#poor life decisions
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arctictern12 · 26 days ago
today i am making poor life decisions
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bitstitchbitch · 19 hours ago
Every once in a while I think about the one English class I took that allowed late submissions with no penalty throughout the whole semester. And the fact that I did not do a single assignment until the very last week, despite staying on top of the readings and class discussions, leading to me having to write like 10 essays in one week.
this is why I sometimes wonder if I have undiagnosed adhd
I got an A though, so….
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lichqueenlibrarian · 3 months ago
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ideologyofone · 5 months ago
Me, a tragedy enjoyer, watching the caitvi divorce in 4k in 41 days
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zuzu-draws · 1 year ago
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"Well Well... Aren't we gawking with a little too much enthusiasm?"
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hasello · 1 year ago
So, how did Raphie break his arm?
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let's rewind...
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a little prequel to this
Leo THE menace and Leo THE big bro are a dangerous duo, their dynamic would be fun I think lmao
They were hanging out at Rise dimension, having a sleepover. It was late and Raph was already in trouble, but he really wanted to hang out at the Rise's city cause it's the most lively and colorful. Leo wasn't having it, tho!
ALSO I AM STRUGGLING with 03 boys sometimes, cause it's hard to make them not look older than they are with their designs LMAO They're built like tanks, I swear.
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tis-i-the-nerdy-nerd · 2 months ago
miles edgeworth is the only valid character, actually, bc if I thought for 15 years that I killed my own beloved father, only to find out from my childhood crush/current homoerotic rival interrogating a parrot that it was actually my new, adopted father who did that, and now my entire was in shambles because he also framed me specifically, I too would fake my own death and go to french clown school like is it fucked up? absolutely, but what the hell was he supposed to do with that lmao go back to the life von karma molded for him with nothing but revenge in mind? honestly faking his death was on the tame end of reasonable emotional responses in my humble opinion. imagine being in like a phd program since you were nine years old and at the end when you're supposed to get the degree they go whoops! we were totally silly and misplaced that! and also you're going to jail for murder teehee
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halfdeadwallfly · 8 months ago
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skeletoninthemelonland · 2 years ago
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This was supposed to be posted yesterday for Women’s International Day :’D sorry I don’t know how to draw bed sheets 😭
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bylightofdawn · 14 days ago
In the continuing tales of my making poor financial decisions, I picked up my JayVik print from Michael’s and I got the other holographic print in tonight and slapped it into its frame which…I’m going to need to get a different one. And a nice mat. The floating frame I got from Michael’s is complete shit. So that’s going to be changed out soon.
I also got my Thranto standee in the mail from Cherrielle which is going to live on my desk and I pray Genji doesn’t decide to chew on it.
Anyway! Pics to follow.
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My camera and it laying on my bed does not begin to convey just how GORGEOUS that holographic litho is. It’s a matte black reverse with the holographic filling in the negative space and it’s beautiful.
Found here:
That second JayVik print I picked up off of Inprnt and is legitimately one of my all time favorite JayVik fanarts I’ve seen online.
Found here:
Finally the Thranto standee is so damned pretty and comes from a fanartist who I’ve bought merch from repeatedly in the past and they never fail to impress me. Also that ticket to the chiss ascendancy now lives between my phone and my phone case and brings me ridiculously amounts of joy.
Found here:
No joke I am prolly going to buy the other JayVik prints in the near future including this one:
I just LOVE their art style that much. I know I have their tumblr buried somewhere in the hundreds of JayVik art reblog I have somewhere on tumblr. I have no idea if the person I bought that holographic print from is on tumblr.
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megaawkwardhuman · 2 months ago
hehehe new year's kiss
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this was one of those drawings that after a bit you have to put your hands up and back away cuz if you don't you'll just keep messing with small things over and over again
hope you all have a lovely new year and a 2025 you at least survive
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thebirdandhersong · 10 months ago
Lex values honesty, loyalty, and mutual trust in his friendships and that translates into a desire to be trusted with weighty and delicate things. I think there's a real and deep desire underneath that to have proof that people do trust him and do feel safe around him and do see him as someone they could confide in and come to in times of need. Yes, he wants someone to confide in, too (to receive the love, care, support, and steady presence of someone else) but he also wants to do that in return........ to receive as well as give something kinder and more tender than anything he's ever given or received from his father
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helpmyinterestsareverywhere · 3 months ago
I gotta admit - EXTREMELY humbling to go broke in farming/life sims...
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fae-whispers · 6 months ago
due to the sudden influx of wormbark posts, i have been peer pressured (by myself) to order a bulk pack of worms on a string so i can create wormbark and all the other worm-lifers 😔😔😔
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elgaladwen · 9 days ago
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I have to preface this with my usual, I never really got into Astarion as the love interest, or fixated on him, (I guess you have to be a non-romancible NPC for that) but I did end up really appreciating him as a character, especially with the way his trust and friendship was earned in my first playthrough. That all said, of course he and Minthara are the only ones who seemingly understand the Dark Urge character so he ended up with Durge Nimardril, since I only just got Minthara. (Yeah I am having my cake and eating it too with both Halsin and Minthara in my camp)
So anyway MAN the scene where your Durge tries to kill their love interest really got me. Like I am sure it plays out nearly the same with any character, but just, Astarion understands so well about having your free will taken from you to do evil, and to see him be serious about it, and to sit there and help your character through it. This game just forcing me to like him more and more. And he and sad little Nimardril deserve love and tenderness.
...Too bad I am going to let him ascend in this playthrough and fuck them both over. Nim doesn't get a happy ending.
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tiny-smallest · 6 months ago
Sonic Movie Universe prediction: Robotnik is an orphan because of GUN
I think what was supposed to be, tonally, a silly throwaway line is actually winding up to punch us in the face later.
Bear with me.
I barely remember the first movie since it was so long since I watched it, but aside from one, maybe two, of the comic universes, this line is the first time we have ever gotten anything at all about Ivo Robotnik's personal backstory. And it's that he's an orphan. In a story series that explicitly sets him up with a human identity- none of that Eggman stuff as his identity, not even a whisper of the name until it's a silly insult Sonic throws out later- this movie bothers to give him a Normal Human Society Firstname Lastname and a job.
(Okay, so Robotnik isn't exactly a normal human surname. But it's established canon that is the family name so. Suspension of disbelief.)
A series that we know will later delve, at least a little, into the story of Professor Gerald Robotnik WHO IVO APPARENTLY, ACTUALLY, DEFINITELY KNEW IN THIS CONTINUITY, AS HE HAS A SPECIFIC GRANDPA NAME FOR HIM AND NEARLY CRIES.
The original line was a ridiculous rebuttal to Tom during the fight in the house during the first movie. "Rub that in my orphan face," he says in response to Tom sharing a detail of his childhood during Silly Action Scene Banter. While there is a sort of tension there since the movie universe makes no bones about Sonic being an actual child and he is confirmed to be an alien, thus making the danger present of government capture and experimentation very real and kind of horrific, the scene as it plays out isn't overly out of character for something you'd expect in a Sonic movie. And although Robotnik is the threat here, he plays a large part in also keeping the scene lighthearted because of how utterly he fails to respond like a normal human being to literally anything. The comment about being an orphan at least makes sense based on what Tom said, but it's still weirdly personal and, therefore, kind of inappropriate to say. Like dude back up you're trying to kill a child why are you sharing your trauma with me that's uncomfortable.
Which brings me to the obvious point of that line- it's not just to make the scene funny, it's to show us how set apart from other humans Robotnik is. This is a man who has no idea how to interact with anyone, like, absolutely nobody, and every single scene he's in reminds us of this, including this one.
Now that the third movie has explicitly drawn a line between Shadow's backstory and themes of pain and loss, and we see Gerald Robotnik weeping over what I think is Maria's body in the aftermath of the murder (jesus that's dark) I have to connect a few dots of my own.
The first movie had another piece of foreshadowing they threw at us, this one way more obvious: at the end of the first movie, a government agent is sent to speak with the Wachowski couple. He tells them that Ivo Robotnik has been thoroughly erased from existence. As far as any documentation of him ever existing on Planet Earth, there is none. He hasn't merely disappeared- it's like he never was.
If they did this to Ivo after this catastrophe it's not a stretch to think they did the same with Professor Gerald. Hell, I thought that after movie number one. "That has to come up later- we have a character the government explicitly turns on in this series. Like, as a major plot point. The defining moment in several characters' stories. No way does their ability to erase someone not come up later."
But now I think they went a step further.
They've already murdered a little girl and broken an old man in their efforts to contain the genius they were frightened of.
Personally, I don't think it's a stretch to think that Ivo Robotnik, very young himself at the time most likely, is an orphan because GUN decided to eradicate the entire family line in an effort to prevent anyone like Gerald Robotnik from ever existing again.
Except. The son survived. Well shit. Uh. Stick him in an orphanage and keep an eye on him, I guess.
And where does he end up as a adult? A branch of the government. Where they can keep an eye on him.
(More than that, if they did erase Gerald, Ivo clearly remembers him... so Ivo may have joined them specifically to look for traces of the grandfather he knows existed and who doesn't seem to have any records proving that whatsoever. But that's Ivo's motivations and we're talking about GUN's, so, moving on.)
It's likely based on his sheer intellect, assuming Ivo wasn't embellishing too heavily, that he didn't have to grow for very long before that brilliance was obvious. Though the government's decision to let him live was strategic, weighing the gamble of assassination with the gamble of him inheriting the genius and deciding that risking him having the same genius as his grandfather was better than trying to kill him at this point, the gambit ultimately failed. Even though he was more than likely still only a child, they'd let him live too long. In just a few short years he quickly became a very real threat to the government- as in, if given a reason, he could be a very real threat. And nothing Ivo does is ever subtle or quiet, so his genius was probably very loud, and there was likely lots of attention, making an assassination impossible, because if there would be too many questions before, there would be an insurmountable amount if he died or disappeared now.
So, since they couldn't kill him, they continued to keep an eye on him and took him on at the government when he was old enough with the intention of keeping their enemies closer. Except all of their caution still wasn't enough and he went rogue the first time he was presented with the opportunity to grab at power they didn't already have, power capable of things beyond their wildest imaginations- a monster of their own making.
Ivo, who never asked for what happened to him, very likely a victim of circumstances he had no hope of ever controlling, who responded to this trauma by making his choice that power mattered more than anything- more than morals, more than hurting people who are just like he was once. That shaping his own world after all the horrors he planned to do in pursuit of that may finally, finally "be enough."
(Be enough for what, exactly, Ivo. You never did explain that. "Who knows? Maybe that will be enough." Elaborate.)
Whether he knew the truth about why he had suffered or not, Robotnik made his choices. He stood at that crossroads that demanded he make a choice about what kind of person he was going to be in the face of all the pain and loss, and he made his choice. This movie is about Shadow making his.
If this movie really wants to beat us all to death it won't just draw comparisons between Sonic and Shadow, but Shadow and Ivo Robotnik.
(If this movie wants to exorcize our souls after we're dead, if it intends to be a trilogy and not make more movies in following the original vision for Sonic Adventure 2, it'll place Ivo at a new crossroads, and this time, he'll make a different choice.)
(Especially since Professor Gerald, in a much worse state of madness and malice than Ivo, who the movie is setting up specifically as someone Ivo loves, admires, and almost certainly misses, probably won't.)
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