polyamorousmood · 2 days
I love seeing and hearing my nesting partner gush about dates they've been on or about people they have crushes on, half the time if I know the other person I'm in full agreement about how hot they are and half the time it just makes me love my nesting partner more to know how safe they feel telling me this and sharing this love with me.
fr it's like
I feel so fulfilled and secure and warm and nice hearing about my partners' time with other loves ☺️☺️
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He's been very adamantly rejecting an attractive demon for you, I think he's made it more than obvious at this point he's got no plans to replace you.
That is true. You've also implied encouraging him to see people who could meet his needs and he still chooses you and only you. That's loyalty if I've ever seen it.
"'Encouraging', I set him up on a date & he backed out of it!"
"I am not made for open relationship." Mikhail whines.
Ludwig pats his head, "I haven't brought it up since, to be fair."
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carn1epretzelz · 2 months
twitter musings... honestly this is prolly bc im plural. LMFAOOOO.
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"arg... i am piers pokemon. that is not my partner???? who is that. i dont know who that is. why do i feel like this what????" ive got news for you pal... *talking to self in mirror* i dig u piers yumeshippers though just a lot harder for me to properly appreciate when my coping methods have always been projection onto characters for fun/calming HASGHAHS.
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chaos-in-one · 20 days
being poly and promiscuous are hugely what spreads AIDS and other Stds, it is why Africa has it so bad educate yourself on stds and lack of circumcision etc
Being polyam does not equal sleeping around a lot. And STDs are a problem with not having safe sex, not a problem coming from any one group of people who have sex. And a good portion of polyamorous people have closed relationships, they are not going around sleeping with random people. Even with the ones who don't... not using proper protection and not getting yourself checked regularly is what causes STDs to spread, not polyamorous people specifically.
Also circumcision has... literally nothing to do with this, why was that necessary to bring up
Also saying Africa has higher STD rates because of polaymory and 'promiscuous' people, which implies you seem to think that Africa also has higher rates of those groups of people (which you clearly think is morally wrong to be) feels... incredibly racist.
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faggypuppywhore · 2 months
Oh my god you guys polaymory is not a synonym for lack of jealousy and jealousy is not a synonym for unhealthy or toxic
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 2 years
reminder all of these can co-exist <3 peace nd polaymory on the starship aurora
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mayoiayasep · 1 year
anonymous noise and horimiya are both mangas that would benefit so much from the characters in it learning that polaymory exists but alas…
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Yuzu seducing Serena
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So... GX gave me canon triad with one canonically gender ambiguous alien, Zexal gave Yuma a polycule of aliens, and now Arc V has the beginnings of interdimensional polyamorous madness. I’m down.
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polyplaydate · 4 years
I've been starting to get more into wanting to date solo polyamorous people. Anyone else experience this? Maybe because I want to build my own ploycule from scratch? But it's kinda of biased because I'm with a partner myself. Ha!
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that-feels-guy · 5 years
Love takes many different forms. And i’m slowly remembering that I have many different kinds and ways and people to give my love to. And i’m so glad to have that back.
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polyamorousmood · 3 months
Hey if you're polyamorous but can't be Out™️ rn for whatever reason PLEASE keep a record so future historians can find it in a kinder time and others can know your joy and how you chose to navigate the obstacles thank you.
KEEP and BACK UP what memes you share and who brought home dinner🍽 and the warmth you feel when you watch your partners smooch😘 and what memes you would make if you had anyone to share them with and your discussions of who gets custody of the dog🐶 in the event of a break up and how much easier the budget is now that you're splitting it four ways💰 and about trips ✈ you take and who came and who was okay staying at home except when they stopped by a meta's house to water the plants💦🌿 and even if you're not dating anyone atm write down when you have three crushes at once and the hope you feel when you see "poly and partnered" on a dating app and the designs you have for the perfect polyam house🏡 layout
Please please PLEASE!!!! I need it!! You'll need it. Don't let your life be forgotten because it is inconvenient to people not living it!!
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scribeoffate · 2 years
“yes the both of you look adorable, but can i please have my clothes back now?” for Scott/Allison/Lydia?
Scott wraps his arms around his chest. He glances around, it's just him and Lydia, and Allison in their dorm room, but Stiles has no boundaries, and what if ltheir RA finds him here half-dressed. Not even half dressed, he's down to only his boxers left at this point in the game.
He really shouldn't be losing, but it's impossible to do anything but peel off his socks or shirt when Lydia gives him *that* look and informs him he's lost another point. Logic doesn't seem to exist in this card game. And the idea of arguing feels like it's fading away as Allison and Lydia giggle.
"Tell us we're pretty," Lydia says as Allison deals another hand.
"I thought we were not succumbing to the patri... patr... sexism," Allison takes another sip of her fruity alcoholic drink. He's heard Lydia's drinks pack quite the punch. The strange wolfsbane concoction she'd made for him last weekend had, enough that he'd declined it tonight.
"Scott is like the opposite of the patriarchy," Lydia finishes placing the last cards in front of him.
He's positive this is a winning hand. He knows it is.
"You're both adorable," he says, laying his hand on the table. "But can I please have my clothes back now?" He grins triumphantly.
Lydia exchanges a look with Allison before turning back to him. "Sorry, sweetie," she says, laying down her own cards. "But I think we'll be needing the rest of yours. But thank you, we are beautiful, aren't we?"
ficlet requests
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rotationalsymmetry · 4 years
I want to share some thoughts about what it's reasonable to ask for in a partner when you're polyamorous and they're dating someone else. (Not like I'm an expert or anything.) Assuming an established couple who are dating separately, although goodness knows jealousy can come up in other arrangements.
This all depends on context and there's no absolute rules, only what works for you and the people involved.
Except, uh, we're in a pandemic so in most cases in-person dates are maybe not a good idea right now. Anyways, with that out of the way.
Time-limited rules are more reasonable than open ended/forever rules. As in: "I don't think I'm ready for you to spend the night/weekend/whatever yet, is it OK if you don't do that for now and we check in in two months (during which I'll poke at that feeling more and see if I can get myself ready?)
Change is hard. If you're opening up a relationship that's always been monogamous or neither person has been dating anyone else in practice for a while, take it really slowly. If it's a new relationship, on the other hand, don't have a "just us for now" period (on purpose anyways), start how you mean to continue. Because it's hard to go from "just us" to not "just us," and if one partner can't handle that it's better to know that earlier than years into the relationship.
You can't control other people. Not just ethically can't, but literally can't. (If people could, cheating wouldn't be a thing.) If your partner hasn't been keeping a safer sex rule that's important to you (or you suspect they haven't been), don't try to control them more closely or punish them. Assume they're going to keep acting as they have been, and change what you need to change. (Sometimes that's condoms and more frequent STI checks, sometimes that's a breakup.)
Other people can't make you feel better. They can be sympathetic and listen when you feel bad, they can show you love, they can not belittle your feelings.
So, I have CFS, a nasty chronic illness. So, at one point my partner and I had an agreement that if I was having a really bad time and needed him, he'd call off a date (and he'd let potential dates know ahead of time that that could happen -- it's better to avoid surprises.) Having said that, being on a date with someone and having their partner call it off sucks balls, so try not to do that. (At this point, my condition's more stable and I wouldn't feel the need for that kind of thing if my partner was dating now. I'm not more likely to need immediate help than anyone else is.) Basically: breaking your partner's date (if your partner is even willing to do that for you) is at least as bad as you breaking your own date.
So, where this gets complicated I think is if one person has a mental health flare-up or other big feelings thing, that's triggered by their partner going on a date. Not getting your partner's support when you're feeling that awful sucks. Having your date called off due to your date's partner's feelings, sucks. Basically: if you think this is a risk for you or your partner or your date's partner, take it really slowly (baby steps), be prepared for a lot of processing and emotional support if you're the partner, and (if you're the person with the mental illness or extra large feelings) this is when you need to pull in everything you've got: CBT exercises, your therapist or support group, self help books, other members of Team You, whatever non-destructive coping mechanisms you have. If you're the date, it's OK if you're not willing to stick around for this kind of thing. It is a lot to ask and there's no guarantee things will get better for the big-feelings person. (If you're the big feels person and this isn't normal for you, if this isn't normal for you in polyamorous relationships, it might be that your partner is just not very good for you. But, some of us have really big feelings in any relationship.)
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fictionkinfessions · 4 years
its missing my parents yennefer, geralt, and jaskier hours - ciri
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godlyyandere · 4 years
Youre out here asking polyam people not to interact when youre posting yandere shit in the actuallymentallyill tags -_- ok
You....you know you can be mentally ill and not poly, right,,,
Polyamory is a trigger for me,,,and I’m mentally ill,,, like what are you not understanding here
I was abused intensely in a poly relationship to the point where the dynamic became a trigger for ptsd flashbacks (ptsd which I’m prof diagnosed with) and it’s something I was working through in therapy but I can’t afford therapy anymore so the trigger isn’t gonna get better for a while.
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khalemchurstcomics · 3 years
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Hello beautiful people. I am once again going to be talking about the books in my shop, so if you are not up for a bit of self-promotion (or a trip down memory lane if you used to read this comic) then feel free to skip this post. 
I wrote this graphic novel about the most significant relationship I had had before I met my wife. I had been broken up with this person for years, I had moved on, surely, and yet.... I still wasn’t over it. Still regularly crying into my new girlfriend’s arms about how I’d been hurt. I figured: art therapy has worked pretty well for me in the past. Maybe the best way to process this grief, to get it out of my system, was to write comics about it. 
This comic is about polyamory, but two things it is not: 1. An instructional on how to be in a poly relationship. We had absolutely NO IDEA what we were doing, had only the vaguest understanding of what it meant to be poly, and we made A LOT of mistakes. Please don’t use us as an example, because it’s not a good one. 2. A judgement on polyamorous relationships. Even though my experiences weren’t great, and I’ve since figured out that I’m pretty happy being monogamous, I know that there are plenty of happy and healthy poly relationships out there. When conducted with trust, respect, open communication and EVERYONE ON BOARD, poly relationships can be beautiful, loving and long-lasting. I hold absolutely no negative judgement of my poly friends and family. 
This person was really important to me. If you read my previous comic, I Do Not Have An Eating Disorder, you will remember her as the person who quite literally saved my life - she got me into recovery, and built up in me the foundations of self esteem (something I had severely lacked when we met). For a long time, she was my everything. But people are complex, and despite what the Beatles might have said, sometimes you need more than love. You need to know that you both want the same things out of a life together. 
Honestly I think this is mostly useful as a cautionary tale, or, if you are like me, a bit of light entertainment where you can enjoy watching people make terrible, terrible decisions knowing that you would never do that. 
You can buy it digitally here
And in physical form here
There are a bunch of other books there too, which I will be talking about in the coming weeks. My apologies in advance for anyone outside of Australia who orders things - postage is not cheap! I try my best to keep the prices on my books low to counteract this. 
If you enjoyed reading along with this comic back when I was posting it weekly on Tumblr, hopefully you can now enjoy reading the whole thing. 
All my love, 
Khale xox
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