#yeah leoji is my OTP
jesslynkr · 8 years
Cinnamon Rolls of Yuri!!! on Ice
Looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll: GUANG-HONG and Leo
Looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you: Yuuri and VICTOR
Looks like they could kill you but is actually a cinnamon roll: YURIO and Georgi
Looks like they could kill you and could actually kill you: SEUNG-GIL and Otabek
The sinnamon roll: PHICHIT CHULANONT
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huaxiangs · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. Don’t reblog.
What is your OTP for your muse? leoji has been my main ship since day one tbh, way before i even started rping guanghong lol, however after rping him for a while i also have a huge soft spot for guanghong/minami!
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping? anything that isn’t nsfw! kissing is okay but i wont go much further than that
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable? considering how young guanghong is, i’d have to say that anything over 3 years is too much. and honestly, when hes 17 (like he is in the anime) i would say 2 years is maximum. he’s technically 19 now so i feel like a 3 year age gap is acceptable.
Are you selective when shipping? yeah though i have to admit how selective i am depends on the muse. if its a character i already ship my muse with (for example leo) theres a bigger chance of me saying yes to shipping lol. however i never just start shipping from the beginning if i dont know the mun-- we gotta build it up first! 
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW? UH i guess technically if clothes are off and dicks are out that’s nsfw but i am Very Ace so ill stop way before that ;;
Who are other muses you ship with? aside from my lovely minami, i also got a ship going with levi ( @leviaraelle ) (leviji?? levi..hong???). i used to rp leoji as well but my leo doesnt rp on tumblr anymore (but the ship lives on in my heart....)
Does one have to ask to ship with you? yeah id really prefer it if you did, but since i like to build things up first theres a smaller chance of me saying yes if u just ask me to ship without our muses having interacted before ,,
How often do you like to ship? UH depends on? the muses????? like if there’s good chemistry then hell yeyha lets ship all the time mdude
Are you ship-obsessed, or ship more-or-less? again, it depends!! if we’ve got a solid ship goin on then u bet your ass i wont shut up about it
Are you multi-ship? yup!
What is (are) your favorite ship(s) in your current fandom?   - leoji   - seungchuchu   - minaji 
Finally, how does one ship with you? there’s no specific recipe bc everything just depends on our muses’ chemistry. just rp with me and we can see how our muses get along-- i feel like it’s easy to tell whether or not a ship between them can happen!     ( or just outright ask me, i can be pretty dense sometimes lol so just nudge me about it)
Tagged by: @hypemanminami  Tagging: uhhh anyone who wants to do this!
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softnocturne · 5 years
Reading fanfiction
Apparently is helping draw my muse out of it’s closed shell. I’ve been reading a mix of Gundam Wing, Yuri on Ice, Avengers, Hetalia, Supernatural *tv show* and Naruto.  I gotta say it’s been helping re-reading fanfiction. Also been helping em feel a little confident. I have been reading Yuri on Ice (mainly LeoJi my yoi OTP) and I gotta say it’s been really inspiring me to right.  Also finding old prompts I reblogged has inspired another Gundam Wing fanfic. I kind of feel confident.  Also I forgot about two comments on my AO3 account I forgot to mark as read and they both have inspired me to continue a WWE fanfic of mine.  I think for the month of July while I work on Camp NaNo I am going to slowly but surely work on my fanfiction.  I just need to stop being scared about posting. So what if no one likes what I write? At least I wrote it! Yeah. I gotta just. Stop being so scared about my writing and just do it!
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radiactive-soul · 7 years
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends. I choose Yuri!!! On Ice
Owari no Seraph  
Voltron: Legendary Defender
The first character you loved Yurio <3 (My baby)
Mika (My other baby)
Character you never expected to love so much Yuuri Katsuki 
Yuu (Stupid Yuu TT.TT) 
The character you relate to most
Yuuri Katsuki and Yuri Plisetsky...yeah is stranger but yes 
The character you’d slap Christophe, but on the ass XD XD OMG I agree with that
Guren, i don´t hate him but he breaks my heart
Zarkon  Three favorite characters (these are in order of preference) Yuri Plisetsky, Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor 
Mika, Yuu and Shinya 
Pidge, Lance, Keith  A character you liked at first but not so much anymore Nobody :/  A character you didn’t like at first but they have grown to you Yuuri Katsuki XD
Shinya  Hunk  3 OTPS victuri, otayuri and leoji 
mikayuu, gureshin and mikayuu
klance, klance and klance <3
i tag: @radiodread @trista-my @no-signs-no-lights @d-a-z-a-i @anemone-mermaid @ennoshitatas @meliwolf @gothixia
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otayurio-on-ice · 8 years
you said it was okay to come to your ask? hmmmm random questions for you then! 1) What YOI character do you think you're the most like and why. 2) OTP? 3) What is your favorite type of plant?
Hell yeah, I always love seeing new asks in my inbox!!!
1. Can I put multiple characters for this one??? I’m just gonna do that
Guang Hong - I’m smol just like him and my friends say I’m innocent when I’m really not
Leo - definitely because of the love for music, it’s one of my favorite things and always makes me happy
Phichit - absolutely social media obsessed, I spend 99% of my day on social media
But I'm definitely not as adorable as any of them
2. As you can obviously tell by my blog, otayuri is my top otp in yoi, but I also love victuri, leoji, seungchuchu, emimike, Chris and mystery guy, and saramila!
3. Ummmmmmmm I’m just gonna go with an I don’t know because I don’t know enough about plants to properly answer this
Thanks for asking!!! ❤️
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okguanoa · 8 years
so... A-kun asking me about my OTP a.k.a one true pairing. But I can only choose one pair each anime. So yeah, because today is your birthday and I’m on my way to post all the headcanon that decorate all my bedroom wall (I use sticky note to write all that headcanon), I’m going to make a list of it
OK! Let’s start
This will be so long
I’m not always on the big ship
So there are a lot of crack/rare/minaor pairing
everything is my preference so It’s based on my opinion, taste and style
almost everything is sport anime (well after all they have a lot of cool and hot guy and of course the food and water for my fujoshi self)
I will update later
Ao no Exorcist
OTP : This is a crime and a big sin but I ship the okumura twins, I’m not even sorry about it
Like it so much : Bon x Shima, Bon x Kamiki, Shima x Paku
Not okay : please, they are created to be together, so stop trying to pair the twins with other (me in my own world ruled by my very own super wild imagination) 
Kuroko no Basket
OTP : of course no other than MidoTaka (it’s obvious isn’t it?)
Like it so much: KagaKuro, AkaFuri, MuraHimu, AoKise, KasaKi
Okay: AoKaga, AoMomo, everyonexkise (kise is the neko/uke)
Bromance/ as Sibling : Akashi-Kagami (I don’t know where this coming), Aomine-Kagami, Kagami-Himuro, Aomine-Kuroko
Not okay: Kuroko paired with anyone except Kagami. I don’t understand it why I can’t do that, even thought I’m okay with AoKaga. Maybe I need the ‘thing’ that make me can endure it (Like that AoKaga family cosplay with their two kids at a beach (is it? i think no but the feeling is like they are on beach or family vacation) -hope anyone understand what I’m talking about)
OTP : KuroTsuki (Yup Baby! It’s the black moon a.k.a the salty couple)
Like it so much: UshiOi (Please blame you, A-kun, this is your fault for introducing me to this ship that have a really stormy ride), KageHina, KenHina (this is my soon-to-be sister in-law fault), AsaNoya, TanaEnno, Little Giant x Akiteru (Wow where is this come from again?)
Not so into it but still like it: DaiSuga, IwaOi, BokuAka, Kiyoko x Hitoka, LevYaku, YamaYachi (double Y? I don’t know the pair name)
Okay: Akiteru x Saeko (?), UshiTen, TenIwa, OT3 KenKageHina
Bromance/ as Sibling : Iwaizumi-Oikawa, Kenma-Hinata, Daichi-Koushi-Asahi, Tanaka-Nishinoya
 Not okay: no OOTsuki, or KuroOO. There is nothing like that in my dictionary, only KuroTsuki. THATS IT!. And for Hinata, he can only belongs either to Kageyama or Kenma (because I like the thought of them fighting over Hinata or just one kill with OT3 kkkk)
Daiya no Ace
OTP : for this one I actually stand on the big main ship! MiyuSawa FOREVER!
like it so much: FuruHaru, KuraRyou, TetsuJun, SanaRai, MasaMei and recently FuruHaru next generation ( eh??) YukixYui (YuYu couple? 2Yu couple?)
Bromance/ as Sibling : Ryousuke-Haruichi (yes the canon) Miyuki-Kuramochi, Kuramochi-Eijun, Masuko-Kuramochi-Eijun, Tetsu-Miyuki, Kazuya-Mei, Satoru-Eijun, Eijun-Raichi-Haruichi (This come from my ABO headcannon scenario)
Okay : Mochi x Wakana
Not okay: Only MiyuSawa and FuruHaru that exist in my world, so they paired with anyone else....
And then somehow I still can’t accept Mei paired with someone other than Masa-san -don’t know why, maybe because episode 26 (or is it 27 I don’t really know for sure but I think you understand it)
OTP : It’s another big ship, HaruMako with Haru on top (somehow I’m trapped in the world where our precious manly but super cute sweet and totally will make a good mother Makoto cant top anyone a.k.a forever bottom)
Like it so much : SouRin, ReiGisa, MomoAi, Mikoshiba-buchou x Kou-chan
Okay : MomoKou, RinAi
Not Okay : No one can come between HaruMako (even thought I always think about the exact opposite)
Singeki no Kyojin
OTP : EruRi
Like it so much: Eren x Mikasa, Jean x Eren
Bromance / as Sibling : Erwin-Eren, Eren-Levi, Armin-Mikasa
Okay : Eren x Armin, Eren x Anna
Not Okay : Even thought our Commander is already resting in peace, no one can replace his place in Levi heart (at least in my world)
Yuuri on Ice
OTP : SeungChuchu (Seunggil x Phichit), Yeah I know they never meet or appear on the same screen, more over having any conversation (well yet, at least from now -I REALLY HOPE S2 WILL MAKE THEM INTERACT AT LEAST ONCE) but no one can rstop me to ship it! YEAH!
Like so much : Victuuri, OtaYuri, LeoJi, Chris x that mystery man
Not so into it but still like it: Nishigori x Yuuko, JJ x Isabella
Bromance/ as sibling : Victor-Yuri, Yuuri-Yuri, Leo-Guanghong, Yuuri-Phichit, Chris-Victor
Okay : Sometimes (to be exact it only happen twice after going this far with the fandom) I’m okay with JJYuri especially if the stories or the arts are so good, but other time...
Not Okay : no one can come in between my OTP, the married couple and the fairy that finally meet his knight (read: SeungChuchu, Victuuri and OtaYuri)
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strawbabybug · 8 years
001 yuri on ice 002 leoji 003 chris (i hope its okay i askedd a few (๑ˊ▵ॢˋ̥๑)
It’s more than okay nonnie :3c
Yuri!!! on Ice
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Oh jeez, like all of them… I literally love all of them. But… um…. lets say either Phichit or Minami or Leo
Least Favorite character: I literally do not have one. I love all of them.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Victuuri, Leoji, Seungchuchu, Milasara, Michemil/Emimike
Character I find most attractive: Otabek like hot damn
Character I would marry: Phichit hands down I will marry him right now
Character I would be best friends with: Minami or Phichit
a random thought: how is it even possible to love every single character in a show, even the smallest ones???
An unpopular opinion: JJ is good and deserves better treatment in the fandom because he’s not an asshole, he just tries really hard to make friends and messes up or says the wrong things
my canon OTP: Victuuri
Non-canon OTP: Leoji
most badass character: Yurio, he’s 15 years old and he worked so fucking hard and ended up winning gold because of his hard work and him pushing his limits.
pairing I am not a fan of: JJ and Yurio…. just… no… def not for me…
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Michele probably, I wish they had done less of suggesting incest with Sara cause it was weird. Like it was small enough that I can look past it, but still…
favourite friendship: Yuuri and Yurio
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: I want to adopt Minami and Yurio, they are my sons
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when of if I started shipping it: Leoji didn’t really start being popular until Guang Hong literally imagined himself taking a bullet for Leo, but the first time they were on the screen, my first thought was “omg small boyfriends” and it only kept growing
my thoughts: They are pure and they are best friends that realized that they loved each other and they just… they are the fluff pairing
What makes me happy about them: everything, they are adorable and they love each other 
What makes me sad about them: time zones and distance… they work through it, but I imagine that they miss each other a lot…
things done in fanfic that annoys me: nothing really, I haven’t found a leoji fic that I disliked
things I look for in fanfic: fluffffffff and reunions
My kinks: I don’t ship them sexually a lot, but I do like the idea of Guang Hong dressing up for Leo, in like the playboy bunny type outfits or short skirts and heels and stuff
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Phichit
My happily ever after for them: Guang Hong moves to America to live with Leo and they share an apartment and have a little chihuahua thats named something cute like Taco and they visit Leo’s family every weekend because Leo’s family absolutely LOVES Guang Hong. Leo’s mom basically already adopted him and loves cooking with him and trading recipes. Leo is a coach and teaches kids how to skate and he plays music in his spare time (maybe teaching kids how to play guitar too), while Guang Hong works at an animal shelter, taking care of them and helping them get adopted, and when he isn’t there, he’s vlogging. (A lot of his vlogs include Leo and Taco, because he loves chasing them with a camera.) He does a lot of cooking videos because he just likes to, and he’ll post videos of Leo singing and playing guitar, and tag/challenge videos. Especially when Phichit comes visiting… So many videos will be recorded then. They go to bed every night thankful that they can finally hold each other and be in the same time zone, and they are happy.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: oh where to even start… he has no chill and I love him and 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Mystery man (I heard Kubo calls him Masu…. something…. I can’t remember what it is and I can’t find the tweet right now :/ but yeah him)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Chris/Victor. they are like… brotp but they’ve also definitely fucked before. at least once.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t think that Chris is really sexy? like… I think he’s really pretty, but not necessarily sexy
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish it had GIVEN MYSTERY MAN A CANON NAME AND TOLD US IF HE IS CHRIS’ BF OR HUSBAND.
my het ship: ????? um… Chris and Minako maybe i guess?
my fem/slash ship: Chris/Mystery Man
my OTP: Chris/Mystery Man
my OT3: Chris/Victor/Yuuri
my cross over ship: huh… um… idek man
my kink: that god damn flower crown my god
a head cannon fact: After the banquet, Chris helped Victor get Yuuri back to his hotel room. Chris was drunk, but not nearly as bad as Yuuri. Victor had enough to be tipsy, and his inhibitions were out the window… Am I implying that they had a drunk threesome in Yuuri’s hotel room after the banquet, and that Victor woke up the next day and got Chris out of there before Yuuri woke up because “hold on I called dibs why are you here?” but then he also had to leave so Yuuri had no idea what had happened when he woke up? Yes, most definitely, I am.
my gender bend: Christophina/Chrissy, her hair is long and wavy/slightly curly and it’s blonde with the underside dyed brown. She got hella curves and she knows she’s hot af and she loves to show it off. I also feel like she would make lots of gay jokes and reminds everyone that she’s a huge lesbian, which makes her girlfriend sigh constantly. She’s fiercely loyal and will help anyone who needs it, she’s a huge feminist and she loves cats (especially hers)
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