#otabek is an actual cinnamon roll
textsfromhetalians · 6 years
Yurio: Hello? Yes I n-need to cut my hair and want t-to make a fucking appointment.
Otabek: *Whisper* Please.
Yurio: Please.
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Thanks @jadorehale​ for tagging me! I’ve never done a tag meme like this one so this was pretty fun XD
last sentence tag
I love you too.
-From my 2018 sterek reverse bang piece cuz I’m taking a little writing break from pulling out almost 14k words in a week.
AO3 tag game
151,764 words............. It used to be around 250k but I deleted this 100k wip that I hadn’t touched in 3 years and just didn’t like anymore....... what am I even doing with my life man.....
Honestly not very? I kind of have these writing sprees where I don’t stop writing for like a full 2 weeks and spew out 20k words but then I don’t touch any of my fics for like 3 months so it really depends. Forcing myself to write when I’m not feeling inspired is such a frustrating process so I just wait for the inspo to hit me and try to do as much as I can in that time XD
1- List of characters with their background story (including hobbies, major life events, significant others, general personality traits, etc.)
2- General plot points/details of the story (ex: coffee shop AU, person A owns a coffee shop, person B works as a dog walker, person B walks past the coffee shop while walking the dogs one day and a dog pounces of person A, person A gets drenched in hot coffee, and so on)
3- Create a brief summary for each scene (ex: Scene 1- {Person A POV} person A wakes up and sees that there’s a hot stranger in bed with them. They start freaking out since they can’t remember what happened the night before and proceed to call their friend who was at the party with them to ask if they knew what happened. They start pacing around the kitchen as the phone rings. They feel arms wrap around their waist and drop the phone in a panic.)
4- Start actually writing the scenes!
Kinks - I’m a sucker for praise kink, power bottoms, and just really sweet and mushy sex with a truck load of feels cuz my needy soul wants validation.
Trope- Oof I have so many but I guess my top favs have to be soulmate au, mafia au, high school/college au, enemies to friends to lovers, model aus, arranged marriage, and historic aus :P
Pairing- My boys Stiles and Derek are staying strong
Hmmmmmmmmm I’d say my personal fav would have to be my sterek fic Fine cuz it’s not like any other fic I’ve ever written and really challenged me as a writer because it’s so short yet tells a story strong enough to move some of my readers to tears and I’m just really proud that my writing could cause someone to feel such intense emotions.
That would be The Little Spark which is a fic I wrote purely cuz I thought the sterek fandom needed more de-aged fics cuz they are just too cute and it currenlty has 2k kudos which is totally insane! Seriously, this fandom is too awesome.
I suck at fight scenes. Like. Dialogue and emotions and feelings are right up my alley but fighting and action and physical movements that can give the feeling of a real battle just don’t work with me. I don’t know why I just suck at writing action scenes.
I like my story telling abilities. When I write a story to my full potential I come up with some great scenes and my pacing is really good when I don’t have a deadline trying to eat my procrastinating ass.
ship tag game…
First ship you ever read fic for: I think it was Italy/Germany from Hetalia back when I was an itty bitty 6th grader
First ship you ever wrote fic for: Drarry
Ship you write the most now: Sterek
Ship you read the most now: Sterek, Klance, and Malec
Newest ship: Klance
Rare ship you want to read more of: some more freaking gratsu (Gray/Natsu from Fairy Tale) would be great but I haven’t read fics for them in years
Your taboo ship: Uhh I really don’t know? I don’t consider any of my ships taboo but if I had to pick I’d say Johnlock? Cuz John is a married man but idek dude I just love all my pairings and don’t care about canon whatsoever
They never met in canon ship: Hmmm not sure if this counts but I ship Chloe/Nathaniel from Miraculous Ladybug and even tho they’ve met in canon they’ve had no actual interactions. I just think Queen Bee being with my shy tomato son would be cute XD
Your unexpected ship: Otabek/Yuri
Ship your OC with a canon character (if applicable): Nah I ship my ocs with each other not canon characters
A ship you’re embarrassed to ship: I think I have one but I’m honestly don’t sure? I can’t think of one atm
Your sexiest ship: Sterek
Your most tragic ship: Oof I’m gonna go with Castiel on this one. Those boys need major help.
A ship you want more content for: I’d very much appreciate some more Cherik content (Charles/Erik from X-men)
I tag: @pale-silver-comb ​ @novemberhush ​ @celestialvoid-fanfiction ​ @ajeepandleather ​ @gfdisterek ​and anyone else who wants to do it can say that I tagged them cuz it was actually pretty fun ;)
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kittiegirl1616 · 6 years
Yuri!!! on ICE Oneshot
“You’ll call if you need anything, right, Yuuri?” Victor asks.
Yuuri chuckles.  “Of course I will.  We’ll be fine though.”
“But Yurio’s heat is coming up soon and we’re really sorry that we can’t be there right at the start!”  Victor sounds extremely apologetic.
“You forget that our heats are completely synced now, Victor.  We’re both coming into heat soon.  We know that your guys’ work doesn’t always match our heat cycles and we’re okay with that as long as you are able to be home for part of it.”
“Yuuri!  Don’t make me feel even worse!” Victor whines.
He chuckles again.  “Sorry, Vicchan.  How about this, I’ll tell you that both Yuri and I aren’t anywhere near our heat cycles at the moment.  Does that make you feel better?”
“Somewhat.”  Victor isn’t convinced and Yuuri knows this.  “But this’ll do.  Oh, Otabek wants to talk to you, hold on.”
“Yuuri, is Yura okay? He’s not answering his phone.”  Now it’s Otabek who’s acting like a worried mother.
“Yuri is probably purposefully not answering his phone. All of you have called each of us at least 50 times in the past day and he’s probably tired of it.”  Yuuri absentmindedly picks up another one of Victor’s shirts and adds it to a pile of dirty clothes at the end of the couch. “Also, you guys are slobs when it comes to clothes.  Your clothes are all over the house.”
Otabek chuckles.  “That’s not because of us, Yuuri.  That’s because our omegas love to be able to smell us anywhere in the house.”  His voice takes on a raspy purr.
Yuuri flushes.  “Sh-shut up!” He stammers, knowing that it’s completely true.
“JJ is going to talk to you know.”
“Hmm.”  Pinning the phone between his shoulder and head, Yuuri scoops up the pile of clothes that belongs to the alphas and heads towards the bedroom, passing Yuri on his way in.  “They boys are asking about you.  Otabek says you haven’t been answering his phone calls.”
He scoffs.  “Yeah, I missed two because I was in the bathroom.  Then, I went to grab something to drink in the kitchen before calling him back and came back to find five more.  Potya jumped up and scared me, making me spill my drink so I had to clean it up and when I was done I had a total of 25 missed calls from him.  I’m not talking to him until he gets back to show him that he can be patient.”
“Yuuri?  Are you there?”  JJ asks.
Yuuri quickly tunes back into the phone conversation he’s supposed to be happening.  “I’m here, JJ.”
“How are you both faring?”  His voice is full of concern.
He sighs and rolls his eyes.  “We’re fine, JJ.”  Reaching the bedroom, Yuuri begins piling the clothes around the edges of the bed.
“You call us if your heats get to be too much.  One of us will leave and come home, okay?”  
“Yes, JJ.”  
Despite his cocky attitude, he was extremely caring of the two omegas; sometimes overly caring.
“All right, well, we’ve got to go now.  Tell Yuri that we love him, and we love you too.  Call us if you need us.”
“Bye, Yuuri; love you,” says Otabek.
Love you, Yuuri,” says Victor.
“Bye, guys, love you too.”
Ending the call, Yuuri pockets his phone and continue arranging the clothes. I love those guys so much.
“Yuuri, I brought more dirty laundry from the bathroom.”
“Thanks.”  Taking the clothes, he continues arranging the clothes around the bed.
“I had Victor, Beka, and JJ scent some blankets and pillows last night as well.  We can add those.”
Yuuri nods.  “That sounds good.”
As he continues to place the clothing around the bed, he hears Yuri take in a sharp breath.  “Some of my clothes are in there.”
He looks at him.  “Of course.”
“But I’m not an alpha.”
“I know that.  But you’re still important to me.  If you want to add some of my clothes, I’d be honored, but you don’t have to.  It’s whatever you feel comfortable with.”
“Hmmm.”  He hums and stands there, watching Yuuri continue to make the nest.  “I’m going to go grab some more things to add to the nest.”
“Sure thing.”  Humming to himself, Yuuri adds the final articles of clothing to the edge of the nest before moving around and rearranging some of the pieces.
“I’m back; move out of the way!”  Yuri shoves Yuuri out of the way and begins throwing pillows and blankets taken from the living room into the center of the nest.  Then, he walks into the bathroom and comes out a minute later with some of Yuuri’s clothing.  “You’re important to me too, Pig.”
Yuuri beams.  “Thank you!”
Yuri arranges the other’s clothes around the edge of the nest before climbing in and arranging some of the blankets and pillows.  “Get your ass in here and arrange some things!  I’m not the only one that this nest belongs to.”
Quickly climbing in, the Japanese omega quickly moves to help the Russian omega.  In no time, they’re lounging in their freshly remade nest, surrounded by their alphas’ scents.
“This is a comfy nest!” Yuuri chirps happily, taking his glasses off and putting them on the nightstand before wriggling around slightly.
The blond boy nods.  “It is.” Reaching over, he wraps his arms around the older omega’s waist and snuggles close, breathing in the comforting scent that only an omega can produce.
Yuuri smiles and wraps his arms around the younger omega.  A purr starts up in his chest as he closes his eyes and relishes the quality time the two omegas get when their alphas are gone.
Yuri yawns.  “Let’s take a nap; I have this sneaking suspicion that we won’t be getting much sleep in the upcoming days.”
“Me too.”
Their eyes close and they quickly fall asleep, their bodies preparing for their upcoming heat.
“Yuri, it’s time to wake up; we need to make sure we can sleep tonight.”
The blond boy grumbles but wakes up.  He sits up in the nest and rubs his eyes before crawling out of the nest and to the bathroom.
Chuckling, the older omega also gets out of the bed and stretches.
“Hey, are you hot?”
“Huh?”  Yuuri turns sharply at the comment from the other boy.  “What?”
“Temperature wise, are you hot?”
“Oh, well, yeah; I guess.  Why?”
“Because I wanted to take the clothes you’re wearing right now and add them to the nest.  No one’s here but us, so we can walk around in our boxers and not have to worry about being groped by our horny alphas,” Yuri responds.
Yuuri taps his chin with his fingers.  “Fine, but you have to give me your clothes, so I can add them to the nest.”
Yuri beams at him.  “Deal!”
They quickly strip, handing their clothes to each other to arrange on the nest.  The younger omega finds himself staring at the older omega’s toned body and quickly looks away, his cheeks a right red.
“What’s wrong, Yuri?”
“Okay…?”  Yuuri clearly doesn’t believe him but doesn’t push the issue.  “Right, so what should we do?”
“I don’t know…we usually leave that to Victor, Beka, and JJ.  What were you planning on doing?”
“Well, I was actually planning on doing some stretches and work a little bit on ballet; you can join me if you want.”  Yuuri picks up his glasses from the nightstand and runs a hand through his hair so it falls away from his eyes and forehead.
“Maybe.  I wanted to try a recipe for dinner tonight that I don’t think the others will like, but only if you want to try it.”
Yuuri nods excitedly.  “Of course I want to try it!  Whenever you make food, it tastes delicious!  Why wouldn’t they like it?”
“Because it’s more of a traditional Japanese recipe that has eel in it…they don’t like eel.”
Yuuri thinks back to the time the alphas tried eel and shudders.  “Oh yeah, it made them sick for, like, a week.”
“Yeah.  But, I liked it.”
“Then go ahead and make it; just let me know if you need help preparing anything.”
The two omegas go their separate ways, Yuri to the kitchen and Yuuri to the living room.  Soon, soft music and delicious smells fill the apartment as the two boys work on their activities.
“Yuuri, I need help with something.”
Yuuri pauses mid step and walks into the kitchen, finding the other in an apron and his boxer briefs.  Chuckling, he wraps his arms around the boy’s slim waist and rests his chin on his shoulder. “You know, if our alphas saw you like that, you’d be bent over the counter and screaming by now.”
Yuri’s sweet scent of cinnamon and sugar spikes, letting the other know of his arousal.  “I know that, that’s why I’m getting in my share of this while they’re gone.  Now, are you going to help me or not?”
The Japanese omega laughs.  “Of course.  What do you need help with?”
“What do you season the eel with before you grill it?”
“Just a little salt and pepper.  The rest of the seasonings come when you eat it.”
“Okay, thanks!”
“No problem.”  Yuuri presses a kiss to the younger omega’s cheek.  “It smells delicious!”
“Of course it does!  I’m making it!”
Chuckling again, the dark-haired omega leaves Yuri in the kitchen to go back and practice.  Peeking at the clock, he notices that it’s closer to dinner than he thought.
“Huh, I guess we’ve just been losing track of time.”
“What’s that, Pig?”
“Nothing, Yurio,” Yuuri replies back in an overly sweet voice, using the nickname he knows Yuri can’t stand.
“I guess I kinda deserved that.”
Yuuri goes back to practicing ballet, working on a few steps he might use in his next practice to surprise his alphas and omega.  Quickly becoming absorbed, he doesn’t notice the fair-haired omega standing in the doorway, watching him, until soft hands fall on his hips.
“You need to straighten your back and bend from your hips more,” Yuri murmurs, pressing up against the other omega’s back.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.  It will give you that seductive edge that I know you’re looking for.”
“You’re welcome.”  Yuri takes the shell of Yuuri’s ear in his mouth and nibbles softly for a moment, causing the other to moan and push back against his cock.  Releasing the ear and sliding away, he saunters into the kitchen with a smirk, purposefully swinging his hips.
“Tease!” Yuuri calls after him, trying to get his hard on to go away.
“It’s what I do best!”
It definitely is, but I’m going to give him a run for his money.  Taking in what the younger omega told him, he straightens his back and bends from his hips more.  When the music ends, clapping comes from the doorway, making Yuuri whip his head in the direction.
“Our alphas will be completely captivated by you as you dance; it might even work to have them kneeling at your feet.  Even JJ would admit that you’re the better skater.” Yuri slinks closer, eyes trailing over the other skater’s toned form.  “Even I would be willing to admit that.”
Yuuri gulps and runs his eyes down the other skater’s toned form as well. “Oh yeah?”
“Oh yeah, definitely.”
They stand chest to chest for a moment before the younger omega stands on his tiptoes and wraps his arms around Yuuri’s neck, connecting their lips. With a moan, the older omega quickly takes control of the kiss.  Yuri’s mouth opens and Yuuri dips his tongue in the other’s mouth.  Their tongues dance and Yuuri’s hands reach down to grab a handful of Yuri’s ass, squeezing and kneading it gently.  The younger boy presses into his lover, wanting more and more.
Yuuri breaks their kiss and trails kisses down his neck, leaving the blond a whimpering mess.  Finding his scent gland, the raven-haired boy inhales deeply and sucks on it, making the blond melt into his arms.  Releasing his neck, Yuuri hugs the boy and pulls him over to the couch in the living room. Sitting down, Yuri is pulled into the other’s lap as their lips connect again.  The Russian’s hips begin to move as he slowly gyrates against Yuuri’s hips.
Right when they go to go farther, a video call pops up on the big screen of the TV, causing them both to groan.  Yuri reaches over and connects the call, allowing the picture of the three alphas to appear on the screen.
“What?” He snaps, not moving from his spot on Yuuri’s lap.
“What have you two been doing?” JJ asks, wiggling his eyebrows at their position.
“I’ve been dancing,” Yuuri replies, not giving them what they want.
“And I’ve been cooking; we’re about to sit down to eat.”
“So if you’re about to sit down to eat, why are you both in your boxers and straddling each other?” Otabek asks, amused at the omega’s play.
“We were hot and I was getting something out of his hair,” Yuri replies saucily.
“Yeah, temperature wise.  With our heats coming up, our temperatures are starting to rise.  Plus, with you three gone, we can walk around like this without the fear of being jumped.”  Yuri’s voice is matter of fact as he starts running his hands through Yuuri’s hair absentmindedly.
“Mhmm,” Yuuri agrees, leaning into the other boy’s touch and purring lightly.
“Have you started nesting?”
“It’s mostly done; once you get home we’ll take your clothes and add them.”
“Can’t wait to see your nest when we get home, my omegas,” Victor purrs, smiling at them.
The three alphas watch through the screen as their omegas groom each other as the conversation lulls.  Both omegas seem to forget that they’re on a video call as the become engrossed with themselves.
“They look so hot,” JJ whispers to Victor.
The silver-haired alpha nods, lost for words.  
“I think they were doing more than just Yura trying to get something out of Yuuri’s hair.  They’re teasing us,” Otabek says, quietly voicing his thoughts.
“I agree.”
Meanwhile, Yuri slowly leans down and connects his and Yuuri’s lips. His hands stay in the older omega’s hair.  The kiss is slow and relaxed, their tongues dancing together languidly.  Yuuri’s hands grip Yuri’s hips, and soon the younger omega begins to grind his hips.
The alphas sit back and quietly try to hold back their growls of pleasure.  
“This is just like watching a porno of our omegas,” JJ whispers.
“This is watching a porno of our omegas,” Otabek responds, also in a whisper so as to not disturb the omegas.
“I just want to get home and gobble them up!” Victor growls under his breath, his cock hardening in his pants.
Just as things start to get good and the alphas start to rub themselves, Yuri pulls away from the kiss and turns back to the camera.  “No peeking!”  And with a click, the alphas are left with a black screen.
“Oh, they are so getting it when we return!” Otabek growls, turned on beyond all belief.
“I think that’s what they’re aiming for,” JJ responds, groaning and flopping back on the bed.
“Now what are going to do?”
Back at the apartment, Yuri turns to Yuuri and grins.  “Think we’ll get punished when they get back?” He asks excitedly.
The dark-haired omega looks up with hooded eyes.  “Oh definitely.”
“Good.”  Laying one more peck on Yuuri’s lips, Yuri stands up and walks back into the kitchen. “I was serious about sitting down for dinner, though.”
“I know.”  With a sigh, the Japanese omega stands up and makes his way into the kitchen.  They eat quickly and clean up before heading back to their nest almost instinctively, their bodies seeking out the rest they would be deprived of in their coming heats.
Climbing in, they snuggle up to one another and quickly fall asleep.
The omegas sleep all that night and most of the next day, only waking to eat and go to the bathroom.  It’s on the third day that they’re up and more active.
“Victor, Beka, and JJ are coming back today, right?” Yuri asks excitedly as he watches his lover make lunch.
Yuuri chuckles.  “Yes, Yuri, they are.  Excited much?”
“I’m just excited for the punishment!”
“I can hardly tell,” Yuuri drawls sarcastically, handing a bowl of katsudon to the blond.  “Though, I can’t help but think that with our alphas coming home, their pheromones will trigger our heats.  We should’ve started yesterday, but I think that with the absence of their pheromones for so long, our omegas became depressed and stalled our heats until we get a whiff of our alphas’ pheromones.  Meaning that we’ll lose our minds once they walk in that door.”
“So…no punishment?”
“No, I think we’ll still get that punishment, but it will come after our heat periods.”
“Do you really think that our omegas are holding off our heats?  I’ve never heard of that before,” Yuri says after a minute.
“I’ve read of one other instance of where the omega’s alpha was away on a business trip right around the start of their heat, and that the alpha was scheduled to come back within the first day or so of the omega’s heat; the omega’s omega became depressed and withheld the heat, longing for it’s alpha. Apparently, it’s a thing that only deeply bonded omegas do,” the older omega explains.
“That means that we’ve bonded deeply with our alphas, huh?”
“And each other.”
The omegas sit down and begin eating, each lost in their own thoughts. Yuuri begins to notice that his body temperature seems to be rising and that there’s and uncomfortable feeling in his lower regions.
“You’re feeling it too, huh?” Yuri asks, noticing the other shifting around. “You’re feeling warmer and uncomfortable down there.”
“Yeah; maybe it’s because my omega can sense our alphas getting closer.”
“Probably is the reason; especially if we’re so deeply bonded.”
“After we’re done eating, want to go to the nest and get ready for our alphas?” Yuuri asks mischievously.
Yuri grins.  “I thought you’d never ask!”
They share a look between themselves while they quickly finish eating and put their dishes in the sink before running back to their bedroom. Yuuri flips on the lowlights and puts his glasses down on the nightstand.  Yuri turns on the air conditioning and fan to help combat their rising temperatures.  Then, both of them strip out of their boxers and scramble into the nest.
“I can literally feel them getting closer,” Yuuri murmurs, sitting on his knees.
“Me too,” Yuri pants.
“Let’s get ready for them, shall we?”
Reaching back, the Japanese omega grabs the Russian omega’s ass with both hands and pulls his cheeks apart, exposing his hole to the air and making him moan.  Dipping two fingers in, Yuuri begins working and scissoring his lover’s hole.
“Yuuri!” Yuri whimpers, falling into the other’s arms.  His hands knead Yuuri’s ass before two of his fingers also dip in.
“Turn around,” Yuri orders in a shaky voice, “and lay down.”
Scrambling into position, he licks his lips.  Yuri also turns and now they’re both lying on their sides. Pulling Yuri’s ass to him, the older omega begins licking and nipping around the rim.  Yuri lets out a shrill moan as he shakily inserts two fingers back into Yuuri’s ass.  As they get more and more turned on, their body temperatures seem to rise and more slick is produced than normal.  Suddenly, a wave of heat has both of them stopping their movements and moaning loudly.  
“They’re home!” Yuuri breathes before he scrambles onto his knees.
“Yes!” Yuri hisses, doing the same.
Instantly, they’re bent over, backs arched, knees spread apart, and holes twitching in anticipation for their alpha’s arrivals.
“Well, this is certainly a sight for sore eyes,” booms the voice of the silver-haired alpha.
Both omegas moan, completely lost to their heats now.
JJ licks his lips.  “Definitely is.”
“And they’re even presenting for us,” Otabek murmurs, staring at the offerings in front of him.  “Who are we to deny them this?”
“Well then, let’s eat.”
The three alphas stalk into the room, door slamming behind them, as they go to sate the heats of their omegas.
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worldofcopperwings · 7 years
Self rec tag
fic authors self rec! when you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers.
I was tagged by the wonderful @victuri-oh-nice. I’m tagging @paxohana, @blownwish-blog, @penciltrash, @thoughtsappear and @gwen-chan (sorry if I’m double-tagging someone and don’t feel obliged.)
1. chasing fireflies. Otayuri, 26.7k words (finished), M-rated
Yuri has never been good with social interactions or with people in general. But there is a staring contest with Mila’s former classmate Otabek in a dingy diner at 2 AM, and then all of a sudden this Otabek guy wants to hang out with him… Motorcycle rides, sticky watermelon kisses and summer shenanigans ensue, and they spend the summer building their relationship while Yuri tries to come to terms with the fact that he just doesn’t fit into the norms of society.
Or: the fic in which Yuri is neuroatypical and a demisexual, and Otabek is just generally awesome and endlessly patient.
(This fic is my baby and Yuri is a precious cinnamon roll who is to be protected at all costs.)
2. Void. Victuuri, 14.5k words (finished), T-rated
AU in which tattoo-like images appear on people’s skin to help them choose their path in life. Very rarely, a person turns out to be Void: one without pictures. Voids are regarded with suspicion and fear, because it is thought they have no soul and no future.
When Yuuri is discovered to be Void and his home town turns against him, he escapes into the world of figure skating. On the ice he can play the role of anyone and not be restricted by what he actually is, but off the ice it's a constant battle of trying to hide his true nature from the world.
(I love this universe and one day I will return to it and bring forth the sequel I have all plotted out...)
3. Mind You. Otayuri & Victuuri, 22k words (finished), T-rated
Yuri Plisetsky works as a sound guy at a music venue called Mind You. He has a reputation of being the resident asshole in their small crew of misfits, and when his manager Victor Nikiforov hires an annoyingly stoic guy named Otabek as a second sound technician and puts Yuri in charge of training him, Yuri does all he can to smoke the guy out of the venue and out of his life. All bets are off, some bets are on and soon Yuri doesn’t know what to think about any of this.
(The fic in which Yuri is extra salty and totally not pining after Otabek, at least if you ask him...)
4. messages in a bottle. Victuuri, 66.4k words (wip), T-rated
AU. Victor worked in a museum as a research assistant while doing his doctorate dissertation in archeology. In a tiny park across the street from the museum there was a fountain that Victor passed every day on his way to work. One morning, Victor noticed a bottle floating in the fountain and fished it up. Inside the bottle there was a message. On a whim, Victor decided to answer the message by leaving his own in the bottle, and thus ended up exchanging letters with a complete stranger who refused to reply any questions about their identity. Eventually, Victor decided it was time to find out who the person behind the messages is…
(I’m kind of torn between loving this fic and hating it, because I knew I should not start posting a wip, because nothing deters me from writing as efficiently as the pressure to finish something. The story is all ready inside my head and I love it, but writing it down is another thing...)
5. three unposted wips that are currently at 17k words, 37k words and 44k words. I learned my lesson from MIAB and I will not start posting wips... it kind of sucks that I need to sit on these long fics but I know myself, and the second I start posting, finishing them will become a burden instead of a fun hobby. (But I might ask for a small test audience at some point to get some feedback, we’ll see. If you wanna volunteer as tribute, shoot me a message!)
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enbyleighlines · 7 years
For the character ask thing, Yuri? o:
I’m unsure if this means Yuuri K or Yurio P so I’m gonna indulge and do both!
Yuuri Katsuki:
1: sexuality headcanon: this boy… he is so demi-ace and bi… like guys… please understand i have never met a character that i project onto like yuuri k… so let me have my demi-ace/bi headcanon… just please
2: otp: Viktor x Yuuri, obviously
3: brotp: Yuuri and Phichit have the BEST bromance, they are platonic soulmates, and if they were trolls, they’d totally be moirails, k?
4: notp: Yuuri x Yurio… I know it’s a fictional ship but like… can you not?? Yuuri is like a big brother to Yurio…. let Yurio have healthy platonic relationships with the adult characters in his life…
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: Yuuri’s thicc thighs could crush a watermelon, whether he’s in ripped in-season or flabby off-season mode
6: one way in which I relate to this character: ONLY ONE??? i could list five ways off the top of my head… from his anxious thoughts to his unintentional self-centeredness, Yuuri is basically me
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: everything because he is basically me… especially when he acts cold to Minami because he’s too focused on himself to consider the feelings of other human beings… like yeah, me too buddy8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinnamon roll
Yurio Plisetsky:
1: sexuality headcanon: Yurio is a gay ace if I ever saw one. Also he’s probably a trans boy
2: otp: I only ship it lowkey but Otabek x Yurio is cute
3: brotp: Yurio and Yuuri’s friendship means the world to me guys
4: notp: Yurio with anyone over 20 basically… but the worst offenders are Viktor x Yurio and Yuuri x Yurio
5: first headcanon that pops into my head: Yurio collects parental figures like it’s going out of style because paternal people can somehow sense that he’s been neglected by his own mom and they can’t help but want to baby him…. Yurio says he hates it but he actually loves it once he realizes the affection is real and unconditional :,)
6: one way in which I relate to this character: I too love cats more than human beings
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Yurio is the embodiment of the edgy emo phase… which is cool if you’re a teen but if you’re 20+ like me it’s just…. so cringy… because like… that was me… I used to be like that…8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? cinnamon roll
Thanks for asking!!!
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For the character asks, how about Kirishima from BNHA and/or Otabek from Yuri on Ice! ^.^
1: sexuality headcanon: demi and bi2: otp: Well I don’t know ship names yet but I ship him with that Sparky guy3: brotp: Bakugo?4: notp: Ehhh?? None that I know of5: first headcanon that pops into my head: pyromaniac6: favorite line from this character: Every time he speaks7: one way in which I relate to this character: I, too, am completely clueless when someone doesn’t actually like me8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: NOTHING U LEAVE HIM ALONE9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? CINNAMON ROLL
1: sexuality headcanon: Pansexual2: otp: Otayuri3: brotp: MAKE HIM FRIENDS WITH LEO4: notp: Otabek Altin/Hillary Clinton5: first headcanon that pops into my head: Tries to act cool, is actually a major dork6: favorite line from this character: EYES OF A SOLDIER7: one way in which I relate to this character: Short8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Dude you are so obviously head over heels for Yuri maybe chill?? But also same9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? CINNAMON ROLL
Thanks for asking!
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kiaronna · 7 years
Hey beautiful author, may i ask you a question? What do you think of JJ? A lot of different author write different JJ. Are you the one who like to write 'Annoying to everyone JJ' or 'Lowkey aashole but not Bad person JJ' or 'not an aashole but very narcisstic and fun to get bullied 'harmlessly' by others JJ' or simply 'JJ neutral' OR 'I love JJ'? And do you think he's an aashole or not?
Hi, Nonny! Thanks for your interest in my opinion, but whatyou were blissfully unaware of is that I’m an obsessive little perfectionist,so my answer to this question is gonna be long. Personally, I don’t love JJ—I’mkind of indifferent to him. However, I think he’s an excellent, fleshed outrival to Yuuri and an excellent person to compare to Yuuri. I’ll go overthis in three points, which are explained below the cut:
1.     JJ is confident to thelevel of arrogance (note: NOT a narcissist)
2.     One of JJ’s goals is tocompete against and defeat Viktor
3.     JJ is a misunderstood butgood guy, though he’s not that nice
1.     JJ is confident to thelevel of arrogance (note: NOT a narcissist)
This isn’t really hard to see. The man hashis initials tattooed on his back, he calls himself the “king” and skates to anoriginal song about him, and spends a lot of his internal monologue kindof…bragging about himself. Turning our eyes to Yuuri, who thinks he’sdime-a-dozen even after making it the GPF two years in a row and winning the heartof the world’s most eligible bachelor and his idol, we can see the comparisons.
Yuuri is underconfident because he puts alot of internal pressure on himself, keeps setting his personal standardsextremely high—obviously he’s under external pressure, too, but his main enemyis himself. Yuuri’s family doesn’t care if he’s a champion or not, despite whatYuuri may think, and while Japan clearly adores Yuuri, he’s moved to the USAand is notoriously reclusive (though he does read what people say on theinternet). Obviously, feeling like he’s stolen Viktor from the world puts himunder external pressure, but that’s fairly new in his life. On the flip, wehave JJ, whose parents coach him, whose siblings are Juniors skaters that arelikely nipping at his heels, who has a pretty devoted fanbase he interacts alot with—heck, Isabella is one of his fangirls and he’s marrying her—who a bandwrote a whole song about. That’s a lot of long-lasting external pressure todeal with, and I’m going to suggest that a lot of JJ’s arrogance comes from aneed to combat this pressure.
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When he brags, JJ isn’t just bragging—he’spumping himself up, because he’s nervous. We all know that his nervesand pressure got to him in the Barcelona GPF, and that wasn’t some isolatedincident. This has to do with an idea I’ve seen from a lot of people: that JJis a narcissist.
JJ isn’t really a narcissist. Narcissiststend to overplay their achievements and consider themselves superior orspecial. They demand admiration, feel entitled to victory, and lack empathy tothe extent that they take advantage of others (DSM-IV criteria). JJ brags a lot, but he actuallyhas earned a lot of his own achievements—this guy was destroying ice skatingcompetitions, okay? He was favored to win the GPF till pressure did him in, andif that hadn’t happened… he probably would have won. All of that takes a lot ofwork—it’s not weird to be somewhat proud of it. JJ claims he’s superior because,by some skating standards, he is. 
Also possibly because if he doesn’tbelieve himself to be superior, invincible, he’ll collapse to nerves andexternal pressure. JJ isn’t a narcissist because he does feelempathy: he wants Isabella to be happy, and fears losing her and the support ofhis parents/country. Finally, JJ definitely isn’t a narcissist because… well…look at his response to losing, or his response to the success of others. Inepisode 8, when Seung-Gil lands a quad loop, JJ doesn’t downplay thisachievement—he claps, and tries to bring it up to the rest of the room (albeit awkwardly,we’ll get into this later). He acknowledges that Yurio wants to beat Viktortoo, and expresses a genuine desire for them to climb podiums together. When JJcrashes and burns at the GPF, he doesn’t fly into a rage over how he’s lost, orfeel he’s been robbed of the medal he’s entitled to: he’s worried he’ll losethe support of the people he loves, and understands that he’s screwed up.Friends, this is a guy who’s intimidated by cinnamon rolls like KatsukiYuuri and Phichit Chulanont—he’s not a narcissist, he’s not only ego-driven, he’sa complex character who behaves like he does for some good reasons.
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Basically, JJ is a normal teenage(YES, HE IS A TEENAGER, THIS ALSO PLAYS INTO HIS BEHAVIOR) guy who compensatesfor a lot of external pressure and nerves by talking himself up. I hatewhen JJ gets made out to be a total jerk—he’s not one, and Kubo made him thatway for a good reason.
2.     One of JJ’s goals is tocompete against and defeat Viktor
JJ states that he wants to take Viktor onagain in the GPF and beat him—of course, Viktor takes the season off, so thisdoesn’t happen, but honestly I think this plays a lot into his behavior.
We all felt terribly for Yuuri when hisidol, Viktor Nikiforov, seemed to have no idea who he was. Well guesswhat? JJ has literally been on a podium with Viktor, the man he aspiresto defeat and probably idolizes at least a little… and Viktor doesn’t really knowwho he is, and doesn’t care. Now, Viktor doesn’t have to care, but imagine thatyou’re nineteen and the guy you admire and want to beat won’t give you the timeof day—that’d suck, wouldn’t it? JJ mostly responds to this by trying to getViktor’s attention in any way he can. We’ll walk through one particularinteraction that is going to lead straight into the JJ is misunderstooddiscussion.
In episode 8, JJ approaches Viktor andYuuri to talk about a quadruple loop. Yuuri, as we know, is already nervous andtrying to get in the zone by listening to his headphones. Viktor is supportinghim, and JJ busts in yelling about how accomplished some other skater is—Viktoris annoyed and rebuffs him, mostly because it could make Yuuri panic.
But honestly, JJ’s intent wasn’t to rile upYuuri—it was to snag Viktor’s attention. Look at this:
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JJ passes Yuuri right by. If he was tryingto intimidate Yuuri, you’d think he’d talk to him, wouldn’t you? But he goesstraight to Viktor, tries to talk about Viktor’s achievements, and hegets brushed off. LOOK AT HIS AWKWARD LITTLE FACE:
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HE IS TRYING SO HARD GUYS. He just wants totalk to skating’s Living Legend, and geez, with his accomplishments, he’searned the right to do so by this point. But Viktor doesn’t want to talk tohim. It’s a little sad that JJ pays no attention to Yuuri, but Yuuri is acompetitor and not the guy JJ wants to surpass, so we’ll let this go.
Yuuri idolizes Viktor, and we all know thatdeep down, he also wants to compete against Viktor and beat him (the Nishigori conversation), though he’shesitant to say it. When he initially interacts with Viktor he is Awkward witha capital A.
I’d like to say that JJ probably alsoadmires Viktor, and has clearly stated that he wants to compete against him andbeat him. When he interacts with Viktor he is Awkward with a capital A. Theparallels go on.
Anyway, this analysis goes straight intothe next section, so onward!
3.     JJ is a misunderstood butgood guy, though he’s not that nice
JJ is not the nicest guy. He calls Yuri feminineand acts like this is meant to be funny, which is honestly the closest to intolerancewe get in this show. He busts into conversations and focuses a lot of attentiononto himself. But you know what? Overall, JJ is a good guy who is nice to hisfans, loving to his girlfriend and parents, and is hardworking.
He annoys the other skaters, but hegenuinely wants to be part of their ‘crowd’—something they deny him. Here heis, about to be rejected by the coolest of the cool, Otabek. Look at how EAGERhe is:
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I,at the very least, was startled when he arrived during the restaurant scene,directed the conversation to himself and drove the other skaters away, and hislast words were “I was just joking!!” JJ is AWARE, guys. So when JJ bragsabout himself and says he’ll defeat others he’s… joking?? He’s… trying to laughwith other people, talk about the competition?
Most of the characters, and a lot ofpeople, think JJ is obnoxious and self-centered. JJ is not. JJ is Awkward. Halfof his interactions are please talk to me, please hang out with me, we’recompetitors! Viktor calls him unapproachable, and I think this is mostlybecause JJ’s attempts to interact with the other skaters gets misunderstood ashim being annoying and bragging. In actuality, JJ is just not all that great attalking to other people. We can blame him for this… or, we can understand that,like Yuuri, JJ can be socially awkward and make mistakes. He looks atsituations, like Yuuri trying to get into the zone, and fails to read themproperly and insert himself appropriately into them.
We don’t blame Yuuri for failing tointeract perfectly with people—we just encourage him to get better, and lookforward to his growth. I think we should treat JJ the same way, and hope hegets some humility, social skills, and a less annoying coping mechanism fordealing with pressure.
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As a final note… I’m just going to say thatthe parallels between Yuuri and JJ are in no way an accident. Good rivalcharacters tend to be good foils, I think. Honestly, having JJ also be engagedand claiming he’ll get married after the GPF– and the resulting pressure hefaces– is a great example of how the narrative compares JJ to Yuuri, and ups therival tension.
Whew. So that’s what I think of JJ. Again, it’sprobably TMI. I don’t write JJ into a lot of my fanfic, because as I’ve said, Idon’t particularly love him or anything. But I think he’s misunderstood bycharacters in the show and by consumers of the show. Frankly, he’s human and agood rival for Yuuri—I love how Kubo made him sympathetic and real. So that’show I would write him, if I ever did.
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marymaia00 · 7 years
Got tagged by @spaceprinz thank you so much!
Rules: Choose three fandoms (in random order) then tag a friend
Sherlock Harry Potter
Yuri on Ice
First character that you love:
The character you never expected to love:
I actually didn't really like Lestrade at the beginning, but now he's just the sweetest cinnamon roll
The character you related the most:
Sherlock Hermione
The character you’d slap:
John probably for cheating on Mary (but I'd feel so sorry afterwards)
no clue
(3) favorite characters:
Sherlock, John, Mrs. Hudson
Snape, Lupin, Draco
Yuri, Victor, Yurio
Character that you liked at first but not so much anymore:
Molly Harry 😂 As already said, they're all great
I tag: @equus-swift @skyehorsefandomgirl
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Looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you: Victor Nikiforov
Looks like he could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll: Yuri Plisetski
Looks like a cinnamon roll and is a cinnamon roll: Yuuri Katsuki
Looks like he could kill you and will kill you: Otabek Altin
Sinnamon roll: Christophe Giacometti
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textsfromhetalians · 6 years
Yurio: I wouldn't even date myself!
Otabek: You must have very high standards.
Yurio: *blushes furiously *
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plisetskotik · 7 years
riteris replied to your post: it’s okay, beka. yuri’s enough of a punk for both...
Otabek: looks like he could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll ... that Plisetsky kid, though. xD
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tall--noodle · 8 years
victuuri teacher au hc’s part 4
teaching faculty non-teaching staff president’s and principal’s office staff
eeeyyy here’s the last part, the on-the-job trainees
lemme explain a bit on what that is: here in the philippines, you have to apply for a job somewhere sometime between your 3rd and 4th year of college, and the position you’re applying for has to be related to your course (duh). not all companies offer OJTs, so you might have to apply to a lot. it’s kind of like interning somewhere, but you’re still a student, and it’s only for like 2-3 months
idk if they have OJT programs in japan (where this is set), but let’s pretend they do
without further ado, here’s the on-the-job trainees (some under the cut as usual)
Yuri plisetsky (OJT for presiden’t secretary)
-          Is an incoming 4th year college student and he needs this job thing for credits. And for his resume but whatever
-          Business major at D university, which means that during the school year he has eyebags going for miles on his face
-          Then again what college student doesn’t have bags on their faces really smh
-          His grandpa told him to try applying for an OJT position at the school, and he readily agreed because wHAT? I GET TO WORK WITH GRANDPA?? COOL, MAN!!!!!!1!!!11
-          But then he saw victor and yuuri, his upperclassmen in college when he was a freshman and he almost pulled out of it
-          But fuck he doesn’t care about those lovebirds, no matter how gross they are with all the pining and shit, hE IS GONNA GO TO WORK WITH HIS GRANDPA FOR THREE MONTHS FUCKERS AND NO TWO DORKS ARE GONNA STOP HIM
-          Is a trainee for the president’s office and holy shit. This job is so difficult ajnfebwoeufy
-          He has to do a lot of walking everyday from the office to the faculty rooms or wherever the teachers he’s looking for are
-          He has to do a lot of lifting boxes and files to and from cabinets
-          He has to print and work the photocopy machine—which he got into a fight with a few times before finally getting the hang of it—and he has to read a shit-ton of files
-          His only reprieve from the taxing work is hanging out with otabek during lunch with the cafeteria’s katsudon in his lap
-          He was probably eating too much of it but who the hell cares
-          Otabek was a friend from high school. Being as smart as he is, yuri started school early and skipped a grade or two. Otabek was his first friend once he got out of senior high
-          Otabek graduated a year earlier than him, but they still kept in touch
-          For some reason tho they didn’t tell the other what they were doing about work and yuri’s OJT plans
-          They had a huge laugh over it once they talked
-          Once victor and Yuuri got together they made him their son and gave him the nickname yurio, to his rage
-          he didn’t mind them fawning over him tho. He really liked it actually
Guang-hong ji (OJT for cashier/secretary)
-          A timid young man who did not know how he got into this mess
-          Cinnamon roll #3
-          an accounting major in B university. Can do complicated formulas in his head and it makes his acquaintances take a second to process that this 5’4” boy can do mental algorithms like wtf
-          h o w  e v e n
-          he’s an on-the-job trainee under yuuko, which means he not only does the cashing and checking, he sometimes has to talk to people when yuuko’s not around
-          normally he’d sit in his desk in the corner, calculating expenses and revenues, but once he sees someone at the window, he has to take a second to brace himself before going up and talking to them
-          it’s mostly payments for stuff, but rarely it’s something not payment related. In which case he stutters a lot and has to refer to the notes he made when yuuko was briefing him about the job
-          leo is 2 years his senior in college and studied English. Normally they wouldn’t interact, but they met when guang-hong was going to consult someone about a paper, who was also leo’s thesis advisor. He kind of became guang-hongs shock absorber when it came to talking to mutual professors
-          eats in the faculty room with the other teachers because yuuko always eats with her husband in the caf
-          or leo knocks on the window and shows him the caf’s specials he bought, so they end up eating lunch in the cashier/sec office
-          he and leo are actually dating, but they keep it so lowkey that no one knows. Or someone does know, but it’s more like “are they dating??? They’re dating, right??? They look like they’re dating”
-          it would only be speculation. They’d ask, but both guys were just so sweet that if they asked about it, they might get offended or hurt or something
-          like no, man, the students didn’t want leo and guang-hong sad or distressed out of turn
-          so as much as it pained them to not know the truth (because holy shit they look cute together and they have to be going out with each other), they don’t ask about it
-          the only solace they have are the group selfies that phichit or guang-hong take, or the stolen and candid ones that phichit manages to catch
-          those are few and far in between tho so the students are still #suffering
Christophe Giacometti (OJT for history)
-          a student in C university and studying history and geography
-          on the outside he may not look it, but he’s actually a straight A (or at least the equivalent) student and he’s very serious about his studies
-          victor’s best friend, so putting them together might not be the best ides because if victor is EXTRA™ by himself, then with chris by his side they’re DOUBLE EXTRA™
-          #saveyakov2k17
-          They met at a party for their major, and they’ve been stuck together ever since
-          The best wing man
-          Sits at the back of victor’s classes to observe and he occasionally sees 1 or 2 girls stealing glances at him
-          He winks and blows kisses at them
-          Also very affectionate like, his way of greeting his close friends (aka Yuuri and victor) are by grabbing their butts
-          No one knows, but he, Yuuri, and phichit actually met at pole dancing classes. For the longest time, only the three of them knew
-          But then chris, phichit, and victor (as part of his Operation: KatsuDAMN) managed to drag Yuuri to a club during a holiday, and got him drunk
-          The masterminds (phichit and chris) snickered at victor’s back the whole time Yuuri worked it on stage. Victor’s jaw was permanently on the ground
-          Although Yuuri remembered nothing of the event, his three companions managed to take a ton of photos and several close up videos
-          The worse ones were uploaded to chris’s and phichit’s IGs, but no one had any doubt that it was Yuuri
-          Is in a very loving relationship with his boyfriend Matthieu, but is still a giant flirt
-          His boyfriend doesn’t mind. He knows chris is just naturally that way and he finds the reactions of chris’s preys hilarious
Kenjiro minami (OJT for PE)
-          Everyone calls him the McDonald’s chicken nugget
-          On his first day at work, he was dressed in a yellow shirt with white and red lining, plus black track pants with white and red lining. The fact that his hair was dyed blond with a streak of red on one side did not help matters for the nickname
-          Is taking sports theory in D university, and is JJ’s trainee
-          Is probably the most enthusiastic 5’ ball of a person jj has ever seen
-          Attends the university Yuuri did, and kenjiro fuckin idolizes him
-          Like, no joke. He’s watched yuuri’s debates and speeches that were uploaded online numerous times, to the point that he’s memorized yuuri’s entire script
-          Yuuri has anxiety so normally he’d be super petrified on stage, but during his best performances, he was way too sleep deprived on those days trying to finish his script that the memory of that whole day was fuzzy
-          Not that he wasn’t a good speaker, as kenjiro would defend to the ends of the earth, he just gets super jittery and stutters a lot
-          Despite that fact tho, kenjiro still loves Yuuri a lot, and he says so to anyone who would be willing to listen
-          Kenjiro is the best cheerleader. Like. When the students are doing drills or having practical exams, he’s be 1000% there to cheer them on
-          Only second to phichit in #TeamVictuuri fans
-          Jj once asked him why he applied for an OJT there when his major was sports theory
-          Kenjiro said he wanted to test if some of the theories are true, and that it was good to have some inspiration for his thesis by observing different students of different ages
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heartofoshun · 7 years
Silmarillion 3, 4, 9
3. and ur really trashy im-going-to-hell ship 
I don’t have any of those in the Tolkien/Silmarillion fandom. But there is one in the Yuri on Ice fandom that certain delicate people believe is one of those (don’t agree actually). I think it is totally sweet and normal–Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky–teenagers who are three years apart in age.
My first high school sweetheart was three years older than me, so I find it very hard to dredge up horror at the idea of this pairing. For some reason certain parts of the fandom have gone ballistic over it. I don’t know if it is based in religious moralism, or legalism, or some idea of diminished consent on the younger boy’s part–which does not hold much water for me, as for all practical intents and purposes they are peers. I don’t buy any of those objections. Fandom is not supposed to be a place for censorship anyway–don’t like, don’t read.
4. who is your cinnamon roll fave who everyone loves
Everyone loves Fingon. A huge hero, he ridges political differences based upon family disputes and dissensions within his contentious people. He saves his boyfriend from horrible death by an act of heroism unsurpassed in myth and legend.
Fingon daring alone went forthand sought for Maidros where he hung;in torment terrible he swung,his wrist in band of forged steel,from a sheer precipice where reelthe dizzy senses staring downfrom Thangorodrim’s stony crown.
Tolkien describes his character best:
His valour was as a fire and yet steadfast as the hills of stone; wise he was and skilled in voice and hand; troth and justice he loved and bore good will to all, both Elves and Men, hating Morgoth only; he sought not his own, neither power nor glory, and death was his reward.
The fandom seems to never get enough of the story of Maedhros/Fingon. I certainly don’t. I just keeping finding things to say about them.
9. what is the most sinful fic you have ever read/written
Ever read? Was probably a Harry/Snap/Draco multi-chaptered super x-rated torture fic with no redeeming elements. I’d have no idea how to find it now. You might ask why I read that? I don’t know. Clearly I needed a distraction from my real life at the moment. It was not particularly plausible. A total PWP. Maybe it was so graphic and ridiculous it somehow didn’t seem that extreme, yet held my attention at the time.
Most sinful fic I ever wrote? I used to write more graphic sex scenes a few years ago than I do now. They get a little boring and repetitious after a while. I think the most gratuitously explicit, although not the most explicit, was a multi-chaptered PWP of Fingon/Maedhros/Fingon–Joy as Sharp as a Sword. Probably kidding myself if I insist it has plot or characterization–I think it has some nice language and description and decent internal monologue and dialogue. But, hard truth be told, it’s a purely self-indulgent story about how hot these three might be together.
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just-themys · 8 years
@haruka-tateyama0 replied to your post: A little note on the 5th DVD cover
JJ is actually a cinnamon roll but nobody notices it <\3 Tbh Otabek only is recognized for the Otayuri
Sadly true :/
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jesslynkr · 8 years
Cinnamon Rolls of Yuri!!! on Ice
Looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll: GUANG-HONG and Leo
Looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you: Yuuri and VICTOR
Looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll: YURIO and Georgi
Looks like they could kill you and could actually kill you: SEUNG-GIL and Otabek
The sinnamon roll: PHICHIT CHULANONT
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pigfarts23 · 8 years
Probably sound like a madman, but hear me out
Each character’s song represents them, through and through. (I’m just doing the 6 from the GPF because know most about them (except maybe Otabek but like ... we don’t know much about him #littlescreentime)
This got hella long.  TL;DR: the YOI creators knew where they were going with their characterizations and managed to convey this through each of the program’s music
Details under the cut.
Viktor’s First skate: Stammi Vicino
We first are introduced to this character with a self assured “Commemorative photo?” after he comments on Yuri’s program at the GPF. But his first skate we see actually gives us a deeper insight into who he was at the beginning of the series.
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I mean, this doesn’t scream “I’M SO PUMPED BECAUSE I KNOW I’M GONNA WIN” this is like “wow i’m all alone this kinda sucks”.
At this point, we have concluded he was lonely, what with all the meta on how empty and cold his apartment looks; there’s no personal effects, and it was noted that he was able to pack up everything in about a week. 
Yuuri’s SP: On Love: Eros
Now I know all of you are like: wtf?
But hear me out. After the events of ep 10, we know that Yuuri has this locked up personality that he lets loose for people he’s close to, when he’s on the ice, or when he’s incredibly drunk (Kids don’t drink 16 glasses of champagne. The outcome is bad; if you don’t have alcohol tolerance you’ll barf your guts out before passing out or if you do you’ll end up pole dancing and not remember the night at all THIS HAS BEEN A PSA). 
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(side note: DAYYYUM SON)
Celestino, as a coach, has picked songs he feels like Yuuri would skate to, which means they were probably very much like Yuuri himself; reserved, quiet, witty, determined, etc. All of this eros is held back by an incredibly vulnerable Yuuri who wants to get through life while rocking the boat as little as possible. So the fact that Viktor comes along and says “Ah yes you’re skating to this.” he was like wtf. But this is truly him and everything he wishes he could be - confident, sexy, someone who is equal to Viktor in every way.  
(That’s my theory on why he was insistent he make Yuri on Ice equal difficulty to Viktor’s program)
Yuri’s FP -  Yuri On Ice 
As said by the commentators, this song was used by Yuuri to express the different types of loves he feels. As you watch, he mentions all the feelings etc. etc.
But - Love. 
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Yuuri has finally gotten love. It’s why the FP was record breaking. He’s gone and he’s fallen in all sorts of love with everyone. Don’t get me wrong - I’m not saying he’s just discovered love. He’s loved his family and friends and we get to see that in all the interactions he has with them, which is wonderful. But he finally realises that they love him as much as he loves them. Which makes him fill with more love and determination.
Not only that, but this piece is kinda.... a walk down memory lane. He’s gotten someone to capture his career, and if you listen to the music, it tells you exactly where he was dragged down and how he was able to rebuild himself and become even stronger. This song is Yuuri summed up in 3 minutes. You listen to that, and you know exactly who he is.
Yuri’s SP - On Love: Agape
Yuri is innocent and pure and for some reason, his Russian team (and the Hero of Kazakhstan along with Japan’s top figure skater) all love him.
There’s no other way to put this. Yea ok he’s angry and yells and likes to threaten people (I mean.. same), but he’s very much like a kitten - he can really do no harm. 
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(He’s got nicer hair than I do (also look at how innocent he looks)).
But Yuri is very innocent. He’s only 15 years old, and sure, he’s travelled the world. But he hasn’t seen much of the real world. His entire life is figure skating. He eats, breathes, and sleeps it. So he lives in what essentially can be considered a bubble. 
To the real world - he’s an innocent bean (it’s probably why they call him the Russian Fairy). And I think that he knows this, which is why he postures so much; all that anger and aggression keeps people away, like it kept Yuuri away at first, so that no one knows how young he really is (even though they say his age at every skating event).
Yuri’s FS - Allegro Appassionato in B Minor (RIP pianist)
To start, I’m going to translate this name (I don’t speak Italian, but I have studied music for the last 16 years AND I did ballet for 10 years, so I do know what these terms mean). 
Allegro - the musical definition is bright, quickly, lively. However! In ballet, the term is the same, but it is applied to airborne movements (side note I just rewatched his ep 12 skate trying to get a good photo and he actually adds in a quad! So he’s airborne! ish!)
Appassionato - passionately; play with passion.
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(if this doesn’t scream PASSION i don’t know what does)
But Yuri is passionate. He’ll fight for what he believes in, as commented on by Otabek’s monologue (”Yuri Plisetsky had the eyes of a soldier”) and, I’ll bet someone dinner at a place of my choosing, he’ll fight for anyone he accepts into his family. This boy just has so much passion for figure skating (and cats. Definitely loves cats.) that it’s absolutely incredible - it’s something that can’t be contained and yes, he has to work for it, but with that passion, drive and determination he has, this song is essentially all him. 
Phichit’s SP - Shall We Skate?
This pure bean.
Honestly, just listening to the music, you get a sense of who Phichit as a person really is. He’s upbeat, enthusiastic, (JUST LIKE THE MUSIC!!) and overall he just seems like the type of person who can just make you smile purely by existing.
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He’s encouraging and supportive and I think he was skating as the Skater, because the lyrics tell us the King was trying to learn to skate. The skater, much like Phichit, is showing the King how to skate, and basically being the best cheerleader in the world as the King skates.
Yuuri and him were roommates in Detroit; Phichit would have been incredibly supportive and encouraging because he’s the Purest Cinnamon Roll Ever.
He’s just so fucking supportive idk what else to say ok.
Phichit’s FS - Terra Incognita
So this piece is also upbeat and features a relatively happy overall mood. It’s somewhat inspired by South East Asian music (I’m not sure what part of South East Asia, but I feel that Indian vibe to it) which I really enjoyed.
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But again, this just summarises the picture we’re given of Phichit. Granted this is all painted from Yuuri’s POV, who is literally the most unreliable narrator. But that one bit we got from Viktor regarding Phichit shows that Viktor actually is in agreement with Yuuri’s ideas.
So from that, we can conclude that Phichit is incredibly supportive and loving, not just to his friends, but to people who his friends love as well.
Chris’ SP- Intoxicated
So the first opening bit reminded me of Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get It On. But once I got over that, this song is sexy, and sauve, just as we all know (and love) Chris to be.
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This piece kinda .. flows, for lack of a better word. To be honest, listening to this song when I’m not looking at this dork’s face (or butt) makes me think of those scenes where the dude emerges from the water, and we get a slow close up of a drop of sweat falling down his chest or smth.
This song, at the very essence, is exactly who Chris is. He’s confident, mature, and just oozing sexual pleasure. It’s a nice contrast to Yuuri’s Eros, which wasn’t as sophisticated as this one is. This is essentially pleasure after pleasure, all done so well and controlled, all to ensure that the partner (in this case, the audience) is getting as much pleasure out of it as possible.
And not only that - we know Chris actually wears glasses, but it doesn’t appear he wears them in public, which means there’s a vulnerable part of him that he doesn’t want the world to know, so he shows his sexual appealing side and keeps his vulnerable side for his super close friends and fam.
Chris’ FS - Rapsodie Espagnole 
So as anyone can tell you, Spanish songs are full of passion. This one is no different.
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As is this man. God the passion this man has... incredible.
Chris is a man extremely comfortable with his sexuality, and he’s very comfortable and confident with who he is.
That’s all I can add on for him because we don’t get much of Yuuri’s thoughts re: Chris to be able to see another side of him apart from the super comfortable with his sexuality version.
AND FINALLY: (I’m not doing Otabek I can’t do him justice if someone else wants to analyse his music (he was the only one who didn’t get original music (BEETHOVEN ASSHOLES) for both his free skates)) 
JJ’s SP - Theme of King JJ  (his song is hella freaking catchy)
Right of the bat, in both the song and the anime, we’re introduced to JJ as a man who’s exceptionally arrogant. He sees himself as someone who essentially rules figure skating.
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And it’s interesting that we get a bit of that feeling as well from Yuuri.
This song and JJ are both incredibly arrogant - his song (presumably sung and written by him) talks about how amazing he is, and how no one can catch them. He taunts people, saying “Catch me if you can” and that’s exactly what he does to Yuri at the Skate Canada medal ceremony. “I look forward to climbing the podium again with you in Russia.”
He’s loud, brash, and an incredible show off, which is exactly what this song shows.
(I didn’t have to look up any of these quotes o hm ygod why am I JJ trash it must be Canada Pride)
JJ’s FS - Partizan Hope
So this piece is completely different from the last one. It starts off differently slowly and with just a piano.
The feel is completely different. To be honest, I get the shot of a person triumphantly crossing the finish line of a race in slow mo while this plays in the background.
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The feeling of how he skates is completely different as well. It’s more triumphant, less arrogant.
Confident. JJ is a confident person, something the music reflects earnestly. And he knows he’s going to win, so he just skates for the fun of it. He’s not taken no for an answer, and because of that, he’s built up quite the character of fighting for he wants just by being loud, brash and opinionated (something that will get you strange looks on a Canadian bus, fun fact).
This confidence is hidden behind his outgoing self, which you can hear very clearly in this piece (probably why they put it second, because the ISU regulations RE: times would make sense for them to reverse this order of pieces).
“Ok, so I read all that. You’re right. What’s your point?”
Wow thanks for asking that! 
This is my point. 
Viktor’s second skate: Duet - Stay Close to Me
This is an absolutely incredible transformation - we know the songs of the characters represent who they really are. As a result, not really seeing Viktor skate competitions and then suddenly see him skate this, a song filled with so much hope and love (I was actually crying when this aired because the emotions were too much in this piece); the loneliness of the violins has been replaced with happiness, hopefulness and love.
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All because of our dear Yuuri.
And I think that this is one of my favourite character growths in a tv series - Viktor, growing and changing not for love.
Instead, he changes because of it.
And I think that’s beautiful.
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