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Amazing. Life is so strange and also wild and I just cannot fathom how deep all this goes. Wow.
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I like to paint small things too. Baby alien human thingy. Very small.
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Oh the joy I feel from this one. I love the fart part. Mmmm nothing beats a loud hard wet fart sound. So special. So unique. Like a gurgling cannon. Amazing. What if we didn’t communicate through our mouths and tongues. What if we communicated is our farts. I’m sure we do somewhere some place. Hahahahaa toot toot. The long calls. The short quick bursts like morose codes. Oh man.
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Sometimes things come around. Somethings go away. There are questions I have that maybe never go answered. Opinions are great but you know the old saying.... I feel like I’ve been with the source. I’ve felt the sun run through my translucent body. I’ve been lost in a endless rainbow laser fog realm. Out of body self viewing as well as watching the past present and possible futures happening all at once. However the fact is that I’m happy. I’m here and experiencing what this earth has to offer physically and emotionally. It’s exhausting to create reasons for what the beginning and end will be. #ridethebike #chocolateornothing #spacetimegeometry #thestart #thefinish
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Step two. Final phase will be next. That’s the special touches and the details. This is the basic block in of solid and color gradient layout. When you actually buy the painting or see it in person the brush strokes tend to always amaze me. I hope to get this one sorta soft and clay like in the face so it even looks soft up close and personal. I came across an artist last year. @mysticfishstick uses juxtaposition of styles to even flat vs 3D. Check out his page for some very amazing content. 👍👍👍🤘🤘🤘🤘⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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I like to paint real life too. People ask me often for tips. All the tips I’ve ever gotten was to practice everyday and focus on the realism and perspective and composition. Then once you know the rules you can break them and form what comes to you automatically. So maybe it’s not about breaking the rules just mastering them. Knowing why they matter and how they work. #dog #dogpainting #woof
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Step one. 🚂🚂🚂🚂🚂 #garbagepailkids #mifsudvisions #approved #readytogo #base
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Good times. Always fun just vibing and kicking back and having a good time with the fam. Lots of love. Thanks family. ❤️😉😉
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Today I spent the evening drawing the garbage pal Adam bomb. When I was a kid I had them all and still really enjoy the movie. Now that I’m older the fact he is wearing a suit seems very proper. It has me analyzing a fucking garbage pal card like some kinda conspiracy freak. A child wearing a suit blowing out his own brains. We are being watched. Even if it’s by “ourselves” or “the ones who facilitate our world and limits”. I dunno shit that’s going on behind the scenes... but I hope to some day. I want to know. I’d hope everyday everything can be real and within the confines of crafted perfection. I’m sick of consuming tech and garbage furniture with broken systems and corruption everywhere. We are beyond all of this. Hard to really imagine if the entire world worked together on a financial and fair effort to positively advance our understanding first and foremost of the earth and all that exists but then even beyond. The origin story. It’s out there. It’s gotta be.
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Great times and strange amounts of time. Even though it’s hard to put into words but simply put... glass breaks. It’s fragile. Functional and artwork no doubt. I did two paintings of this rig. The other one is a bit more raw and this one has a bit more or a structure to it. I really do enjoy all things artwork. Sculpture is something as well as installation design. Yet my life does seem to keep pulling me further from the possibilities of creating these things any time soon. Maybe I might never even get to them. It’s possible that it might not even be my own fault. Life has a lot to offer each of us yet as “easy” as it is there is a true struggle. New tech becomes available each day. Procedures change and fluctuate. Moods and view points can completely change on a dime. Some of which we can control and some of which we can’t. Either way I’m enjoying this chance. It’s been very expression rich and I feel lucky to have an ability to merry two crafts of magic and maybe even multiple them into other forms. GLASS HALF FULL!!!!! Well off to bed. 5am is coming for me soon. #earlymorningtraffic #noradio #superblazed #deepthoughtswithjackhandy #ormyself #itsalwaysmyself #glassart #verynice #spacecaseglass #mifsudvisions
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Tunnels even look like mushrooms. It’s hard for me to see what the future holds. Especially when there’s tunnels everywhere 😆😂😆😂🤣🤣🤣😉👍 #rabbitholes #downtherabbithole #wormholes #blackholes #vaccum #space #time #dimensions #possibilities #dreams #hardwork #dedication #passion
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Here’s a fun idea. Be happy. Like even if your not really. It’s surprising how much it can change your mood for the better. Or focus on the positive aspects of whatever you can find about it. We’re all different and I personally enjoy it quite a bit. Keep on rockin in the free world why you still can 💪😎🤘🤘🤘 #mifsudvisions #couple #whatstheplanstan #chillvibes #teammifsud
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It’s that time!!!!!!!!!!
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The power is inside you. Others help to bring it out or suppress it. Be real. Be you. Be Safe. Lots of love as always. #art #artwork #artist #trippyart #power #lightworking #shinebright #smile #wakeup #loveeveryonesomehow #seethegood #denythebad #dmt
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The river was a snake. No joke. 🤖👽👻
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If ya don’t know.... now you do. Jam and please enjoy. All the best.
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Bugs are cool. Bugs are ancient also. While we are a blip of time compared. So many subconscious insectiod thoughts. Decaying our own bodies. Anything to survive.
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