER 2020 •
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Special Delivery – A Books of Binding Short Story
Cian woke in the dark to an urgent rapping on his bedroom door. Winter’s low voice carried through the wood. “Cian, we’re on.”
Cian sat up in bed, trying to parse that. On? On what? English wasn’t his first language and sometimes idioms — he hoped it was an idiom — tripped him up. He pulled his jeans on and made his groggy way across the spacious room to find Winter on the other side of his door, dressed in her usual loose dress and cardigan, her purple bag over her shoulder and her surgical bag heavy in her hand. She hadn’t taken the time to put her hip-length white hair up in a bun, and it rode one shoulder in a careless braid.
She was lovely.
He pushed his own long, sleep-tousled hair out of his face. “What are we on?”
A small, exhausted smile played about her lips, and he wanted to kiss her until the shadows under her ice-blue eyes faded away. “’On’ means it’s showtime,” she explained, not terribly effectively. What was a ‘showtime?’ “We have a delivery to attend. Corinne’s started bleeding heavily, and Doc says she can’t stop it.”
Cian’s brows shot to his hairline. The Lion Queen? Oh shit. “Is it the placenta previa? She’s five weeks early.” Which wasn’t too terribly early for a human or a vampire, but with a therian’s five-and-a-half-month gestation it could make things complicated.
Winter nodded. “Which means that either she got pregnant during an earlier heat than we thought, or the placenta’s started pulling away from her uterus, which I think is the more likely. Either way, I suspect we need to deliver the baby tonight. If she’s having contractions it will tear the placenta apart, leading to hemorrhaging. Now, you get dressed, and I’ll wake up Etienne so he can drive you out to Xanadu on the motorcycle. I need you at the top of your game, and making you ride with me in the Bug with its old steel chassis won’t help with that.” She sighed. “I really do need a new car.”
Cian shuddered at the thought of riding in the Bug. He’d ridden in more than one older model vehicle and gotten sick in the process. He was sidhe, though, and not a lesser fae, so sick was the extent of it. A lesser fae might come away with more serious injury or even death. The little pixies in the gardens here on the Point avoided Winter’s vintage car at all costs. “Yeah, a new one would be good. Maybe we can go shopping for one this weekend?”
Winter gave him a tired smile, but tired as she was it still reached her eyes. Cian couldn’t have said that only a few weeks ago. “Yes, maybe.” She checked the time on her phone. “We need to head out as soon as possible. Doc is perfectly capable of performing a c-section if she needs to, but I’d rather be there in case things get complicated. I’ll meet you in the foyer in five minutes.”
Cian shut the door as Winter moved toward Etienne’s room and turned to get ready. It was just the three of them rattling around in this huge house, where once there had been dozens of wizards, all part of the extensive Mulcahy family. He could tell that Winter liked having the company, and he liked it, too. So did Etienne.
Long hair pulled back in a neat ponytail, worn boots and a new sweatshirt against the mid-November chill, his silk-lined riding chaps to protect him from the Harley’s frame, and he was ready to ride as soon as he got his helmet and riding jacket together. Worry for Corinne dueled with excitement. This would be his first time attending a birth. He’d assisted Winter with several surgeries already, but Corinne was the community member closest to delivering and currently the highest-risk pregnancy. She was also one of Winter’s closest friends, and Winter said she felt better knowing he would be backing her up with his healing gift. Cian was happy to help.
Etienne was still putting his auburn hair up into a ponytail in the high style he preferred as he hit the stairs and nodded to Cian. “Get your things. It’s going to be a cold ride, even for you.” His red plaid overshirt was slung about his neck and the new black gun rig for his old Glock jostled lightly against his chest with each stairstep he took.
Cian stood at the bottom of the double staircase beside Winter and watched the faerie knight descend, his bootheels thudding softly on each wide tread. He waved a hand indicating the Glock under Etienne’s left arm. “Expecting trouble?”
Etienne smirked and pulled on the overshirt as he touched down from the last step. “Always. This is Seahaven, after all.”
Winter shook her head and offered a rueful smile but didn’t disagree. “I’ve got the car loaded and ready to go. Be careful out there. The roads might be a bit slick after that rain.”
Etienne’s smile stretched into a rake-hell grin and Cian felt his belly flop. By Dagda, Etienne had a sexy smile. “A little rain isn’t going to stop us. Now, let’s go help Corinne.”
Cian handed Etienne his helmet and his old worn leather coat before getting into his own, new, silk lined coat. Winter’d had it made for him when she’d noticed he was showing about an inch of wrist below the cuff of his old one.
Winter hitched her bag up higher on her shoulder, determination showing in her eyes. “Okay, let’s do this.”
The rain had subsided to a sprinkle, which did nothing for making the ride out to Xanadu any safer. Etienne sat a little higher in his seat, vigilant, and managed to avoid most of the puddles.
Cian tried to ignore his cold, wet boots as the three of them pulled into the covered Xanadu employee parking lot, Winter leading the way in her yellow Bug. They were met at the back entrance to the primary hotel that crowned the largest island in the resort complex. Corinne owned all of the islands in Eriksson Bay, and employed both the dolphins and the selkies as well as her entire large pride of lions. Scores of humans worked in the park, too, but they were offered only limited access. No need for some curious teenager to die just because they got a peek behind the Veil of Secrecy.
Santiago, Corinne’s husband, mate, and Chief of Security, waved as they approached the private elevator. Worry etched deep lines into his brow, cutting into his light brown skin. Cian noticed that he’d shaved his head, but it was already showing fine stubble with the force of his therian regeneration. “Winter, thank god you’re here.” His English was flavored with rich Cuban Spanish, as were most of the lions he had brought with him from Miami to merge with Corinne’s lioness-heavy pride.
Winter offered up a confident smile and gave the Lion King a quick hug. “It’ll be all right. I can get little Bella out in under a minute if I need to.”
Cian knew that Winter’d had to perform emergency c-sections in the past and knew what she was doing. Therian couldn’t get sick or infected, but they could develop conditions that put a pregnancy at risk, like Corinne’s placenta previa. Most therian lived on the edge of society, victims of poverty, abuse, and malnutrition. Pregnancy loss and high infant mortality were common.
But that wasn’t a concern with Corinne tonight. The Lion Queen led one of the biggest groups in Seahaven and was one of the most powerful and wealthiest therian on the West Coast.
Santiago ushered the three of them into the elevator and swiped his resort ID through the reader, granting them access to the private floors and the penthouse where the pride lived. “Doc says Corinne and the baby are both holding steady, even with the blood loss. She’s got both of them on monitors.”
Winter looked to Cian. “With heavy bleeding, what is keeping Corinne and Bella stable?”
Cian thought about that for a moment. “It’s Corinne. She’s strong enough that her healing ability is regenerating blood before she can lose too much, so Bella isn’t being stressed.” He paused. “Yet. There’s a limit to how long her body can heal itself and maintain the baby at the same time. She’s burning through an incredible amount of calories, and once she’s depleted, she’ll be vulnerable.”
Winter smiled her approval. “Excellent. You’re picking this up quickly.”
Etienne looked pleased but said nothing.
Santiago listened intently, tension singing across the backs of his hands, stress making his dark-eyed gaze intense. “But you can save her — save them — can’t you, Winter?”
Winter exuded confidence even as Cian could feel her exhaustion through the veil of his healing gift. “I’m here to fight. We’ll get Corinne through this.”
They exited the elevator one floor below the penthouse where Corinne and Santiago lived and travelled at a brisk pace past closed doors and the soft sounds of sleeping lions until Santiago pushed open a set of frosted glass doors at the end of the hall.
Doctor Gloria Park’s domain.
Glass, chrome, and bright lights, the small clinic and surgery suite gleamed like a shrine to modern medicine. Winter’s backroom clinic was smaller and homier — and a lot busier — but Cian could tell by the way she glanced around that Winter admired it and all of the shiny toys Doc had to play with.
Cian had to admit that he did, too.
“Doc, they’re here.” Santiago raised his voice just enough to be heard on the other side of the two frosted glass doors that bracketed the main room of the clinic.
Doc emerged from the door on the right, butting it open with a hip, her gloved hands marked by blood and ruddy betadine. A bloody streak smeared wet across her white coat at the waist, but she ignored it. She flashed a quick smile of greeting at the new arrivals, her slightly hooded eyes crinkling at the corners and tugging at her small epicanthal folds, her short, no-nonsense, black hair tucked beneath a surgery bonnet. “Excellent timing. I’m prepping Corinne now. How do you want to do this?”
Winter took her surgery bag from Etienne and began moving toward the surgery suite. “I think we should first administer my painkiller potion, and then once it kicks in, we can take a closer look.” She gestured to the blood on Doc’s coat and hands. “Is that all hers?” In any place other than Seahaven that might have been an odd question, but Cian was quickly learning that chaos seemed to reign above all, here.
Doc made a short shrugging gesture. “This time, yes. Contractions started about an hour ago.”
Winter nodded, all business. “Then we’ve got no time to waste. Santiago, do you want to come in and keep Corinne company?”
Santiago smiled, visibly relieved. “Si. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.”
Etienne crossed his arms and leaned a hip against a table. “I’ll wait out here. Haven’t attended a birth in a while, but I bet it’s going to be crowded enough in there as it is.”
Winter flashed the faerie knight a warm smile of gratitude and pushed through the door, Cian close behind her, Doc and Santiago bringing up the rear.
The surgery suite was small, but airy and brightly lit. Corinne sat reclined in the center of the room, gravid belly painted a lurid yellow-red with betadine, long red hair tucked into a surgery bonnet to keep it out of the way, full lips looking pale. Even still, she was glamorous. She opened her eyes as they entered the room, and she smiled a tired smile. “Hey there.”
Winter returned the smile with one of her own as she pulled out a surgery bonnet for herself and passed another to Cian. “Ready to have a baby tonight?”
Corinne chuckled softly and reached out for Santiago’s hand as he reached her side. “You have no idea. But someday you will.”
Winter’s smile turned a bit wistful. “Maybe.” Cian wanted to hold her, just for a moment. He knew she expected to die young, like the rest of the Mulcahy line. She was the last.
Cian found a chair and brought it to Santiago so he could sit at Corinne’s head.
Santiago took the seat and stroked Corinne’s forehead. “Mi corazón.”
Winter tucked her long braid into the surgery bonnet and Cian followed suit. “This is going to go very fast. Your contractions tore the placenta and that’s what’s causing the bleeding. It’s still a total occlusion, still entirely blocking the cervix, as we saw on the ultrasound during your checkup last week.”
Corinne gave a single nod, exhaustion and worry etched into the corners of her eyes. “Did I do something wrong? She’s so early.”
Winter shook her head no and dug into her surgical bag. “Sometimes babies just come early. Nobody’s at fault.” She looked at the monitors showing both Corinne and the baby’s vitals and Cian followed her gaze. Both were holding steady so far. “But Bella’s at a good weight. She should be fine. And your strength is keeping her that way. But I still want to get her out with all speed. We need your bleeding to stop.” As she spoke, she pulled a tumbler from the bag, filled it with cool water, and added three drops of light blue potion, drops that never quite mixed in, instead swirling about like whisps of metallic smoke. “Here, drink all of this down as fast as you can.”
Corinne took the tumbler and knocked it back, then locked her jaw as her entire body shuddered. “Good lord, what was that?”
Winter retrieved the tumbler before it ended up on the floor. “Painkiller potion. It will last for a few hours. It also gives us the ability to go in after little Bella without you feeling any pain and without giving you enough human anesthetic to knock out the Fifth Fleet.” Cian knew from Winter’s explanations that therian could burn through human drugs at an alarming rate. Only magical solutions could withstand their incredible metabolisms.
Corinne shuddered one more time, and then leaned back with a sigh and closed her eyes. “Oh. Oh, that’s much better. Thank you.”
Winter gave her friend’s hand a squeeze. “Good. Now let’s meet your daughter and get that bleeding stopped.” She shrugged out of her sweater and pulled a couple of scrub tops out of the surgery bag, handing one over to Cian. “This is going to be pretty straight forward,” she began to explain, mostly to Cian. Doc already knew what she was doing. “Cian, I want you as tech on this so you can get as much experience as possible. You’ll suction the amniotic fluid out of our way, and I’d like you to use your touch healing to tack Corinne back together once we deliver the placenta, so she heals correctly. Corinne is strong enough that she’ll probably heal faster than I can suture her. Doc, if you can keep the incisions open long enough for me to go in and get the baby and the placenta, we can get her delivered in the next few minutes.”
Doc gave a thoughtful look at her queen’s belly and then to the monitors. “I think that’s reasonable. The bassinet’s already warming, so you can just plop the baby in there while you deliver the placenta and we get the bleeding stopped, and then as soon as the umbilical cord stops pulsing, we can cut it.” She cast a grin at Santiago, who was massaging Corinne’s temples. “Feel like cutting the cord?”
A smile spread across Santiago’s handsome face. “Si. I thought that was just a TV thing.”
Doc let out a soft chuckle. “No, it can be a dad thing, too. Bella’s welcome to the world.”
Winter handed Cian a clean absorbent pad, and he replaced the blood-soaked one beneath Corinne, tossing it into the operating room trash with the rest of them. He could only thank Dagda that she was a therian, and a queen. A human would be in dire straits by now.
Doc lifted an electrocautery scalpel from its tray, the steel glinting under the bright lights, a long wire stretching to the base of the machine beside her. “Ready when you are.”
Winter explored Corinne’s belly, feeling out the position of the baby within. “She’s breech, which is normal with placenta previa. First incision down here, across the lower abdomen, and then we very carefully cut into the uterus.”
Doc snorted. “Don’t teach me to suck eggs, kid.”
An amused smile tugged at Winter’s mouth. “Yes, ma’am. Cian, get ready with the suction, please.”
Cian flipped the machine on and held the wand at the ready, tucking himself against Corinne’s side opposite of Santiago so he could both reach and stay out of the way. He’d done this in surgery with Winter before. There had just never been a baby involved. It didn’t make him nervous, though. Winter had faith in him.
Winter shifted just a little to the side to give Doc more room. “All right, let’s do this.”
Doc spread her fingers across Corinne’s lower abdomen, her hands rock-steady, and made the first deft incision, a tiny whiff of smoke rising as she made the long cut, stopping bleeding before it could start, exposing the flesh of Corinne’s uterus. “Get the retractors ready,” Doc murmured to no one in particular.
Winter reached around her and picked up the two steel retractors, looking for all the world like salad tongs to Cian’s mind. He’d used them before, but the first impression was always the lasting one.
Doc carefully centered her scalpel and indicated a small band of muscle just to the side of her hand. “Pay attention to this, Cian.” Her voice was low with concentration. “Corinne is a lioness, and her uterus works a little differently than a human’s. Instead of basically just being nestled in place by the other abdominal structures, it’s held in place at two points, acting as shock absorbers. She’s built to hunt and fight while pregnant.” Doc shifted the position of her scalpel. “We don’t want to cut those, so we’re making a bit of a smaller incision instead.”
Cian nodded, absorbing the lesson. “Will the baby still fit through?”
Doc nodded. “It’ll just be a tighter squeeze, but she’ll be fine.” Doc deftly nicked the edges of the first incision, pushing against Corinne’s healing ability. “Cutting now.” She pierced the uterine wall without hesitation, drawing another long, bloodless, horizontal line across Corinne’s abdomen.
Immediately a tiny foot appeared, pressed against the intact, translucent amniotic sac. Winter smiled as she applied the retractors. “Very nice.”
Doc grinned. “It’s what we do. Ready to catch?”
Winter nodded. “Trade you.”
Doc and Winter traded tools in a dance born out of years of practice. Doc had been Winter’s primary teacher as she learned trauma surgery, after the death of her Aunt Curiosity.
Winter cut into the amniotic sac with a delicate touch, careful of the moving baby beneath. Cian shifted behind her, suctioning fluid as best he could, until Winter slipped her hands inside and began to ease the baby out.
Corinne’s eyes widened. “Oh, that feels weird. How does she look?”
Winter slipped a hand further into Corinne’s uterus, sloshing fluid over her wrists and onto the pad. “Well, all I see right now is her little butt, but her head is coming free… right… now.”
Corinne raised her head, eager for a peek. “Can I see her?”
Winter mopped the tiny baby’s face off with a pad that Cian handed her, suctioned her little nose and mouth, and held her where Corinne and Santiago could see just in time for Bella to raise her first vigorous objections to being pulled from her warm retreat. Winter beamed. “Look what you two did.”
Santiago’s eyes reddened with joy and he kissed Corinne’s cheek. “She has your hair, mi corazón.”
Corinne grinned, unable to take her eyes off the baby. “She’s beautiful. Just beautiful.”
“And messy.” Winter handed Bella off to Cian, who wrapped her in an absorbent pad and carried her to the cozy bassinet. She was so tiny, and so fierce. “Let me finish this with Doc and Cian’s help and then she’s all yours.”
If you like this story, check out our other free short fiction and all things Seahaven at https://www.aelowan.com.
#The Books of Binding#therian#lion#wizard#fae#sidhe#childbirth#pregnancy#placenta previa#premature baby#premie#Winter Mulcahy#Cian#Corinne Lyons-de Vera#Santiago de Vera#Doc Gloria Park
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What if Krolia wasn’t a blade and instead on the Empire’s side? What if she really did shoot down the other soldier’s ship to keep the glory for herself?
This, to me, is super interesting as I think it opens up a lot of avenues. When Krolia finds the lion Keith’s dad would 100% stop her from reporting to the Empire as he knows from her stories what they’re like. She gets upset but not too much because love.
When the scout ships come Krolia decides to stop them because she’s found a home with Earth and her son is there. She decides to leave shortly after and lie to get Earth off the Empire’s radar. Krolia is well aware how cruel the Empire can be to half-breeds so she leaves without Keith.
Now fast-forward and she meets Keith while he’s on a mission (wether it be for Voltron or for the Blades) and we’ve got drama!
If you wanna write something based on this premis you can, of course, change up Krolia’s time on Earth however. If you’ve read something like this then please send it to me! This AU really interest me! If you write this then send that to me, too. I’d love to see what others make of my ideas.
#dejihuam#dejihuam speaks#voltron#voltron au#voltron legendary defender#vld#vld au#vld krolia#krolia#voltron krolia#keith (vld)#keith (voltron)#vld keith#keith kogane#voltron keith#keith and krolia#keith’s dad#keith’s dad voltron#voltron fanfic#fanfic prompt
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Prince Harry 'snubbed' Royal Marines memorial service for 11 killed by IRA bomb to go to Lion King premiere where he touted wife Meghan Markle for Disney voiceover job...😮😳😂
By Rod Ardehali For Mailonline - January 14th 2020, 9:14:17 am
Footage emerged of the Duke of Sussex at the London premiere last July where he collared the powerful exec Bob Iger and told him Meghan was 'very interested' in doing voiceover work for Disney.
Piers Morgan slams Prince Harry for missing Marines memorial service...😮😮
January 14th 2020, 9:42:19 am
Prince Harry has been accused of 'snubbing' a Royal Marines memorial service for 11 servicemen killed by the IRA to go to a Lion King premiere where he touted Meghan Markle to the boss of Disney for voiceover work.
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And you thought the way Lionel Botch and Eustis Peevly were running the Wonderland Zoo to the point that its star distractions(?), the Hair Bear Bunch, were frequently fleeing their premi for the bright lights of town weren’t disgusting enow, let alone Ranger Smith’s threats to send Yogi Bear to the St. Louis Zoo in case he doesn’t keep his pic-a-nic basket theft antics at bay!
But then again, consider this takeaway from the full report of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), which can be read in its entire here:
To make wild animals interact with, and perform for, visitors, harsh training methods are frequently used that inflict appalling suffering.
Depending on the species, and the type of attraction, these methods can involve premature separation of baby animals from their mothers, starvation, physical restraint, pain, and fear.
In particular, consider what the article announcing this report notes:
As an example of animal mistreatment, some zoos were forcing lions and tigers to perform on stage while loud music was playing. They also made primates dress-up in costumes so people could have their pictures taken with them.
Just be thankful the Hair Bear Bunch have managed to release themselves from the constraints of zoo life while ever being free-spirited themselves!
@warnerarchive @hanna-barbera-land @warnerbrosentertainment @moonrock1973 @screamingtoosoftly @wherearethememesonmyplate @hanna-barbera-blog @jg376 @hanna-barberians @cottoncandy-wannabe@themineralyoucrave
#hanna barbera#animal mistreatment#zoo mistreatment of animals#wonderland zoo#hair bear bunch#yogi bear#hannabarberaforever
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Hey y’all I made a new au. I call it the siren au (so creative I know) basic premis is the aftons are all sirens and the Emily’s are humans (along with some other ocs because ya)
Henry and William met when they were younger and hit it off pretty well, William reassuring Henry he’s a good siren that doesn’t eat people, yah turns out that was only half true because he still killed some humans and when Henry found out he was upset and they basically cut contact after that,
They only really had another interaction when Henry’s daughter Charlie fell overboard at sea and William happened to be hunting in thr area, but recognizing the kid as having a striking resemblance to Henry can’t bring himself to kill her and instead brings her back to thr surface so she doesn’t drown. Henry quickly figures out William must have saved her and now is having mixed feelings about his old friend that broke his trust.
Then years later an older William who by now has faked his death and moved to another part of thr ocean to try out this whole “not eating humans” thing because it’s so far out no dumb humans can get that far right? Wrong because Ethan, a very dumb human, ends up stranded on a life boat out there and meets William. They end up being friends mostly because wills siren song didn’t work on Ethan and he’s like “wtf how?” And mostly keeps Ethan around to figure out if it’s just this human that immune or if Williams just lost his touch.
Anyway that story I plan to write into a oneshot but now let’s go to the other aftons. Mostly Jacob because he has a story. Mostly it’s that he is trying to be more friendly to humans because of various reasons which probably include his father (and sister probably) being so brutal that he is just sick of it and runs away. Meeting one human who ends up being his friend and confidant,
As for Michael, Connor, Elizabeth, and Ms Afton... yah I haven’t gotten that far yet. Elizabeth probably has some major abandonment issues with her daddy faking his death and she finds him years later and is like “wtf dad?”
Michael probably has his own daddy issues related to not wanting to be like said father but he just looks so much like him.
Idk about Connor, maybe he died in an accident caused by Jacob like in canon but idk yet.
I got other ideas I’m tossing around but I’ll be honest, this au was made mostly so I can draw fish more. I need the practice, soooo if you have any cool fish you think would make a neat siren yeet them my way?
Oh btw I based William off of a lion fish and Jacobs a beta fish atm.
#siren au#fnaf#five nights at freddy's#fnaf au#fnaf oc#fnaf william afton#william afton#connor afton#jacob afton#elizabeth afton#michael afton#carol afton#ms afton#ethan smith#crystal goodwill#charly emily#henry emily
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L’Apocalisse di Giovanni descrive lo svolgimento degli avvenimenti ultimi dalla risurrezione di Cristo fino alla sua ultima venuta, che stabilirà il suo dominio su tutto il mondo. Questo libro di rivelazione ci presenta inoltre il compimento in Cristo di tutto l’Antico Testamento. Gesù, il Messia, adempie il disegno divino e riscatta l’umanità dalla situazione di morte in cui è caduta, e la riporta alla sua condizione originaria, illuminata dalla comunione con Dio.
L’Apocalisse è l’insegnamento chiaro di una catechesi che "rivela" Gesù Cristo e il suo significato per la storia passata, presente e futura. Il tema fondamentale di questo libro è la morte e la risurrezione di Cristo. L’Apocalisse è un messaggio di cui l’uomo contemporaneo ha urgente bisogno. Non è la rivelazione di un futuro minaccioso né la descrizione del giudizio finale. È un messaggio di consolazione fondata su una certezza: la vittoria del Cristo crocifisso e risorto, vittoria già avvenuta, definitiva, anche se non se ne vedono ancora tutte le conseguenze. E l’orientamento conseguente sta nel porsi davanti alle vicende umane, che sembrano ancora nelle mani delle forze del male, con un atteggiamento di fondamentale ottimismo: l’idolatria sembra forte, ma in realtà è già sconfitta. La lettura dell’Apocalisse offre, dunque, speranza, non angoscia.
Destinatari dell’Apocalisse
L’Apocalisse si presenta come una grande lettera indirizzata ad alcune comunità cristiane (chiese) dell’Asia Minore alla fine del primo secolo, per rispondere a precise sollecitazioni. È dunque indispensabile tenere conto del tempo e dell’ambiente: situazioni politiche e sociali, religiose e pastorali suscitate dal mondo pagano e dall’affermarsi delle prime eresie. Ma l’Apocalisse è soprattutto un libro personale e geniale, la trascrizione di una esperienza di fede.
Il genere apocalittico
Lo scritto di Giovanni si inserisce nel filone apocalittico, cioè in un vasto movimento letterario e spirituale che si sviluppò sul finire dell’Antico Testamento. È una riflessione per un tempo di crisi. Nei tempi difficili, di persecuzione, l’apocalittica vuole essere un messaggio di consolazione. L’esperienza spirituale dell’apocalittica è alimentata da due radici: il pessimismo nei confronti del mondo presente e delle possibilità dell’uomo, e l’assoluta fiducia nelle possibilità di Dio. A monte del genere apocalittico c’è una precisa teologia della storia che affonda le radici negli scritti dei profeti. Nessun avvenimento è dovuto al caso. Tutto è previsto e accade nel tempo stabilito. Gli avvenimenti della storia sono saldamente nelle mani di Dio e sono da lui guidati verso il compimento del suo regno. Nella storia c’è un disegno che può sfuggire ai superficiali, ma non ai veri credenti.
Gli autori apocalittici cercano di rispondere agli interrogativi posti alla fede dall’agire di Dio nel mondo. Constatano che il regno di Dio incontra difficoltà nella storia e per questo proiettano la soluzione definitiva dei problemi alla fine, oltre la storia. Il loro merito sta proprio in questa chiara consapevolezza di un destino che va oltre la storia. Ma noi dobbiamo superare la tentazione di una errata lettura di questi testi, quella di abbandonare il mondo presente al suo destino per attendere nella fede il mondo nuovo che solo Dio può creare.
Un messaggio nuovo e tradizionale
L’Apocalisse si apre con un impegno: essere una rivelazione di Gesù Cristo. Non intende dunque profetizzare nulla di nuovo nei confronti del Vangelo. Il suo messaggio pretende di essere tradizionale, non nuovo: una attualizzazione di quanto Gesù ha già detto. Tutta la letteratura giovannea rivendica un profondo attaccamento alla Tradizione. L’Apocalisse è in perfetta sintonia con gli altri scritti apocalittici del Nuovo Testamento (Mc 13; 2Pt ecc.). Le varie catastrofi non sono la fine del mondo, ma i segni premonitori, i sintomi di un giudizio che si sta avvicinando. Ciò che accade è un segnale, un anticipo e un ammonimento. Al centro di tutto sta la certezza del trionfo di Cristo, il raduno degli eletti in paradiso e la condanna dei malvagi. Importante è l’invito alla vigilanza che è nello stesso tempo prontezza (il Signore può venire subito) e pazienza (il Signore può tardare).
Lo scopo degli scritti apocalittici non è spargere ansietà, ma confortare i giusti e richiamarli alla vigilanza e al coraggio e ammonire quelli che sono tentati di ritornare alla mentalità e agli usi pagani. L’Apocalisse è una profezia cristiana che trova il suo fondamento non in una nuova rivelazione, ma nel ricordo delle parole di Gesù. Il nucleo del suo contenuto è pienamente in accordo con il Vangelo. Tuttavia c’è in essa una innegabile originalità: la sua fedeltà alla Tradizione è aggiornata e riletta, è espressa in formule nuove e adattata a situazioni nuove.
Autore e data di composizione
La testimonianza più antica sulla data di composizione è quella di Ireneo, vescovo di Lione, secondo cui l’apostolo Giovanni avrebbe scritto l’Apocalisse verso la fine del regno di Domiziano, l’imperatore morto assassinato nel 96 d.C. Lo storico Eusebio, che ci riporta questa testimonianza, precisa per conto suo la data di composizione "nel quattordicesimo anno" di Domiziano, che corrisponde al 94-95.
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International Salieri Circus Award
A cura di Donatella Lavizzari
Dal 22 al 26 settembre 2022, si é svolta a Legnago (VR) la seconda edizione dell'International Salieri Circus Award.
I due trapezisti francesi Emeline Goavec e Joann Benhamou del Duo Emyo e il funambolo spagnolo Nicol Nicols sono i vincitori della seconda edizione dell’International Salieri Circus Award ai quali è stato assegnato il Salieri d’oro da una Giuria Tecnica Internazionale composta di sole donne impresarie circensi provenienti da molti paesi del mondo.
Al secondo posto, il Salieri d’Argento, tre artisti ex equo. Il ventriloquo italiano Andrea Fratellini, le contorsioniste etiopi Sheger Contortion Queens e la coppia argentino americana dei Pas de Deux Straps con un numero alle cinghie aeree.
Anche per il Salieri di Bronzo tre medaglie ex equo. Alla giovane contorsionista Sarangua dalla Mongolia, a Chia Cheng Sung da Taiwan col suo “diabolo” e all’italiana Kimberly Zavatta con un numero alle cinghie aeree.
Durante la serata finale sono stati assegnati anche il Premio della Giuria Stampa a Nicol Nicols, il Premio della Giuria della Musica a Yasmin Dell’Acqua e il Premio del Pubblico ad Andrea Fratellini.
Sono stai inoltre assegnati numerosi altri premi, tra cui quello del Lions Club International – che si occupa anche di disabilità – all’artista svizzera Silke Pan.
Su musica di Joaquin Rodrigo, Concierto de Aranjuez, si sono esibiti i francesi del Duo Emyo in un’affascinante danza al trapezio, un incontro di due anime che raccontano una tenera storia d’amore, di passioni e sentimenti.
Un quadro intimo, sensuale, intenso e profondo. L’aria non sembra proprio avere segreti per questi due artisti, ottimi ballerini, che sembrano proprio abitare lassù, sempre appesi a funi, trapezi, cinghie e tessuti in un infinito volo d’amore.
Il fil-de-feriste spagnolo Nicol Nicols si è esibito su arie tratte da La Traviata e Rigoletto di Giuseppe Verdi e aria tratta dal Dongiovanni di Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Nicol, sul filo teso, cammina, danza e inanella salti mortali avanti e indietro.
Calca le scene da quando aveva 5 anni nel circo di famiglia. Cresciuto, si è messo in proprio iniziando una strepitosa carriera solista che lo ha portato nei maggiori circhi del mondo.
Il Festival ha registrato 999.451 contatti su Facebook e Instagram, che sommati ai visitatori del sito portano ad oltre 1 milione le persone che da ogni parte del mondo si sono collegate all’edizione 2022 del Festival.
#international Salieri Circus Award#Andrea Fratellini#international events#international artist#Salieri Circus Awards
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PREMIS LITERARIS SANT JORDI 2022: bases generals i anglès.
Bases generals del Concurs de Sant Jordi
Es poden presentar textos en narrativa i poesia a partir de les indicacions donades pel professor de llengua a classe. Els textos es poden presentar en català, castellà, anglès o alemany. També s’hi poden presentar textos en altres llengües familiars de l’alumnat sempre que estiguin acompanyats de la versió en català.
CATEGORIES (català, castellà, anglès i alemany):
1. Hi haurà un primer i un segon premi, tant a poesia com narrativa a 1r i 2on cicle d’ESO; i a batxillerat.
2. Les obres han de ser inèdites i individuals, i cada concursant pot presentar només un text (poètic o narratiu) de cada categoria i llengua.
3. Termini de lliurament:
1 d'abril
4. Cal lliurar els treballs al professor de llengua. Cada departament indicarà la manera de presentar els treballs.
5. Els premis s’atorgaran el dia 22 d’abril, durant la festa de Sant Jordi.
6. Cada llengua té bases específiques. Pregunteu als/les profes de cada una d' elles o mireu aquesta página els propers dies.
1er i 2on d'ESO
En un sobre tancat, on a han de constar les següents dades: PSEUDÒNIM, TÍTOL del treball, CATEGORIA(s) i CURS.
Dins del sobre incloure-hi un full més petit i dobleglat amb el pseudònim i el nom real de l’alumne/a i el curs (només s’obrirà en el cas de resultar guanyador). De no adjuntar aquest full, el premi passarà a un altre participant.
Els textos a concurs s’han de lliurar a les professores de llengües estrangeres o bé dipositar en el seminari de Llengües Estrangeres abans de divendres 1 d’abril a les 12:00 h.
Màxim 1 pàgina
Imprès (excepte els poemes)
Format: interlineat a 1.5. Mida Arial o Calibrí 12 punts
Tots els textos poden anar acompanyats d’alguna il.lustració
Les obres hauran de ser inèdites i individuals
No es retornaran els originals
Jurat: el professorat de l’àmbit de llengües estrangeres
La narració ha d’incloure una cita extreta d’una pel.lícula i l’haureu de subratllar en negreta. La cita dependrà del teu cognom:
De la A a la E:
“To infinity and beyond”- Toy Story I, 1996
De la F a la L:
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all” – Mulan, 1998
De la M a la R:
“They may take our lives, but they’ll never take our freedom!” – Braveheart, 1995
De la S a la Z:
“The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it”- The Lion King, 1994.
3r i 4rt ESO I BAT
En un sobre tancat, on a han de constar les següents dades: PSEUDÒNIM, TÍTOL del treball, CATEGORIA(s) i CURS.
Dins del sobre incloure-hi un full més petit i dobleglat amb el pseudònim i el nom real de l’alumne/a i el curs (només s’obrirà en el cas de resultar guanyador). De no adjuntar aquest full, el premi passarà a un altre participant.
Els textos a concurs s’han de lliurar a les professores de llengües estrangeres o bé dipositar en el seminari de Llengües Estrangeres abans de divendres 1 d’abril a les 12:00 h.
Màxim 1 pàgina
Imprès (excepte els poemes)
Format: interlineat a 1.5. Mida Arial o Calibrí 12 punts
Tots els textos poden anar acompanyats d’alguna il.lustració
Les obres hauran de ser inèdites i individuals
No es retornaran els originals
Jurat: el professorat de l’àmbit de llengües estrangeres
La narració ha d’incloure una cita extreta d’una pel.lícula i l’haureu de subratllar en negreta. La cita dependrà del teu cognom:
De la A a la E:
“Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer” The Godfather, 1974
De la F a la L:
"As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again." - Gone With the Wind, 1939
De la M a la R:
«May the Force be with you» Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars 1977
De la S a la Z:
"Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary." - Dead Poets Society, 1989.
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