#he isnt an innocent civiilian being twisted darker
tennessoui · 2 years
It seems unfair to the (deeply unhinged!) pretty bird verse to compare it to the playmaker one. Pretty bird Anakin's moral compass does not change after he meets Obi-Wan (it is already very, very dented) and the balance of power seems much more equal (Anakin COULD have more power or grab Ahsoka and run, he just opts not to b/c having sex and tormenting Cody is obviously more fun), and they both kind of know they are manipulating each other and get off on it. Whereas playmaker is, um, darker.
ahh this is so interesting too though because there IS this love between playmaker obikin, but is it really equal to pbatmb??
the very name of both fics implies that it’s not:
the playmaker au is mostly named after an American football concept, where there’s a coach who decides every move of all the players and is (in the end) awarded with a victory through no physical effort of his own—anakin is absolutely the playmaker in that verse, even though there are times where obi-wan pushes back. It’s much more dub-con/what-is-your-nature? fic
Vs pbatmb is literally both of them together from the first title. Pretty bird. Also mob boss. Sure they’re in a d/s relationship with wild and unhealthy boundaries that should never ever ever be repeated, but they’re—at heart—the same sort of monster.
And in playmaker, there’s always gonna be the question of “well ok. Did he want to?” (Did the non mob guy want to kill someone?) and for playmaker au, that’s super open ended. Obi-Wan definitely committed to killing the other detective, and he definitely didn’t look back, but pbatmb!anakin took intense pleasure from killing hardeen, so. so?
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