#poor yurio
moonlightseve · 2 months
Viktor is the one who narrates episode 10, the one who tells the story of the Sochi GPF banquet. Viktor is the one who tells us how much champagne Yuuri drank and how miserable he looked while he was there, long before Yuuri ever approached Viktor.
Viktor was paying attention to Yuuri. Long before the tie came off and the stripper pole got involved, Viktor was watching him.
Maybe it was because of how Yuuri rejected his offer for a photo. Maybe it was because he thought Yuuri was cute. Maybe he was also miserable and didn’t want to be there and appreciated that there was someone there who looked just as exhausted as he felt.
But Viktor was the one paying attention to Yuuri.
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arom-antix · 1 year
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Help, I got a silly idea
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cmyep · 2 years
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Chifuyu's uniforms are so hideous that I think Yurio would like them
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ah yes poor yurio
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It's fascinating how differently Yuuri meets Yurio depending on his state of mind:
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These two scenes are similar in their set-up, but Yuuri's reaction to Yurio bullying him is entirely different: In episode 1 (left image), Yurio was successful in intimidating Yuuri because Yuuri was upset as he just placed last in the Grand Prix Final and learned that he lost his dog. In episode 2 (right image), Yuuri is in a far better headspace because Viktor will finally start teaching him, which is a huge boost for his confidence (let's ignore for a moment that the events of the second half of this episode will immediately destroy Yuuri's newly found confidence). Note that small, bitchy smile in the second scene - I love! That precious boy isn't intimidated by the Russian Punk in the least.
For people with self-confidence issues, their state of mind plays a huge role in how they react to any kind of negativity directed at them. When in a good mood, it rarely affects you whereas when in a poor mood, insults can just be enough to make you feel like a worthless, talentless piece of trash. That's why in that second scene, Yuuri smiles this small, bitchy smile. He knows that Viktor chose him as a student and on top of that, compared to Yurio, he's the older and more experienced skater. We see this pattern throughout the show, even as Yuuri becomes more confident and his negative feelings affect him less.
Also note how Yuuri gets mad as Yurio continues insulting him (his angry face is just so cute!):
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while in episode 1, he rather seemed to be confused about what just had happened
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Well, getting ambushed in a toilet doesn't happen all too often in his life, I guess.
Just another detail to admire about this beautiful, beautiful show!
If you enjoy my meta posts, please consider giving my blog a follow or checking out my works on AO3(link in bio). You will find the results of my meta musings in there!
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chauchauchau · 2 years
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how do you interpret this drawing? ofc i do have a plot in mind drawing this but the more i draw im like does that even make sense is it getting out of character blah blah blah. so i changed a lot of details and i dont think it represent the initial idea now.
initially, i came across "the reluctant bride" by auguste and i was inspired to draw the podium fam. with zero idea on what i was doing. then i came up with: yuri was angry w otabek but he was the one being irrational. bek didn't really know what to do since yuri refused to talk. viktuuri saw it all and theyre like don't worry son give us a minute.
they started to BEG yuri. so loud and whiny that yuri couldn't stand them. then he yelled "FINE! i understand now." but then he shut up so viktor and yuuri went HARDER. oh little yurio why wouldn't you talk to poor beka? please do it, at least for the sake of us. YUUUUURIIIIOOOO!!! he was going nuts
otabek just stood there awkwardly. he hesitated between saying that the couple were invading yuri's space and wanting yuri to come talk it through with him. so he just.
stood there.
(with makkachin)
ofc yuri had to deal with the tantrum he threw at otabek. man he even said sorry. ofc otabek was understanding and of course everyone including makkachin was happy. a totally happy, expected ending.
now that i typed it all out it's starting to make sense... bro...
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Seeing others get upset that you (and some other anons) don't like Captive Prince is so funny. It reminds me of how my friends and others generally who like BL are surprised when I say I don't like Yuri on Ice (paper thin main and side characters except Yurio, flimsy motivations [I can deal with this in high school or college-aged characters who are lost or finding themselves, not professional athletes who're almost 30 and competing at the Olympic level. Get a backbone/motivation beyond just some man you want to pick you], poor pacing, poor relationship development, fails as a sports anime, fails as a romance anime) and The Song Of Achilles (also paper thin [defanged main] characters, weird black-and-white anachronistic morals, not transgressive, nonsensical recontextualizing of myths, twee, nearly desecrates Catullus 64, makes the Iliad about boring uwu sad boys). And when they keep arguing in favor of x media I dislike, they're offended when I double down, and my mild dislike becomes stronger. To those, I say "It's not that deep. Lots of people just dislike things that you enjoy. Grow up. Or get better standards. I don't know."
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triptychgrip · 6 months
Up to 180K words on my post-canon Yuri!!! on Ice Olympic Games fic
If you're looking for something long/immersive to read in the Yuri!!! on Ice universe, I've now reached 180K words on my post-canon, married Viktuuri 2018/2022 Olympic Games fic, "Gold's On The Inside, Elevated My Feet".
I know many people aren't into long fics (especially if they're WIPs), but if you don't mind that, I hope you'll consider checking it out, or my other post-canon fics, of which I've got several.
My story (and the larger series that it's part of) covers two Olympic Games -- the 2018 and 2022 Games -- and delves into the aftermath of a scandal (note: not doping) that occurred at the 2018 Olympics, which had major impacts on Yuuri, Viktor, Yurio and others. Despite how heavy it sounds, it's largely a fluffy story about support and friendship, and explores the question of "how do Yuuri and Viktor care for one another long after canon ends?"
It switches point of view, so you get a chance to see things from both Viktor and Yuuri's (and other characters') vantage points.
One reason I'm so attached to the idea of writing post-canon Viktuuri is that I've always been fascinated by the idea of how their relationship would evolve over time, and, specifically, how their trust in one another would grow once they've faced hardships together. In canon, we see how Viktor supports Yuuri into growing into a more self-assured skater, and we get the sense that Yuuri supports Viktor in a number of ways, as well.
But I wanted to explore this in depth, specifically that latter point, about Yuuri growing into supporting Viktor, too. This is a concept I focus on in the main fic, as well as the other stories in my overall series.
I hope you'll give it a shot!
I'm including an excerpt below from the chapter I just uploaded, which covers the Men's Short Program at the 2022 Olympics, from Yurio's point-of-view.
--------- “It’s fine, old man…don’t worry about me,” Yuri mumbled, realizing that both Taku and Viktor were standing in front of him. “Katsudon will be up soon.”
At the subsequent hum of murmured Russian, he realized that Lilia was still nearby, but hovering behind him instead of in front of him. She seemed to be passing something to Viktor, and then he sensed a wad of tissues being pressed to his cheek.
“Don’t worry about that right now. Let me focus on you,” his coach said, sounding firm.
Yuri was just glad that neither he nor Taku had made an attempt to hug him; if they had, he had no doubt he would have completely broken down.
“And now, we have our final group of skaters in the Men’s Short Program event! First up, in group 5, and representing Thailand, please welcome…”
“Phichit Chulanont!”
The rink commentator’s voices boomed out, along with thunderous applause. Yuri wasn’t even aware that Viktor and Yuuri had been having a silent conversation of glances and hand gestures until Katsudon stepped up next to him, in the spot Taku had just been in.
“Yura…I know it’s not quite the same as petting Goya, but give it a try: put your hand on Meni’s head,” Yuuri urged, in whispered Russian. “We can share him.”
His friend/rinkmate was cradling the pristinely white toy poodle much like he’d hold a baby, and Yuri gave him a bit of a baleful glare; Meni might be around her size, but he was a rather poor substitute for Potya. Plus, he was entirely too high-energy for Yuri’s tastes. At least Goya was a bit more reserved.
“ну ты вообще! One should not be too proud to accept help when it is offered, Yura,” came Lilia’s chiding refrain. “You never know, it might be a good distraction until you’re up.”
He didn’t even have to look behind him to picture how her lips were pursed in disapproval. Not wanting to invite a lecture, Yuri reached his hand out and reluctantly placed it on top of the pup’s head, in between his ears.
And of course, it was nothing like petting his perfect Potya; he cringed in disgust as Meni immediately tried to lick every single one of his fingers until Viktor began to murmur in a sing-song tone to “settle down, settle down Meni-moppet”.
About a half-minute later, Meni did in fact settle down, and even though Phichit’s performance was clearly going on in the background – as evident from the raucous cheers and screams – Yuri found, somehow, that he was able to block out the noise and just focus on the warm, slightly vibrating body underneath his hand.
Amazingly, once the geezer had implored him to relax, Meni seemed quite content to keep absolutely still, only panting happily under the attention of the surrounding trio of bodies.
It was…
…surprisingly calming.
Damnit, he hated when Lilia was right.
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runner-beans · 1 year
I'm Right Next Door by i_like_my_eggs_benedict
Rating: Mature
Fandom: Yuri!!! on Ice
Relationship: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Sumary: "The first time he heard it, Yuri Plisetsky thought he was imagining it." Poor Yurio's neighbor won't stop having the loudest sex imaginable with someone who has the same name as him. Rated Mature for heavily implied sex and strong language.
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yaschiri · 2 years
hey could give princess-yurio-donut some love and support, a couple of rabid antus are bothering her.
Ah, I went to go peek and it seems her blog got nuked again. She'll be back soon I'm sure. Poor Lacey. :/
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batmads-ao3 · 2 years
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Across The Universe
Detroit: Yuri’s done the math. He done the research and the consideration and the planning. This will be his last year of competitive figure skating, and this time next year, he’ll be moving on to grad school. No matter what, though, Yuri hopes to hold onto Victor in any way that he can. Even if he has to compromise and change his own dreams to do it.
St. Petersburg: Victor is tired of compromising. Tired of having dreams deferred, of stealing moments in the off season and after competitions to spend time with Yuri. The way he sees it, there are only two options: keep Yuri in competitive skating, or find a way to stay by Yuri’s side after this year is through. Because if there’s anything that Victor knows for certain, it’s that he’s never letting anything come between him and his soulmate ever again.
But how far are Yuri and Victor willing to go to protect the other’s dreams? And with a whole universe separating them, will a soulmate bond really be enough to hold them together when it matters most?
**Part Three of the Defy the Stars Trilogy**
Soulmates!AU • College! AU(kinda) • Happy Ending
Read Chapter Twenty-Six here!
In which Yakov shares a little of his backstory in a bid to comfort Victor.
Posting every Friday (ish), chapter preview below the cut
Victor was not having a good time. Which was absurd, since Nationals this year were in Saint Petersburg. He wasn’t trying to orient himself to some random new city. He got to go home and snuggle with Makkachin every night. He was competing on home ice to a home crowd. On the surface, he should be thriving. 
So why was he struggling so much? Why was he sitting through yet another lecture from his coach about low scores? About poor program components? About quads that turned into triples and technical elements that felt too stiffly rehearsed to really have the good polish Victor was capable of. He was Victor Nikiforov. He had been training under Yakov for years to be better than this. Yurio could do this program—
“Stop,” Victor said, holding up a hand. 
Yakov’s face turned a darker shade of maroon. 
“I’m not done with you yet,” his coach fumed. 
“You’re just repeating yourself,” Victor said. “My skates lack heart and emotion. I’m rushing. I’m stiff. I need to focus on my jumps more instead of getting surprised by them and messing up which ones I’m doing. I’m skating like I’m still in the juniors. I know. I’ve been listening.”
Yakov crossed his arms. “I didn’t say junior,” he said. “You were better than this when you were a Junior. I said novice.”
Victor shrugged weakly. “Is there really a difference?” He asked. 
There was a long pause as the two of them sized each other up. Two decades. That’s how long Victor had been working with Yakov. It was literally the longest he had known any adult in his entire life. 
“I haven’t seen you this torn up about anything since your mother died,” Yakov said gently. 
“Well, I went on to medal for the first time in the Junior World Championships that year, so what’s there really to worry about?” Victor snapped. 
Continue on Ao3
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bauliya · 4 years
yurio is so prissy because he's a shonen protagonist shoved into a slice of life anime about two skaters falling in love and he wants his main character-hood back.
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textsfromhetalians · 6 years
Yurio: Hello? Yes I n-need to cut my hair and want t-to make a fucking appointment.
Otabek: *Whisper* Please.
Yurio: Please.
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vldrocketeer · 7 years
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Victor didn’t know how hot Yuuri looked while fighting
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Whew! Hey guys! I finally made another crossover drawing....it’s been a long time coming (sorry about that). I hope that this makes up for the time delay...?
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I'm having a déjà-vu that I've already posted about Yuuri's inner monologue at the beginning of episode 3 when he agonises about the stakes the Onsen on Ice has for him, but it's so hilarious that I need to pick it up again.
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What cracks me up is that right after explaining that Viktor will return to Russia if Yurio wins, Yuuri goes like, "If I win, Viktor will stay in Japan and be my coach." But Yuuri doesn't think of Viktor skating in Ice Castle or accompanying him during his workout—no, he thinks of Viktor flirting with him on his first night in Hasetsu.
Yes, you've read that right: While Yuuri explains what is at stake for him at the Onsen on Ice, he thinks of Viktor flirting with him.
Note also the warm colours and the blurred lines of the image that add an atmosphere of nostalgia to the scene, like a memory Yuuri holds dear...
...compared to the actual scene in episode 2:
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Seems like Yuuri isn't that opposed to Viktor's courtship endeavours, right?
Which leads me to the question: Is there anything else Yuuri wants Viktor to teach him except figure skating?
At this point, Yuuri is far from understanding sexual desire (that will come along with the discovery his Eros over the course of the story). He is also still far from being romantically interested in Viktor. To him, Viktor is a god-like creature he admires and has a crush on since he was 12, an fellow skater Yuuri copied over and over because he secretly craves to become his equal. And that is absolutely enough to be flustered when Viktor becomes flirty, even if the poor boy has no idea how to respond. (for clarification: crush, i.e. superficial fancy ≠ being in love, i.e. butterflies, wanting to date the other person, I had people trying to split hairs over this, no kidding)
Yuuri has been obsessed with Viktor throughout puberty and his entire adult life. That's long enough to have a whole library of fanboy fantasies in his brain. I believe that Viktor becoming his coach is a dream that formed in Yuuri long before the fateful banquet where he made Viktor crush on him. And what would be a better way to catch up to your idol than having said idol teach you? Where this fantasy is, there are bound to be others. After all, fantasies are a safe space, untethered from reality in the sense that the unhinged things Yuuri and Viktor would do in these are entirely decoupled from the things Yuuri would want from the real Viktor at some point in his existence because that fictional Viktor would be an abstract entity to project his fantasies upon, an ooc version of the real Viktor, and the fictional Yuuri would be an ooc version of the real Yuuri (I'm no longer talking about coaching figure skating. I'm talking about "Viktor-sensei, please teach me how to kiss!", or maybe even "Viktor-sensei, I want to do unspeakable things to you, please teach me how!", depending on how you headcanon Yuuri to act when he gets horny)
Yuuri's desire to emulate Viktor (and not necessarily being able to tell this apart from have Viktor around—yes, these two can be intertwined, and there are many hints in YOI that this is the case for Viktuuri), describes a characteristic of same-sex relationships that are depicted in other pieces of media, e.g. Bourne's Swan Lake or the novel Call Me By Your Name by André Aciman (I'd like to point you to that wonderful quote from this book).
I've digressed. My point is that Yuuri has still a long way to go until he figures out his feelings for Viktor. But this scene strongly suggests that he wants more from Viktor than keep on winning and keep on eating katsudon together, even though he might not yet be aware of the full extent of his wish.
If you enjoy my meta posts, please consider giving my blog a follow or checking out my works on AO3 (link in bio). You will find the results of my meta musings in there!
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airisu7425 · 7 years
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Yuri!!! on Ice - Chun Colle - Plush Mascots (Victor & Yuuri & Yurio)
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