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itslostfocus · 2 years ago
vocab list: 색
갈색: brown
검은: black
흑인: african american
흑: black, charcoal, deep gray
노란색: yellow
노랗다: golden yellow
황색: yellow (barely used)
황열병: yellow fever
누런색: beige yellowish
녹색: green
녹색의: green, emerald
환경 친화적인: eco-friendly
푸른: blue or green (sometimes recognized as the same color)
잔디: grass, lawn
야채: vegetable
밝은: bright, light, clear
영리한: smart, clever, intelligent
빛나다: shine, sparkle, glorious
긍정적: positive, bright, affirmative
환하다: bright, light (=밝다)
흰: albino
희다: white, gray (hair)
백인: white person, caucasian
화이트: white (영)
백색: white color
선의의: well intentioned
선의: good will, faith, intentions
분홍색: pink
빨간: red
빨갛다: red, crimson, scarlet (사과가 빨갛다)
붉은: red + N (붉은사과가 맛있다)
빨개진: turn red (빨개진 얼굴이 부끄럽다)
빨강: red (only color, not Nouns)
색: color
색깔: color (2)
색채: color, tone, undertone, overtone
컬러: color (영)
색상: color, hue
어두운: dark, gloomy
지다: lose
암흑: darkness, the dark
어둠: dark
파란: blue
하늘색: sky blue
블루스: blues (music)
우울하다: depressed, melancholy, gloomy, blue
회색: gray
창백하다: pale, palid
백발이 되다: one's hair turns gray
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jessylearnslanguages · 2 years ago
Korean Langblr Introduction! ✨
안녕하세요 여러분!
Hello everyone! I am Jess, and welcome to my blog. (ˆ-ˆ)/
I am new to posting on Langblr, but I have been in the community for quite some time (really quietly lol). So I decided to finally make a proper account and post about my progress and the Korean language.
about me:
I teach English (as a second language);
learning Korean since 2019;
I really like to watch series (specially sitcoms);
I would like to become a polyglot in the future.
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crackingkorean-101 · 2 years ago
Guess what the bird is called in Korean. Then, swipe to check the answer.
#learnkoreanwords,#koreanwordsoftheday,#koreanvocabulary,#koreanstudynotes,#koreanspeaking ,#koreanconversation,#kpoplover,#koreandramalove,#studyingkorean,#magpie,#learnkoreanwith,#btsarmy,#koreandailywords
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koreanthroughfiction · 14 days ago
할아버지의 인터넷 정복기 - Grandfather's Internet Conquest Chronicles
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"내 손녀가 '시대에 맞춰가야 한다'고 했어. 3주가 지난 지금, 200만 명의 십대들이 나를 '홀섬 킹'이라고 부르는데, 둘 중 뭐가 더 모욕적인지 모르겠다."
[My granddaughter said I needed to 'get with the times.' Three weeks later, I'm being called a 'wholesome king' by two million teenagers, and I don't know which part insults me more.]
이 모든 난리는 에밀리가 내 폰에 그 빌어먹을 틱톡이란 걸 깔면서 시작됐다. 그�� "정신을 활발하게 해줄 거"라고 했다. 마치 40년 동안 폭탄 해체하는 일이 내 정신을 충분히 날카롭게 만들어주지 않은 것처럼 말이다. 하지만 그 애가 그런 표정을 지었다 - 할머니가 예전에 짓곤 했던 그 표정 - 그래서 난 고개를 끄덕이고 관심 있는 척했다.
[The whole mess started when Emily installed that damn TikTok thing on my phone. Said it would "keep my mind active." As if forty years of defusing bombs hadn't kept my mind sharp enough. But she had that look—the same one her grandmother used to give me—so I nodded and pretended to care.]
내가 올린 첫 영상은 열리지 않는 피클 병에 욕을 하는 거였다. 녹화되고 있다는 것도 몰랐다. 에밀리가 내가 그 병과 씨름하는 동안 폰을 세워뒀는데, 내 헝클어진 회색 머리는 여느 때처럼 아인슈타인처럼 보였다. "군대에서 30년을 있었는데," 난 그 병을 향해 으르렁거렸다. "네가 날 이길 수 있을 거라 생각해? 난 음식물 분쇄기도 겁먹을 만한 걸 먹어봤다고."
[First video I posted was me cursing at a jar of pickles that wouldn't open. Didn't even know I was being recorded. Emily had propped up my phone while I wrestled with the thing, my wild gray hair doing its usual Einstein impression. "Thirty years in the military," I growled at the jar, "and you think you can outlast me? I've eaten things that would make a garbage disposal nervous."]
결국 그 병이 이겼다. 고무 그립을 써야 했다.
[The jar won. I had to use the rubber grip thing.]
24시간이 지나고 에밀리가 전화해서 내가 바이럴이 됐다고 소리를 질렀다. 난 내가 코로나에 걸린 줄 알았다.
[Twenty-four hours later, Emily called, screaming something about me going viral. I thought I'd caught COVID.]
"아니야, 할아버지! 트렌딩이에요! 조회수가 50만이나 돼요!"
["No, Grandpa! You're trending! Half a million views!"]
알고 보니 사람들은 이 늙은이가 절인 오이와 싸워서 지는 걸 완전 재밌어했다. 댓글엔 "이분 꼭 지켜드려야 해" 랑 "할아버지 에너지 뿜뿜" 같은 말들이 가득했다. 도대체 그게 무슨 뜻인지 알 수가 있나.
[Turns out, people found it hilarious—this angry old coot losing a battle with preserved cucumbers. The comments were full of things like "protect him at all costs" and "grandfather energy intensifies." What in the sam hill does that even mean?]
정신을 차려보니 에밀리는 날 "리액션 비디오"라는 걸 찍게 만들었다. 내가 백플립하는 사람들을 보고 (멍청이들), 요즘 은어를 이해하려 하고 ("노캡"이 거짓말 안 한다는 뜻이라고? "솔직히"라고 하면 될 걸), 에너지 드링크를 리뷰하는 ("배터리를 설탕물에 녹인 맛이군") 영상들이었다.
[Before I knew it, Emily had me doing what she called "reaction videos." Me watching people doing backflips (idiots), trying to understand modern slang ("no cap" means they're not lying? What happened to just saying "honestly"?), and reviewing energy drinks ("Tastes like someone melted a battery in sugar water").]
내 가장 인기 있는 영상? 이 어린 녀석들한테 병원식 모서리로 침대를 제대로 정리하는 법을 가르쳐주는 거였다. "동전을 던졌을 때 튀어 오를 정도가 돼야 해. 그래도 아직 부족해!" 내가 카메라를 향해 고함을 쳤다. "그리고 네 목숨이 걸린 것처럼 그 모서리를 단단히 접어. 언젠가는 진짜 그럴 수도 있으니까!"
[My most popular video? Me teaching these young punks how to properly make a bed with hospital corners. "If you can bounce a quarter off it, it's still not tight enough," I barked at the camera. "And tuck in those corners like your life depends on it, because one day, it might!"]
댓글들이 미쳤다:
[The comments were wild:]
"화가 난 게 아니라 우리 침대 정리 실력이 실망스러우신 거야 😭"
["He's not mad, he's just disappointed in our bed-making skills 😭"]
"2025년에 우리에게 필요했던 에너지다"
["This is the energy we needed in 2025"]
"POV: 너의 할아버지가 몰래 주인공이었음"
["POV: Your grandpa is secretly the main character"]
에밀리가 POV가 무슨 뜻인지 설명하려고 했는데, 난 내 뇌가 귀에서 새어나오기 전에 그만하라고 했다.
[Emily tried explaining what POV means, but I told her to stop before my brain started leaking out my ears.]
지난주엔 마트에서 어떤 애가 내 사인을 해달라고 했다. 난 그 애한테 침대를 제대로 정리하는 걸 보여주면 영수증에 사인해주겠다고 했다. 불쌍한 녀석, 마치 내가 다빈치 코드를 해독하라고 한 것처럼 보였다.
[Last week, some kid at the grocery store asked for my autograph. I told him I'd sign his receipt if he showed me he could make his bed properly. Poor kid looked like I'd asked him to decode the Da Vinci Code.]
이제 에밀리는 "수익 창출"이니 "브랜드 딜"이니 하는 얘기를 하고 있다. 어떤 매트리스 회사가 자기네 제품을 홍보해달라고 한다는군. 나한테 말이다! 평생 반은 돌덩이 위에서 자면서 그걸 호화로운 숙소라고 불렀던 바로 그 사람한테.
[Now Emily's talking about "monetization" and "brand deals." Apparently, some mattress company wants me to promote their products. Me! The same guy who spent half his career sleeping on rocks and calling it luxury accommodation.]
진짜 웃긴 건? 내 옛 부대에서 이 소식을 들었다는 거다. 존슨 상사한테 문자가 왔다: "상관님, 죄송하지만, 이제 틱톡 스타가 되셨다고요? 세상이 정말 미쳐가나 봅니다."
[The real kicker? My old unit caught wind of it. Got a text from Johnson, my former sergeant major: "Sir, with all due respect, you're a TikTok star now? The world really has gone to hell."]
난 에밀리가 가르쳐준 그 바보같은 춤을 추는 영상을 보내줬다, 그저 그를 고통스럽게 하려고.
[I sent back a video of me doing that stupid dance Emily taught me, just to watch him suffer.]
아마도 이 "시대에 맞춰가는" 것도 그렇게 나쁘진 않은 것 같다. 하지만 누군가 날 한 번만 더 "베스티"라고 부르면, 인터넷을 통째로 지워버릴 거다. 젠장맞을 인터넷 전체를. 방법은 찾아내겠지.
[Maybe this "getting with the times" thing isn't so bad after all. Though if one more person calls me "bestie," I'm deleting the internet. The whole damn thing. I'm sure I can figure out how.]
적어도 그 피클 병은 이제 유명해졌다. 아직도 안 열린 채로 내 선반에 트로피처럼 놓여있다. 어떤 싸움은 품위 있게 지는 거고, 어떤 싸움은 콘텐츠로 만드는 거다. 에밀리 말로는 그렇다나. 난 그냥 복수라고 부르지만.
[At least the pickle jar is now famous. It sits on my shelf like a trophy, still unopened. Some battles you lose with dignity, and some you turn into content. That's what Emily calls it anyway. I just call it revenge.]
요즘 애들이 뭔가를 알고 있는 것 같다, 비록 침대는 제대로 정리할 줄 모르지만. 하지만 에밀리한텐 내가 이런 말 했다고 하지 마라. 내 명성을 지켜야 하니까.
[The kids these days might be onto something, even if they can't make their beds worth a damn. But don't tell Emily I said that. I've got a reputation to maintain.]
이제 실례하지만, 난 "POV: 군대 할아버지가 너의 게이밍 셋업을 평가한다"라는 걸 찍어야 한다고 한다. 그게 뭔진 모르겠지만. 이 녀석들 케이블 정리가 제대로 안 돼있으면 혼쭐을 내줄 거다.
[Now, if you'll excuse me, apparently I need to film something called a "POV: Military grandpa rates your gaming setup." Whatever that means. These kids better have their cables properly managed, or they're in for an earful.]
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aja-aja-hanja · 2 years ago
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This finishes up the culture posts about hanok and American homes! What do you think about Korean traditional homes and American colonial architecture after seeing the previous posts? Let me know in the comments! :)
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themodernlass · 2 years ago
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오늘의 어휘학습 (Today’s Vocabulary) : Emotions — tags: #korean #koreanstudy #koreanlanguagelearning #studykorean #studykoreanwithme #languagelearning #languagestudy #vocabulary #reviewingvocabulary #koreanvocabulary #vocabstudy #vocabularystudy #studyreview #notes #koreannotes #studywithme #koreanstudytime #한국어배우기 #한국어공부 #한국어 #어휘공부 #어휘학습 #studygram https://www.instagram.com/p/CqWz3rFhDZ_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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krbangla · 5 days ago
কোরিয়ান গ্রামার: -아야/어야/해야 되요 এর ব্যবহার ও উদাহরণ
📢 কোরিয়ান ভাষায় -아야/어야/해야 되요 ব্যবহারের নিয়ম জানেন? এটি মূলত বাধ্যতামূলক কিছু বোঝাতে ব্যবহৃত হয়, যেমন "অবশ্যই করতে হবে" বা "করাই উচিত"। 📝
💡 এই পোস্টে আপনি শিখবেন:
✅ -아야/어야/해야 되요 কখন ব্যবহার করবেন?
✅ এর সাধারণ গঠন ও উদাহরণ।
✅ দৈনন্দিন জীবনে এর ব্যবহার।
👉 বিস্তারিত জানতে পড়ুন:
🔗 https://krbangla.blogspot.com/2025/02/korean-grammar-aya-deyo-heya-deyo-oya-deyo-heya-deyo-usage-examples.html
#KoreanGrammar #LearnKorean #KoreanEPS #TOPIK #KoreanLanguage #KRBangla #KoreanStudy #KoreanVocabulary #KoreanQuiz
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30ouquase · 2 months ago
It’s funny how we start a new year wanting to improve certain things that are within our reach and control.
For example, due to health issues, bad test results, and so on, I need to lose 25kg. So, here I am, exercising every day since January 1st with the goal of losing that weight and improving my health. I’m also reading every day. I set a goal of 50 books for 2025. I think I might even surpass it, but we’ll see. In my teenage years, I used to read over 100 books a year.
I also thought about planning a trip—I don’t know with what money—and started organizing my Korean studies as well as continuing my postgraduate research. I’ve started eating more fruit, and since January 1st, I’ve been eating two servings a day.
People on the internet say it only takes 21 days to form a habit, so if that’s true, there are just 17 days left for all of this to become routine. I’m thinking about making 2025 a truly great year—mentally, physically, financially, and professionally. Since 2025 marks my 30th birthday, I want it to be like 13 Going on 30—“thirty, flirty, and thriving.” Not that I haven’t done cool things in other years, but this year, specifically, I REALLY want it to be a turning point. The year when I can finally sit down and see that I made it. That it’s okay if it came at the cost of hard work, sweat, and tears because I actually did it.
And all of this will only happen if I stick with the mindset I have now—of taking control over my life.
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salanaii · 1 year ago
Learn Korean with me - Week 9
Day 1 : Slang and K drama/K Pop Common Phrases
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tarunakumala · 2 years ago
Tonton "Kosa Kata Bahasa Korea Bagian 17" di YouTube
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lingua-kindness · 2 years ago
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itslostfocus · 2 years ago
vocab list: 옷
신발: shoes, footwear
구두: formal shoes
깨끗한: clean, neat (깨끗하다 - for Adjectives)
청소하다: to be clear (for Verbs)
맑은: clean, pure, clear; sunny with no clouds
치우다: to tidy (up), clean (up/out); move, remove, clear (away)
지우다: to erase, delete, rub off
버튼: button (elevator, power, smartphone, etc; not common in clothing)
단추: button (clothing)
더러운: dirty, filthy, mean, awful, terrible, nasty (bad and wicked person)
지저분한: dirty, messy, unclean, squalid
더러워지다: to get dirty, filthy, messy, soiled
오염된: contaminated, soiled
비열한: bastard, sneak
입다: to dress, wear
옷: dress, shirt, clothes, wear, apparel (daily life); one or several
드레���: dress (West)
복장: formal clothes (work, funerals, etc)
변장: disguise
모자: cap, hat
뚜껑: cover, lid, cap (bottle, pen, container, box, etc)
상한: maximum, the upper limit
마무리짓다: to wrap (something) up
바지: pants, trousers
팬츠: pants
팬티: underwear (regardless of the gender)
셔츠: shirt, t-shirt, polo shirt, etc
스웨터: sweater
양말: sock
의복: clothes (=의상)
의상: clothes (=의복)
세탁물: laundry (clothes that need to be washed)
옷가지: several clothes
착용하다: to wear something that sticks to the body (clothes, hats, shoes, necklaces, etc)
쓰다: to wear/put on a hat, helmet, etc
닳다: to wear out (something til it becomes old), dry up (moisture to decrease); run out (oil or electricity)
장갑: glove
주머니: pocket
호주머니: pocket (attached to a cloth)
포켓: pocket
자금: budget
용돈: pocket money
짝지어주다: to pair up
한 쌍: pair
2인조: pair of people
한 벌: a suit (formal clothes, the 2 pieces), a set (pair of formal shoes), top and bottom clothes
치마: skirt
코트: coat (winter); tennis/basketball court
외피: outermost layer of an object thast has multiple layers (outer covering of a coat or garment)
도금: plating, gilding, coating an object with a thin later of a metal (gold or silver)
외투: jacket (in general)
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jessylearnslanguages · 2 years ago
Langblr Reactivation Challenge - week one - day 2
My goals for 2023
Long-term goals:
Korean: reach B2 level.
English: I am already C2, but I want to keep improving it, specially my reading and writing. Maybe study for the IELTS.
Spanish: I have some classes at school, but I would like to self-study a bit to be able to have a conversation in Spanish (at least?).
Short-term goals:
Korean: start studying it again, everyday. I also would like to review my beginner grammar book and start using mainly contextualized books, with conversations and vocabulary.
English: read some of the books in English I've bought, like Pride and Prejudice.
Spanish: It is nowhere near my priorities, as I currently have quite a busy schedule, but I would like to maybe read a book in Spanish as well, maybe watch some videos in youtube...
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crackingkorean-101 · 2 years ago
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Instead of eating Korean red pepper kimchi, why don't you eat a watery broth kimchi? Guess what this watery kimchi is called in Korean. Then, swipe to check the answer. #koreanwordsoftheday,#learnkoreanword,#koreanalphabet,#kdramalove❤️,#kpoplover,#waterykimchi,#brothkimchi,#koreanfoodlover,#koreanfoodwords,#koreanvocaboftheday,#koreanstudynotes,#koreanstudying,#kpoplovers✌,#koreanfood https://www.instagram.com/p/CqPCePOBXdG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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koreanthroughfiction · 2 days ago
달빛 같은 눈을 가진 원숭이 - The Monkey with Moon-Like Eyes
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어머니는 항상 조심하지 않으면 얼굴이 그렇게 굳어버릴 거라고 말했었다. 하지만 이렇게 문자 그대로 맞아떨어질 줄은 몰랐다. 꼬꼬는 완벽하게 정상적인 얼굴로 태어났지만, 지나가던 큰부리새가 보여준 특별히 인상적인 마술(세 개의 열매와 아마도 날개 재주를 부린)을 목격한 후, 그의 얼굴은 영구적인 놀람 상태로 굳어버렸다.
[His mother had always told him his face would stick that way if he wasn't careful. She didn't expect to be quite so literally right. Little Koko had been born with a perfectly normal face, but after witnessing a particularly impressive magic trick by a passing hornbill (involving three berries and what might have been sleight-of-wing), his face froze in a permanent state of astonishment.]
보름달만큼이나 크고 밝은 그 커다란 눈은 그의 트레이드마크가 되었다. 그의 무리의 다른 원숭이들은 이미 오래 전에 그것에 익숙해졌지만, 새로 온 원숭이들은 종종 첫 며칠 동안 뭔가 굉장한 것을 놓치고 있다고 확신하며 미친 듯이 어깨 너머를 살펴보곤 했다. "뭐야? 무슨 일이야?"라며 빙글빙글 돌아다니는 동안 꼬꼬는 마치 우주의 탄생을 목격한 것 같은 표정으로 일상적인 일들을 해나갔다.
[Those enormous eyes, round as full moons and just as bright, became his defining feature. The other monkeys in his troop had long since gotten used to it, though newcomers often spent their first few days frantically looking over their shoulders, convinced they were missing something extraordinary. "What? What is it?" they'd ask, spinning in circles while Koko just went about his daily business, his expression suggesting he'd just witnessed the birth of the universe itself.]
잠자는 모습은 특히나 재미있었다. 다른 원숭이들의 얼굴은 늘어지고 평화로워지는 반면, 꼬꼬의 얼굴은 영원한 경이로움 속에 굳어있어서, 밤에 돌아다니는 동물들에게 마치 무언가 난처한 일을 하다 들킨 것 같은 불편한 느낌을 주었다. 한 마리가 아닌 여러 마리의 부엉이들이 그와 눈이 마주친 후에는 자신들이 뭔가 잘못을 저지른 것 같다고 확신하며 사냥 경로를 포기했다.
[Sleep was particularly amusing. While other monkeys' faces went slack and peaceful, Koko's remained frozen in perpetual wonder, giving night creatures the unsettling impression that they were being caught in the act of something embarrassing. More than one owl had abandoned its hunting route after locking eyes with him, convinced it had somehow offended the wide-eyed sentinel of the night.]
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aja-aja-hanja · 2 years ago
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What are the differences between early American architecture and Korean architecture? American architecture is a hybrid of many types, mainly from Europe. New England, as you might guess, was originally settled by colonists from England, remaking what they considered a “wilderness” into a new England, quite literally. They kept their traditional housing, with little consideration for the architecture or lifestyles of the Native Americans. They also introduced the concept of private property (owned and used by a single party) to the “New World”, with many consequences. In contrast, Korea had retained the idea of owning land for many hundreds of years, with most of the landholdings belonging to an upper class, much like Europe. Korea followed Confucian, not Christian, ideals, which translated to separating male and female spaces.
Korea also had ondol heating, which allowed the home to be heated much more comfortably than in European homes, which relied on hearths throughout the house. So while European homes built up to retain the heat as much as possible, Korean upper class homes spread out luxuriously over the land.
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