#pre prequels
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anakinsafterlife · 2 years ago
To all my fandom oldies, I am looking for a fanfic that was online in the mid-nineties, so it was probably geocities or angelfire or tripod or something like that. Anyway, it was a Star Wars prequel style fic written before the prequels were released, even before the first rumours came out of Lucasfilm. Anakin was an officer in the Republican army, and his wife was an admiral (I remember that her name was something original and *not* Arcadia, which was always her name in fics of that period). The fic takes place primarily after she asks for a divorce or right after they get divorced. Anakin is not onboard with the separation, but because his wife has connections in the upper echelons, he can't oppose it. So he goes to a bar and gets angry-drunk (I think Palpatine might have been in the bar with him, but not sure about that??), and then crashes his speeder on the way back home or to wherever he was staying. He's massively injured, and this ends up being the reason for the life support suit.
I can't remember the name of the fic at all, or the name of the webpage, but if anyone has a copy of this secreted sonewhere, or at the least some information that I can plug into the Wayback Machine, I would be terribly grateful. I do know that it was someone's individual webpage, and the story was never posted to any of the bigger archives of the time.
My sincere thanks to anyone who might respond or reblog for signal boost. May the Force be with you!
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morgan-n-cheese-91 · 22 days ago
why are there more fics in the Master Si and Dooku tag than Myles and Jango?????????
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emily-escott · 5 months ago
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And he was definitely super calm and rational about that
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redn1ghtcrawler · 5 months ago
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idk know what I was trying to do here but have a baby ani
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wyvernne · 2 years ago
this is ur daily reminder that crepus didn’t just die in front of diluc, diluc killed him to spare him from the suffering when the delusion backfired
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 year ago
How I've seen most people write Rangi coming out to her mom:
Rangi: Mom, I have something to tell you.
Hei-Ran: Go on.
Rangi: Kyoshi and I.....are.....together.
Hei-Ran: Oh I'm so happy for you.
*they hug it out, much wholesome*
How I think the coming out scene went:
Rangi: Mother. I need to tell you something, Kyoshi and I are together.
Hei-Ran: Oh thank the spirits. It finally happened.
Rangi: ???? You knew????
Hei-Ran: Sweetie, everyone in the mansion-no, all of Yokoya knew about it! Well except for Kyoshi.
Rangi: ????!! WHAT?!
Hei-Ran: I'm pretty sure Jianzhu thought you were dating, that's probably why he kidnapped you, you know?
Rangi: WH-HOW?!
Hei-Ran: Oh please, we saw your gay little ass running all over the damn mansion just to be near Kyoshi and to impress her. We were mute, not blind and deaf!
Rangi, having a crisis: I-wha-but-
Hei-Ran: Well, you aren't very good at hiding your emotions sweetie.
Rangi, flipping a nearby table: The fuck you mean I'm not?????!
Hei-Ran: Oh curses, go get Atuat, I owe her $5.
Hei-Ran: Well Kelsang is dead, so I had to keep our bet alive somehow.
Rangi: I-*inhales* YOu know what? Doesn't matter! Do you accept Kyoshi or not?
Hei-Ran: Anybody who gives my girl that much cardio is 100% welcome into our family. In fact, I already added her to our family registry 2 years ago. As far as the Fire Nation is concerned, you two have been married for a while.
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jurijurijurious · 10 days ago
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I'm working on a fanimatic I hadn't planned to. It's pure headcanon vibes and I'm having fun stomping on my own Feels.
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westergaartchive · 19 days ago
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Freaking it sensitive style (ft. sensitive era Joe)
Also more designs below the cut that I should make for a separate post but I don't want to spam the tags with this dickhead
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ncfan-1 · 15 days ago
I appreciate that it’s after Luke has a talk with Leia about their mother that he finds the resolve to go to their father and try to save him. Padmé is a blank spot in his life, but he knows that he had a mother, and that she presumably loved his father. After considering someone else who loved his father, he finds the will to let his own love lead his actions. And it is that love that saves the day, and the whole galaxy with it.
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chipistrate · 1 year ago
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System file C:/Users/[REDACTED]/[…]/GGY.exe has gone offline. Shutting down associated files: GlamrockPerformers/Freddy.exe TheaterPerformers/Sun.exe TheaterPerformers/Moon.exe
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Flats cause I was messing with my line art style this time and think it's neat :]
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carrionmagpie · 3 months ago
Another year of creating customs! 🤯🤯
This hobby has become such a significant part of my left and had such a positive effect on my mental wellbeing! It's been fantastic to keep creating and meet so many people along the way, here's to more years to come!
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emily-escott · 6 months ago
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I imagine the older they get, the less of a kriff they give, and they’ll just start interrupting each other and neither one will back down.
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charmwasjess · 5 months ago
Makashi. Existence itself seemed to grow brighter and more beautiful. Things that had been closed up inside him before became infinitely possible. The movements - old and strange and lovely as edda - changed Dooku. No longer was he the awkward, critical boy who always missed the cue, his too-tall body ruled by a rabbit’s fumbling heart. He was remade, if only in this.
✨COMPLETE 10/10✨
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months ago
Batman 1966 was a great show, and it's what I think I'll always picture when I think about Pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths Batman. If the show had just had a Pre-Crisis Jason Todd, we would've been perfect… That is something i want to put in a Batman '66 continuation, by the way. I want the Jason Todd of that show's earth to survive and be the second robin at the finale of the series. Pre-Crisis Jason Todd never died, after all. Only Post-Crisis Jason Todd suffered. And since Batman 1966 is pretty much just Earth-One to me, that means it's also the world where Jason Todd never died. So I want to see an exploration of Jason Todd in Batman 66.
But another thing I would want: I kind of want a prequel to Batman 1966. I want to just see the origins of Batman on that earth, as well as the origins of Robin, The Penguin, The Riddler and all the others. I definitely want to see explanations and origin stories for the three catwomen and three mister freezes, too. A prequel to Batman 1966 would definitely be interesting to me. Because although I actually really like how the show didn't often give origin stories (preferring to just get straight to the action and adventure), I still think there's untapped potential in the backstories of the characters. Especially if we can somehow work in small elements of their actors personal lives, somehow.
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kraymerman · 5 months ago
I believe that there is a high likelihood that Alice survived episode 6.
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Well okay, maybe "survived" isn't the right word, more like I believe that there is a high likelihood that Alice could come back from her death in episode 6.
Why do I think that? Well partly because she's one of my favorite characters and I want her to, but more prominently because she's come back from the dead before (if my theory is correct)!
Now, anyone who has spent some time in the Alice fandom knows about the list. She's in it, it deadnames her (evil trans queen), and so on and so forth. What matters to my post, though, is what her status is labelled as, which, chronologically, would have been her status at the time of Cabin Fever Labs's attempt at patching Nori of the Solver.
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There she is, number 017, deadname scribbled out for respect. And what is her status? "Corrupted". Now, we don't know for sure what it means to be "corrupted" (trust me, I have spent several late nights/early mornings trying to figure it out), but my hypothesis is that the state we see Mika (032) and Jame (012) in are the result of being corrupted by a bad patch (Mika left, Jame right)
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Chained up, sedated, kinda fleshy, and very dead, right? Now, to explain why I think this is what corruption looks like, it's just process of elimination. It can't be a successful patch because these guys aren't anything like Nori or Yeva (plus it does everything except outright say that Yeva was the first drone at Cabin Fever Labs to receive a successful patch).
Athough I could see a possibility where this is the result of a patch having no effect and the Solver lashing out, the part that hangs it up for me is that these drones wrote on the inside of their locker doors, meaning that they weren't killed then chained up inside of their lockers. It means that they were restrained inside of their lockers, then died on their own afterwards. That's not what would happen if the Solver was on a rampage. Also, even if the writing means nothing and these drones had ineffective patches, the Solver fought back, then they were offed, why would Cabin Fever Labs keep the dead bodies? Let alone chain them up and sedate them? They would've properly disposed of it so as to eliminate a potential host for the Solver, there's no reason they would have kept the body around if this was the product of a "no effect" patch.
So that leaves only one option: corruption. And just looking at it, this feels, at least to me, what "corruption" could look like. A sort of halfway between machine and flesh, chained up and sedated so as to get the spazzing drone from catching anyone, and a slow burnout after being confined in their locker (possibly kept alive so the scientists could see what happened). Seems pretty straightforward to me.
So to bring it back to my original point, this short-circuting freak out, a corruption of the mind, followed by a slow confined death. If this is an accurate evaluation of corruption, then that is what happened to Alice when they tried to patch her. What Mika and Jame look like? At the time of Nori's patching, Alice looked like that too. Despite that, though, she was still, through methods unknown to us, able to not only come back to life, but also completely reverse the fleshiness and return to looking like a completely normal worker drone (minus the knife tail, although I always assumed that that was a self-modification on her part considering it lacks any of the fleshiness characteristic of Solver Tails).
If she was able to come back unscathed from such a terrible fate then, then what's stopping her from using the same methods to come back from a simple head stomp? It was just her head that was crushed after all, not her core.
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An addendum: "What Methods?!"
After reading my initial theory, I'm sure you're asking: "unknown methods? What does that mean?" Well I'm glad you asked, hypothetical person reading this that I made up in my head, because that lets me get into the biggest reason why I love Alice as a character so much. She doesn't make any sense according to the rules of the Murder Drones world that we already know. But not in a "she contradicts them", moreso a "she works in a different way", implying that there is a whole new set of rules in this world that exist, but we just don't know about them yet.
Anyone who thinks about Alice for more than a few minutes realizes very quickly how her existence as a drone admitted to Cabin Fever Labs makes no sense. She's very obviously been given the Solver, both because of her "corrupted" status on the list and the fact that she's even here at all, yet she also shows no symptoms of being possessed by the Solver or, most importantly, any signs of possessing the telekinesis/regenerative/create flesh limbs abilities inherent to all drones who possess the Solver, patched or otherwise. Not only that, but she also actively distances herself from drones who do, calling them "witches".
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Hell, in the case of regeneration, she straight-up proves she doesn't have it when she replaces the tip of her finger that Uzi bit off with a new one instead of regenerating her old one.
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In a comment section somewhere, I saw someone speculate that the reason Alice is like this is because she is asymptomatic to the effects of the Solver. This idea absolutely fascinates me, the idea that, for whatever reason, the Solver sits dormant in Alice's code instead of infecting her like it does all other drones. (I suspect that this is the reason why she was able to come back while other corrupted drones weren't. For a moment, something happened to kick her strand of the Solver out of it's dormancy to bring her back to life, before going dormant again.)
Even if my speculations don't end up being true, this idea that, in some drones, the Solver can lay dormant is still an entirely new concept, a new function of the Solver that we never see it display anywhere else. It's a treasure map hinting at a treasure trove of all-new lore waiting just at the end. The sheer promise Alice has is so exciting to me. There's so much there, hiding just below the surface I can feel it.
It is for this reason that, out of all the Murder Drones characters that go underutilized, Alice is the one that, I feel, is the most desperately deserving of an episode/mini comic series of her own. THERE IS SO MUCH GOING ON HERE, I CAN SMELL IT! WE JUST NEED TO GO A LITTLE DEEPER!!!
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emdapaladima · 2 months ago
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