#yuri on ice crossover
fairytale-of-fear · 1 year
Ayo Danny Phantom crossover fans, I just had a thought (took me long enough).
A Yuri on Ice and Danny Phantom crossover.
(Listen I saw an AU about figure skaters Danny with an Ice core and I just finished rewatching Yuri on Ice, so I went OMG Crossover Brainrot time!)
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So i found a fanfiction that absolutely slaps. If you like Yuri on Ice and Fullmetal Alchemist/Brotherhood, this is absolutely amazing. The second link is for the inspiration for the first. Both are amazing reads.
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any mha fans who also love yuri on ice are legally obligated to read this
also panda if you’re on tumblr i’d love love love to be your mutual!!!
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artist9314 · 11 months
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Skate the yuri on kaisen (3)
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cosmiclion · 5 months
Fictional crushes edition (I'm gay for both)
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honey-side-up · 6 months
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Reposting my Yuri!!! On Ice art 🥲💙
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yuri-on-ice-action · 3 months
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Yuuri and Victor in a JJK crossover for @okidokiokami by She_is_kiwi over on twitter!
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alex-frostwalker · 1 year
Balan Wonderworld Costumes can become Welcome Home Characters/OCs if you try hard enough
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 8 months
Summary: 38 Anime characters (and 2 western animated characters) wake up in a luxurious mansion. Currently theyre just exploring, but after the first 40 chapters its a "Watch your own Show" fic. 
Author: @the-ravenclaw-werewolf
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triptychgrip · 5 months
Preview of my Yuri!!! on Ice x Fruits Basket crossover fic
Because you just know that a meeting between Viktor Nikiforov and Ayame Sohma (i.e. The Battle Of Who Is More Extra) would be all kinds of epic, I had to share a preview of the Yuri!!! on Ice x Fruits Basket crossover fic idea that has recently grabbed ahold of my every waking thought. The basic premise is one where a scheming Okukawa Minako contacts Ayame and Mine about potentially designing figure skating costumes for an ice show that Viktor and Yuuri will be hosting the following year. As of now, it'll be told first from Yuri Plisetsky's POV, and then from Yuki Sohma's POV (who would honestly be kindred spirits when it comes to their chagrin with most everything happening in this story lol).
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I can see this story going in many different directions but a few things I already know will happen:
1) Viktor immediately gets jealous when he sees how Yuuri looks at Ayame with stars in his eyes ("Yuuuurrriiiiii, is it because his hair is thicker than mine?! That could be a wig for all we know!")
2) Ayame is absolutely delighted at the idea of developing costumes centered around Viktor/Yuuri's love story, and proceeds to suggest all kinds of outlandish ideas for these designs (i.e. which Yuki will summarily shoot down, since he is interning at Ayame's shop for the summer while home from college)
3) Yuuri and Mine will bond in their shared exasperation/fondness for their extremely exuberant husbands, while Yurio and Yuki will similarly share lament to one another about the antics of their elder brothers (and yes, while Yurio and Viktor aren't biologically related, I think it's pretty safe to say in a post-canon world that Yuuri/Viktor assume the role of his "embarrassing" older brothers)
More than anything, I think the hardest part will be how to keep this thing streamlined, since I'm finding the ideas flowing rather easily with this concept, LOL.
Oh, and my working title is "Like the pot calling the kettle Ayame" which is probably self-explanatory if folks are familiar with the similarities in Viktor and Ayame's personalities...
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rec-a-fanfic · 3 days
Trust Me, I'm an Alchemist by metisket
Fandom: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood x Yuri on Ice
Rated: T
Complete: 54.7k, 5 chap
In which Yuri Plisetsky began life with the name Edward Elric, and this has made the world of figure skating a significantly stranger and more alarming place.
“Are you saying you lived a life of crime before you began skating?” “I’m gonna have to check the statute of limitations on a couple things and get back to you on that.”
Edward and Alphonse mess up the transmutation circle badly enough where they get transported into the real world. And uh, Ed starts skating. Some what crack taken seriously
I've read this one! It's a lot of fun.
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stardustneeko · 2 years
Me: Hey maybe i should remember the name of this guy interviewing me. He might become my new boss
My brain: no
My brain: Haha YuJu on ICE!!
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also, if you recognize any of these iconic poses, congratulations, there's a possibility that you may have watched too much gay skating anime
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ryozeroswim · 2 years
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Barou on ice | blue lock meme
Tw: Ryo_Zeroswim
Ig: Ryo_Zeroswim
Yt: Ryo_Zeroswim
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abitnotgoodiebag · 1 year
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for @ironstrangebingo square: crossover
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artist9314 · 11 months
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Skate the yuri on kaisen (2)
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fenmorre · 2 years
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can you feel my heartbeat? 
my pen actually deadass broke while rendering this
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