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murlinsaintjean · 1 year ago
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Charshumen, Ramen Noodle Soup with Roasted Pork Indulge in the irresistible goodness of Charshumen, where succulent roasted pork meets the comforting allure of Ramen noodles.
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ricardomadeirense · 1 year ago
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badlybehavedbookworm · 1 year ago
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Ramen Soup with Japanese Pork Craving a hearty and flavorful meal? Look no further than this delicious Japanese Pork & Ramen Soup.
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rafsimonz · 2 years ago
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Japanese Pork & Ramen Soup Indulge in the bold flavors of Japanese Pork & Ramen Soup, guaranteed to satisfy your taste buds.
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verycharismaticdragon · 5 months ago
On Air Island - chapter 4 - part 11
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First of all sorry for the longass pause I got sick... autumn is here huh 🤧 Anyhow, we are finishing chapter 4 today, and hopefully I'll have c5p1 ready by the usual timeslot [3pm/15:00 (utc+0)] tomorrow as well. though please bear with me if it doesn't work out, im feeling better but im not back to full HP yet -_-
Okay, let's get back on track!
(the transcript is available below the poll, under keep reading)
Oh right, speaking of timeslots, I was wondering...
Transcript legend:
In-game text
Character speaking: dialogue line
regular chat message Donation: donation message
available donation messages
{ Alternative translation }
|| 🏅 award (achievement) collected ||
———— ———— ————
Hanse: DUCKACOON, I'm so glad you're okay.
[player] donated 50 Small Diamond: I really want to know how did Ezra find DUCKACOON!
Hanse: Uh…… Ezra, How did you meet DUCKACOON?
Hanse: Some observers are curious. 
MoMoliza: ?
Ezra: Ah~ We met near the vending machine.
Ezra: DUCKACOON came to check the vending machine and fell asleep.
savvymn: Sleep???
DUCKACOON: … … … … …
han-L: Well, it’s late though donateme: Or maybe DUCKACOON is too tired Go_Naoto: It’s hard to earn some money
Hanse: You haven't said anything since earlier... ...You're sure you're not hurt?
DUCKACOON: …Don't leave me alone…
Carat: ? hansehan: What did you say? PorkSoup: Yeah bbongGGu: Ask him to repeat
Hanse: What?
Ezra: It's fate that we bumped into each other like this...Shall we go back to base camp together?
itsme: ???? onionin: Eh??? Rolling: What… Galchi19: I think I have a good intuition { I’m so excited~~~ } BabyKing: That’s sus
Ezra: The crew has been searching for DUCKACOON. Let's go back and show them that you're safe. { The crew has been looking for DUCKACOON as well. We should hurry back and show them that DUCKACOON is alright. }
Hanse: Ah... ... ... ... … { Ah, yes… … … … }
Hanse: By the way, Ezra, you haven't found PD either, have you?
Ezra: Yeah. Unfortunately.
Ezra: I wish there was a rule about setting off firecrackers when you find PD. { Ah, it would have been nice if there was a rule to set off a flare when you find PD. }
ilovebts: IKR 180x181: Mmmh RaMe: It’s a bit hard
Hanse: Yeah.......We don't have any way of contacting him now, and we're all scattered....... { I know…… We have no means of communication right now, and everyone is scattered… }
cocobab: Someone must be found it { Did someone find him? } ImABear: They might have found something important { Mr.Fact might have found something } UKnowHer: Or it could be Naoto
Hanse: Where actually the PD is?
danceme: That’s right GuSa: It’s too late now, let’s go Blinkhan: We found DUCKACOON instead of the PD clover30: Can’t the production staff do something??? hanshack: ???: We will give cute DUCKACOON instead… [player]: Let’s go back and find out
Hanse: Okay. I think I need to get back to the base camp!
1ofEvery: Yeah Rolling: Let’s go! cutesnah: Can you finally rest now???
<Please check your connection>
… … … … …
… … … … …
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rsun0525 · 2 years ago
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#porksoup #chinesefood #netde #igdelaware #foodporn #instafood #foodstagram #foodgasm #yummy #delicious #letsguide #followme #hongkong @dkgns_ — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/HjJlcLm
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spence-walker · 5 years ago
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Soup Dumplings (Xiaolongbao) #SoupDumplings #Dumplings #porkdumplings #porkSoup Dumplings #Xiaolongbao #stayathomechallenge #CookingInACrisis #foodporn #nomnom #spencewalker Spence Walker (at Thornhill, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAEVS3ABWK7/?igshid=3wwhzp3av3tv
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prattfamilyhomestead · 5 years ago
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Pic is not great. But today I canned up a double batch of a Pork Chili Verde recipe that I got off of @cookingmadly . This is the second time I have canned some and LOVE this recipe! I like to prepare a very little bit of rice to pour over this. Of course using our homegrown pork! VIDEO COMING SOON! #homestead #canning #canningsoup #porksoup #PrattsPigs #PrattsPork https://www.instagram.com/p/B7xSRo6A9Vv/?igshid=raf8ob0v7nqh
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mexicanketojourney · 6 years ago
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SOUP FOR HUBBY’S LUNCH Hubby asked for a soup and I made him this soup with what we had in fridge. I pan fried some pork chops in olive oil and added garlic, zucchini, rice vinegar, soy sauce, five spice seasoning, red pepper flakes, sweetener and chicken stock. He said it was mega delicious. 😎 . . . #ketosoup #worklunch #ketolunch #keto #porkchops #porksoup #fattysoup #ketowoe #keto #ketolife #mexicanketojourney https://www.instagram.com/mexican_keto_journey/p/BwTMwrxgW_a/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xxcttehgsv3o
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willxia1 · 6 years ago
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Show your true colours and flavours with all these different dumplings . . . . ========================= @TheLuckyCat.Coogee Yellow Scallop and Prawn, Garlic, Chive and Prawn Seafood Dumpling, Xiao Long Bao Shanghai Soup Pork and Pan Fried Pork Dumplings ========================= . . . . . . . . . #ShowYourTrueColours #DumplingBar #Dumpling #Bar #TheLuckyCat #TheLuckyCatCoogee #Coogee #Sydney #ILoveSydney #OishiiBoys . . . . . . . . . . #SYTC #ShowYourTrueColors #Flavours #Flavors #Dumplings #Scallop #Prawn #Seafood #XiaLongBao #PorkSoup #Pork #Soup #PanFriedDumplings #FoodPorn #ZomatoAus #FoodPorn #SydneyFood #SydneyEats (at The Lucky Cat Dumplings and Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxtysPVFQJ1/?igshid=1f2zkru1ma63t
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ricardomadeirense · 1 year ago
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crackingkorean-101 · 2 years ago
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This food is Busan's specialty dish, pork and rice soup. What is this soup called in Korean? Swipe to check the answer. #koreanvocaboftheday,#koreanwordsoftheday,#learnkoreanword,#koreandramalover,#kpoplover,#koreanstudying,#koreanconversation#porksoup,#koreanfoodlover,#koreanspeaking,#selfkoreanstudy,#basickoreanlanguage https://www.instagram.com/p/CpX0hVEhGC5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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verycharismaticdragon · 7 months ago
On Air Island - chapter 1 - part 5
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And so it begins 🙏
(the transcript is available below the poll, under keep reading)
Transcript legend:
In-game text
Character speaking: dialogue line
regular chat message Donation: donation message
available donation messages
{ Alternative translation }
|| 🏅 award (achievement) collected ||
———— ———— ————
Hanse: Ezra is in the 5th place, followed by Jin in the 6th place! Even though they are in the lower ranks, they still earn a lot! { Ezra got the 5th place, and Jin got the 6th! Although they're in the lower ranks, they still earned a lot! } 
[player] donated 10 Ordinary Clover: Who is Ezra?
Hanse: He works at the biological research centre of S Corp. I heard that he appeared in a few promotional videos.
OhYeah: Researcher is just a reason to get to the broadcast hansesis: thankful for that hottest: We'd be losing a nation potential if we just ignore those face Thiefin: Did you know? When you see something beatiful, you'll lose your memories?
Hanse: When we were making our base camp, he helped us when we were in trouble.
Hsworld: Woaah Buddy23: How can someone look so perfect? onmang: If he is a researcher he must be smart too
Hanse: He's really sweet and caring. I hope we can get to know each other more.
123123: God is so unfair SaMSiKi: Well Ezra himsel is the god OhYeah: Is Ezra a god? Is Ezra a god?
Ezra: I'm happy to hear you say that.
mochimo: WOOOOW PorkSoup: Ezra please call my name
Hanse: Ah, Ezra......!
97amy: Woaah
Hanse: I didn't get to greet you properly before. Thank you so much for helping in setting the camp.
doremipa: Thank you for being in this world Perish: HAHAHHAHAHAH WOLKER: LMAO hahahahhaha Storia: Per-fect
Ezra: Actually, I'm the one who should be thanking you for creating such an opportunity.
hansesis: ? 213_love: Eh?
Hanse: What?
Ezra: Actually, I've been interested in you, since before I got on the ship Hanse.
hansemom: ?????? winkhans: What's going on? MyMaster: I spit my ramyeon because i was so shock DUMMY: Interest??
Ezra: It's like we've met before...... Have we ever met before? || 🏅 Was it us? ||
hansevly: Isn't this an old-school way to flirt? Storia: This researcher is a daring one SaMSiKi: That's better Universe: Stop your strange imagination MyMaster: ???: Comeback to reality….
Hanse: Uh, no...... but I've heard a lot of stories about how friendly you are. { Oh, no... But I've heard that I have one of those faces a lot, I think. }
live333: Hanse looks familiar right? GhostMan: It's just your opinion, what can we do with a flop? imnewon: Shut up doremipa: If those face is a familiar one then mine is? just unkind? Army: Hahahahahhahah UglyFace: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
Ezra: It's a pity, but this is good as it is. Good luck with the rest of the term. { Is that so? A pity, but it’s good as it is. Let's do our best in the remaining time, too. }
hanspor: "It's a pity" "It's a pity" KindFood: I mean pity of what? KingCry: Be more gentle ha Blinkhan: I want to stop but i can't LoveHim: I should support Hanse!
Hanse: Yeah......!
DUCKACOON: I'm going to end the meal guide, quack~.
TENFAN: ? sayaaa: Eh? ggung: Hanse? What about Hanse?
Hanse: Oh! Anyway, my meal is....
DUCKACOON: Meal will not be served for last place quack.
hanseya: ? Storia: ?????????? Patient: Hahahahahah ANINEFAN: Thats too much Universe: He need to eat too doesn't he? Are you guys out of your mind?
Hanse: Ugh, I was hoping for something like simple meal....
Know_all donated 5 Amazing Clover: A ONE is the leader, main vocal and the oldest in a group called A NINE
DUCKACOON: You can go to Haggai and get your punishment, Hanse quack.
forhanse: You guys didn't feed him and give him a punishment? CloseEye: Woah crazy
Hanse: Thank you...... This is definitely harder than I thought.
Know_all donated 5 Touching Heart: We can say he is a flop, Hanse…
Hanse: I'll try harder, and I will avoid the punishment.
hansesis: cries JoseonRc: My heart hurts ggung: Baby what do you want to eat I will get it for you CuteFish: last place should just starve
Let's steal Mr.Fact's food haha
Does anyone know about the penalty?
Why is that place so serious;;
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novirusy-blog · 2 years ago
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#돼지찌개 #굴다리식육식당 #덕원고 #대구맛집 #수성구맛집 #daegu #porksoup #goodrestaurant(Daegu, South Korea에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmREqYFLC_JDolfQcssD5iRnbfsEVNDZAwF2MI0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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slayer-izaya · 3 years ago
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What are you all eating? I got #mandmsyogurt #strawberrycheesecakeyogurt #porksoup comment what you all eating!!! ⤵️⤵️⤵️⤵️ (at Walmart Supercenter Spring - Riley Fuzzell Rd.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgNw_k-OLyw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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utagejp · 3 years ago
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豚汁に高麗ニンジン 高麗ニンジンに豊富なサポニンには、抗酸化作用や抗菌作用、血行促進などが知られており、さらに血糖値をコントロールする働きがあるとされ、糖尿病の予防に期待が持たれています。今朝はゴマ油で、豚バラ、ゴボウ、エリンギ、高麗ニンジンを炒め、昆布出汁、小松菜、オクラ、醤油、本みりん、味噌、ゴマ〰️😋◇高麗ニンジン/会津おたねにんじん◇彩り野菜/農人たち◇味噌/会津天宝 美味しく健康に、自然の恵みに感謝して頂きます(合掌)。 #豚汁 #会津おたねにんじん #農人たち #会津天宝 #大地の宴 #porksoup #misosoup #ginseng #daichinoutage #utage_jp #tokyo #japanese (大地の宴 ダイチノウタゲ) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVWCDO6hWXk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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