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hooperfiko · 1 year ago
Your non-dominant hand is about to become a force to be reckoned with on the court! 🪄💪 🌟 Why Master Off-Hand Finishing Moves? 🌟 Your off-hand is often your secret weapon, and mastering it is a game-changer. By the end of this video, you'll have a toolkit of creative and realistic finishing moves that will leave your defenders baffled and your teammates in awe. 🔥 What to Expect 🔥 l've carefully selected five drills and workouts that focus on off-hand finishing and you'll see how to execute it flawlessly. We've got step-by-step breakdowns, slow-motion footage 🔹 WRAP AROUND 🔹 ELEVATE & SCOOP 🔹 UP & UNDER 🔹 DOUBLE CLUTCH 🔹 FINGER ROLL Get ready to transform your game, boost your confidence, and become a more versatile player. Are you excited to get started? Hit that "LIKE" button and show some love if you're ready to become an off-hand basketball maestro! 💙 Don't forget to "SUBSCRIBE" and ring the 🔔 bell so you never miss an update from channel. And please, share this video with your fellow ballers who need to up their game! Get out there and practice these off-hand finishing moves, and soon you'll be dominating the court like never before. See you on the hardwood! 🏀💯 #BasketballSkills #OffHandMagic #BasketballTraining #FinishingMoves #BasketballDrills #OffHand #BasketballMagic #GameChanger #BasketballTrainingDrills #BasketballFundamentals #BallHandling #BasketballWizardry #BasketballMoves #BasketballWorkouts #OffHandFinishing #BasketballSuccess #HoopsJourney #BasketballIsLife #SportsTraining #BasketballCommunity #BasketballPlayers #BasketballCrazy #BasketballSkillsTraining #PracticeWithPurpose #WinningBasketball #BallersUnite #StayActive #BasketballMotivation #GameOn
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helmar-weiss · 2 years ago
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Daily Practice Routine!!!
WENN die Bass-Drum belegt ist DANN wird der Charley auf das Notenpult gelegt!
#PracticeMakesProgress #MusiciansJourney #MusicalGrowth #DedicatedToPractice #MasteringTheCraft #DailyPracticeRoutine #InstrumentMastery #MusicianLifestyle #MusicalDiscipline #PassionForPractice #PracticeConsistency #UnlockingMusicalPotential #MusicianDevelopment #MusicalExcellence #PracticeWithPurpose
Als Musiker ist es sinnvoll, regelmäßig zu üben!
Verbesserung der technischen Fähigkeiten: Durch regelmäßiges Üben kannst du deine technischen Fähigkeiten auf deinem Instrument verbessern. Das betrifft Aspekte wie Fingerfertigkeit, Handkoordination, Atemkontrolle und Rhythmus-Gefühl. Je mehr Zeit und Energie du in dein Üben investierst, desto besser wirst du auf deinem Instrument.
Aufbau von musikalischem Repertoire: Durch regelmäßiges Üben kannst du ein breites Repertoire an Musikstücken aufbauen. Indem du regelmäßig neue Stücke einstudierst, erweiterst du dein Wissen und deine Fähigkeiten in verschiedenen Stilen und Genres. Dies ermöglicht es dir, vielseitiger als Musiker zu werden.
Stärkung der musikalischen Ausdrucksfähigkeit: Durch kontinuierliches Üben entwickelst du ein tieferes Verständnis für Musik. Du lernst, musikalische Nuancen zu erkennen, Interpretationen zu gestalten und deine eigene Persönlichkeit in deine Musik einzubringen. Regelmäßiges Üben ermöglicht es dir, deine musikalische Ausdrucksfähigkeit zu stärken und dich als Künstler weiterzuentwickeln.
Aufrechterhaltung der technischen Fähigkeiten: Wenn du längere Zeit nicht übst, können deine technischen Fähigkeiten abnehmen. Muskelgedächtnis und Fingerfertigkeit lassen nach, und es kann schwierig sein, das Niveau zu halten, das du zuvor erreicht hast. Durch regelmäßiges Üben hältst du deine technischen Fähigkeiten aufrecht und verhinderst einen Verlust von Fortschritt.
Vorbereitung auf Auftritte und Aufnahmen: Regelmäßiges Üben ist besonders wichtig, wenn du Auftritte oder Aufnahmen hast. Indem du vorher intensiv übst, bist du besser vorbereitet, um deine Musik vor Publikum oder im Studio aufzuführen.
LEARN MORE: http://mobiler-musikunterricht.de/
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coachmaryc · 4 years ago
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Mindfulness Monday #mindfulnesscanhelp #Mindfulnessmonday #practicemakesperfect #practicewithpurpose #practice #sexuallymindful #mindful #mindfulness #mindbodysoul #mindovermatter https://www.instagram.com/p/CJoG7d-hcpv/?igshid=16la5k16fs8v
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mifsudvisions · 6 years ago
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Ari wants to call this one slime flower. (16x20). Not sure if I should stop here because I enjoy how it’s simple and clean looking. Then there’s this part of me that wants to sit back and let it wait till I see something deeper in it. What do you all think? I would love to know, stop or keep going. Thanks a lot for the feedback. I love critiques and helpful artwork information. I’m happy to help out as well. ✌️✌️✌️✌️ #art #artwork #artist #paint #shapes #series #explore #more #ideas #playful #colortheory #illgetbetter #practicewithpurpose https://www.instagram.com/p/B1ILzg5h8qa/?igshid=lighghtxm9rx
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rajvidesai · 3 years ago
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Keep an eye on your mind! #consciousness #awakenmind #selfevolution #empoweryourself✨ #practicewithpurpose https://www.instagram.com/p/B8kfhlRBF4b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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teymusic · 3 years ago
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Thank you for taking care of yourself. It means so much! Thank you for making it a way of life! ☀️ ☀️ ☀️ #takecareofeachother #takecareofyourself #healthyliving #taketimeforyourself #taketimeout #taketimetobreathe #breathdeep #inhaledeeply #exhalecompletely #inhalepeace #inhalehealth #exhalenegativity #exhalefear #exhalewhatyoudontneed #practicemakesprogress #practicemakespermanent #practicewithpurpose #yogawithtey #yogalife #yogalove #zoomclasses #joinmeorwatchme #mindbodyspirit #stayconnectedtogod #liveeverymoment #yogawithfriends #yogawithlove #yogateacher #singingyogi #specialskills https://www.instagram.com/p/CYguLB-rrDt/?utm_medium=tumblr
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begetmusic · 5 years ago
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Practice not to impress or because you want to outshine others but because you want to be better than who you were yesterday. Compete with no one but yourself. Practice for the right reasons. #practicemakesperfect #getitright #practicemakesprogress #getitnow #practicepracticepractice #coach #practiceregularly #practicetips #beregular #bepunctual #beyourself #bereadytolearn #practicewithpurpose #practicefortherightreasons #musictipoftheday #musicians&practice #getitdone #musiciansandpractice #begetmusic #musiccoaching #begetmusiccommunity (at Port Harcourt) https://www.instagram.com/p/CALK1nHgWuf/?igshid=10qce4tsx2ryf
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jabillustration · 5 years ago
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I really liked that quick sketch I posted yesterday so here’s the same environment but at a different time of day! #environmentdesign #light #sunset #landscape #quicksketch #timeofday #digital #practicewithpurpose https://www.instagram.com/p/CAJGi_5DFoG/?igshid=f4gj6rgfshzp
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thewitchfromthenorth · 6 years ago
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I am rediscovering myself after a long hiatus. There was a long time in my life where I stepped away from my practice because of external influences but I am back now...and it feels good! I have been re-learning to quiet the outside world and listen to my intuition and guides over the past three years. When you learn to focus your energy you're able to channel it, increase it and send it out or redirect it. And reconnecting to this had been empowering. When did you realize that you had everything you needed within you all along? . . . #practicewithpurpose #honingmycraft #mycraftismylife #reconnectingtoself #trustyourintuition #trustyourguide #thewitchisback #thewitchfromthenorth #theuniversehasyourback #rediscoveringmyself #focusyourenergy #magickwithin #magickiseverywhere https://www.instagram.com/p/B0RRyE1F3EL/?igshid=1hjodi67qb1z0
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foundationfootball · 8 years ago
An essential element of the game is to play subconsciously, the relationship between the ball and the feet needs to be autonomous, multi directional, therefore repetitive training to improve balance and coordination with the ball helps improve the comfort level with the ball. The aim is to push yourself past the comfort level, when the movements are fast and balanced one should then look to do the same routines whilst looking up, eventually not looking at the ball at all, you can even try it blindfolded!#football #footballschool #footballskills #training #practicemakesperfect #practicewithpurpose
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coachmaryc · 4 years ago
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#Mindfulnessmonday #practicemakesperfect #practicetoday #mindfulness #mindfulnesscanhelp #practicewiththreeaspects #sexuallymindful #practicewithpurpose #practicewithlove https://www.instagram.com/p/CJW-zpchJSd/?igshid=1xh31ov6vneoe
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bounceitlikeabadcheck · 8 years ago
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#practicewithpurpose #dance #perform #stun #performingarts #doverhighschool #academyofthearts
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petermancinipenrealty · 5 years ago
The Process of Practicing | Cued In https://t.co/VeG5YvAs48#petermancinire #musiceducation #practice #purpose #practicewithpurpose pic.twitter.com/Py5IA12bTC
— Peter Mancini (@PeterMancini4) March 21, 2020
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willhurdstrings · 4 years ago
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obrigado Gracias ขอบคุณ Grazie ありがとうございました 谢谢 감사합니다 Дякую धन्यवाद Спасибо teşekkür ederim متشکرم We surpassed 4000 followers this weekend! Thank you for for all your support! Your continued interaction, comments, and encouragement means so much to me! Please share my content with anyone you think would be interested in classical music, music education, string pedagogy and the Suzuki method! I look forward to future conversations in upcoming posts and live streams! #violinteacher #violintechnique #violinist #violinistsofinstagram #suzukimethod #suzukiviolinmethod #suzukiviolin #suzukiviolinschool #suzukiviolinteacher #viola #violapower #violanation #violaworld #cello #violin #violoncellodaspalla #practiceroom #practicediaries #practicemakesprogress #practicewithpurpose #4kfollowers #4000followers #instamilestone #instagrammilestone #classicalmusician (at Washington D.C.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIN07YxASYo/?igshid=1je44q1h0fb38
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jabillustration · 5 years ago
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🔥 Lava pools 🔥 Weirdly I liked using orbs as placeholders in a few of these, if I decide to take them further who knows what they will become. #environmentdesign #painting #quicksketch #digital #10min #practicewithpurpose #lava #artistsoninstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B_n0HMeDjS-/?igshid=1my12n7t02b9r
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ashtangini · 7 years ago
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Step 3: address your lats- advanced. Lats are developed in Ashtanga yoga through thousands if not millions of jump backs. Primary series takes us into a new world where postures are second and transitions are first. Just as in life, sometimes we focus too much in the past or future and forget the transition itself is a powerful place if we observe it with interest and no expectations. Technique: to prepare pincha mayurasana, make sure your elbows are in line with your shoulders. Then, lift your hips keeping your feet on the floor. Breathe deeply and create connection between your limbs and the core. Then rest in child’s pose. You can eventually progress to a one leg up variation. Warning: don’t attempt this by yourself- find a qualified ashtanga Authorised or certified teacher to guide you. Full pincha mayurasana or feather of the peacock comes in the second half of intermediate series.~#ashtangayoga #ashtanginiofficial #practicewithlove #practicewithpurpose #practicepracticepractice#kpjayiparampara https://www.instagram.com/p/BngiHcEns6J/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xdh7s37e8l9c
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