huaxiangs · 6 years
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hi sorry for just disappearing from this blog!! if you’re still interested in interacting with guanghong, i have moved him over to my phichit blog which is now a multimuse blog!! i will no longer be using this blog but i probably wont delete it either since i have a lot of great threads and headcanons here i dont want to lose. hope to rp with you guys on the other blog!!!
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huaxiangs · 6 years
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     a nod   -    certainly   -    at his question,    before otabek moves to do just as he’s promised.   at least,   like this,   it’ll give him something to do.   otabek’s always been quiet and,   when needed,   obedient.   but that doesn’t mean he’ll settle by just sitting around.   there’s a reason he has a career in a competitive sport,   and his hobbies include riding on his bike through cities along with DJ’ing by night.   otabek literally cannot sit still.   ‘    i’ll inform the coach and call for an uber.   ’    he provides when he’s finished his task,   the packed bag being put near guanghong.       ‘   when i return,   i’ll help you.   please do not move until then.   will that be alright?    ’
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“thank you.” the words are quiet as otabek returns with his bag, and guanghong doesn’t move to do anything with it, sure that everything is in there. if he does end up leaving something here, then he’ll just come back for it another day, when he isn’t in both emotional and physical pain. at otabek’s question, guanghong gives a simple nod, still and obedient. guanghong can be quite the chatterbox, but right now, he’s too anxious, too pained to be able to say much. 
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huaxiangs · 6 years
Bi Leo and bi Guang-Hong? ☀️🌈 Just wanted so say we rll appropriate all your beautiful pride month drawings!
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huaxiangs · 6 years
“i had to be ur fake boyfriend/girlfriend bc some creep was hitting on you and it was making you uncomfortable and now i have busted knuckles and a cut lip but hey are u okay” au
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huaxiangs · 6 years
Perhaps not as soon as the stranger appeared out of the bush, but as soon as he spoke, Ricken relaxed. Sure, maybe he was a little too trusting – for all he knew the other could be some kind of highway bandit – but in spite of his appearance and his young age, Ricken (like he kept telling Prince Chrom) could hold his own against almost anyone, thank you very much. The only thing he’d really been worried about was if the other was a Risen, and – those didn’t talk, so it was safe, at least for the immediate future, until Ricken found out who the other actually was and what he wanted.
“Oh!” He relaxed his posture to indicate he meant no harm either, giving a small wave even though he was still holding onto his tome with his other hand. “Sorry if I startled you! I thought you were an undead. The halidom has been full of them lately.”
Though, come to think of it, even though he was giving the other the benefit of the doubt, he would have really liked to see his face.
the other’s posture and tone changed so quickly it was almost impressive-- and perhaps a little naive-- but it did help relax guanghong as well. he wasn’t about to let his guard down entirely, but guanghong deemed the boy safe for now as he wasn’t being openly threatening. it was almost refreshing, talking to someone who would offer a polite apology and a wave rather than pointing spears at him or grabbing at his dragonstone. 
“it’s alright.” he lowered his hands, lips forming a small smile that the boy probably couldn’t see. “can’t be too cautious when there are so many dangers running about.” he can’t blame the other for having his tome ready-- guanghong himself was still a little on edge. “i’ve been laying low in the forests to avoid trouble, but it seems like no place is safe now. i even ran into some of those monsters only a couple of days ago.”
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huaxiangs · 6 years
my slow ass finally managed to clear out all my drafts!!-- so if we got a thread going on that i havent replied to, please tell me bc i most likely havent seen your reply then ;; also, as always, feel free to hmu if you wanna rp! im always up for more threads u 3u
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huaxiangs · 6 years
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     ‘   i understand.     ’     otabek concedes,   hands clutched where his knees are:   the posture of a perfect submission.   he understands perfectly if guanghong may need a few moments to himself.   the kazakh feels guilty,   almost,   for intruding on a time the other skater clearly wants to reflect on the incident which transpired.   still,   the medical staff at-hand has advised for an immediate seek to a hospital or a clinic’s complete evaluation by the proper medical team.   otabek doesn’t think it’ll help   -   if guanghong stays too long with his injury untreated.    ‘    i can help you pack your gears and other essential needs in the meantime?     ’   that’s the best he can offer without sounding impatient or brash  …   right?
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the offer takes guanghong by surprise, wide teary eyes looking up at otabek. “could you?” his voice is small, matching his hunched posture.  “i would really appreciate that... thank you so much.” he knows he should get his ankle checked out as soon as possible, knows that he shouldn’t be so afraid when there’s still a chance that the injury isn’t too bad-- but when it comes to an ankle injury, it can possibly have a huge impact on how this season will play out for him. he wants to to be optimistic, but it’s difficult when it still hurts so much. “...i left my bag on one of the benches. it’s grey... with a little teddy bear hanging on it. and my pink water bottle is next to it.”
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huaxiangs · 6 years
i love love… and the color pink… and valentines day.. and strawberries and gold and glitter and chocolate and peaches and roses and perfume and
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huaxiangs · 6 years
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♡ heart shaped cup ♡
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huaxiangs · 6 years
“Pfft, Teaching someone how to swim is childs play, I’ve helped tons of kids learn how to swim!” He was just a helper by nature, he liked to help people, and whenever he noticed parents trying to help their kids to swim, he’d always offer at least a little assistance, sometimes kids responded better to someone closer to their age, or at least looked like they were closer in age. It always made him feel just a little bit special when they recognised him though, he’d been televised a few times in competitions so of course some people would recognise him but it always made him feel extra special when they did.
“Yes, good, confidence is KEY to success!!” he cheered, stopping at a depth where he could still comfortably touch the bottom, the water just about reaching his chest, waves making it a little hard to stand up straight but he’d be fine, and so would Guanghong with his floaties.
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“Okay, so do you know how to tread water?” first things first, treading water was important, it’d help him actually get to the floating position if he needed it, plus it’d always help him stay afloat with little to no physical exertion. “Just move your arms a little in slow back and forth motions, slow and steady, don’t worry about your legs for now just try treading water, like this!” he started doing it himself, lifting his legs from the sandy floor to slowly start treading water, staying upright as he did “you have an advantage with your floaties so we’ll use that to get you used to it”
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“but kids always learn much faster,” guanghong protests, the slightest whiny tone to his voice. it’s not that he doesn’t believe minami can teach him, and he is still confident, he just doesn’t think this will be easy. if swimming was easy then he would have already been able to do it!
at least guanghong kind of knows how to tread water, so he nods. the few times he’s gone to the beach, he’s always brought a some kind of pool float with him which he would hold onto while moving his legs around. he’s never tried doing it with just small arm floaties on him, but he figures it won’t be too difficult-- but if it is, then at least the ground is still very much reachable, and so is minami. (if minami has taught lots of children how to swim then he must be used to them grabbing onto him for support, and guanghong is not above doing the same if needed.)
with his arms moving back and forth, he copies minami, though guanghong looks far more concentrated. minami had said not to worry about his legs for now, but it’s difficult when that’s the part of him that needs to be lifted up. luckily, the floaties do most (all) of the work for him and he eventually gets used to treading water without too much trouble. 
“i don’t know if i can do this without the floaties,” he admits, “it feels like i’ll just sink if i don’t have anything helping me.”
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huaxiangs · 6 years
Send a word for a specific text from my muse to yours.
Send ‘drunk’ to receive a drunk text from my muse. Send ‘sad’ to receive a sad/down text from my muse. Send ‘mad’ to receive a mad/angry text from my muse. Send ‘happy’ to receive a happy/excited text from my muse. Send ‘tired’ to receive a slow/sleepy text from my muse. Send ‘busy’ to receive slow texts from my muse. Send ‘bored’ to receive a disinterested text from my muse.
BONUS: Send ‘reveal’ for a text where my muse reveals their true feelings for yours.
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huaxiangs · 6 years
with all the risen and bandits lurking around these days, it wasn’t surprising that guanghong was on edge. he may be a manakete, fully capable of defending himself when needed, but he didn’t want to exhaust his dragonstone through meaningless fighting. it also didn’t help that he had managed to injure his leg in one of these meaningless fights, forcing him to stay low and hide in the forest to avoid more trouble. 
the mage who had just called out to him didn’t seem like trouble, but the tome in his hands told guanghong he should at least be a little cautious. the boy looked young, but guanghong had to admire his braveness-- though had the boy encountered someone else, that exact braveness could have caused him a lot of trouble.
with the hood of his cape up and hiding his ears, guanghong emerged out of the bushes. “i don’t want any trouble.” his voice was quiet and steady, gloved hands raised in front of him, palms towards the boy. “i’m not going to do anything, i swear.” he kept most of his weight on his right foot, keeping the injured one mostly hidden. if this stranger really did end up being trouble, guanghong would rather not have him know about his current weakness. 
Darkness was beginning to fall — this was not good. Ricken wasn’t even sure where exactly he was; all he knew was that Chrom and the army were somewhere up ahead, but it didn’t seem like he would catch up before nightfall. Logically, he knew the possibility of running into Risen was not any greater at night, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t more on edge as daylight dimmed.
Something rustled the leaves of a bush ahead, and he immediately clutched onto his tome, alert and on edge. “Who’s there?! Show yourself!”
@huaxiangs // sc.
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huaxiangs · 6 years
i know everyone thinks phichit is really good with fashion and all despite having worn shit like this (space trashbag™) and a hamster sweater vest (and also this??? which i think is another sweater vest??) and yea i think he’s fashionable in his..own way....but i think we’ve all been sleeping on the real fashionista
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(theres more im sure but i cant find any good pics hh) phichit probably just goes with whatever he likes while guanghong is more of the....trendy fashionista type...anyways im just making this post bc of those overalls, im still not over them 
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huaxiangs · 6 years
so many things are happening these days o gosh sorry for the absence! im traveling to the philippines this saturday so ive been spending time with friends before i leave,, my activity might fluctuate while im there BUT if anyone needs me i got discord and a twitter where im constantly yelling 
ofc ive been yelling a lot about the incoming Huge yoi announcement but also!! this years grand prix assignments have been announced!! china wont be hosting any ISU events this year so cup of china has been replaced by helsinki which is just slightly too far away for me even tho finland is a neighboring country OTL but boi it looks like all the events will be v exciting!!
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huaxiangs · 6 years
@ the mutuals I don’t interact with a lot I love u and hope ur doing well
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huaxiangs · 6 years
@mckeitbeautiful   |   continued from here
guanghong really isn’t that drunk, he’s not. he may be a little drunker than expected just because he keeps forgetting how much of a lightweight he really is, but he’s just tipsy at worst. at best, he’s just in a relaxed mood, swaying in his seat-- not because of the alcohol, but because of the music of course. but yuri just had to come over and assume things, just because there were three empty champagne flutes next to guanghong.
his gaze lands on the water bottle, and guanghong finds himself surprised at the gesture. he’s tempted to protest once again, but he figures that he might as well accept the rare gesture of kindness-- and besides, if yuri had been able to see that guanghong was tipsy just from his demeanor, then maybe he was a little worse off than expected. he may be tipsy, but he’d rather not get drunk and cause some kind of scandal.
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“thank you,” guanghong says quietly before taking a couple of sips of the water. “can’t i just drink for the sake of drinking? or like... the flavor or whatever. champagne is... nice.” even guanghong can tell that he doesn’t sound particularly convincing, but really, he’s not about to spill all his problems to yuri just because he’s been drinking-- and he’s pretty sure yuri appreciates that.
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huaxiangs · 6 years
her hands squeeze his knees , watching every move of his . brows furrow into a concerned look ; she’s never seen anything like this from her best friend . her face is soft & gentle ( she’s aware not to be loud or demanding , knowing that from her own share of anxiety . )
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the singer brings her hand up to his cheek , her thumb wiping away any tears that depart from his tired eyes . ❛ i don’t wanna leave you … you can’t hide this from me forever , guanghong …. we’re friends , right ? we’re meant to be in this together . ❜ she listens to him though , smiling at him ever so gently , in an attempt to assuage his swirling thoughts . ❛ good , baobei . you’re doing amazing . 
❛ i’m really proud of you . i’m not leaving . you’re safe with me —— okay ? please . i want to be with you . ❜ it’s a stressful moment for them both ; she’s never seen him like this and she’s certain he didn’t want to break like this in front of her . in the meantime , she maintains a sweet-tempered disposition with him , not pushing him to agree , but yet , she knows he shouldn’t really be alone with his thoughts .
the seams are already ripped, that much is obvious, but levi’s soft, comforting words has guanghong falling apart completely. he wants nothing more than to just take a deep breath and calm down so this can all be over in a single second, but it’s not possible, not right now, not when levi is right in front of him and telling him she’s proud of him. proud of him? of this mess? of his obnoxious tears and red face, of his shaky hands and inability to form full sentences? 
he’s a professional athlete, he’s been in the public eye for years-- but now he’s here, crumbling under the pressure, crying and panicking like a lost child. it’s nothing to be proud of, and yet levi sounds so genuine, so patient and kind, her voice calming. they’re in this together she says, and guanghong’s teary gaze finally looks into levi’s eyes. 
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“...thank you,” he says, voice only barely louder than a whisper. he takes a deep breath, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat. he’s trying to get a grip, trying to breathe and calm down, he’s trying so hard. “i’m-- really sorry. this wasn’t... i didn’t want to... be like-- like this. in front of you. but it just-- it happens sometimes. i’m-- i’m just like this.”
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