#skittery x reader
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sl-newsie · 4 months ago
My Own Two Feet (Skittery x OC)
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Heyyy! Oh my word your writing is excellent, so might I request Skittery x OC?
My OC’s name is Tiptoe (real name Mae Stephenson), she’s got blonde curly hair, green eyes, and an excessive people pleaser. She’s a Bronx newsie but tends to wander into Manhattan.
So I think maybe Skittery meets Tiptoe out on the streets and asks her to meet him at Jacobi’s, and her being a people pleaser can’t say no, accepts.
They actually get along quite well, and end up together.
(Tiptoe is named Tiptoe because she walks on her toes. So she often trips. Just a little side note)
Sorry this took so long!
“‘Scuse me! Coming through! Sorry!”
I weave through da Bronx streets and hear the nine o'clock bell toll. No no no! I am so late! Modda’s gonna kill me. Not only did I rush through morning chores but my tardiness is gonna lead to less pennies today. I just hope that-
Rats. Rosie’s already taken my spot. Think, Tiptoe, think! Um
 It’s risky
 Eh, why not? ‘Hattan’s always got extra customers. Surely the newsies there won’t mind if I slip over there. Again. Yeah, Jack did tell me to keep to da Bronx but I can’t go home empty-handed. 
I snatch up whatever papes are left and sprint off to Kings Bridge. Thankfully there ain't much traffic here but that don’t stop me from nearly tripping over a dent in the concrete.
“Watch it!” A carriage driver shouts.
“Sorry!” I shout back, already blushing.
Modda’s right. I was born with fadda’s two left feet. I can trip over literal nothing. But I can’t let that stop me!
“Outta the way!” I call as I cross the bridge and break through the crowd-a passerbys on the oudda side. “Get your papes right here! Roosevelt set to propose new bill! Mayor caught in scandal! Read all about it!”
Just like I thought. ‘Hattan’s full-a customers! Within an hour I’ve already sold thoirty papes!
“It’s a whole penny?” One man asks, discouraged. “I’d love one but I don’t get paid ‘til tomorrow.”
Aw. Poor guy. I can’t leave him with nothing. I think for a minute then hold up the paper anyway.
“How ‘bout half-a penny? I can make up the odda half no problem.”
The man’s face brightens. “Really?”
“‘Course. Everybody’s entitled to the news. Here ya go.”
He thanks me and disappears off into the crowd. Anodda satisfied customer-
The voice comes from right behind me and I jump in surprise- Only to fall backwards and crash into the mystery person.
“You ain’t from ‘Hattan,” a low voice growls as the person holds me up. “Whaddya do’n here?”
I spin around to apologize. It’s a newsie, just like me. Wearing brown trousers, a pink shoit, gray suspenders, and a brown cap
 Um, is he supposed to look this handsome? I mean, the dark eyes, arched eyebrows, curly hair. And a cute face that surely makes all the goils swoon. And now he’s mad at me!
“I- I was just, um
” Woids fail me and I can’t quit stare’n up at him.
The older boy ignores my fuddled mumbling. “And why’d ya give him a discount?”
Does he mean the guy I just sold to? Has he been watch’n me?
“I may not have gotten paid in full but a smile is worth half-a penny.” I take a gulp and hang my head in embarrassment. “I- I’s supposed to be in da Bronx but I fell behind and my spot got taken.”
The boy’s face doesn’t change. He keeps look’n down at me as if I’m about to pickpocket him. Is he gonna beat me up? I could try to run. But there’s no use. He’s definitely faster than me and I’d stick out like a sore thumb with my curly blonde hair. He’d chase me into an alley and give me a good soak’n.
“I- I won’t come back. I swear.” Still nothing. Maybe he’ll let me go back? “Um, I’ll just
I back away and start walk’n back to the bridge. Fantastic, Tiptoe! You meet a dark handsome stranger and make a complete fool-a yourself-!
“Where ya go’n? I ain’t kick’n you out.”
I pivot to face him again. Did I hear that right? He’s smile’ now. ‘S that a good thing? Jeez, I cannot think straight around this guy! 
“C’mon, I won’t bite,” he beckons in a softer tone and walks closer. “You got a family or do ya sleep in da Bronx lodging house?”
He’s being friendly with me? Maybe I haven’t completely messed up after all!
“I stay with me modda and sista. Me fadda died two years ago.” I change to a more upbeat tone. “What ‘bout you?”
“I sleep in the lodging house,” the boy answers. “I don’t really know where my folks are. ‘S just trying to make ends meet until I can find a real job. Oh, where are my manners?” He slaps his forehead and tips his cap to me. “Name’s Skittery.”
I can’t help but smile. “Skittery?”
His eyes narrow. “Yeah. Skittery. What’s yours?”
Oh. I didn’t mean to offend him. But it ain't too often I come across someone with such a unique name.
“Tiptoe,” I answer shyly. 
Skittery scoffs. “Okay now you’s just mess’n with me.”
“No, really! I go by Tiptoe,” I assure him.
He scrunches his nose. “Why?”
“‘Cause I’s always walk’n on the tips-a my feet. Ever since I was a kid. That’s why I’s so clumsy.”
Skittery waves it off. “Nah. You got a modda who would not name a pretty goil like you ‘Tiptoe.’” He leans in closer, genuinely curious. “C’mon. What’s your real name?”
I bite my tongue and avoid his gaze. It ain’t a big deal, but I don’t like run’n around tell’n people my real name. It’s so much easier to go by Tiptoe ‘cause people know to expect my uncoordinated persona. I guess it’s only fair. I upset Skittery so I should tell him.
“It’s Mae.”
“Mae,” he repeats distantly, like a prayer. How can he make my dull name sound so good?
“Mae Stephenson. But that’s too bland,” I respond quickly and lower my head again.
“No. I like it.” I see Skittery reach over and he lifts my chin up to face him. “Can I call you Mae?”
My, he’s such a charmer. I don’t like anybody except modda using my name but somehow I believe Skittery actually likes it.
“Um, ok. If you want to.”
Skittery grins. “You’re quite the people pleaser, ain’t ya? Not that I’s complain’n,” he adds quickly. “I think the woild needs more caring people like you.”
I let out a huff. “In my would being nice don’t get me too far. I’m sure you’s met much more graceful goils.”
“Well it ain’t every day that I meet a sweet goil with the most beautiful green eyes,” Skittery answers smoothly and points two fingers at my eyes. “All them graceful goils don’t compare to those.”
A deep blush starts creeping over my cheeks. Such an ordinary man with such thoughtful compliments- Uh-oh.
“Is it already five?” I gawk at the street clock over Skittery’s shoulder. “Oh! I gotta go! Um, bye!”
I spin around and take off before I can offer a friendly goodbye. How rude, Tiptoe! But if I don’t get home soon then modda’s gonna be furious! 
I cross over Kings Bridge and suddenly hear someone running up behind me. It’s Skittery! Why the blazes is he follow’n me? He’s run’n so much he looks like he’s about to pass out!
“Whoa whoa!” I hold out a hand to stop him. “Breathe, Skittery.”
“H- Hang on a sec!” He pants and hunches over.
“What are you doing here? You didn’t have to follow me.”
Skittery looks up and smiles through his panting. “‘Course I do. I can’t let a goil go unaccompanied.” He pauses a second. “That and, uh, I wanted to ask
 Would you meet me at Jacobi’s tomorrow?”
Oh, he would have to ask that. I’ve already wasted today’s time and modda won’t be happy about that. If I’m late tomorrow too
 But Skittery means well. He really is a nice guy. How can I say no?
“O- Okay,” I answer shakily. “Is that in ‘Hattan?”
“Yeah! Yeah. I’ll- I’ll wait for you here. ‘S that okay? I can’t afford much but-”
“No, no!” I hastily cut off his doubts. “I’d luv to, Skittery.”
His face breaks into his own smile, and is it just me or is his face turning as pink as his shoit?
 See ya tomorrow,” I say and start to back off. “I really gotta go.”
“Right! Right.” Skittery shuffles his feet and looks off to where I’m headed. “Sure ya don’t need an escort?”
“My apartment’s only ten minutes away. Goodbye!”
I give one last wave and take off running again. Golly, did I just get asked out on a date? Well
 He never said that. Skittery just wants to meet up with me. Maybe he just wants a new friend to talk to? Can’t say I ain’t flattered. Still
 It’d be sweet to know if he thought of me as someone special. But dreams are only lies I keep telling myself about my potential. Face it, Tiptoe. Just ‘cause he likes your eyes don’t mean he’s attracted to you.
I approach the apartment steps cautiously just as the door bursts open. Golden light floods over me and out steps modda.
“Mae Stephenson! Young lady, tell me this instant why you are so late!” But before I can explain she keeps yelling. “Your sister needs her bath and I’m trying to prepare dinner! And you’ve gotten your shoes all dirty! Leave those outside. Did you trip again?”
She keeps muttering to herself and walks back inside. I follow her to the kitchen, taking extreme care to remove my boots, and wash the dirt off my hands. How do I lay this out gently?
“Modda, I- Uh
 I’m going to be late again tomorrow night.”
Modda huffs as she works on chopping carrots. “And why is that?”
 met a boy. Anodda newsie He’s taking me to a restaurant.”
Modda stills for a moment but continues chopping. “There is no way my daughter is going off with some strange boy. You can politely tell him you need to be here.”
I scowl at her calm but firm rejection. “Modda! I never go out. You always keep me here. I ain’t gonna be a kid forever. Sooner or later I’m gonna leave.”
She stiffly sets down the knife and faces me with her hands on her hips. “Dear, your best place is here. Believe me when I say you have a lot to learn about being a proper woman. If you are ever going to court and get married then you need to be more disciplined.” She points a scolding finger. “No more clumsy footwork, do you understand? You have got to start walking appropriately in order to catch a man’s eye. A proper man. Not this stranger you speak of. My daughter is going to find a suitable man who can support her.”
Is she even talking to me anymore? Last I checked it’s me who’s gonna get married, not her. And I’s only seventeen! Since when is marriage on the table? Yes, there are goils in the neighborhood who’ve already gotten engaged. But I don’t think that’s what Skittery has in mind. He’s just being nice.
“Well I’m go’n anyway!” I declare and storm off towards the bathroom. “I’ll get all my chores done in the morning but I ain’t coming back ‘til dark.”
“Don’t you raise your voice at me, young lady! Go and-!”
“I know! I’m gonna go wash Jean!” I yell before turning around to walk to my sista’s room.
Inside I find the small goil waiting for me on her bed. Since she's four she can stand now but still needs to be carried at times.
“Mae!” Jean whines and reaches out to me.
“Calm down, calm down,” I sigh and swing her out of the bed. “Are you mad at modda too?”
Tomorrow can’t come soon enough.
“This is fantastic!” I gush and stare at the delicious sandwich.
Across the booth Skittery lets out a laugh. “Jacobi’s always has the best. He’s a good friend of us newsies.” 
He looks over at something across the room and I turn around to see anodda newsie with a cigar in his mouth give’n us the thumbs up. Skittery jerks his head as a silent sign to get him to stop. Does he know this guy?
Skittery turns back to me. “So Mae, how are ya liking your second visit to Manhattan?” 
His friendly demeanor makes me forget about last night’s stress. “Much less hostile than before, thanks to you. Honestly it’s much more interesting than my neighborhood. Especially Central Park. What a sight!”
The dark-eyed newsie holds his head back and laughs. “If ya like that then next time I’ll take ya to see Dewey Arch!”
Next time? He wants there to be a next time? Do I want there to be a next time? If it’s anything like this then I can’t say no! I’d really like that. I mean, not just for me but for Skittery too. But
 where does he plan on taking this? 
“Hey. Why are ya so quiet now?” 
Rats! He noticed. “Skittery
 Are you only hang’n out with me ‘cause ya feel sorry for me? ‘Cause I’m a literal mess?”
Skittery’s jaw drops in disbelief. “Why would I say that?”
I wring my hands togedda and look down. “Well ya wouldn’t, I thought you’d think I was.”
“Why would I think that?” he asks in the same tone.
“I donno
 ‘S just that I ain’t exactly prime material for social gatherings. That and my modda weren’t too proud-a me hang’n out with ya again. She thinks I need to learn to be a proper lady and catch the eye of some rich stiff.”
A spell of silence goes by before Skittery speaks up. “A proper guy, eh?”
He sounds deep in thought. Not exactly mocking me but mocking the idea of a hoity toity guy. Can’t say I blame him.
“Yeah. But I don’t wanna change just to become rich.” I gesture to my feet. “Besides, my terrible balance ain’t gonna go away so easily.”
“Why should ya change?” Skittery slides over the booth seat to sit closer to me, wearing an adorable smile. “I think it’s cute.”
My face flushes even darker. “Ya do?”
“Yeah. I mean, I ain’t so used to this kind-a stuff, but
 If you want, I could be the guy to stand by ya to catch you if you fall.”
I close my eyes to keep from breaking down at the sight of his kind face. “Ah, Skittery. That’s the sweetest thing anybody’s ever told me.”
I hear him slide closer. “Is that a yes?”
I peek out from behind my newsie cap. “A yes to what?”
“Um, to me ask’n you out?” Skittery asks hopefully.
So he wants there to be a night time because he does like me! Modda won’t agree but I don’t care. Skittery may not be a posh, baroque breadwinner but he makes up for it in kindness and enthusiasm. Besides, it’s only a date. No need to overthink about what I can’t control now, right?
A teasing smirk grows on my face. “Well, if a guy were to be sweet on me then I’m gonna need him to physically show me.”
Skittery raises an eyebrow and thinks for a minute. “Okay.”
“Ah! What are you-?” I gasp when he suddenly leans closer.
And then he kisses me. Soft and sweet, just as I hoped my foist kiss would be. Before I know it I’m melting into his gentle touch and feel his toned arms wrap around me. Engulfing me in his warmth. Here. Here is where I feel like myself. No need to be perfect or proper. I can fall flat on my face and Skittery would still care. Right now it’s just us two, sinking into the cushion without a care in the woild.
“How’s that for proof?” Skittery whispers when we pull apart to breathe.
“C’mere again.” I cockily pull him in and press anodda kiss on his plump lips. “Checks out.” 
The handsome newsie smiles and looks into me with a soft and adoring expression. “So you’ll be my goil, Mae?”
“Only if you’ll be my man,” I reply and swing my legs over his. “Will you be the right foot to my left?”
Skittery chuckles and wraps me into anodda hug. “I like the sound-a that.”
(Hope this is what you were looking for!)
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gorgon-goddess-of-chaos · 3 months ago
I think that Wilford would have polaroids everywhere since his memory is shit, just so he doesn't forget things.
Wilford Warfstache x GN!Reader, TW: none Words: 636
The autumn air brushes past you, making the leaves swirl along the ground and dance with the chill. You shove your hands in your pockets, trying to keep them warm. Wilford notices your shivering, pulling a scarf out of who even knows where, and wraps it around your neck as you put on the matching gloves.
“Can’t have you getting cold now, pumpkin. There’s sights to see!”
He’s quick to snap a photo of you before you’re finished straightening yourself out. The camera prints the polaroid instantly, and he looks at it lovingly. You try to sneak a glimpse of it over his shoulder, but he hides it away before you can look.
“Ahhp-up-up! No ruining the surprise!” 
“Wilf, it’s a picture of me that you took as I was adjusting my scarf. What sort of surprise could there be?”
“Shhhhh, seeeecrets.”
You can’t tell if he’s being obtuse on purpose or not, but you just take his arm and keep walking, looking out upon your surroundings. The trees rustle as the clouds begin to hang overhead, letting only small bits of blue sky through. As long as you can feel Wilford next to you, you’re far more focused on the natural scenery surrounding you. Especially when that was the sole reason Wilford dragged you out here in the first place. 
You feel his mustache against your forehead as he leans over to give you a kiss, squeezing your arm, and double checking that you’re still warm. There’s the click of a camera again, and you glance over to see him photographing a squirrel happily munching on an acorn it found. It stares at you once you notice it, and Wilford takes the moment of it sitting still to capture another shot of it. 
“Perfect! An ideal specimen of sciurus carolinensis! And holding a quercus spp, just like the movies!”
“Oh? Which movie, Wilf?”
“The one with the little skittery one, with all the ice. His love for that acorn destroys the world, and I think that’s beautiful. Almost relatable, in a way
He trails off as you try and figure out what movie he could possibly be talking about. Every once in a while you hear the click of his camera, find what he’s photographing, and go back to what you were looking at. You have to pull the scarf over your face after a while, shuddering at the cold. Wilford looks at you, concern washed over his face.
“Oh pumpkin, we gotta get you indoors, stat.”
He scoops you up before you can protest, spinning you around in his arms and you appear in his living room. He’s careful to pull the scarf away from your face, frowning at how red your nose and cheeks are.
“Well we can’t have that, I’ll make us some hot choccies!”
Without another word, Wilford disappears into the kitchen, leaving you to get comfortable and warm. You’re quick to change out of your outside clothes, creating a cocoon for yourself with the massive pile of blankets by the couch. Wilford returns with mugs of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream, candy canes, and sprinkles. You happily take yours as he joins you in your comfort. He sets his camera on the table, and you catch a glimpse of the stack of photos from your walk. In the middle of each frame rests you, the focus of every photo, spare the squirrel. 
“So this was the surprise?”
You pick up the polaroids, thumbing through them carefully. Wilford gets quiet, sighing.
“My memory isn’t quite what it used to be
 and I want to make sure I never forget my favorite memories of you.”
You look up at him, kissing his cheek as you pull him closer.
“You won’t, because I won’t let you. I promise.”
“Thank you, my dear.”
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sluggmuffin · 2 years ago
🎱 - maybe a little newsies x gn!reader in general (but maybe it could be a race x gn!reader) where they are out ghost hunting and actually get signs and freak tf out?
sorry if that it too long, but I’m watching Sam and Colby rn and thought it could be cool.
🎱 - send me a scenario and a character of your choice and i'll write a either hcs or a little drabble about them (can be x reader *if it is pls tell me ur preferred pronouns* but it doesn't have to be)!
Sorry this took a while!
"I don't like it in here" you whispered, holding a lantern infront of you.
"Aw cmon (y/n) it ain't that bad" Race teased, throwing a playful arm around your shoulders.
"I dunno man, I kinda agree with (y/n)" Skittery stutters, standing very far behind the group.
"Look of you wanna complain then you can-" Jack starts, but doesn't get to finish before a door to the side slams shut, causing everyone to jump and turn around.
"Okay whoever did that, you're not funny" You retort, rolling your eyes to secretly hide the fact your heart was pounding.
"Nobody was near that door" Race breathed, stepping closer to the door.
"I knew this was a bad idea from the start!" you whined, turning back to leave the abandoned building.
Before you could exit, you saw a light flicker out of the corner of your eye. You slowly turn to the boys and find that they're all staring with a horrified expression on their faces.
"Um well... now that I think about it, ghost huntin' is for little kids. Maybe we should leave." Race says coolly, failing at hiding his scared look.
All the boys agreed at once so you guys left, never forgetting that experience.
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hxney-lemcn · 4 years ago
Knight in Shining Armor — Skittery x fem! reader
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Summery: Skittery helps saves the reader.
tw: One swear word
wc: 0.6k
Master List
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I ran as fast as I could. I pushed past anyone who stood in my way not caring about manners in that very moment. If I didn't get away I might as well be dead so they people being shoved could deal with it.
"You can't run forever!" Oscar yelled out to me, hot on my pursuit along with his brother.
"Might as well give up!" Morris added. I wasn't giving up anytime soon. I was so close to safety yet I could feel my lungs burn from running for so long. I tried to push myself even further but my legs where starting to feel like jelly. Yet I was so CLOSE! Almost at newsie square. I know I shouldn't have but I looked backwards only to be surprised at how much they gained on me. They were almost able to grab me. Looking back forward I saw the familiar figures of Skittery and Racetrack, both having their backs turned to me. I tried to scream out to them but I was breathing too heavily.
"Skittery!" I shouted as much as I could, yet my voice didn't seem to carry over the crowded sidewalks. I felt my eyes water up as hopelessness was close to consuming me. I felt someone grab the back of my shirt and I let out a screech which seemed to gain people's attention. As the Delancey brothers dragged me off Skittery and Race turned around, probably to see what the noise was. I struggled against my captors and they rushed over to where I was. Morris pinned me against the wall, holding me up by my collar, Oscar standing behind him with a sneer.
"What should we do ta her?" Morris asked with a sick grin. I struggled as much as I could, clawing at his hands. I spit at Morris making him growl in disgust.  Before they could say or do anything else Skittery and Race entered the ally and were by my side in no time.
Skittery pulled Morris back and got a punch in, making Morris let go of me. My feet finally touched the ground and Oscar tried to defend his brother but I stepped in and kicked him in the shin. That staggered him a bit which allowed me to easily punch him in the jaw.
"You bitch!" He shouted. Yet Morris got knocked out, curtesy to Skittery, and Oscar knew they were defeated. Oscar grabbed his brother and left, leaving me, Skittery and...wait where did Race go?
"Are you'se okay?" He asked looking over me for any injury and bruising.
"I'm good thanks to you," I smiled. "My knight in newsboy armor."
"I'll always be there foar ya (n/n)," He said softly.
"And I'll always be there foar you'se too," I responded giving him a bear hug. Skittery hugged me back  burying his face in the side of my neck. I blushed a bit feeling his warm breath hit my neck. After we hugged for a minute or so we pulled apart. He grabbed my hand and we made our way to newsies square. Jack rushed to us, Racetrack behind him.
"What happened?" Jack asked worriedly. "Race said you'se had an encounter wit da Delancey brudda's."
"Yeah but we'se were able ta defend ourselves," I said with a smile.
"We'll you'se woulda been in trouble if it weren't foar me," Skittery mumbled looking at me with concern.
"Well everytin's all good now," I responded trying to cheer him up. "I got you'se!"
A small smile made its way onto his face, "Den I gotta stick by you'se from now on."
"Dat's a good idea," Jack agreed. "Da Delancey's are gonna keep an eye out on you'se two for revenge, so better ta stick together." Yay! More time with my crush!
I smiled up at Skittery, "Let's go play a game!"
He looked at me and raised an eyebrow, "Okay dear." I felt my heart hammer in my chest and my cheeks warm up. He grabbed my hand and we walked into the lodge spending the rest of the day playing kings corners.
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1899-newsboy-strike · 6 years ago
hi! can u pleaseeee do 2,3,5,7 from the prompt list with skittery x reader?? thanks!!
2 - no no it’s alright, come here
3 - I’m not going to leave you. You’re never going to have to suffer by yourself again, I promise.
5 - why are you helping me
7 - just trust me
Broken pieces - Skittery Imagine
Warnings: nightmares, mentions of physical abuse
Summary: After finally getting out of the refuge you’re left on the street with nowhere to go
 until one particular newsie finds you.
You looked around the crowded streets of New York and tried to find an open space where people weren’t crowding. You hadn’t been near this many adults for two years and didn’t know how to handle it. You quickly tried to push your way through the crowd as you spotted an alley and leaned against it sighing as you calmed down slightly. You stayed there trying to figure out where you’d go for the night. You had no home and couldn’t remember the places you could stay that would keep you safe from Snyder.
As the day continued you wondered around trying to find a place to stay for the night. You couldn’t find a place and started to panic thinking you’d be in plain sight for Snyder to take you back to the refuge. You went back toward the alley you had originally been in and sat on the floor leaning against the wall. You tried to get as comfortable as you could trying to get some sleep. You heard humming coming from the street and the humming stopped right next to you. “Hey, what are ya doin’ on da floor?” You heard making you look up as you saw a newsie staring down at you.
“I don’t have anywhere to go. I just got out of the refuge a few hours ago.” You explained as you stared up at him. “Why don’t you come to the lodging house? Theres an empty space on my bunk, and Jack can help ya start sellin’ tomorrow morning.” He explained as he extended his arm to help you up. “I don’t know..” You said looking at his hand. “Just trust me. It’s betta than sleepin’ on da street with no money.” He explained and you cautiously grabbed his hand pulling yourself up. “Why are you helping me? You don’t even know me.” You explained as you began to follow him to the lodging house. “I’m just bein’ polite.” He responded and the rest of the walk was quiet.
“Hey Skittery, who do ya got there?” You heard as you had both walked into the building and you saw a whole room filled with bunk beds and boys. “I found her on da street and thought she could come here. She got out a da refuge today.” The boy you now knew as Skittery explained. “What’s ya name kid?” Jack asked as he looked over at you as your eyes continued to scan the room. “Y/n.” You responded holding out your hand for him to shake. He shook it before explaining how being a newsie worked and how it would work tomorrow with you becoming a newsie and sleeping at the lodging house.
“I usually sleep on da top but if ya want da top bunk you can have it.” Skittery told you and you just stared at the bed. “Um, it doesn’t matter you can sleep where you normally sleep.” You explained and he nodded before climbing up to the top. You crawled into the bed and tried to get comfortable. You were grateful for Skittery bringing you here and it would definitely be better than sleeping on the cold floor of an alley. “Thank you.” You said as you stared at the top bunk and heard a small you’re welcome in response before you fell asleep.
You heard shouting in the distance and cries as you were in the corner. It was your first day in the refuge and you had no idea what to do or where you’d sleep. The beds were all being taken and they were all being shared with no room for many kids. Snyder walked into the room and he walked straight from you making you panic. He pulled you out as you kicked and screamed trying to get away from him.
You woke up to someone shaking you and almost screamed until you remembered that you had met a boy named Skittery the day before who had offered a place to stay. “Hey you okay? Ya started cryin’ in ya sleep.” He explained and you nodded. “Just a dream about the refuge.” You explained as you stared at him debating whether or not to ask him what you were thinking. “Alright.” He responded and was about to make his way back to the top bunk but you stopped him as you grabbed his hand. “Do you mind if I sleep with you? I don’t want to be a bother or anything.” You explained as you avoided looking at him. “No, no it’s alright, come here. Ya won’t be a botha or anything.” He explained and you thanked him softly as you both got comfortable on the bed.
“What happened?” He asked and you had to scoot over closer to him so you wouldn’t fall out of the bed. “I’ve been there for two years. Snyder he would come at night sometimes to get one of us and just hit us for fun. You know he always had this smile on his face when he was finished. I felt like he got me more than the others, but it was probably because I was there longer than the people that were in the same room as me and I was always on the floor because there was no space for anyone else to be sleeping on the bunks.” You explained and shook your head. “I shouldn’t have even been in there. No one should be in there but, if my parents wouldn’t have just up and left me I wouldn’t even be here or anywhere near the refuge. My parents didn’t want me, they went away to one of those fancy states. I don’t even know where they are.” You explained starting to cry as you remembered the day your parents left while you were asleep and you had woken up to an empty house.
“I didn’t have anyone to go to.” You continued and Skittery had scooted closer to you trying to comfort you. “I had to stop going to school because I didn’t have anything I needed for it. My friends stopped talking to me and everyone left me. I was all alone and no one cared to even try and help.” You explained and wiped your cheeks. “Sorry.” You apologized as you tried to calm down. “Hey it’s okay. I ain’t gonna leave ya. You’s never gonna have to suffer by yourself again, I promise.” He explained and you laughed slightly. “You know that’d make me feel better if I didn’t just meet you.” You responded as you continued to get comfortable before falling asleep in Skittery’s arm.
True to his word Skittery never left your side. You were always together, and since your nightmares of the refuge never left you had even been sleeping in the same bed, which gave an extra space in case someone needed it. Whenever you needed someone Skittery was there by your side picking you up whenever you were down, and always finding any way to put a smile on your face even when he didn’t have one on his own. You couldn’t believe you had to ever go through your life alone without Skittery.
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shewritessometimes · 6 years ago
Read me!
Uhhhh I don’t think anyone misses me so like I might just let this account wither away and die or something cause I feel like no one even would read stuff but rip
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talesofnox · 4 years ago
FOR ANY REASON, if a fandom or character (is)...
CROSSED OUT! I no longer write for the fandom or character.
HAS A “☆” NEXT TO IT! It is one of my favorite fandoms or characters to write for.
Without further ado, here are the lists (IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER)
Enjoy this list and make requests if you please. I would love to write more often than I do, so please help me out!
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gxrcias-gothgf · 5 years ago
That's One Way (Spot Conlon X Fem! Reader)
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This is the Spot x Fem Reader request with #1 & #11 where she's a badass and then a softie which confuses the Brooklyn boys
Warnings: violence
Spot, Hot Shot, and a few other Brooklyn newsies were walking around Manhattan the fight at the distribution center. They had wanted to get away from the large group of newsies that included both the Brooklyn and Manhattan newsies. Hot Shot was starting to recount his encounter with one of the Delancey brothers when he stopped walking. Annoyed, Spot turned around to Hot Shot when they heard the sound of a nose breaking. 
“The hell was that?” Spot asked as he walked to the alley way that Hot Shot was staring into. “Is that Y/N?” 
“I thought Jack said she was one of the nicest ones,” Hot Shot muttered as the two stared at you in the alley. 
“He did.” 
Morris Delancey sat on the ground with a broken nose and an already bruising eye. Oscar stood in front of you attempting to land a few hits on you but failing. 
“This is just sad Oscar. I’ll make you a deal. You grab your brother and leave or you end up like him,” you attempted to persuade the boy. 
“Like that will happen,” Oscar scoffed at you. 
“Do you think we should help her?” One of the Brooklyn boys asked Spot as Oscar landed a punch on your cheek. 
You retaliated by kneeing him in the groin and as he fell you kneed him once more in the chest. You punch him in the face before he crawled backwards towards Morris. 
“I have to go before I put your head through a wall. Next time think before you mock Crutchie in front me,” you told the brothers before looking up to the opening of the alley way. “Oh hi Spot.” 
“Hey Y/N,” Spot said as him and the boys continued to stare at you and the beaten boys behind you. 
“I need to get back to the lodging house if you don’t mind. Need to check on the boys,” you told the small group of Brooklyn newsies before walking away and made your way to the lodging house. 
The boys all looked at each other as you walked down the busy sidewalks with blood running down your hands and a pep in your step. The small group eventually decided to make their way back to the Manhattan lodging house so Spot could talk to Jack and check on his boys. When they walked into the lodging house they were met with the sight of you once again. But this time you seemed to be the complete opposite of how you were with the Delancey brothers. You were taking care of the boys. Especially the younger ones. 
“Y/N it hurts,” Les said as he pointed to a small scratch on his cheek. 
You smiled at him and grabbed a rag, wiping it off as softly as you could before giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek. The younger boy smiled at you before running off to his older brother and Jack. He spoke quickly and with a smile on his face while pointing at his cheek. Davey looked over to you with a grateful smile that you returned. Spot decided that now would be a good time to head over and talk to Jack. 
While Jack, Davey, Race, Spot, and Hot Shot were having their serious strike talk, Skittery walked over to you with Tumbler next to him. 
“Hey buddy. What’s wrong?” You asked the younger boy before looking up at Skittery. 
“Him and a few other little ones were messing around and he cut his leg on the stairs,” Skittery sat next to Tumbler as you started cleaning up his leg. 
Spot took notice of how gentle you were with the boys and it shocked him. When he first saw you, you were beating the crap out of two guys at once. Now here you were sitting in the lodging house cleaning up the boys who got hurt and you did it gently, with a smile. He was distracting throughout the entire conversation with Jack and was caught by Hot Shot staring at you. 
Of course you had felt eyes on you but you were too busy taking care of the boys to care. After you finished up cleaning up Tumbler’s leg, you got up and made your way over to Jack and the small group conversing in the corner. 
“Hey Dave where’s Les? Oh hi Spot,” you smiled at the Brooklyn boy from behind Race.
Race looked over his shoulder and gave you a cheeky smile to which you smacked him upside the head. Davey pointed you in Les’ direction before you left with a wave and a gentle smile. Spot stared at you as you walked away. Race smirked before deciding to add in his two cents. 
“What got a crush on Manhattan’s girl?” Race asked Spot. 
“Huh?” Spot turned back to the group. Race shook his head laughing. They told the Brooklyn leader to forget about whatever Race had said and went back to discussing their upcoming plans. 
Throughout the days that the Brooklyn newsies spent in Manhattan Spot had gotten to know you pretty well. For example he told anyone who listened to him about the fact that as soon as one of the younger newsies is in danger or is injured you immediately take action. Like the time at the rally you broke someone’s nose just to make sure Tumbler and Boots made it out of the theatre without a scratch. He knew that you normally were the sweetest person ever. As long as the Delancey brothers weren’t involved. He knew that when Jack went to the refuge and then started working for Pulitzer you felt like you couldn’t breath. You felt like not just you were being let down but all the younger newsies as well. All you seemed to care about were your newsies. And maybe Spot if he was reading everything right. And that’s why you were in charge of telling Spot and his boys about the strike being back on and that you were getting all the city’s child workers involved. 
“Read this,” you said as soon as you stood in front of Spot. 
“Why should I bring my boys back to ‘Hattan? Jack betrayed us all last time. Why is now any different?” Spot asked as he looked up from the paper he was holding. 
“I promise it’s different this time. Trust me,” you looked at him with a pleading look. 
“I’ll see what I can do.” 
And so here you were standing with the rest of the Manhattan newsies waiting to see if anyone else was coming. The group of you had seemed to have lost hope when the other child workers made a dramatic entrance. From another street you saw another group walking to Newsies Square.
You saw Spot walking in the front of the group and you smiled. You felt all the hope rise again and breathed out a sigh of relief. Spot made his way over to the group of you as Jack and Davey made their way into Pulitzer’s office. Newsies Square was very crowded with all of the child workers and you tried your best to not bump into anyone. That didn’t happen though because your shoulder collided with Spot and you immediately tried to apologize. 
“You have the prettiest eyes,” Spot told you as he winked at you. 
“Shut up,” you muttered as you looked away. 
“Honestly. They’re beautiful and they’re not even the most beautiful thing about you,” Spot said. 
As you tried to respond you were cut off with Jack coming over to the group and picking up Les. 
“We won!” 
Cheers rang through the air and you turned to Spot in happiness. As he looked at you he grabbed your face and pulled you to him. He pressed your lips together as you held his face in your hand. You pulled away just long enough to get out a sentence. 
“That’s one way to celebrate this,” you chuckled before pulling the boy into another kiss. 
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jeonjeonggukenergy · 5 years ago
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summary ~ in search of wine at a party that’s so not your scene, you run into jungkook, the weeb from your film class, and become determined to learn just how much he lives up to his big reputation.
pairing ~ jungkook x reader
genre ~ fluff, light smut w/ more to come - college!au
wordcount ~ 1.7k
warnings ~ light smut, drinking/partying, mentions of dick?, basically just making out, feat. long hair jk :)))))
a/n ~ this is my first time posting a fic!!! costume idea inspired by @ddaenggtan‘s iconic weeb-ass jk in chasing butterflies lol, and I got the idea to write this in general from wondering what a scenario like @joonbird​‘s literally flawless fic passionfruit would be like from the opposite perspective bc I kept reading it (and rereading it...and rereading it...) and loving the connection but I’m much more like joon in that au than the reader oooop. anyway thank you to all the writers on here whose work i have loved and my friends who have encouraged me and made me bold enough to embrace such a fun new creative outlet xxx u know who u are :’)
next: chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 (coming soon!) 
~ read on ao3 ~
CHAPTER 1 ~ dress up
You never intended to end up at this Halloween party. You didn't even know who to expect to see here, other than your roommate's friend from high school, the host, who had invited y'all as a package deal even though she knew you didn't really do parties. At least not ones like hers, where every bedroom ended up occupied by the end of the night and nearly no one went home alone. Thrilled to break out of your lame group of friends for a taste of flirtation and fun, you tried to relax into the scene but the unspoken expectation of casual sex intimidated you the tiniest bit.
Speaking of casual sex, there was Jungkook.
Used to admiring him from afar in your "14 Films To See Before You Graduate" class, you paused to take in the sight of him in what you supposed was a more natural habitat. Everyone knew Jungkook got girls, thanks to the rumor his first freshman-year hookup had started about his seriously impressive dick. He had a beautiful body too, carefully crafted muscles obvious even beneath his usual baggy black clothes, so as the more intimate rumors spread and various co-signers confirmed every detail from length to curve to (you had always hated this word, but...) girth, getting a piece of all that became a badge of honor among the girls in your grade. You had never really understood how the awkward boy who hid manga under his desk in class could supposedly be such a sex symbol, but you almost felt bad for him. That kind of reputation following you around everywhere couldn't be all fun and games. If anything, though, it had intrigued you even more about the rest of him, all his little weeb quirks and the way he debated your points in the discussion boards like he actually cared. He wasn't exactly studious in general, but he clearly loved film and you enjoyed speaking up in class just to see how he would jump off of your observations. You hadn't really talked to him other than that, but he didn't seem to be talking to anyone else tonight either. From the corner, you let yourself appreciate the way his nervous hands tugged at the skinny black tie of his costume, freeing more of his throat from a thin yellow button-down shirt.
At least you no longer felt overdressed in your Nancy Drew outfit. The retro headband, brown loafers, and bookish plaid knee-length skirt set a much more sophisticated tone than most other ensembles you'd seen, but Jungkook's weeb ass had basically worn a full suit to channel Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop. With his grown-out hair tousled and a navy pinstripe jacket cinched tight with two strips of electrical tape over his tiny waist, you couldn't deny that he rocked it. He leaned against a long plastic table left in the hallway, bobbing his head to the music in the next room and adjusting the too-slim suit pants around his thick thighs. His translucent cup stayed hidden behind a hip until he raised it quickly to his face for another sip of...red wine? Probably Franzia, knowing tonight's crowd, but anything was better than beer. You made a beeline for the one boy with taste at this party, your sole mission now to get wine drunk, sneak some Usher throwbacks on this playlist, and drop it low enough to leave some dude hard on the dance floor. #wastehistime2019, yknow.
"Hey!" You got his attention, grabbing the hand with the cup before he could lower it out of view again. His eyes grew comically wide and his mouth formed an "o" in shock before you demanded "Where is the wine?" and he pressed his lips back into a line, stuttering.
"I-I-I'm sorry, I just brought a bottle because the beer here sucks but I think it's all gone by now, I tried to hide it but yeah anyway you can have the rest of this one if you want though." Wincing at his own ramble, he ruffled the retro pouf of his hair with one hand and proffered the plastic cup in another. Both actions highlighted how pretty his hands were and you were just slightly tipsy enough to thread your fingers over his in the also-pretty black waves falling over his yep-still-just-as-pretty cheekbones.
"Aw, it's okay, I don't want to take your wine. No more liquid courage for me," you grinned, dotting the lightest kiss on his nose. It was an innocent gesture, but as your face naturally lowered so your noses touched, leaving your lips centimeters away from each other, something snapped—in him.
His wine discarded on the table, a hand curled around to clutch your ass and you practically felt his tongue before you felt his lips. Slamming your body abruptly into his, he nudged a thigh between your legs to grind it up on your center and as your arm got caught between your bodies, the tension you sensed filling his frame gave you pause. You pushed him away gently but firmly with the hand already flattened against his rock-solid abs. Looking down at the slight space restored between y'all, you removed his hands from his hair and your ass and laced them in yours to guide him back against the wall.
"I...what was that?" you almost giggled. You definitely weren't trying to laugh at him, but you couldn't hide your surprise at this first potential proof of his fuckboy reputation.
"I'm—" his whole face crumpled, both from the simple sting of your seeming rejection and the possibility that he had broken a boundary or forced himself on you against your wishes, which made him so sick he could barely face you. Squirming under your light hold but not quite resisting, he rambled again: "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to force myself on you or anything, don't worry I would never try anything if you didn't want to, I just figured we might as well get to the point if you did because, uh...when girls touch me like that or even talk to me at these things it's pretty much always just because they...want to."
"Jungkook," you breathed, pulsing your hands over his in reassurance. He squeezed his eyes shut, still distraught, and when they opened, you had craned your neck to meet his averted gaze.
"I never said I didn't want to."
His eyes widened again. "Uh...uh...then..." he trailed off, never having needed to directly proposition a girl like this before. He really had been inexperienced before the rapid escalation of college, and was at a loss for how to get to the good stuff from here via anything more eloquent than a rushed "Wanna fuck?" You shook your head silently, nose grazing his again, and let go of one hand to cup his face with care, like he was something precious you were scared of breaking.
"What? You want to get right to fucking me?" you murmured into his ear. He shivered at hearing you curse for the first time, freed from the constraints of class discussions and closer than he ever guessed you'd get to him. "Is that really what you want? Or is it what you think I do? Because if it's alright, I think I want something better. For you."
You pressed a new kiss to his nose, only slightly stronger than the one that had started all this. He held his breath and his untouched, open mouth trembled as you scattered soft introductions of your lips across his forehead, to his temples, over the scar that sliced his cheekbone. Finally inhaling a skittery heave of your shared air as you passed closer to his lips, he forced it back out in frustration when you ducked away to nudge under his jaw instead. Returning your hand to his hair, you grinned, enjoying the spike in his pulse under your thumb and skipping the tip of your tongue lightly over his neck right up to the earlobe. You lifted the choppy ends of his waves away from the dangly silver hoop they hid, tensing the strands just slightly between your fingers in an inability to hide your glee. Something told you this was going to drive him crazy.
Taking a slight detour to suck his pierced lobe between your lips, you responded to Jungkook’s low moan of surprise by wedging your tongue through the first oversized hole and letting your teeth clatter over multiple rings of metal. He was trying so hard to stay pliant under you, but the tease of slight pain in a new and unusual spot made him want your mouth more, anywhere he could get it. No one had ever spent this much time tracing so few inches of skin.
And so many girls had buried his face in their necks, craving evidence of an encounter with the Jeon Jungkook, that a strange kind of empathy caught him off guard when you showed him how good it could feel to receive. You connected your lips to the hollow right under his ear, feeling the tendons stretch as his head lolled away from you. Working him through a cascade of light gasps, you stepped away satisfied once you had sucked a dark bloom to the surface. He watched you leave with his mouth agape and chest heaving, unable to believe you could just walk away with a wave and a "See you in class!"
But you did, and he would.
"Shit!" he swore, a shaky hand darting straight to the spot. Now he had to keep his hair long for at least another two or three days. If he showed up to discussion on Monday and had to watch you admiring your work on his skin, he would probably just die on the spot. And that would not be very Spike Spiegel of him.
next chapter
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bonniebird · 5 years ago
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Derek x Reader
Requested by Anon
“All right. That should be the last one. Unless anyone stopped by while I was with the last patient.” Deaton said to you as you helped him get a rather skittery puppy into a cage so it could rest.
“Oh, yes I think there is one more. I was in a rush so I had him fill out the patient form.” You said. It didn’t take you long to rush out to the desk to grab your clipboard you’d given him. Reading the name with a soft sigh your stepped out into the waiting room. “Mr Hale, Deation can see your
” You trailed off realising he didn’t have an animal with him. He watched you glance around before you looked back at him suspiciously.
“I’m just here to see Deaton. He was friends with my mother.” Derek explained quickly.
He relaxed instantly when you smiled and nodded, lowering the clipboard you’d been clutching in front of you. “I’ll tell him you’re here.” You said quickly. When Deation came out to speak to Derek he found him with a dopy dazed look on his face, staring at you over the counter doors as you fussed around the reception desk.
“Derek?” Deaton said gently. He cleared his throat. “Derek, you said there was an emergency with Scott?”
“There was? Oh! Yes there is!” He said as he practically dragged his attention back over to Deaton who nodded.
“Follow me and I’ll see what I can do.” He said as he invited Derek into the back room.
“So you think it will be that easy to fix?” Scott asked as he leant on the metal table between him and Deaton.
“I hope so. But when it comes to these things you never know. Derek knows a bit more about it than I do.” Deaton admitted as he glanced around. “Speaking of which. He should be here by now. (Y/N) you haven’t heard anything from Derek have you?”
“No. He said he’d be here but I don’t know where he is or why he’s running late.” You answered as you finished packing away the last few inventory items.
“Sorry I’m late!” Derek called as he rushed through. He collided with you and caught you as you fell, flustering as he helped you to your feet.
“Sorry.” You gasped quickly, embarrassed that you had collided with Derek.
Deaton and Scott shared a confused look when Derek seemed to emit a squeaking growled pur. When Scott looked over his shoulder he could see Derek had turned into a violent shade of red as your hands touched while he passed you the things you’d dropped.
Derek spluttered something out that neither Scott or Deaton could make out before he quickly yanked away his hand and watched you grab your bag and coat. “I’ll see you tomorrow Deaton.” You called as you paused at the gate. “By Scott, Derek.” you said with a small wave.
Derek smiled at you as you left. “So
 What was that about?” Scott asked. He frowned when Derek started to blush again.
“What are you talking about?” He asked quickly.
“Let’s get on with the meeting.” Deaton said in a tone that made it clear he too was curious but wanted to spark Derek.
“Hello?” You said as you opened your front door.
You were surprised to see Derek stood shuffling one foot to the other. There was an awkward moment between you when he didn’t answer back so you clear your throat.
“Did you need something Derek? Is Deaton ok? It’s my day off so
” You trailed off and frowned when he sighed.
“Would you like.... To maybe
 come with me to ... Dinner or lunch, maybe coffee.” Derek stuttered out as he stared at his feet.
“Oh! Um, sure I can go and get my jacket.” You said and he let out a shaky sigh like he wasn’t sure if you’d say yes.
“Great! I can drive us. I have a car.” He said and cringed as he spoke. When you laughed it off he smiled and looked like he was starting to relax more. The trip down to the car was less awkward and by the time he had driven you to his favourite place he liked to go to lunch, telling you how fond he’d been of eating there when he was younger.
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sl-newsie · 6 months ago
Stop The Press (Spot Colon x Female Newsie) Chapter Thirty Eight: Bedridden
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Hey! I know you are kinda done with ‘Stop The Press’ but I really like your writing and I was wondering if you could do a chapter about Spot getting sick and we have to take care of him? It’s just a question don’t feel like you have to say yes. But yeah I love your stuff! Carrying the banner! Sorry it took so long!
Series beginning: https://www.tumblr.com/sl-newsie/738276721033428992/stop-the-press-spot-colon-x-female-newsie?source=share
“God it’s hot out. How is it this hot?”
I pause in-between knitting a scarf to gape at my husband. He’s hot? In January?
“Go on and think that,” I tease and stand up slowly. 
It's been getting more of a challenge due to the growing baby. I’s had to wear more loose skoits instead of pants. Thankfully I’ve had lots of help from the Brooklyn newsies. Normally we’d be staying in our new apartment but Spot insisted that I have help while he’s out working.
Spot blocks me from the door. “Becca, you’s staying in today.”
“And why is that?” I ask cockily. “Just ‘cause I’s pregnant don’t mean I can’t get some fresh air.”
“It’s cold and icy outside. I ain’t let’n ya slip with a baby on the way.”
“You was just complaining ‘bout how you’re too hot!”
Spot starts to argue but is stopped by a sneeze. “Achoo!”
“Bless you. I won’t be out too long, just a quick walk-”
Bucky walks by and gives Spot a funny look. “Spot, you ok?”
I reach over and put a hand to his forehead. “Oh God, you’re burning up. Are ya sick?”
I shoulda noticed it. He looks terrible. Those blue eyes have lost their spark and have become hazy. I’s been so busy worry’n about the baby that I forgot about Spot’s health. And it looks like he did too.
The stubborn man moves his head away and brushes it off. “I ain’t sick, just tired- Whaddya do’n?”
I grab his hand and start drag’n him to our bedroom. “Bringing you upstairs. You’re sick.”
“But I-”
“Even the King-a Brooklyn is allowed a day off,” I clarify firmly. “Bed. Now.”
Spot rubs his tired eyes and feels a hand on my stomach. “What ‘bout the baby? And the little ones”
I place my own hand over his. “I can handle them by myself for a day. I’ll have Nellie help me. Right now you need to get bedda.”
He’s still not move’n. “Becca-”
“Sean Colon, get up those stairs right now or I will not sleep with you for a whole week.”
That gets him go’n. Spot freezes as if I just slapped him and then dashes up as fast as his sick body will carry him. I hear our door close and the sound of creaking mattress springs. Good. He listened.
“Ouch. I think you struck a nerve.”
I let out a heavy sigh and walk back to the kitchen. “I need to be tough on him, Bucky. You know how stubborn he is. And he’s gotten worse since my stomach’s grown bigger. I’m gonna make some soup for him. Do ya mind-?”
“Not at all,” the man answers quickly. “He’s in good hands. Nellie!” He calls down the hall. “We need some help.”
Nellie appears and points to the children’s room. “Story time?”
“Story time,” Bucky says.
I smile gratefully. “Thanks, guys.” 
Now to make Spot better. Since I’m gonna be a mother I’s been learning more recipes from Sarah. Her and little Sam have given me loads-a tips for motherhood. Not a week goes by without a letter from the Kellys. A few oddas keep in touch too. Race, Specs, Crutchy. Even Mush and his new fiancĂ©e Caroline.
What to make, what to make. Maybe he’ll like beef stew. I gather some vegetables and make quick work to clean and chop them, then throw them into a boil’n pot. Now for the meat. If Spot’s gonna get bedda he’s gonna need protein. Once I cook some in a skillet and add it to the mix it’s already been three hours. Time flies when you do chores while pregnant. 
Time to see if he’s still asleep. I scoop some stew into a bowl and slowly make my way upstairs. The lodge’n house has been quiet thanks to Nellie and the older boys is still out sell’n. I get to the door and open it a crack.
“Huh?” he groans in a groggy voice.
“Ya hungry?”
“I’m starve’n,” he tries to joke but ends up cough’n. 
“What hurts?” He doesn’t answer so I give him a stern frown. “Stop being ‘all man’ and tell me what hurts.”
He grunts and brings a hand to his cheek. “My neck. My face.”
“And you feel weak, yeah? Like an aching feeling?”
“Yeah,” Spot groans.
“Here. Lemme see.” In the dark I reach out and gently feel Spot’s swollen face. “It might be the mumps. You’ll have to stay up here ‘til they’re gone so no one else catches it.”
Spot tries to jump away but is too weak. “But you’ll get sick too!”
“No I won’t,” I say calmingly and lower him back onto the mattress. “Already had ‘em when I was three. Lie down, Spotty. I’m gonna put a warm cloth on your neck. Be right back.”
I hurry back down as fast as my legs will allow. Once I’m downstairs I see more-a the newsies have returned.
“Listen, all-a youse!” I bark. “Spot is sick, and is contagious. No one is to go see him until I say so. Understand?”
“That bad, huh?” Bucky says.
Joey peers up the stairs. “Will he die? Ness told me about someone who got sick and died once.”
“No, no!” I assure him and pull him away. “Spot ain’t gonna die, Joey. Everyone pass the woid!”
I grab a rag and soak it in warm water. Or, lukewarm water. But it’s the best we got. Back upstairs I find Spot trying to cover himself with more blankets.
“HowmIcold?” He slurs. “Iwzjstwrm!”
 Is he saying he’s cold now? 
“That’s the fever,” I say and press the cloth to his cheeks. “You, Spot Colon, are taking an extended leave of absence. No working until I say so. That means no chores.”
“Awww,” Spot whines. “Beauty-”
“Don’t ‘Beauty’ me. Here. Eat something.”
I hold up the bowl-a stew and he digs in. Spot might be sick but at least he’s still got an appetite. Should I call for a doctor-?
“I gots a meet’n next week,” Spot murmurs distantly. 
“If you’re well enough.”
“Can’t miss it
 ‘S a new job.”
My head jerks up. “Job? What job?”
Spot stops chew’n and takes a deep breath. “My new job. Becca
 I gots a new job. A real job.”
Somehow I knew this was gonna happen eventually. Sell’n papes is no proper income for a family, especially with a child on the way. But after see’n how some jobs literally beat grown men down to skin ‘nd bones the thought makes me shutter.
“I’s second-hand to a dock manager,” Spot slurs as fatigue takes over him. “One day I’ll be promoted. See, Beauty? Told ya I’d provide
A dockworker? Thank the Lord! It's a job close by and not in a factory. And Spot luvs the dock. How have we been blessed with so much?
I caress his sore cheek and press a kiss to his forehead. “You don’t gotta prove anything, Sean. I’m so proud of you. But right now you gotta get some rest.”
I stand up but Spot holds out a weak hand. “Stay with me?”
What kind-a poison would I be if I decline? I take his hand and climb into the mess of blankets with my wonderful husband. He’s always keep’n me warm. ‘S ‘bout time I returned the favor.
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milky-mochi · 5 years ago
late night texts | csb
genre: fluff, crush! soobin, close friend! soobin, friends to lovers, soobin is a fluffy baby okay he’s a cute blundering mess
pairing: choi soobin x reader
word count: 1.7k
summary: soobin is helplessly head over heels for the girl he cares so much for, but he keeps his feelings to himself, until things suddenly change for the better, over late night texts and blooming roses.
song:Â đŸŽ¶Â blueming by iuÂ đŸŽ¶
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soobin's fingers hung over his messenger app in anticipation.
It was half past ten, and yet his phone delivered him no message from you. you had promised him that you would text him at quarter past, after your shift at your internship had ended, but fifteen minutes had passed and there was still no green dot beside your icon.
soobin just assumed you had fallen asleep after a tiring day, which he totally understood. he didn't blame you one bit, knowing how tired you must have been after non-stop activities for twenty hours. sighing in defeat, he placed his phone face down and cracked his knuckles.
he missed you so much his heart ached, but he could never text you first. he didn't know if he meant enough to you for it to not be annoying, and soobin was a big coward.
just as he got up to get a drink as a distraction, his phone chimed. soobin nosedived into his table so hard to grab his phone that he probably could've broken it.
at the top of his notifications, a light blue notification from you awaited him, labelled clearly with your contact name. soobin had been too afraid to put a heart beside your name (for fear of the boys finding out, or even worse, you). but you were too special to him for it to just be your name. so he copied a cute little flower emoticon from this layout site and placed it lovingly beside your first name, even though he knew that his contact in your phone was probably saved as every one else was.
clicking on the notification, soobin's furrowed eyebrows smoothened and his bunny smile revealed itself. the thought of you never failed to make his day a whole lot better.
y/n ❁: hey soobin! :D
y/n ❁: sorry im so late :(( i missed the bus and didn't get home until like 2 minutes ago
soobin sighed as he let out a knowing smile. you had busted your data watching videos of your favourite drama a week ago, so you couldn't text him on the bus.
binbread: omg it's okay y/n
binbread: don't you wanna take a shower first? i can wait!
y/n ❁: i'm alright, soobin. thank you tho đŸ„ș
y/n ❁: and besides,
y/n ❁ is typing

y/n ❁: i'd much rather talk to you
soobin felt his heart pounding in his chest, felt the blood circulating through his fingertips, his face, his entire body. he was flushed red and felt warmth consume him, leaving him with the jittery, skittery feeling that your sweet words always bestow him with.
binbread: y/n omg aaaaaaaa
binbread: đŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș
binbread: i love talking to you too
binbread: how was your day?
whenever soobin asked you this at the end of every day, it was never just a conversation starter, let alone a formality. he genuinely always wanted to know how your day went, worried at how much you exerted yourself to serve others. soobin knew how reckless you were when it came to your own needs, and he sealed a secret promise to always look after you, especially when you didn’t look after yourself.
y/n ❁: omg it was amazing
y/n ❁: there’s this guy named hangyul who just started interning with me
y/n ❁: he’s so funny omg i actually had to tell him to shut up so i could get work done
guiltily, soobin felt his heart drop. of course there was another guy, someone much better, someone of the quality you deserved-
y/n ❁: ok lowkey
y/n ❁: think im gonna set him up with seungyoun
binbread: seungyoun? the guy from your dance studio?
y/n ❁: yeah!!! they’d go so well together
y/n ❁: oh yeah
y/n ❁: hangyul is gay
y/n ❁: lmao
soobin felt embarrassed at how relieved he was. soobin was definitely the jealous type, and he hated it. he hated the way his mind would jump to conclusions, hated the way he always felt on the verge of being replaced, and he really hated the way his jealousy was always amplified when it came to you.
you didn’t have any mutual friends, so he’d rarely ever have to see you interact with any other guy. he was so grateful for that. who knows what his jealous heart would do if he saw you with someone else. at least, with this, he had that false sense of security that maybe, maybe, your feelings echoed his own.
binbread: omg do it y/n
binbread: don’t you need to sleep though
binbread: as much as i love talking to you
binbread: you literally pulled like 8 all nighters in a row
y/n ❁: it was only 3 :(
y/n ❁: and i missed you :(
y/n ❁: stay soobin :(
y/n ❁: soobinnie :(
you frowned at soobin’s inactivity. little did you know, soobin’s neighbour had knocked on his door, asking if he could borrow scissors because his kid needed it for a project and he couldn’t find a pair in his home. you could have waited, but you had missed him the entire day. and you were feeling really, really, annoying.
y/n ❁: soobiiiiiiiiiiin :(
y/n ❁: soobin come back :(
y/n ❁: i miss u :(
y/n ❁: love :(
y/n ❁: baby :(
y/n ❁: you’re my
y/n ❁: honey bunch
y/n ❁: sugar plum
y/n ❁: pumpy-umpy-umpkin
y/n ❁: you’re my sweetie pie
after soobin had kindly handed his neighbour his scissors with the baby blue handles, he immediately picked up his phone and read your messages. instantly, his face burned up and he dramatically put his hand to his heart (because he was alone, and you made him do things like that just by calling him two pet names and quoting a children’s song). but as the ‘seen’ appeared at the bottom of your messages, panic began to jolt your bones.
y/n ❁: soobiiiiiiiiiiin :(
y/n ❁: the user has deleted this message
y/n ❁: the user has deleted this message
y/n ❁: the user has deleted this message
y/n ❁: the user has deleted this message
y/n ❁: the user has deleted this message
y/n ❁: the user has deleted this message
y/n ❁: the user has deleted this message
y/n ❁: the user has deleted this message
y/n ❁: the user has deleted this message
binbread: y/n
binbread: i saw everything you sent lmao
binbread: dont do this to me :(
y/n ❁ is typing

y/n ❁: do what binnie? :)
binbread: that
binbread: [insert crying cat meme]
binbread: [which i don't have on me now because i cleared my storage]
y/n ❁: ok i literally cant take this
your thumbs twiddled around your screen as you inhaled sharply.
y/n ❁ is typing

oh no, thought soobin. this is the end. this is where she gets irritated with me because i can’t take a joke. she blocks me and we never talk or hang out again. she find another guy and she’s happy without me and i’m sad and lonely and miserable, shovelling bread into my mouth as a replacement for my soul-
y/n ❁: you’re too cute for this world soobin
y/n ❁: and u make it so much better for everyone
y/n ❁: especially for me
y/n ❁: and i know this seems weird, and may very well ruin our friendship
y/n ❁: but i really really like you
y/n ❁: and im tired of hiding it
damn, soobin thought. damn i was not expecting that.
soobin’s heart was beating wildly out of his chest for the third time that day, only because of you. his fingers were shaking as he typed his reply as fast as he could. the moment he had dreamed of for months had finally come tapping on his screen.
binbread: oh my god
binbread: i like you too
binbread: i’ve liked you for like
binbread: so long
binbread: is this real
y/n ❁: or is this the fantasy
binbread: those aren’t the lyrics y/n
y/n ❁: i tried okay
binbread: and im so proud of you for doing so
binbread: truly a pop culture queen
y/n ❁: :(
binbread: okay okay
binbread: jokes aside
binbread: i've liked you for like,, 10 months now
binbread: this is a dream come true
binbread: you're a dream come true
binbread: so y/n
binbread: will you go out with me?
y/n ❁: i literally just confessed to you like 3 minutes ago
y/n ❁: like yea of course choi soobin
binbread: you could’ve just said yes :(
binbread: but okay meet me at the 5th station tmr?
binbread: i wanna take you to my favourite bakery! :D
y/n ❁: totally :D
and so here, at fifth station, act ii of your relationship with soobin had revealed itself. soobin looked like a prince, stepping out of the subway in a creme button up and black jeans, approaching you with a red rose in one hand and his phone dialling your number in the other. he smiled brightly as he approached you, seeing your face and your screen, popping up with his contact name.
incoming call

soobin ❁
and so to his favourite bakery he brought you. it was rose themed, from rose gold metal vases to wooden countertops, and rose infused drinks and pastries, you felt like a princess. his princess. especially when he brought you for a walk in the cafe’s rose garden and you ran your hands gingerly over their velvet petals, thinking about the rose in your hand, how lucky you were to have it, and how many more of them you would get to enjoy. soobin gazed at you with soft eyes and gently took your hand in his.
“we’ll be as beautiful as this, together. a hundred roses,” soobin said, as if he were reading your mind, “wanna make them bloom with me?” 
a/n: ayo! hoped u liked my first soobin fic đŸ„ș i love choi soobin and he’s very cute,, anyway if u have any requests feel free to send em in!! i’d love to write em <3  
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noxleyfin · 5 years ago
These are the fandoms and characters (And Ships!) I will write for!
For any reason, if a fandom or character (is)...
CROSSED OUT! I no longer write for that fandom or character.
HAS A “:3″ NEXT TO IT! It is one of my top and favorite fandoms or characters.
Without further a do, here are the lists (in alphabetical order!)
(:3)Spencer Reid x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Derek Morgan x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Penelope Garcia x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Emily Prentiss x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
BAU Team x Reader (ONLY Platonic! Familial!)
Spencer Reid x Derek Morgan
Connor x Reader (ONLY Platonic! Familial!)
Hank x Reader (ONLY Platonic! Familial!)
General Characters (Police) x Reader (ONLY Platonic!)
(:3) Mike Chang x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
General Characters (Glee Club) x Reader (ONLY Platonic!)
Golden Age:
Harry Potter x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Ron Weasley x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Hermione Granger x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Bill Weasley x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Charlie Weasley x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Percy Weasley x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Fred Weasley x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
George Weasley x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Weasley Twins x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Ginny Weasley x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Seamus Finnegan x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Dean Thomas x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
(:3) Neville Longbottom x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Cedric Diggory x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Oliver Wood x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Luna Lovegood x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Golden Trio x Reader (ONLY Platonic!)
Weasley Family x Reader (ONLY Platonic!)
Seamus x Dean
Marauders Era:
James Potter x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Remus Lupin x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Sirius Black x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Marauders x Reader (ONLY Platonic!)
Enjolras x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Eponine x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Courfeyrac x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Grantaire x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Gavroche x Reader (ONLY Kid Love! Platonic! Familial!)
Barricade Boys (ONLY Platonic!)
Bucky Barnes x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Steve Rogers x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Sam Wilson x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Natasha Romanoff x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Peter Parker x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Team Cap x Reader (ONLY Platonic!)
Avengers x Reader (ONLY Platonic!)
Thomas x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Newt x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
(:3) Minho x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Winston x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Gally x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Chuck x Reader (ONLY Kid Love! Platonic! Familial!)
Zart x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Jeff x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Clint x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Glader Boys x Reader (ONLY Platonic!)
Merlin x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Arthur Pendragon x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Sir Leon x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Sir Elyan x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Sir Lancelot x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Sir Percival x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Sir Gwaine x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Guinevere x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Morgana x Reader (ONLY Platonic! Familial!)
Mordred x Reader (ONLY Platonic! Familial!)
General Characters (Knights) x Reader (ONLY Platonic!)
Merlin Cast x Reader (ONLY Platonic!)
Round Table Knights x Merlin (Romantic! Platonic!)
Round Table Knights x Fem!Merlin (Romantic! Platonic!)
Merlin x Arthur
(:3) Merlin x Gwaine
Arthur x Merlin x Gwaine
Lancelot x Merlin
Leon x Merlin
Percival x Gwaine
Morgana x Gwen
Riley Poole x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Ben Gates x Reader (ONLY Platonic! Familial!)
Abigail Chase x Reader (ONLY Platonic! Familial!)
Trio x Reader (ONLY Platonic!)
NEWSIES (:3) - Movie or Musical (PLEASE SPECIFY)
Jack Kelly x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Crutchie (y) Morris x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
David “Davey” Jacobs x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Les Jacobs x Reader (ONLY Kid Love! Platonic! Familial!)
Sarah Jacobs x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Katherine Plumber x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Racetrack Higgins x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Albert DaSilva x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Romeo x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Mush Meyers x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Buttons Davenport x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Elmer Kasprzak x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Henry x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
JoJo De La Guerra x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
(:3)Skittery x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Tumbler x Reader (ONLY Kid Love! Platonic! Familial!)
Finch x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Snipeshooter x Reader (ONLY Kid Love! Platonic! Familial!)
Boots x Reader x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Smalls (Male or Female!) x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Oscar Delancey x Reader (ONLY Platonic! Familial!)
Morris Delancey x Reader (ONLY Platonic! Familial!)
Newsies x Reader (ONLY Platonic! Familial!)
John Bender x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Brian Johnson x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Allison Reynolds x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Andrew Clark x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Carl Reed x Reader (ONLY Platonic! Familial!)
Delinquents x Reader (ONLY Platonic!)
Benny Rodriguez x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Scotty Smalls x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Michael “Squints” Palledorous x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Alan “Yeah-Yeah” McClennan x Reader (Romantic! Platonic! Familial!)
Sandlot Boys x Reader (ONLY Platonic!)
Enjoy this list and make requests if you please. I would love to write more often than I do, so please help me out!
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hxney-lemcn · 4 years ago
I Care About You — Skittery x fem! reader
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Summery: Reader is sent to help Skittery feel better.
tw: Angst, it gets steamy
wc: 0.8k
Master List
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"Why don'tcha go check on him Sweetie," Snipeshooter told me from where he was sitting.
"I was goin to anyways," I replied giving a small glare to everyone in the room. They decided to make fun of Skittery a bit and he stormed of to the bunk room. Honestly I'm angry at the others for doing that. Skittery was a crush of mine, we weren't best friends though. Snipe called me Sweetie cause that's my newsie name. I was always nice to everyone and if someone was sad I would try and make them feel better. Being empathetic was just in my nature. Though I wasn't sympathetic all the time.
I walked up the stairs and entered the bunk room. I saw Skittery sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. A wave of sadness hit me, poor Skittery. He doesn't deserve to be so sad. The others had no right to mock him for being sad either. I walked in quietly making my way towards him.
"Go away," I heard him say, his voice cracking not looking up from his lap. Was he crying? Now I felt like crying.
"S-skittery?" I asked softly. He looked up a bit, still hiding his face with his hands.
"Sweetie?" He asked in a whisper. I sat down next to him and put my hand on his back rubbing it slowly.
"Hey," I said with a sad smile. "It's okay to let it out." His eyes welled up again and he started to softly cry. I pulled him close to my side and held him in a side hug. "Don't worry Skittery," I would whisper into his ear. "It will get better. I'm here for you."
We ended up in a full embrace, his head resting in my neck. His tears soaked my shirt but I didn't mind, as long as it helps him feel better. I ran my hands through his hair knowing that if I were him, that would help me feel better. His tears slowed down and stopped after an hour or so. I was going to pull away but he held me tight.
"D-don't leave," His voice slightly cracked. "Please."
"Okay," I mumbled resting my head on top of his. Yet after awhile my back started to ache and the want to lie down. "Skittery?" I asked and he hummed in response. "Let's go to your bed."
He pulled away and had a slight blush coating his cheeks, "W-wh-what?"
My eyes widened and I also blushed, "N-not like that!"
He grinned cheekily and wiggled his eyebrows. I just laughed and slapped his shoulder lightly. He got ready for bed and so did I, I'm honestly surprised none of the boys came in and interrupted us. He climbed up onto his bed and I followed. He wrapped an arm around my waist and dragged me close to him.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked looking into his dark brown eyes.
"Why do you care about me so much?" He asked with a slight frown.
I frowned as well, "I care about all you boys. I also didn't like the way they's were talkin to ya."
"Oh," He said in a disappointing tone, his grip on me weakening. Oh no did I say something wrong?
"Don't tell anyone else this but," I started deciding to tell him how I felt. "I care for you more than the others."
"Really?" He asked with a hopeful tone.
"Yeah," I whispered. His hand trailed up my body and rested on my cheek, making me shiver slightly. I felt my blush intensify as our eyes stayed locked the entire time. I felt like I was melting under his touch and gaze, and his face started inching slightly towards mine. Yet he stopped when our noses were nearly touching.
"I-" I cut him off.
"Just kiss me already," I said grabbing the back of his neck and smashing our lips together. He immediately kissed back matching my passion. He hovered over me as laid on my back, the kiss become heated quite quickly. He pulled away and moved to my jaw. I was trying to catch my breath as his lips worked wonders on my skin.
"Skits," I breathed out as he was kissing my neck. (I almost wrote shits LMAO)
Skittery and I quickly pulled away from each other, causing me to almost fall of the bed. The door busted open revealing Race with a shit eating grin, "I didn't know ya had it in ya Skits!"
"Raceeeeee" I groaned out covering my face with my hands.
"You two are hoggin the room and I'm tired," He said rolling his eyes. "If ya wanna continue go do it somewhere else."
I rolled onto my side to face Skittery again. I pulled the covers up and rested my head on the pillow. Skittery followed suit as the boys started trickling in. They would tease us a bit before going to sleep.
"So you'se my goil now?" He whispered.
"Only if you'se my boy," I replied back with a smile. He pecked my lips in reply.
What a wonderful night.
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shewritessometimes · 7 years ago
A porcelain tub with boiling water***** (this is a joke pls don’t attack me)
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1899-newsboy-strike · 6 years ago
Masterlist 1
Masterlist 2 (everything after 3/6/20)
I finally learned how to link things without putting the entire long link on here so here it is. I’ll probably reblog every time I update or every few times.
Last Update (3/6/20)
Current Fandoms On List: Newsies, Tuck Everlasting, Twilight, Supernatural
Jack Kelly
Soulmate AU
Truth Unraveled (Delancey Reader)
Protective Kelly  Part one Part two 
Challenges (Jacobs Reader)
Secret Love (Jacobs Reader) Part Two
Cinderella AU Part one Part two
Headcanon (childhood with kelly)
Lose it (Morris Reader)
His Goalie
Titanic Headcanon
Me & You (Conlon Reader)
Secret Relationship (Headcanon)
Pregnancy (Headcanon)
Pregnancy Prequel (Smut)
Cold Nights
Jack Kelly Must Die part one part two part three
Overstimulation (Smut)
Something More
Truths Revealed
Arguments Part one Part two
Wet (Smut)
Hair pulling kink (headcanon)
Trick or Treat (Headcanon)
Guts and Glory
Enemies to Lovers
Pain Kink (Smut)
Lucia (Headcanon)
School Troubles
Strangers (Smut)
Joining In (Gay Smut)
Failed Impressions
Praised (Smut)
Crutchie Morris
The Queen of New York Part one Part two
Mine (Smut)
Late Night Cuddles
Blind Date
Letters From The Refuge (Male Reader)
Siblings (Headcanon)
Pride (gender neutral/disabled reader)
Regrets (Male Reader)
On The Road (Smut)
Innocence (gay smut)
Icy Adventures (Smut)
David ‘Davey’ Jacobs
Secrets (Kelly Reader)
Show Me (Smut)
Praise (Smut)
Apple Pie
Stay Quiet (Smut)
Jealous Sex (Smut)
Twins (Platonic Headcanon)
Mission (Smut)
Fem Davey
Alleys (Gay Smut)
Teacher (Smut)
Love, Davey (male reader)
Wedding Plans 
Spot Conlon
King Who?
Lean on Me
Falling Apart
Enemies (Smut)
Quiet (Headcanon)
Marks (Smut)
Riding (Smut)
Behind Closed Doors
Dating Spot (Headcanon)
Racetrack Higgins
Friendships Ruined
Secret Affair
A Cinderella Story Part one Part two
Best of Friends Part one Part two
I Like Me Better
Movie Disaster
Sunshine Vs Gloom
No One Knows
Short Reader (Headcanon)
Teaching You How To Read (Headcanon)
A mess (Headcanon/Small Imagine)
Tired (Headcanon)
Halloween (smut)
Caught (Smut)
Elevator Mishaps
69 (Smut)
Birthday Surprise (Smut)
Toy (Smut)
Teacher (Smut)
Discoveries (Smut)
Dancer (Headcanon)
Dominance (Smut)
Vibrations (Smut)
Stage Kiss
Mommy (Smut Headcanon)
Baby (Headcanon)
Park Adventures
Anal (Smut)
Polar Opposites (Headcanon)
Jealous (Headcanon)
New Year’s Kiss
Birthday Fails
Drunk Confessions
Protective Siblings
Lucky Charm
Albert DaSilva
Sexuality (Headcanon)
Baseball Accidents
Walls (Headcanon)
Night and Day part two
Anxiety (Headcanon)
JoJo De La Guerra
Night In
Broken Friendships
Mickey and Minnie
Hold Me Tight
First Time (Smut)
Ice Cold Accident
Why He Admires You
Exploration (Smut)
Cuddling (Headcanon)
Firsts (Smut)
Restrictions (Smut)
JoJo Headcanon
Dating JoJo
Finch Cortez
Secret Affairs (Colon Reader)
Snowball Fights
Together Forever (De La Guerra Reader)
Nerves (gender neutral reader)
Over The Phone (smut)
Shower Sex (Smut)
Katherine ‘Plumber’ Pulitzer
My Girl
Opposites Attract
Parties (Smut)
Kid Blink
Loving Secret (male reader)
Mayor’s Daughter
Bites (Smut)
Overstimulation (Smut)
Accidents part one part two part three part four
How You Met (Male Reader)
Help (Headcanon)
Broken Pieces
Moments (Morris Reader)
Tommy Boy
Sir (Gay Smut)
Fears (Javid)
King of Brooklyn (Sprace)
Blood (Spavey)
The Three Musketeers (Almer x reader)
A Kiss to Remember (Mush x Skittery)
Something More (Mush x Skittery)
Anniversary (JackCrutchie)
Brothers (Race x Crutchie)
Exploration (Javid)
Threesome (Sprace x Reader smut)
New Found Kinks (Spavey smut)
Help (Javid)
Slip ups (Javid Smut)
Passion (Javid Smut)
Lessons (Javid Smut)
Love Confession (JackCrutchie)
Love Bites (JackCrutchie)
First (JackCrutchie Smut)
Jealousy (Sprace Smut)
Date (Sprace)
Face Sitting (Sprace)
Reflection (RedFinch)
Keeping Quiet (Spot x Jack Smut)
Daddy (Spot x Jack Smut)
Steam (Spot x Elmer)
Windows (Javid Smut)
Plus One (JackCrutchie x Reader Smut)
Blindfolds (JackCrutchie Smut)
Strangers (Sprace x Reader Smut)
Anger (RedFinch Smut)
Fears (RedFinch)
Tied Up (Spot x Elmer Smut)
Car Adventures (Almer Smut)
Attention (Katherine x Davey Smut)
Praise (Racetrack x Romeo Smut)
Friends (Racetrack x Romeo Smut)
Pain Kink (Racetrack x Elmer Smut)
Fondling (Ralbert Smut)
First Time (JoJo x Elmer Smut)
Make Up (JoJo x Mike Smut)
Dressing Rooms (JoJo x Race Smut)
Lap Dance (Jack x Race Smut)
Welcome Home (Spalbert Smut)
Endings (Race x Elmer)
Celebration (BillDarcy)
First Time (BllDarcy Smut)
All Newsies 
Kinks (Headcanon)
Relationships (Headcanon)
Meeting The Family (Headcanon) part one part two
Pregnancy Series parts one two three
Sandlot Au
Jet Lag (Headcanon)
Anxiety (Headcanon)
Breakups (Headcanon)
Christmas (Headcanon)
Bunking Arrangements (Headcanon)
New Year’s Resolution part one part two
High School
Mommy Kink
Little findings
Friendship roles
Valentines’s Day
Prank Wars
Tuck Everlasting
Jesse Tuck
Emmett Cullen
Edging (Smut)
Paul Lahote
Jasper Hale 
Dating Jasper
Fallen Soldier
Dean Winchester
Rock and a Hard Place (Gay Smut)
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