#korean vocabulary list
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itslostfocus · 2 years ago
vocab list: 미술
그림: painting, picture, drawing, sketch, illustration
페인팅: painting (영어)
페인트칠: painting (한국어)
그리다: to paint, draw, sketch a picture
끌다: to pull, draw/attract (someone's attention)
긋다: draw a line
만들다: to make (a movie, book, song), produce, direct (a movie), compose (a song)
사진: picture, photo
영화: picture, video, movie, film
영상: picture, video, image (shown on a screen)
화면: picture, image (space filled by a photo)
그림자: shadow, silhouette, reflection (on a mirror/water)
그늘: shade, dark part
미행: shadowing (secretly following someone to keep an eye on them or get evidence)
느끼다: to feel (experience an emotion in one's mind), realize, being aware of
기분: mood, feeling, atmosphere (the situation surrounding)
감정: emotion, feeling (towards a certain incident or person)
도자기: pottery, ceramics, chinaware (도기 is a bowl made of clay, and 자기 is baked at a higher temperature-1200°C-)
도예: abbreviation of '도자기 공예' -ceramic arts-
도기: pottery, earthenware
회: raw fish, round (ONLY when it's added to a number, aka a counter)
둥근: round, spheroid
차례: order, turn
계속: continuosly, consecutively
형태: shape, form, figure, appearance (of an object)
모양: shape (outer appearance/aspect) -mostly used-
형성하다: to form, build, develop a certain character or form
생기다: to be formed, come into being (something that didn't exist to come into existence)
예술: art (very broad sense, including music, painting, sculpture, architecture)
미술품: art work, fine art, work of art
미술: art (painting and sculpture)
기술: technology, skill, technique
닦다: to clean, scrub, wipe
양치: brushing teeth
붓: writing/painting brush
빗다: to brush/comb one's hair
비디오: video
텔레비전: TV
녹화: video, record, tape, videotape
무비: movie
원: circle; ₩
돌다: to turn, rotate, spin; to go around, circle
그룹: group, a circle (of people)
사회: society, circle
잉크: ink
서명하다: to sign
서명: signature, autograph
먹물: black ink (ink + water), squid ink
광장: square, plaza
사각형: square, quadrangle, tetragon, quadrilateral
평방: square (ej metros cuadrados)
제곱: square (of -maths-)
네모: square
조각: piece (of), slice; sculpture, statue
작품: piece (of music), work (of art); product, production
부분: piece, part, section, portion
하나: one, piece
하나씩: one by one, one at a time, piece by piece
일부: some/any part, portion, section, partially, partly
즐기다: to enjoy (oneself), have fun
하세요: do it, allowing someone to do something
누리다: authority to enjoy what you have in life; to enjoy someone's rights or benefits
즐겁게: delightfully
재미있다: funny, interesting, amusing, entertaining
점토: clay
진흙: mud
춤: dance (dynamic, b-boing, -방탄소년단-)
무용: dance (soft movement -ballet-)
추다: to dance
페인트: paint (pintura)
칠하다: to paint, coat, varnish
물감: paint, dye (to draw a picture or dye cloth)
색칠하다: to paint, color (something)
크레용: crayon
~을 크레용으로 그리다: to draw with crayons
~을 사생하다: to draw exactly as it is (not used in conversational korean)
주변 경치를 사생하다: draw exactly how it is viewed
사생대회: drawing/painting contest
납작한: flat (to be)
평면: plane/flat surface
아파트: flat, apartment
시시한: flat, petty, small minded; insignificant, trivial
한 푼 없는: have no money
포스터: poster
영화계: the film world (-hollywood-)
박막: a thin film (anatomical jargon)
촬영: shooting, filiming
필름: film (영화 필름, 카메라 필름, 휴대폰 액정보호 필름, etc)
행동하다: to act, behave
법률: law, act, legislation
연기하다: to act, perform (personality, behavior, etc of a role); to delay, postpone
행위: act, action (with intention, will)
대행하다: to do something for someone
source: 영단어는 관리다 app
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dreamer-hangugeo · 2 years ago
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All three words, 답장 (dap-jang), 대답 (dae-dap), and 답변 (dap-byeon), are used to express the concept of "answer". However, they have slightly different nuances and uses: (1) 답장 답장 refers to a reply, response or answer to a message, letter, email, or any other written format. It is mostly used in written communication. E.g. 이메일 답장을 해주세요. (Please reply to the email.) 그 편지에 답장이 없었어요. (The letter received no reply) (2) 대답 대답 is a general term for answering or responding to a question, request, or comment, and it can be either spoken or written. It refers to the action of giving an answer, regardless of the context or medium. E.g. 그녀는 내 질문에 대답하지 않았어요. (She didn't answer my question.) 나는 문을 노크했지만 아무도 대답하지 않았어요. (I knocked on the door, but no one answered) (3) 답변 답변 is a more formal word for answering or responding, especially in the context of professional or official communication. It often implies a detailed or explicated response, as opposed to a simple answer. E.g. 이번 회의에서는 다양한 의견을 듣고 답변을 내렸습니다. (We listened to various opinions at this meeting and gave a response). 그녀는 정치인 특유의 모호한 답변을 했습니다. (She gave an equivocal answer, typical of a politician.) Extra Note: In Korean, 정답 (jeongdab) means "correct answer" and 오답 (odap) means "wrong answer". These terms are often used in the context of tests, exams, quizzes, and other assessments to indicate whether a response is correct or incorrect. E.g 이 문제의 정답은 무엇인가요? (What is the correct answer to this question?) 민준���는 문제를 잘못 읽어 오답을 적었어요. (Minjun misread the question and wrote the wrong answer.)
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bulletproof-korean · 2 years ago
Agust D - 사람 (People) [lyrics+vocab]
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Yeah, yeah 산들바람 스쳐가는 사람 스며드는 사람 나는 어떤 사람? 나는 좋은 사람? 아님 나쁜 사람? 평가는 가지각색 그냥 나도 사람
▫ 산들바람 - breeze ▫ 스쳐가다 - to scrape along ▫ 스며들다 - to permeate, to become close ▫ 너는 어떤 사람? - What kind of person are you? ▫ 평가 - evaluation ▫ 가지각색 - various, diverse
다들 살아가겠지 yeah 다들 사랑하겠지 yeah 다들 바래가겠지 Yeah, yeah 잊혀가겠지 사람들은 변하지 나도 변했듯이 세상살이 영원한 건 없어 다 지나가는 해프닝
▫ 살아가다 - to live, live on ▫ 사랑하다 - to love ▫ 바라다 - to long for, wish for ▫ 잊다 - to forget ▫ 변하다 - to change ▫ 세상살이 - life ▫ 영원하다 - to be eternal ▫ 지나가다 - to pass ▫ 해프닝 - a "happening", an event
Why so serious? Why so serious? Why so serious? (Hmm-hmm-hmm) I'm so serious I'm so serious (I'm so serious), I'm so, I'm so
뭐 어때? 스쳐 지나가면, 뭐 어때? Yeah, yeah 뭐 어때? 상처받으면, 뭐 어때? Yeah, yeah 때론 또 아플지도 가끔은 속상해 눈물 흘릴지도 ooh 뭐 어때? 그렇게 살면, 뭐 어때? Yeah, yeah
▫ 뭐 어때 - so what ▫ 상처받다 - to get hurt ▫ 때론 - at times ▫ 속상하다 - to be upset ▫ 눈물을 흘리다 - to shed tears ▫ 살다 - to live
물이 흘러가는 대로 흘러가 저기 끝은 뭐가 있을지도 특별한 삶 평범한 삶 그 나름대로 좋은 게 좋은 거지 ��� 좋은 게 좋은 거지 뜻대로만 되지 않지 불편은 다들 감수하지 극적인 상황들의 반복은 삶을 지치게도 해 사람들이 그런거지
▫ 물이 흘러가다 - for water to flow ▫ 끝 - end ▫ 나름 - depending on ▫ 뜻대로 - as one wishes ▫ 불편 - inconvenience ▫ 감수하다 - to put up with, endure ▫ 극적이다 - to be dramatic ▫ 상황 - situation ▫ 반복 - repetition ▫ 삶 - life ▫ 지치다 - to be tired
없으면 있고 싶기도 있으면 없고 싶기도 누가 사람이 지혜의 동물이라 했나 내가 보기에는 후회의 동물이 분명한데 사람들은 변하지 너도 변했듯이 세상살이 영원한 건 없어 다 지나가는 해프닝
▫ 지혜 - wisdom ▫ 동물 - animal ▫ 후회 - regret ▫ 분명하다 - to be sure
너의 평범함은 되려 나의 특별함 너의 특별함은 되려 나의 평범함 너의 평범함은 되려 나의 특별함 너의 특별함은 되려 나의 평범함
▫ 평범하다 - to be ordinary ▫ 특별하다 - to be special
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koreanstudyjunkie · 2 years ago
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Korean Antonyms : Opposites
뜨거워요 (뜨겁다)
국이 뜨거우니까 조심하세요. Be careful, the soup is hot.
나는 참 뜨거운 음식이 좋아. I like my food very hot.
그는 뜨거운 차를 마시다가 입을 데었습니다. He burned his mouth on the scalding-hot tea.
차가워요 (차갑다)
네 손은 손대면 항상 차가워! Your hands are always cold to the touch.
커피가 차갑게 식었어요. The coffee's gone cold.
그녀는 내 얼굴에 차가운 물을 튀겼어요. She splashed my face with cold water.
길어요 (길다)
그녀는 긴 금발 머리를 하고 있는데요. She has long blonde hair.
외국어를 배우는 데는 긴 시간이 걸려요. It takes a long time to learn a foreign language.
여자가 남자보다 평균수명이 더 길어요. On the average, women live longer than men.
짧아요 (짧다)
요즘은 하루가 더 짧아요. Days are shorter these days.
지수는 긴 머리를 남자처럼 짧게 잘랐어요. Jisoo cut her hair short like a guys
그렇게 짧은 치마를 입으면 춥겠어요. It would be cold to wear such a short skirt.
멀어요 (멀다)
도심에서 멀리 떨어진 지역에 살고 있는 것 같아요. I think he lives in an area far from downtown.
가까워요 (가깝다)
너무 가깝게 앉으면 움직이기 불편하잖아. If we sit too close, moving is uncomfortable.
키가 커요 (크다)
우리 형은 키가 더 커요. My older brother is taller.
키가 작아요 (작다)
메리는 반에서 다른 누구보다도 키가 작습니다. Marys shorter than any other girl in the class.
기차보다 비행기를 타고 가는 게 훨씬 빠르니까 비행기를 타고 가. Riding the plane is so much faster than the train, so let’s take a plane.
서울은 살고 있는 곳보다 15시간 빨라요. Seoul is 14 hours ahead of where I stay.
우리는 느린 음악에 맞추어 춤을 추었어요. We danced to slow music.
내 여동생은 설거지하는 게 느려요. My sister is slack in washing the dishes.
나 걸음이 느린 사람이 진짜 싫어해. I hate people who are slow walkers.
처음부터 다시 시작하세요. Please start over again from the beginning.
모든 일은 시작이 어려운 법이에요. Everything is hard at the start.
저는 열두시에 공부를 시작했습니다. I started studying at 12 pm
승규는 하루 종일 하던 공부를 이제 그만하고 조금 쉬기로 했어. Seungyu decided to stop studying and take a break
오늘은 그만하고 집에 가자! Let’s call it a day and go home!
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langdingdong · 2 years ago
Korean Financial Terms #1
Hey there~ I've been studying financial terms in Korean and wanted to share some of the vocabulary with you all!
Bank: 은행
Bank Account: 은행 계좌
Budget: 예산
Cash: 현금
Credit Card: 신용카드
Debit Card: 직불카드, 현금카드
Stock: 주식
Stock Market: 주식 시장
Investment: 투자
Interest Rate: 이자율
Asset: 자산
Dividend: 배당금
Bond: 채권
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hangukkie · 2 years ago
한국 전래동화에 나오는 어회와 문법 ! - Vocabulary and grammar in traditional Korean fairytales !
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English Translation:
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옛날 - Olden days
옛날에 - Once upon a time
어머니/엄마 - Mum
그녀 - She/Her
돈 - Money
아들 - Son
딸 - Daughter
함께 - Together
숲 - Forest
어느 - Which
날 - Day
호랑이 - Tiger
떡 - Rice cake
더욱 더 - More and more
많이/많은 - Many/A lot
그 - He/Him
아이 - Kid/Child
아이들 - Kids/Children
옷 - Clothes
집 - House
꼬리 - Tail
밖 - Outside
나무 - Tree
꼭대기 - The top
하늘 - Sky
줄 - Rope
바닥 - Floor
오늘 - Today
해 - Sun
달 - Moon
Grammar - Verbs:
있다 - To exist
없다 - To not exist
살다 - To live
나타나다 - To appear
달다 - To ask/To request (In this context)
주다 - To give
원하다 - To want/To wish/To desire
먹다 - To eat
가다 - To go
가리다 - To cover
보다 - To see
도망가다 - To run away
올라가다 - To go up
자르다 - To cut
기도를 하다 - To pray
내리다 - To get off
떨어지다 - To fall
된다 - To become
Grammar - Sentence Forms:
라고 하다 - For indirect quotations
지다 - To become
도 - Too/Also/As well as
고 싶다 - To want
지 않다 - Is not
려고 - To intend to
시도하다 - To attempt to
Grammar - Connectives:
과 - And/With (With 받침)
하지만 - But
그래서 - So
그러나 - But/However
하고 (고) - And/With
Grammar - Markers/Particles:
에 - To/At (Location and time marker)
가 - Subject particle
는 - Topic particle
이 - Subject particle (With 받침)
에서 - At/In/On/From (Location marker)
에게 - To/For
을 - Object particle (With 받침)
를 - Object particle
들 - Plural marker
의 - Possessive marker
으로 - By/As/For/To/Towards/With (Directional marker)
로 - By/As/For/To/With (Directional marker - with 받침)
부터 - From/Since (Location and time marker)
은 - Topic particle (With 받침)
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hyean-studio · 1 year ago
I'm slowly reading a book called 청소년을 위한 한국미술사 (Korean Art History for Youth). In the process I came across many interesting terms that may be useful for those who are interested in Korean art and history and maybe would like to read about such topics in Korean in the future. So I decided to share the vocabulary list. Perhaps, to be continued.
선사 [先史] - prehistory
도안 [圖案] - design
암각화 [巖刻畵] - petroglyphs
청동 [靑銅] - bronze
빗살무늬 토기 - comb-pattern pottery
유물 [遺物] - relic, artifact
미의식 [美意識] - aesthetic sense
창의력 [創意力] - creativity
삼국 시대 [三國時代] - Three Kingdoms of Korea
불교 [佛敎] - Buddhism
부처의 현신 [現身] - the Buddha who appeared in the form of a famine in order to save sentient beings
소재 [素材] - material
국교 [國敎] - established religion
강대국 [强大國] - (world) power, powerful nation
학술 [學術] - scholarship
석총 [石塚] - stone grave
석실봉토무덤 [石室封土무덤] - stone-filled tomb
기원전 [紀元前] - B.C. (Before Christ): 기원전 50년 - 50 B.C.
고고학 [考古學] - archaeology
묘제 [墓祭] - a memorial service held before the grave
전기 [前期] - the former part
평면도 - ground plan (architecture)
초상화 [肖像畵] - portrait
고분벽화 [古墳壁畫] - ancient tomb mural
사당 [祠堂] - shrine
신주 [神主] - ancestral tablet
경외감 [敬畏感] - sense of awe
환희 [歡喜] - (great) joy, delight
전달력 [傳達力]- transmission
구체적 [具體的] - detailed
기인하다 [起因하다] - result from
순수 [純粹] - purity
공예품 - handicraft, craftwork
문화재 [文化財] - cultural properties
보관 [保管] - storage
걸작 [傑作] - masterpiece
보고 [寶庫] - repository
청자 [靑瓷] - celadon
극치 [極致] - the height (of)
영토 [領土] - territory, domain
만주 [滿洲] - Manchuria
수나라 [隋나라] - Sui Dynasty
당나라 [唐나라] - Tang Dynasty
명장 [名將] - great commander
저항하다 [抵抗하다] - resist
패망하다 [敗亡하다] - collapse
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multilingualpotato · 5 months ago
Word Of The Day  - DOG
pes (m)
chien (m)
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hond (m)
perro (m)
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cane (m)
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jiora · 1 year ago
Korean Weather Vocabulary
Watch my lesson on weather in Korean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0V_FJsVzkI
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gigiskjourney · 6 months ago
[ENG] Hi again! Although there is nothing uploaded on the blog yet, you can start following me there to be aware of everything I upload. Thank you so much!
[ESP] ¡Hola de nuevo! Si bien no hay nada subido en el blog aún, podéis empezar a seguirme allí para estar al tanto de todo lo que suba. ¡Muchas gracias!
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korean-with-haneul · 2 years ago
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itslostfocus · 2 years ago
vocab list: 신체
눈: eye, eyeball, eyesight; snow; gradation, marking, graduation
시선: one's eyes, graze, eye-catching
안구: eyeball
쳐다보다: to look up, look/stare (at), gaze (at)
눈길: to watch something/someone; street made of snow stick
귀: ear
청각: sense of hearing
청력: hearing (hearing capability that can get lost with the years)
이삭: ear, head of the rice, barley, etc where a flower opens and the fruit comes from
눈썹: eyebrow
눈사을 찌푸리다: to frown
심장: heart
마음: heart, mind, personality
가슴: heart, chest, breast, bust, boobs
중심: center, heart, middle; focus, nucleus, core; emphasis, importance
머리: head, hair; brain, mind, intelligence
지도자: leader, head (of)
머리카락: hair
털: hair, fur, heather, fluff
섬유: fiber, textile
목: neck, throat
몸: body (pure korean)
신체: body, physical (chinese derived, used more in formal situations)
단체: organization, association, society, group, party
시체: dead body, corpse
몸매: body figure/shape
무릎: knee
무릎치기: idiomatic expression meaning to figure sth out/to realize; knee breenches (male pants that go to the knees)
무릎으로 치다: hit with the knees
발: foot, paw, step
걷다: to walk
기슭: foot, base, border, edge (mountain, hill, river, etc)
보병: foot soldiers, infantry (play the main roles in the army, move by foot and attack enemies with rifles, etc)
발가락: toe
발끝: tiptoe
손: hand
주다: to give (an item to someone or a qualification, right, score)
도움: help, aid, assistance, support
반수: half of a number divided equally by 2
맡기다: to assign, charge (someone the responsibility for a certain role or work); entrust, leave something with
손가락: finger
지적하다: to point out, indicate, comment, criticize
손톱: (finger) nail
못: nail (clavo)
분석하다: to analyze
잡다: to hold (something in one's hand and not let it go); arrest, catch, capture (someone)
어깨: shoulder
책임을 지다: to assume/bear/shoulder/take the responsibility; hold oneself responsible for
갓길: side road for emergencies
얼굴: face
직면하다: to confront, face, come face to face with
표정: face expression
입: mouth, lips, one's taste
말: word, language, speech, talk
입구: entrance to/of, entry, way in
치아: tooth (humans and animals, hospitals use it)이tooth (expression for naming the different parts of the teeth, like molars; it's rarely used by itself)
톱니: tooth of a saw
코: nose
후각: sense of smell
팔: arm
무기: weapon, armaments
무장하다: to be armed, militarized
부문: section, field, division
팔걸이: armrest part of a chair
허벅지: thigh
source: 영단어는 관리다 app
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dreamer-hangugeo · 2 years ago
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Have you heard of 탕진잼? The term comes from “탕진하는 재미”, in which “탕진” (Tangjin) meaning “wasting or overspend”, and “잼” (jaem) meaning “fun”. It literally means “fun that you can feel when you blow your money on something”. It describes the enjoyable feeling people get from spending their money on various things within their financial limits. With the current economic challenges faced by young South Koreans, such as high youth unemployment rates and sluggish macroeconomic growth, many young people have low expectations for economic opportunities. Instead of saving their money, they choose to spend it on small things that bring them happiness, which is where 탕진잼 comes in. This behavior is commonly seen in the purchase of trivial household items, cosmetics, stationery, and spending small amounts on delicious food, travel, and other experiences. 탕진잼 can be viewed as a form of escapism, providing a way to cope with daily stress and frustration. By spending their money on numerous cheap and seemingly useless items, young people feel a sense of satisfaction as if they have become rich. It's important to note that 탕진잼 can also be used sarcastically to poke fun at those who overspend on unnecessary things. While 탕진잼 may provide temporary relief from the pressures of daily life, it is important to balance spending with saving and investing in one’s future.
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bulletproof-korean · 2 years ago
Agust D - Amygdala [lyrics+vocab]
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I don't know your name I don't know your name, yeah I don't know your name 요즘 기분은 어때? I don't know your name, your name, your name 기억들로 여행 지우고픈 일들 요즘 기분은 어때, 어때, 어때?
▫ 요즘 - lately ▫ 기분 - mood ▫ 요즘 기분은 어때? = How have you been feeling lately? ▫ 기억 - memories ▫ 여행 - travel, trip ▫ 지우다 - to erase 지우고픈 일들 = 지우고 싶은 일들 = Things I want to erase
천구백구십삼 내가 태어난 달 엄마 심장의 수술, 수술, 수술 별의별 일이 많았지 뭐가 이리 다사다난한지 기억조차 안 나는 기억도 다 꺼내 보자고 하나씩 다 꺼내 보자고 하나씩
▫ 태어나다 - to be born ▫ 달 - month ▫ 심장 - heart ▫ 수술 - surgery ▫ 별의별 - all kinds of, various ▫ 다사다난하다 - to be eventful ▫ 꺼내다 - to take out ▫ 하나씩 - one by one
최선들의 선택 다음 차선들의 선택 차차 선들의 선택, 선택, 선택, yeah 원치 않던 일들 내 통제 밖의 일들 자 집어넣자 하나둘 그래 하나둘, 그래 하나둘
▫ 최선 - the best ▫ 선택 - choice, decision ▫ 차선 - the second best ▫ 원하다 - to want ▫ 통제 - control ▫ 밖 - outside, out of ▫ 집어넣다 - put sb into, throw sb into
I don't know your name, your name, your name 기억들로 여행, 여행, 여행 I don't know your name, your name, your name 자 지워보자 하나씩, 그래 하나씩
My amygdala (My amygdala) 어서 나를 구해줘 어서 나를 구해줘 My amygdala (My amygdala) 어서 나를 꺼내줘 어서 나를 꺼내줘 My amygdala (My amygdala) My amygdala (My amygdala) 이곳에서 구해줘 어서 빨리 꺼내줘, yeah, yeah
▫ 어서 - hurry, fast ▫ 구하다 - to save ▫ 이곳 - this place, here ▫ 빨리 - fast
Uh-uh, 그래 참 별의별 일이 많았지 Uh-uh, 귓가엔 엄마 심장 시계 소리 Uh-uh, 전하지 못했던 내 사고 소식과 스케줄 중에 걸려 온 전환 아버지의 간암 소식 (Woah-oh) 최선의 선택들이 맞았었길 (Woah-oh) 그 또한 모두 지나가 버렸기에 그래서 이 수많은 고통은 날 위한 것일까 끊임없던 시련은 날 죽이지 못했고 다시금 나는 연꽃을 피워내
▫ 귓가 - around my ears ▫ 엄마 심장 시계 소리 - the sound of the clock in my mom's heart ▫ 전하다 - to convey ▫ 사고 - accident ▫ 소식 - news ▫ 스케줄 - schedule ▫ 전화가 걸려오다 - to get a phone call ▫ 간암 - liver cancer ▫ 맞다 - to be correct ▫ 지나가다 - to pass ▫ 고통 - pain ▫ 끊임없다 - to be ceaseless ▫ 시련 - ordeal, hardship ▫ 죽이다 - to kill ▫ 다시금 - again ▫ 연꽃 - lotus ▫ 피우다 - to bloom
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rainy-dayslove · 2 years ago
Korean Hanja + Japanese
한글 (Hangeul): 개인
한자 (Hanja): 個人
일본어 (Japanese): 個人 (こじん)
Translation: individual
한글 (Hangeul): 인
한자 (Hanja): 人
일본어 (Japanese): 人 (ひと、-じん)
Translation: Person
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soulinseoulnotes · 1 year ago
🌹 Vocabulary for 2급 1과 🌹
지난 달 - Last month
한달 반 - 1 1/2 months
취직하다 - To be employed
태언나다 - To be born
사귀다 - To date / Go out
시간이 생기다 - To make time (have time)
교사 - Teacher
교수 - Lecturer
편호사 - Lawyer
판사 - Judge
아나운서 - Announcer (News anchor)
비서 - Secretary
판광 안내원 - Tour guide
기술자 - Technician
작가 - Author
통역사 - Interpreter
번역가 - Translator (written)
장점 - Good points (strength)
단점 - Bad points (weakness)
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