#potato magic
foodandfolklore · 10 months
The Origin of the Sweet Potato
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This Weekend is Thanksgiving for my American friends. Or was it Thursday....Regardless, happy Thanksgiving! I'm Canadian, so I already celebrated in October. Our harvest season tends to end earlier than our US counterparts if anyone was wondering why we celebrate early.
I've already tried digging around for turkey themed lore while celebrating my own thanksgiving. Most stories are more modern since turkey is a newer food, though so is Thanksgiving comparatively. So I thought I'd look at foods beloved for the season. I know sweet potatoes are a popular ingredient for many casseroles or pies.
So what is a sweet potato? A lot of people think sweet potato is just another word for Yam. And it can be confusing as some people will use the terms interchangeably. But they are two different foods with different tastes. A yam is a proper tuber with a thicker skin and high starch. A sweet potato is actually a root and can come in many colours. Most yams you buy in North America are imported where as sweet potatoes are home grown.
Sweet potatoes come from North and Central America, and were especially important to the natives of Hawaii. The nutrient dense crop helped keep it's people healthy in times of hardship. There were many different kinds of sweet potato the Hawaiian people could rotate with too, as they understood the importance of crop diversity.
The Sweetness of the Sweet Potato allows us to Invoke energy of Love, Lust, Beauty and Passion. But it also helps us with Stability, Health and Healing. We can also use the Sweet Potato to help Better Connect with a Younger Generation as the sweet potato's orange colour can you adapt and the sweetness of the food will make them more receptive to your attempts. The sweet potato has made it's way around the world, including Asia. I found a story from India that explains the existence of sweet potatoes and how the came to be. Though unlike Pumpkins, we know they came to Indian through the North Atlantic Trade sometime between 1500-1700
How Sweet Potatoes came to exist
Once long ago there lived an old woman who lived alone after the death of her husband. All their children had moved out after marriage. They were all poor and did not have much to share with their mother.
The old woman was also struggling to earn a living. She earned a couple of pennies by selling banana and areca palm(puwak).
One day the mother decided to visit her daughter who lived with her family in a nearby village. She walked all the way with the help of her walking stick. She arrived at her daughter’s home.
Meanwhile the daughter was cooking some rice for her kids. She was also very poor and lived admist many hardships. And when her mother arrived at her home at noon she was not happy about it at all. She invited her mother inside while thinking “If I offer my mother some rice there will not be enough rice for my kids. They haven’t had anything for breakfast either”.So instead of inviting her mother to have some lunch she said “O mother we have been having such a hard time. We couldn’t afford any rice and we haven’t cooked anything today. But if you visit my sister who lives nearby you shall definitely have a good meal”.
The mother replied “O dear then could you please fetch me some water. I wish for all your troubles to go away. May the triple jem bless you”. She drank the water and walked away in the scorching sun.
After her mother left the daughter called her children to have lunch. She went to the rice pot and took off the lid. To her horror she saw that the rice had turned into blood. The entire pot of rice was now a pot of red blood.
“O dear god! Look what happened! This happened because of my wrong doing towards my mother. I should have given her at least a bit of rice. O dear lord please forgive me! I have committed a terrible crime!”. She was very upset and heartbroken. She sat there for hours in grief.
Alast she took the pot and dumped the blood behind her house. She shouted “batha le!”(“the rice is blood”) as the blood flowed across her backyard.
After a few months a red coloured vine started to grow from where she had dumped the blood. This vine was completely red, even its leaves were red. And in a short time this vine grew all across the village it thrived in the surrounding environment. Cattle, goats, rabbits and a lot of other creatures started eating it. The villagers tried to eliminate the vines but they failed it grew everywhere. It bore large red coloured yams.
After sometime the daughter got even poorer to the point that she couldn’t even afford food to feed her kids. Her children were crying in hunger. And finally she decided to eat the red yams which grew in her backyard. She thought “I cannot bear this any longer I will boil it and eat it. Doesn’t matter even if we die at least we would have our stomachs full.” She dug out a few yams and bolied it. She fed it to her children and ate some herself.
The yams were sweet and tasty. They didn’t die. They felt strong and lively. Thereafter they started eating these yams everyday. She told her fellow villagers about the yams and taught them to consume the yams too. She called it “bathale ala”.
Later this bathale ala was grown in many villages and it spread far and wide throughout the country.The people called it “bathale ala” too and afterwards it changed into “bathala”. And as time passed by new varieties of “bathala ala” were created such as “sudupata bathala”(white coloured sweet potatoes), “kahapata bathala”(yellow coloured), “seeni bathala”(sugar like sweet potato) etc. And it remains to this day as a favourite of many.
And that was how “bathala” or sweet potato was created according to Sinhala folklore.
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anniilaugh · 2 months
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”There was cute, like Carrot or Chopper, and then there was cute like a certified killing machine snuggling three babies at once.
Sanji had never in his life wished so hard for a snail, he needed a picture of this more than he had ever needed a picture of anything before. ”
Fanart of Thirty Thousand (& Three) Nautical Miles by @brunetta6blog & Springtime4Persephone 💚
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potato-cat-chips · 5 months
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Ladies and gentlemen… ✨ Catto Kid ✨
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And a very smol and very angry:
✨ Meowtantei Conyan ✨
(For reference he is about the size of a smaller-than-average potato)
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stbot · 2 years
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Erin Kellyman & Ruby Cruz in Willow: Behind the Magic
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ooeygooeyghoul · 7 months
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Potato is VERY lucky that Thancred knows how important the little furball is to Shiun.
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gothiccharmschool · 2 years
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You don’t have to reblog this, please don’t feel anxious when these sorts of posts appear on your dash.
I’m posting it because extra luck towards a certain piece of good news is something I will take any way I can get.
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currymanganese · 3 months
Legacy. You think about it?
And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Genesis 2:21-23~
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"Wait, so what was the best one?"
"Best what? "
"Best meal you ever had."
"Yeah, it was, it was Carmy's."
"I knew it. I knew it, yeah."
"Sydney: Hmm. He is really, really... really good."
"High praise."
"Yeah, but he's still a little bitch."
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Inspired by my add-on to @espumado's thread here on the supernatural and mythological references in The Bear. @thoughtfulchaos773 @glitterslag @moodyeucalyptus @vacationship @ambeauty @lecham1644 @tinfishlove @whenmemorydies @brokenwinebox @glitterslag @tvfantic87 @augustmonsooning @devisrina @imliterallyjustablackgirl @angelica4equity @outmakingmoonshine @blackjack-15
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littjara-mirrorlake · 3 months
does anyone know how i can get one of these from the playtest draft event in amsterdam (i am not in amsterdam)
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lizardsfromspace · 6 months
What secrets do you hold, my mysterious tome?
Spellbook shoplifted from the new age section of Barnes and Noble: "These secrets have been held by my order of druids since our days millennia ago where they were burning us as witches. First of all, make sure to honor the ancient Celtic potato goddess, the ancient Roman tomato god, and the relatively old Iberian corn gods for a bountiful harvest, as you'll need two dozen eggs for this curse, which will literally fucking kill someone,"
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cloaksandcapes · 1 year
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Someone in Twitch Chat, "Make a magic potato!" "Where does this fit lore-wise in a world?" I imagine an elderly, retired adventurer grandma who has turned bounty hunter. She travels around now, offering people some of her famous potato salad. But she never eats it herself, no one ever notices until it's too late and she's taking them in as a spud.
Magic Potato
Wondrous Item, uncommon
“It’s just a normal potato. Nothing unusual about this at all…unless?”
If a creature takes a bite of the magic potato they must make a DC 12 Charisma saving throw or be turned into a sentient potato. While in this form they retain all of their mental stats, and can communicate telepathically to a range of 20 feet. They have an AC of 8 and only 1 hit point. If they take any damage, they revert back to their original form. The effects of the magic potato last for 24 hours.
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worstloki · 6 months
Loki who can hold the Tesseract not because it has no effect on him but because the pain receptors in his fingers/hands have long since fizzled out
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250318 · 5 months
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© 애끼감자🍟 | do not edit and/or crop logo
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adhd-merlin · 1 year
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What if my father's attitude to magic is wrong?
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askzephyrbreeze · 6 months
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angiestown · 1 month
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vintageskeletons · 2 years
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LIAB-verse zukkas based on conversations @ssreeder and i had, because it's their birthdayyyayyayayayayy!!!
happy birthday to my one and only prison pal, cookie in my cookie day, wine to my lemon juice etc etc.
you're insufferably amazing and amazingly insufferable. never change sreeds! :) <3
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