tennessoui · 2 years
It seems unfair to the (deeply unhinged!) pretty bird verse to compare it to the playmaker one. Pretty bird Anakin's moral compass does not change after he meets Obi-Wan (it is already very, very dented) and the balance of power seems much more equal (Anakin COULD have more power or grab Ahsoka and run, he just opts not to b/c having sex and tormenting Cody is obviously more fun), and they both kind of know they are manipulating each other and get off on it. Whereas playmaker is, um, darker.
ahh this is so interesting too though because there IS this love between playmaker obikin, but is it really equal to pbatmb??
the very name of both fics implies that it’s not:
the playmaker au is mostly named after an American football concept, where there’s a coach who decides every move of all the players and is (in the end) awarded with a victory through no physical effort of his own—anakin is absolutely the playmaker in that verse, even though there are times where obi-wan pushes back. It’s much more dub-con/what-is-your-nature? fic
Vs pbatmb is literally both of them together from the first title. Pretty bird. Also mob boss. Sure they’re in a d/s relationship with wild and unhealthy boundaries that should never ever ever be repeated, but they’re—at heart—the same sort of monster.
And in playmaker, there’s always gonna be the question of “well ok. Did he want to?” (Did the non mob guy want to kill someone?) and for playmaker au, that’s super open ended. Obi-Wan definitely committed to killing the other detective, and he definitely didn’t look back, but pbatmb!anakin took intense pleasure from killing hardeen, so. so?
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emily-escott · 3 months
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Digging through procreate to find stuff that hasn’t been posted yet ✏️
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hayden-christensen · 5 months
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OBI-WAN KENOBI (2022) Cinematography by Chung-Hoon Chung
@pscentral event 26: minimalism
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The reason The Lawless arc of The Clone Wars is so incredible is because narratively-speaking it forms a perfect self-contained tragedy no matter which character's perspective it's from:
For Satine, it's a political tragedy in the style of Richard II, focusing on a conflict between vying factions and the fall of a well-intentioned ruler, but also with echoes of Dido, Queen of Carthage in the sense that it's ultimately not the politics that screws her over as much as it is the doomed love story.
For Maul, it's a revenge tragedy like Hamlet, in which his desire for revenge on Obi-Wan ends up not only doing harm to innocents (like Satine) but also to himself and his own family (as with Savage's death).
For Obi-Wan, he's the object of the revenge tragedy while also being trapped in his own Orpheus-and-Eurydice "you can't save her no matter how hard you try" narrative.
For Bo-Katan, it's about how her pride and ambition prevents her from seeing right from wrong and from noticing the writing on the wall until it's too late to stop the events which have been set in motion and too late to save her sister. It's the idea of a royal house torn apart by betrayal, remorse, and the dashed hopes of reconciliation.
For Pre Vizsla, it's similar to Macbeth in that his desire for power and his designs on the throne end up being his downfall.
In these episodes, every character is the tragic hero of their own little disaster, and I think that is just so cool.
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phoenixyfriend · 9 months
* For the purposes of this poll, both Legends and Disney qualify as canon.
** Eminent domain
Don't give away the answer before the poll ends! I'll reblog with an explanation once it's done.
"Why the big red--" I've already had five people vote in the wrong direction.
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stoat-party · 10 months
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kraftykelpie · 22 days
Sobbing like a fool laying in my bed because I had the sad thought of Ben and Cody on Tatooine in their old age (pre-ANH) and them going to sleep, holding hands.
Cody passes in his sleep. Obi-wan/Ben, feeling Cody's bright presence suddenly blink out in the force, shoots awake, palming for a heartbeat where he knows there is no longer one. They had talked about it, Cody had known his time was coming to a close, he was content with how the rest of his short life had panned out, by his beloved general's side, married and at peace (kind of). Ben saw it. He knew. When it would happen seemed indeterminate; if Ben knew when Cody was passing, perhaps he could have prepared to be ready for it. But real life doesn't often work like that.
Gently cradling Cody's cooling face in one of his palms, uttering quiet "why's" into the dark, and, "i wasn't ready to let you go".
A final keldabe kiss in farewell as he combs his fingers through Cody's curls for the last time.
Just like with Qui Gon, Satine, Anakin, Padmé (we'll be here all night if I list them all), the emotional gut punch of watching the light die (metaphorical in Anakin's case) in the eyes of people Obi-Wan deeply cared about. It caps off at Cody. This is why to me, he was so ready to face off against Vader (including normal plot relevant reasons), because not only was he getting Too Old For This Shit Anymore, but one of the strongest lights (love) in his life had died a few years prior. So instead of offing himself like a coward or giving into his grief all those years ago, and when Cody passed, he became a “self-sacrificial jedi” one last time. Whereupon he would pass into the Force, where hopefully, Cody would be waiting.
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deserthusbands · 4 months
post order 66, having later joined obi-wan on tatooine, cody stiffly stares at the 10 year old using him to rest against as he sleeps.
cody, whispering: si– obi-wan, he's asleep on me. do i just sit here?
obi-wan: just let him rest, cody. he trusts you.
cody: but what if he wakes up and—
obi-san, chuckling softly: and finds himself with a protector like you? i think he'll be just fine, dear.
cody: mmf.. okay.
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nickytess · 2 months
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it’s time to post one of the drawings on the postcards, just a sweet aotc moment 🥰
a few days left for the pre-orders👁️
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darth-memes · 5 months
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mercysong-tardis · 6 months
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Context: Satine’s coronation to become Duchess of Mandalore, right after the Year On The Run.
I wanted her coronation dress to be very wedding-dress-like, as she’s in many ways marrying herself to Mandalore and her new duties. And of course, for extra angst, Obi-Wan is the one walking her out and handing her off. But it’s also not Obitine without some cute banter, so here you go (:
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emily-escott · 2 months
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C’mon, he knows his fungi! (that’s a lot of spores, though)
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 1 year
Crackfic wherein obi wan really has slept with every single candidate for Mandalorian leadership and also with Maul, who is discovering this as he attempts to take over mandalore
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jebiknights · 9 months
Quinlan's backstory (which is mostly legends canon but I don't think we've gotten much new canon backstory for him) is complicated, and we don't really know how much time he spent in the temple or not and since he doesn't have a new canon backstory I sort of get why he kinda just gets shuffled into Obi-Wans creche clan - HOWEVER
I think there should be more fics of baby Quinlan being forcefully adopted by Obi-Wan and Bant and everyone. They're all still initiates, and Quinlan despite being under the age of 10 is already a Padawan!! Which means he doesn't really need a creche clan, Tholme has been handling all of his education, but he probably takes some initiate classes when on Coruscant. Just them seeing this too young Padawan and being like.... New crechemate let's fucking go! Baby Quinlan would not know how to handle it.
Like not only just so he has connections on Coruscant and friends, I'm also just imagining the trouble they'd talk him into. Sneaking him into the creche for a sleepover. Making sure he knows all the best secret passages in the Temple. Convincing him to use his psychometry to get gossip on their rivals.
Like Quinlan naturally was a bit of a trouble maker, but he doesn't often have accomplices hyping him up and digging the hole deeper with him. Doubly funny because like, Obi-Wan was a pretty rambunctious pre-teen and his other initiate friends were also pretty silly and fun. I just think we're missing opportunities not having more fun with Quinlan's Legends backstory wrt his friendships and relationships within the Order.
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If the Mandalore story in The Clone Wars was live action
(A group effort by the Obitine server ❤️)
Satine Kryze: Cate Blanchett
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Ewan McGregor
Pre Vizsla: Paul Bettany (yeah, he’s Dryden Vos, I know. But look at his cheekbones! It’s too perfect! Also, I headcanon that Pre and Dryden are half-brothers, and you should too!)
Bo-Katan Kryze: Katee Sackhoff
Darth Ketchup: Ray Park & Sam Witwer
Darth Mustard: Clancy Brown
Almec: Charles Dance
Ahsoka: Laura Harrier
Korkie Kryze: Freddie Fox
Lagos: Lucy Boynton
Soniee: Katherine Langford
Amis: John Bell
Fenn Rau: Kevin McKidd (I’m sticking him in because I can)
Edean Tol’ket: Michael Ealy (from @the-obiwan-for-me’s She Said the Word series)
And bonus flashbacks of the Kryze parents (the artwork is mine and the full edit can be found here)
Adonai Kryze: Charlie Hunnam
Satine & Bo’s mother: Anna Torv
Seriously, Anna somehow looks like both Cate and Katee and it drives me insane.
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