#potential discovery
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sburbian-sage · 7 months ago
Hey so ive been watching your posts quite a bit and you seem pretty knowledgeable so i had a question
I was wondering what other species have been run into out in sburb?
I have a coplayer this session whos is a smith of heart who is some kind of plant creature? Shes made of vines or something
Tried finding info on the web and could find nothing but clearly made up rumors after a day or two of searching
Shes cool enough but has a habit of trying to pet my hair which like, no fuck off ive been through 4 sessions now thank you very much im not a child (although I am fine with her cooking because God damn I don't know how she does it but she makes that shit taste way better than it should)
Shes a fucking whizz with the alchemiter as well, making shit i can barely comprehend
Ive also never seen her kill an imp but according to grist torrent she has grist in the quadrillions which should be completely fucking impossible since we have only been in session for about 2 weeks
Currently shes building a 'ath based quantum code entangled communications array' which was about the only bit i understood other than the fact it somehow uses the furthest ring to send messages long distances? Which i dont understand the point of since we can communicate instantly anyway
Just wondering if anyone else has encountered them before, i asked for like a species name and she just rustled a bunch and changed the subject
Oh yeah, there are other guys out there. Humanity and Trollkind seem to be the most common (technically Trolls propogate more as a species across universes, but Humans tend to have more successful SBURB sessions and thus are over-represented among the Replayernet), but there are four other "well-known" species. Not to imply they're at all common, in fact I'd say all of them combined, there's probably less than 200 of them in the Replayernet. Less than 100, potentially.
Cherubs. Skull-faced, seemingly solitary, prone to doing solo sessions, and with a weird split personality thing going on. I recently got into drama with one of them. Technically one half of them. Keep up!
Hobs. Furry dinosaur things with prehensile tails (and sometimes arm-gliders). Evidently they frequently come into contact with Trolls (as in, they get conquered by them and tend to resent this). Known to be inordinately gregarious, making them pretty good networkers. Probably the "most common" of the rare species.
Birdbros. Big intelligent parrots with two-meter wingspans that tend to form technocratic societies. They have trouble walking on flat surfaces, but they can also fly so cry about it I guess. If you have a Birdbro coplayer, you can pretty much give up on navigating their houses unless you ask them to build accommodations, gain flight, or get really good at balancing on horizontal poles.
Hoofdogs. Technical bipeds, but they prefer four-legging it. Natural telepaths, but it's left their spoken and written language rather atrophied. If you want to hold a conversation, either get ready for a not-quadruped to get inside your brain, or get ready to start drawing pictures (and figuring out what they're drawing). In fact, they have a Pesterchum/Trollian equivalent called Expressfriend where you can only draw.
I can't say I have heard of a plant Player Species though. I tend not to think of them in general due to their rarity, but still, you may have actually come across an as-of-yet undocumented Playeroid. Assuming she isn't just a human who got heavily mutated, somehow. That might explain the evasiveness concerning her species.
Some notes, questions for you, and questions for her. Documentation appreciated, as always.
The fact that she can communicate seamlessly with you is quite notable. Some Player Species can communicate with each other mostly fine (Human English and whatever language the Trolls speak are kind of identical but with different alphabets and some goofy terminology, the Trolls get around like I mentioned earlier which may explain why Hobs and Cherubs can also communicate well), but the Birdbro language is mostly whistling and trilling, and the Hoofdogs barely even have a language. Either it's a hell of a coincidence (but not a conspicuous one), or the errant "she's actually a human" conspiracy theory I came up with on the cuff is holding up.
~ATH is a universal factor, nothing worth raising suspicion over.
SBURB's mythology and trappings vary wildly depending on the species making up the session. Alchemy is a universal, so it makes sense that she would have prior experience. But ask her what differences she notices between your (assumedly mostly-human) Session and her plant-based Session. In particular, if the Carapacians were physiologically/psychologically/culturally similar to her, if the Battlefield's chess metaphor was replaced with something else, if God Tier or other mechanics were different, stuff like that.
Related, while the game does have different "localizations", in a mixed-species Session it will actually partially localize itself in proportion to the different species present, and their proportion, in an attempt to create a maximally accessible Session. So you might be able to notice slight differences between this Session and a "Human Session" which clue you in to the more severe changes you'd see in her Session.
While you're at it, try to learn as much of her culture as you can. Do they have a fucked up romance thing going on? Was her attempts at tousling your hair a sort of mating ritual?
Extortion is a tool that must be used with discretion. If she can't provide a name for her species, you have free reign to make up something goofy like "Vineys" or "Verdancies" or "Seedrians" and make that the de-facto common terminology among the Replayernet.
This is your duty as a SBURB documentarian. It is also your duty to put to rest the "new species or a weird human" allegations. As well as, now that I am thinking about it, maybe keeping an eye on her. The phat Grist stockpile is pretty suspicious, and the communications array seems very odd. If it's actually a cover for her sending a signal to her home base so they can descend upon your Session and drain it of its resources, don't worry about it. Not only is any home base she had destroyed (SBURB Moment), but she ain't doing shit with the Furthest Ring unless she stakes her soul on it. But still, better to know than to not know.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months ago
In Regards To Your 2024 Summary:
Holy shit it’s been another year????? The hell?????
Also! Your art style is gorgeous and that being found in 2023 and then refined throughout late 2023 and the entirety of 2024 really shows, as does your growth in panel layouts, perspective, and — as you said — experimentation. If you ever post your animation or video game art I’m looking forward to it.
As cheesy as it sounds, being able to laugh at funny comics and look at all the details of your art really made my 2024 brighter, even when things were hard. Including looking at your older art— it doesn’t need to be new to be enjoyable! I’m glad your art is well loved and it’s a privilege to have been here since the (near) beginning. I hope you take care of yourself in 2025 and beyond!
You and your art bring a lot of people a lot of joy never forget that <3
Thank you so much for keeping up with my art journey throughout these last two years! Two years!!! I am baffled at how that feels both too long and too short!
Admittedly, my art summary didn't manage to capture the fact that I did a lot of comic layouts that I'm really proud of. I also drew more backgrounds and made some very detailed works (*Dungeon Meshi spoilers for these examples*).
The growth is lot more evident when comparing my 'best' comics of 2023 to 2024:
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Sometimes the growth is vertical, sometimes it is horizontal - and damn, sometimes it goes out of sight into the Z-plane. But it is always happening!
#art summary#ask#The privilege is honestly mine; to be able to create comics and have had people rooting me on since the beginning really means a lot.#To everyone who the potential I couldn't and continues to stick around: Thank you so very much.#I cannot emphasize enough that I do see you. I do notice those who regularly like/reblog/comment.#I notice when people who haven't been around come back and mass like/reblog posts.#There are some people who have only *ever* liked my posts or have only ever lurked! I notice! I am so thankful!#At the risk of also sounding cheesy; I'm honestly happy to give back whatever I can to my audience.#Knowing I have brought people a little bit of joy to their day with my silly comics makes every long night worth it.#I probably make a longer post about it in the future; but last year when I made my first comic redraw-#-was the same day I got the news that someone very beloved to me passed away. I was in such deep grief I couldn't respond to comments.#But I still read them and I mean this earnestly; even though I was smiling through tears -#everyone's kind words truly helped make a pretty dark month a lot brighter. I probably would have crumbled without the support.#What really gets me is this: it was never directed at trying to cheer me up. It was just earnest kindness towards a stranger making comics.#If you've ever wondered 'hey does PD-MDZS know how much I appreciate their silly comics?'#know I have also sat here and thought 'Hey does this person know how much I appreciate seeing them in my notifications?'#Which also includes you! Mina BNHA you will always be associated with the cool person who's been rooting for me B*)#I wish everyone a wonderful new year; may all our creative endeavors be something we see as an exciting discovery.
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secriden · 3 months ago
Watching Joong's Hurt Me Please MV with the context of how episode 6 ended and how this is likely a song about Fadel's thoughts and feelings about Style after Finding Out, I wanted to take a deeper look at the lyrics.
I have transcribed the English lyrics on Youtube side by side with a fan translated version (credit: bl_zonee on Twitter) just because there's different shades of meaning between them that I find really interesting and I'm curious which one is the more accurate translation or if both are valid, but just give different nuance. (Perhaps a mutual who understands Thai would be willing to give some insight? *u*)
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Verse 1 makes a lot of sense to me: Fadel must be wondering how Style could be so cruel ("unkind" / "heartless") because every instance of Style being honest and asking for honesty in return, all of Style's genuine desperation to bare his heart to Fadel in episode 5 and 6, now looks like a calculated, cruel deception.
And after being so afraid to reveal his secret to Style for fear that it would make Style walk away from him, there's a painful irony in Fadel now wishing Style had walked away before. Because the betrayal hurts so much more now that Fadel has given in to his heart.
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The chorus is where the nuance between the translations gets interesting.
The Youtube version seems almost like Fadel is taunting Style, putting up a front that he can take the pain Style is dishing out and more. It's like he's hiding behind the bravado of being able to handle the hurt, and even more.
The MV also depicts Style smiling sadistically after slapping Fadel, as if he's enjoying the pain he's inflicting. Meanwhile, Fadel looks up almost in adoration, a strange softness in his eyes at odds with how cruelly he's being treated. The knowledge of Style's betrayal has turned Style into a monster in Fadel's mind, one which he cannot help but to still have soft, affectionate feelings.
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But the fan translation sounds much more hurt and accusatory. Fadel is expressing his pain and anguish much more plainly and "you did this to me" is a line that demands responsibility.
In both translations, though, the last line ("can't get enough" / "enjoying the pain") gives us a hint that Fadel isn't willing to give Style up even now. Despite the pain, despite feeling as if he's simultaneously burning up and drowning, there's a part of him that still wants this. That still wants Style.
Interestingly, as Fadel sings the last line he begins to visibly struggle against the rope tying him to the chair. The soft look vanishes and in place is a determination and shadow that spells trouble for Style. The shock is wearing off and Fadel is starting to fight back.
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Verse 2 is where the agony really hits, for me.
In both versions, Fadel recognises the way Style's love was (maybe still is?) precious to him ("your love feeds my soul" / "your love nourished my heart"). But because Style's love is a lie, it's transformed into a weapon ("poison"). It twists Style's love into a source of "hurt" to Fadel.
Which is why I think both versions have a line where Fadel admits that there's a part of him that wants Style to keep hurting him -- or rather, to keep loving him; because these are the same thing to Fadel now -- ("hurt me, make me feel used" / "the more I was hurt the more I enjoyed it") whilst also remaining accusatory ("the more I loved, the more sorrow/I suffered").
The lines about "nothing left to write about our love" / "our story" also feel very pointed and final. A closing of a chapter; a closing of the possibility of their former, uncomplicated happily ever after. Style has nothing left to write (report) back to his superiors (the police) because Fadel's love is already complete and his deception has reached the inevitable conclusion of Fadel being found out/destroyed.
All this happens while we see Style continuing to threaten Fadel with a golf club and an almost crazed expression of glee juxtaposed with flashes of Fadel and Style in much happier times.
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Also the fact that this line comes with this scene where Fadel lets Style kiss him despite “knowing” it’s all a lie *sobs uncontrollably*:
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The first chorus comes back once and the music reaches a plateau. We are clearly preparing for a drop or a modulation and we get exactly that (twice!) with the second chorus:
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Here, both versions converge: Fadel is angry, he's furious. Style hurt him and he's going to repay all of it and more ("you'll hurt [by much more]" / "you must suffer more than I did"). The lyrics tell us that, while Fadel cannot take back the hurt (take back his love), he can certainly ensure he isn't alone in the suffering (this love will also hurt Style).
It is at this part where my heart sank as I realised that Fadel's "I think I love you" line in episode 6 now takes on a much more sinister tone.
Because I think that discovering Style's betrayal was also what made Fadel realise the truth of his love for Style; the very agony he was in was the sign that Fadel's heart was lost to him. But even as it is true, I also think he still made the choice to ruin Style in the same breath. Because if Style could use Fadel’s love as a weapon then Fadel is going to use it (Fadel’s love) to hurt Style too.
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A decision was made in this moment, and everything Fadel does afterwards in this scene is deliberate.
There is, however, one piece of hope:
Despite Fadel's expressed fury, what the MV shows us is Fadel breaking out of his bonds, shoving Style back and punching him once and then:
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For all his anger, for all his rage, for all his threats of manifold vengeance, what we see is Fadel pressing close and kissing Style; once on the lips, and once on his chest (heart), all while the lyrics makes space for one last plea:
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("don't betray me")
For me, its the way the line is shown together with this direct visual parallel between the ignorant Fadel in the past (left) and the Fadel of the present who has seen through Style's deception (right) that I find particularly compelling. Even now, even at the point of Fadel discovering Style's betrayal, there is still hope for forgiveness.
Because Fadel cannot help himself. Because Style made Fadel's bleeding heart whole again; and it beats, it feels, and despite how much it hurts, what Fadel still wants more than anything else in the world -- desperately and simply -- is Style.
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geodesick · 7 months ago
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[ID: a drawing of pye from outer wilds, standing with her writing staff. she's wearing an orange nomai space suit without the helmet, and she has a light brown face with curly darker brown fur. end ID]
figuring out how i want to draw the nomai, so here's a pye since i am obsessed with her !!!
#outer wilds#pye#she was one of the easiest to start recognizing across text because she is involved in so many different things#but then i saw the scroll where she was calculating trajectories to the sun station and i Was in love immediately#and i love that the sun station was designed (by the game artists not by pye) to look more weapon-like than anything else the nomai built#as a way to show how it goes against their nature to do something so destructive and high risk#and since pye is the one kind of leading that and being so vocally For it it implies that she is also acting against nomai nature#but i dont think thats necessarily true!! a majority of the nomai agreed or else the idea would have been voted down#(even tho it did spark arguments)#and the oldest nomai recording we have access to is from escall making a split second decision to warp to an unknown place#just to follow a signal the group was curious about and it put them in danger!!! that killed people!!!#like i know its more about the potential damage to the solar system and the life there but#throwing caution to the wind for scientific discovery is very much nomai nature From What I Saw !!!#not that i am saying the game creators are wrong lmao but i mean like. i think it is against their nature AND so very exactly their nature#at the same time and thats why there Was so much debate about it#and i think pye is the embodiment of trying Everything Possible (and impossible) to find answers and learn#AND SHE IS SEXY FOR IT#ANYWAYS. clears throat#blow up that sun girl hashtag women in stem
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earlgreyandanime · 2 years ago
Before officially meeting, do you think Matthew and Diana ever just casually passed each other while on campus? Cause I'm imagining Gallowglass watching from an undetectable distance, seeing Diana cross a courtyard, going in the opposite direction of Matthew and Gallowglass is just simultaneously panicking and relieved.
Gallowglass: Oh my God, it's happening! They're going to finally meet! After centuries of waiting and decades of watching, Diana will finally be- Wait! Why is she walking away? Auntie! Turn back right now! Matthew! Turn around and go meet your wife!
They both continue on their way, completely oblivious to who they just walked past.
Gallowglass, unable to decide if this was a good or bad thing: Ok, they didn't meet this time. So, I don't have to leave her yet. But it'll be sooner rather than later now. At least she'll be happy when they do meet...
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lordofdestructionm · 9 months ago
"Subject to adjustment as the plot carries on, and characters are further explored"
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Newt just casually throwing a life preserver to the Zibwick shippers?
Maybe I should still hold out a little hope for the delicious heartbreaking angst of one-sided vikdecai from Mordecai "repression" Heller?
Probably not XD
And yet...
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carmelide · 1 year ago
blue eye samurai kinda like mamma mia if you think about it actually
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katakosmos · 3 months ago
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thinking about her a lot
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heavenorsilverstone · 4 months ago
a normal day on this website is following an f1 blog bc it seems cool and then their first contribution to your dash post-follow is something like “I hope carlos sainz fucking dies”
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beskarfrog · 1 year ago
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what good would i be to you? my hands have no memories of peace, my mouth no soft words of comfort
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storyvintage · 4 months ago
Guys I’m thinking about vintage story lore and. Jonas and Tobias… do you think they explored each other’s bodies?
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cocoabubbelle-newblog · 1 month ago
Random Scogue/Headcanon Trivia: Scoguelings! Pt. 3!
Is obliviousness to romance an inherently male Summers’s trait?
Christopher Summers: told his sons when they were little that he worked hard to become a dashing, calm and collected pilot of the U.S. Air Force with the rank of Captain so he could successfully impress the daughter of his father’s business partner who co-owned the cargo airline company the former ran and ask for her hand in marriage, otherwise she never knew he existed. Katherine Anne later informed her sons that she had already been interested in him from the moment he tripped over his feet and fell flat on his face when their dads first introduced them to each other.
Scott Summers: had genuinely no idea Rogue harbored romantic feelings for him since their high school years. It was long after he and Jean ended their relationship to figure out what they both wanted, and during a mission he and Rogue were participating in, he had realized he was in love with the latter. After trying to rationalize with himself that he only thought he was in love with Rogue because of the less than ideal break up with Jean, and him and Rogue having to pretend to be a couple for their cover wasn’t helping, Scott came to the conclusion that his feelings for Rogue were sincere (regardless of when they started blossoming), via an accidental love confession that escaped while he was trying to comfort her after an especially harrowing moment in their mission. But there was absolutely no way he could even dream she’d ever feel the same way, since 1) she was incredibly cool in his eyes, so he was obviously not her type; 2) she had only recently broken things off with Remy as they both hit a snag in their relationship right when he was going to propose, and Scott didn’t feel it was right trying to insert himself in a situation to add to Rogue’s discomfort as she took time to figure things out; 3) She had been in his hs drama/theater class and in a play, so obviously she is good at acting like she’s in love with him while they pretend to be a couple for their mission….right?
Alex Summers: had thought Scott was dating Madelyne Pryor the whole time Scott and Rogue were trying to figure out/were actually in a relationship. Had spent several years trying and failing to convey his crush and love to Maddie…only by the time he gathered the courage to successfully do so…:
Maddie: I love you too 😁
Alex: ?! You do?!😳
Maddie: Of course! Hence us dating these past few years.😄
Maddie:…you WERE going to finally propose after that confession…right?🤨
Alex:…we were DATING?!🤯
Maddie: We WEREN’T?!🤯
Greta* Wagner, Nightcrawler/Kurt’s daughter through his deceased wife, Amanda Sefton, certainly seems to think so when she tries to convince Kirby Paquin-Summers (Scogue’s eldest child and only son) of the ✨vibes✨ between her long widowed father and close family friend Katherine “Kitty” Pryde.
Greta: They make a cute couple, huh? *nods towards Kurtty, who are OBVIOUSLY blushing and making eyes at each other while they talk/flirt*
Kirby: *sees Kurtty chatting* They certainly are standing next to each other.
Greta:…you are SUCH a Summers Man 🙄
Kirby: 🤨❓
*Greta is short for Margarete, who I am headcanoning for my AU is the namesake of Kurt’s adoptive mother (since in the comics, his adoptive mother’s name was Margali Szardos)
Kurt’s father is named Kristopher (in the comics, Kurt’s surname came from Baron Christian Wagner), and is no way in any shape or form connected to any mean anti-mutant barons sharing the same last name.
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a-typical · 2 months ago
“The size and age of the Cosmos are beyond ordinary human understanding. Lost somewhere between immensity and eternity is our tiny planetary home. In a cosmic perspective, most human concerns seem insignificant, even petty. And yet our species is young and curious and brave and shows much promise. In the last few millennia we have made the most astonishing and unexpected discoveries about the Cosmos and our place within it, explorations that are exhilarating to consider. They remind us that humans have evolved to wonder, that understanding is a joy, that knowledge is prerequisite to survival. I believe our future depends on how well we know this Cosmos in which we float like a mote of dust in the morning sky.” ― Carl Sagan, Cosmos
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nopersonalspaceinspace · 1 month ago
Hi, I just love Ash Tyler so much.
That's it, that's the post.
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rightintheghoulies · 3 months ago
I haven't read the books, only just finished watching ADOW, and the only thing that disappointed me is I STILL don't know naff all about demons!! 🥺
I was so excited they were in it, but apart from them being a 'creature', susceptible to mental health issues, etc. they aren't much different to humans??
I really wanted to find out more about them, what makes them 'demons', how Hamish knows Matthew etc. 😮‍💨
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iwonderwh0 · 1 year ago
No, but really
First getting doubts seeing all those deviants
Then finding out about Amanda – BIG shock
Then RK900 – even greater shock that instantly sobers Connor up about where he stands in all this, and what exactly are his perspectives in the nearest future
Both of those last two discoveries fucking up his entire belief system in which Connor is a special little guy on a special superhero mission
The person he trusted and believed the most isn’t even real, and his replacement is already there, ready to take his not so special place
BOOM! Internal conflict strong enough to lead to deviancy
Man, it’s such a pity finding out about RK900 wasn’t an option, it would change so much.
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