#teacher au
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arctvros · 1 year ago
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geto as a teacher at jujutsu high
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owwllly · 1 year ago
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they are flirting
(comm info/ kofi support)
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fishfetti · 7 months ago
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i like to think that satoru will just run and jump at suguru so he's forced to catch him
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vannilamango · 3 days ago
I adore this so much, I need more, maybe the other autobots being subs in different subjects
I had to ask this bc your teacher Optimus AU has me by the throat.
How would Optimus handle students or faculty who are just plain assholes to the people around them? I can’t help but think that it would be less of a righteous fury (oh he’d definitely be angry, but not just angry) and more of a mournful pity. You are so young, so small and so few in your years, he might think. Why would you give them all to misery? Why do you choose to see only the darkness in peoples hearts when there is so much beauty left in your world?
I'm so glad you like this AU! It similarly has me in a chokehold demanding I write more XD Also love this whole thought of Optimus being so old that he can't even really be mad and just disappointed.
Previous part here.
Children, All of Them
As a general rule Optimus greatly enjoyed his job as a teacher. It was a welcome relief from the weight of war and the burden of his position as Prime. It brought back old memories of better times when he was just the Head Archivist working cycle in and cycle out to teach and to catalogue. Being able to share the joys of his passion and the history of his people was something he found no end of happiness participating in. It certainly helped that many of his students and co-workers were wonderful people either just trying to get by or working hard because of their love for learning or teaching.
However not every student and faculty member Optimus worked with was a ray of sunshine.
He was well aware of the fact that he would likely have less than pleasant individuals around him at times. As such he had long prepared himself to handle aggression in the way that such feelings normally presented themselves on Cybertron. He was fully prepared to endure unsettling EM fields, threatening messages, non-verbal insults, quiet battles of wit, subtle touches that were intended to be painful, and much much more. On Cybertron aggression among the more civil members of society was always a near silent affair and never made explicitly public. It was always a dangerous game played between the involved parties and no others, at least if one knew the rules of high society.
Optimus was ready, that is until he came to the rather saddening realization that these humans, these infants in his mind were far less reasonable in expressing their distaste.
Every student and co-worker of his had bad days, it was to be expected and he always did what he could to help them. If a fellow teacher was stressed with work, he would take some of it from them and help them get things in order. If cleaning staff were stuck with too much to do and feeling disheartened, Optimus would remain behind long after hours to assist and bring out some snacks for them to thank them for their efforts. Almost the entirety of his paycheck went straight back into gifts for his fellow teachers and his students. He just wanted them all to be as happy as possible as they worked. Teaching and study should be fun, not a struggle just to endure.
His efforts usually solved the problem fairly quickly, however there were a few individuals who just refused to be reasonable.
The vice principle was a piece of work and reminded Optimus far more of a youngling just getting a taste of power for the first time. The man was strict, demanding, and made it his life's mission to try and find a way to force Optimus to teach traditionally even if it was less effective. For whatever reason he despised the way Optimus taught and the level of sympathy he showed to his student. Optimus of course held a degree of understanding, but was also left confused as to why. What was so wrong about children enjoying his teaching that it would cause the vice principle to dislike him so much?
His efforts to reach out to the vice principle and try to smooth out any misunderstandings only ended with threats of being fired. Optimus was not unaccustomed to people abusing their power, and so he let the situation be and instead focused on his students. However as the vice principle kept on digging further and further, trying hard to find a reason to get Optimus fired, the time for remaining inactive ended.
Thus one day he stepped out with the vice principle and went with the man to his office to talk. The vice principle was so very smug when he sat down thinking that Optimus intended to concede and give up his way of teaching. However instead Optimus pulled out an old datapad he had resized and styled and pulled up images of earth in all its beauty. Many of the pictures were of children laughing and playing, learning, growing, and overall enjoying life. The vice principle didn't understand and was prepared to lash out when Optimus allowed a hint of his nature to shine through his holoform. EM fields could not be sensed by humans the same way they were by Cybertronians, but the waves carried emotion and tone well enough to be vaguely felt.
Optimus: Why do you struggle so bitterly against my teaching methods?
Vice Principle: Its against protocol and makes the students more unruly! They need discipline and control, not fun and games!
Optimus: Children are just that, children. They are unburdened by the woes that come from age. They are pure and see the world in such an innocent way. They will lose that gift as they age, yet you wish to strip it from them sooner?
Vice Principle: What are you on about?
Optimus: Children are a gift, a glorious one that must be protected and tended to with utmost care. While yes, children do need a firm guiding hand to ease them along the path of life, they deserve the chance to enjoy their freedom while they have it.
Vice Principle: This is school! Not a playground! It is not a place to goof around, it is a place of learning!
Optimus: Yes, it is a place of learning, thus it should be adjusted to suit the children should it not? It is the greatest honor and burden one can bear to have the chance to mold the minds of the youth. They are our future, and having them live without joy will only induce a cycle of depression that will continue onward with them.
Vice Principle: I'm your superior! Just do your job and stop making a mess of things!
Optimus: Why is it that you dislike seeing the children joyful? Are you fearful that you will no longer be respected if they are not treated like young soldiers? Respect is something that is earned and gained through trial and action, not mere titles.
Vice Principle: This is slander!
Optimus: Is it? Your lives are so very short. Your world is beautiful and unmarred by the ravages of a war greater than you could ever understand. Appreciate the little joys in this life young one. It will not last, and neither will you.
Vice Principle: GET OUT!
Optimus got nowhere with the vice principle and he couldn't even bring himself to be truly angry at the man. He was youthful, drunk on power, and desperate to have as much control as possible. He was a product of the broken system of education he tried so hard to enforce. He was just like the delusional mecha that lorded over Cybertron, thinking themselves greater than all others purely because of their titles.
It was disappointing, but there was little Optimus could do if even his presence as a Prime did nothing to sway the man. More than anything else, he felt pity for the man. He was just a sad human who had not the years to know his actions nor the wisdom to be able to observe and see as Optimus did. A broken child lost in a broken system that he had never escaped from.
How very disheartening.
Of course the issues were not just with the vice principle. There was one other human who simply could not be consoled or convinced to behave, that being the boy who called himself Vince. He was a cocky, overclocked, and overconfident young man who had no issues flaunting his possessions and skillset even when it was the wrong time. He was exactly like the nobles back on Cybertron, and that brought a sickening sense to Optimus's mind at the thought of the boy turning out just like the cruel nobles that doomed his homeworld. He did not want to watch this infant race doom themselves through the same methods his people had.
They were still so young, so innocent, and lived lives far too short to be wasted on such foolish things. It hurt his spark and made him angry in a more disappointed way than anything else when he watched Vince harass his classmates and flaunt despite performing poorly outside of his motor skills. He was not fond of the child's seeming obsession with going after Jack who was one of most successful students. There was no reason for the behavior other than the fact that Jack showed an interest in getting a vehicle while Vince already had one. There also appeared to be an underlying conflict over courtship for a young female, but to Optimus it was ridiculous. The children were far too young for that. The behavior needed to be cut at the bud before it could grow into something like the vice principle.
Thus he took the boy aside after school one day and sat him down. Vince of course offered no respect whatsoever and only served to make Optimus sigh. So young, so foolish, and so very arrogant. The boy needed a wakeup call before things got worse for him later down the road.
Optimus: Vince, do you know why I pulled you aside?
Vince: No, but its probably for something stupid.
Optimus: You've been treating everyone around you poorly. Don't think I haven't noticed.
Vince: So what? They're all losers anyway!
Optimus: That is not a good way to view your peers child. They are all gifted in their own ways, just as you are.
Vince: Of course I'm gifted! I'm one of the best racers in Jasper! Those nobodies can't stand a chance against me!
Optimus: You put so much pride into you ability to race. Why is that? Do you fear being unable to succeed elsewhere? Or is it perhaps a false sense of entitlement?
Vince: What do you know old timer? You look like you walked off a movie set from world war 2! I bet you can't even drive more than twenty miles per hour without putting your hazard lights on!
Optimus: You are so very arrogant. Do you not realize just how harmful this mindset is?
Vince: Whatever old man!
Optimus: ...
Optimus: If that is how you wish to behave, then I will not stand for it. If you want respect, you must earn it. Get your car, I will prove to you that your pride is misplaced.
Vince: What? Are you serious?
Optimus: I am completely serious. Meet me out at the tracks and I will make my point.
Vince was shocked, but Optimus paid it no mind. Vince was a child that would only learn through force, and Optimus was not afraid to use it. Thus he absorbed his holoform and moved his real frame out. The team were bewildered to the point of Bumblebee tagging along just to see what was going on and report back. Not a spark expected half the school to be out at the tracks with Vince waiting with his sports car.
Optimus had his holoform step out and Vince gave him a look that screamed of confidence. He was so very sure he could beat Optimus with his vehicle, but Optimus merely shook his held and got into his vehicle as a student readied an airhorn to signal the start of the race. Bumblebee watched from his own holoform in confusion but also a bit of awe as Optimus obliterated Vince without even trying. The boy was left defeated and bitter to the point of marching off before Optimus could get a word in.
The legend of Mr. Pax grew and he was given a fine for misconduct, but beyond that Vince continued to be rude to all his classmates. However surprisingly he left Optimus alone and stopped what he was doing whenever Optimus came near. It wasn't much, and honestly it didn't fix much, but it was improvement to a degree.
The humans were so young, yet so bitter. They were so hopeful, yet so prideful. They were the embodiment of younglings just getting their pedes under themselves.
Children, all of them.
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caffeinatedvigilantewriter · 8 months ago
So Dani ends up going to university after completing her GED and getting a degree and becoming a historian at 24.
She later applies to Gotham University as a History teacher.
Damian, also 24, ends up getting a veterinary degree and also starts teaching at GU. Mostly so he can monitor any students that was to get a PhD or seems supervillain like.
Damian is very curious about the new History teacher that has been everywhere in the world, can speak a dozen of languages, and is incredibly beautiful intelligent.
Sometime later, the JLA gets into a tough spot regarding ghosts and the paranormal, and Constantine calls up an expert to help them out.
It’s Dani.
She makes a summon circle and starts chanting. She gets rid of the threat, but starts melting.
Dani vanishes into thin air, and Damian is prepared to not see her at work tomorrow, but to his surprise, Dani shows up completely healthy (if not a little tired)
Damian and the Bats are now very concerned
Eventual serious chaos.
Any media is welcome as long as you tag and comment :))
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gloomwitchwrites · 2 months ago
Thinking about…Teacher!141
Teacher!Price is a secondary school history teacher and wrestling coach. He specifically focuses on teaching world history, but once a term teaches a class on government. The school he works for doesn’t have a wrestling team, but a joint agreement with a local youth wrestling club, allowing students to join. Coach Price keeps tracks of the kids, taking them to competitions and practices. He walks his own children to school every morning, dropping them off at the primary school across the street, and picking them up after when he can. His wife packs his lunch each day and leaves a tiny love note inside for him to find. His life is quiet, calm, and perfect.
Teacher!Gaz is a primary school art teacher. He lives for the mess and chaos. Some days he’s cleaning paint off tiny hands, and other days he’s making sure no one shoves clay into their mouths during the pottery unit. If there isn’t occasional glitter in Kyle’s hair, he might find the odd chalky handprint on his pants or a smear of color he didn’t notice during the day. After school, he coaches youth football, working with children in the same age group to not only hone their athletic skills but help build their confidence.
Teacher!Soap is a secondary school English teacher in the Scottish Highlands. His best friends (the rest of 141) endlessly tease him over it since he “can’t really speak the bloody language.” But they often forget that in moments of quiet on missions while serving in the military, Soap would calm his mind with a book. Now, he teaches the youth, talking about metaphor and thematic elements, engaging in conversations on symbolism. When he’s not teaching, he’s at the pub enjoying a strong drink and a rugby match on the television or helping out on the family farm.
Teacher!Ghost is a former middle school SPED teacher turned vice principal working in the States. He’s the sweet, female principal’s scary dog privilege. Have an angry parent? Send in Mr. Riley. They’ll have to break their necks looking up just to yell at him. He doesn’t take shit from anyone, but he’s always fair. When he’s not answering emails or setting behavior resolutions for unruly children, he’s the acting activities and events coordinator, making sure the coaching positions are filled and that the drama department has enough money for the play. He might have a tough exterior, but he has a terrible crush on the librarian (and all the kids ship it.)
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bamsara · 2 years ago
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WHOOPS forgot to share this Teacher! Eclipse doodle I made in Magma
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fox-guardian · 5 months ago
If you're still taking drawing requests... I miss your Teacher!Jon au 👀
Also I love all your art! You're design for Sam was the first one I saw and he lives in my head forever now
*jon voice* is this how i finally break my connection to the beholding
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[ID: A digital drawing of Jonathan Sims from The Magnus Archives as a teacher with a paper airplane stabbing him in the eye. He is very startled. A student offscreen yells "Oh fuck, sorry Mr. Sims!!" end ID]
(also thankies uwu)
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vampyriclykoi · 4 months ago
more ghosts art YIPPEE
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(context for the following doodle ^^^^)
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i hate julian’s stupid face man
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holylulusworld · 5 months ago
My lawn, my rules - Kinktober 15
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Summary: Things get out of hand…
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, dirty talk, hate sex, vaginal sex, 69 & doggy style, knotting, biting, claiming (non-consensual in a way), I’ll label this one dub-con (just to be safe), enemies to lovers, fluff
Trope: Mating
Catch up here: Get off my lawn
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2024
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“Oh, you will wash these with your dirty mouth…”
Bucky snarled when you tried to push your panties into his mouth. He grabbed your wrist, holding it in a tight grip before pushing you further inside his home. The alpha guided you toward his bedroom, an unreadable expression on his face.
“Get the fuck off me, Barnes. I’m warning you!” You snarled at him.
He only laughed and pushed you onto the bed. You bounced off the mattress, much to Bucky’s amusement.
“You’re going to be a good and obedient omega for me now.” Bucky pinned you down to the bed, holding you still. “You could be such a good mate.”
Bucky kissed your neck, teeth sinking into your skin, but you jerked away from him, trying to get his teeth out of your skin. “Stop fighting your alpha,” he said.
“Fuck you, misogynous asshole!” You screamed, pushing against his shoulders. “You’re not going to touch me, bastard.”
He grinned, holding you down tighter. “Not until you stop fighting your instinct, Omega. You’re meant to be mine and take my knot. I’ll not let you out of this bed before I bred this cunt.”
Bucky moved one hand to your chest, ripping the buttons on your sundress open to reveal your breasts to him. He immediately leaned over your body to greedily suck one of your nipples into his mouth.
You whined while hating yourself for feeling a pull toward the alpha you hate. He was having a blast biting your breasts, marking you up as you still fought your instinct.
“Fuck, I can smell your pussy,” he growled against your plush flesh, biting you again. You tried to push his head away and stop him from marking you even more. “I need to be inside of you.”
Your eyes widened at his words. No. You couldn’t let him mate you. That was the last thing you wanted when you came over to his place.
“No,” you snapped at him, wiggling harder to shake him off you. “Get off, you sick fuck.”
“I know you want me,” he purred against your flesh, soothing the bite marks with his tongue and lips. Bucky looked up at you from between your breasts, still that cocky grin on his lips. “I know you want me to fuck you too.”
“In your dreams.” You gasped when he wiggled out of his shorts, freeing his pre-cum leaking cock. “Creep…panties thief. Misogynist…” You choked out a moan when he settled between your legs and rubbed the tip of his cock against your clit. “I’m warning you.”
Bucky smirked. He leaned over you, ignoring that you threw insults at him. The alpha silenced your potty mouth with his lips, earning a split lip because you bit him.
“Fucking brat,” he said, and slammed home with one hard thrust, making you keen. “Take it like a good omega should.”
“Fuck you! I hate you!”
“Of course you do,” he grinned. “You hate my big cock in your underfucked cunt.” His thrusts started slow, cock sliding in and out of your slick pussy. How you hated to hear the wet sound of your cunt sucking him in. “Look how well you can behave when full of cock.”
Your hands flew to his hair, tugging hard, making him growl. Bucky wasn’t used to a disobedient omega or to fuck the enemy. It only made him harder, though.
He grabbed your ass, moving your body up and down as he slammed into you again and again.
“Bastard,” you slapped his face and pushed against his shoulders. This wasn’t about mating; it was a fight for dominance.
“I'm gonna make you cum so hard you’ll lose your mind,” Bucky snarled. You wiggled beneath him, but the bastard was too strong to fight him off. “You’re going to beg for it,” he said, thrusting his thick cock inside your cunt.
“Shut up, asshole,” you snapped at him. “I’ll never beg you for shit!”
“I'm going to fuck you better than you've ever been fucked in your life, Omega,” Bucky said, his hands squeezing your ass.
“As if you could fuck me better than all the others before you,” you tease, earning a deep guttural growl from the alpha.
“We will see,” he snarled and pulled out to flip you over. You screamed and tried to scramble away. If you let him mate you like this, you’d end up with a claiming mark. “Hold still.”
Bucky slapped your ass, hard enough to make you yelp. “Or, do you like it rough?” he asked you, his hand coming down again. You hissed through your teeth, not giving him the satisfaction of hearing you whimper. “I knew you’re a kinky slut,” he told you while sliding his throbbing length back inside your heat.
You bit your tongue, forcing yourself to not moan, feeling his weight on top of you. Bucky pressed you into the mattress, growling like a feral animal as his thrusts sped up, your wetness squelching around his thick cock.
“Say you want me,” he hissed in your ear. “Tell me I’m the only alpha you want inside your sweet pussy.”
“No—” You shook your head, still in denial.
He stopped fucking you, cock buried inside you, and looked down at you. “You want me to make you mine, don't you?” he taunted. “I don’t care. You’re mine.”
“You're not done yet,” you said and tried to buck him off. He smirked at your words and started to thrust faster, his cock hitting the sweet spot deep inside you.
You were so close. So painfully close to your orgasm that you allowed yourself to meet his thrusts. Fuck, it was too late to stop now. Your body shook, feeling the spark ignite a raging fire, feasting on your dignity.
He groaned into your neck when his thrusts became more erratic. His warmth filled you, and you could feel it leak out of your spent cunt.
“Such a sweet omega now,” he laughed in your neck. “You took every droplet, my sweet mate. I only need to seal the deal.” You screamed in surprise, pain, and agony when his teeth suddenly sank into your mating gland. You couldn’t do anything but let his knot lock you together and Bucky sink his teeth deeper into your flesh to leave a permanent mark. “Mine,” he growled. “Only mine.”
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“I hate you so much,” you snarled while wiggling in his embrace. “You ruined my life. What did you think? How can you claim me?”
Bucky smirked against your neck. He excessively licked the mark he left to help it heal. It looked perfect to him. This would keep any concurrent away from his omega. The mark and the fact you’d smell like him all the time from now on.
“I claimed my omega,” the alpha simply said and went back to nuzzling your neck and licking his mark.
“I hate you.”
“I love you too, doll,” Bucky whispered. “I love even more how you feel around me and in my arms. I had a raging hard-on every day thinking about having you on your knees for me.”
“It’s not my fault that your alpha hindbrain doesn’t allow you to act like a decent person,” you huffed and tried to ignore that your bodies were still connected. Not only by his arms wrapped around you, but by his knot trapped inside your body. “Now, let me at least sleep.”
"Y/N, don’t be like this.” Bucky’s voice softened, and he nuzzled you again. “We are mates now. I’m not the bad guy you painted in your mind. All I wanted was to get your attention—usually omegas like a strong and cocky alpha. You did not. Most of the time you ignored me, so I had to rile you up to get you to talk to me.”
You huffed at his lame excuses. “Seriously, Barnes? What is wrong with your birdbrain? Why did you never try to court me instead of being the worst?”
“I wasn’t the worst,” he replied. “I offered you to wash my clothes. That’s proper courting an omega.”
Rolling your eyes, you said, “That’s the worst way to court for an omega I ever heard of, Barnes. What did you think? That I’d grab your dirty underwear and wash it for you while sucking your dick?”
“Oh, you'd do such a thing?” He sounded serious, and that made you snort. “Just asking for a friend.”
“Just shut up for a moment,” you said and elbowed him in the stomach. “We have a mess to take care of, Bucky. You claimed me in the heat of the moment.”
This time, he snorts. “I didn’t claim you in a hurry.” He brushed his lips over your cheek. “I lured my omega in and made her mine. It was a well-laid plan. Now that I got you in my clutches, I’ll never let you go.”
“Maybe it was my well-laid plan to get you in my clutches,” you cooed. “We will see who’s in charge after tonight, Alpha.”
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theonottsbxtch · 5 months ago
an: what's this? a student x teacher fic LOLOLOLOLOLOL if my dad had loved me i wouldn't be writing shit this unhinged i promise x
wc: 4.3k
warnings: mentions of infidelity
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The first time she'd caught him staring, she thought it was an accident. The second, merely a coincidence. The third, however, she knew it was on purpose.
It wasn’t something she wanted to think about. Not really. In a class of nearly a hundred students, it seemed absurd to imagine that his attention could be directed at her—out of everyone. But there was something different about the way his gaze lingered. The first time, she’d been bent over her notebook, pen poised between her fingers, when a prickling sensation crept up the back of her neck. Her body had responded before her mind could. She glanced up and caught his eyes on her—just for a second—before he turned away, resuming his lecture as if nothing had happened.
She told herself it was nothing. Professors scanned the room all the time; it wasn’t unusual. But the memory stuck with her, burrowing into the quiet moments of her day, resurfacing when she didn’t expect it to.
The second time, it was subtler, but undeniable. She was seated toward the middle, further from the front than usual. Maybe she'd subconsciously chosen that spot to test it. To see if it would happen again. As he paced through the lecture, hands animated in the air as he spoke about the History of French Art, his eyes swept over the students, pausing just long enough on her to make her heart lurch. This time, she held his gaze for a beat longer than she should have, curiosity flaring to life. But just as quickly, he looked away.
Coincidence, she’d thought. It had to be.
By the third time, it wasn't a coincidence anymore.
It was late October, the air turning crisp as the days shortened. Leaves fell in lazy spirals outside the tall windows of the lecture hall, a cold wind knocking against the glass in soft, hollow gusts. She had arrived early, settling into her usual seat—closer now, near the front, where she could no longer pretend she was avoiding it. He arrived minutes later, his leather satchel worn but polished, the faint scent of coffee trailing him as he passed. He was always well-dressed, the kind of polished professional that seemed to belong to a different era—dark, tailored suits, pressed shirts, cufflinks that gleamed subtly under the classroom lights.
She had begun to notice the details: the curls in his dark hair, the way he absently adjusted his watch while answering questions, the deliberate, measured way he spoke, each word chosen with care.
But today, she felt him notice her. Before the lecture even started, his gaze found her. It was a quick thing, just a flicker in her direction as he arranged his notes at the podium. Her heart tripped in her chest, but she kept her face impassive, pretending to reread the passage in front of her, though she couldn’t concentrate on the words. When he began to speak, the room seemed to shrink around them. The voices of other students faded into the background. She found herself hyper-aware of the space between them—the few feet that suddenly felt like miles.
His lecture today was slower, quieter. He paced less, choosing instead to remain near the podium, his voice steady but subdued. She could feel his presence even when she wasn’t looking at him. When she dared a glance up from her notes, his eyes found hers again, not lingering too long but long enough to send a pulse of heat through her skin.
She tried to focus on what he was saying—something about Paul Cezanne and the nature of his art—but the words slipped past her. Instead, her attention drifted to the curve of his jaw as he spoke, the way his lips barely parted between words. She wondered what he saw when he looked at her. Did he know how often she thought of him lately? How she’d started to dread the days without his lectures, without that strange, invisible thread of tension pulling tighter each time their eyes met?
As the class drew to a close, she felt a strange mix of relief and disappointment. Everyone else began packing their things, zipping bags and rustling papers, but she lingered. Just a little. Her fingers slowly gathered her notebook and pens, her movements unhurried, as if she had nowhere else to be. She watched from the corner of her eye as the last few students filtered out, leaving only the two of them in the now-silent room.
She stood, slipping her bag over her shoulder, ready to leave, when his voice stopped her.
Her name sounded different on his lips. Softer. She hesitated, her heart picking up speed, and turned slowly to face him. He wasn’t looking at her, not yet. His hand was poised above the chalkboard, chalk still in his grip, but he seemed distracted. He wiped at something absentmindedly, as though the motion was only a pretext to gather his thoughts.
“Yes?” she asked, keeping her voice steady, though her heart was anything but.
He turned to her then, his expression unreadable, the lines of his face shadowed by the dimming afternoon light filtering through the windows. His eyes, though, were sharp, studying her with a quiet intensity that made her chest tighten.
“You did well today,” he said, his voice low but clear, as if they were the only two people in the world just then. “Your insights during the discussion—they were... thoughtful.”
“Thank you,” she managed, though the words felt distant, automatic. There was a strange heaviness to the air, as though it was thicker, pressing in around them. The space between them felt far too small, too charged with things unspoken.
She swallowed, her throat suddenly dry. “Is there something else?” she asked, the words slipping out before she could stop them.
For a moment, he didn’t respond. He held her gaze, and in that silence, something shifted. His lips parted, just slightly, as if he might say more—but he stopped. She thought she saw the faintest flicker of a smile tug at the corner of his mouth, but it vanished almost immediately.
“No,” he said, his voice even again, controlled. “That’s all.”
She nodded, a quiet acknowledgment, though the air still buzzed with what had not been said. And as she turned to leave, she could feel the weight of his eyes on her once more, lingering just a moment longer than necessary.
The library was unusually quiet for a weekday afternoon. The familiar scent of old books and polished wood mingled with the faint hum of the heating system as they walked through the aisles, the muffled sound of footsteps against carpet the only break in the silence. She and Logan had come here to study—a common enough ritual for them when end of semester exams loomed, the weight of expectations pressing down like a lead blanket.
He slid into the chair across from her, his laptop open before she even had the chance to settle her bag down. Logan was efficient like that, practical. His blond hair was tousled from the brisk wind outside, and he gave her an easy, absent smile as he booted up his computer, already lost in his task list for the day.
"Ready to drown yourself in more French Literature?" he asked, his voice warm but distracted.
She nodded, though her mind was elsewhere. The conversation with Professor Leclerc still echoed in her head, like the ticking of a clock she couldn't silence. Her fingers itched with the memory of his eyes on her, that unreadable expression, the way he'd spoken her name as if it carried weight, like he knew something she didn’t.
She forced herself to focus, pulling out her notebook and the folder with her most recent assignment—an analysis of La Liberté guidant le peuple painting by Eugène Delacroix. She'd thought she’d done well, putting in extra hours at the library and wrestling with the dense material until it finally clicked. But when she unfolded the paper and saw the red scrawl at the top, her stomach sank.
Her breath caught, heart thudding uncomfortably in her chest as she stared at the number. Not even a C, but a D. How? She skimmed through the feedback—detached but firm in Professor Leclerc’s familiar handwriting. Unclear analysis. Lacking depth. The words felt like they were meant to hurt, stinging more than they should have.
Logan looked up from his screen, noticing the shift in her expression.
"Everything okay?" he asked, leaning forward slightly, his brows furrowing in concern.
She hesitated for a moment, then turned the paper around to show him. He glanced at the grade, his lips pressing into a thin line.
"Ouch," he said, though his tone was still light, casual. "That’s rough. I know you spent ages on that."
"Yeah..." she muttered, unable to stop the flicker of frustration and disappointment from colouring her voice. She clenched her fists, crumpling the edge of the paper slightly as the words replayed in her mind. Lacking depth. The phrase stung more than the grade itself. What had she missed? And why did the criticism feel so much more personal than it should?
"You should talk to him," Logan said, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. "Go to his office hours. You might be able to make a case, ask for extra credit or something."
She stiffened at the suggestion, the knot in her chest tightening. "I don’t know. He’s... strict about grades. I doubt it’ll change anything."
Logan shrugged, looking back at his screen. "You never know. Worst case, you get some feedback on where you went wrong. Best case, you convince him to give you another shot."
Her pulse quickened. Convince him. The idea of sitting in that small office with Professor Leclerc, discussing her work, his gaze on her again—it was unsettling, but not in the worst of ways. The very thought made her stomach twist in a way she couldn’t quite define, a mixture of anxiety and something else. Something that felt wrong but pulled at her nonetheless.
Logan looked up again, catching her hesitation. "Seriously, it’s no big deal. You’re one of his best students—he’ll probably just tell you what you need to fix. Maybe offer extra sessions or something."
His words felt innocent enough, completely unaware of what the suggestion stirred in her. Extra sessions. The thought sent an unexpected jolt through her. Her mind flashed briefly to the quiet, almost charged moments in class, the way Professor Leclerc’s voice dropped when he spoke directly to her, the way he lingered a little too long when he passed her desk.
She forced herself to shake it off. This was ridiculous. There was nothing going on—nothing she could even explain. She had a boyfriend who cared about her, who wanted her to do well, and all she could think about was how it felt to stand in that empty classroom, her professor’s eyes on her like she was the only one who existed.
"Yeah... maybe," she said, trying to sound casual, but her voice came out tight. She stared at the grade again, her mind a swirl of confusion, frustration, and something she didn’t want to name. "I’ll think about it."
Logan smiled at her encouragingly, leaning forward to squeeze her hand briefly. "Don’t stress. You’ve got this."
She returned the smile, but it felt thin, forced. As he went back to typing away at his notes, she couldn’t help but glance again at the feedback on the page. The red ink stared back at her, cold and unforgiving. But even more than that, the thought of confronting Professor Leclerc, sitting in his office alone, weighed on her in a way that made her throat tighten.
Could she really face him after everything? Would he look at her the same way he did in class? Would he push her in the same subtle way he had before, or would it be worse, with the closed door and the quiet of his office wrapping around them?
She knew she should go, knew Logan was right—it was just about the grade. It was practical. But the thought of those “extra sessions,” of being alone with him again, felt anything but simple.
And yet, despite the unease, she couldn’t deny the small, traitorous part of her that wondered what it might be like.
"Actually," she said, her voice quieter than she intended, "I think I’ll go to his office now."
Logan looked up from his screen, eyebrows raised in surprise. "Right now?"
She nodded, folding the paper neatly and tucking it into her notebook. "Yeah... I don’t want to let it hang over me all day. It’s better if I just get it over with, right?"
He smiled, a warm, easy grin that was comforting in its familiarity. "Good call. I’m sure he’ll understand. Just be confident—you’ve got this."
She smiled back, a little tighter than before, but she hoped he didn’t notice. The knot in her chest was tightening again, a strange mix of nerves and anticipation that made her feel a little lightheaded.
Logan closed his laptop, stood, and walked around the table toward her. He leaned down to kiss her, his lips brushing hers in a soft, reassuring goodbye. "Text me when you’re done?"
"Yeah, I will," she murmured, her heart not quite in the kiss. She tried to focus on the comfort of his presence, the safety of their easy rhythm, but her mind had already drifted, tugged in another direction by thoughts she couldn’t fully control.
Logan gave her a last, encouraging smile before turning back to his seat. "Good luck."
As she walked away, her fingers clenched the strap of her bag a little tighter, the soft echo of their parting kiss lingering, but quickly fading. Each step toward Professor Leclerc’s office felt heavier, the atmosphere around her shifting as she crossed the campus toward the quiet wing of the humanities building.
It wasn’t far—just a few minutes’ walk through the maze of lecture halls and corridors she’d grown familiar with over the last few semesters. But today, it felt different. The air was cooler, the fading autumn sunlight casting long, golden shadows across the stone walls. Her breath felt shallow, quickening with each step. By the time she reached the languages faculty office wing, the silence was almost oppressive, the only sound the faint click of her shoes against the floor.
When she turned the final corner, his office door was in view—closed but with the light seeping out from beneath it. She hesitated just a few paces from the door, her heart thrumming in her chest. She knew she had to knock, but something made her pause.
And then, her eyes drifted to the window beside his office door.
The blinds were drawn half-closed, leaving just enough of an opening to glimpse inside. At first, it was only the dim light that caught her attention, the low glow of a desk lamp casting a golden hue over the room. But then she saw him.
Professor Leclerc was standing behind his desk, his blazer tossed over the back of his chair, the crisp white sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows. His glasses, which she’d rarely seen him wear in class, perched on the bridge of his nose as he focused intently on something in front of him—papers, perhaps, or a book. The soft, thoughtful frown on his lips was different from the commanding presence he carried during lectures. It was quieter. Intimate, almost.
Her breath hitched as she watched him, her body reacting instinctively, against her will. The way his shoulders tensed slightly when he concentrated, the curve of his jaw in the low light, the way his forearms flexed as he absently adjusted his glasses—it all felt impossibly distracting. The mundane act of him rolling up his sleeves, of removing the formal layers she was used to seeing him in, suddenly felt... intimate. Personal.
Her heart sped up, pounding hard against her ribcage, and heat flushed through her chest. She knew she shouldn’t be standing there, peering in like this, but she couldn’t tear herself away. The way he looked—casual yet somehow more powerful without the blazer, the sharp lines of his face softened by the glasses—was doing something to her she hadn’t anticipated.
Her mind flickered back to the kiss Logan had given her just minutes ago, but it felt distant now, like a faint memory that didn’t belong to this moment. All she could think about was the quiet allure of Professor Leclerc, the slow burn of attraction that had been building for weeks now, whether she wanted it or not.
She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. This was ridiculous. She couldn’t go into his office feeling like this, her thoughts racing in directions they shouldn’t. She had a boyfriend. She was here to talk about her grade, to be professional, to fix a problem. Nothing more.
But as she stared through the narrow gap in the blinds, watching him shift slightly, leaning back to stretch his arms above his head, she felt that sense of professionalism slipping away. The tension in her stomach coiled tighter, her fingers trembling slightly as she reached out to knock on the door.
Before her knuckles even made contact, his voice called out from the other side.
"Come in."
Her breath caught in her throat. He hadn’t even looked up, hadn’t seen her standing there, but the sound of his voice—low, calm, commanding—felt like it wrapped around her, pulling her in. She hesitated for a second longer, her pulse thrumming in her ears, before finally pushing the door open.
The office was warmer than she expected, the scent of old books and polished wood heavy in the air. The soft glow from the desk lamp cast long shadows across the room, creating an almost intimate atmosphere despite its professional setting.
Professor Leclerc glanced up from his desk, his glasses still resting on his nose, and for a moment, their eyes met. Something flickered in his gaze—recognition, perhaps, or something else she couldn’t quite name. His expression remained neutral, but the intensity behind his eyes sent a shiver down her spine.
"Miss," he said, his voice smooth, like velvet brushing against her skin. "I didn’t expect to see you so soon."
The door clicked shut behind her, the sound louder than she expected in the quiet room. She felt a sudden rush of heat rising in her cheeks, her throat tightening as she stepped further inside. Professor Leclerc had returned his attention to the papers on his desk, marking something with precise strokes of his pen, but the moment she entered, his eyes flicked back to her, and she felt pinned under the weight of his gaze.
She stood there, frozen for a moment, unsure of where to place herself in the room that suddenly felt far too small. Her heartbeat thundered in her ears, making it hard to think clearly.
"Have a seat," he said, his voice low but authoritative. It wasn’t a request.
Without thinking, she moved quickly toward the chair in front of his desk and sat down, too eager to comply. As soon as she settled, she realised how obedient she must have seemed—too quick, too eager. She swallowed hard, trying to compose herself, gripping the strap of her bag tightly in her lap. Her fingers trembled slightly, but she hoped he couldn’t see.
He took off his glasses then, placing them carefully on the desk, and leaned back in his chair. The gesture felt deliberate, a small act of removing a barrier between them, and she couldn’t help but notice how different he looked without them. His eyes—sharp and intense—were fully on her now, no longer obscured by the glass. The lines of his face were clearer, more defined in the soft lamplight, and her chest tightened at how attractive he was, especially like this—more relaxed, more... human.
"You came about your essay," he said, stating it like a fact rather than a question.
"Y-yes," she stammered, cursing herself for the shakiness in her voice. Her throat felt dry, and she shifted in her seat, trying to regain some composure. "I—um—just wanted to understand where I went wrong. I didn’t expect to... do so poorly."
He nodded, his expression unreadable as he flipped open the folder containing his copy of her work. His fingers traced the edge of the paper, his touch light but purposeful, and for some reason, her heart skipped a beat at the simple motion.
"You missed the core of the analysis," he said, his tone calm but firm. "Your analysis was surface-level. You wrote only about what we could see, but you didn’t engage how you felt. You didn’t deconstruct the painting—you only described it."
Her cheeks burned at his criticism. She bit her lip, nodding, though the words stung. She should have expected this, should have been prepared for him to be direct, but hearing him say it—especially in this setting, in this tone—made her feel smaller somehow.
He turned the paper toward her, pointing at a paragraph near the middle. "Here, for example. You’re focusing too much on the colours of the painting, but not enough on why Delacroix used them. You’re missing the underlying tension he’s working with—between art as a system of signs and the meaning that constantly escapes it."
His explanation was calm, almost gentle, but it still felt intimate, as if every word he said was meant just for her. His eyes lingered on hers, watching her reactions carefully, and she nodded again, barely able to focus on what he was saying, her mind still buzzing with the proximity of him, the quiet authority in his voice.
"I see," she whispered, though she wasn’t sure she fully did. It was hard to think clearly when he was sitting across from her, the small space between them charged with something unspoken.
He shifted slightly in his seat, leaning forward just enough that she could smell the faint hint of his cologne—clean, subtle, but warm. It surrounded her, making it harder to breathe, harder to stay focused. Her fingers tightened around the edge of her bag, her knuckles white as she tried to ground herself.
"You have potential," he continued, his voice softer now, like he was letting her in on a secret. "Your writing is strong, but you’re holding back. You need to dig deeper. Don’t be afraid to get lost in the complexity of the ideas—that’s where the real analysis happens."
Her stomach flipped at the way he said it, at the way his eyes seemed to darken slightly as they met hers. She didn’t know if she was imagining it, but the air between them felt heavier now, like something was shifting. The quiet hum of the heater in the corner was the only sound breaking the silence, but it did nothing to ease the tension coiling tighter and tighter in the room.
"I’ll... work on that," she managed to say, though her voice felt weak, distant from her own ears. She could barely process his feedback, her thoughts too consumed by the way his gaze lingered on her, the way her body reacted to his closeness.
He sat back in his chair, his posture more relaxed now, though his eyes never left her. He gave a small, almost imperceptible nod. "Good. I’m here to help you with that. You can always come by during office hours if you need more guidance. I can set aside extra time for you if you’re struggling."
The words—extra time—sent a shiver down her spine, the implication innocent enough, but something about the way he said it, the way the room felt in that moment, made her pulse quicken. She could feel her cheeks growing hotter, her breath shallow, and for a moment, she was sure he could sense it, could see exactly how flustered she was.
This was wrong.
She shouldn’t be feeling this way. Not here. Not with him. She had a boyfriend—Logan, who loved her, who trusted her, who was waiting for her to text him when this was over. But as Professor Leclerc’s eyes held hers, steady and unwavering, it was impossible to deny the pull she felt, the quiet attraction that had been building in her chest for weeks now.
"I... I should go," she said abruptly, standing too quickly, her legs shaky as she gathered her things. She could feel her heart racing, the room suddenly feeling too small, too warm. "Thank you for your time, Professor."
He stood as well, watching her closely, but he made no move to stop her. His expression was calm, though there was something in his eyes—something she couldn’t quite name, but it made her chest tighten. He nodded once, his voice smooth as ever.
"Of course. You know where to find me if you need more help."
She nodded, barely able to meet his gaze as she turned toward the door, her fingers fumbling with the handle before she managed to push it open. The cool air from the hallway rushed over her as she stepped outside, closing the door behind her with a soft click.
Only when she was a few steps down the hall did she let out the breath she’d been holding. Her hands were shaking, her mind racing as she tried to process what had just happened—nothing inappropriate, nothing overtly wrong, but still, the way he had looked at her, the way he had spoken to her, made her feel like she was walking a fine line.
Her chest tightened with guilt. She had a boyfriend. Logan loved her, trusted her. And Professor Leclerc... he was her professor.
This was wrong.
part two
338 notes · View notes
aiscard · 9 months ago
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He teaches economics.
609 notes · View notes
fishfetti · 10 months ago
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they’re getting married, and they WILL be annoying about it
613 notes · View notes
junrenjun · 10 months ago
love and lacrosse jackets
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pe teacher!vernon x chemistry teacher!reader (fem)
genre: fluff
wc: 3k
warnings: reader is referred to as ms. (and other fem pronouns), reader wears vernon's clothes
a/n: this is not an understand series update and i apologize for that. however, here's a vernon teacher au with a little side of lacrosse and dad!seungcheol
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You were suddenly thrown out of your thoughts by one of your students sighing and turning from her worksheet. “Ms. y/n, can I ask a question?” 
You knew this student, Maya, was likely trying to get out of doing her assignment. She was too smart for her own good. “Depends. Is it about the worksheet?” 
She paused for a second, turning her head slightly away in order to avoid your gaze. “...no.”
You continued. “Do you need to go to the bathroom or the nurse?”
Maya sighed and mumbled, “no.”
You turned back to your computer while giving your final response. “Then I think you know the answer. I would be happy to talk to you once you’ve balanced all those equations.” 
You should’ve known she wasn’t giving up that easily. If anything, she probably gave up halfway through the worksheet because she knew the answers and was just looking for something to entertain herself. “Mr. Chwe lets us ask him questions all the time.”
You snorted. “Mr. Chwe is a PE teacher Maya. You don’t have worksheets to do in his classes. Unfortunately, you do in chemistry. So please finish this or at least study for your quiz next week.” 
Maya was apparently taken aback by this. She was quick to defend herself, saying, “how do you know we don’t do worksheets in PE?”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. Maybe you should've been a college professor instead of a high school teacher. “I’m the girls lacrosse coach and he’s the boys coach. We spend a lot of time together and I’ve never once seen him make a worksheet.” 
An evil grin spread across Maya’s face. You internally groaned at this. That expression means she’s up to absolutely no good. She turned and tapped on her partner’s arm. Great, now she’s distracting other students too. “Henry, wouldn’t Ms. y/n and Mr. Chwe make a cute couple?” He grinned and started going off on a tangent about how funny it would be if the two lacrosse coaches were dating. 
This conversation really took a turn for the worse, didn’t it? There’s nothing you could do but groan, out loud this time, and put your head in your hands. Your neighboring teacher, Mr. Seokmin, really has impeccable timing though. He stuck his head through your door and grabbed your attention a few moments later. “Hey Ms. y/n, do you have a student that can run an errand for me real quick?”
Now was your chance. “Maya, since you seem to have no interest in balancing any more equations, why don’t you go help Mr. Seokmin?”
Before she could protest, the physics teacher grinned brightly at her before exclaiming, “perfect! Come on Maya, I need someone to help me carry these projects to the library.” Once she was finally out of the room, you breathed a sigh of relief. 
It didn’t last long though because your other students suddenly started giggling and murmuring amongst each other. Henry, who was still turned toward you, decided he needed to continue Maya’s antics in her absence. “You did say you and Mr. Chwe were close.” More giggles were heard. 
You’re not sure what you did to deserve this treatment from your 3rd hour honors class of all people, but clearly it was something. “Alright if you all don’t go back to your work I’m not offering any extra credit on this next quiz.” The rest of the hour passed in silence. 
“What’s with the long face?” Vernon thought the joking would cheer his best player up, but it just made Henry frown even more. 
After a few moments of silence, he finally answered, “I had a quiz in chemistry today. Don’t think I did too well on it.”
Vernon was quick to ask him which teacher he had. “Your favorite, Ms. y/n,” Henry responded. 
The PE teacher rolled his eyes at the comment but still clapped his hand on the player’s shoulder. “You’ll be fine, kid. She offers extra credit. But she also told me you and Maya were pestering her the other day instead of doing your work, so maybe you should put a little more effort into understanding the material next time.”
Henry grumbled, knowing nothing good would come of an argument. “Yeah, whatever you say Coach.” Then, he dropped his bag on the ground and ran out onto the field to start warming up.
Vernon felt someone approach him from behind. “See dude, even the kids can pick up on you and y/n’s chemistry. Haha, get it? Chemistry? Y/n teaches chemistry.” The head coach could barely restrain himself from flicking Mingyu in the forehead. He was a great assistant coach, but an incredibly annoying friend. 
“Why can’t I just be friends with a coworker and fellow lacrosse coach?” Vernon complained. Mingyu simply watched on as his friend continued. “Just because we’re both single doesn’t mean we should get together. I mean she’s really cool and works really well with the kids. And she’s an insane lacrosse player, an even better coach too. I think she could get the girls to state this year. I just think…” He’s cut off by Mingyu smacking his arm. 
For once, he’s grateful for the assistant coach’s intrusion, because he turns around to find you jogging up to him. Weird, he thought to himself, since you and the girls have a game today. You skid to a stop next to the two, and make eye contact with him. “You don’t happen to have an extra SVHS shirt do you? I think I forgot my coaching shirt at home today and I really don’t want Seungcheol getting on my ass for it.” 
Vernon’s world comes crashing down at that moment. Maybe he does have a teensy little crush on you. Because the thought of you wearing his clothes has him swooning. Mingyu, ever so helpful, snaps him out of the moment by clearing his throat to yell at the boys for messing around. Vernon blinks at you for a second before stammering out, “uh yeah I think so,” and reaching into his bag. He pulls out a gray quarter zip with the words “SVHS” and “Coach Chwe” embroidered on the chest. He debates hiding it from your sight and shoving it back in his bag to save you both the embarrassment, but he knows how strict Seungcheol is as an athletic director. 
He eventually tosses it to you, stuttering out something about good luck while watching you throw it over your head. Once it’s on you say, “I have the same one, so hopefully no one sees the difference. Thanks Chwe.” He can’t even process your words because his brain is simply malfunctioning seeing you in his clothes, especially ones that say his name. He’s no better than his high schoolers. Before he knows it, you’re turning on your heel and jogging back to the main field. 
Someone comes up behind him, filling Mingyu’s absence, since the assistant coach ran off to lead practice drills in the middle of Vernon’s little crisis. He hears the lacrosse captain snickering and then telling him, “damn Coach, you’ve got it bad. You’re redder than a tomato.”
Vernon simply cannot handle it any further. “Oscar, for heaven’s sake, please shut your mouth and go back to practice.” Oscar throws his hands up in mock defense, before grabbing the ball that rolled over to Vernon’s feet and running back onto the field.
You really need to give Vernon his coach’s jacket back. It didn’t help that you weren’t a morning person, and seemed to accidentally leave it at home whenever you left for work each day. It also maybe didn’t help that it smelled just like the boy’s lacrosse coach, who, admittedly, smelled pretty damn good. But, you couldn’t hoard Vernon’s things forever. You were lucky enough that you had gone a week without him mentioning the jacket at all, which you chalked up to him knowing you were busy.
Tomorrow, you told yourself. Tomorrow you would take the jacket back to school and give it to him. You even laid it out with your own jacket, which you were going to wear the next since you had a game anyways. That, however, was a mistake. Because in the morning, groggy from lack of sleep, you accidentally threw on Vernon’s jacket and shoved your own into your work bag. 
How no one told you until 3rd period, you’re not quite sure. Mainly because Seokmin had specifically complimented your outfit when you visited him before your first class. You thought maybe it was because you were wearing a new pair of pants. Clearly it was not and the physics teacher was using it as a means to tease you (and Vernon by proxy). If only you had known.
Maya stepped into your classroom extra peppy that day, which was already a recipe for disaster. The fact that she was the one to catch that you were wearing Mr. Chwe’s zip-up certainly did not help. A gasped “oh my god” stopped you in the middle of your lecture. You pointedly looked at the girl before asking, “Maya, is everything alright?”
The poor girl could barely contain her excitement, practically shaking in her seat. “You’re dating Mr. Chwe! I knew it!”
You were caught so off-guard that it took you a while to respond. “Maya, where did you even get that idea from? And you’re being disruptive, I’m trying to teach about equilibrium.” 
She stood from her seat and pointed at you, before excitedly exclaiming, “your jacket. You’re wearing Mr. Chwe’s jacket!” You looked down and, sure enough, Vernon’s name was plastered across the chest. To put it plainly, you were mortified. In fact, you’re pretty sure you’ve embarrassed yourself even more when you don’t respond for a solid minute. 
Finally, when you’re done wallowing in pity in front of a bunch of 16 year olds, you make your way to your desk and pull out a hall pass. You hand it to Maya swiftly before telling her, “if you’re too invested in this to learn chemistry, go bother Mr. Chwe about it. It’s his planning period.” She gapes up at you before scrambling out of the room.
You turn back to the rest of the class, making sure to pointedly look at Henry. “No other questions about my love life?”
A deadly silence spreads across the room. Henry sinks back in his chair but you watch a hand creep up from the back of the classroom. You sigh and call on the girl. She’s clearly surprised you even allowed her to speak, because the question is whispered to the point you can barely hear it. “Why do you have Mr. Chwe’s jacket?”
The inquiry is enough to throw you off the deep end. “Ok, I’m not teaching the rest of class. I don’t care what you guys do as it’s either A) not disruptive or B) asking me about my personal life.” 
Seungcheol is surprised when there is a knock on the athletic office door in the middle of 3rd period. Students should be in class and if it were a staff member, they would have just let themselves in. He tells whoever it is to come in and is slightly less surprised to see Maya standing in front of him. She doesn’t let him speak first, quickly letting out, “do you know where Mr. Chwe is?”
He raises an eyebrow at the girl. “You got a hall pass kid?” he fires back. Maya waves the piece of paper around in his face. He rolls his eyes. 
She puts her hands on her hips and looks pointedly at him. “Seriously though. Do you know where Mr. Chwe is? It’s supposed to be his planning period or something.”
Seungcheol is still confused why she needs to see Vernon in the middle of 3rd hour and how she managed a hall pass for it. “Why?”
Maya plops down on the chair in front of his desk with a sigh, clearly this conversation was not happening without a little bit of a fight. “Ms. y/n sent me to ask him a question.”
The athletic director can’t help but let out a snort at the girl’s comment. Maya is suddenly interested in his reaction. “Why is that so funny? Do you think they’re dating too?”
Seungcheol is surprised yet again. “Do you think they’re dating?”
Now Maya snorts. “Obviously. Ms. y/n is wearing his lacrosse jacket today.” She laughs when the man’s eyes practically bulge out of his skull. He rustles around his desk, grabbing a notepad and writing another hall pass for the girl.
After scribbling for a second, he passes the note to the girl and tells her, “Mr. Chwe is in his office, room 218.”
The girl grabs the note from his hands and gleefully gets up to skip out the door. She stops midway through and calls out over her shoulder, “thanks Dad!”
“I’m not dating Ms. y/n, Maya. You know that.” Vernon sighs exasperatedly. “Why are you even asking me this?”
He knows he’s in for trouble when she smirks. “She’s wearing your coaching jacket today. Care to explain that?”
Vernon knows he should’ve asked for it back sooner rather than later. But he was secretly hoping that he would be able to see it on you one more time. And the longer you have it, the more likely it’s going to come back smelling like you (not that Vernon cares anyways right?). He doesn’t miss a beat though, explaining to Maya that he lent you his jacket for a game and that you probably mixed it up with your own. She’s not impressed, but she knows it’s an explanation that’s most likely true. This doesn’t stop her from interrogating Vernon further. “Do you want to date Ms. y/n?”
His silence is incriminating. He can tell by Maya’s mile wide grin. Trying to put an end to it, the lacrosse coach stands up from his desk, telling her that he’ll walk her back to whatever class she left from.
One tiny important detail he forgot is that you teach 3rd hour honors chemistry. A class that one of his players, Henry, shares with Maya. And he’s currently standing outside your door, watching as you type away on your computer. Sure enough, “Mr. Chwe” is embroidered across the chest. Vernon thinks he might combust on the spot. His student clearly picks up on this, muttering something about how she’s “seen middle schoolers with more balls.” 
He waits outside your door as Maya enters the room. There’s only a few minutes left of the period, so he figured it would be better for both of you to talk away from prying eyes. As the bell rings, he patiently watches the students trickle out your door. When he’s sure that everyone is gone, he steps into the doorway. What he does not expect is for you to walk straight into his chest, stumbling back with the cutest “oomph” he’s ever heard. 
Vernon is stunned but you look completely mortified. Probably because you just ran into the man whose jacket you’re wearing basically without his consent. His assumption is correct because you start mumbling out apologies. “I’m so sorry I thought this was my jacket when I grabbed it this morning. I didn’t mean to wear it today, I made such a mess of this. I shouldn’t have even asked for it in the first place. I was just about to change, give me a second I…”
The lacrosse coach cuts you off in the middle of your little rant. “Do you want to go out with me after your game on Friday?” 
You blink at him, not even processing the words he just said. When you finally do, your cheeks flush and you glance down at your watch. “Do you think you can ask me that in like 4 hours, Chwe?”
Vernon has no idea what you mean by that. He gawks a little bit. Do you need time to think about it? Are you not interested? Do you already have a boyfriend? Shit, he should’ve thought this through.
You break him out of his little trance with a small chuckle. “We’re on the clock Vernon. And you have a class in three minutes.” 
He glances at his watch. His freshman PE class is probably waiting for him. He mumbles something about meeting him on the main field before practice. Then he’s out the door. You’re left there, stunned, still in his jacket. You don’t bother to take it off the rest of the day.
A few hours later, Mingyu and Seokmin are watching you both converse from afar. Vernon’s cheeks are the reddest they’ve ever been. You’re fidgeting nervously but also smiling. It seems to be going well. Seokmin turns to the assistant coach before saying, “took them long enough.”
They hear someone approaching and turn to see Seungcheol. “You both owe me $20.” 
Both the teachers roll their eyes at him but reach for their wallets. Maya pops up from their other side, walking up to her father. “I should be getting at least half of that. I did all the work.” 
Seungcheol grunts, pondering her proposition. He turns to her. “What about this? You can either get $20 now or $200 if y/n is Mrs. Chwe before you graduate college?”
Maya’s eyes brighten and that sinister smile spreads across her cheeks once again. “Deal.” (She’s $200 richer at her college graduation).
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moonselune · 17 days ago
I loveeeee the teacher stuff so much 💗 can i get w/ karlach, minthy, and the boys something with them being university professors and theres a bit of tension between you and them. perhaps you guys accidentally hooked up outside of class and now you want more but they are trying to stay professional??? love you miss seluney and thanks 🙏
thank you so much for blessing my inbox with this ask, love you too nonnie x the amount of research I had to do though for Astarion's was actually so funny
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Karlach, or rather Dr Cliffgate, was avoiding you.
Not in the obvious, skittish way that most people avoided their problems, but in the way that made you aware of it. A way that made it obvious that she was trying not to avoid you, but also definitely was. Like how she never met your eye for longer than two seconds, or how she’d always position herself on the opposite end of the class, barking instructions from a distance.
And, of course, there was the rule.
"Five feet. I want five goddamn feet between us at all times."
It was the first thing she had said to you on your first day back after that night. The night you still dreamed about, the one that made you burn with want every time you looked at her. She had been so soft with you, all muscle and warmth, guiding you through it like she was made for it. She had held you so tight, pressed kisses to every inch of your skin—how could she expect you to forget?
And she wanted to pretend it never happened?
So, naturally, you decided to push.
You weren’t bad at Sports Science. In fact, you were quite decent at it—when you wanted to be. But today? Today, your squats were terrible, your push-ups were abysmal, and don’t even talk about your deadlifts. Karlach was forced to correct you, calling out every mistake in that deep, commanding voice of hers.
It was fun, watching her squirm. But Karlach, to her credit, lasted the entire class without snapping. She was firm, professional, perfectly composed. Right up until the moment she ordered you to stay behind after class.
And now, you were alone.
Karlach stood at the front of the gym, arms crossed, expression taut with frustration.
"Alright," she said, tone clipped. "What the hell was that?"
You blinked innocently. "What was what?"
Karlach groaned, rubbing a hand down her face. "You know what." She fixed you with a hard stare. "You don’t need help with your form, and I know it. So tell me—why are you acting like a dumbass all of a sudden?"
You tilted your head, stepping forward just a fraction. "Maybe I just wanted some one-on-one time with my favorite teacher."
Karlach’s jaw clenched, and she immediately stepped back, holding up a warning finger. "No. No. Stay back—five feet."
You pouted. "What if I need help with my form?"
Karlach’s eye twitched.
You took another step forward.
She took one back.
"Bad student," she warned, pointing at you like you were a misbehaving pup.
You smirked, tilting your head coyly. "You weren’t saying that last time."
Karlach froze.
Her fists clenched at her sides, a storm brewing behind her eyes as she squeezed them shut and muttered something under her breath. Probably some kind of mantra to keep her from breaking, from doing what she wanted to do. Professional. She had to be professional.
But you could see it—the way her breathing had quickened, the slight twitch of her fingers, like she was fighting every urge to grab you and push you against the nearest wall. And you were more than willing to give her that push. You took another step forward, closing the distance entirely.
"Karlach," you murmured, voice soft.
Her eyes fluttered open—just as your lips pressed against hers. The groan she let out was guttural, half frustration, half relief. She grabbed you by the waist, yanking you flush against her as her mouth crashed against yours. The heat of her burned through your clothes, her grip iron-strong as if she was afraid to let go.
"Gods, you’re a menace," she growled against your lips.
You grinned, threading your fingers through her , dark hair. "I thought I was a bad student?"
Karlach huffed a laugh before lifting you onto the gym's padded table with ease, slotting herself between your legs.
"The worst," she muttered, before kissing you again.
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Minthara was a strict professor.
She ran her Toxicology lectures with the precision of a battlefield commander, brooking no nonsense, no laziness, and certainly no stupidity. And normally, you were an exceptional student. One of her best, even.
Which is exactly why, when you deliberately screwed up your latest lab analysis, she had wasted no time in ordering you to stay behind after class. Now, you were seated in her office, watching as she paced behind her desk, ruby eyes blazing with frustration.
"Tell me," she said, voice sharp as a dagger's edge, "are you trying to be a disappointment? Or has your intelligence simply abandoned you?"
You bit back a smirk, watching the way her lips curled in distaste, the way her fingers flexed in restrained irritation. Gods, she was beautiful when she was mad.
"And look at you," she continued, exasperated. "Not even paying attention. Are you listening to me, or am I wasting my breath?"
You tilted your head, dragging your teeth over your bottom lip. "Oh, no, I'm listening, professor. Please—keep going."
Minthara paused. Her sharp mind caught on instantly, her ruby eyes narrowing as she studied your expression. The slight flush on your cheeks, the way you were watching her—intently, hungry. And suddenly, she understood.
"You like it," she murmured, more to herself than to you. "You like being scolded."
You grinned. "What can I say? You do it so well."
Minthara let out a slow, measured exhale, her nails tapping against the desk. "And what exactly am I meant to do with this information?"
You hummed, standing to your feet and sauntering forward until you were pressed against her desk. You leaned over it, propping yourself up on your elbows, your face mere inches from hers.
"Well," you mused, eyes alight with mischief. "You could always bring back some corporal punishment."
Minthara arched a brow. You smirked, tilting your head.
"Bring out the wooden ruler for a spanking." And then, to drive the point home, you slowly bent over the desk, resting your forearms against the polished wood. "What do you think, professor? Will that finally get through to me?"
Silence. Then—Minthara let out a deep, shuddering sigh, as if she were trying to summon every ounce of restraint she had left. And then, in a blur of movement, her hands were on you.
One gripping your waist, the other fisting into your hair as she dragged you up and crushed her lips against yours. The kiss was fierce, searing, a collision of teeth and tongue as she stole the very breath from your lungs.
"You," she growled between kisses, her grip tightening. "Are insufferable."
You grinned. "You weren’t saying that last time."
"Oh I think I was," Minthara’s grip tightened, eyes darkening as she pushed you back against the desk.
That one night. That reckless night. When you had been nothing more than strangers who had both, separately, decided to drink too much at a bar on the outskirts of town. She had been furious then, too—drunk, loose-lipped, and entirely unbothered by her usual air of control. You remembered the way she had pinned you against the wall of her rented room, how she had devoured you like a woman starved. And now, here, in the dimly lit confines of her office, she looked exactly as she had that night—eyes dark with want, expression hard with something that neither of you had dared to put words to.
Minthara muttered something in her native tongue—something that sounded distinctly like a curse—before pulling back just enough to reach for the wooden ruler on her desk.
"Perhaps it’s time," she murmured, voice like velvet and steel, "that I put you back in line."
And gods, you had never been more willing.
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Gale Dekarios was desperately trying to pretend that he hadn’t spent a night tangled in your sheets, gasping your name like a prayer, and utterly forgetting that he was supposed to be a responsible, professional figure in your academic life.
It was almost admirable, how steadfastly he kept his focus on the pitiful essay you had placed before him. His brow furrowed in exaggerated concern, fingers tapping against the edges of the paper as he sighed, long and heavy, like he was genuinely distressed by how abysmally incorrect your star charts were.
He was not fooling anyone.
“This is…” He exhaled sharply through his nose, rubbing his temple with two fingers. “This is not your best work.”
You hummed, leaning forward in your seat, chin propped up in your palm as you watched him intently.
“I think you are right, and I think I know why,” you mused. “I have been feeling rather… unsatisfied lately.”
Gale’s shoulders visibly tensed. He cleared his throat, choosing—rather wisely—not to acknowledge the deliberate edge to your voice. “Is there a reason you’ve been so distracted? It’s not like you to be so careless in your calculations.”
You sighed, stretching languidly in your seat. “I suppose I’ve just been in real need of some stress relief.”
Gale’s fingers tightened imperceptibly around the page.
You watched him carefully, admiring the way his jaw clenched, how his eyes flickered—just for a moment—to where you sat before quickly snapping back to your disastrous work. It was clear that he was actively wrestling with himself, forcing his mind to stay on track, but oh, he was doing such a poor job of it.
“I—” His voice caught in his throat, and he had to clear it again before speaking. “I can refer you to student services for well-being if you’re struggling with academic pressure.”
You smiled, slow and deliberate, rising from your chair.
“Is that all you can do for me, professor?” The way his breath hitched did delightful things to your ego.
He held his ground as you circled his desk, though you could see his fingers twitch against the paper, as if debating whether he should shove it into your hands and send you on your way. Instead, he straightened, schooling his features into something carefully neutral as you came to stand before him.
“I would strongly advise you to remain professional,” he said, voice measured, though you could hear the strain beneath it. You ignored him.
"Your tie’s looking a little loose, professor," you noted, gaze flickering down to where it hung slightly askew. "Let me fix it for you."
Gale opened his mouth, possibly to protest, possibly to attempt another weak defense, but he never got the chance. Because the moment your fingers brushed against his tie, he snapped.
One second, you were teasing him; the next, you were being yanked down into his lap, your breath stolen as his lips crashed against yours. His hands were firm on your waist, gripping like he was starved for the feeling of you, like he had spent every waking moment since that night thinking about how you had felt beneath him—how you had moaned for him.
He kissed you fiercely, hungrily, all pretenses of professionalism abandoned as he angled his head, deepening it with a groan that rumbled in his chest. One of his hands moved up, threading into your hair, tilting your head to his liking as he took control of the kiss.
And gods, you let him.
Because for all his self-restraint, all his desperate attempts to ignore what had happened between you, Gale Dekarios was a weak, weak man.
And you were more than happy to remind him of it.
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Astarion’s lip curled as he held your latest project between his fingers, tilting his head as if it might suddenly reveal some hidden brilliance from a different angle. It did not. With a dramatic sigh, he let it drop onto his desk like it offended him.
“Well, well, well,” he drawled, tapping his manicured fingers against the wood. “Perhaps if you didn’t spend so much time gallivanting, you could produce something half-decent. But alas, it seems someone has their priorities hopelessly skewed.”
You scoffed, crossing your arms as you leaned against the desk. “Oh please. The same could be said for you, professor. That is, after all, how we both ended up in that passionate predicament—”
Astarion immediately cut you off, talking over you with ease. “Yes, yes, I vaguely recall that debacle. But do you know what I’d much rather discuss?” He gave you a pointed look, lifting a perfectly arched brow. “Your abysmal stitch work. Truly, I’d rather gouge my eyes out with a seam ripper than endure looking at this for another second.”
You grinned, unfazed. His gaze flickered over you, from the crisp lines of your shirt to the neatly finished seams. Then, to your surprise, he huffed an amused laugh.
“The top you’re wearing now is an example of perfect tailoring,” he admitted, gesturing vaguely. “Proper dart placement, clean finishing—though the sleeve cap could use some refinement.”
You smiled at him, slow and knowing.
“Good to know,” you mused. “I made it myself.”
Astarion blinked.
You stepped closer, holding out your arm and tugging at the sleeve slightly, showing off the intricate seams. His sharp eyes honed in immediately, his fingers instinctively twitching, unable to resist assessing it more closely.
“Hm,” he hummed, inspecting. “Not terrible.”
“Oh?” You tilted your head, undoing the first button of your shirt. “What would you have done differently?”
Astarion barely reacted, too focused on the fabric itself. “I would have—wait, what are you doing?” His gaze flicked up as you popped open another button, then another, exposing the curves of your collarbones, the slope of your shoulders.
“Just giving you a better look,” you teased.
Astarion narrowed his eyes, his voice clipped. “Don’t you dare—”
You pulled the shirt off entirely. Astarion scrambled, eyes widening as he lunged forward, grabbing the discarded fabric and shoving it against your bare chest with an indignant noise.
“Are you insane?!” He hissed, pressing you flush against the desk in an attempt to shield your exposed skin. “This is not how a critique session works, darling—!”
You ignored him, hooking your fingers into the collar of his shirt and yanking him down, capturing his lips with yours. Astarion made a noise of protest—one that quickly turned into a needy sound as he melted into you.
The moment you pulled away, breathless and grinning, you traced a finger down the front of his neatly tailored shirt.
“Excellent inseaming,” you murmured appreciatively. Astarion let out a sharp, exasperated laugh, shaking his head.
“Gods, shut up,” he muttered before pulling you in and kissing you again, fiercer this time, like he was trying to sew himself into you.
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Wyll sat behind his desk, your latest essay held between his fingers like it was something fragile, something unfamiliar. His brows were furrowed in a way that made his usual calm, disciplined demeanor seem almost troubled.
"I had some concerns about this," he said, tapping the parchment lightly. "Your writing is usually concise, structured, and critical. And yet this—" He lifted it slightly before setting it down again. "This is filled with… whimsy."
You tilted your head at him, eyes gleaming with mischief.
"What's wrong with whimsy?" you asked, batting your eyelashes.
Wyll exhaled through his nose, clearly trying to keep himself composed. He had been doing that a lot since that night. The night where he had held your hips so tightly, pulled your body against his like a man starved, whispered things that should never leave a professor’s lips. The night that haunted his thoughts ever since.
But he was professional. Ethical. Disciplined. Or at least, he was trying to be.
He cleared his throat. "Whimsy, in itself, is not inherently wrong," he said carefully, sitting up straighter. "But philosophy demands clarity, structure, a foundation—"
You stepped forward. Just a little.
Wyll noticed immediately. His jaw tensed, but he carried on, unwavering. "—and while creative exploration is welcome, this lacks the critical analysis that I know you are more than capable of—"
Another step.
Wyll paused mid-sentence as you leaned in over his desk, as if to examine your paper more closely. It was a weak excuse—you knew what was in that essay, but the proximity gave you reason enough to invade his personal space.
Wyll sighed through his nose, jaw tightening further. "I know what you're doing."
You blinked at him innocently. "What ever do you mean?"
His fingers curled into his palm. He had already given you multiple warnings since that fateful one-night stand. Told you this was improper, inappropriate. Told himself that it couldn’t happen again. And yet, here you were. Again. Testing him. Pushing him.
It was wrong. He taught ethics, for gods' sake.
But all he wanted—all he wanted—was for you to straddle him in this office chair and ride him until the wheels broke.
Wyll forced himself back into reality, blinking rapidly. That was when he realized—
Your hand was on his thigh.
His body reacted before his mind could, heat rushing to his face. You gasped as if you were scandalized by his sudden flush.
"Professor Ravengard," you murmured, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead. "You're burning up."
His lips parted slightly, a weak protest forming—but then you dragged your hand down, tracing his cheek, cradling it gently.
"Are you okay?" you asked softly.
Wyll closed his eyes briefly, exhaling as if that would dispel the tension that had thickened the air between you. Then, he shook his head.
You smiled, your thumb brushing over his jaw. "I didn't think so."
You leaned in. Just close enough that he could feel your breath against his lips.
You could have kissed him. You wanted to kiss him. But you waited. You wanted him to come to you.
And oh, he did.
Wyll surged forward, his lips crashing into yours, his hands gripping your waist as if he had finally let go of every restraint that had been holding him back. The kiss was rough, needy, filled with every ounce of frustration and desire he had bottled up since that night.
They could debate the ethics of this later.
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Halsin sat behind his desk, broad arms folded across his chest, his usual calm expression schooled into something unreadable. He had known this was coming. He had felt your eyes on him in class, the way you tilted your head when he spoke, the way your lips had quirked up into something just shy of teasing. He had ignored it. He had forced himself to pretend that nothing had happened between you that night—the one that still haunted his thoughts no matter how much he tried to suppress it.
But now, here you were, standing in the doorway of his office, as if fate itself was determined to test his restraint.
"Professor," you said sweetly, stepping inside. "I had some questions about today’s lecture."
Halsin arched a brow. "Did you, now?"
You nodded, stepping closer, taking the chair opposite his desk. "Yes, I found the discussion on mating seasons quite fascinating."
Halsin exhaled slowly. He knew where this was going. He had seen the glint in your eye, the way you played innocent far too well. But he was a professional. He was your professor.
So he sighed and leaned back, arms still crossed. "Ask away."
You smiled, tilting your head as if considering your words. "I was just wondering… how does an animal know when they've found the right mate? Is it purely instinct, or is there more to it?"
Halsin clenched his jaw.
"That depends on the species," he said carefully, his voice even. "Some rely on visual cues, others on scent—pheromones play a strong role in attraction, signaling compatibility and readiness to breed."
You hummed thoughtfully, fingers tapping against your chin. "So… they don't really have control over it? It's just primal instinct?"
Halsin took a deep breath, his large hands flexing against the arms of his chair. He had dealt with plenty of difficult situations in his life. He had faced wild beasts, braved the deepest parts of nature. But this? This was an entirely different kind of challenge.
"Instinct is powerful," he said, choosing his words carefully. "But control is what separates us from the animals."
Your lips curved into something wicked. "Is that so?"
He should have ended it there. Should have told you to leave, should have maintained the boundaries that were already far too blurred. But instead, he sat there, watching the way you looked at him with those knowing, hungry eyes—eyes that had once looked up at him from beneath tangled sheets, from between parted lips whispering his name.
You pushed back from the desk and stood, stretching ever so slightly before turning towards the door.
"Well, thank you for the lesson, professor," you said lightly, taking slow, deliberate steps toward the exit.
And then—
The last thread of his restraint snapped.
One second, you were reaching for the doorknob, and the next, you were yanked back, lifted effortlessly off your feet as Halsin turned you and pressed you against the wall, his large hands gripping your thighs, caging you in.
His mouth was on yours before you could finish, hot and demanding, all of his carefully controlled patience finally, finally breaking into something raw and consuming. You gasped against his lips, fingers tangling in his hair as he kissed you with the kind of intensity that made your head spin.
"What kind of professor would I be," he murmured against your mouth, voice rough, "if I didn't give you a live demonstration?"
Your breath hitched, and then you were kissing him back just as fiercely, your hands roaming over broad shoulders, feeling the raw strength beneath his clothes.
Maybe you had been the one to set the trap.
But Halsin had always been a creature of instinct.
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Was I just listening to reproduction from Grease 2 and when I kissed the teacher on repeat when I was writing this? Yes, yes I was. I'm putting Shadowheart, Lae'zel, Rolan, Raphael and Mizora on a list of things I want to write when requests are done with this prompt. I just cannot get enough of it. Hope you guys enjoyed it and if anything was inaccurate subject wise... shhhhhh-Seluney xox
If you want to support me in other ways | Help keep this moonmaiden caffeinated x
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adhdkiramman · 4 months ago
au where arcane characters are high school teachers
- caitlyn would be the sexy english teacher all the gay kids are in love with
-vi constantly getting tripped up in the hallway when cait’s standing outside her classroom because she looks so damn good in those turtlenecks
- isha being in high school and having to put up with all these freaks every day
- i know y’all are expecting me to say vi is the gym teacher bc everyone acts like muscle is all she’s good for but she is smart!! she’d make an excellent history or english teacher i think (definitely always challenging curriculum)
- vi’s students are like the girls in that one scene from indiana jones where she bats her eyelashes at indy and they say “date me”
-completely oblivious to the fact she’s like the hottest teacher in the school
- vi wearing chunky butch glasses
- jinx and viktor being chaotic chemisty teacher besties
- jayce and ekko teaching biology and/or physics
- vi trying to drag caitlyn off to make out in empty classrooms and caitlyn not letting her because they’re going to “traumatize another kid”
-isha and jinx eating lunch in her classroom together
-jayvik matching wear sweater vests at LEAST once a week (obviously it’s jayce’s idea)
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