#carmy is adam
currymanganese · 3 months
Legacy. You think about it?
And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. Genesis 2:21-23~
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"Wait, so what was the best one?"
"Best what? "
"Best meal you ever had."
"Yeah, it was, it was Carmy's."
"I knew it. I knew it, yeah."
"Sydney: Hmm. He is really, really... really good."
"High praise."
"Yeah, but he's still a little bitch."
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Inspired by my add-on to @espumado's thread here on the supernatural and mythological references in The Bear. @thoughtfulchaos773 @glitterslag @moodyeucalyptus @vacationship @ambeauty @lecham1644 @tinfishlove @whenmemorydies @brokenwinebox @glitterslag @tvfantic87 @augustmonsooning @devisrina @imliterallyjustablackgirl @angelica4equity @outmakingmoonshine @blackjack-15
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prozacwhorehouse · 1 month
me when tumblr writers actually have lives and aren’t cranking out works every second every day to keep me fed
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squash1 · 7 months
the passing of an object,
the passing of the torch, the passing of a legacy:
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[the west wing / the dream thieves / dead poets society / the bear / young royals / ted lasso]
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unladyboss · 3 months
But not with this guy. Not Adam Shapiro
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Seems like he's stressful because he's pushy and intrusive
He wants to rush her decision when he hasn't secured a location.
He tried to bad talk Carmy
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He tried to get her to disrespect Carmy when he just met her
I'm mad at Carmy but I'm not letting some weirdo say bad things
He curses at good workers as seen in season 2
He looked at Sydney a little too long while pressing her to make a decision. He might harrass her
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Luca who seems like a nurturer doesn't like him
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Also I think I see a vision of what could be.
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If Chef Terry gives these guys the restaurant
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CDC PLUS 7 FISHES if you include Marcus and Tina in this picture
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roboyomo · 5 months
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adam and carmie infested my mind for a moment so i had to draw them. consider the critters
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freedelusionshere · 1 month
Why Demon Chef David has reappeared and what it might mean for S4
I've had this thought about Chef David and what he represents for a while now. His NYC restaurant is called Empire and he targets and abuses a younger Carmy (probably because he won an award at such a young age), but he basically instills a lot of values in Carmy that are about elitism and being "the best" (thinking about you $11K Dystopian Butter) that are actually at odds with who Carmy clearly wants to be. It's at odds with everything that he learned from other chefs who have taken more of a nurturing approach that still exist in the fine dining world.
This comes up several times in the narrative, with his family basically calling him elitist, and part of that is jealousy, I think, about how he was able to escape the turmoil in Chicago. But it later turns out to be true when Carmy tries to lone wolf his way to the Michelin star, acting like only he can accomplish it when he's only previously retained one, never won one himself, and making kind of lifeless food that is a rehash of what he learned at Empire. And in fact, still admires David's talent although he's his abuser.
Syd is tied directly to the moment when Carmy starts to break away from Chef David, by defying him and making a dish the way he wants to make it. I won't be surprised if we find out later that he saw Syd eating the dish, either, and remembers her when she comes into The Beef and brings up Empire.
We also see mentioned several times that Empire has failen from its top position. Luca and Syd both mention this. Also in Forks, when Richie brings the table the Chicago pizza reworked by Chef Adam, diners talk about how the food scene in Chicago (at Ever in particular) is way better than NYC at the moment, and they laugh about it. We also see Chef Adam berate staff about smudging plates at Ever which we later learn he's mocked for being the one doing it. Meanwhile Chef Terry is calmly peeling mushrooms before service because she likes to do this and invites Richie to participate. This is in contrast to Adam. All this is foreshadowing.
Which led me to ask: why is Chef David at Ever's funeral to begin with when he's a known asshole that no one likes? It made me wonder if David was an investor in Ever when it first began and one of Terry's missteps and regrets. Terry talks a lot in the S3 finale about various mistakes she's made over the years, but the good that came out of it: the people. We also see in S2 that Chef Terry owns the restaurant in Copenhagen Marcus trains at and that Luca is at, the "Every Second Counts" sign is there.
Could Terry be closing Evers to rid herself of both Chef David and Chef Adam? She has other restaurants elsewhere. That are ostensibly run well and are not closing, that she no longer leads.
Which brings me to S4 and Chef Adam poaching Syd from The Bear to work for his new restaurant, which is happening in a hot food scene in Chicago and immediately will replace Ever (Adam is wanting to make this all happen very fast) with Chef David as an investor again. This would also kind of bring the moment Syd first had Carmy's blood orange hamachi dish and the narrative significance of that full circle, but played out in reverse, because I don't think Syd will be submissive to Adam or David.
Likewise, I could see Terry potentially becoming an investor in The Bear, stepping up to replace Cicero's failing financing, as long as Carmy promises her that he won't repeat those mistakes that they have both made along the way and lead to The Bear finally being legit and successful the way Mikey always dreamed, with The Beef still in operation at the window (which funny enough could get the Michelin star).
This could set up Carmy and Syd as rivals temporarily (which would be fun), but I don't predict any of that will last too long and in fact I think Carmy will be supportive of Syd and try to win her back FOR REASONS (aka "I can't do this without you. Wouldn't even want to.") Syd might not know who Chef Adam's investors are at all at this point, and she of course has every right to not want to put up with Carmen's shit, but also the narrative has set her up to run and try to start over again because of trust issues (she mentions this to Marcus in S1) and the show will want to reconcile that.
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boardchairman-blog · 1 year
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**Shots of the Episode**
The Bear (2022)
Season 2, Episode 4: “Honeydew” (2023) Director: Ramy Youssef Cinematographer: Adam Newport-Berra
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ambeauty · 10 months
Now I’m watching Burnt, it’s currently on Netflix, wondering why the Sydcarmys didn’t put me on!!! THERE’S SO MANY PARALLELS!
Adam is a mix of Carmy/Mikey with Sydney’s ambition!
Helene is Sydney.
Tony is Richie.
JUST WATCH IT. I’m feeling so many feelings!!
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currymanganese · 2 months
Fak is too involved in Carmy and Claire's relationship. From giving Claire Carmy's number to showing up at her job with his equally annoying brother. He needs to mind his business and stop assuming what Carmy wants. In s3 ep9 Fak tells Claire he thinks (then later says knows) Carmy loves her. If you don't know Carmy's true feelings about her, why tf are you speaking for him?
Also sometimes it seems like Carmy doesn't even like Fak like that. They rarely have one-on-one scenes together and their conversations are mostly surface leveI. I always thought Fak and Richie were closer. In s2 ep3, when Claire and Carmy are talking on the phone, Carmy says Fak isn't his best friend (but then backtracks 5 seconds later saying he's probably my best friend). Then in s3 ep5 when they are preparing for the photoshoot, Fak said Carmy was #1 on his best friends list. The friendship is obviously unbalanced. Fak is one of those childhood friends you have outgrown but keep in your life due to history and familiarity. This is just another example of Carmy being stuck in the past and not being able to let go. He either needs to set some boundaries with Fak or end the friendship.
I love your blog btw. Your analysis on The Bear are very thorough.
Thanks for the kind compliments / thanks for the ask, but I'm starting to think that, if my suspicions are correct, that depending on how season 4 goes, that she and The Faks may shape up to be fantastic characters, at least from a trollish comedic parody perspective - and that this may be a huge 'star making role' for Molly Gordon and the rest of actors cast as the Faks if what is being set up is executed well post-reveal, and they demonstrate that, contrary to what we have seen thus far on the show, they definitely have acting range.....
Because I'm like 88% sure now that Claire x Carmy x Sydney's love triangle is an allegory/deconstructed (in part) version of Lilith x Adam x Eve from apocryphal / Jewish tradition. And that 'Sammy' Fak may be an archangel Samael figure
Lilith is Adam's first wife apocryphally and in Jewish mysticism that left him and became a she-demon / mother of demons / the "queen of the night" after being impregnated by / becoming a consort of the archangel Samael (whose name means Venom of God and is a seducing/destroying angel).
My thoughts are too incoherent right now to make a post about this theory in its own right, but all of the above could explain why the scenes where Claire is physically intimate with Carmy are shot in darkness and low light, compared to warm /well lit scenes when Syd and Carmy are emotionally intimate; it could explain why the songs that play during Carmy and Claire's scenes are frequently morbid or are outright about death, or lyric less ambient scores that invoke the feel of psychological horror,
and why mostly love songs are played for Carmy and Syd's.
I've made some posts /edits pointing out the parallels between Claire / Carmy / Syd and these biblical / mythological figures, and a post on why I think John Cena as Sammy Fak is a case of good casting (from a comedy perspective) if the Faks are really meant to serve the function that I think they are meant to below;
but some additional similarities between Claire and Lilith are that they were 'created' in the same way, 'formed from the same dust', as their 'Adam' (whose name can also mean red clay/earth and Claire's last name means mud or muddy fortress) - since Carmy and Claire both come from the same neighborhood/highschool and, depending on how much we see of Claire in the future, they may have both come from dysfunctional homes / be the adult children of alcoholic parents.
The posts I linked below are:
1. A webweaving on Sydcarmy + Adam x Eve parallels;
2. A fan edit that I did that was inspired by the webweaving; side note: if Carmy's words to Sydney at the end of their first convo was foreshadowing for them starting a literal nuclear family of their own, and how many kids they're gonna have, I'll scream;
"We're gonna make family, it's meat, (👀) plus three, and we'll eat around two."
3. A reblog add-on to @espumado et. al's @thoughtfulchaos773 @vacationship @kdbleu 's etc. thread on the theme of haunting / religious / mythological imagery and parallels in the show in season 3.
4. Another thread on religious symbolism in Season 3 and Claire and Syd / Carmy's relationship kicked off by @vacationship.
5. Another reblog add on I made in response to @glitterslag about the episode Review in Season one possibly representing/parodying the biblical "Fall of man".
6. A fan edit that I made for clairecarmy with the intent of being humourous at first, but unexpectedly turned out pretty nightmarish / psychological horror-esque without much work because the material/ dark imagery is there; including an eye opening parallel between Claire and Donna.
7. A post on the Bear being a super deconstructed Shakespearean pastoral comedy e.g. like As You Like It.
8. The religious symbolism of Carmy's red string of fate dish for Syd possibly being a visual allusion to the sacred heart of jesus, which is an emblem of God's long suffering and passionate love, an add-on to @twokisses post
Tagging @ambeauty @angelica4equity @imliterallyjustablackgirl @devisrina @ripley-stark @bootlegramdomneess @gingerylangylang1979 @outmakingmoonshine @pureseasalt @augustmonsooning @brokenwinebox @whenmemorydies @mod-doodles @bioloyg @caiusmarciuscoriolanus @post-woke @myloveismineallmine @turbulenthandholding @anxietycroissant
@moodyeucalyptus @ago0112 @unbeweavvveable @blackjack-15 in case anyone wants to chime in.😭
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bweeeb · 3 months
Hiii everyone.
I would like to know who you would like to read about, if you could leave me suggestions I would really appreciate it. So I can try to make something you'll enjoy reading.
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kyloknightren · 3 months
i wonder if the ever staff was lying about what they were going to do with the restaurant closing and not knowing. they are actually going with shapiro just keeping it down low. it seemed like richie saw it was free reign to “poach” and other places already tried it as well to get all the secrets ever had like carmy spoke about different things people learn at different restaurants all coming together (legacy)
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scribblerlostinspace · 3 months
there are currently 0 ‘the bear’ and ‘burnt (2015)’ crossover fics on ao3 which is a fact that greatly upsets me and will need to be remedied (i am working on it)
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unladyboss · 2 months
When Adam Shapiro tells Sydney he really liked the scallop dish but it was unlike Carmy, Sydney was quick to say that it was both of theirs.
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That was her way of defending Carmy
But also her way of showing solidarity. Meaning that they worked on it together.
In fact Carmy had modified Sydney's dish on his own, telling her the cook was good but he subtracted and modified. That they didn't need the other six fishes.
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But Sydney in an attempt to defend him and the bear inserted herself into it.
Geez that must have been embarrassing for her.
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Now that I think about it, old SYDNEY might have said immediately, ' actually that was ALL Carmy's. He came up with some new ideas and we are trying them out.'
This new dejected Sydney, just wants to fit SOMEWHERE with Carmy. Have a voice with him. But he's not letting her.
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roboyomo · 7 days
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the bear season 2 has so many familiar faces it literally makes me so happy
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fishwikipedia · 3 months
hangman adam page and carmy berzatto are the same character Do You Understand
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