#preacher&039;s kid
granonine · 7 months
Psalm 119: 73-80. Thy hands have made me and fashioned me: give me understanding, that I may learn Thy commandments. They that fear Thee will be glad when they see me; because I have hoped in Thy word. I know, O LORD, that Thy judgments are right, and that Thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me. Let, I pray thee, Thy merciful kindness be for my comfort, according to Thy word unto thy…
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lbeth1950 · 3 months
Mother Tried to Raise Me Right
Church was hard on me Church clothes were designed by the devil. My mom made fancy dresses with twirly skirts, puffy sleeves, lace, fancy collars, and gigantic sashes that tied in the back in a big bow. Just in case I might get a little comfortable, she starched and ironed them till they were so stiff they could stand alone. Getting ready for church started Saturday night with a bath and hair…
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accidentalfudge · 4 years
Brief Morning Musings
Hello, dear readers, and welcome to another Thursday that I almost forgot was Thursday. I am dashing this off before starting my workday with a two hour training, so it’s going to be fairly brief. I feel like I need a little reminder to smile on this grey Chicago morning, so I’m going to share a few things that are making me happy lately: Preacher’s Kid, by Semler. This album came out recently…
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apreachersdaughter · 6 years
This is just easier
I’m going through some things right now. I feel like the people around me have dwindled away. Good. I kinda like it. I need people who accept me for who I am, not who they think I am or who they want me to be.
Most people don’t know who I am, so I can say what I have on my mind without having judgmental people tell me what to do, or go tell my dad I’m writing about him. People are a fuckin trip!
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revryanfrench-blog · 4 years
The Top 10 Articles of 2020
The Top 10 Articles of 2020
I’d like to offer my warm thanks for your continued readership and support of the Apostolic Voice blog. And, for those that also listen to the new Apostolic Voice podcast, I’d like to thank you as well. It’s become a tradition at the beginning of each new year to post the top ten articles that trended in the previous year. Last year a few sleeper articles made a surge, and several staple pieces…
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revaileen · 6 years
My daddy, my pastor
My daddy, my pastor
Back in January 2008, I had just started divinity school at Gardner-Webb University; one of my classes was Introduction to Preaching with Dr. Danny West. Among the assignments was writing an “Autobiographical Analysis of an Influential Pastor.” We were tasked with describing the pastor’s impact on our lives, including how their preaching style affected our spiritual formation. For me, this one…
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myipop · 8 years
Sir The Baptist y su "Preacher's Kid", pasarán en marzo por Madrid y Barcelona
Sir The Baptist y su “Preacher’s Kid”, pasarán en marzo por Madrid y Barcelona
El estadounidense Sir The Baptist debutará en directo en nuestro país el próximo mes de marzo. (more…)
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gaypreacherskid · 8 years
Choosing Between Faith or Truth
Choosing Between Faith or Truth
This is a very hard blog post to write. It’s also difficult to know where to start as well. As you can tell from the title of my blog, I am a preacher’s kid. I’ve gone to church as long as I can remember. I’ve done Sunday School, Easter Cantatas, and Christmas plays. I’ve sang. I’ve prayed. I’ve even taught bible studies. But I’ve had a hard time reconciling my faith and my sexuality. We’ve seen…
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50thirdand3rd · 4 years
Album of the Week: TYLER KEITH - 'The Last Drag'
Album of the Week: TYLER KEITH – ‘The Last Drag’
You may or may not know the name Tyler Keith in some fashion. Perhaps you recognize him from his time as a member of legendary Mississippi garage punks the Neckbones, or maybe it’s from his work with rock and roll devotees Preacher’s Kids, or the gritty country-punk of the Apostles, or even the ramshackle roots-rock of Teardrop City. Either way, you should know the name, as Keith has been…
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jandeproductions · 5 years
Bolton Valley, VT 29FEB2020
Bolton Valley, VT 29FEB2020
Erica skiing the bountiful snow from Winter Storm Odell, which has hit Vermont with 30 to 40 inches of snow at the resorts of the Northern Green Mountains
We woke up this morning to reports from the Northern Greens ski resorts touting storm totals of nearly 40 inches at Stowe, and roughly 30 inches everywhere else.  The backside upslope & lake-effect snows from Winter Storm Odellhad continued to…
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apreachersdaughter · 7 years
“Money on my mind”
I hear these success stories about the struggle before the big break… I guess that’s where I am. Working working working. Experiencing and trying to let go of my fears. 
Fearing success, failure, fame, money, poverty, family… this is why people never get shit. I just couldn’t wait any longer. I’ve been taking chances, putting myself out there. I know one day people will see who I am. Until then,…
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corycopeland · 9 years
How Being a PK Taught Me to Love the Church
How Being a PK Taught Me to Love the Church | Marshall Pickard on learning to loving the Church from the inside.
When I tell folks I’m a pastor’s kid, I’m usually met with the same reaction: “Oh, that makes sense.” Insert eye roll.
There are two main stereotypes on opposite ends of the spectrum perpetuated about PKs: we’re either the legalistic perfectionist or the hedonistic wild child. Being a pastor’s kid is similar to living in a glass house. All eyes within the church feel like they are on you and your…
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bedlammagazine-blog · 9 years
How Being a PK Taught Me to Love the Church
How Being a PK Taught Me to Love the Church | Marshall Pickard on learning to loving the Church from the inside.
When I tell folks I’m a pastor’s kid, I’m usually met with the same reaction: “Oh, that makes sense.” Insert eye roll. There are two main stereotypes on opposite ends of the spectrum perpetuated about PKs: we’re either the legalistic perfectionist or the hedonistic wild child. Being a pastor’s kid is similar to living in a glass house. All eyes within the church feel like they are on you and your…
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gaypreacherskid · 8 years
Is Transgender the New Gay?
Is Transgender the New Gay?
Call it misunderstanding or call it willful scapegoating, homosexuality has and continues to be, for the most part, the object of a lot of blame. In the 80’s and 90’s, the gays were said to be the reason we had AIDS and, even more recently, we’ve been the cause of natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes. Now while I would love to have the X-Men ability to control the weather (Storm…
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apreachersdaughter · 7 years
When is Father's Day? 
When is Father’s Day? 
Don’t know and don’t care! -RealityOfAPreachersDaughter
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apreachersdaughter · 7 years
Go in the trash damnit!
Like I’m tossing some shit in the trash can and miss, pick it up, miss, pick it up again, miss. SHIT!!! I feel like I’m aiming right but I’m going around, over, or coming short of the goal.  
All I want to do is fucking throw it away.
Throw away all the fuckery that keeps me down, holds me back, makes me sick, breaks me out, makes me depressed, has me overwhelmed and stressed the fuck out. 
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