I’m hypnotizing all newsies artists 🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀you will draw David jacobs with top surgery scars🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀
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“a leg of (lamb)” 🥩🐑
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submitted by: anonymous
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Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out <33
aaaaa thank youuu!!!!🥰🥰🥰
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funny looking felt deadpool anybody?
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sick Spot 🤒
Prompt: “Oookay you sure are delirious”
Race was woken up in the middle of the night by his boyfriend getting up. He opened an eye.
“Spot? Whaddya- whereyagoin?” His words were slurred by sleep. Spot waved his hand in a dismissive gesture, walking over to the bathroom with his hand over his mouth. Race sighed softly, sitting up. He yawned.
“You doin okay Spotty?” He called. 
“ ‘eah ’m fine” he replied after a pause. Race rolled his eyes and got up himself, walking sleepily to where spot was. He leaned on  the doorframe. Spot was sitting on the bathroom floor, looking like hell.
“Darlin’ ya don’t look fine” Race said. Spot gave him a look- it probably would have helped his point if he wasn’t shaking and pale. And, yknow, if he hadn’t been throwing up. 
“ ‘m fine-“ spot argued weakly. Race raised an eyebrow. Spot groaned as he threw up again. Race shook his head.
“No, you’re not” he said softly. Spot just grunted in response. After about twenty minutes spent throwing up spot’s stomach seemed to have finally settled. Race helped him stand up 
“Done throwing up?” He asked softly. Spot nodded, leaning into race. 
“Darlin ya got a fever”
“I feel cold” spot muttered, Race laughed softly and picked him up. Spot let out a squeak as Race did this.
“Oh hush Spotty, you’re oKay” race murmured to him, setting him down on the bed
“I-I’m fine Race” Spot said, sitting up. Race rolled his eyes, pushing spot down and throwing a blanket over him. Spot shifted so he was completely under the covers. Race sighed softly.
“Do you need anything?”
“Mm-Mm” spot replies, shaking his head. Race put a hand to spots forehead, he was startlingly hot. Spot pressed himself against Race’s hand. 
“Mmm” he mumbled. Race raised an eyebrow. 
“Spotty? You sure you’re okay?” Race asked softly, rubbing spots hair. God he felt sweaty- and he was shaking. Spot nodded, rolling onto his side
“ ‘m fine Ray” spot mumbled, pulling the blanket tighter around himself. 
“No you’re not- you’re burning up” race replied. Spot grunted
“I jus’ need some sleep- I’ll be bettah in da mornin’” spot grunted, the words quiet. Race left to get a thermometer and pills.
The next day Spot wasn’t much better. He wasn’t throwing up anymore, but he was really clammy and had chills. Race came home and found him wrapped up in a blanket on the couch. Race raised an eyebrow.
“Spotty you Feeling okay?” He asked, kissing his forehead. He was startlingly warm. Spot shrugged, letting out a ‘Mmplph’ noise, leaning his head against Race. Race laughed softly, rubbing his hair. 
“Not feelin too great?” Spot nodded, he was shaking but he felt hot and he was wrapped in a blanket
“Do you need anything?” Race asked. Spot shook his head.
“Do you want some water?” Race asked, spot nodded. Race laughed softly and went to the kitchen, getting him a cup of water. He also grabbed some Tylenol and a thermometer. 
“Here, take this” Race said, handing him the pill and water. Spot groaned
“I’m fiiine” he muttered, reluctantly taking the pill. He made a face as he swallowed, and made an irritated face when race checked his temperature 
“Ray I’m fine!” Spot protested, race rolled his eyes.
“You have a 102 fever darlin’ ya ain’t okay” race said, kissing his forehead. Spot grunted.
“M fine!”
“Have you eaten?”
“Lil bit”
“What did you eat?”
“Uhh- half a cracker” spot replied. Race facepalmed, restraining laughter.
“Spot.” He said slowly “Half a cracker does not count as a ‘lil bit’ of food” 
“But it is a lil bit” 
“It’s half a cra- what kind of cracker was it?”
“It- it was one of them little circle ones”
“Spot” Race said, raising an eyebrow “half of the little circle crackers- how do you even eat half of those?” He laughed softly
“I-I thought I was hungry but I wasn’t” 
“It’s half a cracker darlin’” Race giggled. Spot grunted, pulling the blanket over his head
“Aw cmon!” Race giggled “come out of hiding pleaseee”
“Hush“ spot grumbled, popping his head out of his blanket. Race kissed him quickly,  then made a face
“Darlin’ you’re all sweaty- why’re you wrapped up like a burrito?”
“I’m f r e e z i n g” spot replied, Race giggled.
“Stop laughing’ at me!” Spot groaned. 
“Are you hungry?”
“Whaddya wanna eat?”
“Spot-“ race rolled his eyes “please cooperate”
“I- I’m hungry but I’m pretty sure if I eat it’s gon come right back up” race kissed the top of Spots hair
“Oh my god you’re so sweaty-“ race said
“I k n o w but I’m c o l d” Spot replied. Race smiled softly.
“Do you wanna go lie in bed?”
“Not really”
Race sighed softly and sat on the couch next to spot, who shifted so he could rest on Race’s chest. Race smiles and rubbed his hair, concerned about how sweaty and hot he was. It was also concerning that he was shaking so… aggressively. Race turned on the Tv to create background noise. Spot nudged Race’s chest, wanting attention. Race giggled softly at him and wrapped his arms protectively around him. Spot let out a contented noise.
Race giggled, Spot looked at him with delirious eyes. 
“Ray-“ he said in a loud whisper “I think the clock is judging me” Race laughed, ruffling his hair. Spot looked at him, eyes wide
“J u d g i n g m e” 
“Oookay you sure are delirious” race said, rubbing Spot’s cheek with his thumb. Spot looked at race
“I’m n o t”
“Yes y ou are”
“Are you with the clock” spot asked, trying and failing to sit up. Race laughed, kissing his cheek
“Darlin’ calm down” race laughed, spot looked up at him
“But the woild is spinning! Wheee” he laughed “wheeeee” race had to hold back hysterical laughter at this point. 
“Spot, are you having fun?”
“Yeah!” He said in an exited tone, like a small child “whee! Spinny!” Race wheezed with laughter, rocking back and forth as he laughed. Spot looked at him
“Are y o u making the room spin??” He asked, wide-eyed. Race shook his head, then laughed as spot rolled onto his back and said 
“I didn’t wanna move but then I did move and I realized I could’ve moved but I didn’t want to why didn’t I move?” He said, race just laughed and pressed a quick kiss against Spots lips. 
“Ray- Ray I got a question” spot said, holding out his arms like he wanted to be held. Race laughed and let spot rest against him, spots head on races chest.
“Yeah Sean?”
“How’re you so p r e t t y?” He asked, reaching up and touching Races cheek. Race smiled.
“It’s a talent”
“Squishy!” Spot laughed, squishing Race’s cheeks. Race laughed in turn, allowing spot to squish his cheeks. 
“I know I’m squishy” race laughed, tickling spot’s side. Spot laughed,
“Whee!” He said gleefully, 
“I think you need to sleep”
“I’m not sleepy angle! I wanna keep s p i n n i n g!” Spot protested loudly. Race laughed, pulling spot down with him as he laid down. Spot wasn’t so hot and sweaty anymore, just shaky.
Race woke up the next morning with spot wrapped in his arms, face buried in his chest.
“Are you awake?” He asked Spot softly
“Sadly” he replied 
“You feelin better?”
“You still think the clock is judgin ya?”
“W h a t”
“Nothin I’ll explain later”
“I don’t trust you”
“You shouldn’t”
“How reassuring”
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this image can only be shared on Thursday, Sept. 12
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poor romeo💀
right first and foremost, I LOVE YOUR ART STYLE SO MUCH??? genuinely love seeing your pieces show up in the tags, it's so good :D
secondly, could you by any chance draw romeo? ive barely seen any fanart for him since i joined the fandom and i miss the little romantic-
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I can imagine this happens a lot 😌🤣
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kid-blinks-eyepatch · 10 days
i just watched all of blood drips heavily on newsies square in my head
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kid-blinks-eyepatch · 10 days
Me waiting for a newsies equivalent movie about the matchgirls strike of 1888 with only female character like 👁️👄👁️
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kid-blinks-eyepatch · 13 days
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So I have a headcannon that Crutchie's birthday is 6th of September (today) so I wanna post about him. I associate him with the beginning of autumn in general.
I also have a headcannon that in summer he tans easily and his freckles are more visible, so people who didn't notice them before are always surprised about that.
So here's a sketch of how I imagine Crutchie looks in summer :]]
(And also to be honest I forgot to draw his crutch because I was too focused on his face so let's imagine he's sitting okay)
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kid-blinks-eyepatch · 14 days
Hey do you guys think Johnny and Dally's funerals were at the same time or few days apart? Do you think Dally's parents showed up? Maybe his cousin did? Do you think Johnny's parents cried? Who do you think gave a speech? Do you think there were no funerals and they were just buried in the ground, like a secret? What do you think they wrote as their obituaries in the newspaper? Do you think Pony read it?
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kid-blinks-eyepatch · 14 days
I need a five course meal, Javey + Sprace double date mayhaps, chef? /nf
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Mandatory beach episode, ft Race's scary dog privilege
(Also late post because this took me a hot second SORRY) (Also also the heights aren't any referenced canon, just HCs lmao 🙏😅)
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kid-blinks-eyepatch · 14 days
so theres a guy in my study hall eating a fucking bag of red lobster rolls rn and i would like to say that
Jack would do it and Race would bring a fucking dip for them
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Yes it smells like them.
Yes i am craving FUCKING RED LOBSTER ROLLS now
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kid-blinks-eyepatch · 14 days
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kid-blinks-eyepatch · 15 days
why Jojo was raised by nuns👨‍👩‍👦🚫
Jojo had gone to say hi to the nuns after selling. He’d given me a quick hug (and a discreet kiss) and bounced off to go talk to them. He’d been in a really good mood when he left so i wasn’t expecting him to be crying when he came back. 
Bur he was. He was practically sobbing by the time he buried his face into my pillow. 
I tentatively rubbed his back 
“Joey? are you okay?” I asked, not sure what to do. Id only ever seen him cry when he was extremely overtired or scared. He shook his head and i kissed his hair
“csn you tell me?” I murmured. He inhaled shakily
“th-they- didn’t-“ He managed between sobs “what did i do?” he said, his voice rising in volume and pitch.
“honey- oh honeys-“ I said, pulling him up and into my lap. He made a very distressed sound and hid his face in my chest, still sobbing. I slipped my hand under his shirt and rubbed his back gently. He was shaking like a leaf as he sobbed into me. I squeezed him
“Joey, honey, baby, what’s wrong mahal ko? (my love)” I said, kissing his hair. He sniffed and peeked up at me,tears staining his adorable face. I kissed his hair lightly, nuzzling it. He always had very soft hair. He was sobbing still
“Joey what’s wrong?” I tried again. He. Wiped off his face (unsuccessfully) with the heel so his hand, sniffling
“i-I wa-was t-talkin t-to the n-nuns-“ he managed to say shakily, still crying. I nodded, kissing his forehead gently 
“A-an’ they’s t-telling m-me-“ he said, sounding more and more choked up “th- tha’ t-th-the reason theys had me-“ he choked out, shaking more violently now. I winced internally, kissing his forehead. I thought I knew where this was going. I’d always had a suspicion it was why Jojo was raised by the nuns.
“Th-they-“ Jojo choked out “m-my par-parents-“ he whimpered loudly and buried his face in my chest “they didn’t want me!” He sobbed, clinging tightly to my chest. I squeezed him, still rubbing his back
“Hey, hey, mahal ko? (my love)” i murmured in his ear “just breathe, in and out, okay baby?” He tried, inhaling shakily. His exhale just turned into another sob. Oh god i hated seeing him cry.
“Wh-why didn’t they want me Mike?” jojo sobbed, still clinging to me, I released him momentarily to pull a blanket around him. He pulled the blanket around himself tightly,still sobbing as he kept his face buried into me.
“Maybe they couldn’t take care of you” I murmured, rubbing his back “and they didn’t want you to starve so they gave you to the nuns so you’d have a much better chance of surviving?” I murmured, Mainly trying to get him to calm down. 
I don’t even think he heard me. He sobbed into my chest
“M-Mikey wha-what did I d-do?” He cried, shaking “why didn’t they want m-me?” He whimpered, squeezing me. I gathered all of my small, shaking, sobbing, blanket-wrapped boyfriend into my arms and pried him off me. He looked at me with a betrayed looke in his eyes. i kissed his nose
“Joey, Sinta (cherished one) you didn’t do anything” I said to him, onw hand on either if his cheeks, making him look at me through his tears. He opened his mouth to protest and I cut him off with a kiss
“Just listen for a moment, okay? I’m not trying to shut you up I promise, you have a right to be upset” I said, kissing his forehead “but maybe they couldn’t take care of you? and they didn’t want you to starve so they gave you to the nuns so you’d have a much better chance of surviving?” I tried, kissing his forehead. He shrugged, sniffling as he cried. He was a bit calmer now. I smiled, wiping off his tearstained cheeks
“S still a shitty thing to do” he mumbled, looking down at his lap. I nodded, kissing him
“I know it is Joey” I said, kissing him. I winced at the thought of how i would’ve given anything as a younger kid to have been raised by the church. I mean I knew they weren’t the best but helll it would’ve been better then my mom. I figured it wouldn’t be a good thing to say to him right now though, so I wrapped him in a blanket and held him against my chest as he cried himself out. I gently pet his hair as I whispered sweet names to him
 “Joey, Sinta (cherished one), Baby, Irog (sweetheart), it’s okay you didn’t do anything” I said, kissing his temple. He looked up at me, he’d almost completely stopped crying now.
“you promise?” He said, giving me doe eyes. I nodded.
“Yes Giliw (my joy/happiness), you didn’t do anything” I murmured to him, kissing his nose gently. He gave me a small, shaky smile. I grinned at him, hugging him tightly against my chest
“Its okay baby, I know it sucks and I know you’re upset,” I said softly to him, rubbing his back “but it’s okay,” I said, kissing him gently. HE nodded shakily
 “BEsides, they missed out on an amazing son” I said, kissing his lips softly. He shrugged and kissed my chest lightly as he rested his head on it.
“They did! JOey you’re fucking amazing!” I said, squeezing him tightly “You’re cute and handsome and sweet and nice and adorable and *diyos* (god) you’re perfect, Joey.” I said, kissing him all over “And I don’t know why they left you with the nuns, but they missed out big-time. They missed out on my boyfriend who is an amazing guy, I mean just look at him he’s perfect! *diyos* (god) I love him so much. I know you dont think it right now but *diyos* (god) he’s *amazing!* ” He peeked up at me, he looked like he was gonna cry
“You promise?” HE said. I nodded
“Yes I promise!” I said happily, kissing him. I felt a bit of wetness in his eyes as i kissed him “hey, hey, dont cry Giliw (my joy/happiness), its okay,its okay!” I said, kissing him. He nodded
“S- s happy cryin” HE said, clinging to me happily. I grinned down at him, ruffling his hair. He let out an indignant squeak, huffing dramatically. I giggled and kissed him again
“I love you mahal ko (my love)” I said, ruffling his hair more. He squeaked again and buried his face into me
“I love you too amor” He said, his voice muffled against my chest “and thank you” He added, peeking up to kiss my freckle. I felt myself flush red and hit my face in his neck. He giggled and squealed happily as I covered his face in kisses. He giggled as he cuddled into me, kissing my lips. I grinned down at him
“Better?” “Much” HE said happily
“Good” I hummed, kissing his lips “I love you Irog (sweetheart)” I ruffled his hair and kissed his face. 
“I love you too MIkey!” He squealed happily, snuggling into me.
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