#pope dump
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zarrisxoxo · 27 days ago
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From this week <33
Tags: @kiaraac @jademckay @rcameronofficial @jjmakesbank @princesssarahcam @sanaamuse @marrsbarrr
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elliottcarterr · 12 days ago
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Tag: @t4teee @tillyrae @thecoolermaybank @bbbla1r @bryanjoness @bankslov @baileejones @pogueprincesa @prettygirlthornton @princesssarahcam @pogueyboi @hannahthekook @nateelawrence @rcameronofficial @yktayy9669 @auroraaugust @lillianblake @loveu-always @masonperez112 @miaryderanon @meilanirivera @zarrisxoxo @isabelalopez @itssmerafecameron @jjmakesbank @jademckay @kiaraac @kurodahana
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fruit-cupp · 2 months ago
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cheezy-whizz · 9 months ago
river phoenix my love
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latteenightss · 4 months ago
Hii! Just another rant about obx. I wanna share my predictions about season 5 and what I think they’re gonna do
Chase Stokes (John B) mentioned that season 5 will be their best one, which it could be but I think for a lot of viewers just the fact that JJ won’t be there at all might ruin the season if yk what I mean.
And now to my predictions
1. I think season 5 will be Kiara’s season, with the way season 4 ended it’s obvious she’s gonna lash out and go through a lot. She’s gonna need to deal with grief and her revenge era might be a bit brutal 😊
Also maybe she will be somehow related to the treasure? Or just connected slightly. Like season 1 we had John B, season 2 it was Pope. Season 3 now- idk I guess Sarah but Kie also had a bigger role, like when that dude kidnapped her and then she got sent off to that camp but that’s it, then her plot line was about Jiara, and season 4 was obv JJ.
And since we’re talking about JJ, y’all.. ik it’s hard but he’s not coming back 😭 obx is not supernatural, a wish won’t bring him back to life. Like I don’t think JJ will crawl out of sand.
I generally love the idea of Kie finally having her main character moments and just making her more important to the story.
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2. We will get Riara. And I definitely don’t mean that in a romantic way because that’s not happening! Madison (the actress of Kie) hates Riara 😭 but I think we will see them as duo and just get more of those tension scenes that we got so far. I feel like that might be a way the writers will try to “replace” Jiara. Jiara was a huge ad for the show and lately so has been Riara.
I feel like almost eveyone loves the tension between those two and the writers know that. Also Rafe breaking up with Sofia- yea they’re definitely building up to some sort of storyline with Kiara and Rafe. The amount of people obsessed with Riara is insane and obv they have to give us something so..
Riara s5 is pretty much guaranteed.
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3. I wanna talk about Sarah and John B- obviously a huge plot line will be their child. I don’t know if the child will be born at the end or during season 5. How I see it, I’m leaning more toward the end but we’ll see.
There’s not much else that can really happen with them. John b will also be in a revenge era since his best friend was killed and Sarah will definitely get closer with Rafe, that hug they shared was so cute and needed but otherwise I really don’t know! I doubt they’ll kill them off. I was thinking that the way John B narrates obx maybe that’s him in the future telling his child about their story? That would make sense honestly.
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4. Pope and Cleo umm so. I honestly am not as interested in their story line and it’s interesting because I have no idea what they will do with them.
I think Pope might be kind of more cold in season 5- as we know he shot a person right in the head, and he was so scared about that. Also he lost JJ- his best friend and they want to send him to the military. Dude is not doing the best! 💀
Cleo.. I don’t know she’s such a complicated character, she went through a lot in her life but I doubt they’ll really expand her character in season 5.
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5. Rafe!!!! His character development this season was insane. In my opinion he should stick with the pogues but I wouldn’t be surprised if he somehow betrayed them. That’s Rafe- he’s not a good person but I wouldn’t say he’s necessarily bad..
Like I already said in obx 5 there will be Rafe and Kie duo, and more of Sarah and Rafe for sure. But maybe he will connect with the other pogues too.
I just don’t want the development to be thrown away, I hope they make him stick with the pogues.
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6. And now finally the ending/possible deaths.
The characters who in my opinions are most in danger are: Kiara and Rafe
Especially Kiara.. here’s the thing, since JJ is dead and she already went through the whole group 😭 what can her ending actually be? Like ok she could just end up alone with her friends, her family but in my opinion her death would make sense. She would be with JJ and I think in general it is a good end for her.
Rafe like i mentioned is a complicated character, it would be so easy for the writers to just kill him off at the end. But I would be honestly so mad!!! Like no JJ and no Rafe 😭. Yeah I don’t want them to do that but at the same time, I think there’s definitely a possibility.
Sarah and John B definitely safe in my opinion.
Cleo and Pope- now I don’t know, I think they’re safe. Maybe Cleo.. but still I don’t think so.
Groff- definitely done for! ❤️ I hope Kiara tortures him to death ����
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eegnm · 1 year ago
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Some saw sillies, reblog to bonk Hoffmans head
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impishdullahan · 9 months ago
I wish I saw more hummingbirds, they're such good birbs. I did fleetingly see one the other day, though, first time in a long time, but I've also been living a little too far north for them, I think. Blue jays are cool, too, I guess, but only because I'm such a big fan of Steller's jays, their western counterpart. I haven't been out west in so long, though.
I'm staying at my mum's at the moment. There's lotsa cardinals, robins, house sparrows, gold finches, and mourning doves, as well as that hummingbird. There's also allegedly a sandhill crane who frequents the neighbourhood I really wanna see.
Where I lived for school, though, I was right on the river so lotsa Canada geese, mallards, and even some wood ducks, cormorants, mergansers, and herons. There's also a chipping sparrow who lives in a tree between house and river, and grackles, crows, and ravens aren't uncommon.
I kept a friend apprised and I spotted a pileated woodpecker, some waxwings, house finches, a yellow warbler, some sorta tiny wader, a white-crowned and a clay-coloured sparrow, a pair of turkeys, and definitely some more I'm forgetting.
Saw a comment on yt that made me go :/
“Y’all really need to stop with with the butterfly thing for ADHD, that’s not how it works 💀”
Yes it is
*for some people*
My brother and me both have autism and adhd and we are SO different
(side note: both brothers and me have autism and just one brother and me also have adhd, and the way my sister is acting is very reminiscent of how I was as a kid so I suspect she could get diagnosed later in life lol just hoping she gets more accommodation than what I got [which was little to none])
I will get distracted by things like animals super easily while my brother just can’t sit still a lot
Ill always remember this one moment because it was so funny: after starting adderall, my mom asked one week how it was working, but right as she said that I saw a squirrel outside and pointed like “squirrel!!” And moved to the bigger window to watch it do squirrel stuff
Someone could be talking to me in the kitchen when I notice: “hey look theres a rosy maple moth on the window” and I stare at it for 30 seconds
Some people are inattentive, some are hyperactive, it could be strong or mild
Everyone’s experience is different
So you cant tell me that “the butterfly thing isnt how adhd works” because I have adhd and i can guarantee you that i will get distracted by a butterfly
I just did yesterday
I completely forgot I went downstairs to eat because i saw a butterfly outside and told my mom about it and then left without ever grabbing food
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feminazipunk · 2 months ago
mini art dump =^_^=
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i dont loovvee the k angel one but i leik showing off my art..., . , . hheheh. h..,. ,,,,
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sleepless-princ3 · 3 months ago
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Hello everyone!
Im here to tell yall that im planning on posting more content on my kofi + opening art commissions there, is that something you would all be interested in? if so, what kind of content would you like to see on my kofi?
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romanarose · 6 months ago
Talk to Me
Santiago Garcia x afab!reader
Join my taglist!
Main Masterlist : Triple Frontier Masterlist
Buy Me A Coffee : Kofi
Summary: You open up to Santi about being sexually assaulted.
Warnings: Description of sexual assault. Just all the warnings there. Santi responds how I'd like a partner to respond in this setting (Ideally I'd like them to kill my rapists but unfortunetly this is the real world :(). Just be aware this could potentially be very triggering but I was trying to find a fic like this and couln't so I just made it.
Immersivity: Reader is so longer in teens (meaning not 18 or 19) I think thats it. gender neuatral but reader is AFAB
A/N as is the natue for many of these kinds of stories, I am describing my real life experience. Everyone is different, and no matter what, how you responded (fight flight freeze or fawn) or how you got into that position or how old you were, weather it involved physical violence or coercion or alcohol it's all traumatizing its all awful and you deserve to be heard and believed and comforted, and to have some form of justice whatever that may look like for you.
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"It was stupid, honestly." You mutter, sitting up against the headboard of Santi's bed.
Santiago Garcia was the first guy you dated that had anything more than a box spring on the floor and who washed his legs, so things had been looking up. You were staying over at Santi's place, enjoying a nice saturday in, and dozed off only to be woken up by Santiago trying to be playful. He had grabbed your ankle, tugging at you saying 'wakey wakey eggs and bakey! Well, there's not eggs. Or bacon honestly. But I can doordash some- are you okay?'
You had begun to have a panic attack, something that Santi wasn't knew to handling with you. Over the months you were dating, he came to know your anxiety and depressive episodes, learning how to help deal with them. He wasn't knew to mental health: Will had PTSD bad enough he used to black out. Ben suffered from nightmares and panic attacks. Frankie buried his depression in addiction.
Today was different. Other times the panic attacks came from general anxiety things. Life surrounding Santi... today, it was clear he triggered it. He felt awful, an absolute wreck, making you cry when all he ever wanted to do was make you smile. So, he helped calm you down, and when you were ready, he broached the subject. He had suspected for a while now that someone had hurt you, but seeing as the relationship was fairly new still he didn't think it was his place to ask.
Now, the two of you sit together on his bed, parallel. You couldn't look in his eyes.
"It's not stupid. I promise."
You huff, crossing your arms and sinking into the bed just a little. "The whole ankle thing wasn't even that actual night, but a few weeks before. It was college. I had this group of friends I worked with and partied with a lot. Usually at this one couples place where a fuck ton of people lived. It was my friends place so we got drunk and I crashed on the couch when everyone went to bed. I was passed out but not like... not unconcious. In and out of sleep I guess. This guy who lived there with his pregnant girlfriend, Kody, he sat on the other end of the couch and just... started touching my ankles and legs. Massaging kinda. He occasionally said things to me that I dunno... made me feel good I guess. Maybe he was calling me hot but I don't remember. I just remember I'd pull my leg away sometimes and he'd keep touching or would wait until I stretched out again. I never really liked my legs touched. Tickleish I guess. But he wouldn't quit. I had the distinct feeling if I fell asleep he'd um... touch more."
You can hear Santi take a deep breath. "But he didn't that night?"
You shake your head. "My friends boyfriend came out and grabbed him. Said something like 'what the fuck is wrong with you' or something. Then put him in his room where his girlfriend was."
"He knew he was trying something."
"Yeah, I guess."
"And they still stayed friends?"
You can't help chuckle darkly at the nievty. "bro's before hoes."
But Santi isn't having it.
"What- that not-"
"Would you really stop being friends with one of the guys if you knew they-"
"They wouldn't. They aren't like that."
"I know. But if they did."
"Gone. No questions asked." The resolution in his voice made you smile.
"Anyway." You sigh. "Doesn't matter because a few weeks later I partied with them again and it happened so. I did that to myself." The tears and shame well up in your eyes, and Santiago grabs your hand.
"It's not your fault, amor. It's his, only his. Your were a teenager."
"Old enough to know better."
"Stop it."
"Old enough to know I shouldn't have gotten turned on."
Santi remained quiet at that, letting you continue.
You rest your head on his shoulder. "I was horny. Like, mad horny back then. He kept feeding me drinks and for hours he would touch me whenever people weren't looking. I was so fucking drunk, Santi. Like, the kind where you just puke int he bathroom then go back to partying. After a while I didn't just go along with it I kinda... I touched him too." With that, you begin to cry and Santiago pulls you into his arms as you finish. "We went to my dorm and he... he followed me but I let him in and I didn't fight back, and and, and, it felt good and I hated that it felt good and I hated that he knew how to touch me and I hated that he was complimenting me the whole time and I just wanted it to stop! I wanted to start screaming, I wanted to but thought about how I touched him back and my friend saw us kiss and... I just knew there was no way to prove anything. I knew it would just be embarrassing. He was a shift lead at work and I was new and I just knew there was no way anyone would believe me..."
"Baby..." Santiago's heart was broken, holding you closely to him and wishing he had been there, wishing he could have protected you.
"Eventually I started passing out. Most of my memories of that night were blacked out anyway... I couldn't even get into the car by myself. I just kinda... gave up, I guess. I let sleep take take me and let him do whatever. Sometimes I woke up and just went back to sleep. I couldn't even lift my head anymore."
Santiago rubbed your back soothingly. It felt nice to have him there. You ran those two nights through your head again and again, all alone, it was such a comfort to be held by someone you trusted while you think throught it.
"What happened in the morning, baby love? Was he gone?"
You're griping his shirt tight. "No. He fell alseep in bed with me, in the shitty twin mattress I had lofted. I just... i remember his sticky skin. I think about that a lot. I was delirious still but needed to get away so I stumbled my way to the couch and slept for I don't know how long. Then my alarm went off and I needed to go to math class because I wasn't doing good. I had to.... I had to go back to my room and wake him up. I didn't wanna touch him but he needed to leave. I just remember thinking 'I have class, I can't miss class' which like... should be the least of my worries. Anyway he um... He got up eventually and walked home. I tried not to interact with him after that. I dropped out at the end of the semester." You rub your face on Santi's sleep shirt, aware you're getting snot on it.
"He um... it was.... inside... I was just in shock for the next week, you know? I didn't get any plan B and then it was too late... So I just prayed and prayed I wasn't pregnant. I don't know what I would have done, honestly, but their weren't any abortion clinics nearby so. Who knows. All I know is every time some old politician man wants to make a rule banning abortions, they'll never be 19 sobbing between classes in the bathroom begging for their period to come."
He let you cry for a while, let out all your sobs and heaves and snot while he rubbed your back, whispering sweet nothing into your ear. When it was done, when you'd cried it all out finally, Santiago pulls you onto his lap, straddling him. He cups your face in his hands, looking you directly in the eye so you could feel the honest in them. A single dark curl fell over his forehead.
"I love you. I believe you. I don't blame you." He tilts your head down to press a chaste kiss on your nose. "I don't blame you for how you felt when he manipulated your body. I don't blame you forgoing back and partying with him after he touched your legs. I don't blame you for not getting plan B or wanting to get to math class or touching him. If you were so drunk you could barely walk, if you were blacking out, there's not way he could have consented. You were innocent."
You hug him.
A tight, child-like hug, clinging to him like your lifeboat in a storm, the anchor that keeps you grounded.
This is what you needed to hear. You needed to know that even if you weren't this idea of the perfect victim, you were still a victim. You were taken advantage of raped by a man who saw you as simply something to use, and it wasn't your fault.
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Thank you so much for reading.
The year after this hapened to me was really bad, almost loft my life a few times. Words cannot describe how badly this broke me as a person, and my friends were extremely worried about me.
Againn, this was extremely self indulgent. I needed to hear these words from my beloved Santi, my sweet man <3
I love you all, and it wasn't your fault.
you can keep up by joining my tag list, joining my tumblr community, or following @romana-updates
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zarrisxoxo · 26 days ago
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Just a dump of my summer right now 🌞
Tags: @jademckay @kiaraac @vinniehacker113 @rcameronofficial @sanaamuse @jjmakesbank @princesssarahcam @marrsbarrr
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elliottcarterr · 9 days ago
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A lil dump.
Tag: @tanner-clarke @tillyrae @thecoolermaybank @bbbla1r @bryanjoness @bankslov @baileejones @altheaclemonte @auroraaugust @kiaraac @kurodahana @rcameronofficial @nateelawrence @greenlungzz @zarrisxoxo @yktayy9669 @pogueprincesa @poguexdelaney @prettygirlthornton @princesssarahcam @pogueyboi @masonperez112 @miaryderanon @meilanirivera @sanaamuse @isabelalopez @itssmerafecameron @lillianblake @loveu-always @whofwluka @jjmakesbank @jessiskindacoolig
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supern0vashii · 7 months ago
featuring some new ocs that ive never shown in this blog (+ a LOT of SMG6)
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oh and this is part one i have WAYYYY more drawings ☠️
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xxinkys-ocsxx · 3 months ago
**throws this freak onto your dash and scuttles back into the mist cryptic style**
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haunted-toaster-art · 11 months ago
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✨ 🍗 KEDAMONO ! 🍗 ✨
pt. 2 of my old art dump ft. this beauty!! i made it around may of last year and i still adore it omg. i hope this reaches the target audience 😭🙏 keda is my og comfort character 💞
also w/o text
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eresia-catara · 10 months ago
I really want to make a cavalghieri au where they time travel to our day and guido ends up in a therapist's studio. Fucker needs to be Unpacked.
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