#poor Skittery
chaosfairy18 · 7 days
The shower incident
A little fic inspired by something @bigmack2go told me. Has brief talks about sex regarding a minor (17) but nothing graphic, it is just Skittery freaking out his little brother gets older and mature. Enjoy!
Skittery loved his little brother. He really did.
Ever since Tumbler had been born when Skittery was four years old, he’d instantly lost all feelings of jealousy over getting a smaller sibling and knew he would protect the little thing with everything he had.
That hadn’t changed now, 17 years later, when Skittery was 21, had two boyfriends – one of which he played in the same soccer team as – and loved them more than he thought he could love someone. Because Tumbler was still mostly his number one priority, next to his mother – not his father, he’d been divorced for a reason.
But as much as he loved him, he was still an older brother and as such it was his duty to embarrass him.
So, when Skittery heard his brother sing in the shower – he didn’t even know he did that, but there was always a first time for something – he didn’t even think before getting his phone out and starting to record it. It wasn’t terrible, Benny at least hit most of the notes, but he’d still send it to Swifty and Bumlets later to laugh about his rendition of various songs from Rocky Horror Picture Show he’d been playing in the background during his shower. He’d not sung in the beginning, but now he was – kind of badly – singing along to “I can make you a man.”
Skittery got closer to the door, snickering quietly to not get too much of it into the recording. He just got into “Hot Patootie – Bless My Soul” when someone inside the bathroom laughed: “You could at least try to hit the notes.”
Someone that was definitely not his brother but instead his brothers ‘best friend’ Kat.
Before really thinking about it, Skittery ran away to his room – door open so he could hear if anything else happened – and tried to not scream because his brother was alone with another boy locked in the bathroom while he was allegedly showering, and they had music on. What were they doing locked up in the bathroom together in the first place??
He didn’t want to entertain the idea that they actually had been showering, he couldn’t take that, but what better alternative was there? He hadn’t even known Benny was gay or bi or- well that he liked other boys at all. And one would think that he’d mention it at some point, especially with how much time he spent around him and Bumlets and Swifty.
And now his little brother was locking himself in the bathroom with his best friend – who Skittery also hadn’t thought he liked men – and covered up whatever they did with music. Tumbler was seventeen, basically a child, so how-
The lock could be heard, and the door of the bathroom opened. “So then see you in two days, right?”
“Yeah, see you then!”
Skittery crept down the hallway, just fast enough to see Kat go down the stairs to leave the house, Tumbler still in front of the bathroom. As his brother was just staring at him, he said: “I’ll uh… go showering now. You done?”
“No, I need to shower.”
“Didn’t you just shower?”, Skittery raised an eyebrow. That had been the whole cover of whatever he had been doing in there after all. And his hair looked a bit wet.
Tumbler grinned, hands fidgeting. “No, Kat showered. I was just- well in. Was wearing clothes though!”
Skittery took a few deep breaths to not scream or punch the wall. For a few moments he thought about questioning this whole thing further, which would probably lead to his brother being annoyed or actually admitting they had made out or done whatever and Skittery wasn’t ready for this kind of confirmation. “Yeah just tell me when you’re done.”, he said and turned around, this time closing his door.
Skittery: I need to bleach my eyes and ears
Bumlets: I’d prefer you didn’t doll. What happened?
Skittery: Heard Tumbler
Locked in the bathroom
With Kat
Swifty: Oh shit
Bumlets: We'll come over
Or do you want to come here?
Fifteen minutes later Skittery stood in front of their apartment – it was really all of theirs, with how often Skittery slept there and stayed there. Bumlets opened and hugged him before leading him to the living room, Skittery not protesting when he just pulled his head down to rest under his chin and pulled him close on the couch. He probably needed it.
“Tell us what happened. If you can.”
Skittery sighed and explained the entire thing to them, Bumlets patting his head all the while.
“You think they were really having shower sex?”
“He said he had to shower after, so he couldn’t have been in the shower with him, right?”, said Skittery wanting to believe it to be true.
Swifty shrugged. “Well he still watched Kat shower, probably.”
“Don’t say it like that. And he’s too young for sex in general.”
“How old were you again when you and Blink-“
“Boys.”, Bumlets interrupted. “Maybe less talk about what they did okay? Do you want to talk to him about it? Not what exactly happened, just if he has something with Kat. He knows you wouldn’t judge.”
Skittery hummed, just trying to hide his face more in Bumlets’ neck. “Don’t wanna ask about it. But if I don’t it’ll just happen again because he thinks he got away with it.”
He probably had to either way. No matter what, he’d need to have a shovel talk with Kat if there was something happening. And either force them to leave their door open every time or evacuate the house.
“At least you didn’t get the flirty twin.”, Bumlets joked, referencing how his own little brother had been dating Kit, Kat’s twin, for half a year now. “Flipper was whining a lot about how he wasn’t sure if he meant their playful flirting in drama class because he’s always like that.”
“At least Flipper talked to you about it.”, retorted Skittery. Was he really that untrustworthy? Or didn’t Tumbler feel comfortable with him now?
Swifty took his hand and squeezed it. “I’m sure he trusts you Mica. Might just try to figure it out, you know?”
“But why in the shower?”
“Forget about that for a little while. Why don’t we watch Addams Family and I’ll make you a hot chocolate?”
Skittery a bit wanted to protest that he didn’t need it and it probably wasn’t that bad, but he knew they were just doing it because they loved him and wanted to help. This wasn’t just for him it was also for them and he appreciated that.
They watched movies until they fell asleep, Skittery – at least for a while – forgetting he’d have to have a talk with his brother soon.
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Albert: I spy with my little eye…someone who needs to shut the hell up.
Race: …is it me?
Albert: It’s always you.
23 notes · View notes
kid-blinks-eyepatch · 2 months
Barney Peanuts/Coffee Bean
30 days minific challenge 3️⃣0️⃣
here :3
Day one- realizing they’re in love
- Bean POV-
I grinned, putting an arm around Barney  Peanuts. He looked at me and laughed, ruffling my hair. I grinned, punching his shoulder playfully. He let out a ‘oof’ and stumbled dramatically, grinning. I laughed as i watched him turn a cartwheel happily. He was always bouncing around. It was probably why we got along so well. I was high-strung and energetic. He was mostly the same. I grinned and ran to catch up with him. He ruffled my hair as we walked and I grinned wider.
“Hey Bean did i tell ya about Mikey?” He asked me. I shook my head. He started to tell me about one of the members from the circus. I was listening to him at first, but then I saw some crows. I watched them as Peanuts tossed a peanut he produced from hsi pockeys to them. 
“Thats kind…” I trailed off as the crows startled and flew off. I got caught up in watching them before Peanuts shook my shoulder.
“Did you get distracted by a flock of birds, Bean?” he laughed, grinning. I loved his smile, when it was genuine it practically lit up his whole face. I blinked, grinning back, laughing slightly at the odd detour of my thoughts.
“Yes-“ I grinned. We arrived back at the lodge and Peanuts gave me a friendly hug and went to go play cards. Unsurprisingly, i didn’t have the patience for cards, so i laid ob my bunk and rolled my marbles around. I looked over at Peanuts. I felt myself smile as i saw him. His tongue protruded slightly from the corner of his mouth as he thought. He eventually gave up and laid his cards down, laughing. I loved his laugh. He laughed a lot, he was a happy person. When he laughed he tended to smile, which as i mentioned, lit up his entire face. It was really pretty. I looked at him more carefully. His eyes weren’t exactly anything special, just a light brown color. I smiled slightly, I loved the way his eyes seemed to dance when he was laughing or excited. I laid back on my bed, still watching him. My eyes flicked over to Mike and Jojo. The latter was sitting in Mike’s lap, reading a book. Mike was petting his hair and talking to Ike. I smiled slightly. I kinda wanted Peanuts to hold me. I shrugged it off, normal friend feelings. It was probably normal to wonder about hoe your best friend would react to you kissing them. normal emotions.
Well then my brain decided to bring up something Blink had said to Skittery awhile ago
“Y’know i never realized i was actually in love with Mush until i realized i kinda wanted him to kiss me” he’d said. I sat up and blinked. I looked at Peanuts, who was laughing. holy shit his smile. I flopped back down
oh fuck
Im in love
with my best friend 
well f u c k.
this was gonna make life interesting.
Day 2 - first kiss
- Bean-
I hummed as I settled into Peanuts lap, he had my hand in his. I hummed happily as he squeezed my hand. I poked his cheek affectionately and he laughed, grinning.
“Hiiii” I grinned. He laughed 
“Hi Bean” He replied happily, playing with my fingers. I grinned at him. We were sitting on his bunk. It was chaotic as usual, the littles stickfighting and a few rowdy games of cards or craps. Poor Specs was trying to read his book with Romeo crawling all over him. Blink had settled himself in Mush’s lap as the latter was playing a game of poker with Race, Henry, and Ike. Jack was sitting on his bunk with Davey. Davey had his head in Jack’s lap. I looked over at Peanuts. He was occupying himself with running his hands through my hair, which always tended to fluff when it was cold out. I watched him as he grinned and patted my hair
“Fluffy” He grinned, giving me a quick squeeze. I laughed and wiggled happily. I was wiggling my foot as I was comfy and didnt feel like moving, but i had too much energy to just lay still. I hummed excitedly. I liked being held.Peanuts and I had been dating for about a month now. We mostly just cuddled. Holy crap I wanted to kiss him so so bad. He was absolutely gorgeous. I bit my lip and sat up. He huffed as I left his lap. I laughed and nuzzled him.
“Im gonna get a drink” I explained. He hummed, holding out his arms for a hug. I bit my tongue and kissed him lightly on the lips. I felt my face heat up. I glanced at him. He was hiding his face in his hands. Through the cracks in his fingers i could see he was blushing furiously. I knew I was too.
“You uh- You two okay-?” Bumlets asked from the bunk next to us. He had Skittery, who was out cold,  curled up next to him under a blanket. I nodded
“mHm-” I felt myself redden more. Peanuts made a squeak sound and nodded, still keeping his face hidden. Bumlets chuckled softly
“I think you broke Barney” He said to me, nodding to him. I nodded, still bright red.  Bumlets returned to his book, running a hand through Skittery’s hair. I turned back to my boyfriend, who was impossibly red. I tapped his shoulder and he replied with a grunt/whine
“was that okay Barn?” I Asked him nervously. He nodded
“Yes!” he practically half-shouted. I grinned and tipped his beet red face up to look at me. I kissed him gently and he squeaked, pulling me down onto the bunk, and in turn, him. I laughed as he pulled me up for another kiss, much longer this time.  I grinned and grabbed his face between my hands. He was still bright red but smiling
“aww!” I giggled, kissing him again. I grinned and squished his cheeks. He laughed
“Shhh you’re just like so… so cute and kissable and come hereeee!” I grinned, pulling him down to kiss him more. I covered his face in kisses until he was flusted bright red and practically shaking from embarrassment. I grinned and pulled him down, wrapping my arms around him
“Beaaannnn” he whined, flushing redder. I giggled as he hid his face in my chest
“Youre too damn cute” I grinned, kissing his hair. He hummed and snuggled against me.
Day 3 - moving
 - BEan POV-
I ran a hand through my hair, glancing around for my boyfriend. The apartment wasn’t anything big, just a livingroom/kitchen, and a bedroom with a small bathroom attached to it. Seeing as it was just the two of us, it worked pretty well.
We’d been bringing up our stuff and the apartment was filled with boxes. I blinked and looked around for Peanuts. He wasn’t anywhere in sight. I frowned and poked my hesd into the bedroom. He wasn’t in there and the bathroom door was wide open 
“Peanuts?” I called,looking around the room again. There wasn’t a response. I felt myself start to panic slightly before I heard a soft snore. I blinked and looked around. He wasn’t on the couch, or the table or counter. I walked until i almost burst out laughing. There, curled up in a cardboard box meant for the blankets. He was, in fact, curled up under a blanket. I snorted and shook him awake. He sat up and grinned sleepily at me
“hiiiii” he grinned, wrapping the blanket around himself. I laughed
“do you need to take a break?” I laughed. He nodded and yawned. I pulled him up and led my sleepy boyfriend to the bedroom. I laughed as he flopped down onto the bed.
“comfy?” I laughed, watching him burrow under the slightly outrageous amount of blankets on our bed. He huffed and shook his head
“no :( I want my beanyyy” he huffed, making grabby hands at me. I laughed and laid down next to him as he snuggled against me
“much!” he hummed happily.
Day 4 - meeting the family
- Peanuts-
Bean laughed and I straightened his shirt.  He nervously blushed and bounced on his toes.
“Peanutss—“ He whined nervously, looking in the car mirror and fixing his hair for the hundreth time.  I chuckled and took his hand, leading him to the front door. I knocked and my dad opened the door. I smiled as my dad pulled me into a big hug. I laughed as i was pulled into the house, I was still holding Bean’s hand. My mom came over and did the usual mother checkover. She investigated my face, asked if i was eating and drinking water, the ususal. I laughed and nodded. 
“Where’s everyone?” I asked.
“Living room” My dad replied. I squeezed Bean’s hand reassuringly
“they’re gonna love ya” I grinned, kissing his temple before pulling him into the living room. My two older sisters, Maddie and Tess. Maddie glanced at us and waved before returning to her phone. My little brothers, Braydon and Jessie, true to form, had squeezed together in a chair, cackling over a video.
My dad walked in and took a seat on the opposite couch my sisters, and now my mom, were sitting on.
“Hi everyone!” I grinned, Tess got up to give me a hug, and to shoot Bean a mildly threatening look. He squeaked and hit himself behind me slightly. Jessie and Braydon tackled me into a hug and I cackled along with them. 
“So who’s thisss?” Maddie grinned “The famous Angelo we’ve all heard so much about?”  I laughed and nodded, gently tugging Bean out from behind me. He had a death grip on my hand still. He reached up to try to fix a stray hair that didn’t exist. I chuckled softly
“yes, this is my very pretty boyfriend Angelo” I grinned, releasing his hand, which drew a panicked side-eye from him. I put an arm around his waist and let my hand rest at his hip, holding him against me. He smiled weakly at my family
“Hii-“ He said, waving slightly. Braydon waved happily
“Hi Angelo!” he said excitedly. Bean pressed himself to me nervously. I rubbed a small circle on his hip with my thumb
He continued to press himself to me nervously as Jessie waved excitedly 
“Hiii :D” he half-shouted. He’d always been loud. “Im Jessie, thats Braydon, Tess, and Maddie”
Bean nodded as i led him to the couch. I say in between my dad and the nervous ball of energy known as my boyfriend. At this point i noticed the jenga Tess and Jessie were playing
I looked at Peanuts family nervously. His brothers seemed to like me. Braydon had short, dark hair while Jessie had longer blond hair that came down to about his chin. His sister Maddie had curly, dark brown hair that went past her shoulders. His other sister Tess had short, curly blonde hair that was about the length of Peanuts. Peanuts was the spitting image of his father, the same eyes, nose, hell even the same mouth. His mother looked more like Maddie. I blinked as i realized id been asked a question 
“sorry-?” I replied softly
“Do ya wanna play jenga?” Maddie asked. I shrugged and nodded.
The next thing I knew id been sucked into a jenga game that ended up with Tess wrestling Braydon into submission on the floor. I snorted, trying to hold in my laughter as Jessie was practically rolling on the floor laughing.
Thankfully the food was good. I wasn’t a picky eater, bur i wasn’t a fan of trying nee foods. It was just pizza, and we ate in the living room. As we ate his family asked me questions, most of which weren’t too personal, thankfully. 
“So has Peanuts fallen aslep on the table yet?” Tess asked me. I nodded my head and laughed softly. The conversation lasted for a few hours. I smiled genuinely for most of it, his family really was just like him. Eventually it was time to go and Peanuts went to get the car while i waited by the door. the rest of his family was still in a playful argument about Jenga. Tess walked up to me.
“Angelo” she said. I looked at her nervously 
“Yeah-?” I replied. She grabbed my shoulder and pulled me close. I swallowed.
“you hurt my baby brother and Ill fuck you up, understood?” she growled. I nodded. she released me and smiled
“good, Barneys waiting” she said. I called one last goodbye and left, sliding into the passenger seat.
“not so bad?” Peanuts asked. I nodded
“other than Tess, no” I agreed. He laughed 
“she’s just overprotective” He leaned iver to kiss my lips “Im proud of you” he hummed
“thanks Peanuts” I grinned at him “I love you”
“I love you too Bean” he grinned, kissing me again.
“watch the road!” I squealed out. He laughed and i smacked him. He laughed more. I rolled my eyes 
“your dumbass”
-Day 5- First ‘I love you’
I nervously poked my head into the circus tent, I wanted to see my boyfriend and didn’t have the patience to wait. I looked arounf and spotted Peanuts as he turned a happy cartwheel. I smiled slightly. I slid onto a bench. The tent was empty except for me, Peanuts, and two other men who seemed a few years older than me and Peanuts. Peanuts scrambled up onto the platform where a tightrope started. One of the men was up there, and the other seemed to be checking a net below the tightrope was secure. He tugged on it and called up something i either couldn’t hear or was in a different language. I rested my elbows on my knees as i watched the man up with Peanuts walk out onto the tightrope. backwards. He was facing Peanuts as he walked backwards. I could hear them talking, but they were too far for me to hear. Peanuts nodded and looked over at the benches. He noticed me and waved.
“Hi Bean!” He yelled to me. I waved back. He turned back to the man on the tightrope.
I watched Peanuts listen to the man as he nodded. Peanuts slowly took a step onto the rope and I let out a small squeak. Oh fucking hell he was so high up. I put a hand over my mouth. Oh hell if he fell-. I swallowed hard. Peanuts managed a few steps before he wobbled, causing the other man to wobble as well. I let out a worried squeak. Peanuts somehow managed to regain his balance and slowly continued. The other man backed off onto the platform on the opposite side from where he’d started. Peanuts made it to about halfway before he wobbled to much and fell. I let out another strangled squeak as Peanuts fell onto the net. He laid there a moment before holding up his arm in a thumbs-up. He sat up and rolled out of the net, laughing. I whined, bouncing my knee. I watched as he climbed back up and tried again. He made it to about where he had the first time before he wobbled and pretty much flipped off the tightrope. I let out another whine as he landed in the net again. The three of them laughed and one called
“Let’s wrap it up Ollie” The man called. Peanuts laughed and nodded, hopping the  small wall and walking over to me. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips as i stood up and we walked out of the tent and in the direction of the lodge. I glanced at him, I wanted to make sure he was okay, but i couldn’t exactly check him over in the middle of the street. I looked over at him, linking our pinkies together. He glanced at me and smiled
“You okay Beany?” He asked me. I nodded
“Are you? Those was big falls” I said nervously. He nodded, laughing
“yeah, I fell upwards of-“ He looked down, mumbling under his breath “Dezoito, dezenove, vinte-“ He looked back  at me “twenty times” he laughed. I let out a small squeak and bit my cheek.
“oh-“ I said “are you *sure* you’re okay?” I said nervously. He laughed and nodded
“yeah, i might have a few bruises but I’m okay” He grinned.
We arrive back at the lodge and I pushed Peanuts gently onto the bed. He laughed.
“Excited are we?” He grinned. I groaned, sitting on his waist
“Not like that you idiot” I snorted, undoing his shirt. He blinked, looking up at me
“are you sure-? cause this is how it usually goes-“ He laughed, smirking up at me. I whined softly as I saw his chest and stomach. There were light, still forming bruises on him. He looked down at himself
“it happens when I falls” He said, shrugging. I tenderly poked them, concerned. He laughed, wiggling with a small wince
“You sure you’re okay?” I asked, kissing the bruises. He nodded
“Im sure im okay I promise Bean” he said. I whined and continued to kiss the bruises
“Honey” Peanuts said, grabbing my face and making me look at him. I looked at him nervously. He sat up and tugged me so i was next to him. He buttoned his shirt and laid down, pulling me with him. I whined and tried to wiggle away, worried about hurting him. 
“Beanie, Angelo” he murmured, kissing my forehead “I’m okay” He said. I whimpered
“are you sure? are you okay? do you promise?” I said, nuzzling his chest. He nodded
“yes i promise- its just a few bruises Beany, whys ya so worried?” he chuckled.I shrugged, hugging him, mumbling a response. He rubbed my hair
“Cause i loves you” I replied. He froze and looked at me. I peeked up at him, he smiled at me, kissing me.
“I loves you too” he replied. I gawked at him, before burying my face in his chest
“really? you promise??” I said, peeking up at him again. He grinned and nodded
“Really, I promise” He said, kissing my forehead. I squealed happily and snugged into him.
“I love you I love you I love you!!” I said happily, squeezing him. He laughed, squeezing me back 
“I love you too Bean”
-Day 6-Raising a kid/pet
I glanced at Peanuts, who was thoroughly enjoying himself. He grinned at me
“Allie lookit her!” he said happily to me, sticking his tongue out at the baby, who we’d named Avery. She giggled and he looked back at me happily. I rolled my eyes affectionately, grinning back at him and Avery. I laughed as I got out of the car, walking around to the passenger door and opening it.
“may i see our child now?” I teased, grinning. Peanuts stuck out his tongue, causing Avery to giggle happily, making a small ‘ppft’ noise. He grinned at me. I smiled, laughing. He was so happy, it was absolutely adorable. I let him take her out of the car seat and i took her as he got out of the car. I grinned down at Avery
“hi little baby” I hummed, nudging her cheek with my finger. she just made more baby noises as she watched me. I grinned and held her happily. Peanuts wrapped an arm around me and kissed my temple
“You cant have her yet you got her the whole drive home!” I laughed, nuzzling him as we walked. he kissed my temple
“I can carry her if she’s heavy-“
“shes five months old!” I laughed, rolling my eyes. we went inside the apartment building and to the elevator. Avery, thankfully, stayed quiet and cooed happily. She waved her small arms happily, grabbing at my shirt. I cooed softly at her. Peanuts huffed, leaning on me and squishing Avery’s nose lightly. She giggled, smiling. I awwed as we went inside our apartment. We’d moved to a bigger one, but we were still living in New York, so we lived in an apartment. I kicked the door shut gently as Avery squirmed. Peanuts took her from me. I laughed as he held her protectively. 
“someone’s possessive” I chucked. Avery giggled, tugging on Peanuts’ shirt happily. Peanuts stuck out his tongue, which was the funniest thing imaginable to Avery, and nodded
“mine” he hummed, bouncing Avery gently. I laughed and let our jack Russell, titan, out of the kitchen. We’d decided to put up a gate so he didn’t immediately jump us if Avery was being fussy. Titan barked happily, which Avery didn’t seem to appreciate much. she started to whine, using her small ears to cover her tiny ears. i picked up Titsn to reassure him the five month old child wasn’t a threat.
-Timeskip-still Bean-
i hummed as Peanuts kissed behind my ear affectionately. I laughed, turning to face him. He grinned
“dinner’s ready” he hummed, nuzzling into me. I laughed
“thanks honey” I laughed as I went to Avery’s room to get her and her friend Daniel, who was Tommy and Henry’s kid. I knocked on the door and waited a few seconds before opening it. Avery was perched on her desk while Daniel was sprawled on the floor. they looked at me
“dinner’s ready” I said. they both scrambled up and followed me to the table. we all say down and ate comfortably. We all knew each other and it wasn’t uncommon for Daniel to spend the night at our house, or Avery spend the night at Tommy and Henry’s house, the two of them were good friends, and we were good friends with Tommy and Henry. As we ate Avery was unusually quiet. I looked at her, tilting my head
“You okay Ave?” I asked her. She nodded, glancing at Daniel. Daniel continued eating their food, but glanced at Avery as well.
“uh-“ she mumbled. she swallowed at looked up at us
“ImdatingDanielpleasedon’tbemad-“ she said before taking a bite of her noodles. 
“Okay” I replied, knowing Peanuts would take over
“First off im gonna say we’re not mad” he shrugged “and *usually* id go on a rant but i mean it’s Daniel so… nobody get pregnant?” He said. Avery laughed in relief and hugged us both. 
-Day 7-Getting lost somewhere
I hummed, peeking through the darkness to see the path. I didn’t want to run into omens of the scarers. I sort of regretted coming here. I spotted Peanuts.
I grinned, jumping onto Peanuts back. He hollered in surprise but caught me. I attempted to peek up through the corn. He rolled his eyes, flipping me around and dropping me slightly. This resulted on my clinginh to his chest for dear life. I grumbled
“No fairrr”
“stop trying to cheat you butt!” he laughed. I rolled my eyes and pouted as he set me down. he kissed my temple
“cmon Beany its fun!”
“it’s terrifying” I muttered, keeping a tight grip on his hand. “Its dark and we’re lost and there’s someone dressed as a fucking clown!” I said, deciding his hand wasn’t enough and clinging to his arm instead. he snorted and kissed my hair. I shivered, hugging myself momentarily.
“you said you were up for this” he chuckled. i bit his arm lightly and he laughed loudly. I whined
“stawppp theyre gonna hear us!!” I whined, trying to decide between clinging to his arm or wrapping it around me. I decided to cling to his torso and let him wrap his arm around me. He held me against him as we walked. We were just wandering at this point, we were completely and utterly lost in the maze. I wasn’t paying attention when one of the scarers jumped out at us. I shrieked and hid my face in Peanuts, who was shaking with restrained laughter. I shivered from cold and fear. I whined and clung to him. he picked me up again and i whimpered. He was holding me so I was in front of him, hiding my face in his chest. He maneuvered me so he was carrying me bridal style. I whined and tugged on his shirt 
“I know Beany I know” he laughed, kissing my forehead. I clung tightly to him. 
“im cold” I mumbled “and… and a tiny bit scared” Peanuts kissed my hair
“shh, shhh, I know” he murmured soothingly, rubbing my back. I clung to him. 
I grumbled as Peanuts groaned
“we are so fucked. I have no idea where we are”
“I don’ think we’re far” I said, hiding my face in his warmth “i can get up on yoir shoulders and direct?”
“yeah sounds good”
After about twenty minutes we were both muddy and cold but we had finally made it back to the car. I slid into the passenger seat, shivering. I shivered, waiting for Peanuts. I looked out the window.
where had he gone?
He popped up suddenly and I screeched. He roared with laughter, sliding into his seat. I whined and covered my face with my hands
“stoppp!” I whined as he turned on the car. He snickered and put the blanket he kept in the backseat over me.
I grumbled and crossed my arms as we drove out. Peanuts leaned over and kissed my temple
“not coming here next year?” He chuckled. I shook my head
“I love you” He laughed, kissing me again. I pushed his face away
“Road!!” I squealed. He laughed.
“I love you too” I replied “even if you are an ass sometimes” 
Peanuts grinned
“you love my ass and you know it” 
I groaned, fixing my tie in the mirror. I bit my tongue as I waited for Peanuts. We had to go to one of his coworkers’ wedding. I wasn’t sure exactly why wed been invited as Peanuts said they weren’t super close. I groaned and knocked on the bedroom door
“C’mon Peanuts!” I said, waiting “We gotts go now!” I called, grabbing the keys
“Two seconds!” he shouted
“Im leaving you here!” I laughed, opening the door. He caught up with me and smacked the back of my head lightly. I groaned and looked over at him.
oh fuck.
he was fucking hot.
so fucking hot.
I didn’t know anyone there, so i mainly stood off to the side, vibrating with my usual energy. I literally could not take my eyes off of Peanuts. I bit the inside of my cheek. 
The suit stuck to him in all the right places. I watched him as he talked, walking around and being social. Oh hell the way his hips moved when he walked. His arms seemed much more muscular than usual. And I don’t even want to start on how good his ass looks. His hips swayed as he talked happily. I felt myself staring at his waist. God he hd a slutty waist. He laughed, grinning. I bit the inside of my cheek as he walked over to me. I raised my eyebrows at him. he grinned at me, wrapping an arm around me. I reddened. 
“you okay?” he asked me. I nodded meekly
“you’re just-“ I coughed “really really hot in that-“ I managed 
“is that why you’re all flustered?”
“y e s” I said, whining slightly “and this is gonna go f o r e v e r and I’m gonna absolutely d i e if i cant fuck you soon” Peanuts laughed, kissing my forehead. 
“we can leave early, sound good darlin?” he chuckled. I nodded, huffing
“You have a really slutty waist yknow” I grumbled. He almost spit out his drink before bursting out laughing.  he snickered and kissed my forehead 
“you’re one to talk” he said happily before bouncing off to talk to people. I groaned and sat in a chair. I watched him for the rest of the night. He dragged me up to dance but i honestly just wanted to go home.
We got home and I practically dragged Peanuts into the house. He laughed as I pushed him onto the bed. He cackled
“Love you my horny bastard”
“love you too Peanuts”  i rolled my eyes before continuing my mission.
- Bean- 
I kicked the dirt aimlessly. Peanuts had been gone with the circus for a few weeks now and i missed him. I huffed as i flopped on my bunk. I whined softly, putting an arm over my eyes. I wanted my boyfriend. I wanted to hug him. I wanted to kiss him. I at least wanted to talk to him. I wanted Peanuts. I sat up with my back against the headboard of my bunk. I pulled my box of belongings out from under the bed, pulling out a letter.
Id found the letter a day ofter Peanuts left, and it was written in his messy scrawl. I opened it and squinted at the words. It took me awhile to read it as I wasn’t exactly great at reading.
          Hi baby, how’re you doing? I hope you’re doing okay. You been having okay days? I hope so.
           I know I’m not with you right now, and Im sorry about that. Believe me, I’d rather be with you right now.
           I love you. You’re so pretty baby. You’re absolutely beautiful. I love you so so so so so so so so so so so so so much. 
           Im sorry im not there when you need me, but i want you to know that I love you, okay? I love you no matter what. Don’t forget you’re beautiful and i love you
I love you,
Barney Peanuts 
I whined softly and rested my forehead on my knees in distress. I knew he meant well by the letter, and it helped a small bit, but it didn’t really help at all.
The letter went back in the box and the box went back under my bed. I tugged my hair lightly. I just wanted Peanuts.
I just wanted a hug from him
Was that so much to ask? 
It didn’t even have to be a romantic hug
It could be a normal friendly hug
I just wanted a fucking hug
Just a fucking hug from my boyfriend 
I whined softly and watched the other newsies. 
Most everyone was just trying to cool down. It was brutally hot out. I watched Blink rolling around on his bunk, he never handled the heat well at all. Mush was lying on the floor, facedown. Skittery nudged him with his toe
“mmmphhh! s cool” Mush whined. I bit my lip. I knew the heat was working me up but i was gonna start crying soon. I whined under my breath and went to the bathroom. I got a drink and looked at my face in the mirror. My Face was flushed red and i tugged on my hair.
fucking dammit i just wanted my boyfriend 
I just wanted a hug from him 
I wanted to hear his voice.
I squeezed my eyes shut, I refused to cry. I wasn’t gonna cry. Not here at least 
I just wanted my fucking boyfriend. 
I felt myself shake with a barley restrained sob and i opened my eyes and wiped the tears away. I exhaled.
I just wanted Peanuts.
I woke up to the usual feelings. I was warm from all the blankets we had on our bed. and Peanuts was pressed against my chest like usual. I kissed his forehead lightly and he grumbled. He’d always been a surprisingly light sleeper
“mornin Peanuts” I laughed, sitting up
“no” he simply said, reaching up for me. I laughed. We both thankfully had the day off so we had been able to sleep in. I laughed again
“cmon baby its already ten” I put a hand on his chest and shook him gently “time to wake up” He just whined and pulled the blankets over his head. I laughed and rolled my eyes
“no!” he squeaked as i got up. I grinned and pulles the blankets down so i could see his face. He huffed, not happy about being removed from his nest. I kissed his forehead
“im gonna make us breakfast” i hummed, picking up one of his hoodies from the floor. I slipped it on and went to the kitchen.
I was surprised that by the time i was done making breakfast Peanuts *still* wasn’t up. I went to investigate. He’d definitely gotten up as he wasn’t in bed, but he was leaning on the sink in the bathroom.
“you okay honey?” I asked him, tilting my head. he shook his head
“s all hurtin” he replied. I realized what he meant. It didn’t happen often, but sometimes he would be incredibly sore from dance. Id mentioned it to Skittery once and he’d saidBumlets was the same way. I hummed sympathetically as i walked over to him
“did you take somethin?” I asked. He nodded slightly and I picked him up. he squealed and i laughed. I set him back on our bed and covered him in a few blankets 
“ill be right back” I hummed. 
I went to the kitchen and got breakfast. I handed Peanuts a plate and i sat cross legged next to him. He’d wiggled into a physically impossible position for most people but seemed comfortable for now. He nibbled on his food for awhile before looking at mine. I rubbed his hair
“m eatin it i promise” I said, taking a bit. he relaxed and ate his food. I put the plates on the dresser/nightstand next to the bed. Peanuts then shifted so he was lying like a normal human being. he tugged on the hoodie i was still wearing. I looked at him and he pouted. I laughed and laid down so i was Holding him gently. he hummed happily. I grinned and kissed his hair
“you wanna watch a movie?” I hummed. he nodded. I turned on a star wars movie, he loved those. He squeaked happily and buried himself into my side. I laughed and pet his hair as we watched the movie.
“thanks Beany” he mumbled against me “an m sorry” he added
“shhh its okay” I reassured him gently, kissing him “I love you so i take care of you” He smiled, nuzzling me
“I love you too!”
about halfway through the movie Peanuts decided he wasn’t getting a proper amount of attention because he shifted so he was all but laying on top of me. I laughed and pet his hair gently. He hummed softly.
i continued to pet his hair absentmindedly as i watched the movie until i heard a soft snore. I grinned as i realized he’d fallen asleep again. I laughed softly. He was burrowed in the blankets and asleep on my chest. He was too cute for this world, I thought happily as i continued to play with his hair.
I grumbled, scrunching my eyes closed further. Someone shook me and I batted my hand in their general direction. They shook me again and I let out a groan, throwing an arm over my eyes.
“Ollie!” My mother laughed, shaking me again. I groaned, moving my arm off my eyes. I looked up at my mom. She was a short woman, I was taller than her, but i had been since I was roughly 13. I was pretty much the spitting image of her, same nose and eyes and mouth. She raised her eyebrows at me. I blinked sleepily
“mmmm?” I yawned, streching. I realized i had Bean asleep on my chest still. Only his messy, dark brown hair peeked out from under his blanket. I grinned sheepishly 
“He got cold” I explained. My mom rolled her eyes but laughed
“its time to get up you two” she chuckled. I nodded and she hummed as she walked away. I twisted to look out the window of the train. After roughly a minute i recognized where we were. We still had an hour until we got to where we had to be. I shook Bean gently
“Honeyyy” I cooed “time to wake upppp”
He grumbled and burrowed into me
“No! sleepy!” he whined. I chuckled and kissed his hair 
“come on baby wake up” I laughed. Bean whined and buried his face into me. I sat up, banging my head on the bunk above us
“Fuuck!” I yelped, rubbing my head. Bean whined and pulled me down, inspecting my head. I laughed as i felt him parting my hair to investigate. I heard Tess cackling with laughter. She landed on the floor with a thud. She straightened up and poked my shoulder. Bean pulled me against him, glaring at Tess. She rolled her eyes 
“whatever lover boys” she laughed, waving before walking out. I looked at Bean
“did someone get possessive?” I chuckled. Bean huffed and squeezed me
“mine” he mumbled. I laughed and pried Bean off me as I stood up. He huffed and stood up. I raised my eyebrows at him.
“shirt” I chuckled. He reddened and picked up his, slipping it on. He made a happy sound before kissing me gently. i grinned and kissed his forehead
“uh- im not s fan of trains-“ He yelped as the train rattled a bit harder, causing him to stumble into me. I grinned
“Its okay- we’re almost in Paris baby”
“good- i swear i can’t walk normally cause of this”
“i didn’t contribute at all?” I murmured. He squealed and hit my shoulder lightly. I burst out laughing
“Love you Jumpin bean”
“Love you too Barn” He huffed.
- Bean -
Christmas had never been much at the lodge. A few of us didn’t even celebrate it. Crutchie, Les, Davey were Jewish, and Soot was Muslim. A few of us were atheists and others just didn’t share what they believed in. It didn’t matter, none of us cared much for the holiday whether we believed in it or not. I wriggled, trying to get some feeling back in my feet. It was too damn cold this year. I felt a shiver run through my body, I pulled the blanket tighter around myself. Peanuts sat on the bunk. I squeaked happily and wiggled, grinning. Peanuts chuckled. he kissed my forehead. I realized he had a paper bag in his lap. I cocked my head
“whaddya have there?” I asked, wiggling into a sitting position and resting my chin on his shoulder. he chuckled
“so i know you said you didn’t like christmas” He said, turning to face me. i wiggled out of my blankets. he handed me the bag sheepishly and i bot my lip
“okay-“ I laughed, producing what was a pair of glsves shittily wrapped in newspaper. I handed it to him
“aww” He chuckled. I reddened
“shuddup-“ I mumbled. he laughed
“open yours” he said. I did ashe said and produced one of the jelly-filled pastries i liked. I grinned at him 
“thank you!” I giggled happily, wrapping my arms around him. he grinned, kissing my hair. I happily let him go and looked at him
“do you want some-?” I asked. He shook his head
“Beany I can’t stand jelly” he laughed. I happily started to eat it. 
“open yours” I hummed. he did and squeaked happily when he saw the gloves. they were the type of gloves he used for the circus so he didn’t hurt his hands. Id convinced Buttons to help me sew a pattern of a peanut on the back of each one. I laughed sheepishly
“i know its not exactly pretty” I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck “but in my defense-“ I was cut off by Peanuts squeezing me into a tight hug
“thank you thank you thank you!” He squealed happily. I hugged him back
“I love you Peanuts” I grinned, kissing him. He made a face 
“you taste like jelly” he grumbled, grinning playfully “I love you too Bean” 
-Peanuts POV-
I laughed as Bean bounced ahead, his paper bag slung across his chest. it bounced against his hip as he wheeled to face me. I kept walking until i caught up.
“lets go for a walk!” he said happily, grabbing my hand and pulling me forward. I chuckled
“yeah!” He grinned, pulling me along. I chuckled. He dragged me along, happily pointing out whatever he deemed interesting 
“thats where Elmer and Mush found me, thats where Mush punched a kid-“ he said, squeezing my hand. I glanced at him 
“Elmer and Mush found you?” I asked. He nodded
“Yeah- Mush didn’t talk though” He said after a moment of thought “his face was all beat up so i dont think it was long after they found Mush.” I nodded. He’d told me about his family. They essentially didn’t have room for him so his mom pretty much jusy abandoned him. He’d said he was pretty sure he was supposed to have gone to the church but he wandered off. I squeezed his hand and he looked at me, grinning widely
“Barn cmon!” he said, tugging my arm. I snorted as we walked through the typical stalls and people that crowded the downtown area. I watched him as he nicked a cinnamon roll off a stand. He pulled me out of the crowded streets and into central park. I gave him a look when he scrambled up into a tree. I followed him and he happily broke the cinnamon roll in half and handed it to me.  I chuckled and took it
“thanks” I laughed, taking a bite. Bean hummed happily as he ate his food.
“You’re gonna get caught one of these days ya know” I laughed, breaking off a small bit and holding it to his mouth. He laughed and took it between his teeth, eating it. I grinned and wrapped an arm around his shoulders
“i know- but its just some bread” he hummed “and he was gonna throw it out anyways- it’s old”
“tastes good to me” I hummed. Bean nodded
“me too”
“did you have fun on our walk?” I laughed. He nodded enthusiastically 
I felt myself being shook awake by Bean. I whimpered and tried to hide under the blanket. It was warm and soft. 
“Barn” Bean said nervously, shaking me again. I forced an eye open to look up at him. His hand was on my chest. I whined softly.
“Barn do you feel okay?” He asked me. I forced myself to nod
“Just tired” I rasped. i knew i shouldn’t have spoke because i saw the look he got when he was going to worry. 
“Barn you look pale” He said worriedly, pressing the back of his hand to my forehead. I weakly swatted at his hand
“Beany-“ I managed “im okay” I coughed. Bean whined and pressed his lips to my forehead. I wiggled weakly
“baby-“ I rasped. Bean shook his head 
“shush!” he said, pressing his fingers to my lips. I rolled my eyes but allowed him to help me into a sitting position. I shivered, it was cold.
I whined softly as i very casually piled all of our blankets onto Peanuts. he snuggled into them. I whined again
“are you feeling okay?” I asked him. he shook his head faintly 
“dizzy” he mumbled. I bit the inside of my cheek and helped him lay back down. I stroked his sweaty hair. He shivered 
“Be-Bean- Angie-,” he shivered, wrapping the blanket tighter around himself “hurty” he whimpered. His British accent was startinf to become prominent. I kissed his forehead. he whimpered and weakly batted my face away
“no! sicky!” he sniffed. i nodded and walked to the bathroom to get him an asprin. I heard a thud and looked back into our bedroom
Peanuts was lying on the floor. He sat up, paled, and flopped back down.
“need to puke?” i asked him and he nodded. After a struggle i picked him up. I wasn’t nearly as strong as he was. I (un)gracefully set him down next to the toilet where he then proceeded to barf out what seemed like all of his intestines he whined and reached for me. I shook my head and managed to get him sitting on thr counter. I wiped off his mouth for him since he seemed about to pass out. I washed his face gently and handed him the aspirin. i gently helped him take the pills and he whined, leaning his head on me. i shook him once and he didn’t respond 
“Peanuts did you pass out?” I whined nervously and he shook his head
“m’tired” he whimpered “an’sicky” he said in a very British-like way, trying to grab my shirt. I kissed his hand
“shhh its okay baby” I murmured. I turned and let him climb onto my back
“i know you dont like em bur its the only way i can carry you” I laughed softly, dropping him onto our bed “im not as strong as you” I laughed. I covered him in the blankets and opened the curtains to lwt in some of the morning light. he whined and gave me a pleading look.
“what is it Ollie? are you cold?” I asked. he nodded and i covered him in the blankets. he promptly fell asleep. I laughed softly and pressed my lips to his forehead. he was still hot. I checked my phone. there wasn’t anything worth responding to right now. I decided to make something to eat. I just nibbled on a piece of tosst while I made Peanuts beans. I laughed, remembering when he’d asked why i was trying to put my family in the microwave when hed seen me making him a poor imitation of beans on toast. He liked it a lot.
I walked back into our bedroom a few hours later. Id decided to let him sleep because he needed it. He was awake, and attempted to sit up. I kissed his forehead 
“i made you lunch” I said. He looked at me as i helped him into a sitting position. I broke off a bit of the toast and held it to his mouth. he gave me a look and i huffed 
“you dont get to be annoyed you’re sick and i worry” i huffed, poking his lips with the toast. he opened his mouth and ate it. he nuzzled me appreciatively
“thanks Beany” he said raspily (and Britishly) “we have tea by any chance?” J nodded and handed him a thermos. he smiled 
“thanks beany” he said. I nodded and held it to hso mouth so he could drink it.
“feeling better?” I asked. He nodded 
“thank you”
“of course! I love you” I grinned 
“love ya too Beany”
  I winced at the noise and pressed myself against the wall. there were too many of us in the room.  
I looked around for my friend. Were we boyfriends? i didn’t know. and right now i didn’t exactly care that much. I just wanted comfort. 
I spotted Peanuts nervously cracking his knuckles. God everything hurt all over. Jojo was writhing, screaming as Mike and Mush tried to cslm him down enough so they could check out his leg. And the kicker was, he wasnt even the worse one. I whined and tested my leg. pain shot through my ankle and i whimpered. I managed to limp over to him and he squeaked when he saw me. he eas bruised and bloody but he was okay otherwise. Id figured he would be. people never realized how strong he was 
He pulled me into a hug and i wemt mostly limp. He squeaked at the sudden addition of my weight 
“it hurts” I whimpered into his collarbone. He pet my hair, picking me up. I squeaked and held onto him. He gently set me on my bunk. I whimpered, pain flaring across my ribs. I closed my eyes. my head felt fuzzy. Peanuts came back with Mush and Mush started to poke at my ribs. I whimpered and grabbed Peanuts hand for comfort.
I think i might have passed out because neck thing i knew I was lying against someone. They were petting my hair gently. I felt pain in my ribs.
“hey welcome back” Peanuts murmured, rubbing my chest lightly. I whined and rubbed my hesd on him. I realized he was in a half-sitting position with me lying against him. My back was to his chest. his arms were wrapped arunf my stomach gently. i leaned against him.
I liked cuddling him.
“I love you” Peanuts murmured into my ear. I yawned, snuggling more into him
“I love you too!” I said happily. I stretched slightly, letting out a sort of mewling sound as i did so. Peanuts laughed
“feel good?” he said. I nodded, snuggling bsck into him
“now hold me” I demanded!sleepily. rubbing my head on his chest. He chuckled, wrapping his arms back around me
“better baby?”
“yesss” i giggled, then winced as it hurt my ribs.
“back to sleep” Peanuts ordered. I looked up at him
“you wont let go of me?” I whimpered. he nodded, rubbing my chest again.
“I promise, I’m holding you all night”
“good” I mumbled, yawning again. I let pit another mewling sound as I yawned. I snuggled into him more
“I love you”
“I love you too baby”
Day 16 - JEALOUSY-
  I laughed as Jake flopped onto me. He was a pretty affectionate guy and liked to lay on people. It was normal. i didn’t think much of it. 
“im bored” he declared. I laughed, bouncing my leg
“that so?”
“yessss” he said, getting comfortable on my lap. I rolled my eyes and began to play with his hair. It wasn’t uncommon for newsies to act like this. we were all super close, it was just how things worked. I glanced over at Peanuts bunk and saw him glaring at something. 
That was my cue to go call him down. I got up and made my way over to him
“hi Bar-“ I said. He pulled me into his lap and squeezed me “-ney” 
“hi bean” he mumbled, squeezing my stomach tightly. I laughed in confusion and wiggled. he didn’t let go, he buried his face in my neck, biting the skin slightly. I squirmed for an entirely different reason now
“Peanuts? what on earth are you-“ I laugh, confused. 
“nothing” he mumbled, still holding me protectively. he buried his face into my neck, pressing gentle kisses to the skin. I wiggled and he huffed. I looked at him
“baby whats wrong?”
“jus stay still” he whined, kissing me. “I want your attention too yknow” It clicked
“is someone jealous?” i chuckled. He huffed and buried his face in me. I laughed and rubbed his hair
“its okay baby, I promise I love *you*, okay? you’re the only one i love like this” i murmured, stroking his hair. He nodded, hiding his face still
“but why?” he whined softly “you could have pretty much anyone else”
“i dont *want* anyone else Oliver” I murmured to him “i only want *you*. and I love you. *lots*” he looked up atme and smiled, burying his face in me
“i love you too”
-Bean pov-
Peanuts was bent over the table, reading a book. I peeked over his shoulder. It was his math textbook. I kissed his hair and went to the fridge. I made him a ham (actual ham not the shitty lunchmeat ham) and cheese sandwich. I put some chips on the plate snd sat down next to him.
I hummed happily as i poked Peanuts lips with the sandwich. He looked at me, laughing
“Bean-“ he was cut off by me putting the sandwich in his mouth 
“eat” I demanded. he laughed and took a bite of the sandwich. i watched him swallow it 
“better?” he said. I shrugged and held the sandwich up to his lips again. he laughed and took another bite
“baby im working on somet-“ i put the sandwich back in his mouth and he rolled his eyes affectionately and took a bite. i held his cup of water to his lips. He took a drink
“Beany I can feed myself Im not a kid-“ he protested as i held the sandwich to his lips again. he huffed and ate the remainder of the sandwich. I hummed and held the water to his lips. He drank it. I hugged him and he laughed, kissing my hair
“did you eat enough?” I said, squeezing him. HE nodded
“its okay baby, don’t fuss” Peanuts chuckled
“Imma fuss” I mumbled, looking up at him. He used s lot of energy everyday for dance, and i wanted to make sure he ate enough. he kissed my hair and held some of the chips to my lips. I huffed in irritation but took the chips and ate them. He squeezed me
“no!” I squeaked, crossing my arms. He laughed, kissing my hair
“yes yiu are, worrying all about me” he laughed. I huffed and kissed him on the lips
“stop laughing!!” I whined, hitting his arms. He kept laughing, grinning.
I nearly fell over laughing at Beans attempted cartwheel. he huffed from his spot on the ground, lying flat on his back. 
“hon-“ I giggled 
“shut up” he huffed, sitting up “im not a gymnast Peanuts”
“i know seven year old girls who can do a cartwheel better than that” I giggled. he huffed and kissed me grumpily. I grinned and laughed, turning a cartwheel. he groaned and i got an idea
“do a handstand!”
“ill hold you up” i explained. he gave me a looo but did so. I grabbed his legs and held them up. he squeaked at the feeling.
“like this” I said, pushing his feet to the side. He yelped but managed to do some semblance of a cartwheel. He gave me a look and attempted.
he almost did it this time.
“dont think too much of it, just let your body do what it wants”
“my body wants to fall” he replied, grinning. I cackled and did a flip. he groaned
“you are- you’re a butthead sometimes” he huffed. He tried again and did it!
he looked at me and raised an eyebrow.
“you did it!!!” I squealed. He grinned happily. I hugged himm and kissed him
“Im so proud of youuuu!!” I squealed
“irs just a cartwheel baby-“ he said, but he was smiling nontheless. Yes it wasn’t really anything important, but it was something. And hed been trying for anout a week so it was really good to see him do it. I smothered him in kissed as he laughed
“I-“ He managed between kisses “love you-“
“I love you too!!!!”
-Tommy Boy (itll make sense i promise)- 
  I wasn’t exactly expecting for Bean to come running into my room and flop onto my bed. he buried his face in my pillow, shaking. I slowly got up from my desk and made my way to him. I placed a hand on his back. rubbing it gently
“Angie what’s wrong?” I asked him. he just whined and i was pretty sure he was crying. I pulled him info a sitting position. he buried his face in my shoulder 
“H-he-“ Bean choked out “he broke up with me!” I hugged him tightly against me. I rubbed his back. he just kept sobbing. I was gonna fucking murder Peanuts. Nobody hurt my brother and got away with it.
——— 2 months later———
There was a knock on the door and i glanced at Bean. He looked at me snd shrugged. I grunted and stood up, my arms over my chest as I made my way to the door. I opened the door
I saw the way Tommy’s face drop when he saw me. He had his arms crossed over his chest
“what?” he said. I felt a phantom pain from where he’d slapped me two months ago.
“I- I wanna talk to Bean” I said. He gave me a look and I swear i heard him growl
“Bean! Peanuts is here!” He called. I heard Beans’ voice reply
“Your fucking Ex!” Tommy shouted. there was a reply i couldn’t make out
“seriously?” Tommy yelled. He gave me a look
“you can come in. only cause Bean wants you here” He said venomously. I nodded, nervously following him inside. Bean was curled up under a blanket on the couch. He got up with the blanket still wrapped around him. I rubbed my arm nervously
“can we talk?” I asked. he nodded. 
I looked at Peanuts as he lead me into the kitchen. Tommy was glaring daggers at Peanuts. I bit back the words that wanted to start spilling out of my mouth. word vomit. I bit my tongue 
“look-“ Peanuts said, looking down at the ground 
“Why ate you here? You broke up with me” I nearly spat. Seeing him made it all come back. There was a clawing feeling in my chest as i looked at him. I wanted to hug him so bad. I wanted to hug him and kiss him. 
“I- look- Beany-“ He said. I bit my lip. I was gonna start crying again. my stomach was   flipping along with the clawing in my chest.  “Im sorry” He said “i- god im so so sorry Bean I was just- god im so sorry” He said. I bit my cheek
“Peanuts- Peanuts you broke my heart-“ I said softly
“I know- I know and im so so so worry Bean I was so scared I was gonna mess it up and I ended up messing up so bad im so so sorry” he rambled I sighed softly. god i loves him too much to stay upset
“try again?” I asked softly. H nodded
“please? we can start back at the beginning if you want” He said I noddes and hugged him 
“good to hvae you back Barn”
“you too Beany” I almost melted then and there in his arms. god id missed him. 
Day 20 - RAINY DAY
I grumbled as I grabbed a towel from the cabinet and rubbed my hair with it, attempting to dry it. Peanuts laughed
“Jus lemme use the blow dryer” he laughed. I groaned
“We gotta go anywhere tonight?”
“No” he said, shrugging. I sighed under my breat. 
“Fine” I said, sitting on the counter as I  watched him pull up the hairdryer and plug it in. I kissed him lightly as he waited. He grinned and nuzzled me
“You’re cute” he decided happily, starting to dry off my hair with the blow dryer. I huffed
“I look like a wet dog baby” I said, raising my eyebrows. He huffed and aimed the hairdryer at my face. I balked at the sudden air. He laughed and continued to work on my hair. I knew it was gonna make my hair fluffy.
My hair wasn’t exactly curly. It was too wavy to be curly and too curly to be wavy. It was this weird mix in between.
But I’d used a blow dryer before, and it had made my hair aggressively fluffy. 
I huffed as Peanuts finished.
“Awwww!” He cooed, patting my hair gently “fluffy!!”  I groaned, hiding my face in my hands. It looked fucking stupid when it was fluffy. 
“No” I grumbled, putting my hood up. Peanuts giggled and picked me up as I wiggled. He plopped me on the couch and produced a bowl of popcorn. He offered it to me and I shook my head, crossing my arms over my stomach as I leaned into him. He laughed and pulled my hood down, tossing a blanket over us
“Oh stop frumping you’re cute” he giggled, running his hands through my hair. I grumbled and picked a piece of popcorn and ate it hesitantly. It was pouring buckets outside. I huffed and  snuggled against my boyfriend as he turned on a movie. I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t watch a lot of movies. I just yawned slightly and let Peanuts continue to play with my fluff
“I love you” I murmured. He grinned and kissed me
“Love you too!
-Cowboy AU- 
The house was already overcrowded. But it felt worse with the panic. Jack was yelling something, but it couldn’t be heard over the hum of noise. Some screamed. It was cutoff abruptly. I scanned for my boyfriend. Oh god where was Peanuts? where was he?? I bit my lip and tested my leg. Id banged up my ankle bad, but as long as i used the counter to hold some of my weight i could sort of walk. I figured Peanuts was in his (technically our) room. 
I was right. He was on our bed with Henry attempting to calm him down as he writhed. Blink had his hands over a specific spot on his chest. Peanuts was letting out shouts and yelps of pain. Henry looked at me anf motioned for me to come over. 
I limped over to Henry’s spot by Peanuts head. I looked down at Peanuts. his pupils were blown and he was writhing in pain. his jaw was clenched. I touched his cheek and his eyes snapped to me
“hey hey, take a breath Peanuts” I said, rubbing his hair. He grabbed my wrist, squeezing it. I held his hand lightly and he squeezed mine tightly 
“just breathe” I said, looking at Blink
“what on earth-
“bullet” He said, grabbing something and poking at the wound. Peanuts writhed again. I squeezed his hand. Henry was in the process holding him  down as Blink worked on pulling out the bullet. Henry was practically laying across Peanuts to keep him still. I stroked his hair and pressed kisses to his ear and cheek and nose and forehead and lips and hair.
“got it!” Blink grunted, setting the bullet on the table. He produced a bottle of whiskey and i gave him a look. He poured it onto the wound, causing Peanuts to let out a strangled yell. He jerked upwards. Blink growled under his breath and opened my boyfriend’s mouth. He poured something down his throat 
“make sure he swallows it” He said to me as he continued to hold him down “itll knock him out” he explained. I nodded and tipped his head back. He coughed but swallowed. 
about s minute later he started to calm down. Blink and Henry kept a hold on him for close to five minutes as he slowly but surely fell unconscious. Blink started to work on the wound. Henry left to go help elsewhere. Once blink finished with the one on his chest he left us alone. 
I glanced around the room. there was a picture of me on Snickerdoodle nect to Stormy with Peanuts on her back. and there was a photo booth reel of me snd Peanuts. 
i winced as i thought about the shoot out. I was worried about my boyfriend 
I was nibbling on a piece of pizza Race had brought me as i waited for Peanuts to wake up. 
My head snapped to look at him as he made a soft groaning noise. I watched him hopefully 
“Ollie?” I asked him, tilting my head. He groaned, cracking an eye open.
“Heyy” he said raspily, smiling slightly. I took the cup of water and held it to his mouth. he gave me a look
“I can hold a cup baby-“
“shhh, drink” I said, kissing his forehead. He rolled his eyes but did as I said. I set the cup down and he attempted to sot up more. I shook my head snd gently pushed him back down 
“mm-mm stay still” I said, kissing his ear. “You got shot like four times” I added, kissing his hair “so rest” 
“mkay” He agreed, looking at his bare chest. He had bandages around his chest
“where’d i get it?”
“twice in the chest, once in the stomach, and once in the thigh” I said, holding a piece of pizza to his lips. He opened his mouth and allowed me to feed him, although he didn’t seem thrilled about it. 
“are you okay?” He asked me. I shrugged
“Twisted my ankle bad and I’m bruised up but otherwise peachy” I said, kissing him. He grinned at the kiss “is Stormy alright?” He added anxiously. I nodded and kissed him
“she’s perfectly fine I promise” I hummed, nuzzling his neck. He laughed softly then let out a soft whimper. I jerked back and immediately started checking him over
“Angelo-“ he groaned, grabbing my cheeks between his hands  “Im *fine*”
He pressed his lips against mine and i huffed
“i love you” he said against my lips, grinning
“i love you too… even if you are an idiot”
Day 22 -     DANCING -
I groaned as Peanuts tugged on my wrist. I gave him a look
“Barn-“ I whined as he pulled me up and onto the dance floor. He grinned, putting his arms around my waist, resting in the small of my back. I whined, giving him a pleading look. He kissed my forehead and rubbed my back with his thumb gently.
I whined and put my arms around his neck, not thrilled with this development. he kissed my forehead gently. 
“Beany its okay- nobody’s watching” He laughed softly. I whined, giving him a pleading look. 
“Barn c’mon-“
“shhh it’s okay- look around baby nobody’s watching us” he chuckled. I whined and looked around. he was right. nobody was even looking in our direction. I huffed and allowed him to sway me gently. He laughed, kissing my forehead once again. I groaned softly. God i hated dancing. So so much. I never understood how Peanuts liked it. I just bit my tongue and let him dance with me. 
God i hated this so so so much. 
I legitimately wanted to melt into a puddle and die. Or just die. More than I usually did anyways. 
“baby its okay” He chuckled. 
“god Barn they’re looking they know i don’t like this-“ I said, feeling myself starting to panic. He rubbed a hand up and down my back gently, still swaying gently 
“baby its okay” he murmured “the songs almost over”
“god it better be” The song ended and I
sighed in relief as Peanuts allowed me to drag him back to our table. I sat down and sipped my drink. Peanuts chuckled and kissed my hand
“love you my dancing prince” he chuckled. I swatted him lightly 
“asshole” I huffed “but i love you too”
  I chuckled as i watched Bean swaying in his chair. He was completely shitfaced blackout drunk and it was adorable and hysterical at the same time. I chuckled and held him still. He gaped at me and i laughed 
“what is it Beany?”
“ya made the world stop spinning!” he said, still gaping. I laughed and kissed him gently 
“yeah?” I giggled. He nodded, clinging to me
“s t r o n g” he babbled happily, burying his face into my stomach. I laughed, patting his hair. I ended up just carrying him to the car. I put him in the passenger seat and he giggled,reaching to touch my face. I laughed as he clumsily patted my cheek, grinning loopily
“my pretty Peanut” He grinned, squishing my cheeks. I laughed and closed the car door, getting in the drivers seat. 
I snorted as Bean tried to stumble up the stairs. he tripped and managed to fall halfway back down the stairs. He then proceeded to curl up on the stair. I laughed and started recording this, just to show him tomorrow.
“Beany what are you doing?” I laughed. he whined sleepily.
“bedtime” He yawned. I snickered and picked him up. 
I carried him to our bed and he yawned, snuggling into… the box. The box id tossed on the bed because i needed to toss it. 
My boyfriend was cuddling a cardboard box.
I chuckled and got a picture of it before rolling him onto his back, despite his protests. 
I laughed and pulled his jeans off. He gasped and i snickered
“yes bean?”
“aRe YoU tRyInG tO s E d U c E mE?” He said, I giggled and shook my head. I laughed and pulled a pair of sweatpants onto him. I kissed his forehead and pulled one of my hoodies over his head. 
I laid down next to him and held him against me. He yawned sleepily and pressed kisses all over my face. I giggled even more as he started to sing poker face very drunk and sleepily. He paused, looking very confused. he shrugged and burrowed into me, promptly falling asleep.
I laughed as i woke ip ti the sound of my boyfriend hurling his insides up from the bathroom
“morning baby!” I called, laughing. A loud groan was my response. 
“Hi Barn” He replied from the bathroom. I laughed and snuggled into the blankets more
“I’m goin back to bed its Sunday!” I laughed, yawning. He groaned loudly again. I giggled so hard i almost fell out of bed.
I knew Bean’d had a rough day. He got home and given me a hug before going to take a shower.
He looked like he’d been crying when he joined me on the couch. I kissed his cheek before getting up. He didn’t react. He just stared at the TV with the glazed look he got when he was really upset. I kissed his hair
“imma make dinner, okay?” I said. he nodded faintly 
“mhm” he said, his voice barley audible. I went to the kitchen. I hummed softly to myself as I put the lasagna in the oven to cook. It was Bean’s favorite. I glanced into the living room. He was curled up under a blanket now. I smiled softly and went to our room 
I went to the bed and made a little nest of blankets. I hummed to myself as I tossed an extra pillow into the nest. I turned on the tv and picked a movie. I paused it at the beginning and went to check the food. It was almost done. I hummed softly as I pulled two bottles of the fizzy drinks our of the fridge. I set it on the counter and started to fix the rolls. 
After I had the food all set up i took it to our room and set it on the dresser while i went to get my boyfriend.
I scooped him up off the couch and he squeaked, looking at me. I grinned, kissing his forehead
“dinnertime” I hummed as I placed him into the blanket nest. He gave me a look snd I grinned, putting the plate in his lap. I handed him his drink and sat down next to him, eating my food. Bean poked at his food snd i kissed his temple, turning on the movie. it was a Captain America movie. he forced a smile and ate his food. I kept an eye on him to make sure he ate all of it. Once we both finished i set the plates on the dresser and pulled the blankets over us. He snuggled into me, peeking up
“Ollie?” He whimpered. I hummed, kissing his forehead
“yeah baby?”
“Am i ugly?” he whimpered. I pulled him against me, rubbing his back
“not at all baby” I said, kissing him.
“you promise?” he whimpered. I nodded, squeezing him tightly 
“I promise- you’re beautiful baby” I grinned. He smiled slightly. He felt a little better. I knew he wasnt completely better, bur he was a bit better. I kissed all over his face
“I love youuu!!!!!! I love you my pretty boy!!” I grinned, nuzzling him all over. He giggled as I tickled him, snorting as he laughed
“baby!!” He cackled
“i love youuuu pretty babyy!!!” I grinned, kissing all over.
“I love you too!” He squealed, wriggling. I grinned as I snuggled into him. He laughed, kissing my hair.
“better?” I murmured
“better” he agreed, nuzzling my hair. I hummed as I felt him olay with my hair as the movie continued.
“love you my pretty boy”
“i love you too Ollie”
  I groaned worriedly, tugging on my tie as i looked in the mirror. Henry was tying Graves’ for him. I glanced at them
“this is a bad idea”
“fucker you aint going nowhere I came here on a fucking Saturday” York said from the doorway. Tommy spat out his water as he laughed, gasping for air. Henry and Graves were cackling. I shot York a look
“why are you here again?” I asked
“Good question” He replied dryly. Graves cackled, giving his boyfriend a giggly kiss. York hummed and kissed his boyfriend before slipping back out of the room. I gave Graves a look and he shrugged.
“shit how much is Romeo allowed to have?” Henry said, looking at him. Romeo gave him a look and put the wine glass in his face
“Cranberry juice dumbass” he said, rolling his eyes. I smiled slightly. At least they were taking my mind off the horrible pit of growing anxiety in my stomach. 
Oh god i was so nervous.
I mean I knew I loved Peanuts.
I loved him so much. 
He loved me. I kept telling myself. I knew he did, he’d told me last night. He’d told me a few hours ago before we’d both gone to do our own things.-
God I was nervous. 
I fixed my hair. There wasn’t actually anything to fix. God i didn’t know what to do with my hands. 
-skip cause im so lazy💀-
I swallowed hard as i looked at Peanuts. Holy fucking shit he was beautiful. He’d found a white suit and had made it look like something amazing. there was a white sort of cape. I grinned internally. It was definitely something he’d wear. 
I honestly couldn’t say I knew what i was doing at the altar. I smiled nervously at Peanuts and he grinned happily at me. I smiled again. 
It didn’t feel like me talking as we went through the vows. I knew what I said. I knew what he said. I knew we kissed. 
but it was an out of body experience. 
I didn’t care
I grinned as i hugged him happily, kissing him. I faintly heard Graves saying
“York pay attention” and someone giggling as a result. I didn’t care. I was married now.
I giggled softly as i leaned against Peanuts. He had an arm around me protectively. I kissed his cheek
“Hey husband I like your cape” I giggled. He grinned, kissing me
“i was waiting until you said something” he grinned “Specs helped with it” he added happily.
i nodded, yawning softly as I leaned into him. It was getting late now. peanuts ran a hand through my hair. I huffed. he giggled snd patted it down. I watched a very clearly drunk Romeo stumble up and take the mic. Everyone who knew Romeo laughed, waiting for the wonder that was an extremely drunk Romeo. I saw Jack start to record. Davey hid his face in his hands
“So Bean” Romeo said, squinting “wait where’s Bean?”
“here Romeo” I laughed, raising my hand. Romeo turned to me
“you better know how lucky you are” he slurred, pointing at Peanuts “Cause that guy is a very good guy” 
“oh god” I chuckled, grinning at Romeo “Dont worry I’ll be good to him!” I laughed, loud enough for him to hear me
“good!” Romeo said, swaying where he stood “Cause Race and Bumlets can back me up here that man is a bendy straw” I watched Peanuts turn red and hide his face in his hands. Specs hid his face with his hands as he started to walk up to where his fiancé was. 
“Seriously Bean the things you could do with him- I dunno what y’all have tried but like-“ He was cut off by a very red Specs pulling his fiancé away from the mic. I laughed as my husband groaned in embarrassment, still hiding his bright red face in his hands. I laughed as I patted his back, grinning at Graves, whod been filming our reactions. 
This was gonna get edited into the drunk Romeo montage.
“i love you Ollie” I giggled
“love you too Angie” He groaned, still bright red.
“my bendy straw”
“sHuSh!” He laughed, bumping my shoulder. 
Day 26. - SNOWY NIGHTS -
There had to have been at least a foot of snow on the ground. I groaned as i stomped my feet to get the snow off. 
“Im home baby!”
“bedroom!” He called back 
I giggled softly as I saw my boyfriend on our bed. Id been filming in an attempt to make a video for tiktock, but had instead been greeted by a lump under all the blankets. I grinned and ended the video.
“im gonna make a drink then we can cuddle okay?”
I went to the kitchen and hurriedly made us hot chocolate. I ended up putting it in a thermos (technically two, Bean was paranoid about sharing drinks) so it wouldn’t spill. 
“come hereee!!!” He demanded from his blanket mound. I laughed and tossed my jacket aside as I flopped next to his blanket mound. He groaned
“Babyyy w H y is it so cold!!!” He whined, flopping onto my lap. He was still thoroughly wrapped in the blankets. I pet his hair gently
“its not baby”
“yes it is im f r e e z i n g!!!” He said, curling up in my lap. He wrapped one of his blankets around me and him as he snuggled into my chest. I kissed his hair and he shivered
“its too cold baby” he declared, turning on a movie. I laughed, wrapping my arms around him. 
“is that so?”
“Warmer in Argentina?” I laughed, kissing his good ear.
“nO sHiT!” He said, huffing. I laughed and kissed him, holding him tightly. I freed one arm and handed him his hot chocolate. He opened it and sniffed it. I laughed
“hot chocolate my little freezebaby”
“oh” He said happily, sipping it. I laughed and kissed him.
He tasted luke hot chocolate. I grinned against his lips. He laughed and nuzzled me
“thanks baby”
“of course my little peach!”
“they grow in warm weather” I explained, nuzzling him after taking a small sip from my thermos of hot chocolate
“your weirdo” I reminded him
“love ya baby”
“love you too!”
I grinned as I practically threw myself into the bus seat, resting my head on my boyfriend. He grunted as I landed on him. I grinned up at him and he patted my hair gently. I hummed and took one of his earbuds, listening for s moment. I honestly couldn’t name the song or the artist, but I knew the song’s lyrics. Bean played it a lot. It was some kind of metal. I didn’t know what it was but it sounded cool. I hummed along to it happily as he played with my hair. I poked his cheek and he looked down at me
“yeah Barn?”
“is this ya favorite song?” I asked him. He blinked and nodded. I kissed his cheek, nuzzling him
He gave me a sideways look
“why’s it ya favorite?” I asked, tilting my head “also whats it called?”
“walk with me in hell” He said, flushing red as I started petting his hair.
“why do ya like it?”
“the music part of it” he said, yawning. I pressed a kiss to his bad ear and he buried his face in his hands. I giggled, listening to the song. Personally I didn’t like it too much. I wasn’t a huge fan of the louder songs he listened to. He handed me his phone 
“whats yours?” he asked. I grinned and typed in the song name. I recognized the familiar album cover. 
I played the song and he scrunched his nose up. He did that when he was thinking. God it was adorable. He looked at me
“this is greatest showman?”
“yeah, its tightrope” I said. He nodded, humming as he buried his face into my hair.
“sounds like you”
“aww thanks” I laughed as my boyfriend nuzzled into me.
Day 28 - BIRTHDAY -
I wrapped my arms around myself as I shivered. It was definitely cold out. 
It was december after all. Snow was lightly falling. I grunted under my breath as I held the bag against my chest under my coat. It was warm as I held it tightly. I managed to get back to the train. 
It was warmer in there. 
I trudged to my and Bean’s bunk, climbing up and flopping onto my back. He yelped as I fell onto him. I grinned and sat up 
“happy birthday baby” I grinned, handing him the bag. He kissed my nose
“what did you do?” he laughed. I grinned, setting the bag in kept my belongings in into my lap to find his other gift. 
“just open it baby” I hummed. I knew he’d always had a liking to sweets. I heard him make a happy sound as he realized what was in the bag. I smiled as i found the small box that contained his gift. I put my bag back where it served as a pillow. I laughed as I saw him halfway through the pastry already. 
“here” I handed him the box. he inhaled the rest of the pastry before looking at me
“what did you do?” he asked me, wiping the remaining filling off his mouth and licking it off his hand. 
“just open it” I laughed. He did as I said. He cooed when he saw it. I’d made him a sort of vaguely frog-shaped stuffed animal. It fit in the palm of his hand. I laughed sheepishly 
“I know its not great but it’s supposed to be a frog cause I know you like those and-“ I was cut off by him hugging me and kissing me deeply. I grinned into the kiss, kissing him before pulling away
“thank you so much!” He squealed happily, clinging to me. I laughed softly
“happy birthday baby” I grinned. he hummed happily and proceeded to bury us both under the three blankets on the bunk. I yawned and snuggled against him. I giggled as he set the frog on the pillow next to us. I tucked the frog under his chin
“gotta make sure it stays warm” I said, kissing his forehead. He giggled happily, grinning. I laughed and kissed him
“Happy birthday baby, I love you Beany”
“I love you too” he said happily, booping my nose with the frog before snuggling into me, the small frog tucked into the small space between us. 
Day 29 - STARGAZING - 
  I laughed softly as Peanuts pulled me into his chair. I kissed his chin as i snuggled into him. He’d managed to convince me to go camping with him. Personally I wasn’t exactly as fond of this as he was. I munched happily on my s’more. Peanuts kissed my hair. The fire was the only light other than the stars. 
“s pretty” I murmured, wiggling down into my hoodie. 
“It is” Peanuts agreed softly, rubbing my back “You doing okay?” he asked me. I nodded as i kissed him.
“good” he hummed, kissing me. I smiled. I loved him so much with that little smile of his. He had a small chip in one of his front teeth, it gave his smile a sort of crooked appearance. It was cute.
He was looking up at the sky. I felt myself redden at the view. He was absolutely fucking gorgeous. I  smiled. He squeezed me against himself
“thas Andromeda” I said, pointing to a few stars
“ain’t Cassiopeia close to her?” He asked. I nodded
“yeah- right there”  I pointed  “Big dipper, that leads into ursa major” I said. He nodded along as I continued to name constellations
“i think thats Orion” I said, snuggling against his chest. The smell of the campfire smoke filled the air, the crackling sound filling the relative silence.
I continued talking. AT some point I’d started to tell him the stories of the constellations. 
“Beany” He said softly, yawning. I looked at him 
“yeah baby?”
“you’re real cute when you get all happy bout the stars” he said. I reddened and grinned
“thanks baby”
“anytime Beany”
“I love you”
“love you too”
  I hummed softly as I read my book. Bean ran his hands through my hair. I looked up at him as he kissed my forehead. I grinned at him
“old man” I giggled, sitting up and kissing his lips. He rolled his eyes and laughed
“you’re old too yknow” 
“but you’re olderrrr”
“nO iM nOt” he laughed, pushing my shoulder “im not even that old! barley in my 30s” I grinned, kissing him. He rolled his eyes and tugged me into his lap
“you’re comfy” I grinned up at him. He laughed snd kissed my hair. I snuggled into his chest. I grinned happily. We’d been together for quite a while now. I hummed as I kissed the ring on his finger.
“you remember that one time you tried to snuggle a cardboard box?” I laughed. He huffed and ran his fingers through my hair
“you once hugged a lamppost and refused to let go” He laughed, kissing my forehead.
“i was very drunk” I grinned. He laughed in agreement 
I kissed him
“remember Romeo at the wedding?”
“you mean how he basicslly said you we’re flexible and we could fuck in some weird ways? how could i forget” He grinned.
“Oh man Specs was so red!” I laughed. He nodded in agreement. I played with his fingers as we cuddled. wed been friends, and more than thst, for such a long time, and we still had awhile to go. I grinned. I couldn’t wait to see what happened next in our lives.
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dustyy-angel · 1 year
The Best Newsies Thing submissions
Race's cigar
Jack Kelly
The money the movie didn't make
King Of New York
Davey Jacobs
David Jacobs (movie)
Seize The Day
Crutchie (uksies)
Trans Racetrack headcanons
92sies Mush's front flip during Carrying The Banner
Spot Conlon (movie)
King Of New York (movie)
Newsies fanfiction
Kid Blink (movie)
The tony awards performance
Spot Conlon (uksies)
The chair Mike Faist fell through
Ben Cook kicking himself in the face
Jeremy Jordan attempting to dance and almost falling on his face during the proshot bows
Bill and Darcy
Albert (uksies)
Christian Bale falling over every time he tries to dance
Race (movie)
Santa Fe
Les pretending to smoke his candy to imitate Jack
Musical Davey's character development
Mush (movie)
The Delancey brothers
"The woild is yer erster"
Bumlets spinning on the ceiling fan
Jack Kelly (uksies)
Stray x Lucky (uksies)
Santa Fe (movie)
"Hi i'm Andrew Keenan-Bolger and I play Crutchie in disney's Newsies"
Dancing with the stars performance
Carrying The Banner
Carrying The Banner (movie)
"Our man Denton!"
Bryan Denton (movie)
Unemployed by Joshua Burrage and Ben Cook
Ben warming up and Andrew putting on multiple pairs of headphones
Sarah Jacobs (movie)
Specs (Ryan Steele)
Jack Kelly (movie)
Katherine (uksies)
Out There in Santa Fe by Ben Fankhauser
"I am a kooOOOoiiiii"
Andy Richardson crawling around like something from a horror movie
Ben and Sky dancing to What If I Go
“Forget about Trey. Where’s my fucken chair?”
Andrew forgetting the strike sign
Kara accidently throwing the broom into the orchestra pit
Corey Cott singing the Santa Fe key change four bars early
"It's oyster Race" "THATS WHAT I SAID"
Les Jacobs (movie)
Letter From The Refuge
Once And For All
Skittery (movie)
Jess LeProtto falling into the orchestra pit
Finches slingshot
Gay/Trans awakenings caused by the movie
Za Zooming Out
"Up stays, uh upstairs"
Bad weather and shopping
Tommy Bracco pep talks
Letter From The Refuge (Ben Cook edition)
Anthony Rosenthal's vlogs
Newsies fanart
Seize The Day (movie)
Blood Drips Heavily On Newsies Square
The stage directions for Jack shaking Roosevelt's hand
Jeremy Jordan
Ben Fankhauser
Newsies Got Swag
Brooklyn's Here
WWH (reprise) at broadway bakes and Cory keeps messing up
Anything You Can Do by Mike Faist and Adam Kaplan
Ben and Lavon singing Something To Believe In
"AAAHHHHHHHH" "See this, this is Newsies"
92sies Jack saying "ambastards" instead of ambassadors
"Tell me how quitting does Crutchie any good" "Dszahdh"
Crutchie swearing in uksies
The amount of ass-slapping in livesies
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stromuprisahat · 9 months
I always thought their first kiss was very manipulative and the way Ivan smirked at them tells me that this was something he'd already planned to do and Ivan was aware of that. But his reaction after that kiss looked like he didn't expect to be affected just as much and was disturbed to find that out lol.
Well, not everything's about poor, poor Alina being manipulated (unless Baghra's involved).
Ivan's just being smug asshole, who just caught his serious boss dumbfounded by a girl and his own reaction to her. Don't forget Heartrenders know everything a body can tell.
And then he kissed me. It happened so suddenly that I barely had time to react. One moment, I was staring into his slate-colored eyes, and the next, his lips were pressed to mine. I felt that familiar sense of surety melt through me as my body sang with sudden heat and my heart jumped into a skittery dance. Then, just as suddenly, he stepped back. He looked as surprised as I felt. “I didn’t mean … ,” he said. At that moment, we heard footsteps and Ivan rounded the corner. He bowed to the Darkling and then to me, but I caught a little smirk playing on his lips. “The Apparat is getting impatient,” he said. “One of his less appealing traits,” replied the Darkling smoothly. The look of surprise had vanished from his face. He bowed to me, completely composed, and without another glance, he and Ivan left me standing in the snow.
If anything, I'd guess Ivan was close enough to realize what's about to happen, waited a litle and appeared just before Darkles could make a complete fool of himself. He basically swooped in to save Sasha from saying something even more embarassing than "I didn't mean to...". Like: Honey, immortal or not, that's the last thing a girl wants to hear in situation like this!
I wouldn't be surprised, if there was no meeting with the Apparat, only something less urgent, but y'no, it HAD TO sound important, given the situation...
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neotickles · 1 year
You're gonna make me shuffle through this damn blog? That is like a needle in a haystack with how many lee posts you have. I think that's a little unfair to me, don't you think? You could always just tell me.
Also if you think I am ever going to stop talking about fingers skittering across your stomach as you try so desperately to get away from them, then you are horribly mistaken. My love you must understand just how much I desperately want to tease you into oblivion.
You know I'd absolutely love? You tied down in front of me, your shirt pushed up absolutely as far it can go, and your pants pulled down just enough that I get to see your hips. Then I want to start so lightly. Just barely touching you. Dragging all ten of my fingers across all of your tummy. I want to span as much of it as I can, I want to hear the beginning of your breathing quickening, the slight squirms every time I hit a sensitive spot. Then, slowly start picking up. Just starting to slowly scribble along your sides, working my way in. Moving slowly in and starting to pick up speed. I want to hear your desperate giggles as I start skittering my fingers across your poor tummy.
I want to keep up the scribbling and skittering across your ever so ticklish tummy right up until you absolutely can't take it anymore, then I want to switch to your sweet ribs. I want to nibble and raspberry on one side and squeeze up and down and knead into the other. The second you give into any kind of begging, then I will switch right back to your tummy. Spidering my fingers across until you're screaming and begging me to stop.
Just imagine that babe, all you can think, feel, or imagine, is that spidering, skittery feeling all along every single part of your tummy. Every little crevice, every single hyper sensitive spot is going to be explored and tickled. Every single nerve is going to light up with this ticklish feeling. And there's absolutely nothing there to protect you. There's no shirt to lessen the feeling, there's no way for you to bring your arms down or legs up to try to deter the tickles for even a second. You're just absolutely stuck, and you just have to deal with it bug. I'm sure you're going to be happy to though.
oh my sweet god.... reading all of this was a challenge in of itself.
HOW DO YOU come UP WITH STUFF LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!!!! It's like you researched every little thing that flusters the heck out of me and mashed it all into one big SUPER tease.
this is the single best tease i have ever received...and i want nothing more than to experience this in it's entirety one day.
seriously i find it VERY hard to believe you're not a hardcore ler because I've NEVER seen a ler tease a lee quite this good before.
i'm BEYOND flustered. like, so flustered i can only respect how you've made me feel this way.....bravo.... you've won the battle AND the war
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
What animals do you think each Newsies would get (tbh a good amount seem like cat people)
Lowkey would you think in cannon someone brings in this poor scruffy cat and all the Newsies take it in as there own child even though Jack said no
you have no idea how excited I am for this one
and so in true emme form, imma do it first
(I want you all to know that @sparkedblaze literally made rules about the order in which I did the masterlist because of my predictability when I get excited.)(yeah.)
I’ve already said that jack and davey have a dog named mr. cuddles, and I’m sticking to it. he’s a rescue, and mr. cuddles was the name he had when they adopted him. they were going to name him something else, but couldn’t agree on something (at all), and eventually just shrugged and went with it. 
spot has a golden retriever. her name is josie. he totally didn’t buy her because she reminded him of a loud italian that he definitely hates. for sure. 
les’ frat house that includes tommy boy and ike has two goldfish that they’ve named sunny and goldie. they care for them religiously, and will hear no slander upon their names. (watch me make this frat house thing a legitimate au. watch me.)(someone please tell me no) 
crutchie has a cat and dog (named arnold and fisher) who absolutely HATE each other. he’s in denial about it, and swears that they love each other, even as they aren’t allowed to be in the same room. 
finch has a beta fish named gills and a cat named birdie (albert named her). 
albert has no pets, because when he had a fish, he forgot about it, and it died. 
henry also has no pets, but that’s because he’s allergic to literally everything. 
smalls has a cat. no one ever gets to see or hear about the cat. jojo swears it exists. 
jojo has two guinea pigs that are named neville and seamus (yes, he loves harry potter. yes, he hates jkr. he watches the movies AT LEAST once a week)
elmer fosters dogs, so he constantly has different animals moving throughout his house (he also fosters children. fight me.)
mike is uncomfortable around animals, so he doesn’t have one. 
specs has a cat named talia. she is an egyptian mau, spoiled to high heaven, and the light of his life. 
skittery has a dog named spencer. he is probably the worst behaved dog you’ve ever met in your life, but lord save you if you mention that to him. (bumlets claims no ownership of this dog, but spencer loves him more than anyone else in the world. it’s great.)
bumlets has no pets, because why would he have pets if spencer loves him so? (-the actual response he gives to people to make skittery mad)
mush and blink somehow got a snake? I don’t know. I’m not sure they know, either. mush is a little terrified of it, but blink adores it, so they can’t get rid of him. his name is sir slithers. (they think they’re hilarious)
medda has three cats- pearl, octavia, and grace- and they’re super friendly. super cute, too. 
buttons had a dog, but then the doggie passed away. his name was skittles. 
splasher adopted one of elmer’s foster dogs named lana (after lana del ray). she’s old, super tiny, and really sweet. he sometimes carries her around. 
sarah and kath refuse to have pets, because their furniture, jack, god
and race has a habit of drunkenly bringing home animals- birds, dogs, cats- but the only one he’s been allowed to keep is stripes, who is the most offended cat, I swear to god. she bites, hisses, claws. he adores her. jack originally said no, and davey basically agreed with him, but then race asked spot, and spot’s a pushover who can’t say no to antonio higgins. so. he got his cat. 
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- Very anxious about pretty much everything. Outwardly he seems grumpy and pessimistic, but that's his way of covering how internally anxious he is
- Smokes to ease his anxiety, but he doesn't know cigarettes tend to have the opposite effect, poor guy
- Literally just crawled out of a dumpster, the Manhattan leader before Jack found him sleeping in one
- He initially got his name because his anxiety was a lot more obvious, due to his flighty manner. Some of the younger newsies don't get why he's called Skittery given his current attitude
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queenofbrooklyn · 1 year
I did!!!!! I have skittery thoughts!!!!
I'd love to hear them! I loove Skittery. When I was in middle school my best friend was OBSESSED with Skittery so we spent literal hours talking about him.
He IS my poor little meow meow. What a skrunkly guy
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i-didnt-do-1t · 1 year
Spot becoming a protective sibling figure for skittery
Spot sees this poor wet cat of a boy who hisses when people come near him and sighs deeply in resignation to being Big Sibling
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aceofspades-sml · 1 year
Yesssss skittery stuttering out a thank you.
YES and the poor boy is shaking so hard blink literally has to hold him so he doesn't hurt himslef
and skit doesn't like it because that's not who he normally is that's not the image of himself he want to give others but he wouldn't want anyone else than blink with him right now
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ok since @watch-me-stand-watch-me-run was the one who asked this is mostly for you but like
gather round the campfire, children
cw/tw violence, abuse, child abuse, might add more after
this is gonna be really really long lol hold on to your butts, brochachos
ok so his given name was micheal sauveterre, his family wasnt nobility, but they werent poor either. he was born in 1883, and is sixteen when the strike starts.
no word of a lie, i cannot for the life of me decide if i want him in the livesies or 92sies-verse, so i kind of just go back and forth in my head lol
so he grew up in a pretty well off family, but his parents were severly abusive. they would beat him and his brother, telling them they deserved it for being ungrateful. his older brother spencer was the favorite child, always got the special privileges. they both did well in school, until micheal was 12. his brother went off to a fancy college in virginia, and he was left alone with his parents. his dad tried to make nice by teaching micheal self defense and giving him a switchblade with his initials on it. one night, micheal snapped, finally having enough with his parents abuse, and ran away. he lived on the streets for a year, joined a circus that was in town as a acrobat and knife thrower, but didn't go with the circus when they left.
shortly after the circus, micheal was left starving on the streets again, and had to steal food to survive. snyder caught him, but micheal slipped away. in the chase, snyder grabbed him and gave him the scar on his face, taking him to the refuge for a few months after.
a manhattan newsie (havent decided who, maybe skittery or blink) saw him on the streets and offered him a job. manhattan was too close to where micheals parents lived, so he asked if there was anywhere else he could get a job.
the newsie told him about all the distribution gates for all the papers, and all the different boroughs. the leader of queens at the time (i didnt know who it actually was in the show so hes an oc ig too) Crush, was an ass and treated his boys like dirt, so micheal made his way over to queens.
crush refused to let micheal sleep in the lodging house at first, so he just hung around, watching. after a week or two of being there, he and the newsie who acted as queens' medic, Jade, came up with a plan to overthrow crush. long story short, crush found out, tried to shoot micheal in an alley, hit his side, and micheal walked out with a brand new pistol, not to mention title.
he hated his old name, so he changed it to Ezekiel, Eel for short. crowning himself the King of Queens, and a new era of ruling came along.
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sketch break lmao (i love this one sm)
ok so he became really close friends with manhattan newsies, despite being on the other side of the bridge from them. might have had a teeny tiny crush on spot, but once he saw race did too he immediately started trying to get sprace together lol
jack takes him to see medda, and she takes one look at him and goes "hmm, this boy needs a mother figure" and takes him under her wing. once she learns abt his time at the circus, she offers to let him be in some of her shows for some extra money.
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he only wears the tutu outfit sometimes, mostly to make the guys laugh, but he likes the makeup and he really enjoys the stage, but would never leave queens fully, so medda's is mostly just for fun and when he needs to de-stress.
his second is named Shoe (another oc lmao) Shoe's real name is Harvey, but he only lets Eel call him that, and thats mostly only when hes in trouble lol
i dont have any sketches of shoe yet but i will i prommy<3
eel and shoe are dating<3 and the flushing lodging house's owner has basically adopted them. her name is Eden, shes italian, and she taught eel italian along with his french from his family, but they only speak it in private because people werent really accepting of 'foreign' things
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anyway if i remember anything else ill put it later
yeah! thats eel/zeke, i love him dearly<3
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a-dime-a-day · 1 year
! Snipeshooter is an unusual newsie he technically has a family in my headcanon (im not sure if we were told he does or doesn't) but they leave him to his own devices except to demand he give them a cut of his profits. They're never very happy with his measly earnings. He sighs wishing he could do better. He's tried shadowing pie eater and some of the others but they didnt like that much. Newsies are territorial. He's thought of asking Jack or skittery but he's scared they'll laugh him out of the lodging house. He's frustrated but What can he do? He's tried making up things a few times like jack but apparently he tried to hard cuz some men chased him roughing him up threatening to report him if he told such lies again. He escaped but he stuck to more or less the truth from then on.
Aww 🥺 poor guy
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sl-newsie · 2 years
Chapter Eight: We Need Help (Spot Colon x Female Newsie)
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“You see now why I didn’t want ya go’n ta Brooklyn?” Jack asks tha next day.
“No,” I reply stubbornly. “I quite liked it there.”
“Brooklyn ain’t all sunshine,” Boots speaks up. I just ignore him.
Tha day’s barley begun and tha fellas are already crowd’n around us in tha square.
“So, where’s Spot?” Race asks.
“He thinks we’s ain’t serious ‘bout tha strike!” I grumble, remember’n yesterday’s events.
“Ok then, well… maybe we should lay low then. I mean, without Spot’n the oddas”
“We don’t really have enough people.”
I gawk at tha guys. “So that’s it? Brooklyn’s a no-show and you’s all just giv’n up?”
“Maybe we’re mov’n too fast.” Mush says.
“I mean, we ain’t Brooklyn…”
“Oh, come on! ‘Brooklyn, Brooklyn! Come and save us!’” I say mockingly. 
“Spot was right!” Jack agrees. “Is this all just a game to you’s?”
“How’re we’s gonna eat, huh?” I quiz ‘em. They don’t answer.
“Open the gates and seize the day,” David starts sing’n. I look up in shock- he rarely neva sings. 
“Don't be afraid and don't delay.
Nothing can break us,
No one can make us,
give our rights away.
arise and seize the day!”
“Now is the time to seize the day!”
“Now is the time to seize the day!” We repeat.
“Send out a call and join the fray!”
“Send out a call and join the fray!”  We echo, louda this time.
“Wrongs will be righted
if we're united
let us seize the day!” All of us belt. All of us’re now jump’n, twirl’n, and just caus’n a whole lot of racket!
“Friends of the friendless seize the day!”
“Friends of the friendless seize the day!”
“Raise up the torch and light the way!”
“Raise up the torch and light the way!”
“Proud and defiant
we'll slay the giant
let us seize the day!”
I leap ova and hop onta tha fountain, lean’n off’n star’n off at tha passer-bys in defiance.
“Neighbor to Neighbor
Father to son
one for all
and all for one!”
“Open the gates and seize the day!”
“Open the gates and seize the day!”
“Don't be afraid and don't delay!”
“Don't be afraid and don't delay!”
“Nothing can break us,
no one can make us
give our rights away!
Neighbor to neighbor
father to son
one for all
and all for one!”
We all raise our fists, then a bell starts ring’n.
“Anybody hear that?” Jack asks.
“No!” We yell.
“So what’re we gonna do about it?”
“Soak ‘em!”
We all run inta tha distribution center, ripp’n up papers and gett’n othas ta join us. Jack looks overjoyed, so I run up ta him and declare with a big smile: “I think tha first strike was a success!”
It’s all go’n swell- until Weasel calls tha Bulls!
“Guys- it’s tha Bulls!” I yell ova tha noise.
It’s a stampede! Everyone’s try’n ta leave, knock’n me down in tha process.
“Jack?! Race?!”
“C’mon Becca!” Crutchy urges as he helps me up. “Go!”
���What ‘bout you?”
“I’ll be right behind ya!”
I take off run’n, follow’n close behind tha boys. Only when I turn back, I see Crutchy be’n beaten and tak’n away by tha Delancys.
“Crutchy. Crutchy!” I turn ta help him but Race pushes me back.
“Keep go’n!”
“No! No…!” I cry as I hesitantly do as I’m told.
Later Jack and David go ta try’n break Crutchy out. Meanwhile I sit by tha window and wait for ‘em ta come back.
“Becca, will ya stop with tha depressed angel act?” Race comes up ta me.
“What?” I ask, confused.
“He means tha whole sad state you’s in!” Mush follows up.
“It ain’t your fault Crutchy’s in tha Refuge.” Blink joins in.
“I still think I coulda done someth’n-” I begin.
“Can it, Becs! We’s all coulda done someth’n! We just…” Skittery leads off.
“Just left him ta get beaten by tha Delancys!” I sniff, look’n away.
“Oh, Becca.” Mush wraps an arm around me. “Calm down, calm down…”
“We’ll see Crutchy again, Becs. You wait and see!” Snipeshooter tries ta uplift tha group.
I try ta smile. “We’ll see, Snipeshooter. We’ll see…”
When Jack and David come back, I see they failed.
“He couldn’t get out. He’s hurt bad.”
This news just makes me choke down a sob and cover my head. Poor Crutchy… All alone with those odda poor kids in that God-forsaken place…
I know what I gotta do.
When I see all tha boys are asleep, I throw on some clothes and head to tha window. I also tuck my hair in tight unda my cap- if I’s go’n out at night, I can’t look like a goil. I sometimes use tha fire escape when I come from Medda’s, but this is important.
When I get ta tha Brooklyn docks, I see Spot’s fellas are guard’n tha entrance- one of ‘em look’n very familiar.
“I’m here ta see Spot,” I say as low as I can.
“What for, pint size?”
“None of your business.”
“Beat it, before we throw ya in the river!”
“Listen, pal, just let me see him!” My temper rises. “Or do ya want anodda bloody nose?”
He squints, then his eyes widen in anger. “You!”
I dodge his punch, then roll unda him as he tries ta grab my shirt. I then squirm and dive between crates, ropes, and who knows what else.
“Come here, you little-!”
“Chance! What’s this racket all about?” I hear. Two guesses who.
“We gots us a runner!” Tha brute shouts.
“I’ll handle it. Get back ta your post!” Spot shouts back.
I don’t know why I don’t come out- just be’n able ta outsmart tha King of Brooklyn seems… fun? I stay perfectly still, hav’n squeezed near the dock ceiling between a pole and a shelf. When Spot comes look’n, I silence my breath’n tha best I can. He leaves, and afta a few minutes of wait’n I think he’s gone-
“Hello, Beauty.” Spot’s face pops upside down, hang’n from tha ceiling, mere inches from mine.
“God! You’s nearly gave me a heart attack! Don’t do that again!” I scowl. “How’d ya know I’s here?”
He grins in tha dark. “When you’s been work’n tha docks as long as I have, ya notice every little detail-” He leans in, mak’n our noses touch and my face bloom red- “includ’n such a pretty face as yours.”
 He swings down from above onto tha ground below me and offers a hand. I reluctantly take it, but try not ta use too much assistance as ta show I don’t need any. But that still don’t stop Spot from putt’n his hands on my waist ta help me down and allow’n my skin ta tingle.
“So, Beauty, what’re ya do’n here? Come ta sing?” He asks hopefully.
“In your dreams-” I start sarcastically.
“Oh, it is!” Spot adds airly.
“Can it, you-” I warn.
“Watch your tone!” Spot warns back, gripp’n his cane.
“Or what? Ya gonna beat me?”
“I ain’t afraid to hit a goil!” Spot asserts.
I step back, mockingly, with my arms wide. “Do it, then. I dare ya!” I challenge.
Unexpectedly, he lunges forward and shoves my shoulders back, pinn’n me ta tha crate behind me with his cane in my cheek. His face is up in mine, but I don’t flinch.
“Ya don’t scare too easy, do ya?”
I glare into his blue eyes. “Like I said: Ya got ta be tough when you’s a goil newsie.”  
He steps back, chuckl’n. “Be careful with that mouth, Beauty. It’s gonna get ya into trouble someday.”
“Don’t call me that!” I scoff again. “Like your name is any bedda. ‘Spot Colon.’ What kind of a name is that anyway?”
The King of Brooklyn suddenly goes stiff, and shoves his fist up against my chin. “It’s my name, doll. And if you got a problem with it, don’t let Scab hit ya on tha way out!”
My eyes widen, but I don’t back down. 
“Alright, alright! Jeez- I’s just ask’n! Back ta business: I’s here ‘cause of tha strike. It ain’t go’n too hot, and- I know ya luv ta hear it, and I hate ta say it, but we need ya Spot. You and Brooklyn could help win us tha strike, and it benefits all newsies in New York! So please, rethink your choice.”
Spot smirks. “Just how hard was it ta say that?” he asks teasin’ly.
I give a heavy, dramatic sigh. “Nearly took tha life oudda me!”
Still, Spot ain’t moved. “I know you need me. I told ya my choice,” he says matter-o-factly.
I scowl. “If you weren’t so stubborn for just one minute-!”
“Who’re you call’n stubborn? You’s tha one com’n back!” He pokes his finger on my chest, mak’n me clench my fists.
“‘Cause I don’t want any more of my fellas gett’n hurt!” I say angrily.
Spot remains quiet. I’ve had enough.
“If you ain’t gonna help us, I’s waist’n my time.” I turn ta leave.
“I’ll think ‘bout it.”
I pivot. “What?”
“I’ll think ‘bout it. Come morn’n ya might just have Brooklyn on your side, if I decide so.”
I give a hopeful, grateful smile, and clap my hands. “Really? You won’t regret it, Spot!”
“I bedda not- that’s two ya owe me, Beauty.”
Agh! That stupid nickname! But I ignore it over tha over-com’n joy of winn’n tha strike.
“Let me escort ya!” Spot calls, more of a statement ratha than a question.
“I’s fine!” I call back. “G’night, Spot.”
“Get off my dock.”
I smile and begin ta jog back. Spot Colon- what a character! 
When I sneak back inta tha board’n house, Skittery is slightly awake.
“Where were ya, Becca?” he mumbles.
“Help’n our cause,” I mudda as I drift off to sleep. 
Sleep well, Crutchy…
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v--143 · 1 year
You know what’s an actual death spot. Right above the ankles. I was laying down and my dogs nose grazed it and I almost kicked my poor girl 😭
It’s just something that’s usually never touched so I feel like the feeling is so new and skittery and flustering and shajklslamslslsndnsklwk
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sparkedblaze · 1 year
OKSY OKAY tw anxiety and overly worried skittery due to past experiences
but he's been looking forward to this for weeks. He makes sure to wipe his feet before entering. He has on a newish shirt he'd borrowed from Jack. He'd asked Jack the right prayer for Saturday shabbat and memorized it just in case though hus pronunciation was probably off he hoped they didmt mind. He awkwardly waits to be told to sit not wanting to mess this up. They set out dinner and say grace and skittery watches for the que to start eating. that's when it starts to go wrong. He knocks over his glass accidentally frantically apologizes offering to go get a towel or something to clean up and pay for their laundry for the trouble. There is wine in their beautiful table cloth. It's possibly ruined all because of him.
Les is laughing and skittery normally likes the kid but he's upset why would les laugh at him? What about this is funny?
Mrs jacobs is reassuring him it's okay but it's not he knows it's not. That table cloth is probably something brought from overseas passed down in the family, and now clumsy him had made sure Sarah would have nothing and tears gsther at his eyes. The food and drink had to split another way die to his presence and he had simply poured Mrs jacobs hard work all over their nice table.
David talks to him softly. "Hey skittery what's wrong? "
"Im sorry, im really sorry I understand if yous no want me to come back I messed up your nice meal. I didn't mean to I swear. I איך אנטשולדיג זיך. " He fumbles thru his pronunciation, hoping he didn't somehow butcher it so bad it was an insult.
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