kittiegirl1616 · 6 years
Yuri!!! on ICE Oneshot
“You’ll call if you need anything, right, Yuuri?” Victor asks.
Yuuri chuckles.  “Of course I will.  We’ll be fine though.”
“But Yurio’s heat is coming up soon and we’re really sorry that we can’t be there right at the start!”  Victor sounds extremely apologetic.
“You forget that our heats are completely synced now, Victor.  We’re both coming into heat soon.  We know that your guys’ work doesn’t always match our heat cycles and we’re okay with that as long as you are able to be home for part of it.”
“Yuuri!  Don’t make me feel even worse!” Victor whines.
He chuckles again.  “Sorry, Vicchan.  How about this, I’ll tell you that both Yuri and I aren’t anywhere near our heat cycles at the moment.  Does that make you feel better?”
“Somewhat.”  Victor isn’t convinced and Yuuri knows this.  “But this’ll do.  Oh, Otabek wants to talk to you, hold on.”
“Yuuri, is Yura okay? He’s not answering his phone.”  Now it’s Otabek who’s acting like a worried mother.
“Yuri is probably purposefully not answering his phone. All of you have called each of us at least 50 times in the past day and he’s probably tired of it.”  Yuuri absentmindedly picks up another one of Victor’s shirts and adds it to a pile of dirty clothes at the end of the couch. “Also, you guys are slobs when it comes to clothes.  Your clothes are all over the house.”
Otabek chuckles.  “That’s not because of us, Yuuri.  That’s because our omegas love to be able to smell us anywhere in the house.”  His voice takes on a raspy purr.
Yuuri flushes.  “Sh-shut up!” He stammers, knowing that it’s completely true.
“JJ is going to talk to you know.”
“Hmm.”  Pinning the phone between his shoulder and head, Yuuri scoops up the pile of clothes that belongs to the alphas and heads towards the bedroom, passing Yuri on his way in.  “They boys are asking about you.  Otabek says you haven’t been answering his phone calls.”
He scoffs.  “Yeah, I missed two because I was in the bathroom.  Then, I went to grab something to drink in the kitchen before calling him back and came back to find five more.  Potya jumped up and scared me, making me spill my drink so I had to clean it up and when I was done I had a total of 25 missed calls from him.  I’m not talking to him until he gets back to show him that he can be patient.”
“Yuuri?  Are you there?”  JJ asks.
Yuuri quickly tunes back into the phone conversation he’s supposed to be happening.  “I’m here, JJ.”
“How are you both faring?”  His voice is full of concern.
He sighs and rolls his eyes.  “We’re fine, JJ.”  Reaching the bedroom, Yuuri begins piling the clothes around the edges of the bed.
“You call us if your heats get to be too much.  One of us will leave and come home, okay?”  
“Yes, JJ.”  
Despite his cocky attitude, he was extremely caring of the two omegas; sometimes overly caring.
“All right, well, we’ve got to go now.  Tell Yuri that we love him, and we love you too.  Call us if you need us.”
“Bye, Yuuri; love you,” says Otabek.
Love you, Yuuri,” says Victor.
“Bye, guys, love you too.”
Ending the call, Yuuri pockets his phone and continue arranging the clothes. I love those guys so much.
“Yuuri, I brought more dirty laundry from the bathroom.”
“Thanks.”  Taking the clothes, he continues arranging the clothes around the bed.
“I had Victor, Beka, and JJ scent some blankets and pillows last night as well.  We can add those.”
Yuuri nods.  “That sounds good.”
As he continues to place the clothing around the bed, he hears Yuri take in a sharp breath.  “Some of my clothes are in there.”
He looks at him.  “Of course.”
“But I’m not an alpha.”
“I know that.  But you’re still important to me.  If you want to add some of my clothes, I’d be honored, but you don’t have to.  It’s whatever you feel comfortable with.”
“Hmmm.”  He hums and stands there, watching Yuuri continue to make the nest.  “I’m going to go grab some more things to add to the nest.”
“Sure thing.”  Humming to himself, Yuuri adds the final articles of clothing to the edge of the nest before moving around and rearranging some of the pieces.
“I’m back; move out of the way!”  Yuri shoves Yuuri out of the way and begins throwing pillows and blankets taken from the living room into the center of the nest.  Then, he walks into the bathroom and comes out a minute later with some of Yuuri’s clothing.  “You’re important to me too, Pig.”
Yuuri beams.  “Thank you!”
Yuri arranges the other’s clothes around the edge of the nest before climbing in and arranging some of the blankets and pillows.  “Get your ass in here and arrange some things!  I’m not the only one that this nest belongs to.”
Quickly climbing in, the Japanese omega quickly moves to help the Russian omega.  In no time, they’re lounging in their freshly remade nest, surrounded by their alphas’ scents.
“This is a comfy nest!” Yuuri chirps happily, taking his glasses off and putting them on the nightstand before wriggling around slightly.
The blond boy nods.  “It is.” Reaching over, he wraps his arms around the older omega’s waist and snuggles close, breathing in the comforting scent that only an omega can produce.
Yuuri smiles and wraps his arms around the younger omega.  A purr starts up in his chest as he closes his eyes and relishes the quality time the two omegas get when their alphas are gone.
Yuri yawns.  “Let’s take a nap; I have this sneaking suspicion that we won’t be getting much sleep in the upcoming days.”
“Me too.”
Their eyes close and they quickly fall asleep, their bodies preparing for their upcoming heat.
“Yuri, it’s time to wake up; we need to make sure we can sleep tonight.”
The blond boy grumbles but wakes up.  He sits up in the nest and rubs his eyes before crawling out of the nest and to the bathroom.
Chuckling, the older omega also gets out of the bed and stretches.
“Hey, are you hot?”
“Huh?”  Yuuri turns sharply at the comment from the other boy.  “What?”
“Temperature wise, are you hot?”
“Oh, well, yeah; I guess.  Why?”
“Because I wanted to take the clothes you’re wearing right now and add them to the nest.  No one’s here but us, so we can walk around in our boxers and not have to worry about being groped by our horny alphas,” Yuri responds.
Yuuri taps his chin with his fingers.  “Fine, but you have to give me your clothes, so I can add them to the nest.”
Yuri beams at him.  “Deal!”
They quickly strip, handing their clothes to each other to arrange on the nest.  The younger omega finds himself staring at the older omega’s toned body and quickly looks away, his cheeks a right red.
“What’s wrong, Yuri?”
“Okay…?”  Yuuri clearly doesn’t believe him but doesn’t push the issue.  “Right, so what should we do?”
“I don’t know…we usually leave that to Victor, Beka, and JJ.  What were you planning on doing?”
“Well, I was actually planning on doing some stretches and work a little bit on ballet; you can join me if you want.”  Yuuri picks up his glasses from the nightstand and runs a hand through his hair so it falls away from his eyes and forehead.
“Maybe.  I wanted to try a recipe for dinner tonight that I don’t think the others will like, but only if you want to try it.”
Yuuri nods excitedly.  “Of course I want to try it!  Whenever you make food, it tastes delicious!  Why wouldn’t they like it?”
“Because it’s more of a traditional Japanese recipe that has eel in it…they don’t like eel.”
Yuuri thinks back to the time the alphas tried eel and shudders.  “Oh yeah, it made them sick for, like, a week.”
“Yeah.  But, I liked it.”
“Then go ahead and make it; just let me know if you need help preparing anything.”
The two omegas go their separate ways, Yuri to the kitchen and Yuuri to the living room.  Soon, soft music and delicious smells fill the apartment as the two boys work on their activities.
“Yuuri, I need help with something.”
Yuuri pauses mid step and walks into the kitchen, finding the other in an apron and his boxer briefs.  Chuckling, he wraps his arms around the boy’s slim waist and rests his chin on his shoulder. “You know, if our alphas saw you like that, you’d be bent over the counter and screaming by now.”
Yuri’s sweet scent of cinnamon and sugar spikes, letting the other know of his arousal.  “I know that, that’s why I’m getting in my share of this while they’re gone.  Now, are you going to help me or not?”
The Japanese omega laughs.  “Of course.  What do you need help with?”
“What do you season the eel with before you grill it?”
“Just a little salt and pepper.  The rest of the seasonings come when you eat it.”
“Okay, thanks!”
“No problem.”  Yuuri presses a kiss to the younger omega’s cheek.  “It smells delicious!”
“Of course it does!  I’m making it!”
Chuckling again, the dark-haired omega leaves Yuri in the kitchen to go back and practice.  Peeking at the clock, he notices that it’s closer to dinner than he thought.
“Huh, I guess we’ve just been losing track of time.”
“What’s that, Pig?”
“Nothing, Yurio,” Yuuri replies back in an overly sweet voice, using the nickname he knows Yuri can’t stand.
“I guess I kinda deserved that.”
Yuuri goes back to practicing ballet, working on a few steps he might use in his next practice to surprise his alphas and omega.  Quickly becoming absorbed, he doesn’t notice the fair-haired omega standing in the doorway, watching him, until soft hands fall on his hips.
“You need to straighten your back and bend from your hips more,” Yuri murmurs, pressing up against the other omega’s back.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.  It will give you that seductive edge that I know you’re looking for.”
“You’re welcome.”  Yuri takes the shell of Yuuri’s ear in his mouth and nibbles softly for a moment, causing the other to moan and push back against his cock.  Releasing the ear and sliding away, he saunters into the kitchen with a smirk, purposefully swinging his hips.
“Tease!” Yuuri calls after him, trying to get his hard on to go away.
“It’s what I do best!”
It definitely is, but I’m going to give him a run for his money.  Taking in what the younger omega told him, he straightens his back and bends from his hips more.  When the music ends, clapping comes from the doorway, making Yuuri whip his head in the direction.
“Our alphas will be completely captivated by you as you dance; it might even work to have them kneeling at your feet.  Even JJ would admit that you’re the better skater.” Yuri slinks closer, eyes trailing over the other skater’s toned form.  “Even I would be willing to admit that.”
Yuuri gulps and runs his eyes down the other skater’s toned form as well. “Oh yeah?”
“Oh yeah, definitely.”
They stand chest to chest for a moment before the younger omega stands on his tiptoes and wraps his arms around Yuuri’s neck, connecting their lips. With a moan, the older omega quickly takes control of the kiss.  Yuri’s mouth opens and Yuuri dips his tongue in the other’s mouth.  Their tongues dance and Yuuri’s hands reach down to grab a handful of Yuri’s ass, squeezing and kneading it gently.  The younger boy presses into his lover, wanting more and more.
Yuuri breaks their kiss and trails kisses down his neck, leaving the blond a whimpering mess.  Finding his scent gland, the raven-haired boy inhales deeply and sucks on it, making the blond melt into his arms.  Releasing his neck, Yuuri hugs the boy and pulls him over to the couch in the living room. Sitting down, Yuri is pulled into the other’s lap as their lips connect again.  The Russian’s hips begin to move as he slowly gyrates against Yuuri’s hips.
Right when they go to go farther, a video call pops up on the big screen of the TV, causing them both to groan.  Yuri reaches over and connects the call, allowing the picture of the three alphas to appear on the screen.
“What?” He snaps, not moving from his spot on Yuuri’s lap.
“What have you two been doing?” JJ asks, wiggling his eyebrows at their position.
“I’ve been dancing,” Yuuri replies, not giving them what they want.
“And I’ve been cooking; we’re about to sit down to eat.”
“So if you’re about to sit down to eat, why are you both in your boxers and straddling each other?” Otabek asks, amused at the omega’s play.
“We were hot and I was getting something out of his hair,” Yuri replies saucily.
“Yeah, temperature wise.  With our heats coming up, our temperatures are starting to rise.  Plus, with you three gone, we can walk around like this without the fear of being jumped.”  Yuri’s voice is matter of fact as he starts running his hands through Yuuri’s hair absentmindedly.
“Mhmm,” Yuuri agrees, leaning into the other boy’s touch and purring lightly.
“Have you started nesting?”
“It’s mostly done; once you get home we’ll take your clothes and add them.”
“Can’t wait to see your nest when we get home, my omegas,” Victor purrs, smiling at them.
The three alphas watch through the screen as their omegas groom each other as the conversation lulls.  Both omegas seem to forget that they’re on a video call as the become engrossed with themselves.
“They look so hot,” JJ whispers to Victor.
The silver-haired alpha nods, lost for words.  
“I think they were doing more than just Yura trying to get something out of Yuuri’s hair.  They’re teasing us,” Otabek says, quietly voicing his thoughts.
“I agree.”
Meanwhile, Yuri slowly leans down and connects his and Yuuri’s lips. His hands stay in the older omega’s hair.  The kiss is slow and relaxed, their tongues dancing together languidly.  Yuuri’s hands grip Yuri’s hips, and soon the younger omega begins to grind his hips.
The alphas sit back and quietly try to hold back their growls of pleasure.  
“This is just like watching a porno of our omegas,” JJ whispers.
“This is watching a porno of our omegas,” Otabek responds, also in a whisper so as to not disturb the omegas.
“I just want to get home and gobble them up!” Victor growls under his breath, his cock hardening in his pants.
Just as things start to get good and the alphas start to rub themselves, Yuri pulls away from the kiss and turns back to the camera.  “No peeking!”  And with a click, the alphas are left with a black screen.
“Oh, they are so getting it when we return!” Otabek growls, turned on beyond all belief.
“I think that’s what they’re aiming for,” JJ responds, groaning and flopping back on the bed.
“Now what are going to do?”
Back at the apartment, Yuri turns to Yuuri and grins.  “Think we’ll get punished when they get back?” He asks excitedly.
The dark-haired omega looks up with hooded eyes.  “Oh definitely.”
“Good.”  Laying one more peck on Yuuri’s lips, Yuri stands up and walks back into the kitchen. “I was serious about sitting down for dinner, though.”
“I know.”  With a sigh, the Japanese omega stands up and makes his way into the kitchen.  They eat quickly and clean up before heading back to their nest almost instinctively, their bodies seeking out the rest they would be deprived of in their coming heats.
Climbing in, they snuggle up to one another and quickly fall asleep.
The omegas sleep all that night and most of the next day, only waking to eat and go to the bathroom.  It’s on the third day that they’re up and more active.
“Victor, Beka, and JJ are coming back today, right?” Yuri asks excitedly as he watches his lover make lunch.
Yuuri chuckles.  “Yes, Yuri, they are.  Excited much?”
“I’m just excited for the punishment!”
“I can hardly tell,” Yuuri drawls sarcastically, handing a bowl of katsudon to the blond.  “Though, I can’t help but think that with our alphas coming home, their pheromones will trigger our heats.  We should’ve started yesterday, but I think that with the absence of their pheromones for so long, our omegas became depressed and stalled our heats until we get a whiff of our alphas’ pheromones.  Meaning that we’ll lose our minds once they walk in that door.”
“So…no punishment?”
“No, I think we’ll still get that punishment, but it will come after our heat periods.”
“Do you really think that our omegas are holding off our heats?  I’ve never heard of that before,” Yuri says after a minute.
“I’ve read of one other instance of where the omega’s alpha was away on a business trip right around the start of their heat, and that the alpha was scheduled to come back within the first day or so of the omega’s heat; the omega’s omega became depressed and withheld the heat, longing for it’s alpha. Apparently, it’s a thing that only deeply bonded omegas do,” the older omega explains.
“That means that we’ve bonded deeply with our alphas, huh?”
“And each other.”
The omegas sit down and begin eating, each lost in their own thoughts. Yuuri begins to notice that his body temperature seems to be rising and that there’s and uncomfortable feeling in his lower regions.
“You’re feeling it too, huh?” Yuri asks, noticing the other shifting around. “You’re feeling warmer and uncomfortable down there.”
“Yeah; maybe it’s because my omega can sense our alphas getting closer.”
“Probably is the reason; especially if we’re so deeply bonded.”
“After we’re done eating, want to go to the nest and get ready for our alphas?” Yuuri asks mischievously.
Yuri grins.  “I thought you’d never ask!”
They share a look between themselves while they quickly finish eating and put their dishes in the sink before running back to their bedroom. Yuuri flips on the lowlights and puts his glasses down on the nightstand.  Yuri turns on the air conditioning and fan to help combat their rising temperatures.  Then, both of them strip out of their boxers and scramble into the nest.
“I can literally feel them getting closer,” Yuuri murmurs, sitting on his knees.
“Me too,” Yuri pants.
“Let’s get ready for them, shall we?”
Reaching back, the Japanese omega grabs the Russian omega’s ass with both hands and pulls his cheeks apart, exposing his hole to the air and making him moan.  Dipping two fingers in, Yuuri begins working and scissoring his lover’s hole.
“Yuuri!” Yuri whimpers, falling into the other’s arms.  His hands knead Yuuri’s ass before two of his fingers also dip in.
“Turn around,” Yuri orders in a shaky voice, “and lay down.”
Scrambling into position, he licks his lips.  Yuri also turns and now they’re both lying on their sides. Pulling Yuri’s ass to him, the older omega begins licking and nipping around the rim.  Yuri lets out a shrill moan as he shakily inserts two fingers back into Yuuri’s ass.  As they get more and more turned on, their body temperatures seem to rise and more slick is produced than normal.  Suddenly, a wave of heat has both of them stopping their movements and moaning loudly.  
“They’re home!” Yuuri breathes before he scrambles onto his knees.
“Yes!” Yuri hisses, doing the same.
Instantly, they’re bent over, backs arched, knees spread apart, and holes twitching in anticipation for their alpha’s arrivals.
“Well, this is certainly a sight for sore eyes,” booms the voice of the silver-haired alpha.
Both omegas moan, completely lost to their heats now.
JJ licks his lips.  “Definitely is.”
“And they’re even presenting for us,” Otabek murmurs, staring at the offerings in front of him.  “Who are we to deny them this?”
“Well then, let’s eat.”
The three alphas stalk into the room, door slamming behind them, as they go to sate the heats of their omegas.
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ice-malice · 4 years
Listen I'm just saying (and Victuuri is still my life and love and goals and all of that, forever and ever, absolutely) but JJxYuuri, you know, maybe, COULD BE, hella cute.
I said what I said.
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yukipri · 7 years
Aw, thank you, I’m glad you liked it haha! ^ ^
I in general rarely if ever actively dislike characters/ships, as if I don’t fancy them I tend to ignore/not think about them, disliking something takes a lot of energy that I don’t have to spare and I’d much rather use it to produce things for stuff I like ^ ^
And also in YOI at least, I genuinely truly like all the characters. Sure, there are some characters I’m more heavily biased towards *COUGH*Yuuri&Phichit*COUGH* but in general I like everyone, and you’ll never see any character bashing content from me, and certainly not on JJ ^ ^;; And I also genuinely ship most of the charas with Yuuri to varying degrees so~
Thanks again for liking my art! ^ ^
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Send me a ship: JJxYuuri
Who said “I love you” first JJ, absolutely
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background both of them, cheesy af.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror JJ, the dork
Who buys the other cheesy gifts BOTH
Who initiated the first kiss Yuuri!
Who kisses the other awake in the morning Yuuri as well!
Who starts tickle fights JJ
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower JJ of course
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch Yuuri waifu material
Who was nervous and shy on the first date Both
Who kills/takes out the spiders JJ takes them out
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk Surprisingly Yuuri
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