#poetic vomit
Aftermath of a Nightmare - A Sanders Sides FanPoem
Shall I speak like an organ bleeds?
If I tell, promise me
You won't find humor in it?
Alright, then...
My love, what ails you?
You may speaks as freely as a raging river, and
You needn't my approval.
No, I won't snicker nor snide.
Oh, dear hearts I hold, are you okay?
Of course, always, dearest star.
As our prince says, no need for
Our approval to tell what hurts you.
They hold him dear
Now you cannot touch him
They ease his tears
Now you cannot choke him
@analoginceweek for Day 2: Nightmare
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catboybiologist · 7 months
*sanitized, corporate music starts playing*
Here at CatboyBiologist industries tech, we're constantly finding new ways to deliver tgirl thirst traps directly to your devices. Which is why we're proud to announce a new advancement in thirstposting technology: sleepy girlback mornings.
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With our patent pending "oooo big stretch" methodologies, we're able to deliver 42% more back hotness per pixel, a more affordable and flexible platform than our competitors.
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Invest in our technology today, for your future girlback endeavors, as well as further opportunities in the cutting edge world of high throughout tgirl thirstposting.
CatboyBiologist industries: not a cat, or a boy, but hot enough for you not to care.
@lilithtransrights @xenasaur @nyancrimew
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astrowarr · 10 months
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bloomingsoul333 · 5 months
Untitled Thought
Here they go again.
Anxiety arguing inside my heart.
How do I sweat them out of my heart is such a frozen state?
How do I sooth their souls when mine is so tangled?
I thought it would feel nice to enjoy a bit of normalcy before the commotion.
But it's too late. Been too late for a while...
All these moments to myself and in my head and on the floor and wet from tears-
Today I am strong.
I feel it deep in me, immersing into my soul.
I used to run from her in fear of the things she would do to me; the things she would say in my head.
The person I would turn into.
Who I would leave behind-
Jaded into Peace.
I didn't recognize myself, and I still can't...
Who is that looking at me through my forehead?
Peering at the skin like a mirror and smiling through me...
Why can't I stop looking back?
What is this warmth I feel-
I felt so much that I froze in my thoughts.
And now I feel my right shoulder becoming warm. But I cannot see. Which I hate to admit...frightens me.
Am I thawing out or freezing into silence?
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martyrmolar · 2 months
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electrozeistyking · 3 months
please don't tell me i'm about to lose someone i care for in a way i never wanted to experience again.
please don't tell me i'll never get to say yet another farewell. we'll always be here for each other, right?
please. let me open the door and reach out to you.
i can't bare the thought
of losing you, too.
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andromedagrrrl · 4 months
{anxiety and old sweaters}
anxiety is like an old sweater,  smelly and itchy,  probing at my insides until i cave until the vomit stops it keeping picking and picking leaving marks and bubbly red scars  keeping me from my loved ones. it was my grandma’s sweater.  i can't leave it  can’t take it off not until it stops hurting.  not until the vomit stops.  my anxiety is like an old, crumpy, ugly, itchy sweater all wrapped up perfect in a box with a bow hiding from the world.  yet presented to all. 
-vick ☆
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avecamour-espoir · 2 months
would you still be everything i wanted, if i finally had the chance to have you?
you see, i always thought i had all of you but somehow you would always manage to, just like water, slip through my finger tips.
so if i did have all of you, in my the palm of my hands, and if you were completely mine and i was completely yours, would you still be everything i ever imagined you’d be?
are you really the way i see you? because i like to wonder if you would treat me any differently than you did before if you had all of me,
like would you be a completely different person, than how i view you as? or would you still keep treating me as kindly as you always have? you know, the way you did when we were younger?
will i forever be stuck wanting the you i made up in my head at night before i drifted off to sleep or will i someday have the chance to meet and be with the real you?
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A love that dribbles viscous like syrup.
Dilute it into a nectar and maybe you'll get the fraction of its essence just as sweet as the source.
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People often say they were borne to do something.
"I was borne to write." // "I was borne to sing." // "I was borne to be a quarterback."
And on and on and on.
But that's the thing, isn't it? No one was borne 'for something'. You weren't borne for one little purpose. For a single thing. You weren't borne to be a writer or a singer or a football player. You were just borne, and you chose what to do and who to be.
I was borne. I chose.
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wadingthroughgrass · 6 months
poetic rambling #1
Is there not a sickly beauty to those swirling tendrils of gas, yellow in the light that reflects pallidly off its twisting surface? It reflects off the menacing contraptions of steel it hides, enhancing the harsh steely lights that blind in their numbers. It hides the low-set buildings, heaping across the expanse of cleared land, small from the distance you care only to observe. Maybe in another world our Earth’s plague is a natural state of pristine beauty, such as the great gas giants we call ours — colossal and beautiful in their grandness — in a solar system where we are of the highest form. Or only form I suppose. Yet in the world we know, her beauty lies in the vivid blues and greens of her curves, the smears of oranges and yellows in places where her tears do not run, blacks in the depths of pressure where even the strains of our illusion of a society does not prepare us for. Her beauty is hers, so why is the beauty of Venus, a more likely comparison to the plague we’ve given our roots than our quietly looming gas giants of charm, present here? Venus, sweltering and acidic, bewitching to even our forefathers who deemed her to be Aphrodite. Soon there will be no separation between our worlds, and while our society struggles to accept the idea that everyone really is the same, we also struggle to accept the importance of uniqueness, the flavor that provides us with the perspective to truly appreciate beauty. For beauty, in all its wondrousness, is all that these worlds have to offer. 
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a9saga · 11 months
chat can we get some puke emojis for cameron winning america's favorite houseguest
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this is still one of the craziest things i’ve written… in a good way
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martyrmolar · 2 months
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shamelesslyimpurrfect · 2 months
Talking to some ppl online that are going to my university to try and make some acquaintances but yet I keep catching myself over analyzing my responses to make sure they can’t be misunderstood or come across as rude or weird…
I need to let go of the notion that other peoples opinions of me are going to ruin my life. They’re not. Other people are allowed not to like me; it’s inevitable anyways, but it doesn’t change anything. I need to work more on accepting myself for who I truly am. Go with the flow and stop trying to control peoples conceptions of me. I feel like I keep saying things of that nature over and over, which feels a bit redundant because I’m not quite there yet… but I WILL get there. I NEED to keep repeating these things; I embrace that I cannot control life. Wherever life takes me, I know I am meant to be. I am excited by what life will bring me. I trust that I am capable enough to handle whatever challenges are thrown my way. I will keep practicing the skill of refocusing and retraining my thoughts whenever I catch myself overthinking what to say to people. The more I overthink, the further I am pulled from the present moment, and I spiral. I don’t need to know what to say all the time, that’s unrealistic and impossible. I need to stop idolizing other people so much; we are all on the same level. I feel sometimes like everyone but me got an instruction manual on how to be a human, but in reality there is no correct way to be human. There are over 8 billion of us and we are all so drastically different, yet more alike than we probably think. I am incomparable to others. I don’t need to change myself to be worthy of love. I am allowed to take up space. I am allowed to express myself. I am allowed to be myself. This is my world, this is my life, and I live it for me.
I will not allow myself to fall into isolation again. I will push past the uncomfortableness and vulnerability of being recognized, judged, remembered and conceptualized, because I know I will thank myself. I will look back and laugh at these moments and my old thoughts and I will think “what was I so worried about?”
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billywilde · 3 months
everything I write is just the creation of the pearl inside the clam. creative process is just a pretty and shiny way to vomit
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